ER, THE JOUR1TAK NEW EEnXE. N. C, FEB. 21. 1SS3. , ' ( T " .? T f ITT t 1 A. A a LAJ CZ.Z2ZZ. C'cLElanUy reeeivmia full line . Jlioice Grroceries and SUPPLIES, li.h we offer aa low as any house in i;.e city, and warrant all goods aa rep- resented, i Cull and examine onr stock 'and prices. SUbles fUrniahed fiee to all our country customers. ' .,, i , ' Goods delivered fret to any jrt o tb city. 1 ' " Vi W. & I). vA. H, HOLTONj ' , DEALER IN vForeign and Domestic T7INE3 & LlftUOES, tODACCOS&CIGARS. ' -'.j. ;. ( :-' 1 MIDDLE STKEET, ' " ' "... i ' Ooalto Xo House , EW KERNE, If. C aprlvd OLD DOMINIOIN Steanship Company. For New YorK, UalUoion?, Nor folk, Boston filleabcth City, '' PkUadelpliU. Providence, s1 Bd other Citie . ON AND AFTER Friday, July 28th, 1882 UNTlfc F.UBTUER NOTICE Stcancr Shenandoah. : Will kTt, UiMui s.i .al of train on Norfolk an Kllsabsth City BsiIimI st Elizabeth City, svei . : '" KTOBda and ThBrsday ; V lot Wsw Barns' Returning leaves New Bern ; tor Elisabeth City every y. v Tusadar and Friday all l. m.,tnklnt clo.s connection with Norfolk 'i sad Elisabsth CI tt It. K. for Northern cities. 01oe i, itoaasctlou made at New Berne with steamers I fcr lUaslaa, Polloksille, Trenton and all laad '- lugs ea the Neuss and Trent Klers. I'Telght received dully until p. m., forwarded Vromf Uy and lewsst rates guaranteed todestias ' : tiua. Tars to Elisabeth City aud retnru. 4. To p- Wsshiaftuit, 4. ' . ;' S. B. BOHKKX8, Af New Berwe, i" cotrareKa TukNitB, ! V' ;;. .yi.Ai,w.nt., t Xg'u, Norfolk, Y. A i , W. K. BTSMroaa, ffea'l Fit Ag't, -Mar, JOlr A New York City MANDPACTUREK OP SOICE HA VAN A AND 'H I) C'i i DOMESTIC , 0 1 G A It S. ' pnr t nnir fit mat - : j) fj viJavwa ws vvw , - A' tuiHO-eiu itemedy. SALICYLICA. ' ffo More RheumatiBm, Uont or I ' nunT "' ' ' Nenralgrla. ; ' ill !' K.t't T-O-t.i i 1 IoraedlatA Belief Wurrawted, f fermauent Cure Guaranteed. V five years established, and never known to I fall la single ease, acute or chronic. Refer ' te all proraluent physicians and druggists for the autnutng oi naiicyuca. . ;'. lECRETl , ,': The only dissolve? of the poisonous uric acid whi. h exlsU tu the blood of rheumatic and imtv w tents, ii. . HaLICYLICA Is known aa a common-sense remedy, b-ause it strikes directly at the cause of lvueumatism. Uont and Neuralgia, while so niauy so-called specifies md sup : powtd panaceas only treat locally Ue effects. It has been conceded by eminent scientists ; that outward application, such a rubbing , with oils, ointments, liniments and soothing lotions, will not eradicate these diseases, ' which arc the result of the poisoning of the ' blood w hlirleAcld. - '- SALICYLICA works with marvelous effect ' on tills acid and so removes the disorder. It is now exclusively used by all the celebrated physicians of America and Europe. Highest kmiiml Academy ot raris report so per cent. cures lu three daya. . . RKHEHBKR , . tliKt P ALTCYLICA is a certain cure for Rhea . tisat and NcwralKta. The most in ,., , i i nre aiilMlued almost Instantly. t ivx it a tual. Belief guaranteed or mosey '1 itousands of testlmoalala sent on applica tion. . ; .-,..' ft A BOX. SIX FOR $a. Bent free by mail on receipt of money. ' , SK TOC DBCOOI8T FOK IT, ' But do not be deluded Into taking imitations or suiwtiuites, or something recommended aa "juntas good!" Insist on the genuine with thenHineof Waahbnrne A'Co. on each box, i Is poitraiited chemically pure under i. or x . .ire, ait lndlspenslble requisite to tii-me .. - la the treatment. Take no outer, or ai-iid to us. . " t. '.' " "V y a dk CO,, Proprietors, X I roadway, ear. P'l "t., htuW TOBIC For sale by . . ' : , ' IZ" I tCS., New Berne, V. C. )a and t.Vt- 1.0NPAY SKXT. the Jew Berne and l"ainltco Steam Transportation Company will dispatch their I.'sw and Fast Calling S tenner CJITY as follows: Mon. 12 Leave Bayboro for New Berne 8 a.m Stopping at ittonewei), Van- -tieniere, Broad Creek and Adams Creek. Taea 13 Leave New Berne for Bavboro and Sooth Yeek 10 a.m. Stopping at Admits Creek, broad Creek, Vaudemere and .stonewall. Wed. H Leave Bayboro for South Cr'k Ba.ui 8topplug at Stonewall and Yaud4inere. Th ur. 15 Leave South tr'k for Mew B"ne 10a m. Stopping at Adams Creek. Frld. 18 Leave New Berne for South Creek and Bayboro lOa.M. Stopping at Aduins Creek, , Vandeuiere and Stonewall. Sat. IT Leave South Creek for Bayboro a.m. Stopping at andeniere and Stonewall. Mon. l Leave Hayboro for Xew Berne 8 a.m. Stopping at stonewall. Van 't deinere, Broad Ceek and ' Adams Creek. Wed. 21 Leave New Berne for Uarlioro 10 a.m Stopping at Adams Creek, '.. j Broad Creek, Vnudeuitie and Slonewall. Krld. SS Leave Hayooro for New Heme Sam. Stopping at stonewall, an deiuere and Adams Creek. Sat. 21 Leave New Berne for Bayboro 11) a.m Stopping at Adnms Creek, Yandemere and Stonewall. Having good accommodation lioth for -pas sengers and freight at very low rates, ask that the merchants and producers along Its line give it their cheerful support. Kor further information enquire at the of fice. Foot of Cra veil street. , 8. H. CHtAY, ' ' Gen'l Manager. Ur any of Its Agents at the following places: ABE LEE, Adams Creek,! si ' J). H. ABBOTT. Vaudemere, O. U. VOWLKH, Stonewall, H. H. FOWLKR, Bayboro, J. U. BONN Kit, South Creek. S- Freight .received under cover every dny in the week. Juu21d&wly IN THE FIELD AGAIN! .C 3. Sultan Ilnvlng lately returned from Northern Mar kets, where he has secured the FINEST STOCK of LAMES' and GENTS' WEAR, would wish to Impress on the public In gen eral that he Is prepared to suit the most fas tidious. In CLOTHING For dents, Youths. Boys and Children, I have the greatest variety, which for quality, work? Hianship and price cannot be beat. ' Boots and Shoes f all the leading innnufucttirics chenp er than thu cheapest. Huts for Ladies mid Gentlemen, all styles and all prices. In my Notion Department, which is alwuys com plete, can be found all the Latest in Ladies' andtients' Hose, Cersets of leading manufac turers, uioves, ibices, nno UKiie anu uenis1 Neck Wear. Blttrts. and Trunks, valises, etc. Thanking you ror past favors, and soliciting continuance, I am, mosirespectrutiv, apldly M. 11. SU1. TAX GEORGE A. OLIVER, COTTON BROKER. OFFICE ABJOININS COTTON EXCHANGE, KTeixrlaei-xi., TO'. C, 49" The very Highest ; Market Pi-lees Onaranteed. " 49- Consignments of Cotto i- oMcltcd oclWI&wtf NOW OR' NEVER! Before leaving for Hong Eong i, ' (of course you know where that is) I shall sell Pants for 444c, Coats for 49Jc, Shirts S4ic, and Drawers well don t speak of it. ,. "I'LL DO IT" an -ilwly AT THE MARKET. ' Manwell & Ciabtree, BLACKSMITHS, MA HIN 1STS, L Iron and Bra8 Foundirs . BOILERMAKERS. HaKB AND REl'AIR E N'G I N'ES AND ALL KINDS OF, MACHINERY. Orders so'ieited and promptly attende t to. C It A VKJN St., between Pollock and South Front, New Bebne, N. C. Apr 4, tf d Cotton Seed Heal. .... THE BEST ' STOCK FEED AND FERTILIZER. Exceptionally good for milch cows equal to stock peas at half tbs price 75 cents per bushel FOR SALE BY L. H. Dennlaton, may S. d-ly New Berne. N. C C. B. HART & CO. OircrSICSCASHSTOEZ. : , Nortr-sut corner Middle and South Frout atrsets site E. H. Wlndley sod K. K. Junes. DKALIKS IV Stores,' House Fiirnishiig Goods, CROCKERY aii-i GLASSWARE, - LAMPS in great varioty. BURNERS, ICKS, OTIMNEYS. ' KEROSENE OIL Pratt'i Istral Kon-Espiosive Oil, , Machine and Train Oila. We an bow prepared to manufacture Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware. - pedal attentiA rirfn to repairing. ' Qoo old low and warrsntod to b as repraSented. April 14 lr d Ji w - WM. LOKGH, DEALIB IN - GENERAL MERCHANDISE CAST SOUSS ACCOll'OPATIfllTS. ' road . slew B.rn., V. C, ' ' ' V, dwMsr. lt)3, ""1,,. UWaaed from oar Exchanges. Greensboro Patriot: A hen has laid an egg measuring 8J inches the long way and 5J inches iu cir mimferpnce, and weighing 5 ounces. And yet there are people in this ancien' city who are not satisfied withre way things are' going and talk about Greensboro being "a one-Jiorse, slow going, 'old, old town." ' Washington Watch Toicer: Pr. Bryan is very much exercised over the idea of having to let his Dutch net rest this season. The doctor is the most scientific fishermen in the Pamlico waters, and the embargo raised by the Legislature forestalls his enterprise and paralyses a lu crative business. We are by no means interested in the question only so far as justice involved; but how the Legislature can pass such a bill and oppose class legislation is hard for us to see, Charlotte Journal: Out of thirty- four prisoners now in jail, about tweuty will be tried by the Inferior Court, which opens to-morrow. The gin-house of Mr. J. K Cuth- uertson. who lives near the village of Matthews was destroyed early yesterday morning by fire. It was covered by insurance, but to what extent we could not learn. The roof oflhe new Baptist Church on Kortheast Tryon street has been huished. It is made of a fine qual itynf slate and is molded utter the latest style for churches. A Fine Farmer. Tarhoro Guide, On Sunday 4th, we were visiting and old and respected friend near Rocky Mount, when R. H. Ricks, one the most intelligent, and suc cessful of our younger farmers came '"-w "'" discussion turned on larm iug. The old gentleman thought the country was ruined, ' colored labor? would't do, cotton conld't be raisod at present prices etc. Capt. Hicks heard the old -gentleman through; then replied: "why I cau raise cotton profitably at 5 cents u pound." "Impossible' thought the old gentleman) " how will you majage it!" "I would raise my own manure, or come as near it as possible, manure my coru land as welt as cotton and, in short, culti vate nothing that I could not ma nure well and tend well. "" 1 would raise my own meat, bread, oats, etc.,wndto spare. The surplus I could find a readv, market lor on my own place,and at arenumerative price. Thus, 1 could make some money and sell my cotton at 5 cts. per pound. This is the key to the whole case. Hog and hominy. Captklticks every year practices what lie so eloquently preached SeTf.Made. Boston Olobe, "Do you see that old man near the trog pond on the Common!" Thirty-two years ago that oh! man came to Boston with one sus pender and a sore toe. He also had a basket of apples which a farmer in Lexington had given to him He peddled apples on Washington street and netted eighteen cents the first day. How much do you suppose he's worth now "Jfr million and a , half,", said one. v ( "Two-millions,'! cried another "Six millions three hundrec thousand, was estimate of third. : "I give it up," remarked No. 4 "How much is he worth!" ' "Not an infernal cent, and he stil owes lor the Dasket." ItCame Hlgk, But he Had It. A certain young matt .bringing nis amanceu down from the country to see tne sights, noticed in a win dow placard bearing the announce ment, " Ice cream $1 per gal.' '-'Well," said the yonng man, as he walked into the saloon, " that's a pretty steep price to charge for a gai, Malaria, i ll see you through no matter what it costs.' Here's a dollatv waiter, ice cream for this gal." V How to Propose. ... Nothing is ever lost by being pleasant and agreeable. You ask lor two' pounds oi steak no more no less. One butcher growls that hecau't cut on Just two pounds. and you leave him, thoroughly vexed. At the next stall, the man ot meat hears your request with muf fled visage, cut oil' a pound and a half, slaps it into the sadle and out again in double quick time, rolls it up neatly, and says, with a smile: "Just two pounds, ma'am.',' He is the manwho succeeds. -Making Sense. A story is told of an old gen tleman who always took notes of bis minister's sermon and on one occasion read them to the minister himself. -, "Stop, stop?" said he at tue occuiKiice , ot a certain sen toiicA. "I rluln'r, uiiv that' know you didu't," was the reply, put thatjiu myself to make sense.1 r ti s c of KectucVy XTnlveraity, WlfcBCB K. HUTU, fWk LtXLNfclO.Y StadeuU RrcetTa any Week Day lit . ; i he Tear, i . Slach Dcpartatent has Its Syretal Teacher ' Students can frradnnte at this College In about one-third of the time and expense than at any similar College in America. Nearly 5,000 successful graduates of the aboveOollege. together with the leading Educators of Amer ica, attest -the superiority of lw Course of Study and Training, as being Thorough, Prac tical and Complete embracing Book-keeping, business Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Mer cantile Correspondence, Penmanship, etc Time BEQtniiEDtocompletethe Full Diploma Course from 2 to S months. roTAL Cost, In cluding Tuition, Books, Stationery, and Hoard In a good privnte family, about fK6. Students 'of this CoileKe cau attend the other Colleges ot tne I'mverany, unner iu rroiessors, tor one year, tree ot ennree. Yt lien two or more entr together, a reduction of S.i on each one's tui tion will he made, t or Tnll oartlcvilnrs ad dress, W. R. S.tllTH, Janin-di wTOi t . rresldeat. Iexlngton, Ky. , Fajetteyille .Observer. On Thursday. February 8th. 10. the urkVi- signed will re'lve the publication of the FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER. -The Observer will he a large 28 column eekly newspaper, and will lie mailed to subscribers, postage paid, at 52 per annum, al ways In advance. It willuivetlie news fthe day in as ample form as tlx space will permit, ana eotn regular ana occnsionni correspond ents will contribute letters from the Capital on Rtate politics and affairs. ...- s i - ' iiemocrattc in pontics, tne tmserver win labor, first of all. to assure lite Drosuerllv of the Town of develop the vast agricultural resources or its own ana tne neighboring counties, and to promote nil that concerns the welfare of the people of North Carolina. - opposed to such innovations on the homely ways of our fathers as, in the guise of pro- ....... l.ll.m Utt AWru ..Ml! U fount! in full sympathy with the new things born of the changed condlliou of the South which soiuid Judgment or enllgetened expe rience find to be also good . - f ' As to the rest! St will strive to deserve the reputation or the name it inherits. im"L PALMER, , Dealer in Cigars. Tobaeeo. Pines, and every uiiiig in inai way. .'..-" Also Candles Nuts and Fruits. " -t. Jacobs' Oil. the ivtil (Iwtiiun linn. edy for Kheumatisin and all Bodily l'slns. Middled., Second Door from Ho. Front, Janl7-(14wly Ktvr Brrue, M. C. CITY OBDHJANOE. Small-Pox Quarantine. Do it ordained, That no person from the Town of Trenton and its immediate vicinity shall be allowed to come with in the city limits under a penalty of $25 for each and every offenoe. This to take effect on aud after Mon day, Feb. 12, 1883. crrr ordinance. Srdl-Pox rcrili sisfl Office of City Ci.ekk. New Behnr, Jan. Id, 188;!. J A Special Met.' ting of the Board of City Conn- ell wrb held this evening, Mayor Howard pre siding. ... , . ... i The Muyor stated that the meeting was called to take action to prevent the introduc tion of small-pox into the city. The following was adopted as a special quarantine ordinance; . ; i v ' tj WHEKEAR, Information has reached the Mayor that certain cities north of us are in fected with small-pox, and ' WHEREAS, We feel it our duty to devise such means as we think best to prevent the admission of said disease into our midst, therefore " . . . Bk it Ordainer, That! a Quarantine Flag shall be placed at a point three miles below the city on Neuse Itiver, and that all vessels and steamers coming from without the limits of the State, and the Old Dominion steamer, shall stop at the Quarantine Flag until board ed by the Port Physician, and allowed by him to come to dock. The Physician shall receive five dollars for each visit, said fee to be paid byessel or steamer boarded, and any vessej or steamer violating this ordinance shall be fined J25 for each offence. And Be itFuhthkr Ordained, That the trains on the Midland Hallway shall be quarantined one mile on the west side of the city and caused to remain until boarded by said Port Physician or Detective, aud allowed to pass. The Physician shall receive 92 for each visit to trains, said fee to be paid by the Railroad Com pany. Any violation of this ordinance shall subject the Railroad Company to a fine of $25 for each and every offence. v. t . J i ' By order ot the Board, ; s - - ' I Janlttf, f. i fcW. WOOD, CM Cletk.. YAtfPOS BITTERS or Tegetable EUxJr of life, ;, THE OHBAT nEITIEDV of THE AGE NO FAMIX.T SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. TTaufon Bittihs, are the remit of years oi chemical restarvh sod practical exptrtment is comuoiinoea nam tne extracted snd con itrsted virtues of purely veestabl inlMtances. It Is entirely free from calomel or other dan- ?rrous substances Is the safest medicine to use or children and weakened constitutions, where a gentle jet effective aperient is required. They pa rify, invigorate and enrich tbe bloat, stimulate it to healthy circulation, and if Ukes. when required will keep the system in perfect order. It is especiplly recommended for the care of all MALARIAL diseases, Bright! diseases ot -the kidneys, RhenmatUm, Dyspepsia, Biiltooenes, Coetlveness and U Liver complaints. As an .aperient the dose is a tablegpoenfnl three times a dny, and as s tonic and alterative a small teagpoouful nomine and neuinf. Prepared by Juo. K. Ludlow, i Pharmacist and Cliemist, Atorfolk, V. A. AsxlS 6md , . ) . . . ... , CENTRAL HOTEL, . W. E. PATTERSON, Poor's.; ,NJSHV' BERNE, N. C. THIS WILL KNOWN AND COMMODIOUS house, as Us name Implies, is situated in tbe central and bnsineee portion of the city, hence recommends Itself for Its convenience to the trsrellinK public. Affording solicitors every opportunity of visiting business correspondent, (i has sttentivs servants, and its table ! always furnished with . . . . , f , Every Delicacy of the Season. IU rooms are large, airy and well furnished. or ths accommodation of fluents to and from trains snd steamers free of charge a epeciM feature in this city. All the appurtenances, of a modern ; FIL3T CLAS3 UQlZh, . April l-d-lv. - ' ? WHOLESALE AND ? i , Li'OVIGIOnS, i ii 1 in;., i l -i'.lli 'ili I il 1 fc I ; li i ! if' : ',; of wood and .a- i'i i i nil it! ' .i I ( IMI-:' i, .1' i:-,l'( 1 1' i" L.i.JriO (."'"- t ' i u i l ,!!).' ;t '!:t i '.ill Willow A.viilr I-argeHt; Exclusive Gronw-y House in tho H'itv.; ' My stock is always coniplet, rid goods fhssh. I w ill . ' ill 'imninlte M. R;Jl go.tuls in my line as t hfni as any liouHo in Norfolk, iserjuently Fave freight ctiftrgt aud maiigd mkV, fcS 'Ml t and coiiAerjitent ' My sttick ot liqiHtra is CompfoU,' it'nd fore making .purchafies.'1' :' - ,! ' ' 1 ' i " J i- TAv:fiREES.-:".'-;.:: !' nil l A' ji u ii s r, :. : a: IN THE Keeps always in Stock, large, quantities PORK; LONG : CLEAES, FLOUE, ' SUGAR k COFFEE, 3YRUP. ' 1 ' 1 " . Molasso.s, wait, ,,&c. ' L6rHLIARD AND OAIL & AX - t"; , ' ' s , ,.alsoalarstockof ' . ' - DRY GOODS, BOOTS, H0Ebf rJffid : Arbucklo'a f Ate ROASTED OOKll, CRACKEKS and CAKES in great variety Alargn Stock of1 Wholesale buyers will flrd a largSJpflest.priceS. Ioi'tfall to sum iu- lofor .vou Mar 98 U ! ) I'.i JBtJl ; HAY) !:, ,:,,, EtA ' Lime I Lime I BRICK, BRK'K. OF ALL , R-osendale, Portland Plaster, Goat Hair,; &c SALES EOOM Craven Street, lielow .Express Office, P. IL Hale's Publications. :o; ';!;,j'.j!,i:-4-i.' -vovM-' JifJ'i The Timbers and Woods of lorth Carolina. 1 Vol.. 12 Mo., Cloth. $1.25. "The publication of such facts in a shape that makes them accessible, is the best ser vice that the public-spirited men in the South can do their States."- N. Y. World. "The very thing needed. ' A very important work for the btate.'WWllmington tnt, "A timely and valuable publication. Must prove of great service to the State." Char lotte Journal. . " "Mr. Hale has dona tile States gTf at service. Biblical llecorder. "Of such thorough excellence that it de serves the widest circulation." Nashville Lumberman.- n ...,' m. The book is well printed .on tinted paper, is handsomely bound in clotb,eontains272paKes, and an seen rate and beautifully executed map of he State, with all the railroad routes defined.:. ',t' . . ji;. ,..,'..i..,-; . EVERYBODY'S BOOK. ' . 'if j . '. ' - ; Answers to simple questions frequently put to Lawyers by Jjiynien. ...... , ! Points In liaw of value to every man 1n North Carolina the profcNKionid man, ilie farmer, the mechanic, tho landlord, the ten ant, the cropper, the luborer, . . -, i 12nio., pitpcr, 32 pnt'es. I rlce (Ove postiige stumps) 1") cents. For sale by booksellers genoinlly, who may be supplied in (iiniititips on fnvoinhle terms, by eitherof the iiiidcrsiKned. If not to lie had at your loeul liooliHlure, inalled postpaid on receipt of the price by . K. J. HALE & SOX, Pliblinhers, Hodljsi'llers and Sintioners, New York! or P.M. liAI,E, PuIjUsui t, laucitii, N.C. RETAIL DEALER IN t. Tobacco, Sriu i v, i? - M. vare and LiciuosG. i .ii-i. I inviU' spiwial atUmtion of Imyers be ''' ''. ''isjt3-d&w . Mar.ii.J,-l-4d w T" n d old e s t, CITY. JiiW. .ffVii.ini;)iti: buy 1YI11JDLK STltHIST,' " t.. r i J.. i Ntw Bebni'. N. 1 BRICK! OIIALIKS. , ' li 2 . KiS'.i Nr. Selinitic Cements, i ri jf i U. O. Er LODGE, ew Beriie. IT. C ROBERTS & HE1TDZIIS01T General 'Insiiro Aits, ' ' ' , On!) first class Companies represent v ediu - ' " ' Fire. Life and Acdient bsnra&ee.1 '1'btaJ Capital . over . Forty Millions " Dollars. Jun24dly DA1L BROS., SVUOJES&E QROOUJtS V! . v v- AND ' , NEWBMNE.N April T, d W . i ;.aStrJRich:irfco:i ' y ; ; MlACTlCAi; ' ! "'' ; "'!' ! BOOK AN1 JOI1 PKIIsTEIS ' ' Opposite rost Cr'cs, ' . . i NiSAV Kxass, n. c' ' . ' good gtoo::;- neat wcnx, lot i; :; . CT'OrderaBoILlf 1 j

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