H.,AV. WAHA'B. Successor to . H. Wiuilley,) ' DISTILLERS' AG ENTr FOR Pure Rye and Corn Whisky at wholesale; . . , , v v WINES AHDi CIGARS .V ORFA T VARIETY, - r, Ginger Ale, , Pale Ale, Beer AND PORTER. BERGNER r ENGELY BEER, CIDER, . FUF.E FF.EKCH BRANDY.: k H.W.WAHAB, jS'ou(& Front St. New Berne,' N. C. ALEX MILLER, ' ' WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER. ' ' ' Constantly receixina a full line Ohoice CjJ-rocerieN , FARMERS' , SUPPLIES, which we offer as low as any house in the city, and warrant, all goods us rep resented.. ."I . V , " t i ,. Call and examine onr stock and prices, t Stables furnished fiee to all our country customers. , j Goods delivered free to any A o the city. 12 W. & I). . G. ERDCW,' MANUFACTUREH OF CHOICE HAVANA ' 1 ' " ' ' ..!-. tf AND r'' - 1 DOMESTIC l5?AlOS; POLLOCK Street, . iNEW BERNE, N C Am- 1 It lv Where Arc Ycu Going? I am going to suffer no longer with ruy shoes made on tbat wrong and ab surd principle, bat wear those beautiful styles manufactured by ; ;j , ' ! J ( J. W. HAKRELL. 'Repairing done in the neatest man ner; invisible patches put on and war ranted to stay. hi- ,-r . s Don't forget the places-south of the "Central Hotel. - Middle ' street, New Berne, N. C. Send, your orders and save money. sep21dwtf J. W, BARBELL THE NEW NUMBER 8 UllEELER & UILSOII ' SEWING MACHINE " la the , " . MOST DESfRABLE OF, ALL The Lightest Running, the Least Noisy, and 'Warranted to be made of the VERY BEST MATERIAL. i .... f v ".""i ?'3 i?. . , It can lo all kinds b( : work, and is : 1 ' COMFLETKIN JSVUKY tUSSfEifi. Office . NEXT DOOR TO 11ANFFS MUSIC STORE, 1 .l ; J MIDDLE. STREET, jl Al NEWC BERNE, -JV.' C.. KT AGENTS WANTEP. sepl5dtn PUBLIC SALE CF ! REAL ESTATE. ;:i Pursuit to a Jurl(rnrent of "the Superior Court oi i i t-en conn y. I will sell at public vendue, in. me Oourt House door in the City New heme, on the , , in Ilnrch next, March r)!li,l!! "l l TVTT.V'T o'clock, M., ft cerium I'L-ceoi bind Ivinn in the City of New Heme. N. C.'nn tlie koiiiii Kide of O.ueen street, .j tic ' " ' t, I pM-t H i . ct. contatn- lie; ii i. 1 1 ti 4 i 7 feci, it luetics back; lein I "I of I rtNu. 11(1 on the plnn of New Kerne, 1 1 ioi I " if (?! tUinrles 'i nci.er, (icci . . i. . 'Jcrn not sine: One-lifi'f Oiisb: balance Qn a or" nt yx i, liv note and . llc'j i I . .. I. , ,. ... ., NeW I "'Of, IN. (' ..cm. . i. i !. ,..-.. I ' ' ft ! ... ...... . ... .,....(. t'inM '' a i. . . ..... ... . . . . .. .. ... : i , ... i THE JOURNAL. BERNE. N. C. MARCH 4.-18S3. ,Try Thein With Cake. 1 1 know a nice old Yankee ladv who always applies a rcertain "test to any'vohgWail who ''pyg atten tion;' to. oqer ot. j her ' many, grand daughters. 'Alter "certain" time she offers bim spme. ' rof . ,hcr, home niade cake. 1 If he eats it : wijjfc ad vidity, she mutely giyes jjqnserjfy if not, she instantly begins tb?bp-' pose the match, not as some might suppose from wounded . vanity," but because she has p. , thuory irthat, "Men who like cake never drink or smoke,'or livd dissipated lives of any sort." "Give me,'! she says, "a man that loves gingerbread its a sure sign he isn't fond of whis key." T t-,t t - The old'Iad.y may not alwavs be right, btI think there is a grain of truth in lier fancy. "Atleast it is a very easy test to pu your suitors to, and you. might try., it... Only don't (give them warning beforer hand,' for as i the old" lady- says, when Ezra caine a courting ,her youngest daughter Jane, she bid him her , mother's, views, "married all that ; was 'changed. . He never touches it now, and he does keep a .1 I. :.. 4.1 j.: i '."ri 1 uciuijwuuj in tuts niuiuy. : CO, gins, take, warning, ana.byery sly. . 1 '. Hotting his Answer;:; ! :: ' Young Tompkins; 'thinking 1 to take a ri.se;' out ; 'of',' Pat, ; " Why, you've got that paper' upside down. Paddy?" Pat, " .Bedad ; ', ahy ,iufe cuu ratio ltitne ouier way oop!' Calmly goes pi WitU''',s';rediii. Wheu Got.' Stephens, Of Geogia, was a lad the ladies' bf the Ptesby teriau church, appreciating his great capabilities and fine promise, aided in having him educated for a minister: but he.becoming a law yer, made the nioney at hi profes sion, and .refunded it. U " J;.r The City Council of Dalton, Ga., has unanimously refused to grant license tQ seil intoxicating liquors in that city. It is not to be sold in drug stores under the name of bit ters nor from any other place, no in any quantity... Great rejoicing among the people, j Out of a voting population of 400, 333 signed the petition asking the Council not to grant licenses. . Stoves and Hardware, Sash, Doors & Blinds, LIME,' CEMENT and PLASTER ., HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, :j Faints; Oils, Glass and Putty, GUNS AND PISTOLS, roIlJlsr SETS, Rubber and Leather Belting, d Etc., Etc., Etc. A. II. HOLTON, DEALER IN . ' ' Foreign and Domestic 1 WlNES & LIQUORS, . TOBACCO S & CIGAR S. MIDDLE STREET, ' ' . ' ' B?t' )'. "; Opposite loo House NEW UEUNK, IV. C aprlydkw m i - , DAILBROS.,, WHOLES A'E 'OR0 GER AND c, COMIJISSION 'k MERCHANTS, April y, A w t r j - 1 ' "of KemtueiTy lTuver'sity, (TUDCU B. MH4TU, PrtmX LEXLNUTON, li Student. Received any Week Day In Bach t'tu-nnt has Its Special Teacher Students can. waduiiteA-at -this College in about one-thirtl of the time and expense than at any nimilar tkJllege in-Araeriea Nearlyl ij,ww hui;i.cwi .11 ki uuuuis ui Vila iiwvc iuiiirpv ti(?etlier witli tlie leading Educatois of Amer lea, nttwt the superioiSry f Its fiourse. o Htudv and Training, as being Thorouuh. I'rafl' tlcal and Complete embracing Book-keeping, Business Arithmetic, iknumercial lJiw,Mer cuntilu CorreHiiondence, PenmnnBliip, etc Timk HFO.T'ii!Ei)to complete the Full Dinloma uoiirne irom 110 9 motniiH. iotal' ijomt, in cluding Tuition, Books, Stationery, and Board In n good private family.'Ubont S86. Students of this Col logo fan attend the other Colleges or the university, under 11) Professors, for on venr. frepofchuree. When two ormoreente toi i iliev, a reduci ion of " oti encii oiw's tui tion will bo made, -l-'or full particulars ad llrcsM, . ... .,, , ,1V. J, f. .ITU, Jtml'l-divi'flm l'ibsUleiit, Lexlngmn, ky. O. XT. O. ' ' ' OPEN AT ' PEEE 0' DAY," "And Don't You Forget It," 1 : THAT" E ! WHITMAN'S EYE OPENERS i , '.'ARE UNEXCELLED. ' ' ''. Middle Street, near Corner South Front, ' NEW BERNE, N. C. . Next door to K. R. Jones'.. Apri3-d& w lam. . n-" ,A vComiuou-seiiso Kcmedy. SALIOYLIOA. ,i t No More Rheumatism, Gout or Neuralgia. Immediate Relief Warranted, ' Permanent Oure Guaranteed. Five years established, and never known to fall In a single case, acute Or clironlc. Eefer to all prominent physicians and druggists for the standing of Salicyllca. ' ' . SECRET I ' "' Tiie only dlssolver of the noisonous uric acid which exists in the blood of rheumatic and gouty patients. ...... BAjjiuxLiiuAts unown as a common-sense ejnedv. because it strikes directlv at Dip cause of Rheumatism, (tout and .Neuralgia, while so many so-called specifies tnd sup- posi'u puiuu-ens ouiv treat locauy lae ettecta. It has been conceded by eminent scientists thitt outward applicutlons, such a ub'-lng with oils, ointments, liniments an 1 soothing lotions, will not erudlente these diseases, which are the result of the poisoning of the blood with ITrio Acid. . MALKJYLICA works with marvelous effect on this acid and so removes the disorder. It is now exclusively nsea Dy all the celebrated physicians of America and Europe. Highest raeaicai Acauomy 01 rang report so Der cent. cures in three days. , .REMEMBER that 8ALICYLI0A 1r a certain care for Rheu matism. Gout and Neuralgia. The most In tense pains are subdued almost instantly. ii Olye it a trial. Belief guaranteed or money refunded. ' ' , Thouwinus of testimonials sent on aDnllca- tion. , 91 A BOX. SIX FOR 5. Sent free by mall on receipt of money. ASK YOUB DRUGGIST JOB IT, But do not be deluded into taking Imitations or substitutes, or something recommended as just as good!" insist on the genuine with the name of Wmhbnrne & Co. on each hoi which is guaranteed chemically Dure under our signature, an lndispensible requisite to insure success in me treatment, rase no other, or send to us. WASHBURXE & CO,, Proprietors, 987 Broadway, cor. Read St., NEW YORK. For sale HANCOCK BROS.. New Berne, N. C. dec2-tfltwlv S. A. CHUKCI1ILL MANUFACTURER OF A Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware . And dealer in Stoves, Hardware, Crock ery and Glassware; Wooden and Wil low Ware,.Apple and Pear Pearers, etc MIDDLE NTREET, NEW BERNE, N. C. Opposite John Suter's Furniture Store. Elizabeth City Brewery, ELIZABETH, N. C. Jenkins' Ale. This Ale is manufactured at this brewery, if GENUINE AND PURE, Brewed from Pure Malt and Hops. Ia a fine tonic, superior to and much better than any Beer made. Has cmed dyspepsia, and la a revntatlTe o malarial fevers and chills. Dealers supplied In barrels, kegs, or battled in Crate Eecoma ended by phvslciana. , ' dress, THOMAS' M. JENKINS & CO., ' Bo 28, Elizabrth City, N. AllltS-dOm . , ; . Gaston House : SALOON. The Quietest and most retired place in the City.- . The best of Xiqvojxs, & CIGARS. V . t v .'-.. . Billiard and Pool Tables. ;!;',( i' i :J' r"".-. - ' All' the Ulnstrated and Sporting ' Papei of the Bay on File. O" "D B' and Tlants" will not to'crated. - ' ', JAMES CAMffeELLi, "V t" rrPrielor- v"Apr.H vdw ' '"' '' ' 3. ALUM Cy W) Toll ok Street, New Berne, N.:C.',: r i 1 Til n I j i i r - j Jiu.! I; i : 4 v . - Ll.ALL'tN ..CO-Jf P.L0W8, HARROWS In Great Variety and The pleasure of your company is respectfully solicited at the FASHIONABLE Dry Goods, Notions and Shoo Store Ladies or- A. m. BMiER, POLLOCK STREET, NEW BERTIE, N. C. Everv eliort will be made to suit you in all lines df Fancy'Dry Goods. fi" Samples of any kind of Goods cut. 8 Goods sent out to be looked at. t8t Money returned if Goods do not suit. I respectfully invite the attention of the trade to myjvery supenorjstock .01 Dry Goods, fresh and desirable ; also my elegant stock of - i-'V' - - Ladies and Children's Hand-made Shoes, which are warranted. I am prepared to oner at' the lowest prices, ieeling as sured that my facilities enable me to compete with any similar establishment in this city. A call from you when you visit our city is solicited, and, m the mean time, your orders will receive prompt and careful attention. send 3 cent stamn tor i astnon HAY, HAY, HAY, HAY, HAY 1,500 Bush. Selected Seed Oats, Black, White At Rust Proof. 700 Bush. Choice Golden Rust BP Planters will do tcell to call for their Seed esrly.jg . . .. ' BUve also on hand a large supply of CJhoice Timothy Hay nd all kinds of Feed. Purchasers ..Union Point Steam Floiiring Mills, South Front Street, J. A. MEADOWS, NEWBERN, TV. J. Ma24dly The Headquarters! HAY! ' ' ' ..... ...... .- 1 Lime ! BRICK, BRICK. BRICK! OF" AJLAJ JRosendnle, Iortland Plaster, Goat Hair, &c. . . SALES fiOOMCraven Street, below Express Office. , ': ' .,' . It. O. E. LODGE, Ausr JOd&w if . . James Bedmond, V HOiti:HAlL.E LIQUOR DE ALE R. BERGNER FOR SALE BY Also on hand a full stock of AND TOBACCO. . , i -. s , 1 , f ,. , . .... -i . ,, .... . . , : , Open Front, Brick Storc.-t-MlDDLE .STltEET, . ' ' . 1 , Apriawlv :,.. ;t J.W IlERJf (;. ! ji l-yji x'4 iff. I ':',.-. .;!! ,vlin t hsl.'.'.; ; '. v Offers .. Truckers'. Peas, ' ' -' - .'.. . . ' -' 1 Seed Potatoes, . Cotton Seed Peruvian himI Bone Guano, Good Luck Guano, Mcrryman's Super.Pliosphate, Lister's Dissolved Bone,' Wliann'a Plow Brand,' For Truckers and Cotton Planters. ' AND CULTIVATORS, at Very Low Prices. GEO. ALLEN & CO. Sheet. sep4-d&wfm Proof Wheat, White and Red. will do ell to call at . : ' ' . i . -. Lime ! -'it j. i;i. GRADES. Jfc Selinitie Cements. 1 - ' ' 1 New Berne.'N. C fe ENqEL'S THE CRATE. Gro'ceries; Provisions,' Cigars CLKJfKST MAHLY, kixon, si":::3 a Lr:LY, , ATXOKXEYS AT LAW. . -1 , Will practice In the Court of Craven, Jone, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir, and In the Federal Court at Mew Borne, febfitliwly P. MURPHY PEARSALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' TKENTON, J02?ES CO N. a ' Will practice In the Conntiei of Otulow Lenoir, Duplin, Harnpeon and Jones. Collecting a specialty. aep29-d&wtf ' WILLIAM WHTTFORD. ;: ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' Office on Craven street, two doors north of r Pollock, NEWBERN, N. C, - , . - Will practice in the Counties of Jones, On slow, Lenoir, Pamlico and Carteret, and also In the U.K. District Court. Conveyancing") specialty. ' . , . ct7tf ROBERTS & HENDERSON General Insurance Agents, '. IVew Berne, IV, P-'., Onlj first class Companies reprejent . ed in . . Fire. Life and Accident Insurance. Total Capital over Forty Millions ' -Dollars. , Jun24dly " hotel, smithfield; ki c," 1). W. FULLER, Prop'r. , Ample accommodations at all times Sample rooms for commercial travel ers. Charges moderate. augSdtf It' MARBLE WORKS XEWBEBXE.N.C. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, And all kinds Grave and Building work In ITALIAN&AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attentios and satisfaction guaranteed. JOE K. WILLIS, Proprietor, (Successor to George W. Claypoole) Cor. 3K0AB & CRAVEN Sts. ma30 lydw New Berne, N.O. C. B. HAET & CO. Nortleast corner Middle and South Front street losite E. H. Windley and K. E. Jones. DEALERS IK Stoves, House Famishing Goods; ' CROCKERY anU GLASSWARE, LAMPS in great variety. BURNERS, WICKS. CHIMNEYS, KEROSENE OIL : Pratt's Astral Hcn-Epiosive Jil. - Machine and Train Oils, We are now prepared to manufacture Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware; Special attenti'm srifen to repairins-. Ooo sold low and warranted to be as repreHentad. apiil H it a ft w .. WM. LORCH, DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE CAST EOtJSE ACCOlfllOBATIONS. ' Broad St. New Berne, N. C. , dwHar. iiB, Manwell & Ciabtree, BLACKSMITHS, MACHINISTS, Iron and Brass Founders '"' ' -AND- """' ' ," ''!;' BOILER MAKERS. ENGINES AND ALL KINDS Of MACIIIXEKT. Orderh sn U'ltflil anA iirnmnll il-t M attende t to: VC; RATES' SU''Utt ' S betwtvm Pollock and South Front, New Bebne, N. C. Apr 4, tf d ' llICHARDSOSPS Improved Root Paint An article lone needed for the nrotectlnn ot Iron and Tin Hoofs. It will not blister, chalk . Deel. crack or corrode. It will mnnd unA Ar. tract with the iron or tin.. It will not In jars els iern wiHr. n is exiremeiv auraDle and , , -Manufactured and for sale br B. A. Richau-dson, , Dealer in Paints, Oils, Glass, Artiste, Dscoraor aim v.oacn rainiers- material 01 all kinds, augas-dlr ! : : f Noriolsj Vstf CENTRAL HOTELj w. e. patteeson. ipVopi'T":... NEW B E R N E , M '." C. THIS WEI.L r?OWN AND COMM6Dl6t house, as its name Implies, Is aitaated la ton ceutral and business portion of the itjrkencs recommemls Itself for Its convenience to the travelling public. Affordinit solicitors ' etery opportunitv of Visltinit business correspondents. It has attentive servants, and its table- is always furnished with " . 1 ' Every Delicacy f ; tlie Season. Its rooms are large, airy and well furnished, ' ;'; AN 0MN1BXT3.'' - ' -or the accommodation of inputs tq and Irom trains and steamers free of 1 charge a' special feature In this city, ' .(j.'r u .v All the appurtenances, of a modern ' FIRST CLAS3. Q?, ; I Awlll-d-lT.(.:U fZi'A