t ST. LY J0rAAL, 4 column j per I , . j except ia Monday, at (.( per ) for ix moniht, DfliwrrU to citj r . -t at to cent per ironth. ; iS iy ESKS JOUENAL, a M eoluma r, published imr Tharway al ti)0p 1. . I VEHTISINO BAtKS (DAILY) One Uch . - df W eo; pn wtsek, l00i one month ); thro month., tll00; tlx month, .tl.AOO. . !umth, I40.UO. A IrertUemeat wider seal of "City Item" cnu per line for each lnsertloa I Nj dvertiineat will be huefted fcetweea 1 .ocal Matur at any prlo. Nouoe of Marrlafe or Death, not to exceed wa line win He uuerted free. AU additional 1 idtter wilt be ohartKl 1 teat per llaa.: I Payment for transient advertisements must t made In advance. Regular adrertUemwt will be collected promptly at the end of each li.ionlh. . ' ' '" Commaalcatioa containing Bewi or'a dUcus lion of local matteri are aollcited. Mo communl cation iont expwt to be published that eeotaln ,'. ,bJecU,niible personalities; withholds the same of the anchor ;' or that will make more thuaons toluoi of thl oarer THE JOURNAL. NEW BERNE. N. C. FEB. 20, 1883,. entered at the Hoot efflcs at New lierue, N C a aeoond-claa natter. . ,.i ABOUT NEWSPAPERS, ' During the last campaign thia same .11 brainless fool, who has seen fit to make ' such a scurrilous and dwcrrceful attack '" upon tha General Assembly of North ' Carolina, called upon some of the Demo? crats of the First Congressional District to render him financial assistance, or he would be compelled to- sell out or sus pend the publication of his paper.: I, u among others, contributed to a fund to keep his miserable sheet alive, not ue- . t i v u .A t cnusD x tuuujjut vud popcr tutu wit w '- litical influence, or that the editor had brains enough to manage a campaign paper, but because I feared, that if it ; passed into the hands of the Republi- cans, And some one was placed in charge who did have brains and ability, that it i would be detrimental to the welfare of J the Democratic party. ? We clip the above" , paragraph from a card published in the Pamli jco Enterprise from' Senator, Theo, Poole in i regard to ml arUcle which appeared in the Elizabeth . City Falcon, on the 5th of February, ' concerning the act of the General Assembly changing the name of the i Elizabeth City and . Norfolk' Kail- f road, for the purpose of saying a wprd for Independent newspapers, h We do not deny that the freedom of tue press is one of the great but- warks of American liberty, but we believe a strictly i partizan ; press is daugerous to the rights, and .weU' fare of the people. We think Jho v above paragraph clearly proves I this. Here 'an ' editor st 4 criticise un act of a pnblie kerviint, and forthwith he i reminded by s this public servant where the money ' tjame from to run his paper. And t i -' . i . i i ,- T , -, i ' . ( I we think it is, to say the least, uu- I grateful in an editor to heap whole I sale abuse upon tlie heads of those ',' who have furnished him the means, with no exi)ectation ov reimburse ment, to keep his paper alive. ; The editor pf a partizan jiaper J cannot speak boldly and plainly on ; tjveations of public interest without , the approval of his party; if he does the leaders will quickly pop the lash over his head and command him to . . haul in his colors or he will be be headed. He most keep the 'short comings of his own party hid from the people, and make the opposite party too mean to live, much less : eoniroi ine government. A paper I , for the people is one that is not de pendent upon any political or other ! organization for its existence: one that will not hesitate to point but the wrong doings of any party or ; public officer, and above all give the news. ' '-; y.';.: ' We do not mean in what we have ' said to endorse the attack of the Falcon upon Senator Poole, we t have not seen the article, but if, as t this card states, it is , a scumlons ; and disgraceful attack upon i the i General Assembly of North Caro lina, then we . certainly do not en dorse it; and we think Senator Poole's card would have been ranch more effective had .it been couched in milder terms. The language he uses is in striking contrast with ttat used by'his colleague, Senator Caho, who arose, to a question of .privilege in order to reply to an editorial in the Economist, ou, the same subject.'- -; s ' ! The unanimity with' which the lill changing the name of the Eliza- - both City and Norfolk Railroad passed ought to have been sunl tirnt,' it seems to ns, for our Eliza 1 -1 h City contemporaries to have f 1 rr.e anything like charges, of , i i it , i"'1 i y r.na corrupuon. , . i i v,A u k :lov Poole's card intimates I; rfact: If a Eepublican with I .. i v.nd ability had Jbecn , in (' cf the Falcon during the f : ,a, he would not have been u . ...Ler ortlio Ijepislatnre. WA!IIvr,TOX LITTEH. - Washing . x, Fob., 1 7, 1333. The Ame- .aa citizen vo ha s .t for the Lot four 'wet .s in the .allerjr of tae Ildusu or oi the Sen ate will have no excuse for asking: "who is tariff, and what does he want with revenue only. vDe will J nave learned inai everymniff ex- cent any water and a few article of food are saved by the tariff for, the alleged protection of American ,i labor..; But I am,, trenching on for-1 bidden ground,, smuggling in -i my own, opinions,, when the Editor i has told me to confine myself to news,, and reminded me that he h;vs throngh a high protective ' tariff a' tion hivs spjit paatiei -w entirely new lines of clcavag6,ajiI has done more to obliterate Mason's and Dix on's division, in Congress at least, than any question that has arisen since the war. It is both novel and edifying to Kansas and Massachu setts to-stand ijipavt like two rovers divided, or to see Morgan" or Ala bama and Davisof est Va.,DemO' crats liotb, become personal, angry, audhot over bituminous coal. ' ; - The Star lloute trial is drawing to a closejand, the conviction of, the late ' Chairmi'ih Of the Eepublican National Committee, Dorsey", is not doubted, nor is jt doubted ! that he will have the company in prison ot his co-conspirator," that other re publican pillar of strength, ! Bra'dy. Yesterday . Rerdell. P'e of the con- snirators on trial. - withdraw his plea of uotlffitilty and lle'ad guilty ill nti aui ci ni j Mint n uituj rrl " on th'e witness' khiut 'and gave darning evidence against the ac cused. " - .. , instead, anil, alterwa s, apiwareu Witlk Say ll&tySW jcllarged byiiis own associates , witn orioary: ju Michican. with all the methods- of the iiavtv t'oodeniiied' by-the elec tion in November; j with jthe tars prison' yawuing'-lor liim who Iwas complimented py iTesuient Artnur Jil-.i- It! Vl.:? iC.i ..1..t-.A Garfield: th'party thAt has so long claimed all .the purity, piety and patriotism' ot the country is, m a I ii . i -:: " . Y' " i .: ri numuiaceti ami musb t ,.nwtwxu attitude. ' '"" .' The tratldiaoDUrent'tb lill who ook belownbe Hhriace that but ittlu ,4tf th TJ,i.i!iiililj(':ill iiiil'tv save the lobljv :lt- no longer re- preHeJitH'av gceat cause, it has! not a breath ot its old enthusiasm, it ex ists through the' support?, and tor the support ot ,- monopolists and rings and office holders who, it Js known, are ..now here- m a ignore powerful, asrgtessive, rind impudent lobby than has ever betore ap: Hflaied in the Capitol ot the United tates. Manj" of these lobbyists hjave the prjpiletlgQfJilie Seuate upor as aU?ge,viijiTjtavus, of Sen apors,.anii m gross nas i tne aouse become tliiifc'a resolution has been proposed in "the ' Senate ' ordering that uo person shall be admitted to the floor ias private seiiretaiy by a Senator until the Senator appoint-, itig hiin shall, certify in 'writing to, the sergeant-ftt-arms that he is ae, tually employed lor the perfor mance ot the duties of such ' secre- report that Senator Ferry certain of defeat in the Michigan legislature '-causes ho, s regret in Washington, except perhaps among those who .hold government office through his influence. The long bearded clerical looking old bache lor had few friends even in his own loartv: he was Without anv ability except that for concealing his lack bf it, by 'silence, and an expression bf awtul jgravity. , I Representative Beltzhoover, Who has favored the tpansfer t of the Weather Bureau to the Interior bepartmeut, published in the Con: essional Kecord,, accompanying is Bpeech on. the subiect, a .number flettersl whiclj indicate-"that the fflcers of the- Signal ' Corps tinder General Ilazeu undertook, last win ter, a systematic scheme ol lobby lng and of organizing demonstra tions of, pnbliQjtientiment in sup- portof a bill called " The Majors' apfl, 9apyiins' BjU," which , provid-. twelve captains, and twelve first lieutenants to the; SigpaJ Cofpej for regulation 'of appointments "and promotions, .andr foe otJier detajls,1' and establish it on a permanent foundation itt connection with ' the Army. Jeneral Ilazeti'' has' made some -xery uflsatisfactoryexplana- tiona; ajadbas now" placed bimself iD a"very' awkward situatiofl' Tby asking for a .cpQgreBsionai Investi gation which the Secretaay of War has rather tartly told him , is not the kind of.; investigation that will meet his case i. ,- 'y( ( M -m- w . I South Carolinans are: returning from Arkansas in considerable num bers. ' .iUiAA ... i ,1 , . n.t'.Vi ' It is said that the much, abused 'fPassion Play"; is a new thing, but was presented in New Orleans in 18C6 Under the name ' or.," Azael.',' f EeV. E. S: V, Bf iant has sued the Carters at Bclton," Ga., for $20,000 damages lor false imprisonment Sometime ago the Carters charged Briant with arson, but the Grantl Jury tailed to find a bill. tary and is engaged ' in tha perlor manJ6 pf'the sam4"'J:,! v'iftH' "' Thef report that Senator Ferry'' is Si A. ... v J : oni News-Observer.) irn DAY. . V t tv s SENATE. BILLS ' (31c Ub,c9m cf2piy of for. testantSlri contested1' cases.' Also' resolution oft ad i ,tMr, Chvrke,;ia relatipu,; tp,jrp$d$ and cartway,, ,,, t,.,., wm.i ' Mr. Loftm for the benefit of poor men, Jby' repealing tfh&. homestead aw.1 ' Also bill to . restore, to , the Eleventh' "Senatorial v districti the right of selFgoveriiient: :J ' J,!.' ; , Bills concerning pilots.and pilot- age passe third readiDSv r, 1 1 h liil to establish. a stock law, jn ii part of ferquinin8sl ppunty, j, passed jiyi to encorporate tne j?ayeiie-. vfllp graded school for whites pas sed second readingayes 27hoes 0. Bull to protect ioyst's' passed third reading. ii;i!i ju-ii uri- Bill to protect the interest ot 'the cotton planters of North idarolina. It require the, cpjtton buyer to keep a.meinoranduin o4 ( the t amonnti i of cojttwi th.ey.laiy .aiiJronibWUoitt thevbuy. it. passed, i.thwUireaa- ,.DS,.'l.l ..Ml !. 1 Ji -iOut 1 t' t" 'll m , toprevent Jnring.pit9t,1 Pftn icts on private '..contrails; , substi tute iioin the'cbihmitteewhicb was - '.x'i.l.--i i? ..'..t'.H.iii ai'out a cuuy vi iue eiiiriosseu uiu. ' The bill came1 tin rin rccoiiu read v. . .,. . : , ; -t ..it s t .At,.'vi - ing. :. .: V , " 4 ' (- MrvDdrtcu aajd'he'did ' 01111- understaud that UiVder"tHrs tiHl'-'the State did not haive tlie'rightto work the convicts on" its public1' 'ouila ingS. f'i-,T,-s;'l tilii''.W i'l.ii.iJf hui'il'Aih-l iu MriPurnell naked tlin -a.vwmknd noes n !the;,bill. Ordered; t Ayes 15, poes l7,80 the, bill failed to pass itSiSecond readinK-bhiu ui' u ban- mi j Bill providing that a lajsyertWbQ presides on the, iboanl.,01 pu.yts commissioners shall pot practice JaWj jn tbut, cpupty . pissed, ,th jfd read- ing. ill or were biUoduceL passed, ,thU'.flrst Ireajdiog and,, were. ,ieterreii ww j lowsiv! :' ;uii tiV.Tiivl-4! Mr. Hardv. to establish the line i between the coantiesipt i)vaxen anc iCar teret. Calendar; : Mfi -Bridgers, 'to lestrt the a dis tinction between, grand! and petit arceny. jmwfrwM sdi .mate Mr..rhuiip8, to quirp, leases pn 'nd to be r'egistereiL' " J udiwary; Mr. Bledsoe, lor the reliet ot the ,tire pdnies: of North'rtrpTiira Corporations. .;" ."!-- Miv .McLoutL rolatipito:th uiees otHheruis.. Salaries andideeif.u i(u THE tALENDAB was taken up.nnd the following bills was disposed; in: di' i m naum v To ameudchapters&rianrs allowing Craven county to .levying ! To'pro.vliie anofflciatsealVor'he' Department br state'jpass iiiuu reauiug. , , To secure titles to .real .estate , ta bled.' U . iyvy.U.-i -tit., h$'H Mill .... .uwjjj.iiu-. .CHOICE. MOUNTAIN BUTTER lecoived this (lay front; Wetiern rth CakM v.25, Cent per Potindi nv, toielose thHlotatone;tlf ,J. .'l" .v!U' jnu28 v441iih Middle at,JNeberai,iNJC)!' , .)i"ii.:i!M yn-i it , )NE HUNDRED BARBELS .wHil .Uii4!tiKrfiiM. iisl lUfJ sit 'ik-'iif. YfitioiirJiniX tin vrrihb Hi' arly Rose ;-SEEDPotatoeq: . "s 'i'J'r6rsa'byiJ'!",',M b' "u" 'in.. fi'fi til 7ji-'iit r vili to fi ),tm.' jan25dtf;t;;1,,,iQHN:li)i;NN,,Irj " " Ar;A;ii'A;ii,i;'A:$,,",1 --n!.-iii . niiii! .111 ,u?. . 1 'ii-H If you would keep free from, malarial cuillaV etc.rtry ..4.r . HrAC? UaJ Ull ILaaOi i For satf Hew Serai? WkEEL OUp. O-U-H., .,, , Walter P. Burrus 4 Co.t r wiH .71K'(AD:DlAt.IlSlI'if!''"''i'l, .. . . ii..-; . . GRAIN - OF-' ALL- KINDS. (6orn1aSpee;4ty.)li;v'i f i Orders and rJoTtelgnmehtif esWctfu'llV 0Uclted4.t111.wf t J .y.-tj'k- :jan-.dvly i ,i ,i ot i .ii . i. .1 j-.'. ,i-ttaamWAtir.y? iM-i-iv. -t fIX0il C!...... f j T.. ...LYj ! ATTOliNEYa'AT LAWH ,S (,!) . -il f N v nl--f:,iili 1 Will practice In the Courtsof Craverti Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico ami Lenoir, and lu the Federal Court at New Berne. " felittd&wly ''''' --,.i.i-.' Office , ;e on Craven street, twd dofirs.noftli o i;ir, Pollock, miHfi. tJ,.; . , Will practice In the Counties of, Jones On slow, Lenoir, Piiinllco and Carteret, and Hlwi in the II. H. HlMtrlet Court. ConveyaiicUig;a peclalty. octTtf LtGISLAl vftiii'naei ' ' .' I ..,,1 .-.,!. Jrtl.dK H ,i!i': 'nil ti sJfll for .more, iwhri.jjh.oplty and Iupif!,'' Passe(Ii:8e shed 'Z 'JJAijy AGENCY, for the purpose of advertising and aelllng, on cominltsloti JiTxlestat In KeBeraJ and if .Trraes!tRfrtifcnTaffli?:in ' It t, their Jnterest j t pUi oe ( ttieifl u . wf A9SrWt k ",.iqU aui,t, r.K-l i 1 We fill advertise all propertycoiomUteq to our AGENCY, pA the fw Berne ekab 4Np WLL MAKE MgjCjUtK 4K Ciir ejtperieaice In the fpannatkjn of Deeds win enable ns to puaranfae t toihuorsat- HTiPiM''' ii amm .WVMS- .. , .ua i: Estatf Agenta,j ! mh.i iriWw--' ii"A-w-v One mile and a half from Newbern ONbl FA KM of forty horei wlrtr'good dwelling lioUKeatlRflhed The lahd la 8ltuatd between two tracts of 'lit. Jon. L.' Khenl'ii bu Trent road and la an exoeedkleti1 deaUsble tract for all Trucking. ' . .. ., . r?o tu rthurpurucn lain imiiy- , novlatl. .. HOLLAND. it U11IUN.. 150 Asres of -Timbered Iiand Oi,inllJastfTomi lIaVn(.!nettr A. it. 'dj H. 1C, adjoining the liul,oJ' Jan. A UiyuU.l i.eniiB iiiiweTuu1. Appiyuioiiev iu novlli lli . HoU-ANtti t.-.a ri''3t, H.i- ft i i;i'T" j One- Large and Desirable'L'ot' n the City, altuated corner AT Eut Front and Kng atreeu, adjoining that -of, rjuimtluui naveua, tJtu. lerin nio4nme. Appiy io. , movlU HOLLAND & l ION. 'linttivrl h .'.iitw4 Wclu-.U-U..I v.-.'t '';.:::;POTisa?:;;.;:,';:;,:,:, One large lot situated on Hroad atreet. Jour doaiiSof Bern. ' Apply-In' " ' ' ' (J hv.,1 ...,-rWfcWi'HPHN.!; "n n i J ivi lit iior,oaie.'"-,a,;r'1l ! Ond lithithifKr ileKlrhhleifor oii i ho eorni r' fir Urpad HU ,Wvti -";'" 1 'lVl'iMN)initoritei - i or bai6.''"i"'i ' t Oue.xlceikrahlei fani-2.W -nciVK-KW tiliircd and umliT cultivation: wi(.h a new twoatory (iwelllliu Bltaolii etu Hittmiea :iV4TOiies rrorn nated S'iilllea frorf the oil y by riiiln),! idlreetly tlm tallteflil,, cotflrtS- rod Biirt river. For further nurtli'ii- For further lxirtlen- ui ja. ;1h HiJvi ' 'K) Mid ' i ( Desirabltf-Tract.rr Y Mil ttna'ted bf eoiinty roni, seven miles froi frrtra Kent Hertiei ohe mile And A nnnrtef froih'the ntliroiul. .yne hftHHes altachw 'urm with, dwelling nnd out-, I, icnown us "rwuppernong.'" formerly owiii by the irtte (V1. IL aBinn. " For Ttirti'.er iUe'uliirs apply to . . . - 'Y'.ltt. p oiS-iml lli 4 quit htusM Tof'Salel ,"", . HoWe'Hiift 'Lbt1, I'd !iWa'Veii sftieet,' !l jlaiifJ W !rstrftltltH. twpdpombelqw KolloU Qne dwetllng house. Wfthlarge lot attache. Terms moderate. ,, ,-, xinni f Apply at one'to''-'' '-'" 1 f 1 tt f" a TT Am 1TTTi1iT twpdpoiwbel1 .11 oivElSlEP,JiOKTli CAI0L1NA MAJtlltli'.'WOKKS -. MONUMENTS, aTOiiBSL i ' And all kludu Grve tuid Building york 1ft .-.r, 1TAUANsAi.iERICAN L.'r.ZLE Orderi will nioaive prortopt attention ,.,(, M a.ifation guaranteed.; at,: JOE IC- WILLIS, Proprietbr, ! , Cor. BROAD A CBAVEN,.Bt. ): iKrt.ni.t.t- G!IMNi;iRa '3" .Kt.il,ii SIMPLE1' 111 .,!!' JllltllfiBt ioW.1 I i!l 't as Hmjsr r fw 111' If 1 ; A f V . .C" I' . -w. 4-! febll KALEIGli, N. C. We hav B. Mica , II I ICTl l ulll- if! 'S.- , , ' 1 IIS diliOi'lt:: :!f lill !. 'IS . ' H LOWEST Tt ICJS p p :i c::ly i Our llctto aulp'oi.ccssJ! ll;J;J.WriStantlyreWlv1n'r''' ! Cannes1 Gods:!U''-" n 1 And otTfr.Pipwnt j aSOST-KEASOWABt? P1UUFA. , , . .. .. ,iWdealrtuaMIapeeiaVatteritlon r onr ' PlcUlea tnGliuwand Dnrket. .....f .JlWrawIn UlmakAnd VUt- .1"' i'iNi . . ("reneh (Jltrpa. Candted urapgeana Imfi1! Peir-' "'T''" ' ' t hVtvslnTruues, Knltftpa and Dehets Balsirut Pried Apple and Peaches, Mlnee Meat. uokwbBt Klhur, " t ''! ' Fancy Ollt Kdgq Mutter; and White .Creaid ...Teas,' KlOjLaguaym, vn and Mcx-ba Cqltuefl " Roasted No. SI and il Coffee, ., , ;,' And iWerirtlUiig usually fonlid hi n'-Wfttfy Oi-ocery Store. . ,.' m, i, r,, I') We gjrente everything, 'tfe ell to glvd aatlsfiu-'tionbolh n8,to.urie and onanty.and Will RKFINDTHK KtONKV OV DKi K VKRYTHIN&, PRICSH AND OOS, f The Caah Trade Only Sotlrltcet, , n 4 ,i 1 I'. ! ' ' ; Very truly jour,, ., );.,;J uMjsl Pell Ballance &. Co. - ii 'WhWi. i bt-it if -A-te U Gr.OCERIES! II.Kitl Irt i:5i LOW PRICES MUST AND Will RULE Our Motto is :' ales and Small Profits. v; ... . ,UI li , EVEUV RTEA M KH BKINtlS Vft 'REA4i Goshen Butter. Fllre RHyal Cthfwh Flour. Kettle Rendered Lartl, WUiulinftok Hominy Sugar Cured llauis. Crapkers and Cakes, Sngor !era hlioaltters, (lieese, , Huuiir Cured Strips, u OllinHt.iooflh, , Simar, Colfee and Tens, Holted ileal, Tobacco.Srmn tmd fTKHTsj "Pickles, , nrle4 jffuju,u 10' lt Meals. A.MOj- 9tiuiil.' .irili Anlcellneof ju, , -,r', auilivU. ' v DomestloDry Qtiods, ,., t . o Boots and Bho1,'"' '-; Wood and WllloW Wdre," uroefry, Vttre,,n;tc.; Ktc. W. .F, nOVHTRBE. -iuar30dly Middle t,.,efr pie Market. GASTOX riO,USK, S: K. STPiEET & SON, Pimetors. Tlie Only First-olas1 liuse'ttr fe City, Omniltus connects 'litlM'i'aina and Steamer. Large arap l?)iis for ooramei cial travelers. .. , ftl),opta9rdtf I Sit t'rV'Vfltf?'W,vi' lv A:0,10v IL, TM Queen (a til filoii) ' , .ilJiiiiKHJ . If ;i' ' 1 1 v'-.SSv; ittiilhJltMNV'; J ..k--is..l i.iaitv ii ' - .....- .i A:t-....1S'VI to M(jlmiiJiili' -pf. 'Dli Hifl Jun:(i.iiKu'ii,'J iluV. Ki V.WiH. iMvw ifu iwniif.. ititi yt oj i-txiRMf wnxniiiM! 'sano-',? nvt jn n c; ii iacii ifAi UnnH Hnn'r irU .if ..... miu mia V, J rr yr46.vwv1" . I I You can alsd get anytjilna; you neefl in TtHrtprf'J auuu U' v-i - 14 ,nJ. in- HrSf f At. SArl JT.if"1Hf?l1'ii,'f Uep. ever uaed And that fiHust whaWbuwitr VUw. f : , . I i 1.. I m 4i iv in i' n.ili JJo-ott Farm Vga,,9S' Dau'ntaia or agon-rS,.?. 1 arlthn tiAtf 'Tnirfr.tAiV ln'4a itA'lif 11'WAm VriJ-lihA V HMM-i XUXUlA -ti.J itlj nil W uuj una i nuiUg IU J atuu HI via J OlU IIUV A IIUUIU UMftl J' C jWU 1 I ( fb i(jin :.&.- "iJResiectfuny;! ' irhiHOti Cj WIIITTY,' ,'"" I ' - ' ,'U'-'i;-nO yj 11 ,ill-ti)ulli, 'l l! 'Vi u.U DillilL' 'mIi )!. .-.4- tl-iw v ii 'id i.3 .t,- ,u lil 4 t'ftif i.i .iri .( i,tt A -gehfor th6 ; pIAMO.ND! SHIRT' Unlanndried 81.00.' i . ., L.tix-i it L fitl j i liiiiii Mtil Hii' i j r i, tJ 1 1 tmiii i.T ATJ Al OK ., ',,'. . ... v.i;J-,;f 'iftlsuA ti'lLUillil JJOiUiiUtiU tXiie i'itif r,-w li' f 1.. u :.. i., it ; . . . .i " i " i AND THR i (i ... ; , , i li i , a aiders . Ccralas-aCorset; Pricq $.00;', T;';, uit' . iV mJi t't li,.,. no! ';''.. :-i i . ti , ,i 1 1 A Tull tin 'of GeIis,, tide's' and Cnildrca's Underwear uema' Linen, ueiiaxcict aa riper Cellars1 1- l Cu if . .. . t . i in t V'r; V ' zu - ' ' i , trills. t.M.cl XjIixoil 3:.t.iiclJi.fcroliiorj. . .. . ..u. .i - i j ; it.i'i . il.tn ... . ' au jimas oj ucniS) Ladies' and ijhudrews liana and Machine ZlttJe !4ltubber .Coats, lia.ta.ai Cloaks and Jackets, ami cv UMialiy kt'iit.iu a, ' - ', ' : i iX i li.il rlii l'-itl- -I Ill-Hi Mil l-'t : ' Ht'TJ 1 I'l I . (,,;- , i FIll!STpVlAmJlii' GOODS STORE. , , !, v .1 ,i K I'.l-i :1- l ,1 ,1.11 II jan2d&wly L. M"cDANIEL, DEALER IN -X-oice Family Groceries, CANNED GOODS of nil Kinds. The Very, fcectutter tpfWWfrrWTroW'fh? best Northern Dalrtea ever ?u any. r!uecftA.''itiIuih colll t htm 1 "h,)iLi jtmily Flour. tfh'ofcb Orttlts bf Fst Broad Street ft tkprs flow jau2di'y ".iKEWBEBS N. C. rn-r DErmucK'isi ATtr.:TD::,G:.r.:::3,! Th finest Llqnors and Cigars, the celebrated jiiEKQNfR) t, KNQflL BKEKw Sour, Kraut, Siji dines, Lobgter, Llmburger and Mchweltser Cheeae constantly on band. , )!-:y. b':l:-.)'fii !. i-l 't'.t ... u , .lUJaril flnd. rxrt Thles. t(, The finest In the;countiT.- t '.."! v .oj-ii.l Something new the only. one OTot n- the CEVIL Af'ONG THE TAILOr.3 In th DufTy Uutlding on Mlddlq Strret,,. i 91 Tlie only first olas aakiaii lu tlieelty. -d 4 w.8mo. , $al ohBJ O.f 1 A'JN'li','1' "" '".H 'Dealer innnd Mnijljlerrff ' ,'J,;- f ''SalC Wl fyst'ers,' ttiC Etc., ji,.) -i.M (Np.w.pciriui, . 11 -.1 Fresh Fish find Oysters, skipped p? It'xpreM C. 0. 1). to nil pnrts of tlie country. To guard agaliist (llsappolutntent orders should reach me l 'hours prior td time of.Hlilpment of goodB,,.,! .;) ..1,1-iin t..:l rf-lnlHlwlF' (hi Juu , m in' .1 I' - m J1 ilenry flrchl::ll. MANUFACTUUUa f i!. ii llnl , CAKES, CANDniS, EW: ''Ml An.) mitbhlW'' IS'i-'ii'tH ' Jil l,'" ! UI.;MJ,.t , QUEEM.STHEKT, i!''t ' Sklf'j' ' 1 'U ' W" 1 0Li,E,ATl'a.oua : Ktearn J3ye YS' urkis, )' f ChtirrV Street,' NORPPtK, VA1. It v l(-MW I lli yf f1f ' 4 ,( ire vi.ul. ....jayeinfjaccj.; jclftpingimtU its hwnobr ek aorle the very beet manner, , . . '"'ProWpl attbiitiorl feiVin' t all orieia byi mttil or express1 v'aetiSdly' T!,iw m ,! H'J Jio-w ,'ilj n.ihi Li.ii, ih ,, r-lilte !(-' liSU-.'' J."'l'l .tit;iil' iittrii y.-fliBt -11 til u'uisii. (' t'o- 111 Jliuiill H-iri.-ifluM'i ' oJ J l'.tlli;'l ,fV:flil-t -ilf iild .'hUait f, fniK.-.vi Hi "i'MI4li!.H'4 "U ''( l ' irtii no Jiili-ai- ol 'hJ oil! ' 't.f not !! JI lf cni i'ii '.Ji iiio ;4rtiii: . .. ,r , . j-,i, ii. ;'iiqt',q sai-rfl w.'. tut)' - J i M- W. " 8iiti,ji Jiitjam 'ii uii ut n, I" 'i snii i ,lmt ilii till jz t. 'on tii-,1" .i i.-') (J Jo tUi. I I Kl.t I'! ni'l' '. i.UW'd ill it 'ai I il;i,tifn:it im o ri ; , ) n . jn I tiuHili wjI t i,l 1 In PIX ll't.) U-Hllj il 1 TIM lil7 li.''ii i'.,lli o:.-'l!l llll .' .'jtmiiV-tV H . K.?tJ PT til W5 V v K t lkWp'Wff"liand jfl.tlmprnvofl !Climaxr"tio.Jbe8t tttonl , J v thi IdfcHUi liiW fit anutaturpV taoy- art qtfitjj, tj 'i'- ! dwi i-U nU N' Mm,.caicity:?tondiiyjl800.! Koi.(2,iIillf,iap3Qity 4 toa9i,flay,$2500 crt, t 'oree.trunip, beats, iwyiHimDt he ,haa 4 " I . t 1 r . r f i' t. -- . '. -"i .m i'.U.N.' I i, tLHl-mitiiiUy.-Hil SR IN ' - - aiiiiiuu utit. Hi trtrvuifi'. .ii-i 'I.J, . J.l (''," j, ii.t J (it i . ,i J 4T.LT;imATn Ji'''ir""",:J I I.'. I ,m, ,1. rr-tr.,1 -u.iitt ;n,i -irt : 1 1 - 1.1, tA-l.r.irt1S . ' ; ASA J02JH, Middle Street, opposite Bstkt VI