.tioa Kroni ana after this date the steamers of his Company' will run the following soiled me:) Cttaner Trent- For Jolly Old Fields Monday! and Thurs day , at FJGHT,'A.f returning Tues dnj's und Fridays. ' Touch at oil landings on Neuse River going and coming. ' ; , For , Tolloksville Wednesdays and Satur days, sailing at SEVEN, A. M., returning L-ayea PolloksvUte same days at TWO, P.M. . vptsamer L. H. Cutler. ' . . '..; au4 t'cltUiys for .'Tran ton, nailing i SIX. A. M.; returning, leaves Trenton on Tuesday and Saturdays, sailing at EIGHT, ' A.M. Jio freights forwarded by this steamer forlridlllgBbel6w POlfoksvlhe. Wednesdays for Vance boro. Bulling at . KIGifl", A.M., iliirnliii; Thursday. GEO. T. DUFFY, ,V'i.A ;: .Qen'L Freight Agent. . Freight? received at all times under covet -and passenger uccomuiodatt tn firs' -class. febJ-diw v' C!itnd!n:iiabl6 Lino, ThQ Neuso Riva? Navigation - Oompany Wf!l run the following Schedule: -,'" VA MV1 Kl' C t easier Kinstoii '1 4 leave the Old Dominion Wharf TL'KH 4 and FRIDAYS, aiul arrive at Kirns ton I . o DAYS and SATURDAYS, and leare Son MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, arri? New Heme the sorue day. Will touch at xll Landings along the River going- and ; " Steamer Neuse Will nmke TWU TRIPS a week, leaving Via fid' Doinjnipu wharf MOXDAYh and thuiihdayh at JSluni' A. At.. Returning, leaves Jolly -Old 'Ffeld 'TUESDAYS and FRIDAY, toUchlng at alt 'ibIiiUv i Zl'jjipue steamers mat close mnneetlon Willi the Old Doinlploa Line. t ' Freight recelted oh the days of sailing. tFofrraiiiapply to the daptalu on board. - ; t ... . J. M. WHITE. " Muuager. On and after MONDAY NEXT, the New Berne and .Pamlico Steam Transportation Company will dispatch their New and Fast Sailing Steamer KLuM. CITY as follows: .... iii. .17!:.'.. March. ' Mon. S Leave Bayboro for New Borne 8 a m. i " Htopptng at Htouewaii, v an- , deniere, Broad Creek and . Adams Creek. Wed. 7 Leave New Berne for. Bayboro 8 a.m. . (Stopping at Adams ireex, Bruud Creek, Vandemere and Stonewall. ,ti ;jiiir ! . i . 'i . i-. . Having good accommodation both for pas sengers and freight at very low rotes, ask that the merchants and producers along Its line give It their cheerful support. ' For further Information enquire at the of fice. Foot of Craven street ' ' .' , a h. gray, , f . . Gen'l Manager. Or any of Its Agents at the following places: ABE LKE, Adams Creek, . ., IK H. ABBOT1", Vwideniere, , i .,,,r . '' ' C, H. KOWJJ-Ut, Su.newall, i ( ' ' H H. WWCKR,1 Bayboro, i ; JOSHUA DEAN, llrond Creek. ; W Freight rexelved under cover very day in the week. . . janziuoiwiy NEW CirkNT.N.p.. :iAECII4. 1883. STATU ? - i Uleanpd from our Exclianjes. v ' RAILKOAi)S.? "Hge'ofIchedule. 'i.,. fHidland . N.' C. Railway Co ' :: ' TIME TABLE A'o. 8. ; ". ; . , New Seties. - 1 ' In Effect Sunday, 12:00, M., November KAST. No. 47. Exprent PaHs.aMail Arr. L'vk. r. 6 02 1 b ll i m 10 3 J A. M. A. 4 mil S ('6 5 46 7 00 ' ' L'KMKAL UIV1XION. Smitlilielil (.mklpborn A. li I', blVfsloK. Uoldboro, La (Irani; Kinxum, Mew Berne Vliirehead If put,.... Nn. 4S Expree; ' Pfti-i.ASiall Arr. L'v. K Hi 6 4 1 6 S8 4 4H 4 46 2 6U S 111 13 10 p. m. r. v, EAST No.3 Mixed Train. TATIOAH., JEST ""So. Mixe Tra ". , f4ldltf ' Arr. L've. , r. M. K:KKTHAI.niVIf!IOJ( Vi 50 I sraiii)iw(t. OoldKboro i.t. A.a x. c UIVlsKO A 10 I Gold boro ...... 8 S3 La Granxe, in i 7i Ml I mwu'h,. SO I Newbern, XiCIINIOIN, Steamship Company, For .fimt, jforuUaltimote, Nor iolk, Itostou, Elizabctli City, v Philatlelihia, Providence, and other' Cities. i : Steamer Shenandoah. Will luttve, upon a.i ,al of train ou Norfolk au Klixabeth City Rilujd si Elizabeth City, era '". Monday and Tlinrsday for New Beraaif" Returaing leaves New Bern : Tuesday and Friday at 4 p. making close connection with Norfolk and Elisabeth OUT K.R. for Northera cities. Close eonneetknr made at Vew Berne with steamers for kineton, Polloke'riile, Trenton and atl laud Inva nn thn Nense Snd Trent Rivers. ' '' ' ' " freight received daily until o p. m., lorwardul promptly and lowost rates guaranteed todestine tion. Fare to Elizabeth City and return. 4. To .. E. B. ROBERTS, Ag'i, New Berne, . ooijcfpB TtUtRBir,' ' ' '. ' - ftm'.;fl Ag'U.NorMk.T. A W. H. STANroan, Oen'l Frt Ag't, Mar. SO lv d ' New York City a -- ,- - t, -r 'it nnfl 48, (JVilV. ; 3 . riurt 4f, dairy ex cept Stfoday,.' i- , - ; , Train 4S coiinens with North Otr'olina Trnifc bound West, leavlne (loldsbciro 10:00 am, and with Vt'ilinlnKfon It Veldoii tram hound Soath, leaving Ookltitisra at 6:'23p.' m.i (s:' p. m.,ittnd .47 p. ui., and Bound North lfMing Ooldshoro st :) a.m. and H.: p m. jTriuti 4f0nii"Ct with North -(,'aroliini Tiain from' tlie Wett, arriving at (lul'dsboro 4:42 (. m. and with-Wilmington Train from thn South, ar riving at Ooldnboro 9:60 a.m., and from (Se North arriving at GoldBboro aMtftg. m alU34T am. Trains 3 anil 1 connect with wtages at Rmlthfleld to snd from Selma, p' .", " Train connects wlih jWilmUiston Turin bound South, leaving Qoldettoro at :3J and SiiJB ji- m., and bound north, leaving Gbldi-bora-at ftKiC p. m. Train 3 connects with- Wilmington 4, Weldon Train from the north.arrlving at OoldnbiTO ti:2 p at Trains 8 k 4 will carry pajmenner coaches. ' J.W.ANDREWS,;? Uhf. Engr. and Gen'l bujii -tr The N. C. Freight Line t VI f . FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, 'PEOVIDENOE, J-'t'ifv.'t.'.;i. "-' ;.;:!;.' and all points ,5 ft ') f IVoith and. Vest J i gI3H-WEEKLY STEAMERS .I.t7:d"'lw Bcme and Baltimore, (Tonchiac Norfolk; . "Xeavlng New Berne lor Baltimore TUESDAY . and I KID AYS all p m. Leave Baltimore foa Mew Berme WEDNESDAYS dnd SATUHDAIi Agents are as follews: . . , HETJBKN FOSTKE, Genl Jfsnager, ..'J . ,U W tOIighiSt.,Bal't.lld J A3. W. McCABEICK, Aj'tTorfolk, Va. ,. v. P. Clyde Co, Philadelphia,. 11 Sooth s ' n no. 11. Glover. Pier No. 40, . R. New York ' '", ,. Sampsoa, Boston, 63 Central wharf. . '..:. Rockwell, Providence K. I. , ' l. 0. Mink. Fall Hirer. Derrick wharf. ... tShlpe leave Boston, Tuesdays and Saiurays. " Iialtimore, Wednesdays ni!9otnriy , 'I t all Biver, Mondays, Wednesday and Frlilays. v-ovlhnce. Satnrdavs. Thronich bms lading given, and rates xu.ras e i toaUrats.atthe different iBees f the . - A . 11 1 Ml f h: ' : ; ciLii &:i imp via 11. C. LINE. d 6 US 7 IS aiJ r..si. Arr. A..M. 9-10 US A7 lilt A. H lb 10 4 28 , i 2S 4 81 A. M Greensboro ratriot: James Ilbl- brooks, who lives near Suiunierfitjld, in jnmping from tlie Winnton train Saturday night 'near Trie r. Iship, while it was .in ' motion, collided with a mile post and had his mouth terribly lacerated. - The under lip was torn lrom -nia lace, and until replaced and sewed together he was unable to speak:. y.: ? -: Charlotte - Journal: The , bone mill to be erected by Messrs. Schiff & Bro., at their tan-yard near the eastern limits of the city, will be in operation within a nioutlu A4 the large engine used lor running their tannery is not needed three .work ing hours each day, its power will i . i. i - - t 1 il.:.' .1:: ue entirely uiuizcii uy hum uueiitioii to their business, f No bonos,will be allowed' to Vliiteu and waste on our hills.-r7 v t n 'V Statesville Land marl: There are 18 nauijers at the poor house 10 white and 8 colored 3 white men and 7 white women, ii colored men and b colored .wpmeii. Ut the,- pan pors 4 are crazy 3 white men and 1 colored woman. We note with satisfaction that that beautiful aud tbothsome fishy the German carp, is being largely introduced into this section. 7. Since thje 1st. ofpecemboj at least 50 buckets of them -bave been received at the express office in this place lor parties m Iredell Alexander, Wilkes and ladkiu They come from tlie-United States fish commission at". Washington are sent out in lots of 20 to ths bucket, and the Kmly n pst to the tiecMHi receiving theui la I the-.- ex- pressage. Mr. W. II. Lippard, of the southern part ot this townRhip, killed, in December, a pig. months old, winch weighed 345 lbs. It was.a cross ot the rolanil China and Berkshire. Last wee' he killed three tother pigs, of th same breed, these being 11 month old, which weighed 570 , lbs. an average ol VJ!i lbs. apiece. Mr Liptmrd's tiieighbor, vMr. Davit scroffffs. recentiv Killed a sow a the commfu stock, which hat .bad two' litters , of pigs, f and vvlikh weighed 322 lbs. , i ,p ; . ; ' Chatham Record: Sometime ago we mentioned that Jim Gilbert, a very " tall colored man from -litis county,.was ou exhibition iir jibe city of New York iiiid was known as the f Dahomey 'Giant.'. On$ of our townsmen was" recently in New York and, .while-, thore visited the museum' in whica. Gilbert was exi hibited,ivandfsaAv-4 him. Gilbert seemed quite surprised when out tun ltfitiiitu iueu. iiiui uy ois uiie crsvi::c. u.i., iHiN!-o;.,ce tor "via- Ier developments to do letters up i in," ....... A man living in Polk comity, enn., had six acres in tobacco last ear, and it made him $75 per acre. ' A remarkable rich vein of ore has been struck in the Gold . Valley mine, in Eowan county, North Car olina.; i:. :: -j : ' : V. Frederick county, Va., has fine cloth manufactories, turning out over 300,000 pards of cloth per an num. , . ' Jacksonville has the largest num ber of Northern Visitors, and fs the gayest and, most - animated ot all winter resorts in Florida:,, ' . The horse trade of Texas is rap idly 'growing in importance, and assuming proportions only snr- mssed by. its cuttle trade. ,.; , ;The Mississippi volunteer military companies will have a competitive drill in sAberdeen on the 10th of May. The first prize is $300. ? The Chatanooga Tinic says that fully (500 dogsliaye been killed since the slaughter was commenced last summer, 00,000 still rejnain.' ,,i r "There are 40,000 square miles of almost unbroken foiests in North Carolina, comprising pine, chestnut, oak, maple, beech and hickory timber..-!::) :y.v 'r--: :-:; ;V'. i -,;';'.(', V ' James Cresswell, at Fort Worth, Texas, lias just been sentenced to imprisonment lor liio lor the mur der of. bis father- in-law; f h ir teen years ago. : - A rich vciii of gold quartz, over seven' feet .thick,' has Iwen struck m tne aiorrow goiu mine, v lrgiuiu.. It yields now $90 a day. The new machinery, now being added, will greatly increase, the yield. ; (SUCCKSaOB p MKWEOKNK & HAKPEK,) WILL SELL Lee's Prepared Lime, : ' ! ;r -": , nymans & Dancy's Premium Guano, .; Hymans & Dancy's Acid Phosphate and Cotton Seed Meal, good; ;'co;feed.. v; For Cash or on .Time in Lots to SuiV Customers. - Will deliver on River Landings or Kailroad Station? Free of Freights . OFFICE AT LEVI J. MOORE'S STORE, marS-wmdSt ; 0 ' , .' J'--' '" KINST0N, N. C. -AT- ,';JlLpplicatlon will be nii?e at Hie presnnt ses'-m of tlie (leuenil AHsembly lo lucorpo rnt". l'li- Southern Bonfiiizn Gold " .Mining Ooniistriy tf iCortb Carolina. ". Fehy 8, 18. ....' :.-daM .-t '. "'CITT, OEDIKAUCE. ' We call especial attention to our large line of SHIRTS: , v $ v' ' The Eighmie Shirt, the bosom of which will not hrcak'or crease, only $1.00. The Elm City Shirt, manufactured for us ; all the later improvsments rein forced, and everlasting stays which prevent tearing down the back or up the sleevo"; only $1.00.' ' M " " ' ' Regular made British II. Hose ; only 25c. a pair ; a bargain. ' " v ' ' Full line of Gents' Handkerchiefs, white, and oolored borders ;We have just received a new lot of White Silk Handkerchiefs at $1.00. New Ties and Scarfs just received. Rucrirv Robes, ftl.25. '. , '. .. , . i' v.. ..!'. Our Spring Line of Clothing will toon be complete. Blue Flannel Suits in , great variety. ' ' ' 1 - '". - Hats I llats I ' Hats II! IJlosing out to HiaKe room tor riruig cious. Give us a trial on Underwear, All wool goods at Cost. Boys' Shirt Collars and Cuffs; ' , ,: .-,t To arrive by next steamer New Straw MattiDgs and full line of Boys' and Children's Clothing. , ' ...... i m HIIVVAili & ' JUJNLiS, ' tan8-14w Opposite 33x31scoxa1 Cburoli. mall-Pox Oiikrantins. . 4 - . , THE pf InjoyaWo Paper. IU Wit and Humor ltavc Set Two Worlds in .a Itoar. , i Its Tender and Pathetic Sketch- e Have foilchftt alUe:3it. s Anu the Hand ot (jenius lias Distinguished its" Poems, , Stories, Etc. Corrrspoiulciue and Many Ort j BlnaJ Featured. name, but soon recognized his countyman aud escorted him all through the, museum showing him the different curiosities. Our townsi man say'$ thatfit was highly amus ingto,see Gilbert dressed iu tiehts. Vith alielmefc on, his head, a spear m .one nana arid a shield m the other, standing oh the stage with a little' dwarf at his side, looking .very savage and , lerocious, while tne snowman was giving to the gazing audience a thrilling ddficripi tion of the wonderful canture of tnis "celebrated Fiji Island chiefr tain,7,, as Me is now; called. Ever now and then, during the show man's recital,- Gilbert would jflye a sly wink at his tbnntyman, vhire uie gaping crowd , yenly , beloved that, they were-' beholding a: "rerij table- Fiji Island chieftain! : How! easily people are humbugged, ano now mucn ao tuey like it ! t ALL OYER THE SOUTH. ThAsc who have 'the largest acquaint ance among newspapers will agree that the best, most original, tne purest, tne most tuW'OUL'hlv eniovable ol all news papers in ,the DETROIT FREE PRESS. Ho ottier journal covers exactly tne same field or holds exactly the same literary rank, f It would be superfluous , to expatiate- on its merits. tfiera la hardiv a reatl rag person In tho country who lias not heard; if he does not know, something of. ita surpassingly entertaining cuial- ltiefi. ' ; --: 'I No familv can be said td be fully sup plied with the best periodical literature that omite-to takftha DETROIT, FREE PRESS. v ' J--'.a ; It will b better and more interesting for the coming year flian evecbefdre. Two dollars a year. A premium book handsomely ; bound in cloth--given to every subscriber.' Splendid premiums to clubs. JSSend for Pre mium List.8 Sample copies free.- Address ' - : The DETItOit FREE PKESS, Detroit, Mich. Many peach trees arer;iit full blooni in Selma, Alabama. U f A perfect gold fever; is raging in l'olk county, orth Carolina. , Freight traius are prohibited from running on Sunday, in Ala bama. Tbere Jsa negro boy in Nash county,' "XJ 4y that is seven iee lllgu, ; ' - 0 v , , t. , ' 3ien peas five inches high ale the pride of a , Kaleigh amateur garuner. West : Virginia contains 02,000 persons oyer ten years of age who can noti read. ;; 1 I , Valuable mineral springs. hav been discovered in the vicinity oi' Waldron, Ark. Sixteen very large whales drifted ashore on the sea beach near Ca naceral, Florida, recently. j A. bill makinir it a criminal offense to deal 10 futures tias passed the, Alabama State Souate. . j Aboat $3,000,000 is Jhef amount now nivesieu in tnemanuracture oi pig imp In Alabama. ; A negro in' Newberry conntyl South Carolina, fias"' forty-two chil- ureu auu o-t grauuuiureii. j J.A gclitlemao .opjy thirty year.s old, married his fourth wife at Woodbury Tennessee, 'ii i'ew days ago. A.,,j, , , j " The aggregate number of barrels of potatoes ruined in i Northampton and Accomac, Va., is 745,000.' ;. 1 An old lady asked at the San- Otptci: or City clerk l , 1883. J JKW llKliSE, Jan. 1(1, ' A Special Meotlngof tlie Honrfl of (Sty Coun cil was IjeW tills evening. Mayor Howard pre siding, v , ' Tho Mayor stated that the meeting was called to take action to prevent the Introduc tion of small-po. Into tho city, !, Hie following was adopted as a special quarantine ordinance: ; ... ' l wilEKEAfl, Information has reached the Mayor that certain cltleB north of ns are In fected with sniall-pox, and ' , V-.; - WHEUEAS, we feel It our duty .to devlBe such means as wo think best to prevent the admission of said disease Into our midst, therefore -,,y -,.'..;, ' it ... ... : 11k it OiMiAiNKD. That a Quarantine Flau shall lie vla'oed at a' point three miles below ne city on Neuse River, 'and that all" vessels and steomerscoftiihg'from without the limits ofthe State and the Old 'Dominion steatrier, shall stop at the Quarantine! lag until board' ed by the Port Tbysiclan, and allowed by him to come to dock. The Physician shall receive five dollars for each visit, said fee to be paid by vessel or steamer boarded, and any vessel or steamer violating this ordinance shall be fined ?23 for eack offence. And tBE it Further Ordained, That the trains on the Midland Hallway shall be quarantined one nift on the Vest side of the city and caused to remain until boarded by said Port Physician or Detective, and allowed to pass The-Physlolan shall recclvoS2 for each visit to trains, said fee to be paid by the Railroad Com pany., Any. ylolntion cf this ordinance shall subjectthe Railroad Company to a fine of 325 for each and every offence. . 'V'1 , Uy order of the Board, 'u jann-tf ' ' A. W. WOOD, City Clerk. CHAS.-'H-,'.,BL'A'WC WHOLESALK AND RKTAIIDPAWSR , , , Li roceries, Provisions, If Tobacco, Snuff, I 'I TJood and 7 'i t 7 ""1 U8HlWNNlNft Willi O S?! SIKP ft..,. , ri'.',..iw . . 4 1. "i M .- . - ... . -rf. KlT'R"" r -wir- s - " u CHiCACOJLL.- :), !J.'.."t J-!i'J:'.f .),: . ,,1 -jli'iil '-jti V.i:iK and -LiquorG. i . .V'lOf'I'I 'iV.-V J.iir. -i'J.WU07-Jl!y. " -i s i rr ' oct3-d&w t Mr. ii0.lv Hd w T. I;- UBN The I jtrgest Exclusive Grocery Houso in the Citv,. . ... My stock is always complete, and goods fresh. ' ' j ; r . " ' " ' I will guarantee to sell goodin my line as cheap as any Iiouro in Norfolk, and consequently save freight charges and marine. risks. nwn My stock of Uquors is complete, and I invite special at tdAiciu of buyers be fore making purchases. .... ...... ......... if i i ; a i LARGEST, AND v OLDEST ll'V'O' .1 7 J. Ii. C feliU A W.iju, V . ... i- KALi:iGIl r4- X. c. IN THE CITY. Keeps always in Stock large quantities, PORE, LONG CLEARS, FLOUK, SUGAR, COFFZS, SYRUP, iVIola&ses, Salt, tk.c. L0EILLAED AND GAIL & AX'siHIFP,.' '' f ' "ALSO A LARGE .'LIOCK1 OF- II" I V. ,; DRY G00D3, E00T3, CiI0ESf snd ArbrcV.Vs Arr:a ROASTED COFFEE, tini CAHI3 in rcit variety,1 A Ur;;3 Z: ' . :f .' r s"t f.,'1 to see mo l l' ia you lay. , IIIDHi;: ! , 4 I' it to ly. 9- H- GBAT. A. Fe Bw If

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