'T3ATS. ;oat& THE JOUHNAL. The HoTTspnrar! i. 7 : i . v Kiom said fls Jila Ute th teamen of this Company wlU ran tha foUowlng ached sr Trent- Tor Jolly Old Field Monday and Thnra- daya, sailing at EIGHT, A.M.,connectlng with steamer Custijttnia for Hookerton and Snow Hill, returning Tneadaya and Friday. Touch at all landing on Neus River going and aoming. For Polloksvtlle Wednesday and Satur day, aalllng at EIGHT, A. M, returning leavea Pollokivllle mum day at TWO, P.M. Through Bill Laden to all point via C. Line and lowest rale guaranteed. Fatxik A Dixon, Agent at Hookerton. j . Cj. TTI 1 ! t - l LK UfiluUYi AV1H li Dliuw Mill. I Steamer L. H. Cutler. '- irA.J.ai4 VMawa Atf 1Santnn ulllliff .t HlX. A, returning,, leave Trentoa on Tneadaya aad Saturdays, alllngat EIGHT, lor Landings below Polloksvllle. ' j ' " ' GEO. T. DUFFY, : . ' ' Gen'L Freight Agent. and nHaaengemceoramodatl n 'flr -class. feW-diw ! 0!d c:.d -jldkhb Lino The Neuse Eivor Navigation Company Will Ika frill4Vlma Cl(HaWllllA YJ III a si jt.M-K w .-.. . t Steamer Klaston I'?'-, i - . ! "Will leave the Old Dominion Wharf TUES DAYS aud FRIDAYS, and arrive at Klnston WEDN'ESDA Y8 and SATURDAYS, and leave Klnston MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, arnv. ing Ih New Kerne the same day. t Will touch at all Landings along the River going and eomlng. .'. !'' ' Steamer Neuse" if IU ninaup tv v " o ha Old Dominion wharf MONDAYS und THURSDAYS FIGHT A. M. Returning, uv jniiv old Field TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS, touching at all points. These teamen make close connection with Old Dominion Line. Freight received on the day of sailing. For rat apply to the Captain on board. J. M. WHITE. Ktldllf Manager, OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. Fur ltfw Yoric. Baltimore. Nor folk. Boston, Elleabeth City, llitlatlelplti. Fro Ulemw, and other itiM. . . : ON AND AFTElt Friday, July 28th, 1882 U N" T 1 h . F U UT II IS Jt , N O T 1 (; Steamer ShenancloaL Will lis, npon .rivl o trla on Norfolk W tiliutbath City Ksilidst Elisabeth City, vn iqsWIr mmd Tbaratlar for New Bsme' Beturninr leaves New Bern ' lor Elisabeth City every , , Tnesdajr aasl FrtUy at i p. tnakinc close connection wltb Norfolk and ElUsbetb Oitr E.B. for Nortliei a cities. Close ansectloa made at New Berne with steamers for Klnston, rolloksYtlle, Trenton and ah land lns on tbe Nease and Trent Bivers. freight received daily noUl p. m., forwaWed promptly- and Jot rates guarasteed lodestlne tion. Tar to Elisabeth City and return. $4. To Washington, A B. 0. ROBERTS, Aft, New Berne, OcLrarrsn t Tuswsi, v ' , Ag'U. Norfulk, V. A w. H. Stakvom, 0i IVt kg ' Jtar.SOlTd New York City , , , Charge uf Pier in lew Tort r; The N. C. Freight Line FOB NEW YOKE, BOSTON-PROVIDENCE, and allpointe ' ' North and West IfteT this dat wUl receif freight in New Toj k for Hew Bern at PIER 7, NORTH RIVHK, Office Eeic York and Baltimore i ' Transportation Co. - Merchants should remember that this is one of the best Steam Lines sot ol Jiew York, making daily connection with Baltimore for Mew Berne; all Inside, and only one change. SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMER fceen hi - Bums and Baltimore, (Touching t Norfolk) tearing Hew Bern for Baltimore TUESDAY FRIDAYS at 1 p m. Leare Baltimore nu . Hew Bern WEDNESDAYS Una SATl'KDATiB at (.p. as. , Agents are a foUews: EEUBJEN.rOSTlB, Oenl Jfanag er, N Light St Bal't. Md JAS. W. itoOAKBIOK. Ag'U Norfolk, Va. W. T. Clyd a Cdb, rbUadelphia, 12 Soath York ' Balto. Trans'. Llneffler 7, North river K. Ftimpeoa, JJOSioa, 09 inr' nuii. . K.H.lJ'KkweU, ProTldence B. L . V. 0. kink, FU BireT. Derrick wharf. ! Siiipileave-Boetoa, Tuesdays and Ssmrdnys. " New Yoritdi!y. " Ti.ltlmor. Wednesdays and toturdsyl ' " IU iiiyer. Woad, Wednesday. and Friday. .. ... ' ' ' : " ' ProTidenee, Satrdar. Thront-h bUl lsding glren, d rat riMrss atoallBinU.atth different nfllces of the "compaales. ' 1 Mar sn ty. 8, H.0RAT. At't, Vvprf, Np On and after MONDAY NEXT, the New Berne and Pamlico Steam Transportation Company will dispatch their New and Fast Sailing Steamer ELM CITY as follows nntll furthernotiee : , Mondays and Thursday . " - jueave nay ooro ror ft ew tterne gam. V Stopping nt-Honewall, Van- ' demure, Brood Creek and Adams Creek. Wednesdays and Saturdays ive jsewiierne for Eayboro I a.m, Htopping at Adnms Creek, Broad Creek, Vandemere and HUuiewalL Having good accommodation both for pa senger and freight at very low rates, ask that the merchants and producer along Its line give it their cheerful support. For further Information enquire at the of- ace." Foot of Craven street 8. H. GRAY. ' .;."-Gea'f Manager. Or any of it Agents at the following places: ABE LEE, Adams Creek. ' . ' - D. H. ABBOTT, Viimleniere. C. H. FOWLKli, Mimewall, H. H. FOWLKK, Kuylioro, JOSHUA DEAN, Urouil Creek. ta- Freight received under cover every day In the week. m21d&wly 'RAILROADS. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Midland N. C, Railway Co TIME TABLE No. 10 jVew Series. la KflFect Monday, 6:25 A.M., March t ; . ' .;. ; IS. 1883. : ; ' EAST. W KST. No. 47. Kxnrpsn No. 48 Pass.alVJail f STATIONS. liU in tiiEil OKNTH Ali UIVIMON.I C. ! Smitliflcld..... v liuldrboro A. X f , U1MMOX. Golrisbiiro (li La lining 6 0 Kiiiflon 4 XI New Hemp S ."!) Morehend Dvhii Arr. L'vk. a. m.; A. H ! 111 0 ftil 6 ill 7 201 10 S.J ft 16 1 (I 4 9 2 8 12 II' i: M. t 46 7 60 A. H. . EAST WEST. Nu.S Mixed Train. ' No. 4 Wlxei' ' Tm '. STATIONS Arr. P. H. L've. e. m. Air A. M. CKNTIIAI. D. . l.vlON. Smltlilldlil Goldsboro.. ...... A. 4 It. C. DIVIMON Golil'boro 3 Ml a i 37 P. V. )1 41 10 :1 2iJ 4 All 0 11 8 42 r. m La Grange, I Kinstoti,.. : I Newbern, 1(1 41 I 40 II 26 I A. M. 47 and .48 daily. Train 48conmct with 'Wilniinirtou & Welilou trains bound Sonlh, leaving Goldvbero at 6:23 p. in., and 8:2 p.m.. and bound Nurtb at 9:f0p,in. Train 47 oounot with Uichmonn It Dnarllls Train from ths Wpki at s-45 A. M.. :ind Wil mington A Wrldon Tin ill bound Sou ill st 4:0(1 A.M. - Train 4 will leav Newbern, M.ntljvWediu 1i.1v and Friday. Train S returns the name day. Trains 8 and 4 Ipreekfji-t anil cupper at Afin- (OI'. , , r ' ELL, - . Miister of Transportation. Central Division, TIME TABLE AVI, In effect Monday, 7:30 A. M., March 19, 1883. WEST. EAST. No t No. 2. Mixed Train. Mixed Iroin. STATIONS. Arr. L've. Arr. 1ve. 7 Ul Ooldiboro...... 8 12 8 2d Smthneld 7 80 r. M. p. M. . A.M. A.M. Train 1 connecla with W. & W. Train bound South t 822 P.M. Train 2 leaves Smlthneld in time t connect With W. h W. Train bound North at m A. M., and iLkl). Train bonnd West st 10 A. M. The trains on this Road will run dally. Son- days excepted. ' s . A. t. rvvycLiLi, " 5-., Mastor of Transportation.' MM l, savins iiAciii. :c CHICAGO. ILL -7 OR AN HE, MA! iWOa 1 J. L ST0IJE, Can, AgW Y. SIMPLE sm? ::::?.:;e. n. c march 9. isss Putting itoffBecause She tad Notlilns to Put on. Sasie AVasbington, of Louisville, Ky., was ensrasred to vouns Barret, of the firm of Grinn & Barret. He had to, after she told him on the eve of their wedding that she did not intend to marry him, bnt that she loved aad would wed instead Mr Wigfield, of Chicago. Next day he returned to the youDg lady's house when Miss Washington was not at home. Left alone in the house, through the open door' of the love's chamber he saw lying on the bed the bridal outfit. Rol ling up the things in a large bundle he took tuem away with him. when Miss Washington returned, she found the things cone, and,; on learning from the servant who had been there, at once suspected Avhat had become of them. After crying awhile from mortification, she de termined to have him arrested tor stealing. She started out for a po liceman and told htm about the affair. A warrant was sworn out for Barret's arrest, but that indi vidual had got out of the city. Miss Washington, heart-broken at her loss, postponed her wedding with tne Chicago man on the plea of " nothing to wear." Lincoln and tli Quakeress. w 'Great thougbta come fron the heart said a. French pbilosopher, He might have added, ' "aiwl arv expressed in lew and fit ting words." Jso American ever so truly ulns trated this apothegm as did Mr, Lincoln in his speech at Gettys burg. He had the ai t of making a periect speecn m lew words. An other speech of his also illustrates his wonderful art. During the war Mrs. Guruey, an eminent Quakeress, sought au in terview with Mr. Lincoln in order to animate his spirit by exhortation and prayer. One rainy Sunday momiugshe, in company with three Friends, saw the President in his private room at the White House. In a short address she assured him of the sympathy which she and the Friends felt tor the burden bearing Executive. She then knelt in ferveut prayer for him and the- country. , ; .. . - As Mrs. Guruey was leaving, the i'resident took her hand, and hold ing it for a few moments in silence said, "I am glad of this interview. In the very responsible situation in which I am placed, as au humble instrument in the hands of my Heavenly ..Father, I have desired that all my words and actions may be in accordance with His will; but if after endeavoring to do my best witn the Iignt which lie aliords me, I find my eflorts fail, then I must believe that for some purpose ud known to the He wills it otherwise 'Iflhadhad my way, this war would never have been, but never tneiess it eame. 11 l bad had ray way, the war would have ended be fore this; lint nevertheless it stil. continues. "We must conclude that He per mits it lor some wise purpose. though we may not be able to com prebend it. For we cannot but be lieve that He who mado the world still governs it." ' . , Send Year Orc!:rs 1 W. F.ROllNTREE FOB Good Butter, ' Royal Crown Flour, i 1 T. George Best Hams, ' Best Coffee and Teas, ' ( - ., And all kinds of FAMILY GROCEEIES; d Middle Street, near the Market P. II. Hale's Publications. .'i.l-. :V ' . . (A . ' 1 ' . ' V. ' '. V)..' The Timbers and Woods of KorUi Caiolina. 1 Vol... 12 Mo., Cloth. $1.25. "The publication of such facts In a shape that makes them accexHlhle. is the heat ar. vice mat me pumic-spirlteu men in the Houth can uu ineir ?iuiLeM."- is. i. world. ? , "The very tiling needed. A very Important work for the 8tate." Wilmington rttar. ; "A timely and valuable publication. ' Must prove of great service .tp the Mute." Char lotte Journal. "Mr. Hole tins done the State a great service. j nihlical Recorder. j "Of such thorough excellence that it de serves the widest circulation." Nashville , Lumberman. I The book i well printed on tinted PR per, is handsomely bound in cloth, contains 272 pages, and an accurate and ' beautifully executed - map of the Ktate, with all the railroad routes . delined. , . !::'$ EVKRTBODY'S BOOK. ? r'f ! Answers to simple questions frequently put ; Points In Law of value to every man In North Carolina the piofeaHlonal man, the farmer, the mechanic, the landlord, the ten ant, the cropper, the laborer. 12mo paper. 82 pages. Price (five postage ' stamps) 15 cents. - i For sale by booksellers generally, who may be supplied in quantities on favorable terms, , by either of the undersigned. If not to be had at your local bookstore, mailed postoaid on eceipt of the price by - E. J. HALE 4 SON, Publishers, Booksellers and Stationers, New Yorki or P, M., HAMt, Pubjlsher, Kalelgb, ADLI, NEWSY, v , GOOD and ; CHEAP J WesMy Couisr-JciirmL TheCoPBiER-JouRNAL, (Henry VVat- tereon. Editor), is by circulation and reputation the acknowledged Represen tative Newspaper or the &outn.. as a reliable and valuable newspaper it has no superior in this country or in the world. It makes earnest, vigorous war on Protective Tarifl' robbery and Mor mon Polygamy, two evils that blight the prosperity ond morality of the United fetates. It is able, bright and newsy, contains the strongest editorials, the most complete summary of the news of the world, the best telegraphic and gen eral correspondence, full turf and stock reports, market reports, foshiou reports, Talmage's sermons, splendid original serial stories and novelettes, poetry de partment for children, answer to cor respondents etc.: iu a word, every thing to maRo it a dengnt to tne lamuy circle, and invaluable to the man ot business, the farmer, the mechanic and the laborer. - Specimen copies and mil descriptive premium circulars win oe sent tree 01 charge to any one on application. Sub scription terms, postage tree, are tor Daily, $12; Sunday, 82 : Weekly ?l.ou, Anv one Rending four yearly sub scribers and six dollars will be entitled to an extra copy of the Weekly Courier Journal one vear, free to anv nddress. Address : " W. N. HALDEMAN, . : Pres. Courier Journal Co., ily'29-rlif Louisville, Kv. Harper's Weekly. ''lLIXST.KATld. ITarper's Weekly atamls at the heod of Am erican IlliiHtmtfcd weekly jouriiala. By its unpartifHti position iu politics, its admirable Hlm.tnUioiiB, its carefully choaeu sereals, sliort storlH, KketclioH and pupnm, contrllutd by the loromosi urtwiK and 8 union 01 lue any, u CHrrlos instruction anil entertainment to thonNHmlsof American homes 1 - itwlllnlwuys be the aim ol .the publiahors to make Hanier's Weekly the' moat pooulnr Mnd attmetlve fimilly nnWKi.upor in ihe world. - Harper' PeHoflictW. Ff.lt vkah: Hbp yi!"?t Webkt.y .....;.....!.. Hakfkr'h Magasinc .....4 00 . i o 4 till 10 00 Habi'Kk's Bazar... The THRER alKive nubllMHlons. Any TWO above named 7 00 IIAKPKKH ioisu r-KiirLE 1 50 (i 00 HAKVKR'li MAGAKINK I Hahi-er'b Young Pbopi. I Harper's Franklin Bouabb Libhary. une Tear (M jNumoers) iu uu Fostaire JTeeto all subsrrluers in the united RUites or Canada. - The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first number tor January ot eacn year, wnen no time Is mentioned, it Will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence wltb the number next after the receipt of order. The last Four Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly. In neat cloth binding, will be sent bv mail, postage paid, or by express, free of ex pense (proviaea tne ireipi uiu not exceed one dollar per volume), for 87 00 per volume. uioin leases ior eacn volume, nunnuie iot binding, win be sent uy man, postpaid, on re. celDtof SlOOeach. Kemutances snouia do maae Dy rosi-uiDce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper Brothers. Address HAKPEK K KOI HIS no, New York. 1883. Harper's Magazine, ILLUSTRATED. rlARFKB's Magaiin begin its sixtv-slxth volume with the December number. It Is not only the most popular, illustrated periodical lu America ana juiaiana, dui aiso vne lurgesi in its scheme, the most beautiful In Its appear auce. and the best magazine for the home. A new novel, entitled "For the Maior." by Con- Btance Fenlmore Woolson, the author of "Anne," was begun In the November number. In literary and autistic excellence the Maga zine improves with each successive number. Special efforts have been made for the lighter entertainment oi its rentiers lurougu nuiuur. ous stories, sicetcnes, etc. Harper's Periodical. .'. peb teab: ' RAliPEB'S MAGAZINE.............,44 0 IMRPEU'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR...;.:' The THREE above publication ......10 00 Any TWO above named 7 (0 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 1 $0 HARPER'S MAGAZINE I im HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LI BRARY, One Year (62 Numbers).... 00 Postage Free to all subscriber In the United states or (janaaa. The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no time is specified, It will be under, stood that the subscriber wishes to begin with tne current wnmoer. - The last Eight Volume of Harper Ma zlne. In neat cloth binding, will be lent mail, postpaid, on receipt ef S3 00 per volume. Cloth cases, for binding, 60 cent each by mail.Dostnaid. T ,1 . U.kl. Xa(w.I.a & lnk.i...l , Ana: ilytlcal, and Classined, for Volumes 1 oOO, uslve, from June, 1860, to June, 1880, one inclul vol.. Kvn. ninth. St (W. Remittances should be made by Poaf-Otnce Money order or iirait, to avoid cnance or loss. Newapapers are not to copy this advertise, ment without the express order of Harper A crouinri Address HARPER 4 BROTHERS, New York. V ALPOM .B1TTEES or Tegetable j. iorxir or we. THE CKfiATBEIEDTof THE AOB - NO FIMILT SHOTILD BE WITHOUT IT, TTaitpon UtTTSKS, are the result of years ot X chemical mrarun ana practical experiment. it is compounaea nom tne axtractea ana con centra ted virtues of purely vegetable anbetances, ins antireiy ireeirom calomel or other flan rerona aubatsnces is the safest medicine to M fur children and weakened conatitutions, where a Renne jet eneciive aperient i requirea. .They pu rify. Invigorate and enrich the lloc ttimulHt-it to healthy circulation, and If takaa when required will keep the a) stem in perfect oraer. - It is evpeolplly rcommended for ths cure of all flALAKIAL diaeasea, Bnghta diBennea of tlie ktdnevi, Khenmatimi, Dyipepsla, LiltioosDeoi, t oatlvtneaa and an Liver complaints. Aa an aperient the doae ia a tableanoenful three timeo a d v, and aa s tonle and niters tivt a small teKi".i 1 niomn snd wuUi. rropar"i t - . tt. .erne, I 1 . ..u.n it and (.litmint, Miifolk. V. A. I Aug 1 6 mil . ....... . (SUCCESSOB TO MEWEOEXK & lTAlvPFJi,) WILL SELL " Lee's Prepared Lime, ; i Hymans & Dancy's Hymans & Dancy's Cotton Seed Meal, good cow teed. r ; For Cash or' on Time in Lots to Suit .Customers. Will deliver on River Landings or Railroad Stations Free of Freights OFFICE AT LEVI J. MOORE'S STORE, T: mar3-wgmd3t - KINST0N, N. C. mm - AT - ' We call especial attention to our largo line of SHIRTS : The Eighmie Shirt, the bosom of which will not break or crease, only $1.00. ' The Elm City Shirt, manufactured for us ; all the later improvements rein forced, snd everlasting stays which prevent tearing down the back or up tba sleeve ; only 1.00. Rcgnlar made British H. Hose ; only 25c. a pair ; a bargain. ; : . ., Full line of Gents' Handkerchiefs, white and colored Dordcrs. We hava just received a new lot of White Silk Handkerchiefs at .$1.00. New Ties and Scarfs just received. Linen Bueey Robes, ft 1.25. . Our Spring Line of Clothing will soon great variety. Hats I Hats ! ! Hats I ! ! Closing out to make room for spring Mock. Give us a trial on Underwear. All wool goods at Cost. -Boys' Shirt Collars and Cuffs. To arrive by next steamer New Straw Mattings and full line of Boys' am " Children' Clothing. HnwAiti) MOMS, an3-dAw Ox2oalto Epiwoopal datxircla.. OHA.S...H. WHOLESALE AND roceries, Provioions, t 1 ' ' . ...... f ; '. -f ; - .' " - t -. -: Tobacco, i7oodand 7illov-vare The Largest Exclusive Grocery Bouso in Ihe C'itv. My stock is always complete, and goods fresh. .' :' .... ...i I will guarantee to sell goods iu my line as chtttp as any hue in Norfolk, and consequently save freight charges and marine risks. ' ' ... ... My stock of liquors Is complete, andI invite special attention of tuyecs be fore making purchases. T.A. LARGEST WboMe-'IoGsc:,--' IK THE CITY. Keeps always in Stock large quantities PORK, LONG ; CLEAES, FLOUE, SUGAE COFFEE, SYRUP, Molasses, Gait, ';c. , L0HILLAHD AND ALSO A 3? LARGE . , i DRY GOODS, TOOTS,; SH0ESr and Arfcudls's Aricca C2AC2Er,3 an I CAHE3 in great variety. A large Etccktf T7h::b bycrs rill rd a largs STCCX Et IcTvert Prices :'D:3't f.:i to mar.23 l,y f!f.w , nea ma Leers' Premium (juauo Acid Phosphate and GOODS be complete. Blue Flannel Suits in BLANK,-' RETAIL DEALER IN Snuff, and Liquot'G. ict3-d&w Mnr. 0. 1 v l-4d w AND OLDEST OAIL 5 AS SITtJFP, OF yon buy. MIDDLE' ' STREET, ' EW V.ERKE

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