1 . v - 1,1 X A, j Hie t. t having qualified as Admln- r in tue estate of Daniel ltoublns, de- ot-BSfii. on the 2mh day of May, A.D. liW3, be fuit tue prohate Court of Craven County, hereby notifies all persons having claims mfmit stttd r.state, to present them for pay inent on r before the 2ih day of May, 1881, or tuis nonce will be pleaded In bar of tbeir recover v. - - , All p. .onn indebted to said Estate Will none tuis &b da v of May,i883. - , 0. R. KOBBINS, Administrator maysodiw of Daniel Robbiris. dee d, NOTICE. Htatk of North Carolina ( .. - Craven County. I ' The subscribers having qnalifted as Executor and Executrix of the Estate of Mary 8. Shep ard, deceased, on the 21st day of May, A. 1). 18;i, belore the Probate Court of Craven ' county, hereby not 1 fly all persona having claims against said Estate to present them for payment on or, before the 1st day of June, 188 1, or this notice will be pleaded In bat of their recovery. - AIL persons Indebted to said Estate will make immediate payment. ' f - Done this 2Jst dav of May. 1883. MAROARET D. NKLSON. Executrix. JAMES A. BRYAN, Executor. mav22-dUw : t ...... : . FARMERS AND COOTaj MERCHANTS; T A. K 13 J N O T I C 13 ! We are again at our old stand, In our NEW STORK We have a full line of . Groceries, Dry Goods Boots 'in A VhiUM . ' nil nf which wo are offerlnsr verr low at -wholesale and retail. Call and take a look eooiIs aim vet our low onces. Or- ders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. dw ItOBERTS A KRO. Hi W. WAHAB, ' : (Successor to K. U. WlndlcyJ DISTIUE1W AGENT FOU , Pure Rye bind Com Whisky ; v I( . " AT WHOLESAl, 7INES"AUD CIGARS M GltFA T A HIETY, Rintrftr Mo. Pale Ale. Beer O j i i AND PORTER. titiiwtit . wnTT TrfTJ BliilluMXiXW CS XijnuAli JJXjXit,, PURE FRENCH BRANDY. " 1L' W. WAII AB. South Front St. New Berne, N. C. sep26-dWly. ALEX MILLER, . WHOLESALE & RETAIL ' - GROCER. " Coustantly receiving a full line ' Choice Groceries - " - '-and 1 ' ' , FARMERS' SUPPLIES; which we oner as low as any nouoe in the city, and warrant ail goods as repr ly'all ' and examine onr stock and Drlces. : Stables furnished ftee to all our country customers. ' w i - Goods delivered free-to any iart o Uie city. - , ::' ' - . . ' 12 W. A D. ' ' ' I am manufacturing ., ' '' j. V , L ; FRESH EVERT DAY, PnnAiaa j: 1110 X' i KjUKju. vrouo. A mnnir mv assortment von Can find " Chocolate Drops,: Caramels, Cocoanuj Bar, Walnut Candy, Cream Dates, Cream Figs, ' : ? Cream , , ' - , - Walnuts, Burnt Almonds. Sicily Almonds, . ' And in fact anything you may call for, At the Greatly Eeduced Price of Twenty-Five Cents per Pound. As finu candles as can be bought else-where at double the price. Call ana examine iu.v stock. Very respectfully, . fe27-dtf JOHN" DUNN. ' Slate t Monroe Sts.,ChlcagOyA Vf'll tmWli T -'in 6'ttof 8ttf ' ff k t f 1I OulhU, tw -M-f ,t . m ii.,. Iii.trisciion n ; Eciilinand Ulrich, -DEALER IN- - ' . GEOOERIEPADSY G00D3 r.OOTT.. SHOES, HATS, i K; i. Tu ines. Taints Oils Can- ' va s, and Oakum. T! ' )) buy GBAIN SACKS in any f;" "'yr..r- ;'.'. .. :,uff ' Tout nl V f'TATg f THE JOURNAL. NEW EEIINE. N. C. JUNE 28. 1883. !.A' Crushed Collegian. . . From the Chicago Tribune. - "Can I come in!'' ? ' " A youiig man whose clothes were suspiciously new, and upon whose lace there was a complacent, sell- satiafiprl xrrMunn stood in thn diisueu expression, bsoou in IU6 uoui wuy vi luu euiuuiui room. "Certainly ; you. can,", said the horse reporter, "only - don't say anything to the effect that we ought to have a pleasant summer after such a rainy spring, or , you may find yourself a pallid corpse in the donjon keep beneatl the moated turrets of the castle. - If you . are looking for tht Hawhensmlle Clarion or the Qrundti County, Palladium, you will find them in that pile of papers over in the corner. It you are aweary, and fain - would woo the "drowsy god, asly the man in the next room lor the Uoston Adverti ser." - :'. "I didn't want to read any ex changes," said the young man. "The object of my visitwas to see Q pnucipal- editor the one who makes engagements with journal ists." "The what." ' 'The. editor who makes 'engage ments with journalists." ! "Oh, you mean the man who hires the bands. lie's in the other room. Do you want a job?" ? . "Well, said the young man, m a I rather haughty, manner. . "I have some thoughts of entering the iour- naiistic profession.", . . "You mean that you want to hire out as a deck band on a newspaper, don't you!" , ."Perhaps that is your way of ex pressing it,sir,V said the young man, ".but our professor ot riietorio al ways told ua that " ; . . ;'Uh, you are a college graduate, are youi" said the hor.se reporter. shall-now-go forth-and-take-charge ! SS Ssnpp08e j uu giauutiici itiQU nccm BViii oin 11 xvna thii ronlir ((and Tl "xes, sir," was the reply, "anal mav Sav that m V oration " l " -' f the horse reporter. ' "YOU SllOke a a piece about 'Lite's Mission7 or " ,-, ;, J l IT r , a thing like that, and When you had finished it the young lady in tne percale aress, wnom you nave ; oeen taking to the weekly meetings 01 the Platonian Literary Society for the last two years sent a big boquet up to the platform for you with a little piece of rose-tinted note paper in the centre of it, with 'From One who Admires Genius' written on it. J There are now more young men who started out to carve a niche hign in the temple oi'iame chasing large red steers over the r, V HT T 7i7 mackerel to the first families than you can snaKe a sticK at. xour best hold lor the next year , or two wiU be checking off barrels of A 1 sugar for some wholesale grocery h Ri er treet Degti. ny won't get left any in the mean- "Then you do not think I will be fable to make my mark in the jour- naiistic profession!" "You might," replied the horse re porter, "if you were to go up stairs and tail over some . type, but not otherwise at present." "Good day, sir. i shall keep my eye on journalism and await an op portunity to join its ranks."; "All right," said the horse repor ter, "but in case the street-car con ductors get up another striko you had better remove your optic from journalism and head for. the car I DamS. . -.! ;ii:o. The Twentv-nlnthi Annual Meetlhs of the 1 Stockholders of the Atlantic and North Caro-1 Una Kallroad Company will be held at MOKE HEAD CITY on k THVR8DAT, the 88th day Of June, 1883. ' v- . V ' 0. P'BEnT8, ! niaySdtd t- Secretary. 0. Sc!:::!::Io B, i inoti(;e. All persons liable, nnder Schedule B. Tax are hereby notified that they are required by law to list the same during the first TEN (10) days In July: Persons falling to list within the time will be placed on the delinquent list, and will be charged with double tar. I will be at my office to receive the same. Blanks furnished,' - . . ' V ' JOSEPH NELSON, - junl4dtd. - - . . Register of Deeds. L. H: CUTLER. Sash, Doors & Blinds, LIHE, CEIIENT and PLASTER HOUSE FURNISIIINQ GOODS, i"l ziz. Oils, Glass and Putty, GUN9 AND TISTOLS, D. W. HTJRTT, '' KErXHiilT f RIL0i 0 old MIDDLE STKEET, New Berne, N. Cv Mar. 80. 6mw ' It "Stands at the Head. THE LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC. , For sale by ;. H. B. DUFFY, mal2l New Berne. N. C. ASA J ONES, iddle Street, Nfewbern, N.'C, DEALER IN Staple and iancy Dry UOOQS ' boots, shoes, clothing, Ek. Agent ror tne UlAJuUPfl) orllrtr. uniaun 6 dried 11.0o.Laundriedt1.25. And the celebrated Warner's Corallne Corset, AruUllneoruents'.tAdies'anacniiurens Underwear, Gents' Linen, Celluloid and Paper fsVan wiidi b'f Gents'TLadies' and cwi. dren's Hand and Machine Made Shoes. Rub' ber Coat. Hats andShoes, Ladles' Cloaks and Jackets, and everything usually kept In a first 0 ' - AgA J0NEg mnr6dwiy Middle st.. op. Baptist church Henry Archbell, - MANUFACTURER OP , 111 rr Ja rtf n- -,3 illi JlUUS UiIiiOJitrs CAKES, CANDIES, Etc. Oiuers solicited irom Merchants and Dealers ' queen street, jaraa&wiy xvinston,- a. u. f A filOIV TTOTTS"R NEW 15E1UNE. N. C. s. K STREET & SON, Proprietors, The Only Flrst-olasg House In the City.' ; Omnibus connects with all Trains- and Steamers. Large sample rooms for eoramer elal travelers, :, j , , , . octiW-Ulf , E. E. WnEATLEY'S Steam Dye Drks9 107 Church Street, NORFOLK, VA. Dyeing and cleaning in all its branch es done in the very best manner. . , Prompt attention given to all orders by mail or express. sepaaiy WITOS'S GOLD MEDAL CTCITABS, TfnTmnfll Pvnnlninn lmorinQrl "IlllitQTS IldjllDi mbuiaiut iuubiiuau uiuuun, DOBSON'S rAlbNI SILVtti BtLL nanjua, Can be obtained oi as, or our Agents oniy, rholm Music Boxes, Fine Cornets, Band Instruments, the best Strings and Trim, mlngs. Cqtaloguttrm, JOHirC.HAYHmCO 83 Oonrt StteeC '? BOaTOV.KASS Gaston ; SALOON. , . . tf .Avi.i 'j..t. : The quietest and most retired placo in the City. 4 - T 'r l ,,'! r .': :J.'.' The best of WINES.'.""'. LIQUOHS, , & CIGAES , Billiard and Fool Tables. . . , . . i All the Illustrated and Sporting Papci ( " if the Day on File. iy "D B's and I'lauts" will not tcVrated. ' v '' JAMES CAMPBELIV ,. PioprietoiJ (9- House Apr.H COMKERCIAMOH BUSINESS) COLLEGE, a xrp-X" TrWita - . Of Keotuclry University, iWILBrjEB.BMiTU.Pre.'t.LtxiNttTOS.Ki. in i . ,,;.! r.,; . . tndenU Received any'Veek Day In Each Department baa Ita Special Teaeher Students can graduate at this Cblleee In at any similar College In America. Nearly S,0fi0 successful graduates of the above College, r together with the leading Educators of Amer-1 tea, attest tne superiority ot its course or , Study and Training, as being Thorough, Prao ! ucaianaompieie eniDracingsooK-Keeping, i -j caatlle Correspondence, Penmanship, ete. i Tmn RKQniRKD to comnlete the Full Dinloma uourse irom z to s montna., iotai. uobt, in cluding Tuition, Books, Stationery, and Board In a eood private family, about 85. Students of this College can attend the other Colleges n. ,kA 1T.l..n.U 1(1 T r e.. L ear, rree oicnarge.i w nen two or more enter 1 r gether. a reduction or to on eaon one's tul-1 tlonwillbe made, dress H'or full partlcnlnrs w- I W. R. SITIITH. Vanl9-,doVw3m President, Lexington, Ky. QEOIMJE V. BTKONO. t I DANIEL . PERRY, KlUBtOll, N. C. Raleigh, N.O.. STROM & PERRY, KINSTOIS, If. C, " ATTORNEYS ANL COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Having formed a copartnership for the practice of the law In Jones county, will regu larly attend the courts of the same. Prompt attention paia to collections. N. M. GASKILL, MERCHANT TAILOR, Has received his Spring Similes, nnrl ia nrAnnra and is prepared to make up the ysaSS thing. tieco eoods of every quality ana patterns al ways on hand. 1 SAME ' OLD STAND, Middle Street, aplOd&wly New Berne. N, C. PHIL. HOLLAND, JR. OWEN H. GUION. HOLLAND & GUION, Attorneys at Law, , (Office one door west of Gaston House.) Will practice In the Counties of Craven Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir rrompt attention paid to collections. : - apr29-dwlv. A. II. HOLTON, DEALER IN Foreign .and Domestic ' WINES & LIQUORS, TOBACCO S&CIGARS. MIDDLE STREET, 0330Mlto loe ZZouae . , ' : H - -t '4'. NEW BRRNB, N.C aprlydaw ,; ; : ; RICHAED SON'S mprovedRooiPalnt An article lone needed for tns protection oil Iron and Tin Koofs. It will not blister, chalk peel, crack or corrode. It will expand and con traot wita tne iron or tin. it win noi injure cu tern wtter. It it eitremelv durable and , Manufactured and for sale by B. A. Richardson, Dealer in Paints, Oils, Olaes, Artists, Decorators sua uoacn rsinters' material 01 an sinas, n(22-dlr i. , .:,-! ';. , . i i. , Norfolk a. BfiB. LANE,; ') "' ' Dealer in and Shipper of ' ' '. ' Fresh and Salt ..Fish, Oysters, Etc., Etc., . , f. JXKW 111C, JS,, J. Fresh Fish and Oysters shipped by Express !. O. D. to all parts of the country. - To guard against disappointment orders should reach me zi goods. me 21 hours prior to time of shipment of lana-uawiy 1883. Harper's Magazine. ; - illustrated; f ahper's Magazine besins Its sixty- volume with the December number. It lsnot only the most popular illustrated periodical In America ana ungiana, dui aiso uie wrgeai; iu Its scheme, the most beautiful In Its appear ance, and the best magazine for the home. A new novel, entitled "For the Malor." by Con stance Fenlraore Woolson, the author 01 Anne wasbeeunln tbeMovemoernumoer. In literary and artistic excellence the Maga kinr Imnroves with each successive number. Special efforts have been made for the lighter entertainment 01 ins reaaers uiruugu uuiuur ous stories, sketches, etc. , !! ; . ';r:;i - :! 5'. 11 arpcr's Periodicals, j j. PB year: , :fi:;i. HARPER'S MAGAZINE...;.........:........44 0 HARPER'S WEEKLY 00 HARPER'S BAZAR The THREE above publlcations...............lO 00 Any TWO above named. ................ 7 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE ; 1 60 HARPER'S MAGAZINE ! ' fi m HARPP.R'S FRANKt.IN SQUARE LI BRARY. One Year (52 Numbers).. ..-.10 00 Postaee Free to all subscribers in tne umiea States or Canada. ; , '.' . I.; -we! ;.-3 ,:;;!! The volumes of the Magazine begin with tha Numbers for June and Decembetof each year. When no time is specified, It will be under stood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the current Number. .- The lust Eight Volumes of Harper's Maga zine, in neat cloth binding, will oe sent by mall, post paid, on receipt of $;l W per volume. Cloth cases, for binding, 50 cents each by mfill.rmMtimUl. " Index to Harper's Mngnslne, Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classified, for. Volumes I ouO. Inclusive, from June-, 18U), to June, la0, one SI j V.' VOL, HVOj UIOIB, jjoin - j i. , ' v. s WILUAlt WBtETOED, '; OfHfie on Craven itreet, two doors north of ITT IZtf WUl practice in the ConritieB br Jones, On alow. Lenoir-Pamlico and Hiu-taret. and Alan the U. 8. District Court. Conveyancing a specialty. , - oct7tf 4 '- ' " J "' ' ' - .-! B. W. NIXON. r. X. SIXMO 8 CLEMENT VAITLT., NIXON, SILICONS & MANLY ATTORNETS AT XAW? ' " " . " . . ' " practice in the Courts of Craven, Jones, vm"i"w,rirei, ramucoanaijenoir, and lu the Federal Court at New Berne. ' febOdAwly u P, MUIlPHT PEAB.SALL - Lm.Mt.un.XiAJ, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 15!'i TRENTON, JOKES CO., N. 0. JXr'nTW a "' ui rl' ,', r . ' , IV1 uu Sr , . oiviun,. sopiv-aawu ROBERTS & HENDERSON General Insnraiice Agents, New Berne, IV. J. Onlj first class Companies represent edin : . ;. ; ; : Fire. Life and Accident Insurance. Total Capital over : Torty Millions - JUollars.. Jun24dly - hotel;, SMIT H FIELD, N. C, D. W. FULLER, Prop'r. Ample accommodations at all times sample rooms for commercial travel era. Charges moderate. aucrSdtf C. B. HART & CO. CITE PEICE CASH STOEE. North-east corner of Middle and South Front Streets, DIALERS IS Stoves, House Furnishing Goods, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, LAMPS in great variety. BURNERS, WICKS, CHIMNEYS, KEROSENE OIL Pratt's Astral Hoa-Ezplosive Oil, we are now prepared to mannfactnre Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware. April 14 ly d A w ,!;t EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA ,r i TTn Tir A T XT n MA K h I T W U IV K n J v X3 XX X-i I ? J All IX KJ NEW BERNE, N.C. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, And all kinds Grave and Building work in ITALIANS AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. JOE E. WILLIS, Proprietor, i ' (Successor to George W. Claypoole) t ; Cor. BROAD & CRAVEN Sta. ma30-lyd w ; , ; New Berne, N.C. WiM. LORC1I, GENERAL MERCHANDISE CAET EOWE ACCOMMODATIONS.' ' Broad St, New Berne, IT. C. " : OWMW. 1(13 Manwell & Ciabtree, BLACKSMITHS, M AC1IIN ISTS, Iron and Brass Founders ,l ' ' 'AN D- B OILER MAKERS. ' MAKE AN BBPAIR ' ENGINES ; AND ALL KJSBS.:0?. JUCHINET. Orders .solicited and f 'promptly auenaeq so, t va . tux .p., o- 1 4fl . ; ! hofnAATi Pnllnrk unrlHrihth Front ,i i , . r Net Eebne. N. C. Apr4. tf d CENTRAL HOTEL, new b ebne.'n; rpms WELL BsNOWTf AND COMMODIOUS A hoi home, as its nam implies. Is situated In tbe central and business- portion of the city, hence recommends Itself for 'its conveniesce to the travellina Dnblie. Affording solicitors evert I opportunity 01 visiting Business correspondents I It hag attentive ssrvaats, and its tahla Mi slways ifumuneawitn . Every, Delicacy f 1 the Season : Its rooms at large, airy, and wU furnished or the accommodation f frOMts to and from trains and steamers fres of chargs-Mk special feature minis city, All the appurtenance, of a modern ' : ; : FIRST CLASS HOTEL. Aprfi.n-d4v. ".' ' A ' . , " lawsi UhiJ Lai . l....a 300 Tons of Cotton Seed Heal As an Ammoniate equal to Peruvian .-: FOR BALE AT ' v . ". 1 $S5.00 per Ton. Will exchange one ton of meal for two ton ''' of cotton seed delivered at any railroad sta- . , tion or landing on Neuse, Trent and Tar ' ruvers, ireignt paia poinways. . . mgnest price paia ior cotton seea. .. .AJ..B. DENNISON, K . . martl-diiwtf Owner and Proprietor. jrf s.t., hvj::: i 272 WASHINGTON STJRJEET, A New York, - ; Produce ' Commis'u. Merch'ts ' AND '.Purchasing Agents Consignments of kTruck, Fruit, Eggs, 5 ;': and other Southern Produce solicited. Stencils furnished on application to us or at the Drug Store of K. Berry, at : New Berne, N. C. d&w Send Your Orders t' ., I' re - ;- : - ' W. F. ROUNTREE ' ! FOR Good Butter, Royal Crown Flour, P. T.;George Best Hams, Best Coffee and Teas, And all kinds of FAMILY GROCERIES. d Middle Street, near the Market. 1883. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. a Harper's Weekly stands at the head of Am erican Illustrated weekly Journals. By Its unparuBun posinon in pontics, its admirable Illustrations, Its carefully chosen se reals, short stories, sketches and poems, contributed by the foremost artists and authors of tlip Anir it. carries instruction and entertainment to thousands of American homes It will always be the aim of .the publishers to make Harper's Weekly the! most popular -and attractive family newspaper In the world. ; Harper's Periodicals. pbu year: Hrpkhs' Weekly (inn Harpek's Magazine ' ' 4 Harper's Bazar i-tiA The THREB above publications !..'...10 00 Any x w u aDove named.... . 7 00 Harper's Yochg People 1 60 HARPERS MAGAZINE I , Harper's Yocno People, ( 8 w Harper's Franklin Square Library, uiio icm uinuiiiueni) jo uu Postaee Free to all subscribers in th itniti States or Canada. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first number for January of each year. When no time Is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the number next after the receipt of order. The last Four Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postage paid, or bv exnresa. frea nr v. penBe (provided the freight did not exceed one unar per volume;, ior 7 uu per volume. . Cloth Cases for each volume, miimhlo tnr binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on re ceipt of 1 00 each. . . . remittances should be made by Post-OfTlce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. newspapers are 1101 10 copy mis advertise ment without the express order of Harper Brothers. Address HARPEIt & BROTHERS. New York. - The Newspaper ABLE, NEWSY. ' GOOD and CHEAP! Weekly Courier-Journal. ; TheCOURIER-JOURNALi fHeiuv Wat- tereon,' Editor)i is bj circulation and reputation the acknowledged Represen tative newspaper oi uie oouui. as a reliable and valuable newspaper it baa , no superior ' in ' this country or in tbe - : wAl T nlrA ' 1 nunu. xu luaivco cmuesit vigorous war on Protective Tariff robbery and Mor mon Polygamy, two evila tliat bligbtthe s prosperity ona morality of the United v States. It is able, bright and newsy,"5 contains tho Blrtngest1 tiditorials'," the - mosi complete summary ot the news or , the world, the best telegraphic and gen-' -eral correspondence, fiill. turf and stock " reports, market reports, fashion reports, Tfclmage'fj sermons, . Bplendid original ; ociwi munra auu uuveiettes, poetry ae 4 partment for children, answers to com. ' respondents etc.; inauword every- tjhlng to make it a delight to the family ' Oircfij, and invaluable td the man ot . tusine83,. tne larmer,' the mechanic and the laborer. . , ' . , t ojwuiuca vupiea uuu iuu aescriptiv premium , circulars will be sent free ot charge to anyone on application. Bub- ' ' Scription' terms, postage free, are for taiiy, mt Sunday, 2 f Weekly $1.S0. ' ! Any . one sending four yearly m. scribers and six dollars will 1 p r '"" i to an extra copy ot the Weeki c- ' Journal one year, free to nnv p ' 1 Address. . , W. N. IIALL.;:iAr;, " . ' '' ' . Pies. Comitr J rlCc. Uy29-dtf , ; - LouiHville, Ky. " tj-r r )

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