1-1 VOL II. NEW BERNE, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 28,1883.; NO. 77. !-,' i.OCAL NEWS. 4 ouriwl miniature Almanac." g .', ;s; ,.. 1 Sun rises, 4:47 I Length of day ? Sun sets, 7:19 14 hours, 82 minutes. Moon rises at 12:18 a. ra. ,, , , The steamer Stout is in port from Bal timore. , ; -'f y - " ji1 Stockholders meeting to-day at More head City.' "-. : ; Many of our citizens are attending the stockholders' meeting at Morehead City. . 'r'j.X ::' ;;.v;;:.;;:vi; Sheriff Davis of Lenoir, a member of the new railroad syndicate, was in the city yesterday, l:v .-'. ' The trains are crowded for Morehead City everj.' night. ; The. hotels and boarding houses have a promising seas on,' ' The colored Normal School opened in this city on Monday, and up to yester day thirty attendants had been enrolled . The school is conducted by Rev. Moses A. Hopkins a graduate of Lincoln TJni- versity, and comes highly recommend ed by Superintendent Scarborough. He Another Failure.'.'' - T,.;' J .; We have another failure to announce for New Berne. Mr. S. A! Munter has made an assignment; to Nathan Solomon of New York, not being able to . pay' his liabilities. Liabilities $5,963.00. The creditors are classed as; follows: 1st, Nathau Solomon; 2d, - H. Sperling; 8d, A. Hahn; , 4th, , T. A. Green, 5th, Heirs of E. R.' Stanly ; 0th, Kerngood Bros.; 7th, H. Weil; 8th, Sternman & Sonv Otli, ; Casher , &Friedlander ; 10th, L. Lerison & Co. ; 11th, Armstrong, Cater & Co.; 12thM. Wolf & Co.; 13th, L. A. Michael &. Co.'t 14th,. Levy Bros. & Co. ClVty -r A JUNE WEDDING. ' S f Married in Christ Church, Wednes day, June 27th. by the. Rector, Rev. V. w. shields, assisted by the Kev. ur. Marshal of Christ Church, Raleigh, the The Nellie May. , '! LThe beautiful sloop Nellie May, owned by our townsman, Commodore Geo." N. Ives, has just co.me offftha, ways, having been thoroughly overhauled and re paired' uTbere being agood breeze yes terday evening the Commodore invited, impromptu, a few gentlemen aud took a delightful sail a few miles down the river. The Nellie May combines as many good qualities as any boat that sails in our waters. Mr. Ives speaks of getting a crowd to take a 'pleasure trip down the sound for a week or ten days, .which is assisted by John A Savage, of Golds- any one would be sure to en joy cer boro, and L. G. Christmas, of Warren- tainly if Capt. Ed. Roberts, F. Ulrich, ton, both graduates of Shaw dniversity. Jinimie Moore and E. Hackburn consti tute a portion of the party. - He must Rev. Robert A. Edwards, Reotor of city church will have Dew duties to Saint Mathias Church, Philadelphia, to perform. She has been since the re- place. 1 i jtaniHs unu me vestry m a veijr uuuijiu "Queen of the sister's twelve,' im- mentary note, beggea ner acceptance or perial JuneR' " a handsome solid Bilver waiter 'with who came to ua "with garlands on her VFrom Christ Church Vestry,, tq Alice 1 J Tl 1 i . a; i.lr T.I . ; aj; J ' ueau, , joavea, aa uer Vnnw& piraoui m. ienman. . on ner .weuumg uay, ie- The following area few of the Canned Good for ,the year; the memory of one of the turned their thanks to her for services which I am offering so cheap: . ' prettiest weddings that New Berne has rendered graiuituously' for so! long a Tomatoes, Peacnes, Boston AaKed beans; ev witoeesed.-: l'. : h time. Though not a native New Bern- WneAppto, 8ue Peaa, iAtoter. .. ; . . I. , - . , I ouimon, uiivw cuner, miia, uninay rescues. At eight p. m. ft merry peal was rung uan, most of her girlhood was spent here pickles. - , by Christ Church bell and the. building and the church was decorated for her . ' . - ' ; . was soon filled to overflowing- with ex- wedding by the loving hands of her Pw,e8ttre petiy pure. , ; , . ,. pectant friends. When there' was -a young lady friends under the supervi- '-i :,r . 1 i, JU OLUVXiA. 111 .IV. tu IUV " VJVv4Jgj ... wiV ;vr IBUUUi JILL. gaiuuDi MOUWUi . .. I , ' Another cargo of brick has arrived from Philadelphia for the new court house. What are our brick-makers do ing; that the. county commissioners should have to go to Philadelphia for brick ? - Isn't the clay in N. C. as good aa that in Pennsylvania 'i We, thought North Carolina possessed as many nat be a dead man who could not enjoy a trip with these gentlemen. ' ' The Reliance Tire Company! ; . Editor JocENt: It is with regret we mention; the, action of the City Fathers at the last meeting of the Board as to tne Kenance tire uompany,1 in ural advantages as any State in the. Un- passing the question of .engine for tlie company without, giving it the least ion. The court house at Kinston was built of brick made of Lenoir county clay, by Lenoir county men and the money spent in Lenoir county. It is silly enough to ship raw cotton North to have it made up into goods and gad, under the skillful touch of Mtj - Beside the usual gas light the church Truckers. Ship Your BeanS Befry, filled the church with sweet T was illuminated by a hundred and fifty I ' 'a Potatoes to mufeio . until the bridal party reached wax candles: over the chancel rail was ' ' i the vestibule, when the regular choiij, j an arch of light from which was sus- F. YGXINGt & CO. Messrs. Roberts, Willis and Edward K, arborvitae and white cape jessamine, Bryan, Jr. , took up the refrain by sihg- the clapper being white magnolias ; back ing a portion of the 247th hymn as the of the altar was a mass of cape jessa bride walked up the centre aisle leaning mine and delicate pink holly hock on the arm of her brother, Mr. Robert blossoms from which rose a. pure white Lehman. She was preceeded by I cross composed entirely of." fragrant sir' gentlemen ushers in . full evening gardinias; :' . half 1 ;.' blown magnolias dress, who wore white and blue satin adorned the chancel rail, , while the badges fastened with a gilt horse shoe wicket gates were composed entirely of under which in letters of gold was the pure white lotos lilies with the letters George H. Dawes, Norfolk, Va.; Thomas Scott I 1 Pnrruirtmith Vo word "Usher." At the end of only of pomegranite flowers. . Miss Ella Knox, whose artistic fingers and exquisite taste have given Christ Church decorations well deserved ce lebrity on all festive occasions, excelled herself on this. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards leave shortly for an extended bridal trip to the fat notice. It is a fact that cannot be de nied that the: Reliance Fire Company has done good work, that they are equipped firemen, and will do their duty to the 'city as such. We are as- snipped back, but it really looks like eured of one fact, that the City Fathers too much ot the silly thing to bev ship- should do the wishes Of their constitu ping the clay hills or Pennsylvania here ents by giving -the Rolianco Compahy wnea we nave plenty of it right at our an engine. . We believe that justice to uoors. ,, m :" I . : " , i - j.: w l.i ! I the domnanv "would " be" nothinc e lit . . . T..,. Ti.. -n llarrlxil ' s j , r, 1';,. .-..',.. I hiuu an engine.., . r&v dubu trvtsnw. Our townsman, ' George Green, jr. , was married Wednesday evenintr at . Durham to " Miss" Ida F. Gfeen, ' and boarded the western bound train for The Wilson Normal School. L .Mr. Editor: The Wilson State Normal School opened formally last Glen Alpine Springs.; They have the congratulations of friends and relatives in this city. . Wednesday under very flattering cir cumstances.. The speeches made were full of good will, cheer and enthusiasm. The register showed 87 names on the first day and on Friday 130, represent ing about 80'counties. , ,. Prof. J. L, Tomlinson, superintend ent, is highly pleased With his corps of instructors, and. right worthily does he occupy the chief seat.' His talks to the Fire Department, ' 51 ' - "Pro Bono Publico" makes complaint against the city fathers for not purchas ing an engine for the Reliance fire com pany. While we appreciate the servi ces rendered by the company, we must unhesitatingly say that in our judg- teachers are running over with valua ment the city has all the expense of a We, arid I may say, indispensible ad fire department that she is able to bear; Tice- y are looked forward to, day We think our correspondent is mistaken fter dfty f or something new and toter- abcut the "father's" not . eivine tho eatinS " always sure to be heard. s'ubiect ftnv attention aa we have heen rot. E. V..- DeGrafif a whole normal informed that it was referred to the in himself, is surpassing his lastyear'i committee on Fire Department. 1 reoord. The teachers are carried away llit with him, his work,' his subjects. Ha is so attractive that the business men of the town may be found at the school A Seuvenler of ikeWar. : We have a ''war relic," in the shape of " general order,' No. 20, headquarters rather than at their places of business, department of th Trans-Mississippi, The lawyers; doctors and ministers Shreveport, La July 2d, 1863, published of the community seem eager to hear all by command of Lt. General E. Kirby-I they can from him.' Your correspond Smith." The order announces the pro- Jt does not exaggerate in saying that ceedings and findings of a general his superior is not to be found North or court-martial. One of the' offenders South. - was W. G. Dotson, who stole a shirt, Prof. A. L. Phillips is doing excel the property of William D. Murray, lent work, and those present "are gain both men being members of Co. H.. 17th I me valuable i information - from his Texas consolidated Regiment. The talks on gepgrapby and history. Teach sentence imposed Was: "The said pri- ers desiring maps and statistics of their rate Dotson to ride a mule, to be seated I own counties, or the counties they ex on the mule face backward, feet tied pect to teach in, have need only to under the belly of the mule, to be led make application to him, and they are in front of the whole brigade drawn up furnished gratis. The Superintendent in line of battle; on his hat is to be fas- is fortunate in securing the-sery ices Of tened a board, and on it written, in the young man. Mark my ; prediction lartre letters, the word "Thief." The you will hear from Phillips before, the drummers, and buders are to follow world crows much older; -. This week He is an orator both by nature and cul ture, and a prominent and active clergy man. Mrs. Edwards,' as the wife of the Rector of an important and growing Fulton Market Corned Beef, Bugar Cttred Shoulders, : ' ' : : Small Hams, - i ; , ; ,' Smoked Beef Tongues, , sif j .vr; . English Island Molasses, . - Porto Bloo Molasses, ' . "FlneSyrnp, : . - ,Cholcest Teas, . Fresh Roasted Coffee,' THE VERY BEST BUTTER that can be had, Irish Potatoes, .. .. Cream Cheese. CITY ITEKS. Thli oolumn. next to local nnra. ta used for local adrertlslng. Rates, 10 cent a line for first Insertion, and 5 cent a line for each subsequent Insertion. To Trackers and Tbe TravellliiK - Newbernb, N. C, June 23, SO. -In order to keen the steamer Shtxum. - doah in first-clasa condition for the - route she will be withdrawn from the Line for one week and put on her new . spring suit. The steamer Nacbenw will sail from Elizabeth City, in place of the Shenandoah, for Newberne direct on Monday the 25th instant, arriving Tues- -day a. m., and returning will sail for , Elizabeth City direct at 2 p. m., Tues day the 26th inst. . '. k No steamer will sail on Friday th 29th inst., but on Monday, July 2d, the -' steamer Shenandoah will resume her regular trips from Elizabeth City, and from Newberne on Tuesdays and Fri- days as usual. iun23tf. E. B. Roberts. Ae't. the aisle nearest the chancel were wick er gates of flowers with the initials L. & E. in crimson pomegranate blos soms in the centre, which were opened I by 'two young ladies, Miss, Nannie Hughes and Miss La'lla Roberts.' pass ing through these gates the bride was PRODUCE Commission Merchants ; 184 Reade and 210 Duane Sta., ' . . New York. Southern Fruits and Vegetables a specialty. References Irving National Bank, N. Y.; Portsmouth, Va, Stencils can be had at Journal office. A.F. Young. may2ld Peter J. Nevins, A. H. Potter in makincr soda water does not use pump water but pure cis tern water. - -;- " tf. ! A. First Class Sewing machine bran new can bought cheap at the Journal office. FIRE ! FIRE ! FIRE ! I . S. MACK, me by the groom who came from the North and will return to Philadelphia At his New Stand on Middle St., in time for the meeting of the General Convention in October next. Mary Bayard Clarke. COMMERCIAL. vestry. Seven young girls,Misses Roberts Bishop, Henderson, Berry, Eaton, Stinv son and Dennison, in dresses of pink, blue and white, attended by Masters Ralph Gray, Clarence Disosway and Wil lie Boyd as pages, walked after the bride with ribbons fastened at the doors and carried up to the chaneel, making a .nionUitA lin tha nialaa plonr I COTTON Middling, 91-2; Strict D..H.VU I ..... . ' . . 1 . I A for theoutgoingprocession. Theushers y - were messrs. Element juaniy, b. jx. i Tubpentink Dip. 82.25: hard K1.25. NEW BERNE MARKET. low Bryan, Geo. B. Guion, J. T. Peale, Matt Manly and Dr. Frank Hughes. The bride, who was given away by her brother, looked like one of Queen June's fair water-lilies sparkling with dew and half hidden by : mist.- The veil of light illusion which enveloped her, from her golden hair to the end of her long train, was held in place by a wreath of white lilac,, orange blossoms, and starry jessamine, fastened by a diamond pin. She wore diamond solitaires, the gift, of the groom, and her dress,.of creamy ottoman silk embossed with white plush and trimmed with exquisite Hon i ton lace, seemed fashioned from petals of our native water-lilies, that filled the church with their delicate and Tar 81.00 to $1.25, Tar Firm at $1.50 and $1.75. Beeswax 25o. to 28c. per lb. Honey 60c. per gallon. ' Beef On foot, 5c. to 60. Mutton $1.50a2 per head. Hams Country, 13c. per pound. . Lard Country, 14c. per lb. Fresh Pork 7a9c. per pound. ' Ecws 10c. per dozen. ' ' ' Peanuts $1.50per bushel. Fodder $1.50 per hundred. Onions 4c. per bunch. " Peas $1.00 per bushel. Hides Dry; 9c. to lie, green 5ci. Tallow 6c. per lb. , . Chickens Grown, 60a70c. per pair. Meal Bolted, 75c. per bushel. Potatoes Bahamas, 50c. : yams'OOc. per bushel. .turnips ac. per Duncn. -12a20c. per pound. . one door below South Front, Is offering his New Stock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, ROPES, TWINES. CANVAS, NAILS. SPIKES, OAKUM, ETC., ETC At BOTTOM PRICES for CASH. Thankful for past favors, he Invites! his friends to come again. , dAw . HEW BEENE . BILLIARD PARLOR, la the Duffy Building on Middle street, near corner of Pollock, FIVE NEW TABLES JUST PUT IN Three Billiard and Two Fool, Wool htbxicating perfume, and decked with inoorwlnted. Buiidineaio Tnch! Finest ill the COUntlT 1 UL I... .Um. nUk Jaw IHia of-1 1 1- tfO K C . On K( Hf I . V tendant voune ladies, in blue and pink, seeming animated, flowers surrounding 8iA"COui the lily-like bride, the lights, the It appearing that more than Two Thirds of 41.. w..,n!n . V. rt fln.nl rn fno Hnni. 1 . . . . . . . . i lt , UUWCJD, klAO IUUS1U, UIO UU(U gaw0 uuu wide through' which she was to step from girlhood into! matrimony, alto- Una Railroad Company has been subscribed and upon request of w. T. CAEOMBOLEnE TABLE, 0 EVIL AMONG THE TAILORS be MINERAL WATERS. A. II. POTTER Receives direct from the Springs, t Saratoga Vichy and Deep Rock Mineral Waters, r Received In block -tin lined barrels. - Cures dyspepsia and diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Read the following analysis by Silas 11. DouglaSj Professor of Chemistry, University DEEP ROCK MINERAL SPRING WATER ONE GALLON. Chloride of Sodium ...S08.18S Grs. Chloride of Potassium 149.084 " iuo Wl 1MUBUCB1U1U.,.,, lU4-t " ' Carbonate of Lime 18,191 ' Duipiiuriu aciu ......Trace Protoxide of Iron Trace ' rree uarDonic Acid.Not determined Loss 1.780 Total Solids in the Onllnn FJa isn Temperature, 50. "' ' As an antidote to thirst foralcohnltn tlnnnra it has no equal. . June'XM Just Received : Fine Sugar Cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Sugar Cured Shoulders, Choice Butter and Cheese, Best Quality of Lard. HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE FLOUR. Catawba, Scuppernong, Sherry and Port Wines, and a Complete Line of the Best Grades of Liquors for family use. . a CHAS. H. BLANK. Falrcloth. a sub- Iscriber in said Company, a meeting of the corporators and subscribers in said Company is directed and caned to oe held in tne city oi The flnentLlquors and Cigars, the celebrated BKKQNER A. ENGEL BEER, Sour Kraut, Cheese constantly on hand. JOHN DETRICK. Novld w. him, making all sorts of discord with their instruments. News and Observer, ' :1 Broke Jll. "... : ' '; - . '. i J 'm Sugg, a prisoner confined in here, having been convicted of ' uway robbery and sentenced to Ltj years in the penitentiary, from l.ich he appealed to the Supreme Court, broke jail yesterday evening in the br 1 day-light and walked off. lie e.Tocted bis escape by filing one of the grates of the window jo. two and crawled out. He .wos met by , one of fie sheriff's' C ;n;'"j up town I Vv ho dared not tackle him, but hastened, to the jail to inform the jailor of the es- ....p ( cjiib, with a posse, 1' t "t of him, but up to this " ' r 1 s Icon heard of him. 1 ' " . ' (' " prisoners to t ' : " ' i ' erto common to 1 i i . . ' r mi-rJorer is at 1 .: ' - ' ' 1 1 f I'.O j 11 1 ! C Prof. E. P, Russell, the director of the conservatory of music, Edinborgh,1, Pa. and Prof. Little, Washington, JD- ' C.,' will be present, making heavy strokes in their specialties the former, famous as a teacher in music and elocution , the, latter of whom Coh J. P. Sanford, the great traveller and" lecturer j' says? ','1 never saw his equal as a ; teacher : of drawing. Some 50 or 75 teachers from all parts of the State arefexpected , this week. . Lecturers will appear before the Normal every few evenings during the term, among whom may be mentioned, Maj. Kobt. -l .iriKb.am, Supt. ocarboro Rev. A. D. Mayo, Hon. K. P. Battle, Prof. DeQraph, Prof. : Russel. The teachers, having heard so many good things about the New Berne Graded School, are anxiously awaiting the ar rival of the worthy superintendent, Prof. D. B. Johnson. .. A majority of those present, although having . taught curing tne past ten months, do not seem to grow weary un der the instruction, but many who came to stay two weeks, say they expect to 'v until the very close if possible. 'ilia work done here will be felt ' ip Voutt'it' 1 1 1 of our goo'l . old f ' '.-; my oii!yr. -.ret is that every toach- i 1 1-;.- h r. .una cannot be prcsont 1 ; i.t. Established 1870. Gm" s. fiaLmeb, "''' GENERAL COHMSSIOH MERCHANT, !.r ; i':-; For the 8ale of SOVTIIBBBT PRODTJCB, ; Potatoes, Peas, Beans, Ueloas, Etc., ' .:. 15i Reads fcrM: New York. , ' Chatham National Bank, New York City. . H.K.&F B. Thurber & Co., New York City . MoAlpin, Savannah, Ga. E. Bean, Jacksonville, Fla, E. J. Harris. Ocalft. Fla. Sherwood & Harvard, Arredonda, Fla. W . H. Williamson, Micanopy, Fla. J. H. Devereux & Bro., Charleston, S. C. I), P. Reld & Bro..NorioUt, Va. L, a. Winder, Franktown, Va. . . T..W. Jrnes. Cherrrstone. Va. ; 1 v " All oommunications must be addressed to the offlce, as i employ no agents. ' Btencils, etc., furnushed on application. niar2lKl3iM, ,r , j : ,. !:' gether made a suggestive picture that Newbern, in Craven eounty North Carolina, Sardines, Lobster, Llinburger and Schweiteer will not soon be forgotten, by those nKooayif It urns lilra n fninr flnnnn. and T. OVUW. V HW .V H - J , . , ,T(. the friends of her girlhood who clustered around her felt that "Alice" was float ing' away from them into "Wonder Land,". 'j y f . Passing through the flowery wicket, Shutting in her girl-hood time, Into life's broad field of duty, . " ';, In her stately woman's prime. Friends around these portals cluster Joy-bells at their opening ring, While a hundred censer-flowers - On the air their perfume fline.i " . '. - From the organ, loudly pealing, ' Wedding musio grandly floats, . Then in softest cadenoe sinking, " , , Gently drops in liquid notes. . O, may this, her wedding evening ! , iUli pi Congo UO UUiUlUg 1UO, r i. Love's sweet perfume ever floating 1 O'er her through its toil and strife, Friends, around her, always pressing, Kindred hands to wipe each tear, . ; And the cross above her shining, - . Emblem of her faith appear. , Fair thee well, O maiden, leaving Friends, and home, and mother-heart, , Take with thee a heartfelt blessing As from girlhood you depart. , Bishop Lyman, who was to have been present, was unavoidably detained and sent a letter of tenets, but the knot was securely tied by Mr. Shields and Dr. Marshal and the party passed down the; aisle," the groom supporting the bride and Mrs. : Lehman leaning on her son, while the organ played by Miss Ellis, a daughter of Governor .Ellis, peeled out the "Wedding March," af ter which the choir sang the 248th hymn and the company dispersed, the greater part to assemble again half an hour later at the residence of Mrs.. Lehman where Mr. and Mrs. Edwards received the congratulations of their friends. , Mr. Edwards, during "the wooing o'if'visited our city more than once, and preached in Christ Church, win1 ninx golJon opinions from his hearers. on Thursday the lth day of July, 1883. This 2tn day Of June, a.v. isa. m. r - A.T. GRADY. O. S. O.' and Judge of Probate. Icq Cream! Ice Cream! L.J.; TAYLOR Having moved back to his Old Stand, near Depot, has opened TWO ICE CREAM PAR LOUS, one for white and one for colored peo ple, where they may enjoy a plate Of very fine Ice Cream,' He also furnishes Ice Cream by the pint, quart or gallon at very reason able rates. Soda Water, Bottled Ginger Ale, which is always kept ICE COLD, Lemonades made at reduced rates. ' special attention is called to his Lorlllard Snuff; he only keeps one kind, and that is genuine Lorlllard, High Toast Scotch Snuff. He has bladders from S ox. up. 1 He has verjf fine Cigars, .Tobacco Candy, etc. ,' . iU'rv:'i ';!:';- Call and sea bun at once and you will L"Come Again.", f .. : ; ' " .' -: . : ' :; L. J. TAYLOR, ' " June24dly Near Depot, New Berne, N. C. J.M.SCOTT i Just opened, on the Southwest corner of die and South Front streets, a stock of First Class Family Groceries , Consisting of ; Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Sy rups, : Meats, vanned Hoods, Crackers, Soda and Sugar, Also Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars Will sell at BOTTOM prices for CASH. . - Call and examine before buvln laa where. Juneia-dAwflm Sl2oW::IdSrs' Train. OFFICE OF A. A N. C. RAILROAD, . 1 " A . ' Newbernj June 23d, 183. f For the accommodation 'of 'Stockholders Wishing to attend the annual meeting to be held at Morehead City, a train will be run on una rena ou tne mil lust, as ioiiowb : i : ; . ; :,. . s j , SCHEDULE: . , Leave Ooidsboro ....,.....,....,. ...;,........fi:W A. H. H , " Best's j. ......two LaOrann wJMtt " FaUing Creek , ,......6:40 ..l...Vi.,,.. ........ JM- ...,.,'...,.8:02 8:23 : S:S4,. ,!r....'j:..9:20 ,I.,......9:B8 , .........10:04 , uniKi .10:28 . ,.....i.ai:02 ,........U:H ....J....ai:50 j YTeconthnu 1. 1 -n? I act ie eoUmton 1 i Mi in -1 ... We continue U actassohmtorsfoi natenta. eaveita trsdo-niarks, copynghta. etc.,foi the United States, and to obtain pV enta in Canada, England, Frwioe, Art mm ftnv nrl all other oountries. Thrtr-i vear T)ract!oe. No charge for examination of models or draw togs, j Advioe by mail free, ' . . Patents obtained through us are noticed in tha KOIRNTIIMO AMKICAN. whioh has I tha Inriroot mrimlatifm and la the most influ- ) antial newsnaner of its kind published in the I world, xne au vanmgos oi suuu uuwuo oiw; patentee understands. i Kinston , " Dover " Core Creek " Tusonroia , " Clark's... ', Newbern......;.'..., ! Rlverdale..'.,,.4.j r " Croatan l"' Havelock , ' Newport .....ua., " Andrews' Arrive Morehead City, Returning Leave Morehead City at P. M.. siiuie dnv. . ' - W)CKiHiuer8 nnu ineir uuiueumie (amines " i . u:,,ru only being entitled to the privileges of the progress, published in i any country BwrW nid, nil persons will be required to present oopies by maiL, 10 oonta. Bold 1'4 u Be their I'erlilicfttes or HtooK to tne conductor, otherwlwe full fnre will be collected. , By order eftlie President, ) '. . uue2itd iAAlE8 A. BRTAN, Sup't. This large and splendidly lllnstrated news- , paper is publi8hedSiVKBil.Y at t3.20 a year. w to solenoe, meohamca,lnTenUona, engineering works, and other aepartmenw oi luuiiniriaj I AbaI nro. 1 Address, Munn CO., pttDUimer t-i ocren- I flflo American, 2G1 llroadway, New nor, Handbook about patents mauoa rree, ; Notice to Shippers. , OFFICE A. iK.Q R, R., 1 . New Beknb, Jane 23, 1883. On and after HON DAT, June 25, Freight ; Trains on this Road will run aa follows: , GOING west. Leave Morehead City Mondav. Wedneiulav and Friday at 11.45 A.M. ., , .-.-. beavenew tieme Monday, weanesdasand Fiidayat4P.M. V , . , "v ' GOING EAST. ' , Leave Goldsboro. Tuesdav. Thnnulnv txna'' Saturday at U.80 A. M. Lave JNew Berne, Monday, Wednesday and -Friday at 6 30 A.M. V ' , JAM1L3 A, BKYAN, June23dtf -""'. Bupt. 2Q0 BBLS FXNE MP 50 Bags Rio Cotfee', i ' Fine Syrup, etc. -''' i Ex Schooners Ella i?. mi and 4ddie -1;; (Jheap freights and Cash Buyers , r 1 . ' v . make Cheap Goods. ' ,t ! "i ''' ' ' U ' ' : " P " I ' . CiT Come and see us. r" Wk. Pell Ballance & Co. junl9dlM-wn ' s - C. E. FOY & CO., ' f i "Wholesale Grocer a ; . ' i .' . -l And Dealers in . . f- . i i . . ' . . , Guano ; and Genuiii3 Gef c&n ft' Kainit, 1 1 . "Brick Block, Middle street, ,s i:; ., , y Newborn, N.C.,. ' ..i'')'" J 11 : i.