fed J U. Wi. i if -.'Hf r 0 1 office A2Jon;ixj i nnTTnw '.rvpsrivufl 49- Th very , , Highest r Market r , frlcf" Buamnteed.' )Jv-' ' l!I,l"liJi 1 :, W Consignment ofCotto Solicited . - FARMERS TAK AND COUNTER MERCHANTS, w E tbTl(D! 3 We are aeairilrt our 61d stand, in out NE' STORE. . VVe ehaveafuU Uneot f j',. Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots t and Shoes, all of which W are offering very low at wholesale and retaih - Call and take-a took at our goods and get our low prices. Or ders solicited. BatlMfaetkm guaranteed.1 dw " If , 'j - BOBKR9 jfc HBO. JI. W. WA11AK, (Successor to K. H. Wlndloy.) ;,,4i Pure "Bye and .Corin JINES'AHD- CIGARS AtfD PORTER. ;,'",-'''.V;1::-'.:.:.,:: v, ' '. : ; ' BERGNER & ferfGEL BEER, 'vl v. .. .-.w.N.a. ;::-voj V'"' PURE FRENCH BRANDY, II. W. WAHAB. gepttt-aawiy. v.., ALEX MILLER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL '1 Constantly receivinira mil line . ' Choice OrrocerieH . and . . , 1 . h ' 'FARMERS'1 SUPPLIES, whicWeofferaslow-'as any house in the city, ahd wotran H goods ad rep-- ' Hall' and V' examine nr i stock' and prices Stables furnished fiee to all out country customers. .Goods delivered free to any'.! part o the Cltyr;(ir;,'(i.,j i!.v.,"ii'V ?itttf-vf-i.-'i.K:- 12 w, & T).:iMui:!'"V:i: D. S. DACE, MARKET WH A W, TXWV BEBNE," N.O ' . Ahttiuxm: on hand fallllieof rf.rc :'ii')'t. fv. -lift; :'' ..' ' .-tiff i j"it:in f 'I M-"W'l : ' itoriss Ami rwpTif ' -;SppK1?SAIL9; CANVASS, ' SHIP CHANDELRU; : PAINTSi OILS and BRUSHES LYONAHEALY 1 StaU A Monroe St.. Chicago. v V I BAND CATAUOOUH, I lf IuhomU. BotU, Oil BbI ffl-BSTBS!; ai"d 'oXSL b.p? 7,V uJurkb. riwiiWHito iMlfuctkm J t-f l" LaKsa for - Im ..i .Id !. i :i 1 v'.jftf;:? :X'j!"' BAIriMOBX Md. in J 1 We Will give our special attention to Early Vegetables and Truolc of all' kinds.' 'Reralt bmwon dHyofsale.' Prompt return of all 3iuiJlk-a. lerms o per ceni. , .,; apro-mur -N. S. RichardoTV v.crz ..and jon printer " "XT., N.f!.;.,, t ; 'CxOCIQ" :goo: " NEAT V... Orders e. ' " OT, l ily attend' -ci: ft JI MP- f THF JOURNAL. NEW BERNE. N. C.". MAY 17. Last summer when Mr. Gushing went Eas6 ith the Zunia. ke mar ried, i, young lady at' "Washington, tawhpm Be pad lone been engaged, and.broughi herback altridetolive in an Indian hotel. , ' . ,. . i v He f wa -eotnpolled ' to! 1 join: K the tribe in order to pursue his re search, for tne Zania: are aisecre- tive people and their feligiofl and traditions are as secret as Masonry. Alter, joining them the leading men of the tribe endeavored tq persuade mlm; tpjmarjx. oneoCiha. dusky maidens who sit around half naked in the fcuh m'oI(j J poifcefy, ) find weftve blankets." And I19 came near losing his influence with the Indians and even, stood in danger. 01 his life because of his' 'refusal 'td do so. wice were women selected for him, utb he risked the penalty of reject ing them, arid wouM nave fared badly but "for the protection of the native govenor, who had adopted hint into his tamify. and. give him a bed of sheep-skins m his rude home. Cushing told the Indians of his engagement to a young lady in Washington, and 01 his intention to marry her,and bring her to live with them, and although their pref erence would have been for him to take a wife from the tribe, their gal- antry overcame their prejudice, and thev received the pale face, brown- eyed bride with a respectful and Mirs; Cushing i was the -daughter of the late Mr. Magill, who was for many years connected with the ven erable , banking , house . of , Lewis Johnson & Co., of Washington, and was one of the belles ot the capital. Her devotion to her husband runs parallel to his devotion to science, for thorn .are. few girls, who,, would eavp ijBaatuui nom&j aij ? vyagu ngtori lor a mod hut in an.'" Indian pueblo,' e veu j for , the men they A man or woman who does not love uxury fails to reach or realizethe privileges and possibilities 01 exlst- en.ee; but he or, she who cannot dis- Dens&wun luxury auu enjoy xougu- ing it is .worthless weakling unfit for the tasks and the triumphs that thiA great world offers. ?Mr, Cushing Deiongs 10 xuac anoienD iraieruuy, he badge 01 which is always ap nearent. even under the barbaric custum of the Zuni the honorable order of gentleman and in hisrude surroundin and primitive accom modations every sign he gives de tects this order to which, he, belongs and bf Which iriWashington or in Zuni he will always 1 be an orna ment; l rr- - T '" V TrA r:-":trN Mrs. Cushing SSoes'notenJoy life in Zuni as her husband does. She dopa not iand cannot share his fas cination for the work ' which he ' is engaged.1 She haters the dirty wo men and naked children, and des pises their filthy , ways, but she has made her mud but a pretty, little paradise,, and has develdped ' the possibility of comfort even in Zutii. The clay walls of her rude bouse are hung with,' blankets ; woven, by the Zums and Jsavajo Indians, and compare in'briliancy of color, texti are, and design with the far-famed Uobenn fapestnes. ane cemngs of the.andressed trunks ontsjes are covered with-bright figured cretons and Japanese silk. The mud floor is stretwnwith sheep skins, tanned bvihe Indians: thatf are softer to the slippered foot than the irugs of Oriental magnificence , anm orna ments selected with refined taste or framed with ctever.liands alter; the models-of decorative art and ' hung here and fastened there: and strewn avptv . where. The .TCushinff. res idence is a mud hut "without, but within a bower ol reauty. She.has her sister, Miss vMagjll, with her, who Tikes the Zums bet ter than Mrs. ensuing-,' anais tauc- inff of adopting their peculiar dress anrt inniinfrthdir trilierllr !' 4 "I would doit," said Miss Magill it would be so lahay s andi romari tic, but I don't like to cut my hair.' Dr;i CuBhrng,'ai brother 01 iranir, and his wife are there as visitors, and Mr. Metcalfjthe , well-known artist 01 ljoston ill. COMMERCIAL (OR BUSINESS) COLLEGE I '!' " jOf Kemtuctv J7nivrsitvj Wnil7B ISUITI(,Fr'UL:XlKUt0A,Kv i StudenU Received any Week Day in .the .' .; ;?,., Bach Department has Its Special Teacher Students can graduate at this College In about one-third of the time and expense than at any Blmilar College in America. Nearly together with the leading Educators ofAmer io ottant. thn snnerloritv of its Course of Study and Training, as being Thorough, Jrac- tical anouomnieje eiuurMiui ouu-iim Business Arifhmetlo.ComjTiercial Law, 4ler eantlle C6rrsK)ndcnce, FenmaiiNiiin, etc. Time RKQUiunDto complete the Full Diploma Course from 2 to 8 months. Total Cost, in eluding Tuition, Books, Stationery, and Board in a good private fanii ly, about W. bludents of this College can attend the other Colleges of the University, under 1U 1'rofessors, for one year, free of olmi xV.. W lion two ormoie pni4.r together, a reduction of S5 on each ouo-a tui tion will be made. For fnllpartiouliirfi ad dress : .' "' ' i AV.B. BllllllL taul8-,dJkw3m Presiaent, Uxinulon, yw , t); W. flURTT; MERCHANT TAILORS MIDDLE STREET. New Berne, N. C.I f hint. 30. 6mw ') i It Stands at the Head. THE: LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC. , , , For sale by H. B. DUFFY, mal2d ' New Berne,' N. C. - ASA; JONES, ' Middle Street, Newbern, N. 'C, V'-lv-?. - DEALER IN' Staple and Fancy Dry Goods ! BOOTS, SHOES,' CLOTHING, Etc. Agent for the DIAMOND SHIRT. ITnlaun , dried 81.Q0, Laundrled $1.25, And the celebrated Warner's Corallne Corset, t Price 81.0U. , ,. . - A full linn of Rents Ladles' and Children's Underwear, GentB' Linen, Celluloid and Paper Collars ana i;un bhk ana xjiuuu nnuoi xhiofa oil klnrlii of Rents'. Ladles' and Chil dren's Hand and Machine Made Shoes, Rub ber Cot8, Hats and Shoes, Ladles' Cloaks and Jackets, and everything usually kept in a first class Dry yooas siore. ASA JONES, martddvly Middle st op. Baptist-Church Henry Archbell, MANUFACTURER OF All Kinds of Crackers, - CAKES, CANDIES, Etc. Orders Solicited from Merchants and Dealers. ' QUEEN STREET, janTMwln ! Kinston, N. C. - GASTON HOUSE, '"""Npw beknb'n.. q., t , S:R. STREET & Proprietors. The Oply First-class House In the City; V Omnibus connects with all Trains and Steamers. Large sample rooms for commer cial travelers. ... oct2-dtf E. E. WHEATLEY'S Steam ; Dye vV orlcs. 10T Church Street, IfORFOLK, VA. Dyeing and cleaning in all itsWanch- es done in thrf veiry best manner. " ' Prompt attention given to an orders bf mail or express, v Bepaaiy mTON'8 ClblD MEDAL CnTARS, nnRKON'S rAlbnl otLVtn DCLL Dnnjuo, Can lie obtained oi as, or our Agents only, nhnioe Muslo Boxes, Fine Cornets, Band Inrtrnments.Orchei. 4r Instruments, tlio best Btrings and Trim mlngs. Cataloguttnek J0H5C;nAtHESC0. - :33 Court Street 08TOJf,MAfl8 Gaston SALOON iiri.'s-vV'-r h Jyt-'' 'ii .'MM ' The! qulotes and moBt retired place In the City. " ' ' ' 1 , ' The best of LIQUORS, v v ,; & CIGAKS. 1 Billiard anil fool Tables. All tie initiated ' and Sporting ' Pape: if the Say on File. - 0 t 5?T i"D B's and Plants" will not , tolerated. M w, ' ' : J JAMES CAMPBELL, 'l ' " 4 Proprietor 4 Apr,l T ; 1 . ,r. C7i "'' ":'','' : I""1 .- Ill 1:i-i;:?i-;-.Old...-'V-'';-,-,-i House OJ'J ,11 'TX&VtJWi STOCK AND FOR - SALEi , ... . ... .-..i.ii.-. . i -,..1 '.-. r"t:!i-' : j ... ,.- - , . ,. , .v.; 100 Bushels Stock Teas,: x;'-.i: . a - '800 Biishel' Bolted Meil, ; ' ' ' ' ;' :t 7 700 Baleg: Fine Timothy Hay. ; - - ; '' , ''jboOuslfelspatSf ')" ; 2000 Bushejs-Meadows Cheap Horse Feed, ' o . 7000 Busheb Prime White Corn, . , 15000 Grain Sacks, -AT- .(.' UNION : POINT STEAM Mi rBY- :i.u.ATinniff,,An(Rii1 t. ArCREIEW,: '-I ,v . - -I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Pork, Long Clears, Flpur, Suf?ar Coffee, Dry Goods,. Boots, Shoes, Coffee, Crackers, ma?d&wly dip. ALLE W & GO., rollok Street, New Berne, N. C, PLOWS, HARROWS In Great Variety and R. O. E. Lime! BRICK, BRICK. OP AJJL. GKAPES. JElosepdale, Xortland. ; , ; Plaster, Goat Hair, &c. SALES ROOM Craven Street, below Express Office. ' ' Aucilj d&w tf " , '.' , . . New Berne, K. C James i .1 . ..... ' V .1. '. - : BERGNER & ENGELSa - Celebrated bottled lager beer- FOR' i SALE BY Alsc on hajid a full stock of Groceries, , Prqisipns, Cigr :i:H VM)i AND TOBACCO. ' r vt V'..-; Opert Front Brick Stbre.-MIDOLM STREET, . .. 4. . I w .. - . .. ...... -.'.: . - ' , ' ... - .. Anri ilw 1v NEW, 1 1 ' We call esneciat attention to' our lariro line of SHIRTS Tnn VAmlifaie RK(rt. bosom of t fU 7f77t Mid RMrt. nin.iinfnet.nred : ,rs. r-y -7 ,r,- ' forced,' and everlasting stats wnicli sleeve J Only ftl.00.'" TslI line of Qents' Handkerchiefs, just' received Biw lot of White Silk New Ties and Scarfs just Teecived 1 Linen BuffirnRoBos, ftl.25, ! VUr OpringMliUlo VI vluwiug Will jrcatwriety . .J . I . ! uatal liatsll ilats 1 l Closing oui to maKe room ior ppnng oiock. Giv.e H9 a trial on Underwear. ,i All wool goods Cost. , . , ?oys',Shir.t,Collar&audCuffs, .ri; y ; . .--o arrive by next stcancr-t-N9wjStiaw Mattings and full lino of Boys' and Children's Clothing. ..,,.., h ! ' V . ' , J.i . (- , ' , J - 1 li ra ' i V.K FLOURING MILLS, Syfup, Molasses,' Salt, Snuffy Tobacco, Cakes, etc., etc. ; , - s MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE, N. C. Offei's Truckers Peas, Seed Potatoes, Cotton Seed Peruvian and Bono Guano, Good fiiick Guano, Mcrryman's Super-Phosphate, Ustcr's Dissolved Bone, Whaun's Plow Brand, For Truckers and Cotton Planters. AND CULTIVATORS, at Very Low Prices GEO, ALLEN & CO. LODGE, HAY! X Lime! BRICK! Welinitic Cements. I .v - THE 'CEATE. J NEW BEUJSE, N GOO: AT- 1. which will not break or creaso, only 81.00 for n s all the later ininraVeuients fein- '' J J .: j ... . i . v- prevent tearing down tne dock or up in ' .l..tf." ";' r'v' '' 'white' and colored borders. " 'We have Handkerchiefs at J1.00. ,' ' y y ti v '' " Qua buuu uuiujuuiU, umo riiuuti uuiu iu 1 ' ,'u.mMhM i i LOTroito I3iDiioorl"01i-.rolx. a. w, xironJt f O. ! 'J. A I V? Jf. simmoks CLEMENT KANLY, Wnl practice In tlie CoorfgVf Craven, jonei, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir, and in theF-adeil njt a jeferoq.J fffyui, jwly TBENTOITJONiffl.C6rC. ; Will nradtlce 1rf -v tHe Conntles f Onslow Lenoir, Duplin, Sampson and Jones. Collecting a specialty. . sep-dAwtf tWILLlAM Yftf HITFORIp i . , f ,ATTO8By AT LAW. i ; , , j Office on (Graven street, two doors north of Wnrtraet!celn flie dminrti. slow, Lenoir. PwnUco and .Carteret, and aino In the h. (, District flourt., Cunveyancliiir-a specialty. oct7tr EOBEETS &" 'BENtoEESON New Brne, 2V. O' ' Onl brat class 6onipanies resenjl pre, Lifa and Accident IriBnranoe'. Total Capital over Fortv Miliinni Dollars. Jun24dl.y V . 1 " linTE;!" : SMITHFIELD, N. C.. D. W. FULLER, Prop'r. ,Aajplaa(einSons t'5 t&ws!1 Sample rooms for" commercial travel ers. Charges moderate. auc-Sdtf -EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA; MARBLE WORKS NEW BERNE, N. C. ' " ' MONUMENTS, TOMBS, And all kinds Grave and Building work in ITAUAN&MEKTCAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed.' JOE K. WILLIS, Proprietor, (Successor to George W. Claypoole) Cor. BROAD & CRAVEN Sts. ma30-lydw New Berne, N.Ci ONE PEIOE CASH STOEE.- flfcrtbe8t corner Wflddie and South Front stiwtt .osite E. H. Windlcy and If. K. Jones. DKALSHS IN , , . Stoves, House Furnishing Goods, " CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, LAMPS in great variety . BURNERS, WICKS. CHIMNEYS, : . j ' KEROSENE Oli.( Pratt's Astral Hoa-ExpioftTe 'Oil,' -Machine and Train Oils'. We are now prepared to manufacture Tin and Sheet-Iron "Ware. 1 1 Snpci:il atlenti'in eiven to reBalrine. Goo sold low and warranted to be as repreSt-uted. Apnl H lv a w i " I WM, LOR.CH, is DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE CART 1 S07SS ; AC3Cia:033 ATICpSj j Broad St. New Berne. N. C. ' ,, , , , dwMnr. los Manwell & CrabtrCe, BLACKSMITHS, MACHINISTS, Lron and Brass Founder 'i B0ILE R M AKERS. MAKE AND REPAIR 1 ' !: ( i I N li S : AND ALL KINDS OF MACHlNtlKT. - Order solicited '".and pfroaipt)f s attende l to. CRAVEN St. ' between Pollock and South Front, u ; ;r ,,Ne,w JJffeslilc, Apr 4. tf d CENTRAmOTEtu' ; . W. E. PATTERSON. Pbop'r, n e f vn $ r jsr e ; hjs'.t1ft 'w' THIS WELL KNOWN AND COMMOIHOUa house, s its name Implies, .is ,Eltuati in the central and business portion of the wty. henctf trevellinK public, . Affording i toilet on, every, opportinity of viMtinn butuiess oarceapondcotav It has attentive servants, and its tubla is always furniahed.vitl).. ,,,,, !,,. .;.:, ,,, ..1-.a.,iii ,s, ' ' Its rooms are large, airy aS, Wel turnlsUfd.,, j , - y - AN OMNIBUS , u - ' or the accommodation of gnpsts to anlT frrrf" train, and stHAm.ni trn. vtf fthArir. a viywiil feature In )llcity., :U 0 Alltbe appurtenances, of a modern . , FIRST CLlskitQlML. I