ill II H. AY. WAII o. K IV u A V (Successor to E. II. Wfudk-y,) t NEW EEKKE," N.'C.,! MARCH 14.1883 DISTILLERS' A!KNT lX)ira'ko&lur ih Ocean Without a Cent. OPEN AT Pnrn 7? VP nnfl flnril Whkkv ' hlle lie was "eaten ' 1 J! sent over They fctWdTast week, K.w- 3 .,,.1. .J. ii. 2 I L i A j .j i'lA 'TJEJS a0' : DAY," . "And Don't You Forret It," : f T - -' rf- ' a.. i , "- ? - , - WINES '.AND CIGA? IN GRFA T. VAUJRXYy ,r,,j ' ' ,", ' - u Ginger Ale, Pale ' Ale, Beer - AND P0ETI& fM I BERGNER & ENGEL BEER, -.OI-DISRs :: FURE FRENCH BRANDY. V 11. V, WAII AB. South Front 8t.,-New rBerne1;NC. sep28-dwly. ALEX MILLER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL , GROCEli, - Constantly receiving a full line Olioice Cas-roceriei,...,,. - . and . , . . . FARMERS' SUPPLIES,, ,M - - 1 - $ 1 H which we .offer as low as 1 any house ui the uty, and warrant air goods as rep resented. . - Call and . examine o'nr stock and prices. . Stables furnished ftce to allyour' country customers. Goods delivered free to any jjart o the city. . , MANUFACTURER OF C I G A li s. POLLOCK Street, , NEW BERNE. N C tha t her pocket h a(l,beepf pinked aqd fliat hlf rtl-the moue,VJintetitfector Uie . j ouriiey lwa i igone; ' Ak tkhf lamjlj are riqh it jN'as.likely a con sidetableamount, auU1 as she was to meet her father in Madrid Ifcwaa all iu cash, there being no letter of credit; aprecati$iOn" usually taken. The day altir thej hddreuhad sailed tlw! fathetcbleflJliatiWjiad gone to London to consult a physician theref-ttud they should await his Madrid, Tha situatioa A bf tlir foMua ladv nd.'jhef Wd, r , l. u .... ,w. . t ' . -x m juiurgeafejs .an; awKivaaxi n.oueoiu apart irom .the worry i there can be uo iupleasiiiit' result.., Tho, Tatiier. will of 0ou'rse, .' ttle' circum-; sta nee (bj', cable ai)U wilt, send( order to nave uis chuuren Jjak-en care ot at ine paiusaport,;ior,,tprtauatel.v the vessel goes tjb , Spanish port At vhicnihey land.'r Bat', to . cross, the' ocean without, ft ieiuiy j,u oneis purse wauts may pe supplied, arid 'meet starigevs. ou the oiuer siue, is an experience, no uoay ' ' ' A Deserved 'Kctinke. ' ' :"' ' Won'' vAVilHrtA"lAat ''".ii 'I -'!! ' Nothing is trner thaiv the. maxim that great events turn ! upon 'small hinges. Look well to the small things ;ilijjep- gentle readers j lor upon them may depend the great ones. These wuolesome reflections are inspired uv.un inciueni oi mnr- der JrigJ at- lOfovllC l8t Iweefc When the jury retired from consul tation the foreman announced that the prisoner had conveyed to him tfie fact that he bad only; 810 left to "put up." ' U "Ten dollars!" exclaimed one of the twelve indignantly- "What does the fellow take us for? We are wiling- enough to da the frfafr lars k call tnat rubbing it in!" "If he had only made it a dollar apiece," snorted another s; "J tell you what it is, genplemeu, saidihS foAau sdemuli"4,if this .KOrt ol'Jthttigj lt.eesg, they'll be uaviug umnose jurymen next, so ine lawyers will get it all. There' little enough money iu our profes sion now. It's about time we made an jexHpflple df . ome one. S'pose we hang this man?" " And, bV "j6ve,Jthey did. iliiila' Street, near :Ccnar cuth Trent, ms!L door' p It, li.';j,ne8,.l Aprii;vd A,,w';l'ini..'; . i , - fur.: wlr. mv "In J.1 rr , ' . .I.. CHOICE HAVANA AND domestic; M Apr 1 T) Iv 7I::ro Aro Ycu Going7 I am going to suffer no longer with my shoes made pn that wpong and ab surd principle, but wear those beautiful styles manufactured by " J. W. HARRELL. . f j ..( Repairing done in the. neatest man ner; invisible patches put on and war ranted to stay. Don't forget the place south of the Central Hotel. Middle street, New Berne. N. C. Send your orders and save money. sep21dwtf J. W. HARRELL g No Type-Writing for Him. Ithaca Journal. The Autophone Company couduc all of heir correspondence bypeana of a typchwritefiUls Tha, Company hid occasion to send four or five letters to an agent 'way out in Wisconsin and they, were amused a few days ago to receyft ouff fyom him closing wttn thes0 wrdf:, 7"iou needn't print xifl feibrd. letters that you send me, for I want you to under stand that 1 can read writiug.7. NQW OR NEVER I THE NEW NUMBER -8r: VJCZELEB'fi V1LS0I1 SEWING MACHINE' Y? A iteuierty. SALIOYLIOA., No More , Jlieumatisiu, Gout or laimeuiate Keliet Warranted, , . lei uumeiit Cure Guaranteed. "'Five years estubliBlied, and never known to Mil lu iv slnirle case; acute or chronic. Refer to &H prominenv pliynlolaus and drngglata for ;- SECRET .,;,,. V dlutolver of the potsonons orhi add which exists In the Wood of rheumatlo and sooty untietrts. WAUtuv is Known ai a eommon-senie teuiedv. betaiuse it striken directly at the cause of Khetmmtism, Gout and Neuralgia, wime so many -so-cwiea Kpeeinei nu sup- noseu DanaveaH . omv ireai locaiiv uie eneota. It has been conceded by eminent elentints that-outward application., such a ub' lng With oils, ointments, liniment an I aooUiliig lotions, .wilt not erutucate inebe ameaHea, which bts the result of the poiaoulns of the blood with Urio Acid. - ' HALlUYLluA works with marveloua effect on this acid and so removes the disorder. It is now exclusively used by all the celebrated physicians of America and Europe. Highest Mecucai Acnaemy oi fans report s per cent. cures in tnree days. .... that a ALICVLlCA Is a certain cure for Ithen inatlsin, Goat and Neamleia. The most in. tense fains are sunuueu Himow intxwtiy. refunded. Thousands of testimonials sent on appuca. tion. :; ! . -w ... 91 A BOX..' SIX FOR 19. ; Sent free by paait oh receipt Of moneyi. , ;jS "ASK YOtTIt BRtroeiBT lOK IT. " ' But do not' be delnded into taking Imitations or substitutes, or something recommended as "just a good!" Insist on the genuine with the name of Washburne & Co. on each box, which la euaranteea chemically pure under eur signature, an lndlspenslble requisite to insure success in uie. neatmeni iaite no other, or send to us. VV'ASHBURJi E ii CO,, Proprietors, 1 MS7 Broadway, cor. Head St., ' ..,.... fBW YORK. " For sale - ;"';;;; .'l"-''.'...'.'..',,' .'r.-.'f'.'i HANCOCK BROS.. Hew Berne. R. C. k dec2-dfewlv '. --v :.';'" ScotiaSp Neck, N. C, January 12th, 1883,. Messn. LONG & DUGDALE i ' , - i Gentlemen I made the following test of Fertilizers last season, using the tam number of pounds of f'Long'g .Prepared Chemicals" ,Compost, after it wa$ mixed, that was used of the Uuanos, on tame tarn. Without Manure. i ,. .' . . . W IM. cotton. : Lee's Lime, . . ..- a . ' Kainit, . , ''. -, Patapsco Guano, , . , ... , . 3 Bovtin's Chemicals. ' , . . ' Long's Prepared Chemicals, , ' . ,:. - ,-103 il - '. Tours truly, i , B. D. WEBB. , V : r 4 JNO. C. WHITTY, - - ' ' - Craven streeU XewbemN.C. Give It a trial.' Relief guaranteed or money 81 A; CHURCHILL - MANUPACTUREB OP t ; .Tin and Sheet-lion Ware And dealer in totes,'HairdwareCrc!k' erv and Glassware? Wdoden and Wil low Ware, Apple and Pear Pearers, etc MIDDLE STREET. NEW BERNE, N.C Opposite John Suter 'a furniture Store. j - juuaaum , if: Elizabeth City Brewery, 'ELIZABETH, X. C. g Before leaving for HongKoni (of course you know where that Is) - I shall sell Pants for 441c, Coats for 491c, Shirts 24fo.; anjl Drawerb well don't speak of it. ' . "I'LL DOf IT" ( ' ianS-diwiV ''!U.. ''ATTttE iiittBlET. " A. H.',HOLTONi I Un: : :. tji.l t f-.lni run . i;OT;';i'i-u;.' ; ' ' i. 'ii. i ill i . I Foreign and Domestic Is the ' MOST DESIRABLE OF ALL The , Lightest ; Running, the Least Noisy, and Warranted to be inade'Of the VERY BEST MATERJJ. J It can do all kinds' of work, and is COMPLETE IN EVERY RESPECTA. Office T 1 . .: 5 F;rWINE3,&LiaTJ S, 1 MIDDLE STlEE' -,f-.-- V'.- ir rrvcv rIl new behbb, n. c W aprlydi-1 HANFFS MUSIO iSTOREf- MIDDLE STREET, . f ' NEW BERNE,- N.- f t? AGENTS WANTED,, , BeplSm 1 j -1 V Ik, Miaia 1,! ' s Pine T 1 "id Ci'fo, 'j1:;, l,r .1 b;u.Ls Pish, Bone and Potash, 1,1 )i i Kainit, at $13.50 a ton. j, .'. ) ; ' :u ,'i',iiu! (iuano. f ) - ' 1 i's H'h Gride Acid : t : ""; T' ''"'''.rtflSatQitj 1 l0. ; - n., . cia -1 ---r r 6t3.v'( ' . VftK.!.-.....: CV" '.l 1 . ' .-age Place, " ' net i.;..:ne, x. 0. LOuQ'S FilEPAnED CIIECICflLS. R.W. S1XOJJ. F. M SISIMOSi CLRMEllT MANLY. IllAUil) Clii..i J irf l -j ATTOliNUYS AT-LAW. W1U pracllce In the Courts of Craven, Jonea, Onslow, Carteret, Imlico and Lenoir, and In tlit Federal Court nt New Berne. I'elxM w li MUEPHY PEAH5ALL, , ATTORNEY AT LAW. , ' TRENTON, JONES CO., if. C. Will practice in the Counties of Onslow, Lenoir, imnlln. Sampson and Jones. Collecting a Mweta'ty. ... aepdKW wtf ' ' , 1. 1 .' i v 1 1 1 1 ....... r WniJAlIvWHIIFOIlft ATTORNEY AT LAW. OfDcc on Craven street, two doors north Will practice In the Counties of Jones. On Blow, Lenoir, I'amllco and Carteret, and also In the II. H. District Court. Coureyanctag.r peciany, , ... f ,; , , .-. ocwu. . 99 93 97 92 u u 11 ROBERTS. & HENDERSOll General Insurance igsnts, Only 8rnt class Companies represent1 earn " "';l,v Fire.' life and Accident Insurance. " Total Capitaf oyer forty Millions, W A. ;i)onara. , , . jun24dly-- )ji' i' :," Poll ok Street, . New Berne, X. C. ,1 J Offers Truckers' Peas, Seed Potatoes, 'iCottou Seed Peruvian and Bono Guauo, ) Good Luck Guano, Merrymau's Super-Phosphate, Lister's Dissolved Bone,J Whann's Plow Brand,J For Truckers and Cotton Planters. . HOTEL, SMI TH FIELD N. C Vf D. W. FULLER, Prop'r. Ample accommodations at all times I . r Sample rooms for commercial travel4 ' ers. Unarges moderate. . auKSdtf : '.. .u C. B. HART & CO. ONE PRICE CASH STOEJ. Nortbeist corner Middle and Sooth Front strset KHe E H. Wlndley and JC t, Junes.' DEALKRS IN , ' " , . , Stoves, Honse Furmshing Gtjodi ; : CBOCKERY aiu.l GLASSWARE, ' LAMPS in great variety. BURNERS, WICK3 CHIMNEYS, KEROSENE OH, , I Pratt's Astral iTon-Expiosive Oil, . - i , Machine ' and Train Qili." t ' We are now prepared to manufacture Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware. Special attention (riven to repairliir ioo sold low and warranted to be as represented. April 14 lv d 4 w 1l .. : PLOWS, HABHOWS AND CULTIVATORS, In Great' Variety and at Very Low Prices. ;v-GEO. allen&co. SlIALi ICE AL MEAL HAY, 1IAY, HAY, HAY, HAY ' It' o l'i..JME. . .KKifa i This Ale fs manufactured at thi Srewery, Is GENUINE AND PURE, Browed ' front' 'Pure 'Malt ' ahd Ii a fine tonic, snperir tO.ndawch better than any Beer made. Has cmed dyspepsia, and is a preventative o malarial fevers and chilis. DealerssuupHed,in parrels, Jtegs, cjbottleaj In rate' ' ' ' - Recomn ended by physicians j 'ji.tit ...Aildress,. ii. . v;. ." V THOMAS M. JENKINS & CO., O'a? .'"i'K Isle ' tins south ciiuiiu MAR'B'LB WORKS NEW BERNE, fl. C. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, And all kinds Grave and Building work In I ITALIANS AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. JOE K. WILT IS, Proprietor, (SucceSKor lo George W. Claypooie)- 1 Cor. BttOAD & CRAVEN Sta? ' ma801ydw New Berne, .C. ' W.M. LOKCI1, ... :M 1,500 Bush, Selected Seed Oats, macs:, wmie ot nusi. riu" . -. in 7uu Lstisn. unoice uoiaen kusx trooi wneai, vxmie uu wvm mu,v.m.4., 1 V ' ': r- r,,....: ...-t li". ...7i ' ''in i.v w v ct .CAST HOUSE ACC01I1I0DAII0IIS. ;'; Hate alsd on nand a large supply of Ohoice Timothy Hay tnd all kinds of Feed. .Purchasers Vml do veil to call at Union Point Steam Flouring Mills, South' Front Street, n ii 1 aston llous SALOON. -r e of Kefituowy ITuiversity, StaeitRettfed Wy Week Day in The' Quietest and most retired place in the (JityJ.'i J oi (-li fl bh ;:nt . '!! w5il fi!il...h uf. u!t '' fJT-4-'.i' Ttr-HTTHU ft! ! i'i .-.m )A..:V"',:.;The best. of w 9' V... . 1 5 I ;:;fti a liii"- lii v-. & y x a ft. k .y.'i lyi :yn e' Ach.Der-Ti-Mnenths f SpeeTalTcacher Ptudentii can prrndnate, at ,tis College la -v.,.i ,,,,,..4 iii id i ,f i h time nriil oentuifn at any Similar UOUfgB m nnmn. """J c mm 1n.ooufnl iiTmliiii tes of the above Colleee. together with IHolefKllnR iMuratorsof Amer ica, attest 'the superiority of Its Course of Study and Training, as beinst Thoronijh, Prac-tValiindComp''- iemhrneini' Hoo't-l.-ni'V1"SJ huniiiP68 Arithuictlrt, Commercial i.nw,.tnr cnntlle Corresnmidpnce, 1'pnmnnshlp, eto. Tittis ! """mi otiii' "tf H Full IMnloma J, ( ,,..., (., a ninntliH . " I'oTAC CottT. in- cludlna Tuition, Hooks, Mtatlonery, and Ronrd li i wiod r vat'i f.nllv,!1i".ut -!5...PiderltR of tins (on. i. mi ati'.'i . uther Ci.i of the University, under 10 lTOfcssors, for one veur freeof. i iiii'e. rmorpni"f J....'..! t.. a rMiinciion of . on em li one's tui tion will be made. For full pa'" "'' '!:, ! & CIG ARS Billiard antl opf Tabies, If iha Minted 'sHpijraiig'lapei iy "I) 's and I'j'ants" will not' ,)0 Broad St. New Berne, N. C. dwklar. la' i M, .j .. .... V i : i: J, A. M EA D 0 W S, , NEWBEBN, TV. O. Ma24dly Manwell & Ciab tree; :1, BLACKSMITHS, MACHINIST V Iron and Brass Founders' '. p 0 1 LE E M A'K EES. l Tlie TTn JHL dparters! MAKE AND REPAIR E N (xlN'E'S1- :t!;.'.;: i. i ea HAY!. ' JYXl;lV.. OlUViv; KICnARDSON'S ;aBAJ)ES. . Improved Moot Xaint i AND ALL) KINDS OP CMAtHJl? "Orders so'kiterl and promptly attendel to. C HAVEN St,, between Pollock and South Front, ; v n ; ApT 4. tl d .iH.r;;.,,,.li;if. I, I '.If-- '-1 KTITCK. . i . . , . . i .-..-1. to!. iK'C""' 1. ..: . - 'J!. ... '''' ' :' I An artlMp Inn needed for the nTeteeUon ot AtOSenCime AOrXlHIltA V- tStJUUtUO . wu7iJ.ivi9eiiran and Tin Roofs. It will not blister, chalk ... ifV Piaster Goat Hair. &c. ilOOM Craven Street, belowjExpress Office, v',) ' Ur ' . ', JR. -a E.-LODGE, H ! Aur 19 d&w' tf V ';J : "; ; p. Ji'etn, ji. 0 WIIOS ALE : LIQUOR " ;" '.::".. -. nrnntirn O. nri.!rvr-r3 "" r Z " ' 7 "if Ji" !" peel, crack or corrode. It will expand and cot tract with tn- iron or tin. it win not injure cie tera water. It is emtreraelv1 durable SvftU ' . .; Majiufacturod apd for s4e by , .niirtl i i ' B. A. Rlcharason, . , Dealer in Paints, Oili, Glass, Artists, Uecoratbrl' " , and Coach Punters' Material of all kiads, . i . M snK22-dlr Norfolk V. . 1 .I'M:; G EN T R AL ' HOTEL, W. E, PATTEKSpH. Piiorn, JIETV BERNE. N. C. ... i awTMv v . Vwmt.r a rr VAUUAtiVVM ,v I I ft.AnA . Uu leM.llod la. aitnsBAjl 4 t J-V )cutra ana Dnin portion or to irr, nencr aMtnunanily ttntlf frT tt mntlleHft' V - thai ' ' RFPRMtR ft KBEL S -U-n T 1 PPortnnityof viFltmr bnstnra correfpoedeots. . -j. ,,!.sv .vj, , u n has attentive servant, ana its wwb, ft always FOR SALE BY THE' Also on ' hand a fall stdci of (Jrbceries, Provisions, Cigars Open Front llrlck Store. HIDLB STREET, w r Xprldwlv NEW BERNF.iKe'-. hhirntohed with' , Every PUcWj; of . tUj. fieaso.;,, L I ' v. ' ' . . .... ju iu rami are large, airy ana well rarawnsa. or iae aecornmfMiiiiiun o& (wwu io ,hq irum , i trains and , ateamer Jreej of j charge- ., pedk ,' , feature in thn city, -' ' All the appnrtenanrWj Jt atnodars yj Aprill-d-lv. ' ; dress W. K. Sj. Vti, nni-diw3m President, Lcxlnt(lon,Ky. Apr.ll vdw ; t

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