1. C3f . 'i I' .W. iyAT-f '13, V (Success Ui K. H. Windley,) . DISTILLERS' AGENT FOIi . i -i i i .t-t .Is I I t Pure Rye and Com Whisky AT WHOLESALE WINES , AND CIGARS IN GREAT VARIETY, V. , - . Ginger Ale, Pale Ale, Beer 3ERGNER & EtfGEL BEER, CIDER, PURE FRENCH BRANDY. II. W. WAIIAIi. South Front St . New Heme. C. nep26-d&wly. o. XT. OPEN 'AT o. iCiVw) I.J I rJz &2 'Unrl TVm't JSTnn Fnrouf. Tf 'And Don't -You Forget It, THAT E. WHITMAN'S EYE OPENERS AltE UNEXCELLED. Middle Street, near Corner South Front, . NEWBEItNE, N.C. Next door to. K. 11. iJoiies'.'1' ' - Aprii3-)& w 154 in. - " ' TilE"DOnril HOTEL .-III Ivn'T"! Ill iHt,-.i l: "'Mi UOLDSBORO, N. C. Is no hearing cotnpletlon. Tlie btilhling Is very Imposing, situated In the business part of the city, nil light rooms, aud when finished there will be one hundred hiV nye to all seventy-five finished! now, and elegantly tir ntshed with nil the yloijeiju Jtoppfov-ejnritfV IJectriQls, ( ) Elevator : si ... liiiRooa Dining Room Will, Sea QO'. OPEfiTtovth(SJ0 BLIC, AND THE PHOPRIBWIR J J t r ' Guaranteres! dtisfaction; ' ' All old fiienda and newonep Biresroct- fmlv Invited to mill. . ' " ' 'i , iMme and coinmodloun Ramnle Rooms. Terms $2.). 82.50 and 8.'1.0o, according to lo- I cation of Hjjofti 9. Coraujilft(ejfjoni8 a specialty, v -tlovTdtf VI::ro fire Ycu G:ins7 rf. i ! I am going to surfer no longer with mj, shoes mado ont that wrong and ab-: Burd principle, but wear those beautiful styles manuf acttfretl by I i "! tit 1 Repairing ; qm i the neatast man' ner,; invi'ibfeahps put on and war ranted to' stay. Don't forget the place south of the Central Hotel. Mifldle street, New Sencfvbiir (Ierf afid slvl ft sepaa&wtf" -'j:wnrAMK !nrn:i WHEELER fi'UILSOll .Mid oiri t' mi 4 SEWING THiigSlJliijIl istu'ri()'-';;,i':l " flio VW.nV MUST MATW.HTAT. ., .?i3b?& SMiJi'iuifai Mnciiu It can do all kinds of .work, and is do all kinds of work COMPLE'. VTE IN EVERY RESPECT, i ill-H-l UFFICK . " . us t'i . -MIDDLE STREET. ' . n y le 1 1 , . ; I'ursuant to a Judgieni;'rl ''lh(5 Superior Oourtot Craven count v. I will' Dell at public vendue, at the -Unnrt House door In the City l Nw H("ne,iillic ,J J 1 1 First 1 -ijriA tlJrcb next, -March 6tli,lKS:',-at TWJ'XVE o'clock, M., ft certain I land lvlinr In the ( ity of New Bei's ;t.,,. ..i ii. f. Kjcoi. Vneen street, near mu conii'i-oi Jvn .n. 1' rout alreet, contain ing 27 feel 1 ' Ii-; iv. t il inches Inick; lieiiig Iivt o( , hi, ,o. h'.l on the lm of New Ulll lll', Iwlllllllh, ; to. l.iC l ;,.,!. (11 L luules Tucker, il' -.-.I. Ternisol i. '; cii;' Uiilf Dc onn ci-cillt nl , . i .1 , ni'inircd 1 iy uole ami liirti'lii.'f on i i.h Im in ii. New . ,,(,ii II ) ' . i .IAS. ('. 1 1 VI i.IMON, jqn "'II,,,1 I I I I I ! 4 i n, i' c'd. "Hr J'H 'X.-.T;. -NJSW KERNE. N. C. FEB. 21. 1883. Bits and Tidbits. fi Nobbdj 'ee-'ieiird of and. ab- editor. Tim .reason A Newark (Ohioi editor is knOwn 10 wep;mnawjR vftj-f8)id rilf Uooi8 y tbVa joltrhMtitf tear! rWtourgh Telegraph: We increased our circulation con siderably this morning bad a foot WVV Billy, .Stint Ariatuaw InM I.!..,,- H.,... I... , 4. x n.iiut'iii oiiuui una nub W1IULM1 any poetry since 1881. Thia will belp him out with tbe press if he mioaid wane to nm again in 1884. The irate rural subscriber who wont into tbe editor's oflice to see about something that appeared jn Judge. The Wheeling Register assures us Miat there is no valid reason why Jtyrisiiofcid uot live a bun- the average longevity. A Western paper tells of a ben that committed suicide. This mere H'fitipers possess for lying about any- fliinrr fliuf lino n . it. New York Commercial. "When will tbe editor be in!'' said the office boy at Colorado newspaper office. "Well, I don't know for sure; not till they kind of quit wanting to lynch him. for that editorial published yesteMay." -rBostonfyvt. , ,: r ' 1 A" Kentiklaii froiit Connecticut. ; A Kentiickian who '1vf!nt to the funeral,,. of, a -friend - asked!' the privilege saying a few words, which was granted. He talked eloquently for a few minutes, when, laying bis trembling band on thecoffin, he observed that he waslsorry to see that the deceased wjis baldbeaded, whiclr could easily have been avoid ed by tbe use of some of his hair restorer, and wound , iij; by exhortf- ill's' tlifi rriminrfitM to 'rtr if 1 i Meeting !, In accordance with the Bye Laws of Uip; ViPany, notice la hereby eiven that the Annual Meeting of theStock- noiaersoi: tneo ; 1 . . 11 1 r i y n i. . n ' lQiand norm JiarTO.Mwavlanv IB eaiiea 10 meet at tne company 'b om- ces at NEW.BERN, at TWELVE o'clock, , February 4he 2lst, 1883, ' " JOHN P. CADDAGAN. r i ; 1 ' t , ' I r ' Secretary . JNewDern; jn: Jan. 21), 133. In oi'der to make room for our SPRINa STOC K? lly 'i i at ri ill 1 1 r i I I mTT r- i T-rm . I Y I A YN ?- fi i offer our. M V r of Ladies' Cloaks, Walking Jackets and ylias, Black and Fanoy Caslimerrs, Agnjj Fine .assimeres, Clothing, JiootH ;and Shoes, HateSndd3l&toc&f fiefs' Fiiriiisliingr Goods,) n rfnfiKsfJtttchels and Carpel?-T d'ollf AloJ; krg ansVitnnt of Ladles' Black and t?ndretised Kid Gloves, at 4Q cents a pair. L 1 j i j s i V 4 tlii Also, two thousand yards of Wrsld at 10 fctfcUyar&lljJH i poe.atDucprBnrgaH'ijf );t tUid IS Yr.l. SULTU! fi ,C0., ,.W,ElNtiTKtlJtM;llidINav-.i IWtl-OiSW ... , .......... ...... - rent itiver J.. ', i-i :U iff fi-m'i (i nil n '('.'! i,"j 'xi'l . 1 iri M'ill 'llii t ,I'IO tl'.'.i'JJ; (.l''';!t rt-ij ;,! J i aim x'H hi lcihu!-""l: i;W !w.i Fpfin , and, ,afi.e j:' Jmlfi .iiatfl tii'q , steaojVr this Company I will ruii. the following sched-' uiel""5'' .ii'ii''iliat -Mm'-im tmn i;.ti'." I - - ? Steamer te, Voi ; jljllJfJld; tlema ;Wopdayp'iand' 'tlitusr' tlnj s, sailing at EIGHT, A.M., returning Tues days and Fridays, Touch, at aj,l landings ojj Neuee,1.! verMiig cpwllng,, ,''' j' ! ,. "., 5i , For i PnlloksvUle t Wednesdays and Satnr ays, 'HkUtnr1 at SEVEN, M.',n 'retnrnihtt' 1 I in iL j . a. m . r.-. nir -''I ! Steamer 1s!' (uifer! ilondaysand Fridays for TrentoWi. sailing fttj Tuesday and ,8atovday i, sailing at KIGHX, A.M. No freights forwarded by this BWamer for Landlhgg below rolloksvlllo, , -, Wednesdays ' for , Vaneoboro, eiilllng at I EIGHT, A.M., returning Thursday.1':, " "i',i-" ; ; ' ' (' . ' OKU. t. dp fky,, Oen'li Frciglit Agent, Frelglils received at all times undercover. and passenger ncwinniodiitlong pisfc-class.. , ; , - AT THE crrr MARKET. - -1 la lwaj's supplied with the Aery besi Fresli iieai8, ei( I'ork, Mutlou ami .Saunage that ' 'ivvh.:;gutler;. crJ II:rdv;:rc Sash, Doors &Blin(lsi J i . r i -1' r. t- : WME, CEMENT and PLASTER it ,i HOUSE EURNISHINO GOODS, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, GUNS AND PISTOLS, ' Rubber and Leather Belting, d i'fc, A7c, i;c. ' ' w We Make Fresh Every Day. Cocuanut fton bonn. T"llo'ii buisf '.'- . .. -.'.'.i Clioeoiatc Cream Drvps. BuUeicups, ' ' Creani Wn hints. Ol'l Fjiisluoued Moiawses aii(ly, ays have all the novelties in c illl-otterJCo." fet)8-d ' Ll'l.', 1 Old and Reliable Line. . r 1 n The :Neus'e . Eiver Navigation Company Will run the following Schedule :' Steamer Kinston Will leave the Old Dominion Wharf TUES DAYS and FRIDAYS, and arrive at Kinston WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, and leave Kinston MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, arriv ing In NewBeruetho same day. Will touch at aU Landings talong the River going and coming. , Steamer Neu3e . , Will maJte-'TtVfJ TRIPS "a week, leaving the Old Dominion wharf MONDAYS and THURSDAYS Jit EICBIT A s-Jtrturning, leaves4 ''Jolly'tjid Field 'TUESDAY'S ' and FRIDAY'S, touching at all points. These ateanierg make close connection with the Old lkiiniuion Line. -.j,i Freight received on the days of sailing. For rates apply to the Captain on honid. , . J. M. WJIITE, . . oetldltf . Manager. : Elizabeth. City, Brewery, . ' EHZAllETir, tf. C. Jenkins' Ale. ' Thta Ale ls manufactured at this brewery, Is i . GENUINE AND PURE, Brewed , from Pure Malt aiul I -l.livuli. '.(I.' ,1 HOPS. .Uy : I, . i I a line tonic,' superior to and much better than any Beer made.' ' ',. , : Has" cm ed dyspepsia, and la a preventative o mitarlai fevers arid phills., v , , . . , - Dealers supplied in barrel, kegs, or bottled in Orate , ,',''''!..' ; , ",. , :. . i Becilmn ended by plivsicinns. , , ,, , , j ;. .(.! : V-' O'..,,- ' I. ... . --'-I '''' 1 ' ' i i ...-.. t. ' dresi ';, ' ;; i Tn3,MA r. M. JENKINS & CO., t I Boi 28, Elizdbrtti Ot7?, 2V. V; ' Us-?..?'.,? ;: wsnvt . '.f-if, jt.il, jjV.-t'00iN,;iiaiii. j ".Tt-fOHn a :as u ,i.i: ; ;.'u.i.t i Tha , quietest and . most retired place . i .f H.'i'.' ' !i;illn:,f l I-.-. !:! 1 1;;.- .-e-n . W tllti tlty.V VIv, :-,., il l;.:!;a,i, 1.1..-, :-, - 1 ,..,t-i!.)i-j'i ;.,ll-le, vi':i y v'"'' ' i 5-.i.l:Vri il- i-.,') 5. :v-'- til .1 !- - .Ill' :-!. " :;;.;;;;;;i;i;Ty'beSro(:,:,;:;;:;:M , 'it . ; 'J ( UI1 !( Kill'--! .. ' 1 . -' ' -H .)-. !. ll.' jit.-,.J . -.'(,!- &rCIGARS. r M f . i JV I ' ' ' I i 't .-r.ua.t ill iirnv - i A f' .U.'f.. .! '.iT.ii i.uj j.i-'i I.! i Billiard and Pool Tables. li the LUastratcd . and -Sporting Papei . -. i- 'it r r a jt It MfHt xl flUnelay oiw rue. -i it? ; vj ' !l l.'';iftijiiu 3i '"'tiMii n; .'.,i.(.-:i y.. t0Wr4tedS..,,w, -,..-,'... Kir',- :! ., V'.-H.f!.: SI MA-1 i .W fll 111 .thU.tW '11 1 net- t! -- , .TA i. : . . Fronrtelor. ivi.it '''.'t '.' ' AppU'eAtion "will be tnade at ' the present session of the Genera Assembly (o hicorpo rato The Sopthern, Bonanza. Goli), Mining Company of North Carolina, Gaston House Feb'y8,188,1, d3l4' I -hit irini-j r ' s nit tion . A Cass'imere suit at $8 or $lfe- i Ai Cheviot su'it at reduoed Liiectuc A, Good suit at 115, reduced from 18.()0. , , , A, Nobby Cut-away suit at $17, former price $20, ' ' ' , r Ileduced priees in Overcoats and Ulnterettes. A We hav the agency .for Roger. Peet& Co.. lartrest elothiera in the TTnitnd 1 States. Our sample represent thoir to order for $25; very best, S&y1; - Gents' lurni8hing troods.. Bee our uanctseweu Shoes. e nave iBa.de arrangements to keep the Kighmie Shirts ; they will arrive soon Boys', Misses'.- Men's and Ladies'. Rubber Coats and Circulars. Trunks and Valises. Umbrellas "and Rubbers. Gents' Ties and Handkerchiefs at reduced prices. Carpets and Oil-Cloths. JtO IWl EAJIj to eim. us. lan.'i-diw ; Opposite XSplaoopal Oburoli. The pleasure you? company is rospectfullv soUeitcd at the,-.. , 1'- -- , iVi ' FASIIEOTn ATVLTC Ladies Drv Goods, Note and Shoe Store ,';;i:V'::A.';i.':BAK POLLOCK STREET, NEW BERNE, 11. 0. , '- Every, eilovt wjll.be made, lo. iuit you : .Samples of nny kind of Goodn GoodR svnt out fc be. hinkei1, at. fi-' Money returned ifCiooils do not I respectfully invito, tin; attention of Dry Goods, fresh mid dcsiraMe; also my ' Ladios and Children's which' are warranted.. I am prepared to oiler nt: the lowest pres, ieelin"- as sured that my facilities enable nie lo compete with any similar establishment in this city. A call from 'you when you visit our city is solicited, and, in the mean tune, your orders win receive prompr and BisjT bend .1-ceiit slamn lor rasliton Q t J Corn! HAY, 11 AY, 1,500 Bush. Selected Seed Oats, 700 Bush. Choice Golden Rust tdUP rlantcn will do well to Have also on hand a largo supply of and all kinds of lee'd. ' Purchasers ' Union Point Steam Flouring Mills,' South Front Street' ' "Jjva..::m."e a j) ow s, ....v. ;;".' - NEWBERN, TV.' C. ' Ma24dly dEO'A'LEiiENrCO., .-'I 'f; in, ' i ' a ir miwmmm r-iTftii''iwiii r.i ---j f. -v ii ''V 'J- :;:? eSBSfeanafciiii'iiiiyitBsl ILO,VS,:.IIAlin(nVS Iht! inSGreat yie,tyrtand I hi '!':iit -iHj ,!!.. ! i it ,1 I . V : 't IT i it - ; j, hHsHil":.. it.i Jtl j -SIM ames i. i '. .,"if'-K ii.i''. iw if !,.' ;i'. flERGfHER . . . iw. tit! m t-1,: CELEBRATED ' BOTTLED" LAGER BEER Also on hand a full stock1 of lit.) ' AND TOBACCO. .. . .-...;, v ' ' .,:! v. Omen Front Brick Stortf MIDDLE STREET, ,.;-: Apr 1 d w ly ' i -'. i.i in knees'' AT ' : ' ,. . 5 from 15 rtd ! largo and varied stock. . Wedding suite , ; . , . Nobby Hate. Stacy. Adams & Co.'g 1 ' , TTOWAED & JONES, . . in all lines' of Fancy Dry Goods. cut. suit. 3 :-f ?;'1 " 'j -r-- the trade '"to mvUverv siincridr stock ot elegant stock of; Hand-made Shoes, carelul attention. . Sheet. - sep4-il&w0m Corn! Corn! IT AY; - HAY, v ; Black, White 6i Rust Proof. Proof Wheat, White and Red. call for their Seed csrly. Choice Timothy Haj' will do . ell to call at ' Offers ' . s . Trjickers' Peas, , Socil PotatocH, ' Cotton Seed Peitiviiin snl Irine.Gttau6, flood Luck Guano, '.-1 :- ; ' . v Merry man's Siiocr-Phosphate, Lister's Jissolved Bone, ' ( t Vliaiui'i Plow ftland For Truckers' and (Totton Planters. ,'AM) CULTIVATORS, iat Very "Low prices. GEO. ALLEN 00.' edmond, & ENGEL'S , . Groceries, .Provisions, Cigars, 1 ! NEW .I1EUN1 K ' - T,h'c'k.rcighHJiui) FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, OyipppE, and aU points SEMI-WEEKLY kr E A M ji jis . Between New Ben?, mi, Jiitiicrt, .. t" n'onchinif tU Noriblk) ' t, " i, Leaving New Merue for IlalUniwe Tt,'E)UA'rt aod EKIUAYS at 1 p m. ' Leavslilmor fa New Berm WEDNESDAYS dod SA1 tUiIMlfl t 6. p. m. - Agents are as follews: EEUBKNFOSTKn.Oen'lJfsnag.ir : 1 " L JAS.W.MeCAHlilci. Airt.NdrfolJ Va! ' W. P. Clyde Co.. Philadnlnhu i. o Wharves. ' ' " ' Geo. H. Olover, Pier N. fe. R w Vu,. K-Sampsuu. Huston, S3 Ceitrsl wharf Providence B I ,rf- . I.C. Mink, FjJl River, Derrick wbitU. ,Ji li.l,V,P,r,',wS''',,'la,,an,,8 r ILll l.ivor i . w and Fridays. ., 7T i 5 ru7 v. : ,r,r.ov . SatMrtlaW " ThrmiKh bills lading KiVen. aud mi. eed to all point?, at the different cinW of th- e of Balk and Shin via' I r W C. LINif.' - d Mar 311 ly. S U. GUAY, Ag't. New Heme: N O S. A.CHtJKCHIIJ, i '. " t '! ! 1 Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware'-' And dealer 'in Stoves", pard'wattt'oek ery and Glassware; Wooden and "Wil low Ware, Apple and Pear Peareraetc'. MIDDLE .TRKli;T,l(XEW bersk. s.c. Opposite John Suter's Furniture Storej jull3dCm , , i i,jsf.j ,j '' I"' t' CHANGE OF SCHEOULE.- I . i. -tm,. ;.. ..K..., Midland N. Ci" Railway' Co"; TIME TABLE Noi ti l . ' :; i New jM'Wua rt . In Effect Sunday, 12:00, M.', November 12'h-1- , ' EAST. No:' 4,; '". Kxpreti a Pass.MiK Arr" WlfST. No. 48 Arr. E'veV A. M.j A, M. PKNTRAI. DIVISION. P. V. Smitlilleld lTildjoro,..,...i.,...l.,j..f f A. & N. c, DIVISION. 4 INI 6 01! S (15 5 41! 5 4li 7 211 7 1(1 3,tJ ioldsboro, ... s OA la Orange 6 24 i tb Kinslon 4 4sl 4 4S Morehead Depot,....LJ f 111 IU A. SI. A. M. r. v. p. 11. EAST. No. 3 Mixed Traill. WEST. No. 4" Mlxei" Tra' . STATIONS. n'MM if fKNTKAL DIVISION. ,nitl,ful,l Arr. L've. p. M. 2 08 p. u. 19 .1J A. M. .j poldshifto ' .V I jl.Sl N. t. 0)lVI.SI!l4 ...l......,K,U,.,.,..., 11 1 9 10 8 08 A. M. l0?0 8 28 7 SS 4 8(1 A. U. 1 fi 111 ft 8.1 (olil?boro I, a Orange, Kinston,.. , Sewbern, ...:...'.:... 7 19 7 4(1 9 50 ; p. u I r. m. ' 47 and 48 tlaily 3 'and 4. ,dalj'M:. cept Sunday. ' : ' Train 48 coujieot will Norlbj .Oaiolbl' Trhi bound West, leaving Goldsboro 10:00 am, and with WihBingtpni Weldo Traiij bondlSotiJ, leaving doldslirJ t6:24;p. .n., Il .Xik,'d iAl p. m., and bound North leaving Goldeboro 9:80 nn, 1 42 i(t f.flt 1tiM Train 47 connocts.witboritiflMrollns Tram from the West, arriving at Golilsboro 4:U 'p. m. and wUh WilmiiigtoijiTaiajtro Uts(44wt r(vinfe at Goldslioro :50 n n.nd froni the Nottb arriving at flolilsboro a't'diSan.". 'iiiUs A m. Trains Sand 4 connect with stages at mithflej( to wd. from Sclili'ii,, ',.(',') ,. w.n iMl'lurf, Train 4 connects wlih Wilmington Ttafa Won"' South, leaving (toldsbord'a M'sn'rf 9'' and bound north, leaMhg''d6ldVboro at 6:0$ p. ra, ' Train 3 connects jt-fliUv'l Train fiom tde north, arriving at Goijbnr:Bjii( Trains B & 4 will earry paitaeriger coaches '-'t-l .'. J..Ws:ANDRteWS'l i '1 ' ' 'imr.'lenWi.nA'ah t,:..?,us SMITHFIEL D';';N -'C.'.,!':;, ( Ampie accommoaationg at all 'times Sample rooms for commercial travel- era. Charges moderatv,-' augSdtf . J : , . - , . . 1 , f 1 f ' 1 I . , - , i' 1 j. , ; ' T, L. iZ'!'T '-!..) .i ll, ::. F. MURPHY PEAKS ALL,;, ATTORNEY AT LAW, t 1 TRENTON, JpNES jG.: Will practice In the Countle8 of ' Onslow Lenoir, Duplin, SHmiwon and Jones. 1 Collecting a specialty. . . seplS-dAwtf , , , RICHARDSON Improved ICoot Iaint . Au article long needed for: thn protection (it Iron and Tin Roofs. It will not blister, chalk ncel. crack or corrodo. , It will finml mil mu. trnct with the iron or tin. It will not hijnre ei in win'r- 11 -is cTiremeiv anruoie and cheap Manuffkotirreel atrd for sale hy B. A. Richards, j i Dealer in Paints,.OUs,,GlRRR Ariiirts, rontor ' attdOoachPaiuters' Material 4iJ all kinds 022-11t Kerfolk 1.. nwra ii L