a r. OL II. LOCAL KEVS: Joi . .1. S i,te Alaianac, 1 i " r, t' . r" s 4 O I Length of day, i ! i, 7:15 1 14 hours, 32 minutes. oi a 6ttd at 10.43 p. m. ' ' 17 We regret to learn that Dr. W. T. - Kennedy of Stonewall, is seriously sick. i r-;N- f-r.y 'p-iv .! s.: ilrs. W. M. Watson is off on an insu rance tour in the northeastern part of the State." - ; ; , ";, -;v;' -aa- The brick and sand for the new'court house are being hauled upon the yard, and work will begin soon. ' Mrs. Ida Einsey returned from Flor ida on Thursday. She did not enjoy very good health while there. A-rf We neglected to return wanks to Mr. Rhem on Thursday for two fine cabbage. They weighed thirteen and fourteen , pounds respectively. ' , ; ; , We regret that Rev. Mr. F. W. Eason has tendered his resignation as pastor of the Baptist Church in this city. The community not only loses a Christian gentleman, but also one of culture and ' letters. -Wi.iv t i '.:-!-4 i, A -'a. ' ' .'v - V i V Veritas V writes fluently about the condition of the A. & N. C. R. " R., but we have had enough about its condition and suggestions as to what should be done. We now want something practi cal, some genuine work, not simply what ought, should, could or would be - done. Some of ourbusineBS men are mak ing an effort to form a stook company and lease the road. ' Let "Veritas" join them and show his faith by his works. On Friday, the eth 'inst., at one o'clock, George Granville, infant son of George O. and HattieL. Hancock, aged seven months and fourteen" days. The funeral will take place at the residence of the parents at 4 o'clock this afternoon, corner of George and Queen streets, Friends and acquaintances ; invited to .' attend, ':,AAfi,, C"-r ,V i U' ;:--i ... i The A. A K. C. Railroad. - The period of time that marks the an nual return of the stockholders' meet ing of the A; & N. C. R. R, Company is near at hand, and, as usual, a grand . flourish of trumpets, equalled only by that of the approach of Christmas or New Year, already begins to reach our ' ears. ,;. Kl flif No railroad on 'this continent,' we " think, has ever used as much printer's ink, as much talk, nor the half of wise suggestions that have been expended in its behalf, and yet we are not happy. d, .-1 " . Graded School Note. , - The following pupils of Ihe , Primary Department have , been perfect in at tendance and deportment, during' the ". past week. ' vl.;, ; f, , - a FIRST QHADK. , Masters Ralph Avery, : '; Arthur Kafer, ' l " Ferdinand Ulrich. Misses Laura Sute'r, , " . Willie Rasberry. 1 -; 'y ADVANCED FIBST GBADaV Misses Rosa Dail, "- :u -:A ii Annie Sanders, i , '. . " Sadie Vas. . ' .' Fettle EiillardMSV;: cuiaia iweii, Nellie Ciltori,'1; Jennie Watson May Iludaon,. Mattie ood; t Master Hugh Wood.u' SECOND GRADE Miss Jennie Burrus,. i 5 " Sadie Whitford, " Annie Whitford, ! " Melissa May, -( ' Y Louisa Suter, -. " Gertrude Rasberry, ' Nellie LaRoque.,, H.inaton College Commencement. It was our pleasure , te ,' attend the clo: " exercises of this most excellent b s i ca TI -urs-Jay and h'ear the annual Tab of Kiiloih. appearance, . II. Eueees, Esq., TLe speaker's youthful and the presence of so many Lilies, would E:.taraIIy lead one to c,nr(. Bcr c- sr3 ("2o' "..oniorical, I A lit' "a he soca undeceived the f " 1 c '.oi. j iutQ ajluin, prac1 t' ' 1 -ent ia favor of apriculture f I , . r eJucntion. In tliis he did , ' ' ' '" i old beaten track in tell i ... '1 jr.y farmers to make f ' 1 : " 3 and become inde I " , 1 took them imme '.' I . v , to the fields, along t' -11 1 ; ., i 1 1 sf.o.ver carden, and r e 1 1 ' t t ::?rtr.tion upon ft 1 i, wild flowers 1 v. 1 L.', 1 to Wli 3 Cld'f KecelverUatUn's Account. I Mai. John Gatlin has filed-his rrort I aa Receiver of the-A. & 'K.1 C. Railroad " ' "r-- m we superior wmrc or wis county. Ihe report sets forth that when the t : ; . il'. I wuoivei uwuo uiw uubbcbbiuu oi me i road he was compelled to borrow the Which was Oaid at the end of the thirtv I days without being used. turned, the road over to its - When he owners be I urn of one thousand dollars. or thirty richest agricultural Bectioh of the State, Messrsi Pate & Co., who also manuf ac'- "eth(f 8 01 teaching, tchooi : o rgan tzation and nu,.7,N days to meet any contingency that cbntaJnmir a noriulation of 85.000 whites, ture harrows in great numbers. -.The diet mTw ofsom might arise' In operating 'said road.1 j,. . H of imahu hr U Mr: w. W.- Tiail. 1?-PI(-. w-T- Be" Moun. Dusmess had in cash 3,37.po; unused materially ln -.jirnad hiatnrr nd if.h anonn.lthe farmer's friend. Snow Hill must which bad been purchased lor the shops to the amount of $889.48; cross-ties un. used to the amount of $102.65, and 833 cords of wood of whieh he had none at the beginniug of his receiver ship unused , $525.30. : Besides . these items there are small amounts due for unpaid freights from agents along the line, a portion of. the current quarter from the U. S. States for mail service, uu oiuu auiouuw uue iron, connect- ,uuuw' xuoHJr1,BBwuoiomaKeB an excellent showing and '. proves be- yond a doubt that the road with management will more than pay ex penses. The Receiver compliments the Superintendent, 'Mr: Jas. A. Bryan, for hiatal andantivif and for lha .aVln m x-l V VT, " of several hundred dollar per month JSSKSSKfcf- tion that the renort shows that there I were -no . cross-ties that he could use - i whenhecmemtopoeseesion; tnatover 1600 were purchased during the short time he operated t, over one , thousand i h , i,us m luo roau-oeu-, aiso some needed wpain doneon Neuse river bridge. . , Almost the entire day. was consumed -c.tA ! iii 11. t v .u WJO Vi xvumm bj jrnu auu vv iiiiaui r muer, muiuteu ;ur m i luring a public building the county I It will be .remembered that on the night of the 24th of December last the I jail was broken into bv carties from the onbiidA and amrarnl nriannora HWatad I - ;'.-ij-i-- t-i rrm 1 -1 moug ynom was one cen am wno stood indicted for the murder of his wife. One of the escaped prisoners, Roland Fulcher. was captured and brought backto jail in a few days and was a witness , on the trial, testifying that Abram Brvan and William Fisher and-two others whom he did not recog nize, made the opening through the wall, went in and removed the covering from Ben Hill's cell and they escaped. A negro girl who was also in the jail on the same night, testified to having seen Bryan, Fisher and David Swindell come into the jail yard on that night between 12 and 1 o'clock John 8,,. thA m,W nriaonr nBnf - ' - , -1, - therfrl. Who did not sr.a hninir pon. ' fined in a cell, testified to having heard Abram Bryan's voice in the jail on the night of the escape. There were several other witnesses on the part of the State but the testimony of these was the most direct The testimony for the defendants was principally aB to character, Mr. M. D. W. .Stevenson, of ,the firm of Green & Stevenson, and L. J. Moore, Esq., conducted the prosecution, and Messrs; Wm. Whitford, Wm. E. Clarke and B. F. Mayhew appeared for the de- Mayhew appeared fendanto. lj C 'i At the close of the testimony Mr. Stevenson put , the case to the jury in his usual concise, dear and logical style. He was followed by Messrs. Mayhew, Whitford and Clarke who fought for their clients with such zeal as to arouse the ire of Mr. Moore who closed for the Stale in one of his best efforts. He knitted the testimony together so strong- lv Da fn laoU nn oil ilAnHt aa . tKa A a. fendants' guilt. After a fair and im- partial charge from His Honor the jury retired and soon returned a verdict of guilty. y: -'.,. .... -..-ii -r."' ' A, Court adjourned until this morning. The A. & N. C. Railroad. . Editor Journal: It is the unanimous opinion of the citizens along the line of the A. & N. C. Railroad, that the time has now gone by for this road to be any longer used as a political shuttlecock by politicians and place hunters; the. ne cesuiiiea and growing wants of the peo- pie demand that it must be made to subserve the purposes for which it was built, viz., for the more rapid and cheap- er transportation of freight and travel, and for the furthering of the nroeneritv of the country through which it passes, and not for the purpose of giving em ployment. and conferring offices upon wire-pulling politicians. We are re- j !oi to see that the people of Raleigh, C ' 1 1 .oro, Elnston and New Berne are lI I L t 'y entertaining the propo t ( ' -i ron 1; th' is a move i i i' -. . ... ,.;.!;;!,, 'and ; one that . 1 J ; I . ! i l - Id long ero tl.is, r i ) i t . f l tbout it, fur 1 j i i NEW: BERNE, N;,Gv SATUBbAT Jlfi before rami: thn xt xaiU mrthAr lib nairloa j. n t i .. .. . x ' n j ninety - five miles . long; costing 11,800 Kj uidiHiuiu Biiu Kiinu ihhml; h raiinniu. 000,, tolerably well equipped, ! in fair running order. dohnrinMnor nta n of . 7 . . . I ha h harhnra nn tha Atlnnt.ln vutat. j.s jaiLhih ,jn . ut imHMuv flivnb imuiuiu ul uuiiura. wjui business raDidlv increasing, we mieht ,. . ... .t . i '. , ir. with a raniditv almost nnnrecedent-1 lktion. second to bone In tzo-aheaditive! and intelligence. iWbv. Mrt Edi- tor, that little town of Kinston, to Bay nothing of Goldsboro, Raleigh or New I Berne, can furnish business talent I enough to run a half-dozen railroads like this. ' Many of your readers have no idea of the grand future of this road if it were placed under the management who are not place hunters and politicians, but of men who would exer- oisa game control of it that they ' M tnn. and theyre easily found. It can be dem- onstrated to a mathematical certainty I that, as a business venture, the parties 11 iarnAmnn maDtZ, unZ . "- "' . cess. , we say mat u , tne oustnessi . he f . ' . . . . . , onnti in nnnnnna rj inrrnaaa in a rav irreater ratioL that Its futnre would, if -0,1--- '---a mvw BomB'-ohariter'to SkWtiKt the inexorable logic of faci, the records road show it; the fast increasing nrAanorlfv n lha n' w f no lIC mpir ii i u . li ii i n.u ii . . jiiiiiiii h . t. i , wni . us. kh iiii . i I .uiii . .n i .1 1 1 1 1 1 111. in :i x u . 1 1 . 1 1 .1 . 1 1. m. . I.. .. Al L L ..A. I 1... tfnA4-AMM 1- . Vlh Iui mo iuki uuiuwouwwu m iw um- 1 is a very peaceable looking and accom tory gives some evidence that in the plished gentleman. His oflSce impress near future the business of. the railroad l:u v j u I ooduuic UuKo yiwu., uu wujr suouia w ua wim uur uauus ioiuou ana I say , aa has been too much the custom, I let it be given to .some one who will run it," for we are siok and tired of the! whole - thine"; we tell your readers, Mr. Kditor. that w arn vnnr nnar thn .ii . i. j 1. . j ii . t. , 1 I selling u poiui,, nu uieu wueu we r- rive at that point we shall indeed be sick and tired; two short years from the date of this writing wUl decide as to the ownership of the State stock, and when it is gone the road virtually goes Iwith it - 1 ; ' Veritas. ' LaGrantre and Snow HIU. "XTrwf nnrl nlaooiiva An Mitt a Inra it a iiviJa wiu uivnouiu mo uuvmnojo r synonymous. .Yet light work should always yield ' wholesome delight. I found the two happily combined in a trip just completed.; On Sabbath! 8d June a oommittee of Orange Presby- isery,-coubihwukoi nev. i. v. Aie2.au- der, of Guilford county, Geo. Allen and m-gnif'-v .y-2." i organized a Pres. mJMU M cnaan' wlzea a ll t ! V V. T- 1 X AT. A UJ " Midland N. C. R. R. Messrs. M. H. Wooten, H. M. McDonald and James D. Murphy were elected and installed as Ruling Eiders. v. . ; ;. : ; L ., This village, is quite thriving; : Espe$- iftllvfa it noted for Its two excellent J itf presided ovef by ' two Alumni of i YtVionM TTill "Maamva Mnrnhir anil .Trvxr- ner. . Their two story building is located R fine grove and they have some 125 Btudent ' These gentiemeil are scholars of reputation; enthusiastic' young men in their, chosen profession, and must succeed and attain eminence. , The Military School is . conducted by Capt. Davis, energetic, enterprising and suc cessful. He has 75 scholars and is re arranging his barracks and school build ing. I: looked .into one of. the rooms and found everything,), shoes, combs, bed, etc., in apple pie order. These schools alone make this an im- .. , x .-,' section of country.' Their commence ments have been quite notable affairs', in which have participated Senator Mer- rimon, speaker Kose and last, Dut not least, our own Rev. F, W. Bason. La Grange knows where talent lies and uses it. New Berne must look out, that she is not eclipsed in school matters by her little and young sister. 1 did I not hear of any citizen there arraying himself againBt any measure tending to - 1 promote educational progress, f flU . . : t This is the county ' seat of Greene county, 14 miles' from' La Grange. A good steed and skillful driver took me over that distance in two hours. The fence . law prevails in this county. It has been fenced all around at an ex' - pense of about $0,000. , The county has ndt the blessing enjoyed by Craven, viz., a public debt. Property is quite equally divided, far more bo than is usual, and almost every citizen is inde pendent, or he ought to be, if he attend- ed properly to his affairs. Farming op erations soomed to be skillfully conduct ed. TMjvi".'3is preUilyBitue'i on C :0 Lil'j above Contentnea Creek, and ,owc. 1 1 1 1 .Jc aandOtaer !) I . . : i .bcr of new : 1 t " . .!v9 i ' I. ,.U3 stores "'" ' - ' i i i i 1 i . - , ....,',, ! . . I TT . a h. hflnti ArArtarl unit loot hricht inl - i. t mi. - i j . house in the county has just: been built uiflir iihhu . : umuii. . ' ' iuh . uauuMiuicBb I by Mr. John Murphy, a prominent jne I chant here.iJ. Messrs! ! Dixon and SuirirLThe THIRD 8E88IOK ot thW . .. I and. Pnllarri rift A. Hnrt hliainBflB. fttld 1 Inf. Toil T.1.m h.nJla 'T.Malhn v. jupavvuvao, nuu . uMiuiou uuov thousand bales of cotton the past sea- - i'. j t.i.. it.' Li son,' and is liberal and enterprising and be a famous riding community, for it boasU of three fine and extensive livery stables, which all thrive, and, judging from the equine outfit I had, their stock must be good and well treated. I As I am writing, a steam engine is puffing away before me on the river brink. It is planing lumber, and the workmen, near that capital bridge across Contentnea, are building a steam- boat for the river trade. It will be a passenger as well as freight boat, and both business and Dionicinar are nrovid- ed for. , Snow HiU is coming to New Berne soon.; When Contentnea is up, trade is brisk in New Berne.. Then the Snow Hill and Goldsboro teleeraDh line . . i... . , wunwew j m ujr, uu u affectionate Dail Brothers are expected M'.the .Country. world will prevail. All the secrets of nrjuniai . LuuvoiDabiuuD niiu iitio uuldi i oourtmgwmpleg aw n to, fly abroad, Si! SSime or for enabling foes to quarrel; which ? The father of the bar seemed 5" one with the fact that he is a well in- ioriutju Btuueni,, una ueserveuiy an es' taemed legal adviser, with a large and growing practice. ' And lest he ahould slumber, Mr. Albrittou is ready to tick- le him on the spot. Mr. Monroe ToTEES 51 New Berne's most beautiful and excel' lent ladies, who presides with admira- grace in ner BWeet nome on tne river. Q, mi.tnrtni Snow Hill has known lis not having been visited by Presbyte- Irian ministers.. It is hoped that this w.m be wmidied in the future, as they h and noblv onen their churches. The Methodists have a very pretty church almost completed. In this charming pioture only one se- rious defect was seen and that was the I . . . - M , i I 1oiaa nmtrioiAn mofA fAV arAolirirr onrov 1 men's brains. and ruininz their souls. But God's grace can cure this, and 1 Christians are praying for an outporing 01 "P1' tb .cenveI510,n 01 -Sh hurtful to prmcipalv and to all iconcernea tnerein. , ,,; ..; . ,( .- t ,lTie Government 'appropr at on for i oieaojng am me river was wisely usea f Kwfl0r P Don.nm ar,A hna no.rU. I "J v.U -..B- twn was epened this far. But the Ureefc ia navigable much higher still, if funds can oe procured to remove the logs and Other. i After nreacW in Snow Hill 'for three days,' I closed a very pleasant so- Mourn, and return to rest under the I AvuJ 1 A. T-.---' " L. C. VA83. I i -'i . ; -A 'Cotton market, aa.---u i Cotton continues to decline. Futures' went off several point yesterday, clos- tag., quiets Spots dull. 4 New Berne market dull. No sales. J'tii'i::' NEW; TORE MARKET, SPOT: Middling 10 5-8. . ) Strict low middling 1U 7-10 , i LoW middling 10 1-8. . ; ; . I - NEW YORK FUTURES! i X" June, ' ' 10.58 - 4 ! July ;( , '.10.56! OVAr. 'August, , ..10.80.. 'Laxaak September, 10.8a s ; y - ? - COMMERCIALS I ,''! t.i, li .1-1 a. 'i:ijt. . ! .Cotton Middlings 9 1-2: strict1: low middling 9 3-8 ; low middling 1-4. Turpentine Dip, $2.25; hard $1.25. .' tab i.oo to i.a5. , - Tar Firm at $1.50 and $1.75. Beeswax 25c. to 28o. ner lb. ; . v Honey 60o. per gallon. , uEKjf un iuut, oo. mi io. t ivj;1" "S3 Hi mutton aaa.as per nead. Hams Country, 18o. per pound. Laud Country, 14o. per lb. Fresh Pork 7a9c. per pound. ti n ,juaaB nc. per aozen. ; , r ;-,;j:;vJ peanuts i.oo per busheu .. 'j:; Fodder $1.25. per hundred. , Onions-1-, per bunch. v M ' i Peas $1.00al.25 per bushel. ' t ; Hides Dry 9c. to lie. ; green 5o. Tallow 6c. per lb , v ; iv Chickens Grown, 60a70o. per pair. meal Bolted, 750. per bushel Potatoes Bahamas, 50c; yams 60d per bushel. a '' turnips so. per bunch. ; s.. i J- 11T i r .nmv. PT H 1 1 , . .. , ify Atm urn u w. lBi uubuoi. ; ;.v-tQ , WOOL 12a20c. per pound. , ;! Shingles West India,dull and inom inal; not wanted. Building 5 ' inch, hearts, 3.50; saps, $2.50 per M. NEW R0E3 furuiahed and erected or re- pairing doe at short notice. ' t f! E JNO. B, WATSON. - moylO-dUa 1883. ti n Elizabeth City 1. r SCHOOL: mOKMAjU i V M ks. ln- onen JUNK 25. 1883. ond continue lw to 'Tho iMi thii Onhnni to irlva i traction to teacher and those who lntenu w11l'hniuia1ate1 hv a mrmnf the ablest in- """"imp in . i"' . . . :. - , ,,- v, , . aois, will have charge of the Department of I Elooutlon. " - ' I Dr. J.Ii. M. Currv. Rev. Sr. Sannders. oil Va MaJ. B. Bingham, Gov. T. J. JarvU, Supt. Scarborough and other dlatlngulahed educa tor are expeoted to ecture durinit the e- AM;. For further information address any of the unaereignea, - - . . Dr. J. N. Butt, i Hon. W. F. Foot, j ; -. B. S. Fowler, '.W. J. Griftin,' . Boarrl of Manaorera. . dlwtd OrS. L. Seep, Principal. NEW BERNE . , QILLIARD PARLOR. 's ' l In the Duffy Building, ou Middle street, near coruer 01 ruiiucK, i.' ' " T11..1 FIVF NFW TARI FS HIST PUT IN " '"'m ipt-a.TiiiiJ.-j.-jm,.!).-! Three BUhard and TWO Pool, CAKOMBOLETLE TABLE. m a ; , . M V OEVIL AMONG THE TAILORS : 4T. : . ' CVi - fronfr T fnopT mm. vZZ. Sardines, Lobster, Llmburger and Schweitzer Cheese constantly on hand. JOHN DETRICK. Novld Aw. LIMEJLIME ! 200 Barrels Building Lime, $1.25 per Barrel. In lots of twenty-five barrels, special terms. may5-dtf SIMMONS & HAVENS JUST RECEIVED AT GIIAS. II. BLANK'S T.TTMT.fiP Xt "Mf! A WflP.'Q JJ UI1UU1 ' Ufj 11 tinn iiii n , auwhBi 1 1 VAJ M Celebrated Decorticated Hllllgariail Roller PTOCeSS ' , ::a: -.,! m; 1 The Best in the Market. . Try it and you will never use any Just Received : . A LOT OF " ; :i" Murchison's Patent Combi nation Hoes, Rakes,' Forks, i , 5 ., , ,t; , (-. y , This combination is indispensable U Gardeners and Farmers, : . Call early and supply yourself before l they are all gone. . f , j , may ,ay24dtf ; New Berne, N. 0 MESri. j. hart: 1 ! 'i WlUblose out her (A-!SK ENTIRE STOCK 0F MULINEHY BOOBS During the ' Next Sixty Days atStore on Middle treet, one door from Cu - torn House. Ladies will do well to call, as the Qoods art all this Spring's importations. ' ' ' mayl6dlm : ; MBS A. J. HART. T T $6,000. TEE CHRISTIAN BROTHERHOOD; J. JtfMai Endowment Society of the l (My of Jiorjoikf Vharterett by the Legwlature on the Tenth - day of February, 1880. ,'1 0KtiCKR8 Jndge D. X Godwin, General Su perintendent j E. T Powell, Treasurer! Rev, R, H. Jones, Secretary and General Agents, ' Qknerai, Dikkctoby Judge D. J.Godwyn, Ool. A. Savage, E. T. Powell, Esq Captain J, B. Kiddlck,ReV. Rlohard H. Jones, i , ' t llils Society pays at death from l,0OQ to Jd,000, according to class insured in. Class 1 navl ft!inf. AnAll MftiHOtl If takan ' ' T.- . W.Q00. ,iij;J iVf'. Male and female, applicants! are taken same terms. ' .. ii -, vi . ' , O. Al SLfiDGE, General A (rent, will be in New Berne about the 25th inst , , . Mr. W. B. Bovd has been appointed ' agent of the Christian Brotnerhood. ; f ' f ' i mayitf-'ft Jul ' I . NO. 61. CITY ITEKS. "... This eoiumn, next to local new,la tobensed for Local AdvertisinR. . A Chrlatlan Brotherhood. ; This society has solved the problem of. cheap insurance and deserves the confi dence aud support of our people.. Its agement ana airectory is compuNeu, 01 tne Dest ana most rename of Norfolk and any one in e cannot do better than .. Ts. A. bLKDGB tiinir.Awir.nr.nia aeviu On. Tuesdav nieht. the 22d dav 1.. May, somewhere on Neuse street be tween George and Craven, one large goia ear drop, with a small pearl set. Any one finding the same will be lib erally rewarded by leaving it at the Journal office. T. The Flncat Lot of N. C. llama Ever brought to this market, put up by two of Onslow's best farmers, 8. W. Venters and E. J. Newbolds. for sale bv may 23 . ; Humphrey & Howakd;- A. H. Potter in makinor soda water aoes not UBe PU1"P water but pure' ois ",,u tf. AFlrat Claae Sewing machine bran new can be B" "' at the Journal office. Notice. The Twentv-nlnth Annual MastiinArti Stockholders of the Atlantic and North Cftro- iiia ruiiiroao uompany will De neld at MOKE HiAD CITY oil . " : . . ( THURSDAY, the 88tn day of Jnne, 1883i . ' ' F. C. ROBERTS, " may5dtd . -Secretary. JUST RECEIVED BY SHENANDOAH. Good Baltimore Sugar Cured Hams and Shoulders, s Breakfast Bacon, . ; Jumbo Ilams . Chip Beef, Fulton Market Beef , CHOICEST GILT EDGE BUTTER, Fresh Lobsters, etc., etc., Cheap as the cheapest, for cash. V WM. PELL BALLANCE & CO. Ju2-dtf . ,. . .,, BUTTER. Fine Cooking Butter from ud countrv at 15 cents per pound by the kit. New York State Butter at 18 cents per pound by the tub. tfood uoshen Butter at 30 cents per pound by the retail. C. E. FOY & CO.; ' Brick Block. Middle street. d v Newborn.. N. C. Truckers, Ship Your Beans ' . and Potatoes to ' . . f . - . i - Ai F. YOUNG & CO. PRODUCE ..',VJ V- Commissidn nercbahts 184 Reade and 210 Duanp Sts., . -.a NeVYork.if.'?; ';v W Southern Fruits and Vecetables a specialty. ,: . ' BuFERENCra Irving National "BatTk, N. T;j' George H. Dawea, Norfolk, Vs.; Thoiuan Soottl I'oruraouui, va. , - , Stencils can be had at Journal office. ; A. F," ovm.- may2ld Pktke T. Nkvinsi ' ' 'T o-: . CO Ul PR ." O a ." iUJ d E W iivj.4.MsJ.-- 1 Fulton' Market CQmed, Beef, J Engllsh Breakfast Bacon,, :tl J':yj".v. Sugar Cured Shoulders, , - r.'wJ;w Eoallsh Island Molasses S C I Porto Rtco Molassea, i i "J ''.i,'". t Fine Syrnp, ,.j VUUUMM.XOM, , ?(-.v, fV'.i,-' to-M" , Fresh' Roastd Coffee,' ;" f. ' . .' t THIS VERY BEST BUTTER that can be had, Irish Potatoes, i .V '' ti.') i.Aii:ii is Cream Chs?. ; ; i Thefoilowln i ; i iii ;h "i, ri f "'1 4;'ii2 ngareafewof theCannad Goods, t Which I am 6ffering so' Cheap; Plne Apple,' Corn, ,' Buocotashi "Pas tobsteK ft Salmon, .Ollya Butter, MUk, Brandy Peaches,'! . : Pickles. . .,. ,.,, ... , .. . . , "My Spices are perfecHy Pure. i-C vO .1 U w l . T-, A mTT T-V-V -Wrlm I ' IV: A' I 11 11 t I'l I W H' ' I' .TnnTUit.ll TTniiod nh Woo Tf"D ;onliB now onen for' the ''Mason." ' J'rom r S tn11 AVliwlf . irt: Hmmtid iT.Ar ; f the ballanco of, the day to HLJ and BOYS.,, t-.f. - -5"! - i Admittance (FIVE, to' TEN CtUlT "', Soawn Tickets $3.00 ' ".'yRHn'y, maylwJ..."- W. ir. WATfeOJf, Jxt.5 '

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