ic'VYinv - 40I PiU 'vtldifiJf I s S ;4AA Jul TJIU 3 7 . , ... v.. . If ... ' . I -' . lit ,L7 ' F ;1 "OLII. I5E11NE, G.,; FRIDAY, MAY 25. 1883. NO.,,-48 'sr. .O ... : n ' A :l I M JLdJ "T .T"I?Tf 7'Q7 Weary Return., LU .. .14 IK .1 &J4 i Mr, IL SGraoie, a truck farmer livt t f'r,k " . - . :. - ipg,nifir.the cify,,waai( fa H&M yea jornifiwianre- o i terday and toldns of the returnsheand his partner tad 'just received f ronl sev enty boxes of peas snipped, t After pay pug iiuigvvMUUtwuuutSi Vu:., utey aaa . Run rifeftS Sun sets, 7:uo 1 1 nours, is minuies. ,.; . Jloon rises it 10:08 P' rj J" t. ; Several boats loaaea witn ciamsana fifty.Bix cent to their crpdit, whicl potatoes tra at the market aock.vnx . f was duly forwarded in posiafee italmps, A large crowd attended,ttie Presbyte- t6rr 'AT' i-.'V ,T..t.t fT , vu evwuw u lv. .-M The gtate Norina, gchool &t w.lfj0li vesterdar. I ' '. ' v V ' . ., ,(),... (i; . .. i y v fiu open dune iuit ana ciqeeipT i((nj , Yesteraay r was we anniversary oi Th, tji pf Wvral distingiiished in , Queen, Yictqnap ,m toy, i be , was letructoM-i fton. ibothM North ' and 'Sodth born May 84th. 181 9. i hare beon socrired.'; Profi D. B,' John-I , Jhft .three pasted schopnerj son, bf the ew Berne Graded School; iSScCdbe 'ih' port' with a cargo' of Ice will conduct several exeroises illufttrai tpra Maine for Watson & Daniels, j , tive of the most approved methods bt . Thanks to Mrs. Virginia Harrison for tekchrrig different liranches of study; ' a fine bunch,. Mof-Irjshrpotatoea.'yjhey and wr tenure W' thjft orf anization; ' woriC full ffrowrf. hnlh'nff drw meal v. and taanagemeht "of- Graded' Schools.' The truckers say that no more than a lialf crop of potatoes will be made. It js also reported that thW potato bug hds AnnAArpil nn tha fflrm tit Mra. TTftlnv.. . V " , V,-;rV:'u ' ' 4- 4. ' ' the Wilson Graded, School, has been ' Maj. L. Pa4mQ:.requ that all eiected Superinlendent. ' ' . graves of the Union soldiers to assemble BeT - at the. Federal, Cemetery, on the 80th instatOpmil KJ 1 i .Bevi N-M. Jurney, pi , Beaufort,:, was in the city yesterday at Suter's furni ture .stores ,t The,, Watch-Tower stated . last week that he was in Washington, Prof: Esrtoad'T.?DeGraff 'Superintend ent of Publio Instruction. Paterson. New Jersey haB accepted the position 9f Principal and Prof. J;L. Tomllnsoh, Your Reporter took passage yesterday tbn steamer 'Elm (Hty from , Stonewall to New Berne. - On our - trip we stopped at Adam tjreek ifof af whiles When1 we 'sleamed'ourorAdamV Creek the revenue cutter Stevens was ahead of the ',1 TTI7 yV-'J-. 1 A i, , r 1 I -V 1 seemingly looking ' after some one to muvue..: Vapi.ioo8 take care of the furniture. ' ordered more steam :0D M thei1 for a v. . race, and in a run or about seventeen MandamtiaBuiw haye beanf instituted I ii. Tni mt. .. ' i. ila 'y-.ji by the RaleigM aldermen whose seate wl,en lo and behold, we wWyihead". were declared vacant ;to compel their ... i. ..' i 'rrI l. Li vacant to compel re instatement into-oflice.' The suits us the steamer Klnston,, with her, new will be heard, saya the Observe, before J udpe ,Phillips at chambew a Berne, June oth. . , " v v ew corning ( steaminff ;,down the ten 'about" eight miles from' JNew uerne tne Kmston turned around and squared herself for a race to New Mr. O. A. Bledge, agent for the ChriB-jl Berne , .,! J4aa.'BrOtneWlOOdi leil ?4as tflght for - Wheatha two Umr.nn nhrPAfc Beaufort and will return on Mondayj of one another a fair "race was begun, His Society insures JadieB on ,tbajn which resulted In a victors for "the, term aBmeni, tMr, Sledge will call at reaching' NeBerne'iabdut one private residences if requested to dq so. half mile in advance of the Kintien. Address him by postal card either atihe Staanifir. 'Vim tutu wmpi wne omcei fit n jocbhaju. I from Adam's Creek thirty miles in Big day in new York City and Brook- two hours and thirty minutes. Capt lvn yesterday. The bridge connecting Scott Gibbs savsthev will have to ','come1 trafno in the presence of about one mil lion of people. The New York Cotton Exchange; closed at 12.3(f to taki part in the celebration. President Arthur and many other distinguished citizens were poll holders that he is even living is simply ridiculous.-? A man may register his name to-day and die before to-nior-roWj but according to'the construction put upon the law by someone is a quali- nea voter, tjeaa. orauye.r just b n18 name,lapntheboo.,;r:i ;a ' m i,: iFhoiphateB. i Mai'i The Wii. Star' gives 'the following analysisby I'rof'. Chas. W. Dabney Jr., of the phosphates found on the lands of Capt. S. W, Noble and others of that city: JMi-'-JA Jf Hi "The sample of phosphate sent to the Station for analysis, and marked rFrom bottom of marl pit. in bottom back of house,' one of the lumps from the coarse , 1 - I 1 t la't : conglomerate, conxainn: . - . "Moisture (at 100 deg. C.) 0.40 per cent. Dry substance contains: Sand 3.35 per cent. ; carbonate of lime 61.84 per cent. Tptal phosphoric acid 14.47 per cent.; equivalent to bone phosphate ol.otf per cent. -,tr ...; nv "The sample of phosphate sent to the Station for analysis, and marked 'same conglomerate as No. 2,100.' A softer. porus lump, full of greeen-black specks. Urn tains: J-- . . , Moisture (at! 100 deg. O.) 0.89 pr cent.' Dry subetance contains: Band 16.59 per cent.; carbonate of lime 67.47 per cenfc TOtal phosphoric acid 1.90 per cent. ..equivalent to bone phosphate .iu per ueuii. ; . .; , "The sample marked Soft Nodule out of marl, etc. - Tne lumps picked out of the greenish marl; in bottom back of house contains: ' M ."Moisture (at 100 deg., C.) 2.00 per cent. Diy; substance contains: I Sand 31.66 percent.; oarbonate of lime 15.94 per cent. i"nospnono acia ltf.ao per cent , equivalent to bone phosphate 42.09 per, cent.. Remarkably rich in phoe- pnate for tnia region and our present Knowledge of it." "The sample marked marl from back of house, at Nobles' Place. Coarse sand small water-worn Quartz nebbles and phosphatio nodules. Sample of whole through the bed drawn by me . (U. w D., Jr.) contains: .- Moisture (at 100 deg.' C.) '8.04 per cent. Ury substance contained: Sand 42.98 per, cent; carbonate of lime 10.12 per;cent.j-Totalphosphorio'aoid 12.57 per ueuii. , eui vuieui vj uuu puunpuniie zi.tsi per cent potasn u.aa per cent, This marl drops to- pieces when thrown out. Tnis suggests that it may be pos sible to separate the phosphatio nodules, See Impromptu Becetta.:vfi ';" - ' ,;.Yesterday, afternoon .'the owners of the steamer1 Kinston determined to take a run down, as far.,aa the bIockade;to 5f'i?JWe iactieryaince the new dome was put on. and extend- ueo. iredie pnotozrapned isro. rsunn I a an invifof inn in isvnrai funtiom fn of thaNew Berne-Jotjbnal for as last L. t.. .t. f, . . . week, at Hvd court, an hninir under 5 luo "uo wilu wuuiu mrueu ..... r. . . 1 . I .l .1 - t i . reet in neignt, wetgnmg w pounas, ana pipuoum auu eiujuug. , p naving a nassion for wearmar a nair of - ThA trin was extendi! ttt a mint near- second-hand government! B00kS. We lv nnTaita ViwrdaU t1 tho ,n maAc like to hear of the brethren, but George . - . . ; T ' . . T is a wae. and Bro. Nunn mav not know forty minutes. Here a rest was taken himself. Economists' ' '. to view the steamer Elm City and cut ter Stevens, which were both steaming up the river at ful speed, Elm,Qity bemg!some ili8'telico Jitt'tel leadii The! Kinston changed 'direction and quietly awaicea tne approacn oi me ioremost boat, and the jihgle was sounded as she was abeut abreast, wnen tne. run be came exciting and enjoyable. The Kin ston soon took an after position to the "The sample marked "Smith's Creek below tide-water, 1 mile back of house, A single lump at random. Contains: Moisture (at 100 deg. V.) 0.61 percent. Dry substance . contains: v Sand 33.48 percent; carbonate, of lime 51.81 per cent. Total phosphoric acid 2.93, equiv alent to, Bone Phosphate 6.40. , . We expected George to put up abet ter job for us than this, nut suppose the wind was taken out of his'sail before he reached Swan Quarter. . y j Mrs, Emory Hay, of Maysville Jones 'V ,unty on Sunday morning.u'May 20th. Yor Name In Print. Maj.B called as a , B. , W, Cobb , of . the Messenger Elm (Cj. bit maintained her disljance to see us last night looking as fat m advance of the cutter' un to the 'citv : Vard ni.l t'l Si' 5 i-'. 'iH '' nrA nnnA itiAnaa mar, tYa iVllm. Hittl nnlff and good judgea;ay.thev'i7iJJi(.Cta only Df. N. T.Drake.of NaahYlllev heatthaXfisro one-third of a mile in the city on his way from Hyde 'arid J the run of about eight which, when 1 amiico. ... I the navigation for which thev were each designed is considered, is not a bad beat It at Unlttr.- In the case of Isaac Zacharias & Heb- aBaUfletf Voter. rewpeadlerwno was indicted inramnco We srive below a Question nut to the county for. an 'indecent assault upon a Journal of Commerce and the renlv.; in youpg -Ia4y4a fejP day ago, .gwd regard taonr .Graded .SchooJ biU., ,Th.e jury iaueuwmu a true pui, aaune was ijournal of Commerce. is very good au honorably diBchaTged,r:,; ;( and as , v';'.,'" ':, NV-l' commercial Journal is not excelled in New York . futureB ' . barely' steady, the country fli,f,u V.iY "An ;tni.h, 1mIii-i dnlt. NEW Berne, N. U., May 14, VttW v. T5.v.- -A tJ. nt Editor of . the Journal of Commerce: - New Berne market steady, .Bales of Please'giV yoW dictninlWs to i what olevenbaleB, 9i the highest paid.''" constitutes a qualified voter. At an York MlBKtft spot j J election held in this city May 7, 1883, a lsnyin1!U4ffj. .-' l v .l mnlnritv of votes "wan cast to raise money, by additional taxation, for the min-nnrk nfn irrartAdr school. At then were many that registered, but1 did not vote on this question, the number who voted "for school 'V did not constitute a ) maioritvof the nersons registered. It is the opinion of many that a. qualified voter is one that has registered, and therefore the levying of the tax is ille gal. The following is part of the bill "In case a maioritv of tne quaunea voters at, such election shall vote 'for 'LidjlInzl015-l6.' Strict low middling 10 8-4. low middling 10 7-16. , NEW YORK FUTPRES: (May, J ,'aUl0.87::d.; i. i June, iu.bb : i July,; :!... 10.81 tU,r.'Kf August, ,10.85, v '-v--V: September, 0.53. X3 V O. Ronnlnx tke County Xtni,1;; I"'1 ,Mr. H. A. llarBnall is running out .the 21021 -ttr, in The following lines have been hand ed ' us upon ,the. death 'of Mrs..' J. A- Simpson j w ith .regueet to publish: 1' ' Weep not for. .me when I am, gone, , ' Shed hot a tear o'er me, ' j But sinor that sweet old sone1. :- - - . - ) ; - - Nearer my God to Thee. "! '; 7,4 ' ' ii ' king it 'soift', sweet, and" loW,1' ' n, j '7J;', jsre you put me m uie grave, ', And if your tears, Btart to flow,' Xbinif that Mod can save. , Think that I'm at last at rest From God no more to roam, That I'm; with those I love best. A home where I will no more grieve; Where tears no more will fill my eyes-4 Think of the crown I shall receive,, r: (i Beyond tnoibngnt blue skies. . j, A crown that outshines the sun ;':',' He has for all who will believe, , ,,: ' ; AU who the Christian race will run, , The crowri will receive. , ' ." ,"!" And also a robe of purest 'white ' ..' , . Is waiting up there for me,, , j 1 v , , In that land where comes no night, , Then weep not for me.' ; ... . t t Remember of death Fve no fear,,, mi,., I doubt not God's power to save, , ' Then shed not one regretful tear . O'er my dark and lonely grave. But place o'er me some beautiful flower, Ana as you innate its fragance sweet, Think of God 's great saving power, ' Think again we'll meet. 1 ' '' 1 Meet among the angel throng, , : , , , Our saviour's face to see. There we can ever sing that song, ' '" Wearer my God to thee."" ' ThU coluaiB. aext to local new. U to bc'aMd for Local AdverUsinR; ,, i . j-.i,,;i the Fined Lot of N. 0. Bama ! Ever brought to this market, put up bv two 'of Onslow's best farmers, S. ,W. venters and . J. "Newbolda, for sale by mays ,p utjjiphebt ss uowaed. i Oiilow , County llama, Sides and! And Pure Hog's Lard 'received' this day from tiie terminus of ! the ' new I Quaker Bridge road, will be sold low for casn to close tne lot at once. , - , " ' Grocers, Middle StL COMMERCIAL. i Thanks. We, the undersigned, feel that we would be guilty of the sin of ingratitude were we not to tender our thanks to the members of the different Fire compa nies and the citizens generally of this city, who so liberally ana heroically aided ualn rescuing our goods from the flames on Tuesday morning.- Gratitude is cheap, but it is. all .w have td give. and i we thereby, tendei bur gfatef al thanks to all who aided us. Reel Bros. & Askins. New Berne, May 25, 1883. , NEW BEBNB ITIAKKET. , Cotton Middling, 9 8-4; Btrict' low middling U.&-8; low middimg V 1-2. CORN-rln sacks. 70o.: in bulk 65o. TubpEntine Receiptsmoderate. Firm at $3.00 for yellow dip. , ' Tab Firm at $1.50 and $1.75. ; Beeswax 22o. to 25o. per lb.' 1 i Honey-60c. ner callon.-'"- : : ' m Whbat-1-90c. perhashel. ' j'BEEI-On foot, 00. tOOC ,i MDTTON'-$2a2.25 per head. , 1 Hams Country, 12io. per pound. ' Lard Country, 13c. per lb. ; Fresh Pork 7a9c. per pound, j Eggs 10c,;per dozen. . . , , Peanuts VM per bushel.' 'Fodder $1.25. per hundred. -. Onions 4c. per bunch. ' . Peas $1.00al.25 per bushel. ,, Htdes Dry, 9o. to lie; green 5o. tallow oo. per lb. , , : , Chickens Grown, 60a706. per pair. Turkeys $1.75 per pair. ; Meal Bolted, 75c per bushel. ! '" Potatoes Bahamas 40. : yams 60c. per bushel. :-,,;: :-;-I,-t ;.(,; - ;: 'ITjrnipsc. per punch. , ; .Walnuts 50c, per bushel. ... v, wool izaaoc. per pound. : Shinolks West India,dull and nom. inal; not wanted. Building 5 inch, hearts, $3.50; saps, $2.50 per M. , ,.; . NK 1 (MM. Coon,' too.' fox40a50o.;mink,: 80a40d.; 'mayl2tf A, H. ' Potter .in making soda water does not use pump water. ,but, jure, cia- sern water. , . , v :-. i.iflr Dewey ;u,, did not sell out,;and if yon will call at her old stand, you will nnd she has just received ner new goods, and it you want cheap hats call to see her:' ' l,a"l I'1 ii-i ,, .I'.i-i , . ".(. ' I, A t .' ! !llir l fli( '., .. ; fs now 'displaying the' : , ! .Mf.iif 'I i.-i l,e : , "trin.f Ti-H-iMUi't XI jiiit - (HiifiJlv, MOST COMPLETE STOCK i' : L : :'i - "J i i ii'. ,'Jj.- Kit;':' . OF f ...u.,i!iJi. ;-yiT .V. ?K-1:HH VtH AND AFlrat Claaa ,. Sewing machine bran new can bought cheap at the Journal office. 'U 3H t,l--.. be JUST RECEIVED i AT CHAS. II. BLANK'S DUNLOP'.&.McOAWOE'S Celebrated Decorticated " ,, i!; -.ill' ', . (' ,ii ; H'iprias . Boiler. Process l-.tf .-f : ir-iU'ivn 'i lid "i , ii .-ui'':'! li'iiiK;-ii ''.ni:'"l Brought to Newbem by any Merehant - this Season, ,f lint: ;-;ii.ill 'ui-.ui We Guarantee BARGAINS. i v v yrir. Mi: 1 1 ihest i ia the Market. Try it and you will never use any other.' ' " i '' " Lower VirtHHi BBBbk ' a Prices Lightning Rods. NEW BODS furnished and erected or re pairing-done at short notice. ' ' ' ' inayl6-dlm JNO. b. WATSON. si'.ii ( d l- p.iuh; ! Than ever before in this Market. ft and the Graded School, it! Fish food, is said, are cramming the New Berneans Our mayor and, town, commissioners have applied lawful dynamite to the street chicken coops, and blown them aU Dr. Pollock, the discoverer of the eel ebrated vegetable compound "No. 7," wants Vanderbilt, with his $10Q,OOOy 000, to take the proprietary right of "No, 7," and manufacture it for , the benefit of the world. , '. ( ... Sylvester . Lawhdrn, v Who 1 appealed from a judgment of eighteen months' v: ' r . A I . .... - imprisonment in tne county jail oi uu plin county for the Shooting of Herman Bryan, has jumped his appearance bond to, spring term, 1893, of 4he Superior Court"1 for that1 county, 'and taken' to parts nnknoitt V ' , h The Methodist Sunday School of this place, with other invited guests, pic niced down the river last Wednesday with Capt. Dixon, on the steamer Kin ston. The unseasonably cool morning. however, operated to hold back many who wished to join in this pleasant, and interesting trip. Truckeys,;'Ship- fou Beans , and potatoes to Commission Merchants , ict jKeaaeanu iu uwmo out., , , ' 'Southern Fruit and Vegetablei a p4ouutyi yil- 4-41 vsfW tftvs .'Uvin - .RBTBREKOESr-IrvliM! National Bank." N. T.i George H. pawes, Norlolk.Va.: Thomas gcott, StenciW can Be had at' Journal office. 'Ait . THCua'may21dJiPira)B J.' Nevixs: county; Jine-, between. !(Crteret(rnd schoolm an asressmentiBhall bei levied Craven establiahed by an act of the last and collected by the city authorities.'' General Assembly, and from what we W"i ? i , . , . '.,,,,. JJep.-The tew tin -question simply can learn the new line will cut nrft fW. ftf th. .i. off r' it two hundred thousand qualified who vote at such election may dolluia i f Cia .a's i roi uity WCarteret. authorize an assessment by voting "for Cannot tLa County Commissioners put schools." If part of the ma jority who i i u rn, n.-i voted were not duly q'mhfled thB vote a f lp to t !-.!" -3 ? The, Genera ftt M feti b t B0(i .0aierwise. 7The iLJy did net cononiplate statute does not require a majority of I tvo LunJ.oJ thousand dol- all who are entitled to vote at the elec- 1 tion, dui a majomy ot wose uuiy quali fied who do actually , vote, xne vote "for sc - i'lmust be a maioritv of the votes CudC by 'qualified voters at the election. This t- ' r ianc S, the same ground we t. . i. - morning 'ater the elec- 3 i.ian tnis tion, ana reany seems vj utr mo umy C i a ta'c COV1..:.iOiifi-:jii;;o view oi uie raaiiur. uv i,l -i of counting a man's vote against a i . uro wiiCil it is not nuuwa uy we f . : -survey v 1. "i ( f C-vpn's territory wilh- ' - a a. f :rn-MA9 ) C 1. it vi as-oiiiy intona i 1 ' i. ' - "tion we r"n rt,, f- '":.:-! Lorn IT ,. .1 if by Dr. H. O. Hyatt last week .'performed a successful operation on Thomas Sut ton for the removal f rom the bladder of a five inch section) of, a silver catheter, which became ' detached while1 being used and, lpdged in the bladder., , It was the high operation for 'the removal of stone. The patient, without anaesthet ics, stood the operation finely, and has nearly recovered from its effects.1, ,f The civil action, Heath,' against the Midland Railroad, for- alleged damage to' a horse, the train knocking him oft. the track several weeks ago and break ing his leg, was heard before referee J Q. Jacksoui last Tuesdav. M. A. Gray, Fsq- mpresentod the plaintiff, while t'.ie defence waa .managed, by .Captain l'a;3 of the railrnd.' The evidence was contradictory t,r,l i: reconci' Ue. Judg- tiicnt rcs-orvod for t.e prcu'-U , Wanted Immodhfcly, i.--.,!.;. .Jv'- t ii- , '' l,ui buoni w m ui xiuuiuoiUj CvoreBS.' Pine or' Oak. for which 'cash will be paid upon delivery on the line of the road.' -c-'-trfi .-i -- 1 tuuri;- , Fpr specifications and prices apply at the Railroad office at Newborn, , , , , JAMES A. BRYAN, V )-ma24dlWti;; Superintendent. Just Received. Fulton Market Beef, Beef Tongue, Peaches, An assortment pf " ;1 '' """I' Children's Refirular.Made; :, fitoge'"' Chip Beef, Dried Apples, Prunes, Boneless Codfish, ! Imported Sardines, ; ,., . ! .; . Choice Butter, . Jumbo Hams, ,. .; , (, -and ,.:i ,.,,,., .., .,, . . Canned Lobster. ' .', -Lov for Cash, At only 25c. per pair; wprtli ,..,; ; .';,.. : , iif.i-.ii-ii .1. iHJ;H !) - . ., - , '. P . i.i:! A lovely stock of. Irish , ppaH j Ernhroidery , , And a thousand styles, ot Hamburg bought so lo that We retail it at less maylOdtf , W. P. BALLADE & CO. Uuui thi'riW wholesale' r.layi5th. RECEIVED TO-DAY: . Smoked Beef Tongues, Breakfast Bacon, ! Sugar Cured Shoulders, " Cooked Corned Beef, Potted Ham, Creaiu, Cheese,n ,! ' iBorden'q Condensed Milk. , pncei 4 .. .-i:Oi i iil.i , Beantiftil ;Jalbj&,,jJ :At 25c. pes pairM , i wnofc , 'UJir-.l ill '.u;;"''4 '..-iS ,i:i:i..ifH! ,i'J t ,-.' . is,- l)-ii' i!" ,"..U ,i. !.-,,'! . :'-!.! :i An Elegant Stock of 1 The Veiy Finest Butter that can be I ucn as fiaid and Plaur Jfamsook Tjim- had. . Sugar all kinds, -i Fresh Roasted Coffee. , , All . kinds Canned Goodfi, warranted Fresh and Purei,. r-i i U t.'-wv iine ovrup ana wiasses, i , ,i C. E. SLOVER. Janll-dlv (.!-) .u; ! Jjst Received : Murphison'sj Patent: Combi nation ' Hoes, !! Rakes, J Forksj i'. i' ;' mi i: Oi,C., XC: Tliis combination iB' indispensable to Gardeners and Farniera. ;i v fj Call early and, supply yourself before they are ail gone. ,- - ,iUtr4. :,'fiil,..i JJ C. -wHITTY,'' " l'jmBy24dtf J yioi.Kew Berne; Ni C. r1 1 " ': t ! IlOtlCO. 5 le -ii ! ' I I- if. : I' . ,The j white Tax-pay er i School ; Distriot No. 3. and , Township No. 8,, in the County of Craven, are hereby notified that they villbe heard at the next; Regntar Meeting of the Board o'.qoramlssloner of salicountyln June- as to the abmittinK,U ,the voters, white, of aalddUtrict the levying and collect ing on assessment la Mid district. In aid or the publle white schools of said distrtot1' ;.;! :V',ii : JAMES At BRYAN, ''-. iVii) ' in.:S .ohatniiaB'4 OahmlMtaMr? ' f May 12, 1883..;; dtdii) w" U tt ysi,' ; i; ' ii ; j t : ": " i itv. India Mnll.-tW.tM Kolu 'oirf 'kin 1 lEITY!COMPETITf ON.I ,;!:.'! .i-:!-; 1 fA.j'Hli - i ? J .1 , ; v ! in r , I '; t .1 vtl 1'' . O , in jp-ii" lit)?! . :A .uiiw QQdg Isold at at Low PtltaJ si t ican M lwinght in 'New'tdff.;1! '..!.. ;if i,.it i,S j.iiii 'ii.'i.i'ji' J a'Hi. -,..)--r:: 'i Tin..,v r;:.n-. ;, fM .( !..!-..'i;,!f biC J,ui f -1 & tW'' ; -'CALL" EARLY, 1 and look" al ' our beautiful" ,",J",'r; r r r- Plaid and Stripd Oinibams tttfroni 7d t6 l6c.peryWd,''i,A OIoiiImIi) , In. l The Regular Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of- thfl'Trent River Trans portation Company will be held in the Rooms, of, New Berne Board, of. Trade, 011 ,''.'J;:v;-)ji,i'. ,!'iiM-Hi!: f'iii'jtfMii'; : Tuesday, ,May 29th, I883, ! atTHKEri o'cloct,'p: tn." For the elec tion of offlcers and transaction of such other i .business as; may j be j properly I t-i. U ,. . , , gates, : ' mayS'l-dtd i v . Second Treas. i . its -r-' -.,J-i :H-'''-ii-i :i :-w'"'?,?-v 1 '! CO in in LS. a '..) "tvao. -pi' r1 .Q' !'!,'i.TZ3 j -i , Lti3 ')H i i , -ZlfXit V" 'i:: 'tow P4';vit .ssvvoj ll, Tl ill VI ft f:!t ::iffl A'v i Jtinr ijlU .fcCj t.ti iiii-i'-l ii'.'"it 58tiT rWna.,1 !.; ?iJ!',J It' .OOUPONB DUE JANUAKV 1st, 1883, on the bonded debt of the Atlantlo and North Caro lina 'Railroad Company, will be paid upon presentation at the Bank of New irnnover, tft aoldBbora",'.--! ,i'.H'i..r.i r.;d't v.'-j ';M .:U'.t. O.ROBEitTai'1',1 i maSSdlW Treasurer A. N, Q, B. R. Qo, in Zephyr : Cloths', Satteehs, Chath. bray Nubs YeiUnsr Bnrititt and btner Drestf MiJ'TV'. Consitting of ! Cashmeres,! 1 Hernahai.1 Organdy i8atteetiB, Irinefe NuM TeUs,! iTiaralse,- hdn. Crape' Cloth; Henrietta, ' doSfy&ta ' Cloth, Bun e:;;etc,;' a 'beaii. tiful BtockofDRlSSBprtpAtSc, fJXnd tionH'rorffeL'wasef' oufi ! ? 6ASHV an( .Wi-jx')tfDMj: ffWI0? til-tf h(t, Ai vM. BAKEli-S ;.. J . Jrt; We cut saaiples pf any good In :stqck.:w 'v!hns:i;'.;!i'.; ,n maj4Jiirtr; . 'ii),! .Oi ,'3

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