IT 2 j JL. -- Tr: 3 a , ine, n. c.,' june. 12, isr3. irr;x A OI'1 1 I I ' Until farther notice the stesunezi of this Company will sail as follow: " " i :;r L; II. Cutlsr Leave New Berne every Wednesday tad ftat n nl y t 8 a.m. for Jolly Old Field. -t Leave Jolly Old Field at t a. m. every Mon- d ;y and Thursday for New Berne. . I This is a good achedule for Truckers. , i - . ' m ... . .. I . . Batchelnr'i Creek every Tuesday and Fri day, returning tame daya. Steamer Trent. Leave New Berne every Monday and Friday at t a.m. for Trenton, returning Tuesdays and ; Saturdays, V . - Fare for round trip 26 cents to picnic par ties. ; . Thursdays up for charter. . j ' . : GEO.T.DUFT, Gen'L Freight Agent. " New Berne, June J, 1883. ,., S t .-i isbs-dAw ; '. . "v Thfl NfillSft ElTftr Naviffation oompany 'Will run the following Schedule: . ' - ; .:. Steamer Kinston ! Will leave the Old Dominion Wharf TUES DAYS and FRIDAYS, and arrive at Kinston : WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, and leave Kinston MONDAYS and THURSDAYS; arriv ing In New Bems the sune day. Will touch at all Landings along the' River' going and eomlng. '.' ' ; This steamer makes close connection with 1 he Old Dominion Line. ." . " X Freight received on the days of sailing. ! : For rates apply to the Captain on board.! - ' J. M. WHITE, ! etldltf ; ; . " ; Manager. OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. tJEMI-WEEKLY LINE New YorK, - Baltimore. Nor- folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, i Philadelphia, Providence, . and other Cities , , . , , . ON ANU AFTER , . Tuesday, May 15th, 1883, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE . Steamer ShenandoaL- Will leave, apon aviival of train oa Norfolk Southern Bailiad at- Eliiabetb Oily, evoy Blonday ad Thursday for New Berne" Returning leaves New Berne or tni&oetn tjwy every , i -r Tuesday an Frldsiy at 4 . m. making does connection with Nor folk .Southern R. R. for Northern clUef. . Close coanection made at New Heme'- with . simmers for Kinston. Polloksville. Trenton 'and all landings on the .Neuse and Trent .,Ktve,i No freights received for shipment on Tuesdays and Fridays after S p m. Freight forwarded promptly and lowest rates , trnaranteed to destination. Fare to Elisabetk City and return. 14. To Washington, 4. To ' Norfolk, S$. Tv Baltimore, 18.60. To New York, - K. B. ROBERTS, AgH, New Bene, ODLPSPPM iTUSNSB, !y .WUVf-V).; ' ; Ag'ts. Norfolk, V. A 3bi,mi : i .; ,NewTork(Sty :;?It Cliaiiga of Pier in HewYork. The N. C. Freight Line FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, , X and all points ; ; iNorth and West After this date will receive freight in New Yoik , ; for New Berne at : ; Office of Neio York and Baltimore y . VV " TransportatonVo. . . , : v Merchants should remember that this is on ot the best Steam L,lnesoatoi new xom, mailing daily connection with Baltimore for New Berne; - SU inside, ana our one cnasge. . . v ' Istjca - KewBeniB ; anil Baltimore, . ' . (Toucntac at Norfolk) ' ; , Leaving New Berne for Baltimore TUE8BAT8 FRIDAYS at 1 p m. Leave Baltimore foa Hew Berne WEDNESDAYS dnd SATURDAYS .V,' Agents sre as follews: ' -, ;j ; OTimtrw PnRTim. ftenl JTaoaf or. c . ' i ; Light St, Bal't.Wd. JAS. VT. MoOARWCK, Ag't. Norfolk, Va. ' ' W. . Clyde ; Co., Pbllaoelphla, J South ':. YwHi 'kBaHo. Tntns. Line, Pier 7, North river . : , E. Stimpaoa, Boston, 68 Central wnan, . ; K U liiwkwell. Providence R. I. - Ir Full S ier. Derrick wharf . ' ; Ships leave Tnexriajs and Satardsys. " ' m " m orlr rimlv. . 'i.n, h ne, Vn'UiKwsdays nd Saturdays ; ',' " " liJ javer, fiionosys, weanesuays. sud fr-. , ' . , . ' . rm i " urn. Palnrdavs - 'TUrou;;a l--"" "d Ntf Kran- ,1 to !! noints. at the different offices of the pan' . ;- d . H. C'"AY, A, cw Earns. N On and after fc'Cls'DAY NEXT, the New Berne and Pamlico Bteam Transportation Company will dispatch their . irawand Fust Gallia Steamer nLSJ CITY at follows until further netlce: Su v 1 - 1 Mondays and Thursdays- ieave tHiyooro ror iew Berne 5 am, , Btoppiug atHtonewall, Van-- demure, Pamlico and ' : . . Adams Creek.,-r 'f. "" Wednesdays and Saturdays ;i . i "'!' iave ivew .borne pr iiayDoro a.m. quipping at Auanis ltbhk, - Pamlico, VauUemere and - SlonewalL i Having good accommodation both forjias sengers and freight at very low rates, ask that I the merchants and producers along Its line I give it their cheerful support. '' , f ; For further Information enquire at the of- nee. Foot of Craven street. .!- - . 8. Hj. GRATt.fV j w v. . (Jen Manager. i Or any of Its Agents at the following places: - ABE LEE, Adams Creek, ! D. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, j C H. FOWLER, Stonewall, j a. xi. rvwijun, rsayooro. JOSHUA . Pamlico. 3- Freteht Ireceived under cover evert dav u un wi. . lanxiuswiy . EAILEOADS. t CHAf.EE OF SCHEDULE. Atlantic &, N. C. Railroad. New Series. In Effect 6:10 P.M., Thursday, May 24th 1883.- EAST. No. 47. Expreu PawMaJl V STATIONS.-' Y Pae.ftMail AlT,"""fc"v'! ... Arr. L've. r. m P. If. 111 Ooldsboro, 12 at n 85 11 00 60 6 63 7 4 L.iv . (grange., . 11 7 S3 122 Kinston,., Mew Berne, OS m I 06 9 1G 7 on 11 401 IMorehead k. M A. X. A. M. A. V. EAST.' tWEgT. No.S MUdF(tt. k Pan. Train. STATIOAS, Arr. , L've. A. M. A. M. 80 7 10 7 40 a n , 8 M 9 86 16 16 10 60 11 17 A. N. Goldsboro1........ Best'i .....,. La Orange, ..., Falling Oreek....... Kinston,........,.... Dover.... ......i .1, (Jore Creek , Tntcarnra Clarko'i .... Newbern, ....,.i..; 706 7 Ml S 111 8 86 81 10 04 10 40 11 0 11 38 A. H, EAST. WIST. No. . i : No. 6. Mixed Fgt. At ' ! Mixed Fgt, raa. iraiu. STATIONS. Pass. Train Arr. a. i. i" . L'vei i . A.M. i 8 80; Newbern...... . 7 18: Rlverdale...... 7 SHj Oroatan ............. 8 07; Havelock ........ 8 44: Newport .......... 8 00; Andrews... ....... 9 S3; Morebead City Morehead Depot.. A.M. I-.-1...;-;'- ..." Arr" "L've p. m. ; v 8 00: 2 )! P. M. ? 13: 7 26; M- 8 8! 8 M t 28 0 46 i k. a. ! 1 00: " 1 83;j 12-66- 12 40i' J OA . 12 16- 12 10 ! 1145 P.M.: PjM. Train 48 connects wiih Richmond k Danville Trains bound West,- leaving Qoldsbsro at rlan p. m., and with Wilmington k Weldon Train, Sonth, at 6.03 p.m. .. . j Train 47 connects with Richmond ATJanVMI Train, arriving Ooldsboro at 8:00 p.m.. and- Wil mington and Weldon Train from the Norm at 8:0!) p.m. ' ' ' "- :.-. I Train 4 daily except Saturday and Snsday i mm o uauy except ounuay ana iionaay. Trains A A 6. Tuesday and Friday. I Train 47 supner at Kinston. Train 4 snDDer at ninsion.- l ram s oreaaiast at ninston. . . ... . .i. . . .... ... - James A. Bryan, ; . ' Superintendent. ' Midland N. C. ' Railway.' . , TIME TABLE No, 2, In effect Friday, 6:00 A.' M., May 4th WEST. EAST. No. 1. No. 2. I Mixed Train. Mixed Train STATIONS. I Arr. L've, Arr. L've. 700 7 17 1 86 7 41 8 00 Ooldsboro, Oopelands Princeton Holt's Mill........... Pine Level...,.,.;;.. 8m thfleld.... ....... 7 40 . 7 20 '858 8 45 6.20 A.M. 715 7 8! 7 41 7 86 8 20 7 SO 7 00 48 6 2A flCO P. M. A.M Train 1 connects with W. A W. Train koand soum at r. m. : . - , - .1 Train a leaves Bmlthfteld In time to connect With W. A W. Train bound North at 8:68 A. M. no a. si it. Train oonna west at iu a. m. i The trains on this Road will run dallr. SA See Rnles and Regulations on Time Table v ot Atlantic and m. v. u, K. , ? i Jamea A. Bryan, - j ' Superintendent; P. II. Hale's Publications. The Timbers and Woods of North Carolina 1 Vou, 12 Mo.; Cloth. $1.25. "The publication of such facts In a shape that makes them accessible, la the best ser vice that the public-spirited men In the South can do their Btates."- N. Y. World. ' "The very thing needed. A very important work for the State." Wilmington Star. ' . ma timely and valuable publication Must Iirove of great service to the Btate." Uiar otte Journal. "Mr. Hale has done the State a sreat service. BlDllcal Kecoroer ' 'Of such thorough excellence that It de serves the widest circulation," Nashville Lumberman. . , -., ., , v , The book Is well printed on tinted pnper. Is handsomely bound In cloth .contains 272paees, and an accurate and beautifully executed map of the State, with all the railroad routes aenneu. . . . . ; -, - -, ; (. -..,- f'i KTERt'BODV'AI BOOK' Answers to simple questions frequently pnt to uiwyers Dy Laymen. i Points in Law of value to every man in North Carolina the professional man, the farmer, the -raecnatiic, the landlord, the ten ant. the cronner. the laborer. 12mo pnper, 82 pages, frlce (five postage stamps) lb cents, . i t or sale tiy DMOKseiiers generally, wno mn De supplied in Quantities on lavormue term by either of the undersigned. If not to lie hud at your local bookstore, minted postpaid i eceipt oi the price ny K. J. JIAt.K A HON, PnbliNhers. PboltHfllnrs and iSmuonei-H, Nt York) ,orP. W. tlAXB, Publisher, Jmicii, No. 4 Mixei Fgt A Pus. -Tra n. Arr.1 . e. P.M. P.M. 4 12 19 13 ' i 47 )8 62 8 12 '8 IS 7 11 i 7 48 6 89 jfi 39 1 6i am 17 8 27 t U0 - 0 OA 4 (l P. M. P, Arrival aadEcpirture Hails. MAIL CLOSES. For North, "West and South," via" A & N. C. R. R. at8.80a.m.' i For Beaufort ' and ' the' East. at 9:00 p.m. . , ,-. ! For Washington .Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays at 15:00 a. m. ;' 3 For Trenton, Polloksville and Mays- ille, daily at 7:80 a.m. ' , t For Granteboro, Bay River and Van demere, daily at 6 aJm.Vt i' li, ;.: The contractor will, take passengers to Stonewall for one dollar, and to; Au- rora Bemi-weekly at $1.50. ' ";. D-FFICE HOURS I I H In Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from 10 a.m. to 4 p. m. in mailing Department from 9 a. m. toSp.-m.-q- .-r, ''. '.A - Office open constantly between these hours except when mails are being dis- iriDutea or sent. ., t,, t I Open on Sunday from to 10 bL m. How Colds are Taken. A person in goodjliealthj with iu- piy, bms uiu uouuou uunvvi, easily resists cold. But when the health flags a little, and liber- ties are taken with the stomach, or- thA TiArvniia RTStpm. a r.hi in finsilr ..... .. taken,: and according to the weak ,t V the. iT,Ai.riAr.J nonn 0 fi, "V" lorm oi a cold, or pnenmonia or, it do2;en years, without intermissioa and may, be, jaundice, i Of all Causes sometimes ; almost lono among news- of 44 cold,"i probably , fatigue is one papers,' the" light that has resulted in the Of the most efficient.". 'A jaded man recent overwhelming' popular verdict coming home at night from a long against Kobesonism and for honest gov day's work, a growing youth losing ernment.' No matter what party is in two hours' sleep over evening par- Power a Bluuu ",m " . . ties two or three times aVeek; or t,nue tend h,ke R ulZ -.-iijrf t,:i. it n ests of the people agaihstv the ambition a young lady heavily; doing the ofbos;e the encroachments of nionop season, young children over fed and olfata - an1 the dishonest schemes, w with a short allowance of sleep, are public robbers.' ,-'" common instances of the victims of All this is what we are told almost cold.'?-- Luxury is favorable to chill- daily by our friends, One !raan holds taking; very hot rooms, soft chairs, feather beds, create a sensitiveness that leads to catarrhs ?,It is not, alter ail, the "cold that is so much to be feared as the antecedent con- ditions that give the attack : a chance of doing harm. Some Of the worst li colds ,? happen to those who do not leave their hDUSftfor even their bed, and those who are moat invulnerable are bften those who are most exposed to changes of temperature, ,(and who by good sleep,, cold bathing, and regular habits preserve the tone of . their nervous (system ; and circulation, Probably many chills are contracted at night or at the fag end of the day.- when ' tired ; people get the equilibrium oi their circulation disturbed by either overheated feit- tmg-rooms ; or underheated bed rooms and beds. This is specially the case with elderly people. ; In such cases the mischief is not al- nrnt.a linn. infinnnmAAnnln h s sinerle nisrht. ? It nftAn vtakps rilf.A insidiously, extending over days or eVeh Weeks. "It thus appears that taking cold" is not by any means ft ailimlo rocnll-. nl d lnrour tamrura. ture, but depends largely on per- sonal conditions and. habits, affect- ing especially the nervous andmus. ...... . AVkJU.V V t .U.fVA nJUIIVlH cular energy of the body, The Year Without a Summer, The year 1817 has been called the " year without a summer," for there was sharp irost in every month. The farmers .used to refer to it as "eighteen hundred . and starve to death.77 January was mild, as was. aiso leoruary, with the exception of a few days. ; The greater nart ! oi Marcn - cold and boisterous. Apm openea warm, , out . grew comer as it advanced, ending with snow and ice and winter cold. In May ice formed half an inch thick. buds and flowers were frozen and corn killed,; Frostj Ice and snow, were common , m June. Almost : Al. -t . everj' green ining was Kiiiea, ana tne mut was nearly ail destroved. Snow fell to the depth of three 111 fTl AO IU Worn VVwlr a-nA "M nnn i.i ...i .w.i-t.. -.'! tX d r - -5 ; Y . . 41 "? uu wu lucuHuiOTHuaiuimvu of the thickness of window glass in New York, New England and Penn- sylvania, and corn was nearly all destroyed in certain sections. ;j In AnOTiat ioa fiwmoA..- half;-an-. inh ,5ov ? a u i ; 11 niu,il,10- railed nearly all summer. Corn noo dv uuwu won a sic. uw nto cut down and dried for fodder, Very little ripened in New England, and scarcely anv even in the Middle States. Farmer were -obliged to navM nr n a '.hnnhol fnr onrn f 1815. for seed for the next SDrinsr's tlantin. Th flrsr. t.wn wVa nf September were mild, the rest of book-handsomely bound in cloth the mopth cold, with frost, and ice given to every subscriber. Splendid lormeu u quarter i an men iniCK. October iwasi more than Usually cold, with frost and ice. November was cold and blustering,' with 'snow enough for - good sleighing. De cember ' was quite 1 mild and com fortable. . " A man who had tried it says that the only reason why a sailerer's head don't come oOfv, I :i Laving, a tooth pulled is gives way first. . tie tooth More people have read The Sun during the year jr.'-t now 1 issing than ever belore smce it was ... printed. No other newspnp r i ' 1 on this side of the earth lu-.s , bet I ught and read in any year by so m ny men and women. . ? ; ' ; We are credibly informe I 'hat people buy, read, and like The Svn for the fol lowing reasons, among others : - Because its news coluiuus i icsent in attractive form and with the greatest possible accuracy whatever has interest for human kind? .the events, the deeds and misdeeds, the wisdom, the philoso- rttitr ta ntallo f.illtT ilia Qftliil dhuca tha imDrovm!r nonsense-all tlie news 0f tho busiest world at present revolving Jin space.;" '" ;r " ; '. ' .; l P!ecause people ;iiave learned; thatj in fairs The buN makrs a practice ot tell ins them the exact Luth to the best'iof iU ability threo .'hr.n.lred and sixty-five days in the year, be!' ro election ad well as after, about the whales as well aa about the small fish, m the lace-tr dis sent as vlainly and fearlessly as when supported, by general approval.- The SUxV lw absolutely.. 'no purposed to serve, save the information of. its read era and the furtherance of the: common srodil. .i- , V. '..- 1 Piuiniioa ir ia - ftirttwliAfl v'a iiriurannYWti -$0 mm jg 8o humble that The indifferent to his welfare and his rights. No man .la so rich that it, can allow in. justice to be done. him. No man, po i i . . n . i. . i . association ot men,' is uowenut euuu"i ) exempt &om the strict application , of its principles of right and wrong. . "1 -RprnnRA in nolitics it lias fom?ht for a that the bCN is tne Dest-religious newspaper feverpublished, because its dtwi caP'- A"' ,lcnewiaPWished & it ha8 aireadyhtppcd half of , the ras- Cals out of that party, and is proeeeding against the other half with undiminished visor,: ; ;thir( ' believes; it .to be tho best magazine ef general .literature in existence, because ; ;ils ; readers miss nothing worthy of notice that is current S 0S 'AVKlT!1. gide8 that ,g Witb particular force tahismdwduallikinfc slt i If vou alreadv know The Sun. vou will observe 1883 sit is a little better than ever before. If you do not wady -.snow the jstwT you wiu nnu it to De a miiTor or air Human activitj', a storehouse of . the choicest products ot common sense and imagination, a main stay for the. cause ;of honest govern ment, a sentinel tor genuine Jenerson ian Democracy, a Bcourge for wicked ness of every species,' and an uncom monly goods investment for the coming ItTA!.'1- ' .' ' - ; ' . - " 1 V- -' 1 Address V t' w. 'p.wfiT.A'Nrri .1 ' Publisher, Tire Sun; N. Y. fcity - . , ;v THE I !.:, I . . . i. 11 EPilSVCiilO '""Si.""?1!" :i?J!, ; ' 1 '' " "i S- Its Wit land Humor .'Have Set i-rtFW Worlds lira Itoar'r j ;N-Sif'ii.t'v!':S;-i'v:i-ftri'.'4!:U ' Its Teuder and Pathetic Sketch es Have Touched all Hearts. Mill In Anii Uielllanil W Ccnlug' lla Diistlnguislied its Poems, i Storjrs, Etc. ' ir Correspondence ,nd Plauy Ori ginal 'Features. : t I P- V , - v , Those who have tho larjrcst acnnaint- ance ataong ijewspapers will agree that Oio best,-most original,' the purest,' the most tnorougniy enjoyable ot all news, papers is theDETliOIT FKEE PRESS, No other journal covers exactly the ame field or holds exactly the same literary rank. ; , 1 It Would be superfluous to expatiate on its merits. 1 here is hardly a read- ing person 19 tha country who has not if he does not know, something 0j m gnrpassingiy entertaming qual hties. t No family can be said fib be fullv sud- pbed with the best periodical literature that omit to take the DETliQIT FREE TRESS. X Mt'V" ' . wiU U. better ftn.d more interesting rtne coming year tnan ever belore. premiums to clubs,. EJTscnd for: Pre muim List.-a- Sample copies free, i Aaaress ;.(' ; ? . t . ;-. -: t The DETIIOIT fKEII PRESS Detroit, Xlich, : II. J. T. Sliiii,itS CilL FILLS.' A rrrtnln, e nnd ImnifdisMe cure tor I !miiiiiI I iiiom Krerri, Anvcr known o Iml. l'lmy cure tliu t liills the first day, no mat e l- imf 1-'H.- Hi'vt-i-e tllP ntlm'll, , - ii oii-'iwi nny m m liox will not cure lit by iirmr!'.isi8 on Ihiir miM-ilii only. . J. V. Si,1r - - ' " lprii'tor, Wly Sanders tioro H,0 ! Gauze, Lisle Tliread and Net Undershirts, all prices." -- ' ! j Full Stock of Eigbmie and Elm City Shirts, guaranteed to fit, on! v i I ,C j. -Nobby Smta, Alpaca. Dran d'Ete and Sicilian Coats for warm weaUier. Tjircrn line of Pusters. Sue our 110 suits. ;i s - :; ' - , j. Collars, Culls, 'White Ties and White' Vests.' ' .. 1'.'.' Straw Hats iu" great variety,-from 5 cents up, v '- . Vnlil, 1,.T.M 'iA,t dun- ir. : ; - ; i'l ' " ' hi. ' : . ' :J '.' i"'UUf tail PLUl AiUlO. 5 Alpaca and Silk Sun Umbrellas We ber Gtoeulansi which we will dose patit.$15J i U i. U i : t- v? U ' iArge line or vauscs and UTunks...., if you. peed a Straw Matting- call .on' . G V SlT fl??' ie Shoes, ' 'Gents' Colored Half Ilose, full line. I:t Trv- Us Tirst, when you . 'W : ith, Ji j.!--,!'!. ; .S:.f:i i't i.Jj (i.:!? HRTQK. , ' 1 niuoK. . !. iOP! ALL Xl-i-.l-F !f i. j., v,t i. s;.i.;''i Ilosendale , ;Jtxtlahd : '. '.Plaster; .'Goat Hair,' &c. Mm ROOM- uiiiveupireet, Aiiff 10 d&w tf 1 1 ( LSStiS 1 1 f :i.i TirJ3TC:3 Y y A V, A0 SBIfHHEMS. ) 'i - FOll J.;7.TJ1AE)G;JS, . V'--:w"i-V. NKWBKRN: N; 0. i i 1 ..1 ) j:'i ilt. '' "-wholesale' and PorkvIxmg'Clears, Flour, Sugar, ' Coffee, Syrup, Molasses, Salt, Snuff , Tobacco. Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Coffee, Crackers, Cakes, etc., etc. ' , , maudiwly , Pollok Street, V i i - -t. u- PLOWiS, HAKIM) WS : AM) ClHi'1 . lnr Great Variety and ttt Very Lc- - ... WHOLiKWALE ''ilOT; ' ''.'CEI FOR 1 k)i Also en lird Oisc-i r,. -1 r..i rrld'rly . . .md. . - t ' have a fe dnzen'Mi - , .ff; .;.',. ? us before -you Jmiv.L We- wc&. constanUv' .,vr-vtt wtfwoi; . " Stacy Adams & Co's Patent Pumps and : 'v " .'.'' .-.W-,v.--ivy need Anything in'our Lma. ' Si , ; s BRICK! GRADES. te Helinitits Uements. oeiow express Ufflce. New Heme, NIC. BALKM v ' -OF- OP - t . 1 si SALE, BY. ay 1 i-"fV4' LJ, retail dealer in '' ; " : ' Lll i ii m MIDDLE STREET. NEW BERNE, V, New Berne; N.'c; Offers ..Truckers' -Pen; Seed Potatoes Cotton Seed Peruvian nnd Hone Oimno, Good Luck GuanO, Mcrryiuuu'v Supev.Phwiphnti Lister's 11sno1v41 13ou Whann's Plow lii n nd, if i T I.' ,C- I j .t . j ? . . "Jj'of TruckeVft hiid t' Pla.! i Ii it.

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