JOUBITAL. the uU . 1 I Cu'l 'further notice the Steamers of till omps--:'' "I Mil as follows: ' r" i . II. Cutler - Leave New Berne every Wednesday and EUui f . t S fc.jn. for JoJlyOM Field, j t 1 Leave Sully Old Field at 4 a. m. every Mon day and Thursday for New Berne. This is good schedule for Truckers. Batchelor's' Creek 'every Tuesday and Fri day, returning same days. Steamer Trent. Leave New Berne every Monday and Friday at a.m. for TientoiVreturnlni Tuesdays and Saturdays. Leaves forPolloksvllle every Wedi'fday at EIGHT o'clock, a. m. , Fare for round trip 85 cents to picnic par ties. , Thursdays up for charter. , .":; ;.U', &ft.GRA.UfJ ' Oen'l Manager. New Berne, June 2, 1883. , , fel4-ddtw Ha lleuse Eiver Navigation pompany W1U run the following Schedule : ' Steamer Kinston ' Will leave the Old Dominion Wharf TUKS DAYS and FRIDAYS, and arrive at Kins ten WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, and leave Klnston MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, arriv ing In New Berne the same day. Will teuch at all Landings along the River going and wwulng. I't xii Ct.'t . - This steamer makes close connection with , bs Old Dominion Line. ' . Freight received on the days of sailing, ' For rates apply to the Captain on board. - ,';"''- "" ! t3.K. WHITE, Mtldltt ! , Manager. OLD DOMINION Steamship r Company, For New YoriiY Baltimore, Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, , Philadelphia Providence, V and other Cities '. Freight forwarded promptly and lowest rate I vuaranteed to destination. Fare to Eliaabeth I dltr and return. 4. To Washington, 4. To I Norfolk, t. T Baltimore, $8.80. To New York, B. B. BOBEBT8, A(t, New Bene, ' Ctn.ripr k Tpbk ir, Ag'ts. Norfolk, T. A W. H. STANro.r9,-Gn'lrr,t Aft, jUur. SOJrT-ir' ' New Tork Oity Chs of Pier in New York. Tiio N. C. Freight Liuc FOIl NEW YORK, E03T0N, PROVIDENCE, , and all points, North and "West Af ter this date will receive freight in New York tor New Berne at . . , PI Eli 7. NOCTII RIVKK, Ore of New York and Baltimore "'. ' Transportation Co:".i v Jtorobants should remember that this Is one of ; the i est isteam Lines ent of New York, making ij . y connectiim with Hnltimore for Mew Heme; : ail iuaitie, and only one ciutnge, , ( lUWiUW Mi ' (Touching at Norfolk)' "-.,-iL L"" He . ' EE.. - yw Berne for Baltimore TTJESDAY8 . a V t 1 1 p m. Leave Baltimore f oj e V,i,,lsi)AYS dnd SATUfiAx8 its are as follows! , V . I FOSrEH,-lenl Jfanager, 1 ' 90 Light St., Bal't. Md. J A . V. ITuCAEUICK, Ag't. Norfolk, V. w P. C ' le A Co.. Philadelphia,-12 South ifo. T' ins. l ine, Pier 7, North river , ( mil wliarl.- nee K. I. i j,' ,x rii lr wharf. ,. 1.. , u -:iys and Satnrdayi. idays and Saturdays ...i i. -vr, !.... oij'ii, Wednesdays. and I 1. fil ! on ovM net1, f .,3 Iku. , - sit at the i i, h J rates guaran- oi.-fsa of the t On andaOer MONDAY NEXT, the New Berne and Pamlico Steam Transportation Company will dispatch their IIstt and Fast Eailia Steamer I as fpllowsiuntil further netloe: u r; i Vi'-v . Mondays and Thursdays ' ' ,.,Xjeave BayDoro for Jew nernes a in, '.' , Stopping at Stonewall, Van- - demure, , Piuuilco and Adams Creek. - Wednesdays and Saturdays iieaveiNewiserne tor uayooro, Stopping at Adams Creek, Pamlico, , Vandemere and Stonewall. ' Having good accommodation both for pas sengers and freight at very low rates, ask that the merchants and producers along Its line give It their cheerful support. For further Information -enquire at the of fice, Foot of Craven street. , . ! ' 8. H. GRAY, " v ' ' " (len'l Manager. Or any of its Agents at the following places: ABE LEE, Adams Creek, D. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, " C. H. FOWLKR, Stonewall, I .,. B. n., jjayooro, I JOSHUA DEAN. Pamlico. . W Freight "received under cover every day ncneweea. janniuS;wiy EAILEOADS. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Atlantic & N. C. Railroad. ; TIME TABLE No. 2, ; ' ' New Series In Effect 6:10 P.M., Thursday, May 24th, 1883. EAST. WBST. N. 7. :: No. 48 Expresf. Express Pass.&Mail STATIONS. ' Pass.iMail A it. L've. Arc. L've. P. N. V. U. r. k, P. u e hi Ooldiiboro, If;..,.-..., La Oran:........., 12 ) 6 80 A.1 It 86 n 38 11 OS 9 16 7 (HI 7 S3 9 22 7 4Kinton Hi Hew Heme....... iMorehead Depot, U (10 9 m 11 4ft, A. U.I A. M. .-J. A. X. A. If. EAST. I WEST. No. 8 - No. 4 Mix" Fgt. It Pasg. Tra n Arr. ijve. Mlied Fgt. k Pase. Train. STATIOAS. rr. L've. A. M. A. M. 30 7 10 7 40 8 U 8 N 86 10 16 10 60 It 17 A. M. r. M. 8 48 . it 8 47 8 12 7 11 6 3(1 ! 6 61 6 17 6 00 F. U. Ooldsboro,..,... Best's ......... i. La Orange,..., Fulling Creek Kinston Dover.. (lore Creek i.. Tukcarora Clarke's m Newbern, T 06 7 Ml 8 Hi 8 85 81 9 IS 5 63 8 12 7 48 6 86 6 02 6 27 5 OA 4 00 10 04 10 40 11 04 11 39 A. M. EAST. WKST. No. 6. . : No.8. -Mixed Fgt. k Pass. Train. Arr. L've. Mixed Fgt. 4: fast. Tram. STATIONS. I Arr. - L've I A. M.l A.M. r. m. ; 8 00! 3 16! , 00! ' 88! 12 66 12 40 12 16; ... ...j V. if.! V. tt. 2 17 ,. i if 30 Newbern 7 13; 7 is; Riverdale..,i......: 7 26; ; 7 80! Croatan ............... 7 641' 8 07; Havelocjc...............! 8 89; 8 44- Newport. ........ 8 66 ; 0 00; Andrew! ' 9 28; " 9 33; Morehead City......; 8 48: - i Morehead Depot...! . M. ! A. M. : 2 06 I 36 1 01 1 44 12 19 11 46 P. M Train 48 connects wllh Richmond 4 Danville Trains bound Went, leaving Ooldsbero at 1:06 i. m., ana witn Wilmington wewon Train ionth. at 6.03 o. m. : Train 47 connects with Richmond k Danville Traia. arriving Ooldebcro at 6:00 p.m.. and Wil mington and Weldon Train from the North at 6:03 B m. , - - ... Tram 4 daily except tsatnrday and (snnday, Train 8 dally except Snnday and Monday. Trains 6 4 6. Tuesday and Friday. Train 47 supper. at Kinston. Train 4 snpper I at Kinston. Trains breakfast at Kinston. . James A. Bryan, Superintendent. Midland N. C. Railway. , TIME TABLE So. 2, In effect Friday, 6:00 A. M., May 4th, -i . - r 1883. , ; WEST. EAST. No.l. No. 2. Mixed Train. Mixed Train. STATIONS. Arr. L've. Arr. I've, 7 00 vl 17 7 85 7 41 800 Ooldiboro.. Oopelands Princeton.. Holt's Mill Pine Level Bmthfleld... 7 40 7 20 6 68 6 45 fl 20 f 16 7 82 7 41 7 66 8 20 7 X) 1 00 (i 48 6 26 CO P. M, A.M Train 1 connects with W. k W. Train bonnd South at 8:22 P. M. Train 9 leaves Kmithneld in time to connect with W. k W. Train bound North at 9:68 A. M and R.k D. Train bonnd West at 10 A. M. w The trains on this Road will run dally. " Wt, SeeRnles and Regulations on Time Table ool Atlantic ana h. v.k.h. , . James A. Dryan, Superintendent. i P. 11. Hale's Publications. Toe Timbers and Woods of North Carolina ! . '' 1 Vol., i2 Mo., Cloth; $1.25. "The oubhcatlon of such facta In a ahaoe that makes them accessible, is the best eer vice that the public-spirited men In the South can do their States."- N. Y. World. "The very thing needed, A very important Work for the Btate." Wilmington Star. i "A timely ana valuable publication, musi prove of great service to uie state." uuar lutte Journal. . - 'Mr. Hale has done the State a great service. Ktinicnl Meooraer. , : "Of such thorough excellence that It tie serves the widest circulation." NaHhvllie Lumberman; ' ".' : --i-.y ; The book is well printed on tinted paper, is handsomely bound in ciotn.comainsn pages, and an accurate and beiuitllully executed iriftD of the Utaie. with all the railroad routes EVKB-YBODY'S BOOK. ; Answers to simple Questions frequently put to Lawyers by Laymen, f . i. folnls in iaw or value ut every man in North Carolina the nrofeaslonnl man, the farmer, the mechanic, the landlord, the tn i am, uie cropper, tne ntuorer. ' l2ino., paiwr. m pnises. Tioe inve ptwui tain pa) lo cents. tm sele nv UiMiuaeiiers gonpnuiy, wh" r-v he siinniicii luomi'ii t) oniiiviimi ! 1 - byelmerof I-e u ni"l. Jl" nit (oliei.iul at yonr 1- il h i, inili-J i- , i-l on eceiptol Uie pi ne I f K. J. IT 4 T TO i PlihlKhera. nonlipolh rs a h . .w.. -1,1 om; ;orr.n. Ai.a, x iiu-r, ii'i eit.i f7 NET 112, N. C, JUNE 3. 1 Arrival and Departure Kails. MAIL CLOSES. For North. West and South, via A. & C.R. R. at 8.80 a.m. For Beaufort and the , East, at 9:00 p.m. '"'.'" For Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays at 6:00 a- m. , , For Trenton, Polloksville and Mays- ville, daily at 7 :80 a. m. For Grantsboro, Bay River and Van demere, daily at 6 a. m. The contractor will take passengers to Stonewall for one dollar J and to Au rora semji-weekly at $1.50. ... OFFICE HOURS: In Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from 10 a.m. to 4 p. m, in Mailing Department from v a. m. to 5 p. m. , ' ' Office open constantly between these hours except when mails are being dis tributed or sent. . Open on Kunday from 9 to 10 a. m, (Thrllim? 1 lent With' aXIoness. teter Marvin, an animal 'trainer - ..1 - -Jl t 11. ... -A il eiupiuyeu ui uie winter quarters oi fl, rniia in Fh lf nhia. TAftAnt, v hA a InonArata .nnnnnf op orith a nnL,t T.,n ii i' . -j .vl j . UIMJUUIl lureB BlUUS WllU Ut)U HI boasts. Thelionesshad becomejeal- 0UB of the attentions shown three cud lions in a aen airectly opposite ner own. Alter feeding the cubs t-.hA tAAnAP nr,tA1 t.hAm fnv'n. whiln: mhini, fdrAm Tnnn !r,f rt P : . . . f , ir...:. A j X- i -1 i , mai V1U tuiueu W UUiet UCr UUU as lie auvancea towara the cage ue siumuieu auu leu against uie uajs. in an instant sne seizea nisitinue to stand like a rock tor me inter right arm above the elbow. In or- der to protect his head and body of bosses, the encroachments of monop HiAmar. fll dnl irifi. lnff ' hn-nA olists. and the dishonest Bi'hemcs or grasped the bottom of the cage. t uu -Ai - 1 uuuut-m niiiftutiuui wuu uue paw and struck.throughthebarsat his head with the other. A lad named Donohue grabbed ail' iron bar and tried to make Juno drop Marvin. h The boy's efforts only in- crfloHAd t.liA pqo-a Af tha hoaof By this tinro every animal in the nlnt fna nriMU. x:t.l ' ,1 il J place was wildly excited, and their roarsandenef were hoards squares . A K 4-U..a 1 - ... 11' onov, u- ia avuittu aim oi workmen about the place tlje lion- nouse was soon surrounded with men. In tho meantime Juno had torn the flesh from Marvin's 'arm. struck him several wicked blows on the shoulder and then allowed him to drop to the ground and , crawl away. ' ' ' -. Just as the rescuers reached the doors they heard a sound of crash- me timbers, accomnanied bv a se- ries ot roars. Juno had thrown her body against the bars and broken through. ; The interior of the build ing was dark, and no one dared to venture in. They heard Juno around the place and they hesitat ed. They supposed that Marvin was dead. He, however, managed to reash the rack in which the henxv 1. 3 a .i iniu uais usuu to uiuun me cages are Kept. Snatching one of the irons he boldly advanced on Juno, who croucnea in a corner. Above the din of the beasts within the men at the doors, to their astonish inent, heard Marvin ordering the lioness back to her cage. This re assured them and they started to enter, as the doors opened Juno sprang over Marvin's head and took refuge in a stall. Marvin shouted to close the doors, and. following the now cowed lion, - struck iter twice with the iron bar. Then he poked her out. and with an angry roar she vaulted back into her cage and the danger was over.1 Marvin's injuries were attended to bv a ihv sician, who said he would not lose the use ol bis arm, TFTF ' 1 ' ' ' ' M l r n i.awI billet tawi 3 I i.. wli Its Wit and" Humor Have Set Tan Wai-Ui i.. o na. ' WW V ( W M.MM : A.n I.1.A knnn lt. lnR,.Al J i, nuu nave uie lui!iOK BCUUitlUk- ance among newspapers will agree that bpowAnd booksellers ' Mnnv tipt hflsf mnsf rtricrinni - n, r,i,rO0t tha raealers ana oooKseners. Juany per most thoroughly enjoyable ot all news- paperB is the DETK01T FREE PRESS, JNo other journal covers exactly the same neld or Holds exactlv the same literary rank. i i L I J l .. a . . - j i , woum w Buperuuous to expatiate on its merits. j.nere ib hardly a read- ing person in the country who has not heard, if he does not know, something enteriaiuing quai- , 1 No family cah be said to be fully sun- plied with the best periodical literature that omits to take the DETROIT FREE PRESS. . It will be better and more is resting for the coming year than ever re. i iwo dollars a year. A pii book handnoinely bound in given to every Riilweriher. premiums lo clubs.1 I ' L't i.'1 niium Lmt.t" a r'am; !i re ' Addis . s ' The ' jmti:oit i: . Detroit, Kicli. - 'iilum si 'did Pre- riiiw youii, xorra More people have read The Sun during the year just now passing thau ever belore since it was first printed. No other newspaper published on this side of the earth has been bought. and read in any year by so many men and women We'are credibly informed that people buy, read, and lika The Sun for the fol lowing reasons, among otners Because its news columns present in attractive form and with the greatest, possible accuracy whatever has interest for human kind ; the evonts, the deeds and misdeeds, the wisdom, the philoso phy, the notable lolly, the solid sense. the improving nonsense all the news jf the busiest world at present revolving in epace. - Because people have learned that in us remarks concerning persons ana ai- lairs The bun makes a practice ol tell ins thein the exact truth to the best of ts ability three hundred and sixty-five days in the year, before election as well as i after, about the whales as well as about the small fish, in the face of. dis sent as plainly and fearlessly as when supported by general approval. The Sttw ; Vina v tin mirmisna to Rftrve. Bave the information of its read- ere and the furtherance of the common .l .J'''- , 1 guuu. because h is everyuouy h newspaper No mail is SO humble that THE SUN is indillerent to his welfare and his rights. Noman is so rich that it can allow lu no.;0 t,v !, Anno Mm nn L8ao;tion of men. is Dowerful enouch to be exemnt from the strict application of its principles oi right and wron. uccause in pontics it has tougnt tor a dozen years, without intermission and sometimes almost alone among news papers, the fight that has resulted in the paitATit AvnrurhAlmiiior nnmilni' vnrlu'f. ,wwu , . . ... ............ . ... v oo!0t WQAniom o,i,l fnr lmnoet an. ernmcnt. ' . No matter what party is in power. The Sun . stands and wil con estsof the peoplo against the ambition if". j, :. ...i- i t 1 - All line i wc uuo unu iiiuiunii Anv , nnr Monfa Ono. nifln holds that The Sun is the best religious newspaper ever published; because its Christianity is undiluted with cant. An- other holds that it is the best itcpub- can newspaper ever published, because it has already whipped half of the ras- rui!,.u"1"' u r TV - i V- T? aKl"Sl, lllc 111111:1 Hall Willi U1IUUI1 IIUHIKU L? a .. iw-: ,ui. kRt. mnr of n-ormi liiorniure in T ' " . . , fiv Rtpnefi. hecnuRe 1 a rea( ers miss nothing worthy of notice that is current in the worm ot thought; so .every menu M The -Sun discovers one of its many sides that appeals with particular force to his individual liking. . If ttou alretuiv know The Sun; you will observe that in 1883 H Is a little better thau ever before. : If you do not already know The Sun, you will find it to be a mirror of all human activity, a storehouse of the choicest products oi common sense and imagination, amain stay for the cause of honest govern mcnt, a sentinel for genuine JcH'eison- ian Democracy, a . scourge for wicked ness of -every species, and an Uncom monly good investment lor the coming year ' TJJHMS TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS. The several editions of TnE Sun are sent by mail, postpaid, as follows : f riATT.v ff oanta a month TiO o trnnr1 . . . ' ' SuNDAYEight pages, $1.20 a year Wekkly 41. a . year. Eicht pages oi the best matter of the daily issues 5 an Agricultural Department oi une quailed merit, market reports, and literary, scientific and domestic Intel ligence make Thk Wkekly Sun the newspaper for the farmer's house hold. To clubs of ten -witli $10, an extra copy tree. Address . I. W ENGLAND, Publisher, The Sun. N. Y. City . Golden Days,' HiRli-Class Weekly for Boys ana ame. Has just entered upon its third volume with a very large ana teadily-mcreas ing circulation. , . it nas :. won its way - pupuiar jicui i, uo -ius vy its iu i I. I T 1 r structive and entertaining contents ciiifriuium than Dy ti characterizes every articlo that appears IU 11B UUKVB, ; Uoldkn Days is a sixteen-page week ly, filled with stories, sketches of ad venture, instructive matter, and every thing tnat can interest, entertain and .1 - n , m . . . penenc poys ana gins. i ' specimen Vomes Sent Free, i In all the cities and large towns of iV,a TTn!tnl H to too dm 1 I I aola raan or w Btforv wooir hrr nanro sons, however, find it inconvenient to buy the paper from dealers. To any sucn, it wm dq. sent py man, postag paid, at trie ; following - subscription rates, either for the weekly or monthly i ' . . ... w part Vnr 1 tnnnil. . 25o w "o mnnn, ' 50o 75c. ,-, . ' For 4 months, $1.00 For c montu8 " 1 For 1 year, J . .' : . . 3.00 can begin with any .subscriptions number. Uack numbers supplied at the same rates. We pay all postage Money 'slionld be sent to. us either by Post Office Order r slegistered Ijotier, so as to provide as lar as pos Bible np'v t lis loss by mail. All ' communications, business or i '!iPivii.'',iiiust bo addressed to JAMES elvi::i::on', OolJ.m Age, PlulaJ,-1. '.: s HAVE A FULL u Ui J til Itt m m m id Gauze, Lisle Thread and Net Undershirts, all prices. Full Stock of Eighmie and Elm City Shirts, guaranteed to lit, only $1.00. Jobby Suits, Alpaca, Drap d'Jite and Sicilian Coats for warm weather. Large line of Dusters. See our $10 suits. , Collars. Cull's, White Ties and White Vests.-- ' , ' ' Straw Hals in great variety, from 5 cents up. , , , . , ' Nobby Pearl Colored Stifl" IIal. - Alpaca and Silk Sun Umbrellas. We have a few dozen Misses Gossamer Hub; ber Circulars, which we will close out at $1.25. . . Largo line of Valises and Trunks. " If you need a Straw Matting call on us before you biiv.' We are constantly receiving and selling it. ." - " We have a ntefclme of Low Shoes, Stacv Adams & Co.'s Patent Pumps and . Gent's Slippers. ' ,-.., Gents' Colored Half Hose, full line. ' ' ' . " ' . '; Trv Us First, when you need Anything in our Line- HOWARD &J0Nl 'w 0-23osBito BplBodpal Ohuroli. E0. ALLEM -Pollok Street, New Berne, N. C, liiii. in i i"i I. ' n i Mi .0USE i ' nn I I MM 1 . X. IU H.',.n LI.ENRi.Co 4r PLOWS, HARROWS In Great Variety and 1 ,hs. 1 1 1 r M 1,1 - I , ' 1 'luii -J .--T' f t l: . ' r , i J - - , ' n i Tli7JY MAY, - OF - SEE FOli J. A. EAE)017 Um Kj)m U,m 2,000 cues M Per 500 D:3C3. Qpoh Lime. rtoserulfile, I3ortland. & Selinitic CcmentH. Plaster, Goat Hair,. &c-. ; ' SALES JROOM-r-Craven Street, below Express Office; Aug 19 d&w tf - ' New lierne. N. C WHOi,EWALE LIQUOU DEAL)5 - 'CELEBEATED EOiillJ LlGlm - " FOIl SALE BY THE CRATE. 0 Also on hand a full it i 41. . AND Open Front Brick Store Apr lilw lv Ih-yt STOCX ()! v. m m i Offers , , t ' ' 4 -'., . ' : Trucker' Pens, Setirt lotatoe-j, Cot tun Seed Peruvian and Cone Ouaiio, , Good I. uck Guano, " Mcrrymiui's Super.Phosphate Lister's Dissolved IJone, WhannV Plow Ili-Hiid, Truckerw and Cotton , . . Plautertt. : AND CULTIVATORS, at Very Low Prices. GEO. ALLEN & CO. . PEAS, SALE BY GO NEWBERN. N; C. LoiOlvLLA. ppnrcEEi: c-w at ' Mimili n m VI' v: :;m. y r v i C " XX, Agt, New Eerne.IT