I T" V. Until further nolle the steam. of tbli Company will tall as followi : Cl:in;r L. it Cutler - Leave New Berne every Wednesday -and Saturday at 8 a.m. for Jolly Old Field. Leave Jolly Old Field at J a. m. every Mon day and Thursday far New Berne. y ( r Tnte li goodichedule for Trackers. .' ; Batehelor'i Creek every Tuoeday and Fri day, returning tame day. - ' Steamer Trent. . j : ' : . r r ... .. Leave New Berne every Monday and Friday at I a.m. for Trenton, returning Tuesdays and Saturday, . , - , . Every Wednesday for Polloksville, (ailing t S a.m, returning same day at 5 pjn. Fare for round trip 25 oenta to plcnle par ti. Thuradaya np for charter. ' - GEO. T. DUFFY, v j Qen'L Freight Agent. New Berne, Jane 1 188S. i C iaanJi " (aaas3 LlaaOl The Neuse Bivftr Navigation Uompany Will run the following Schedule: ' Steamer Kinston Will leave the Old Dominion Wharf TUES DAYS and FRIDAYS, and arrive at Kinston WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, and leave Kinston MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, arriv ing in New Berne the same day. Will tench at all Landings along the River going and coming. This steamer makes close connection with he Old Dominion Line. . Freight received on the days of sailing. For rates apply to the Captain on board. - J. M. WHITE, , ootldltf ' ' Manager. OLD DOMINION Steamship- Company. . i A SEMI-WEEKLY LINE ' fob ,-,:' New iYorK: Baltimore, , Nor- , folk,' Boston, Elizabeth City, Philadelphia, Providence, . . '. - and other ' Cities. " ' . ON AND AFTER Tuesday, May 15th, 1883, ...VI' -" "f UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ' ,' Steamer ShenandoaL ' .' ;.. .... . , ' Will loave, upoa aoivfil of train oa Norfolk Southern BaOiuetd at Elhtabeth, City, avsiy HoBday and Thursday " 'i for New Berne' Beturaing leaves New Berae ' or uiiaeeta uity every at 4 p. rn, making dps connKtloa with Nor- folk ' Southern R. B. for Northern cities. 01 oM conaeetioa made at Hew Uerne with taamers for Kinstoa. PolloksTllle. Trenton ane all 1andin, on the Neuse and Trent 1 Rivers. No freights received for shipment on TuendaVs and Fridavs sfter SUsm. ' ' Freight forwarded promptly and lowest rates . gnaranteed to destinstlon. Fare to Elisabeth City and return. 4. To Washington, S4. To Norfolk, $(. Tn Baltimore, S. 60. To New York, "w. .., i. vf. .. , . , , . ... , ., K. B. BOBEBT8, AgH, New Bene, ... Oruvrrn Timim, ' ; Ag'ts. Norfolk, V. A . Iff If ClsltwmntiH Lull 1 A -I ' '' ,t ' . r,. . itar.Mlvd ,- v. New York City ' Change of Pier ii Ve w TotIl The N. C. Freight Line FOR NEW YORK," . E08T0N, TEOVIDENOE, i i and ill points 1 North and West vr After this date will receive freight in New York for New Berae at ' ';' ' - PIER 7, NOBTII KIVKB, Office of . New Tori and Baltimore . Transportation Col ' , Merchants should remember that this Is one of the best Steam Lines eat of Nw York, making anil connection witft UMtimore lor new lierne au inside, ana only one cnaage, . . m - :j !. SEHt-WEEKLY, STEAMERS - ' iToucWgatHorfoikj : J' - Lenvltit New Berne for Baltimore TUESDAYS , F LiiAT3 at 1 p m. Lettre Baltimore foi New Berae WEDNESDAYS dad SATURDAYS -p-- ,iv v' ,;,,;,., Jt.f!.,.. : Agents aiWas follewsi , " EUBEN.F0STXB,O1 Jfanager,; v - ( - , 80LlghtSt.,Bl't.Nd. JAS. W. KcO ABBICK, Agt Norfolk, Va. W. F. Clyde Ce., Pblladeiphls, II South was. ' " ' Of. 'i-:-. '.' '. '' imkk Palto. Trans. Line, Pier 1, North river T ;,t unon, rioxtoB, 63 Central wharf. , ;. (. 1. 0. sunk. Veil Elver, Derrick wharf. V Is ; tntlntve Bunton, Tneadaysand Sniardsys, " New orkdilv. ' "' . .." .IPsiiimore, Wninesdays and Ssinrdsjs '",.' tall fuver, Mondays, Wednesdays. ua rnaaya. - .. ., $ ' Fro'vMnnce, Satnrdars v ' hrougb biiis lading firm, and rates gnsraa erii to all points, at the different rdlces of the Bipanise. t : , , J , ? ; ,.'' - ..lie' C LI-. d On and after MONDAY NEXT, the New Eerne and famlloo Steam Transportation Company will dispatch their !ct7 and Fast Sailing Stsaiaer ELM CITY aa follows until further notice.: , ,. Mondays and Thnrsdays xeave tsay ooro for Kew Berne Sam. Stopping at Stonewall, Van demure, - Fantllvo and ' . Vediiesdays and Saturdays . , , ,'. ,. eavejNew Berne tor BavDoro 8 a.m. Stopping at Adams Creek,. Paiulico, Vandemera , and . J 11 ... .... v. . , , f . Having good accommodation both for pas sengers and freight at very low rate ask that the merchant and producers; along its line give it their cheerful support. ' ipvv ' For further information enquire at the of- gee. Foot of Craven street. - ; ,! S. H.GRAY. t 'V.. i - tien'l Manager. Or any of Its Agents at the following places: ABE LEE, Adams Creek D. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, ' a H. FOWLER, Stonewall, ., , B. H. FOWLER. Kayboro, r , t, JOSHUA SEAN. P amlioo. , Frnla lived under cover every day b the wees ; iv, . lanziaawty EAILEOADS. CHANEE CR SCHEDULE., ;.. Atlantic At N. C, Railroad. TIME TABLE No. 2, New Series. la Effect 6:10 P.M., Thursday, May 24th, EAST. WKST. I No. 47. 'Exoress No. 48 ' TCxpresii. Pass.aMall tette aat ft Arr.v ii've. STATIONS. Pms.tMail Arr. L.'ve. r. m P. U r. u: r. m HI Qoldsboro, La G ranee... 11 sol e ts 7 4 11 35 11 38 11 0ft 16 7 00 7 SS Kinston,.... i) li eo 9 i-2 e N3 . w iiciun,... . iMorebead Iepot,. -1 li 48 A. M. A. BY A.M, EAST. WEST. No.S No. 4 Mixed Firt. A Pass. Train. Mixe Tgt. ft STAtlOAS. fass. xra n. Arr. L've. Arr. ' A. M. A. M. SO 7 10 r 1 40 8 11 8 66 86 1 16 P. M. 9 48 9 12 8 47 8 11 '7 11 6 39 S SI 17 8 00 P. K. P. U Qoldsboro,., 7 06 7 Ml 8 10 886 9 81 10 04 10 40 11 01 ll 89 k. M. ueei s ..... .,.,. La O range, Falling Oreek..., EinstoaM..u.... Dover.... Uore Creek r. Totcarora Clarke's a.,., ... Mewbern, m.......... : 9 IS ' 8 8 11 7 48 6 86 m 10 60 It 17 0 06 4 00 I A. N p. EAST. I "WIST. Kin a : . i Nn-ft. MteedFgt,i'vs'i-''':-J'"'';;;- ' I Mixed Fgt.k rass. j.raiu. i ;";,BTAXtOHS. ' Pass. Train Arr. , L've: Arr. L've. MMNH j eaeeeeeeteeeeeae A. M. : 6 SO; Newborns. 7 16- Biverdale... i P. M. ! : 8 00! ' u; .; . oo! l i ss; i 11 86! r is! 7 26- 7 A4; 8 St 8 66! 0 281 46: 17 S 06 I 86 1 01 1 44 12 19 11 46 7 80 ; Croatan w....... 8 07; Havelock........ 8 44 Newport, ...., 00! Andrews. ...a! 12 40- 9 83: Horehead Clty... 11 16; P. M. j ; worebead uepot, a.m. A. M. P.w. Train 48 connects wiih Richmond k Danville Trains bound West, leaving Ooldsbero at 1:06 p. m., and with Wilmington A Weldon Train Sonth, at 6.03 p. m. Train 47 conneets -with Bichmond k Danville Train, arriving' Ooldsbero at 6:00 p.m., and Wil mington and Weldon Train from the north at 6:W)p.m. Train 4 aaiijr except Saturday ana Snjday i rain aauy except snnaay ana manaay. . Trains 66. Tuesday and Friday. - 'Train 47 sooner at Kinston. Train 4 sooner ai Bwinsion.; Trains Dreaaiastat Kinston. a 1 James A. Bryan "'! Superintendent. , . ' Midland N. C. Railway. s TIME TABLE No. 2, ? , In effect Friday, 6:00 A. M., May 4th , ,1883. ... . ..... . WEST. EAST, ntLs-W No 1. , , No 1 Mixed Train. - " ' NUed Train. STATIONS, i- Arr. 'v L've, !:,:,. Arr.: I've. 7 00 Goldiboro M... 1 40 7 16 f 17 Ooplands.. T 20 -7 10 7 81 T 86 Princeton............ 6 66 7 00 7 41 7 41 Holt's Mill 6 46 6 48 ' 7 86 8 00 Pine Level....:.;..!.. 6 20 6 26 S 20 . 8mtbfleld.M...... t CO P.M. P.M. j I A.M. A.M. Train 1 connects with W, k It, Train bound soutn at : p. At. Train 1 leaves Bmithfleld In time ta connect With W. a W. Train brand North at 9:68 A. M. ana tt-kl). Tram bound west at 10 A. M. - The trains on this Road will sun daily. 19. See Rules and Regulations oa Tims Table 0 of Atlantic and N.O. B. . " T ! :-y James A. Bryan, v - - . P , Superintendent, P. 1L Hale's Publications. Tt8 Timbers ajid Weeds of Korth Carolina ' ' 1 Vol., 12 Mo.,' Cloth! ei.25. ' "The publication of such tacts In a shape mat manes mem accessiDie, is me Desi ser vice that the public-spirited men In the South can do their States."- N. Y. World. "The very thing needed. A very important work for the State." Wilmington Star. -"A timely and valuable publication. Must Iiroveoi great aervice to ine Biaie. jnar otte Journal. "Mr. Hale has done the State a great service, Biblical Recorder. " "Ot such thorough excellence that It de serves the widest circulation." Kaahvllle Lumberman. The nook Is well printed on tinted paper, Is handsomely bound In cloth,contaiiisZ72 pnfr.ee, and an accurate and beautifully executed map of the State, with all the railroad routes aenneo, (,(- ;.-... ,.;' - :..-! ' 1 i ". V KVKRTBODT'S BOOK, r . Answers to simple questions frequently put to lawyers dv Aymen, Points In Law of value to everv man In North Carolina the professional man, the rarraer, me mecnamc, ine lanuiora, the ten' ant. the crrmrter. the laborer. 12mo.. pnpr, 32 pages. Irlce (five postage tor sale by booksellers prPnemllv, who run Desuppiiea in qimiilliies nliivi:. ipiprm by ellnerof tlie nii(iiT8":np(l. if mi ui ik i at your local bookxuitu, muiU d potstjitua ecelpt of the price bv . ( .. J. ITT.K f Pnblisliers, Booli'-iii-a a-i t :,uw i. Vorkj or P. W. UAJuK, 1 ut-i.uor, Arrival tsjrcraiture'IIiils. v:;':. ;MAIL:.CLOSES."v",V . V;; For North, WeBt and S6wth1 yia A, & . U. R. R. at 8;80 a.m. . For Beaufort .' and the ; East, ' at 9:00p.m. , .:,? For Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays at 5:00 a. ta. . ' ; For Trenton, Polloksville and Mays- yille, daily at 7:80 a. m, " V',f- u 1 ; ": For Granteboro, Bay River and Van demere, daily at 6 a, m. vl v ' ' .n ' . The contractor will take passengers to Stonewall for one dollar, and to Au rora semi-weekly at $1.50. ; ,' " . ' OFFICE HOURS: ' ' .. I in money uraer ana registered let ter Department, from 10 a.m. to 4 p. m. In Mailing Department from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. . :',: . v Office open constantly between these hours except when mails are being dis tributed or. sent. , ;v i - , , Open on Sunday from 9 to 10 a.' m , s STATE NEWS.'',' Gleaned from our Exchanges. Elizabeth City Economist : " They are cleaning np. the burnt district preparatory to building it np com pactly of brick and mortar. Eliza beth tiity. baa a manifest destiny and we are pleased to bear testi mony to the an terrified spirit of her enterprising business men. A beautiful photograph of two twin oxen were handed us by John Brockett, which he saw in Balti more last week. Beantiiull One of them, weighed 3800 pounds and the other 3500 pounds. They are 5 years old. Price $2,000. .Wouldn't we leei proua to drive 'em yofeed up. ! Concord Commonwealth : Mr. W. A.' Dunn tells us that while in Wel don last week he visited the " Mode! Farm of Mr. T. L. Emery. He says .that - Mr. Emery has forty acres of land in clover and orchard grass, it will average lour leet in height, and about four tons can be cut therefrom " this . season. Mr. Emery is one of the most prosperous, energetic and thrifty men in the county, and we - wish some of our Koanoke farmers would follow him, ana sow grass ana clover. The in vestment would pay. arboro Southerner: The Jas tices of this county met with the county commissioners Monday and levied the taxes for the year. For the unlisted taxes the county tax was made equal to that of the State. On real and! personal, property nineteen ana one-halt cents on the one hundred, dollars was levied for county purposes, total, thirty-two cents the same as last year. The State tax is; twenty-Jive cents on the hundred, or three cents less man last year, which will be a re ductlon of between 1200 and 1500 dollars. On an average there will thus be about1 five cents less per capita.;'? c-n (. 'U':.'J.:rvi.. DE. J. D.:CLAHK; t ' ' ' . ' NEWBEIUr, IT. O. Office on Craven Street, between Tollook and Broad.' " v( " . aprl7-dwly Ic;;I;:m Crcr.: al Llls3 W. P. KORUEGAY & CO. OF GOLDSBOllO. WATERT0Vmf f ECLIPSE FRANK ENGINES .ii.t;jMi; Are FIRST CLASS, equaled by few excelled by none. Reference la made to every party using them. - Satisfao hon guaranteed. . . .-, . s r i Do not be put off with the common engines how flooding the market, but call and examine ours and let us show you their points of excellence. :': " j Also, agents fcr the ;.,, ; , HANCOCK INSPIRATOR, the best boiler feeder known. j GOTTOilsr GINB ' Simplicity Power Presses the best made; - v. ?v v Grist T.Iills, Delting, Pipe ; Fittisgs, . nnd machinery goiierall)'. Sample en jjums always iu stock. Tor further inform ai ion cu'l on or ad C;c3, 1 '. ."' J. li. tllYAN, ! "T, rxrjx-y '-ro.il .:, 3.:::.: 3 More people have rcaJ The Sun during the year, just now p.$s" t ?.n ever before since it was f at J. No other newspaper puLIi; cd o i t Js side of the earth has been bought and read in any year by so many men and women. We are credibly informed that people buy, read, and like The Sun for the fol lowing reasons, among others : . . Because its news columns present in attractive form and with the greatest possible accuracy whatever has . interest tor human kind ; Ine events, tne deeds and misdeeds, the wisdom, the philoso phy, the notable folly, the solid sense, tho improving nonsense all the news of the busiest world at present revolving in space. ": , ; ' 'v ' Because people have learned that in iis remarks concerning persons and af fairs The Sun makes a . practice of tell ing them the exact truth to the best of its ability three hundred' and sixty-five days In the year, bctore election u well as after, about the whales as well as about the small fish, in the . face of dis sent as plainly and fearlessly as when supported by general approval. The Sun has absolutely no purposes , to serve, save the information of its read ers and the furtherance of the common good.' -M -:;; ,"V ' v Because it is everyoody s newspaper. No man is so humble that The Sun is indifferent to his welfare and his rights. No man is so rich that it can allow in justice to be done' him. No man, no association ot men, is powermi enough to be exempt trurn the strict application 1 of its principles of right and wrong. . Because in politics it has lought tor a dozen 'years, without intermission and sometimes almost alone among news papers, the tight that has resulted in the recent .overwhelming popular verdict against Bobesonism and tor honest gov ernment. JNo matter what party is in power, The Sun stands and will con tinue to stand like a rock lor the inter ests of the people 'against the ambition of bosses, the encroachments of monop olists, and the 'dishonest schemes 61 public robbers. : ; . ' i v All this is what we are told almost daily by our friends. " One man holds that ThS SuN'is 'the best religious newspaper . ever published, because its Christianity is undiluted with cant. An other holds that it is the best Repub lican newspaper ever published, because it has . already whipped half of the ras cals out of that party, and is proceeding against the other half with undiminished vigor. A third believes it to be the best magazine of general literature in existence, because its readers miss nothing worthy of notice that is Current in the world of thought. So every friend ot The Sun discovers one of its many sides that appeals with particular force to his individual liking. - ' If you already know The Sun, you will observe that in 1883 it is a little better than ever before. ; If you do not already know The Sun, you will find it to be a mirror or alt human activity, a storehouse of the choicest products ot common sense and imagination, a main stay for the cause of honest govern ment, a sentinel tor genuine Jetterson ian Democracy,' a scourge for wicked ness ot every species, and an uncom inonly good investment for the coming year rj t ? yr - ? '-::. 7. Address I. W.-ENGLAND," Publisher, The Sun, JS, Y. uty tv:'"l-''::rNomB.:'t;.;':rV':::;v Stats of Nokth Carolina, ' ; 1 S i; s . craven umuty, . , r j . The subscriber havlnK nnaiifled as Admin istrator of tbe estate of Daniel Bobbins, de ceased, on the 29th day of Mar. A.D. 1883. be fore the Probate Court of .Craven County, hereby notlnes all i persons having claims againn earn estate, to present mem ror pay ment on or oeiorewe winaay oi may. iwi. or this notice will be pleaded in bar .of their recovery. -'.. : ; - : ' . All persons Indebted to said Estate will make immediate payment. ,,,, ,, ,.v.v uone tnisunaayoi May, itwa. : i O. R. K0BBIN8. Administrator may80dlw e-. of Daniel Bobbing, deo'd. f THE t n: ...).- ;4 ... .... .., ,;. V,..i :t?:': Its 'Wit', and lliimor Ll llave Set ! v. Two '.Worlds In; a Koar. :( W014 I 'VV; A.t;.J - f ') -J ,',!':fi;r i;)zi:tit - ' Its Tender and Pathetic Sketch- eg Have 'touched all Hearts. '2 -.1 ' . Ana (he; Hand ot , Genius Has f-: Distinguished its Poems, Stories, Etc. Correspondence and, Many Ori : Klnal Features. ' " .'' - i Those whohave the largest acquaint ance among newspapers will agree that tne nest, most original, the purest, the mosi inorougniy enioyabie ot all news, papers is the DETROIT FREE PRESS, No other journal covers exactlv the same field or lipids exactly the same literary raiiM.. , ' It would be superfluous to expatiate on its merits, i There is hardly a read ing person in the country who has not heard, if he does not know, something of its surpassingly entertaining qual ities. '- '. .. . . ,. i- No family can be said to be fully sup plied with the best periodical literature that omits to take the DETROIT FREE PRESS. .It will be better and more interesting for the coming yenr than ever before. Two doll are a year. A premium book handsomely bound in cloth given tO'Crv f-uWribor. Splendid I ' ' s f ) ' -,. r ; oiid for Fre i. 1 1, j i . i le copies free. i . . j. . .t i. . , x ollc PLOWS, HARROWS ' . In Great Variety and HAVE A FULL STOCK OP mm; mmn c:::s Gauze, Lisle Thread and Net Undershirts, all prices. ; I l Full Stock of Eighinle and Elm City Shirts, guaranteed to fit, only J1.00.,v J t Nobby Suits, Alpaca. Drap d'Ete and Sicilian Coats for warm weather,' Large line of Dusters. See our fclO suits., v Collars,. Ciifts, White Ties and White Vests.. ' i H 4 Straw Hatsi in great variety, from 5 cents up, ! Nobby Pearl Colored Stiff Ilats. 1 ' : Alpaca and Silk Sun Umbrellas.'-We have a few dozen Misses Gossamer Rub ber Circulars, which we will close out at Large line of Vahscs and Trunks. - , If you need a Straw Malting call on receiving and selling Itvi i i - We have 'a nice line of Low, -Shoes, Gent's Slitipere. T'v v , ,( i Gents' Colored Half Hose, full line. j ,. ... - ...-.!.. . ; : Try TJs First, when you ' 'w 'i : 5! 'f!':Ofip'sklte 32XX3 1boox31 Oburoh.. I v-iSi'i'.r;::i , '-A-Xi-if-JiU; :: ,:-'": .;- ; :f; 11 ),.A.:v i. ..NOW IN STOCK ;: : irfi-;r'?'!it'l "iK:' i "r ' 1 ' ' 500 Eashels Stock' teas) -piA T).1 ' n: . m: . 1000 Bushels Oats,: --sKM..Tti-''J sr'' .' i isuuu isnsneis meadows . : !!;. K 7000 Bushels Prime White Cora. . :'0y0:'::- v 1 Snnfl llrmn Hanlra . ... : p i ;'' v Lti-Vill- -"tr-i' lii: .pi -AT- .-it. L-iti'i 1 .i raio.ppiiiT.:smi,i flouring lqlls,- 0 !ii i. i.'- -BY- i ' v ;rt :;. i r. fa- i. ll . , . . i vr I v , i tjt'Si i 'y. i i l j -: i HbLESALK AND BKTAII. DEALEE IN Pork, Long dlea'rs,', Flour ,' Sugajf, Coffee Srrqp, Molasses, Salt, Snuff, .Tobacco, v m vioouu, uoow, onoes, vonee, v;racKers, uaices, etc, eto, maSdwiy ,ii , l p , irny p Rosendale, Portland fe Melinitic . CJ;i.K..i i . ; V Plaster, Goat Hair, uc. "SALES KOOM Craven Street, below 3 u 1. r. " Aujr 19 d&w. if C""T' FOll '0 Cu A, . .. . AI 0, i 31-9 Tnickors' lkes Seed Potatoes, - .' Cotton fceed , . f V i. ' l VV'- v - Peruvian Hiid 'Eon A Uu. .., ; ' ' i ' ' ' ; "v 1 X . i . t i ' Good Luck tJuano, , ..;,.. i.V.M thte-j t.'!:i..'i'i-'a .1 y Mcrrjniun'H Super-Phospliate, , Lister's Dissolved Done, V Whann's Plow Brand, : t v For Truckers and Cotton - Tlanters. . AND . CULTIVATORS, i at Very Low r.lcea. 1 f v.. . , - , . ' , . r . , . 41.25. - ; . ., . us before you buy. We are constantly ; ' "" 1 ; ' Stacy Adams & Co.'s Patent Pumps ' and ' - t a : ' - ' " . v ; .. ..- . -:. need' Anything in our Lino ! . ,.:": ..'.':-.; I; -'f't AND FOR SALE: ;' tt . '.'..'' :-::' -', : ' St ' -v uneap iiorse Feed. ; sir a r- ) m-'.V..;-.,s.v Vt-Av-H-,-. fca ". It: 'vf. n - -NEW BERN, N. ,C. i . , v i MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE, N. f , sssft .-r -v I'orne, V 1 ! ) . , .1 I'M ft J B. H. OSAT, Alt, New Eerns.N ninylScUwtf - I,v.,v N. C. r 1 d

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