ft 3 : i, r ' -1 'i :i -'" : .. ..! ! 'f X,: J.i I- ...-....-...... J. it T .V T.'Wi '.-.V--..W. V NEWj BEKNE, N; SUNDAY;KIL 22;;1883. U.'.ll X, II;,..,-. - VI . N il I 1 ' I Vl V mt-i I i - t. . j '1' 7 'III : . LOCAL NEWS. Journal BHnItr Almanac i Sun rises, 5:16 Length pf day., f ' I Sun sets, 6:40 13 hours', 24 minutes: Moop sets at 5:44 a. m... t..'',il j v The steamer, Qqldsbqrq arrived jfrom Baltimore yesterday. : i i !;vU Three marriage license issued during the past week. All whites.' f 1 ",JIr. I Ehem eaya it will not pay t let sheep eat turnips as. long as they are bringing $6 per barrel, : Mr. Geo. E. Tinker has been appointed and jias qualified as Commissioner of . DeeJs for the State of New Jersey. The funeral of the - late Mrs. Charles f'BJ Shepard will take place from Chris' t MA E, B.-Cox thinks, tjhe pea dbptbjij Spring deceptive. says there is a fine growth f vines but don't think thgr are f ruiting' Wl..:,t::. ':rv;y': 'Jj , Servioes 'at St. Cyprian (Jhiirch to-day by Rev. P.'JV. tJassey at lljj'clock a.rm. and 7i p. "m. Services eveiry Friday evening at7i o'clock. . Among the many nice things brought on by MrJ;.' M, Blierj wfthia spring stock'is an elegant spool silk case, which, 'ls'an ornnieht &i4etQre,iJv,vf t'n'v-;! We' received yesterdayexplanatory 'notQS ;pn ' the , lnternationa4";'isunqay; Sclibol lesson' for to-day, but the oeni, ,'My Native ToWn,' panned bnt so they . Mr".!A;i:,;''P(er'iM;ebent'1w ceived and placed into' position a seda atet , generator . weighing, two thou pbunda tritb; a' capacity JO, Charge' , two hundred and fifty gallons of soda water . per nVilr.';';';'.;J,i....: Thf following 'query ,ws ,.oTf the rounds yesterday an,d "rpceived, nOiiless tnan' five amerent ' answers:. 1 man buvr a ' horge ifor S90 and Bells it for $75;e agaih',1? ih'; t'fif.' foi$85, Require thekts'sesi'- '; " We: received an agreeable 'vlsit'n Thursdav from Mr.'Frahk McCullen,,.of the -New Beme Jouknau 'Goldaboro Mr.McCulleriis no longer-agent for the Journal. ; C. d. Tayler. Ii, the only wgola'1authorized:traTeliflg",;'Bg'erit When we send out a speoial agent we will give notice through the eplumufl of ouipaper:lii'?,--i ' X' Ed. L.Franks, Esq., of Onslow, ar- rived on the L. E. Cutler yesterday evening. - He is a juror in theU, S. Dis trict icourt "Which , convens,' j-morrpw. He says its mighty hard on a man who has no onei. to leave1 at ' home to be dragged off in this manner. ; He is de termined to altar this thing and will be gin the work by painting his house; says het can't Jshine imeeUjhe, will make1 the old premises shine. ( Oai markefc Was flooded with' ' oysters this morning. There were so many in market that the owner of one cargo of . 700 bushels fine Portsmouth oysters, finding it impossible to effect a sale at any price, left with his cargo, intend ing to replant them in the river .below ' New BeraHNtf'-SMfc 'iV 0 .J .fc- i ; We are surprised at the above state ment when it it well known that Messrs. . Moore & Brady, of the canning factory, will take all the marlcetaMe oysters that may be brought here; in fact their ma chinery" isrido a goo4 portion ofthe time for want of material to work on. The cargo of oysters spoken of200 instead of 700 bushels were entirely too small for canningi, or any other purpose(i;and the man who brought them ought to have had better sense than to bring such oysters to market. They were in deedjme. Our neighbor, without in tending it, has published an item that is calculated 'to ininre kn'industrt that is distributing a considerable amount of money around New Berne that finds its vcay to our retail merchants. Oyster inen will hardly bring oysters, ,her,ar fojr sale if the report- is circulated that a sale . cannot be made at any pice. We as sure them that a fair price can be ob tained for all, oysters brought in good condition. e tljrde County Knocks : r, " Lake Comfort has been aroused by a battle botween Rpbert Jennett and O, ft CaffteA'pocket handket'chiffr Would hav e w iped up tne, otooa. jney appearea before Esquire C.' F. Benson and paid $2.60 each for the privilege of a pugilis tic contest. !'-'' Schooner Arrival. i ' The lm A, Ca ptij' Joe Itok&f romayS neia, wiwi corn consignea to yv. r. Burrus&Co. .r., J: v.. J. II. Potter, Capt. Adams, from Wy socking, with corn for W. P BurruS; Co. . tk.ii. iliiu ' Elmyra, Capt. N. B. O'Neal, from Wysockin " ira for Burrus & Co. and V, , j ci tiedlo. " - Bmlah Ihmlon, Capt. F., F. Spencer from Fainl. 1 J w llh cargo of corn. ''! Sarah ' AlUhielle. Cuit. Daly 'StoWe, from Fairfield wiUi cavo of corn. ; Baptist; CHUBCHRevl Fi .W. ' Easoft, Pastor." Servioes at 11 a. mi'and7ip; mi' Seats free and th 'public cordially invited attend,','. Sabbath School ati8 p'clock, p. mM C C. Clarki Supt. I Methodist Chtjhch Seryices at li.' to; and 7 pJ m.'by'the Pastor',' Reyi W. BtokhVadr,' Sabbath . School at 8 p. ml," J. H. Bell, Supt. g Seats free. All are cordially invited. ; '''' t Cotton market. '; :-'-.t '. WV. J r. ': New York futures dull but steady, spots steady. New, Berne market quiet, sales .of six bales at 9.25.; i)mi t0u NEW YORK MARKET, SPOT I 1 Middling 10 1-4. - !f'rA Strict low middling 10 1-16. w ,' 1 Tow middling 9 12-16 i "; If I ' ' ' i i- NEW YORK futures: '.k'1 j ' ,' - Morning. "Noon'. Evening. Aprils ' 10.11 1013 ,"" 10.16 , ! May vlf'i- 10.1ft "10.19 " 10.19 , Junevi!" J ;c; 10.S3 July, 10.46 ' .1.1 'I i , ..' 10.85 !10.85 10.48 ' ' !10.48 Election of Delegates. ' ' " !; At a meeting of 'the Vestry of Christ Church. New Borne, held on the 28th' Instant; the following geiitlcincn .wcrei elected delegates ana Aucmatcs to tue Sixty-seventh Annual Convention of the ; Protestant Episcopal Churchy iri the Diocese : of Nsrth . Carolina,' 9 :' ue'jh'eld. in St. Peter?s tChurchi Charlotte,.on-the 23d day of May, 1883. ; : : DEEd'ATES.. ' .ITERNATES.: .Tohn Hughes, Geo. B. Guion II. R; Bryan-,: ') . ii Jno.'S. Long, Gf II. Roborts, M . R Ransom v' ' s' M.D. W. Stevenson W. H. Oliver ':' " Your Name In Print . 1 " !" , lft ' Mr. A. Li'Rountree, of the firm of Rountree & Co. , of Newf , York, was in the city yesterday, ' ., :Vjil wif-j Mr. Fi 'M. Simmbns,''oi' the firm, of Nixon, Simmons & Manly and Phile mon Holland, Esq.; of tha firm of 'Hoi-' land & Guion, visited POlloksville yes terday on professional business,! " ; , '"Messrs. Aug. C. Thompson, keeper of Hatteras light house,'and L. C. Angell, of Oliver Shoals light house in the ' city on a visit. f.r: . 1 Rev., F. W EaSon returned from Dur ham yesterday morning and ' will bccu py his pulpit this morning and evening. Convict ffto Onslow. . il.r ISx'. 'F. 1;$,'. Simmons returned from Trenton yesterday evening, whither he had been to see the convicts, . on the Quaker1 Bridge road off to the. Onslow side. .;They were taken over in seven wagons ; ! two Of ; : these furnished ' by CaptE.j R,';Page,'and."vone each by isrs. e, m Jp rancKs, u. otevens, jonn W. Mills, W. F. Co and D. E. Sander lin. These' gentlemen : 'furnishied this transportation " without any -v charge against the,. State, which is evidence that they appreciate the aid offered to Mr. Simmons speaks in. very complimen. tary terms t of Mr.'; MoIver,; who has charge of the convicts., ' ;' I ! I'i'i' '11 i, imi V '. n ; ' ;;- ; Winston Items. Every man desires to live long, but no man would be old i ( 1 ,1 Equality means a desire to be .equal to your superiors and superior to your duals.''.'' -i-auvin Q'sim.f ........... ji ?--.;' t''4 J "' aIt needs a bold, resolute , man at any time, to grapple with the subjeo of women. '- ' 1 : 11 iWm.' C. Munroe, Esq., -the . di6tin guished attorney of Snow Hill, was in nston last Friday, assisting its owners moi ffnMn TTjjVl aotaixr to catty the "steamer Snow J2ifl'?.8afely T5-Jir . r . t ..:; . 1 ....... '..! overawe jxluhuju oar. it ; i;o v 1 u 5 1. . v Such is life on Tuckahoe at this season. '01d . Chow Chow;' setting in i the sun and occasionally slapping his paw on his headf exclaiming, -"I've got a bite,' and draws him forth,' wiggling. Teet's great United States show pitch ed its tent here last Thursday. The monkey got loose and stirred up the ioU$bii jol, howeverv does not af- fotd very satisfactory milk for the pub lio stomach. '.. Lsj-j- Some of our magistrates appointed re. cently by tiie Legislature, are itching to get into harness. ' It is hoped the Secre tarjr of State will hurry" forward the commissions and secure, at once, the valuable legal talent of many a Cinoin natus, now languishing at the plow han- aies or spreading the Bweet.ly scentea guano On the hungry earth.4 ' 'b '; Mrs. Stephen F. sQuinneryiinhlr 86th'yaart died at the residence of heV husband in Kinston on the night of the 18th instant, of consumption. Her re mains were taken to. the family burial ground in Pitt county last Friday.. She wad a daughter of thO late Calvm'Tuck; er, Who was at one time a citizen of this county,, but afterwards moved into Pitt county and died theref yf' " Ren' D; B. Clayton, of South Carolina, UniVersalist, preaohed last Wednesday and Tliuraday nights atithtf Cbiirt House in Kinston. The preacher puts his case with force and sincerity and, universal ists, rafter all, may be "some of. God people.,'? We are ourself somewhat of that'faith,! but afterthe'ertbdoxy bf the' universalist, who continued to beat the skunk after jt was sdead. 1 t'YoujV said a bystander to hini'': beatiAg: the dead skunkj:,are anhiversalist you do not believe in a state of future rewards and punishments; you ought not, there fore, to beat the skunk after he is dead. WelliJ said the' universalist, "that is my faith In general, but in reference to this particular skunk; I think it deserves punishment after death'."' And so we fear there will be, many particular sin ners who yill deserve and receive' pun ishment after. death;?' jyft.? I "Washington and Elsewhere, j Chbckowinitj' has a newrobipy.'iLciii demy, , , V ,. v -u.j -j. Farmers are busy eye'rywiiere, yutting out manure,. . V) '!('' The Watch'Tomr and DrV gnQli will soon take charge of the upper Story of the Washington Bank. "! '." '-'r Dr. I). T, 'Taylor of .Washington, an old and prominent physician, has been indisposed for several weeks, being con fined to his room the larger portion ol the time. '. t .-, ' - ' i ' Mr. ' Allen; at' Johnson's Mills, has a good school. , The people, support it for ten nibnthsj . aud belicvo in t having a thorough gradhatc" to teacli even the smallest pupils.' The friends of -the Graded School propose: to adopt .the special bill for Washington on the day of election without previous wrangles through the press or on the street corners.' , ; Prof. Chas. Wilson has a class of thirty-8ix;,in vocal music in. Washing ton. . The. young people are haying a good time,' and' also learning to sing. 'Ginger. Blue' is,'. Prof. Bagley's favor- itc. ''i Judge Rodman, of the Inferior Court of Beaufort county, is .confined to his room by sickness, and has not been at his brace in'seyeral weeks. !lt is feared that he will not be, Able to preside at the Inferior" Court next month. M ' : Dr. Bryan,, the - ?'Dutch-net'' man, says that Dr. Barker is the third smart est, man he ever ' heard. ' The former is constantly asking where the latter ob tained so much .information.. Guess he has given Dr. Bryari a complimentary Chart.""" .', : ; 1 ' 1 The Disciples of Beaufort county are taking active steps; to build a church in Wasliingtau. - ..Sheriff , Hodges, Seth Bridgman, Dr. Latham and othcre are on the building ; co'mmit'ljee., "The rppu- tation they have for business capacity is a strong guaranty of. the hbuse being nnmvilnf-n1 nf bn flnVli rTm ' completed at an eaijy daj. V The... no-fence ilaw,. changes the ap pearance of thing's in Lenoir and Greeue. We. could , scarcely keep on . tho road often travelled-, before. . Some of ' the armers still keep -up their fences; sup' posed they are ' opposed to the law, "or think the creeks and rivers may dry. up ana iei me siocK cross. ,, - ,,. The Rev.. Mr. Augustus Latham has wonderful5 mechanical tnletit', as stated by Dr. Barker of your city, who has been making times lively around Wash ington by exposing the "'hills and holes' on people's ( heads,. ,'(Wc would :nbt be surprised )f he is .about right,' froin Mr. Latham's persistent "inquisitieness around steam engines . .;, i . : r;';,,:,STATE pWSj;!. n I ' Gleaned JTrom onr.xclianges.';y J ' J)vxham.'!Fobaco9 Jwtitnali "Mr. Otej Blacknall has ' ih3.:sucCcssfui operation an incubator;",' for hatch in sr out chickens." '-, He is , how 1 trv. iBg his hand on 250 e rgs and it ho succeeds im hatching them out ' we presume he wilt haves a liyely.'time as the cries 'of that,, -.niimber; , with out mothers will betT quite, musical to his latheriy earSi-f The. Tobiic co exposition is fixed fact. .rA; ne cessary arrhemeiits, wilt oe'spqed-i ilyipuh tb c6nipi0p:;; There? is no time to be lost, and those- who have the matter in charge; will com plete thaneccessary arrangements na fen VAe.'eiiKlA ' ' " '. ""' ' lijhatham Ueeovd?.) ,t we hear cfon flicting iBtatements as td the":pr6s- nomta nf fli4 frvrif thn " Snivrn' naK: sobs assert thCvill'ge.'pteptyi'.iof peacnes ana apples, wnue others saV that most , of . the peaches arO already killed..! While the crop f apples may be (abundant, yet twe fear that thero . will hot bo ' many peachos in' this section. It rarely happens that, we si have?! two 'good peach crops in successive years arid as we had an abundance of poaches last year; we. cannot expect td; have toauy 1 this yeat('-Wo '; regret' to hear tliaf a1 young ' man of this township, named Jlubbard . (Mans- field, Kasfeecome insane,:,' No cause can be assigned for it, ad he. was a h ale, he art jr youth ' few morn ings ago, Mt.f ; Thomas 5T. , 'Mims, of Cape,.s' Feat . township", wanted some' I (resh ineaj lot hreakfast and going out a short distance soon re turned! with:;-three wild ! tnrkies, which he had killed at one shot. i Reyisiting His Native State." ' , Journal-Observer, f ,.i . t. I I , Pol. Henry L. Scott, former chief of staff to Gen. iWinfield Scott, who hag been spending the winteif in Aiken, S. C, for the benefit of his healthj arrived at the Buford House yesterday, accom panied by his wife, who is a daughter of Gen. Scott. ' Col. Scott is a native of New Bernq, N, (p., and a graduate of West Point,, j He was chief of staff to his . father-in-law during- the Mexican war;'went on the retired list just before the late "rebellion,.',' and then being un willjig to fight against his own coun trymen,' resigned and went to Europe. He resides in New York, His father was the most accomplished physician of his day in North Carolina and resided first in Wilmington, then in New Berne, (where he married Miss Guion,' an aunt 6f the late Hayweod Guion, of this city, The remaining i members of the family reside now in this city. Ed. Journal. and finally in Fayetteville, where he died in, 1824. The editor of the Journal-Observer - was pleased to meet Col. Scott again and talk over those old-time , North Carolina folks whose blood courses through the veins of each. Col. Scott will probably leave Charlotte today. ; , . 1. : . ; Keep the Cellar Clean. : A great deal of sickness families suffer could bo easily traced to 'the cellar. The cellar not unusually opens into the kitchen; the kitchen is heated, anq. the cellar is not, Following natural laws, the cold air 01 the cellar will rush to take the place of thti- warmer and, therefor. lighter air ol the kitchen.. This would be well enough if the air of vu.j-vtnoi nao puic uuu ualcu lb Jo not; partly decayed vegitables may be there, or rotten wood, etc. The present time is opportune for a thorough cleansing of the cellar. A day should be taken' to throw out and carry away all dirt, rotten wood, decayed vegitables, and other accumulations that have gath ered there. : Brush down the cob webs and with a bucket of lime give the walls and cealing a good coat of white-wash. If a white-wash brush is not at hand, take an old broom that has been worn out, and spread the White-wash on thick and strong. Ifc will sweeten up the air m the cellar, the parlor, and the bedrooms, and it may save the family iroin afflictions of fevers diphtheria, and doctors. ' A 820.00 Bible Reward. 1 The publishers of Rutledgea Monthly effer twelve valuable rewards in their Monthly for May, among which is the following: , ( . We will give fcO.OO in cold to the ner son telling us which Is the shortest chap ter' in the New Testament Scriptures nottne Mew Kevision) by May lutn, 1883. Should two or more correct answers be received, the reward will be divided, ina money will be forwarded to the winner May 15th, 1883. , Persons trying" for the reward must send 20 cents in silver no postage stamps, taken) . .1 ; C 1 ' 1. . 1 I I receive the June Monthly 4 in which the name and address of the winner of the reward and the; correct answer will be published, and in which several, more vaiuaDie rewards wui do onerea. a.a dress, RtrrLEDOtE Pdbijshino Company Eaton, Fenna. j r.r''i -t COMMERCIAL. '-'f ! i,vWEW BERNB MARKET. . ' feoON-Middling,; 6 8-8: strict low midO-Iihg1 3 l-4i low middling 8 1-8. . Seed cotton Extra nice, 8c. V ordl hary.2ic: M ' '"'' 7 "- t . ( , . Uorn In sacks, Bio.: in bulk 59c, RiOEO to 95c. per bushel. ' . 7 TDaPENTiNE--ReoeiBts moderate, Finn Tab Firm at $1.B0 and $1.75. ; ceeswax uc. to aac. per io,t , . : Honey ; 6O0. per gallon.'," ', ' Cj j'" wnuiAr-'vuc. pernusnet. ,. , ,". Mutton $2a2.25 ner head. 1! .ji HAis Country; 12ic per pound. I'.'U.A , rtustsH ruKK. (uo. per pouna. , j Eoasi8oi per'dozen. 1 ,''' ; ( "" . ijjPEANtJTl.OOper bushel, T',. , Fodder B1.25. per hundred. ' , j i ; .C ONioNB-fe8.50per bbl. ' ,4 , ; PEAS-4l.00at.25 per bushel. t,;,' HroBS Dry, 9ci to lie; green 5o, i" : Tallow 0c: per lb. "wl'',,':' Chickkns Growti, 55a60o per pair. .., TrjBKBYS-r4l.70.per pain .. .',,. . MEALr-Botted,,75p. per biishel t-n Tl T w ' w r - 1 '' i' .'L- PoTATOEs-rBahamas, , 50.; yama 6O0 per DUBnei. ",,,;, ., VA3 TURNrjps hoc per bushel. ' ' Walnlts 50c. per busheh,- i j ,SHiN0LES7-'Ve8t India,dull and . nom hearts. 13. 50; saps, $2.50 per, M.(.,ii i.; ' i "'--.' '". ' mrtNB. .. ,. t.. .... I 1 1 - ...... , ..y ,.,...kL.VA( V .UV.. 1 1Codrf,! 8O0.' f ok40a50c. 5 minii, 30a40oi otter, aao. - J B. DUiLON," Jr, "f ITYvBAKEK, MIDDLE STREET u-,iui,,i n OPPOSITE BAPTIST : CHTJHCH. Bakes fresh every day all kinds of Bread. Pies; Cakes, and special attention olven to orders for Wedding Parties. Picnics a spe cialty, , . ... " '). i ',-' ' ' " ALSO '" Dealer in Fine Family Groceries and Con fection aries. . -; ; ' f i A full from all will be gladly received. uprzicuy R. BERRY & CO., 272 WASHINGTON STItEET, New York, Produce CommisV Merch'te AND Purchasing Agents. Consignments of Truck, Fruit, Eggs, and other Southern Produce solicited. 1 Stencils furnished on application to us at the Drug Store of It. Berry, at Xew Berne, N. C. d&w J RECEIVED, APRIL 20, BY STEAMER, Fulton Market Corned Beef, English Breakfast Bacon, Sugar Cured Shouiders, Beef Tongues, Cream Cheese, Pickles, Canned Lobsters, Canned Corn, VERY BEST BUTTER. I have m stock: Small Hams, Fresh Cream Biscuit, Molasses, Syrup, Fresh Roasted Coft'ee, Prunes, Raisins, Choice Teas, Oat Meal. C. E. SLOVER. Janll-dly SPRING OPEfliriG. MILLINERY GOODS niss Harriett e Lane, Just from the Northern cities with a Large and Very Elegant Stock of Fine Millinery Goods. invites her friends and the public gen eraily to call and see them on THUESDAY and FEDAY April 19th and 20th, . "When she will exhibit Fine French Pattern Hats Flowers and Feathers, of Hare Beauty, , Also manv other articles, which will be sold for less monev than the same grade of goods can be bought elsewhere. i Pollock Street, Opp. Episcopal Churcn, aprl8-dlw . 'i' . i ,; ', ' '. 10,000 YANTED ! The buyers in this market to exfailne my stock of j' '"' '' 250 BARRELS OF FLOUR .5v.il yjji. ' ' OF ALL. GRAD53,- , iii-fh.n which I am, offering tat Starvation Prices for CASH. . , How In th ttrrie for oountry dealers ana farmers toi lay In tliele supplfes for the Serine., .r. ,-,.. I tr VM M !H.i w.a.i I ilsq have .enough molaMes. on hand to sweeten the entlre stock of coffee lii the town, which must be sold regardless of (cost. ' " . ;V CHAS. Hi BtANE. is it i ii.s , .' Mfddle sh'eet, 1 maikl&W' Kit. 1 f- Sucrars. ItiM mi! Coffeo ':1,,,i n .' jt.g.y,;,' ,U'1U i ziut av and rrets )ir,,.i3).(flS.r I- t..X.: i.'i 1 J',Mr.,Mu i.i' A ! 'S v!W jvF-'a.yW ,'WifT!''? caw onw M ,f;-o.'k:Fot'ill,r :;iv! iil;i.V'i ,0 :WhplesiOGri(r,jiv: Aawwr"5 ' i&tik jftfectt! kiM ('! city," iTEjra;1 Thli eolama. next to local Hw. U'to b turd arical Advertisfnd. 1. , r un -i u t'.t M: , A car;of..1800.000, or three 'oareoea ;t 4 ' of 100,000, feet of lumber wanted fbr , Baltimore, Norfolk or PhiladelphiS'at low rates and quick dispatch by steam. , , Aaoresa ispqtaa, JNowJeriWw ''J w w , . ... 1 , ,1 ' 1 s mu m ; OrahdJ'rI-Weeklyiiaeeit .i- ' . (Ne,WBERNK, N. 64 April S2j S83. On and after SundaTfiMav6tbl88S. the Bteamer.gAaaamioat wilt-wtil from Old Dominion wharf for F4iabeVX;ity direct every"Simday k.m.J jplseigerB deeh-ingtuaVailfnemsClves of this op portunity can leant hour-x$ saiJingAhy applioation at Company's 'office. ' This trip is especially for the benefit of the trucking in this section, as coupled With tne trips on Tuesdays and Fridays it thus affords those raising lor dealingln perishable freights to ' have a safe. sure. ' swift and grand trliweekly connection witn tna, marmets oi xlrtolk,Tvr'iUadPl phia, Baltimore, Ndrfolk,'6te. For other information apply at Company's ,offiqe a. a: koberts, Agent. .j .1. ,.i(f .1 i. . - i-tr..! ! :'U'i, did h6t sell but, and if you will, ca)l at her old stand; yoirVilffinld'she paa just received. ;her new; goodsr,-and Jit you want cheap hats call to see her. . I ' ! U Sewing machines-bran : new-can' 'bi bought cheap at, the Jochnal offlteJ ' -r-t- SPRING OPENING. 1 !'.' a t ji..i T .t il.' MES. A. J. HAET .hi Has just returned from the North, and will take' pleasure in exhibiting to tha. Ladies, 1 : . win APRIL 19th and 20th, 'Mil ; ' A Fine Assort meni; of '. Spring Bonnets and Hats. ":; MRS.. A. J. HAfii.u dlw April 19th. A FULL LIflE OF . SPRING SAMPLES1 :,. ii FOR GENTS', YOUTHS' AND 1TS"C10THDIG, To be made to deiriiy '' v Wanamaker ,& Brown. Philaa : . . ' , I . . : 'l : ". ..I " Can nowbe seen at A. M, EAKEB'8, Pollock ' street. " ' , A 8VRB WtT fetjAkANTKEDl. CHAS. L. IVES, aprl5-d2w 1 Agent. ..I THE TIME HAS CODE .1 .1 .. !'. 1.; .ti ut -.' 1., . . .. Miiu.ji' For us to announce the fact that .., ; " "'i in .in 1 1 1 OUR SPRING -STOCK t . ! .j.i 1. i.;ii if : " 'I 'il- ' IS COMPfcETk,'" GEOCERIES&PROyiSIONS;; .1 ; 4 " OF ALL' KINDS',"' !!',.. ill ill I -i, it DRY GOODS, I t1 1 i.t.ti : NOTIONS,' v 1 fllklaliykll I BOOTS d; SHQE&m , , ,,, I, l f !!.. ,1 i'.ll (I'l 3UI fJl i .... . 1 ' . , :,i)-iuivj .-! '.. , :, 1 , .... . 1.11 ' T f I '.ni'.'i-JI' GEM . COTTON P.L0W THE , . .. ,( .--'. i i .lii Mill K'W. ,'.;., X!,; i - (. SPECIALTY.' .)Ha:iir.'r . ri ..j r-. t t 1 ' 11,; iii Hil.' ll'inilp lui ': ,;(.;. i'i ..Li !:i 'il.W!("Tililul Call and see 11 or writior. sH'mpltjs and.: ,'' prices.,;. , ,(,' . -..,'i: hi i' l'i'i'- '"'t bilT. I ' Tbm-i Qates . CO., l : ' 14 . . . . . . . I : . . '11 aprl-dAwly" 1 '.i!iJ; 1! Vi'?' y8 vmu '.iiT Hi), r li)...ij lau! t. ' : CEBTiytCATEf Ifc, pjp4of: ffmlLfijCuo K,C. R. ft.'Cb, for" four,, 'haregj haylpgheayj . lost, application'VHt bej na fojr upiica te H,;r thereof. 1,'-"M'"" "' aprJU'j.Vl House and Lot For Sdq '"rtiat valnahle T.nt. mmiir. of Ctanrvt! nl? . Pollock : street, 1 known as thi 1 "8chTiu!ttter . Property for wile. , ,Km l.MVii'l-JiJIoJ tnl i t Nice f rohtoh George street for building 9pl 'hot lmoimanon apply 10 , , ...,1 abradlm- , iiiiGBfcKS ft STEVEtJ3oStfl 8oK 1 ' l ' ' . kl I I JW . Hew BirtfdrOiirnpS .MitiitV iUi iiduia I Oj '! hili 'i ' '' .'.',.. . . .1. . II 1 . ....! 1.1. ;!..! ' -WIU AeliWie toiMTi'6 to&lYbi two fbnji ."A ' 6r cotton seed deUvirIaiirfyiwllrbhd tfc,'WI ,A Hon, or landing -on Sense, i'mbiauil. Tliri hu A. Rive, freight paid both ways,, ...tr,jj ,117? liT Highest price paid for cottonseed, , .. 1 -'l A. B. DENNIHON, ' .J-aiI.I mar24-dwtf , Owner and Proprietor.: , , total-. ! ai!T '

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