V" t 1 '.:wt. - 'ctf T. " r : 'ill7 IM r-US j- ... V r ' f"" .Y-.'.. II I"--,- A if- 4 t ..... VOL II. NEW BERNE; N. C, TIIUIISDAY, JULY 12, 1883. , ... NO. 88. LOCAL NEWS. Journal Mlnlatare Almanac. Sun rises, 4:84 1 Length of day )S... ; . Sun seta, 7:17 14 hours, ?3.iniunt' Moou sets at 11:49 p. in. ; ' The Hanff store, on Middle street, ia being repaired. Fishing smack in yesterday. Some fine sheephead aboard, . ( Mr. J. A. Simpson has broken ground for the erection, of, the new buildings on the burnt lot. . : ; '. - j " The steamer Ooldsboro arrived from Baltimore on yesterday morning with a cargo of general merchandise.,. '''"- Eleven prisoners in Craven county jail at present. An occasional escape doesn't "seem" to reduce the number much. "v ' j Col. Robt." Hancock, Superintendent of the Document room H. R., has gone to Washington to prepare for the new Congress. . . . ; r.' Gen. Hancock says the dog tax is coining in slow. He will have to em ploy other means if , '. 'neither grass nor words win ao.". - ( Mr. Jno. B. Reel, of Pamjico, brought 1 ' in a bunch of rice yesterday measuring four feet in height. It was left at Mr. ' Geo. Alleu's store. A ,;, Mr. Asa Jones is having his store re painted and fitted up on the inside, having moved his goods eraporarily in to the store" recently occupied by H. R ;t Dillon.. ; ! JJffiV )h The steamer Trent was loading with brjck yesterday for Trenton, s The i brick are from J. F. Clark's brick yard and . are sent up for the new jail to be built at Trenton. . , v? tU There is a slight change in the sched ule of the A. & N. C. Railroad ; the train now arrives twenty, minutes earlier in .the) evening and a Very sfew; jriinutes ' earlier in the morning. . Cyrus. . Foscue, F.sq., of White Oak, ? Jones county, was in. the city yesterday and reports the prospect for a good corn crop in his neighborhood - as being ex ' ceedingly promising. The - cotton crop is rather poor. ; ' . Schooner Arrivals. . , The Melvin, from Philadelphia, with a cargo of coal, and the Ella BiU, from Baltimore, with a cargo of salt, arrived . on yesterday morning. t The Elmyra Captv Fisher, from Fair; field, arrived yesterday with corn con- signed to Burrus & Co. . - ': ' , Irish Potaitoe. The time for planting the fall crop of -" Irish potatoes will soon be at hand. , Many of our farmers save seed from the spr ing crop to plant in the fall,1 using the smalL. potato that will not dq, t6 . ship. , It has been :, suggested that the seedling should be. clipped no matter . . how small in order to: insure a good come up. "... '. ' ". ..,, shipDers are stockholders irl this Syndi- careful preparation, unwearied perse- hree TtSara six months old and not cate. The fish interest, the corn interest ?2Mk months, as ,was stated a few day. and the fertilizer interest are all repre-Lra ago in a notice of his death. j. f sentea, ana tnese constitute me duik oi "When Archibald Henderson and x Thos. Wilcox.'. Esa'J.'chairman of the iUDwuu.ut5,ulclo,,..v . rw R RnHr0r jnhn auesWall the newly appointed Jflagis- Theonly fault we have to find of the tt.wj j p:umrtj p-nM vjh. n mt Trnn the, firat. Mon- proposition is tnat tney aon t oner i,am 'A. Graham ' and Abraham 1W. day and qualify. That day is also the enough, j We wish to see some hope of Venable were the chief men there was timr bf lhe 4,,, Be8sioI1 of the county tne counties wno nave neen taxea rft commissioners and magistrates td levr , . , . i i M iL j tuft t no m. vkui vivw cms vdovu us(a vv wuo i r heavily for the building of the road to highe8t guccess. Statesmanship was the taxes for this year. : It is desired icaiiio BuiuciuiuB iui uwmwituDjynu omy acquireu aiier Bevere lauur anaiQ every magistrate in the county be in it.' The inspiration of the movement large observation. Men were content i t th ifl:n' of on i n'aiwher to Wdown freifehta ? accumulate. great stores of infonna- LT"M ?f 7. "! iT ' :f : ,. p - tion tube utilized afterwards. .There eir most important uuues on otner lines, out to mue . money ana were not ready-made great jurists and to protect the Interest of the people statesmen and editors and legislators in along tho line. iThfc is our conception those days. Thore were no systems of Ihelnspirationihough we maX be now "French Made Easy in Six Les sons." The leading men were men of TkPTTT Catharine Lake Items.' Palmetto Duffy, remains very mistaken. Miss sick.; Mr. H, C. Bowen preached at Union Chapel on the first Sunday; His subject wasv t'The seven Churches of Asia." L. E. Duffy has some wry fine peas. Crotslng Ncu.e River. New Berne-is- losing thousand! of culture and mental power and of large dollars to her trade every year for want resource. The best editors then were understood to be men of exrieriehce. River at this nointi' i ,d "th incon- ?f P8v ? inormationTmen who He has turned some of his cotton and P' venience. loss o time and expense of T.XZ SS Uss into com, on account of one his oVoBsing by'the -'present method 'of, sail somenowledge of the pa1i'politioalltenant8, " ' ' boats, designed only for ferrying er parue ua wwnw- as wei. af some - Jas. E. Rhodes is again absent gone sons and liEht uackaees.' amounts, to a rrSIuS to" New Berne.' Sick relatives have Iflvtya onm in tha nnrvvarratn f A rha ziAiin. i . J tj a.; , I nfiliaon Mru Khnnoa tA frtrocm T.tlA nlflH. try geople.'1" ' 4, ' reading, fafoirmation are, at a positive ures of home. C0TT0N-i-Middlig,-,O8 fctrjQt low middling 9 1-4; low middling 9. Corn In sacks, tssc. ; in Duix D4o. Tdbpentink Dip, 8.25; hard 81.25. TAB yl.W " vV,-r TABFirm at U0 and f l,7SJiXl Beeswax 25Cr per lb iaca f: Honey 60c. per gsJloa.r,;)T--aj , Deef On foot, 5c.ct6-6c".' , " Mutton ftt.50a2 per head." r' HAMS-i-Cphntry, 134c; per pound. ! ' ' LABIH-Country, 134c. per lo. uir. i Fresh Pobk 7a90, pet pound. - EGOS 13o; per dozen. . r .r,;.-,) PEANtJTS $1.60 per busheL '. 1 Eoddeb $1.50 per hundred.' , onions 4c; per Dunen.' , ' .' - , Apples 40a60c. per bushel, s'; ' -: Peas $1.00 per bushel, i,' ,j t,,,T Hides Dry, 9c. to lie; green 5c-' Tallow 6c. per lb. ' , .. Chickens Grown; 60a70c. per pair. Meal Bolted, 75o. per bushel. PoTATOESBaharnaSjOo. ;, yams 60o. CITY ITEKS Thli column, next to local news, la to b nsed for local advertlstng. Rates, 10 cents a line for flint Insertion; and 6 cent a line for each Bubaequent insertion. : - I Sewing i machine bran, new can be bought cheap at the Jocbnal office. . ;j,jsvif:Ti,e citeanesl Oranrea ' " And Lemons iu the city can be found at n K. it. JONES , ,, For a Nice Drink: Of Pippin Cider on ice, call at ' i 1 t.b 'it:lw -, --..J:i.,XLi K. JONES'. . A. II. Totter in makine- soda water t does,not. us&purap. water but. pure cis tern water. - - - : tf. discountij A man needs.' nothing howl ...: ' . i.sl"' i ''j ii orossing teams and vehicles, and trans- buf a old Waahington Preggnd a few Rather much grass and rain for cotton, Turnips 3c. per bunch. " , j Wool 12a20c. per pound. J" i Shinqles West India,dull and nom. inal; not wanted, i Building 5 : inch, hearts, $3.50; saps, $2.50 per M ' , , ' ; ' i'; , : ' WHOLESALE PRICES. ' i, , '' New Mess Pork $20; long clears 10c.; shoulders, dry salt, Sc. MOLASSES AND BYRUPS zOSAvC. ' Salt 95o. per sack. ' ' . i Flour $4.00a7,50 per barrel. ' ' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ! - ' County of ueavek. jl ; -. , IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. ! , To A E. Woodruff, Executor, and Harriet J. Stanly, Executrix ot k. Htaniy, ueceaseu, and A. E. Woodruff, Trustee; 'ii . ; You will lake notice thatau action has been ingtitnted Id the court abeve entitled, where in th. Jlltv ft Naur HomA In nlnlntlrf nnrl vmi ligious service and many visitors almost are defendants. In which action the plaintiff nr. wnn.lj ,i nr lasKstoran occouni oi nieiruHi. iuua a toe Mr. McDonald and Mr. handg of the iate Ki 8tanly Ullder the wiu Bowen have been over lately. ; ! of MlB- Elizabeth Gooding, deceased, which " , I was duly probated and recorded in the Pro- business was offered in Norfolk' for George" Davis and Zebulcni B. Vance: h" ' ? SSSnt, if said ruusUnthThands-omedefend: about onefourth its yalue, but for some and Augustus S. Merrimon and' M. W. Aman' an aSed near. bere ThlB cause th"e trade was not consummated. Ransom and Thomas S, Ashe and Alfred may be the means of conveying the sad deem pr0per to grant to the plaintiff, s . The boat we learn is now in daily use TfZTrXrZLuf n6WS t0 801118 relativC8 Wh Were n Fan TeKf cmv,KuA to on the NorfolfPerrv - whr aha mt yice of the people or in (he pursnit Of present at her death. : beheld in the City of New Berne on the 12th on tueaorioiic jerry, where she meets their profession, are to be tabooed, set tTu,"m,m . Monday alter the 1st Monday in September, .U n JMw.nn J. r.f m V aa M.ffi. :. ' : .1 1-: 1 J A. A 1 . 'XTm tlinl HnplA... ntill ka DA 1UQQ .l a II u.l.Or HP H O TT1 1 1 T t 1ht tC1t nl.ll II t (it nufj uciuauuo yx a ticavj liittUAV. ; . I tWIUV, mJi.S.cu UUv W lllttlLO Wttj lUi lllcJi ; nun. luttv. ujrci uumuw .t.i w bv w." - v--.f-..-. Given under the hand of the Clerk of the Superior uouri oi uraven c thlH the 10th dav of July. 1883, E. W. CARPENTER. Clerk ofthe Superior Court of Craven county. N1AUJN, BIMMUrSB MAINLii, JulyllKw Attorneys for the.Plalniiff. purwngireiBiiiB, iaiiuBjjriuBuumBoriu lontsoi nattered type. .With' these in-1 making ii late. Peas . are average side of the river are greatly depreciated struments of power- the unfledged edi-1 chufa8 are a bad stand. s j .(..' 't .. 11 Itor. after nix- wnnlra' or af-r 'mnntha'l ". ' IU vwue, auu Mi jmupwovw mere are "-f.-"- " v "--.v '--V7 . .Tnh Trntt finihl nlowintf Ma corn CAuciicuw uuuu a tv cou , v ' T can iv 4 I - r o - in fihlft tn dirtfttn f.hfl Tin hi in rtnllnr nf a I nn triA dth nf .Tnlvi. T annnnflA ho of buying and maintaining a first-class whole State, to teach old igtaj-headed more independent now. Several others . . . A. . , Tt"'Ehe experienced statesmen-men The convicts ' are favored with iuu.Ki,o,uiiuB muu uu Fui, ia" jtraiwd in the publio service men of appears to have been, abandoriode We tion men who bore the burden and the I !; e y Dnuar heard that a good boat, suitable to the fa re- ;.WeU;.What of .It? - -:; Nothing in particular, , only ' during this heated term, and dull, rainy weather, yon can ' find at W. L. PALMER'S, on Middle street. Good Cool Soda Water, Genuine Deep Rock Water, and excellent Ginger Alo, good and refreshing drinks. Also, the choicest ' brands of Cigars, Tobacco, and Candles, Cakes, iiciuuiii, uiuugen, bm! uuy tiling in my line, freely exchanged for Cash. Trade Dollars taken at their Bullion Value; ail other cur rency at their current value. - v W. L. PALMER, Second door north east side, corner of bouiu from ana Middle sts., " julyllt - Nkw Bernk. y. c. Notice to Firemen, Ordered, That all persons who were active Firemen on the 1st day of June, A.D, 1888, be ' and the same are exempt from Poll Tax Xor the year 1KS8. : . . , . . Okdkrkd, That the above exemption shall not take place until the proper officer of the several Fire Companies furnish the list taken with a correct list of the active meiubeis of their company on said 1st day of June. 1 Okderbd, That the clerk of the Board pub lish the above order for ten days. . . J08. NELSON. JnHOdlOt Clerk Hoard of Commissioners. . Brick ! Brick f 'Brick! For sale In Quantity and oualltv to snlt : purchasers. Contracts solicited, Sales yard on Market Dock. . , , . -, . : Address all communications to .1. v nr.ARir JlyldAwtf. ' , ' New Rerne, N.C, We have no doubt that a company without the ability or learning or ex- much benefitted, we .hope that the au could be formed to by the boat and CT'S S ""-rities wiU have the convicts build establish the Steam-ferry, if the owner ana now self-assertion and ! ignorance the , road from: A. J. Merrill 's toward would 1 send, her i here. . Hundreds of must come to the front, and: beardl ess New Berne, a saving of several miles to people, in Craven, Pamlico and Beau- Insanity and impudence must seize the central Onslow and an opening of State fort are interested in better means of A crossing the river, and many of them They will only give power to those Mrs. Whaler, who lived a few miles would suosenbe to tue stock of a Steam- j hands tnat are strong enough to wield (r0m the Lake, died suddenly last Sku terry company.' V;: ; v - r l.', ri' "" day evening, '.She had been troubled ana ai- fo nolitics or for the bench, thev de-1 with heart disease: and was taken while iiage oi Aurora, on South Creek, is but twelve never trust that sort of mediocrity that jjer ab6ui three miles from home' c-w- McLean, i i I - 1 miles New Berne.. Open .that 1 "d died in a few minutes. : - to a w! McL e' ai road and put a Steam-ferry on thenver, elder8 .. n ' .fT, nA fnmilv hv r: Bt8t L 'l ' l : ,- J !.?- JJ ' .iT' ' TAKE NUTlUfi and nearly all the cotton and other pro duce raised between here find Aurora, including the bulk of the produce of the Soutl Creek tfcctibn, would seek the New Berne market. . Our merchants 1. That an action entitled as above has been brought to the Superior Court, of . Craven flountv. C: . i n. lliaiine purpose oi sam action is xood- Ke,.n. v C. bavins resismei annllcBtinni of tain a Judgment decreeing a conveyance to oeln u" lmvlns resigned, applications oi the plaintiff from the defendant Vyne of cer- eompetcnt Dersons to fill the vacancy will be nWrnoof nlononrn t.l.A niMna nf rha tain lands or or cerw n inieresi in mna Biui-1 ;- j- should see to it that the fall trade does Syndicate to lease the A. & N. C. Rail- Lake and vicinity, who have enjoyed cZnty! orTh TcXiin which are aiied iS recelved for NEXT TWENTY DAYS. , ; not open without tins proper means or road, iu the terms it proposes, well-nigh frequent calls, and the unanimous voice complaint to nave oeen conxraciea rooe con- to enforce tne rignts ana equities oi piainun crossing Neuse River. - ( Daupbln's Lot tarjr, it at The Louisiana ' lottery . seems to be getting into trouble about mail facilities, On the 13tli 'of November,, 1879, Post- master-Oeneral Key issued an order to 'the Postmaster fat Ne w Oi leans f forbid 'ding the payment' of any postal moriey order to M. A, Dauphin, or M. A. Dau phin, Secretary, or I. A. Dauphin, P. O. Boxes 092 and 819 Broadway, New York, and the return of all registered letters addressed to' theni 'to the post master at whoseofflce they were mailed. ' Daughin brought suit v against Post1 master .General Key and enjoined die performance of the order and appealed the same to the Supreme Court of the United States whereupon the order was suspended until the case could be de termined by the court. ; -j Thecase having bjeen dismissed in va cation' by tiie defendant's counsel with the consent of the Solicitor General, Postmaster-General Gresham holds that the original order is in force and must be executed. Be also holds, that the order was justified by the provisions of sections 3,929 and 4,041 of the revised Bitutes. So some other plan than regis' i red letters and postal money orders Serving an Apnrentleeahlp. , Our esteemed contemporary, the Wil mington Star, in an editorial on the death of Hon. Abram Rencher, draws a ii j . 1 unrisiii x nil L v b luuauuu uuimiB uci auuum I . ...... . . . . . . .. i i -i . . i - w j a4fn. a ma n Aaonra tv aav that ir. la r.na i ea in me coniuiHiuk comparison Detween wnai usea to con- fAr fift iann ntj.. ftt . tar "iri'l,'" i This the loth day of July A.D. 18&3 . . i j 1 - . imosi uusinesH-iis, oi uuv wur ui tue i - -c w ciuDcuKrii c.ii-nra rha .vi.ia annua, t n ni nrt nafiM . . ... u.xui. """'T "r. 8uch a property. Ir:') kind which I have ever examined. The clerk of the Bup-rter Court of Craven county. WBT urosuiHBU W IWtU UUUllO uuiuiun Tno Htaf o on,l fha nmiunr nnf ant a. result 18. ' the WOrK 13 Well aavancefl JMIXOH, oimmobo i tr ii- l ai. I r J ' I a a.. 1 .L j ;rs t HA ana now. w,e wunn our. urotner istfla wiH, . rnin nf fW thnnaonH r wimuunuw icaoi, ,miuv;uivy m ouy ir -t ! adopted to get m, fort' o l t "grar ' ..Jent ,uEai;!; r '..ioncf t ; ' .C.Jl. L. C T. C. P.. 1 j of t' 9 corporation. ..."anteee are nothing. ' o head wing.' :' seems position for the le says . st it is at Syn ,.d other He says In this for. Of t .oy t. 3 gvlar of the t which is ; i i t no matter "-V't' : . . , i indlna- ' .) UO (..:' "l NOTICE. By a new road, partially open i most ready .! fo use j the ? villi light to advance him. NORTH CAROLINA, 1 CKAVEN UOUNTY. SUPERIOR COURT. J. M. Robinson. Plaintiff, Againsi ... .... ... ... . . ...I j AVH But tney . will picking huckleberries in company with Garrett Vyne and' ...NOTICE.,:,,,:;! ' V LANDSALE. Under Judgment of fjraven Superior Court, rendered at January Term, A.D. W7r ind one amendatory thereof rendered at Bdiu.it Term. eounty at ofnee, A. p. 18K3, In action wherein Lydla A. Gaskllls r auu utiiera uie piuiniins, ana-'-rne iNew Berne Co-opemtive Land and Building Asso ciation" and another, are defendants, the un dersigned will sell for CASH, at Court House door of Craven eounty, on - First Monday in; August, 1883, at ELEVEN o'ciock," A. M a parcel of land In New Berne, beginning at stake on German street and running with said street 80 feet to duck line; then with said back line 61 feet; then parallel with Jones street 30 feet: then a ignt i above defend- July Dlh, 1883, jullOdiwetu RICHARD W. NION, , -.; CommlMloner. turned to. New. Berne. .Thev sneak of I That Proposition of the E. N. C. Rail- the Dieaflure of their visit as onlv mar- road Syndicate, , ,.1 ; -fi(1 h. h atok'nAMi f lhA diffAmntl .- rtMWAn TYTT i r flirt" innAnAnUlAH' J9t 1 . '' , ' ' 1 v"?" v"- 1" members of the family' It has been a li m a "kt ii. tv-'i:.j i - Notice. The Principal of the Graded School in New- the Eastern North Carol in a Railroad excludes ilielf : from "theJarena of dis- te TCome aQainl -.. ......... ...;;. . , .. I .. . ' m - ii. 1 1 irrnwinir out of the deallmrs of Dartles. as al-1 1 1;;: ". ! tu .'! ) ! : ine peoreiary ana ireasurer m tne feged in complaint. In reference to said lands. Building Committee have favored me 8. That unless you appear and answer or cussion; , "rt.r.Tfca i t::: v'tii-j '. The proposition is one which ho con. sideration' of ' public policy can enter-1 with an examination of the manner or Court, to be held on the 12th Monday after the - - n'-i-K'' u;ta,'aaa tn u:iAnr, the Hit Mondaym iSeptemDer, A.l-. li8. 10 tne MiuuuvuSura.uci . complaint filed in this action, the piatntin Christian Church at Bichlands. . It I will apply to the court for the relief demand- tain Address , ; CHARLES C. CLARK, i ' ' '. President. . Newbern. N.C. ' Raleigh News & Observer and Greensboro Patriot please copy one week. lulH-dlw JNIXON, SIMMONS MANLY, Julyllw " ; Atty's for Plaintiff. I explain the grounds of the Richlanda branch I , . i UV,V w avis M vu vta ui a vt vj vuvuuuuvt awa v . . v. . ,u , rather hard on young editors.:, A young notiikeiy to accept thirty, and for a TCL ? ' mai must be .allowed to think for him- period of twenty more years. ' 1 ' 14 is just that self1; in fact he should be encouraged to TVn'thfl R. A N. n. RallmaA nrnmw. opposition , to dotTsis,for the older men will die out toput on new "betterments,'' at54 it igkoad built by, the convicU, to which! sometime. -Being young in the cause, also true that these would be worn but referred not long since, as l &m nOw nra n.loo,m tr. e ( o fha foot of 4ha .. - . . .. .. DBtter UObWJU UU tll lUIUi 1U IUO " .,, : V, . , ' many times over Deiore tne lease ex. w0 ma in Onslow county is rW op older quill driver, and .learn of them. pired. , ,. , ; to thel branch , , , The fear Wefeelthat we are yet"an apprentice," Tho iife' 0f a steel rail on a'line of was that it mightj prevent, the comple but if we occasionallv advance an Idea k1" j J.' ' L.! .... ! tion of the main, through road h which ad it la k.ockd to nWfii, fiv tha Ur TlV 7".? Jv,' iri', event the branch yoold.be, worthless, . . F... f r raia wio . xv. v. muiwu But the work is progressing well, and expe- euced brethren, ye quietly, sub- would have to: "bettor"-th road five will soon "go through" without some mil . a wr. again, uui tne; omruiss t tr. t b1 tu. .. nf tht. Rttv miatl&v, , .'v.. 1- - 7.--1 rememoer una one unu3. pwptei as a yeara na g00d as they find it. r" rule, now-a-days take a newspaper for . There ig absolutely nothing in this tne news.mvr not soieiy iof tne purpose proposition to lease. ! I . i I j V ' 1 1 01 ODtaimng.me views ot tne earned TheBecuritv is nadeauate. the euar ST:"mrS7SCH00L, ( i ii ! :; R alkigh. k t. . t j " 5 ' The ADVENT TERM bf the 88thSemf-An. nynl Session of this School begins THURS DAY SKTT, I3TH, 1BB3. .. . .: tor uataiogue aa areas ine nector, .,1 t , Hbv. BENNET SMEPE, AjM. ( f " ! JuJ10d2m " " a. -; ' I , For Sale, HI Will sell cheao. for CASH. TWO OLU LO COMOTIVE ENGINES and ONE OLD. LOCO MOTIVE BOILEH. . 'r V iuU i " , For further information apply to editor. ,. True, a .goo4 writer,; vho is anteeg nothing aum tu tjibi uss loaumg tupius, au Kive No exten8ion of the road, no improved tone toa paper: and do rriuch towards advantages, no revenuff from he' prop- duiuk v,, . . w M nothing, in fact stands out as a hides. We trust our able contemporary will not understand us in what we have said as dictating how to ruua paper; these are only our views, i There is much good sense in this editorial of the Star, from which we copy 'ft few para graphs: .... ... "A man plays his part, important or otherwise, on the 'world's stage, and then he stands aside and lets others press on to their allotted work. He may "Ing superfluous on the stage," or be so regarded by the envious, and still have but little to do with the world, ceasing to be a factor therein. This is more apt to be the case now than formerly.; The To.'! ens of the age does not mean neces' Bnly progress iu education, in cultiva- lum, in knowledge, in thorough train- such use of the road as will benefit the shipping public. i-i J '." 4 ( ... K'vn, The1 inspiration.1 bf the movement would appear to be, from all that is seen sticking put of it v to secure and hold the road as a lever to operate on other, lines to beat down freights' with. Eastern, , Jones County Items.: -j.s ' Very refreshing showers for the few days which are beneficial to the crops. Mrs. C. CV Green and Mr. E. R1. Page have been in Kinston , a few. dayk on a vibit to 1 their relatives and friends1 at The time was when nil men in all place. Judge Schenck Falls Frota a Tree. The bracing July sun lagt week remiuded Judge Schen of the iroiicsome qays 01 ma yojiin. ue was seized, with au uncontrollable desire to be a boy again, apd when ther"opportnnity offered Kftaelf he was unable to resist it. One of the Juli(W12w BABIL MANLY. M.' M. , UIUERAL WATERS. Just Received : Fine Sugar Cured Hams,'. .,' .' ,t;:.. ' r, ..i!i ' 5 j - ' 1 v Breakfast Bacon, . , j;; t . 1 Sugar Cured Shoulders, . . i- . t jV .... f Choice Butter and Cheese, .iBostQuality Of Lard.': : ;i . , HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE FLOUR. Catawba, Scuppernong, Sherry and Port Wines, and a Complete ;.- ; -r'f i'i fs - ' !.; .'.'I i Line of the Best Grades of Liquors for family use. 1 : 'J'.v ' dw : A H. POTTER Receives direct from the Spring; G J .' CHAS. H. BLANK. little,' SchencUs is the owner of a Saratoga -Vichy., and. Deep tame flying squirrel, and Saturday the jerce naiurce 01 , iuq ieswve "bunny" prompted him to r the top- .: GEOWJ.-HARVEY,: -3e RICHMOND ST.,; v'i -j"'. ' ; w PHILADELPHIA. Haktr of Ccitlrmcn'i Pine' Caglem Boots A Shoes of U Latest Styles and BEST WHAUES. ,. ... , , -Would tefer w Messrs. B. 3C." Bryan, Geo .,, Rock Mineral .WateM Cuits dyspepsia and diseases of tne Kidneys. nejiueraon,ueoj ti. ttopeniv ueo.i A. Oliver Alls 1L . . 1 . . 1. . . i. . j. iftna Dinuuer. uiwsi uittuuucs ui a iiicuuiv uauo Rfia(i the followlnn analysis br tree'J Hearing the commotion in 'fffigi "ttaaf J1 ohenjistryunivprtitv 1 the yard the. Judge; lit putof his dressing gown 1 tree, i Climbing nrocess and he He ascenaftd, tne laaaer wan tne carbonate ot Lime;.-.., .i,..li..i.u" i8,ii w Anil nt.liAm nl I t.f XI aw H'..v..a . .., v. . ... , ,,, ,. t VU '-. ..' -'.''" r waers ojr siaii solicited. Ju!jf3d4wly- GEO. W. J. HAEVKV can, llCOHllip orntoi'8 mil r e fs in life had to "serve an appren- " tfntoHinnn and publicints; ami iaianciers; great leaders it writers were found mainly men of years. Bomethnes a 'i or a William' Tilt, a 1'yvon or " y, clw-tri:Iil tho voti.l with ..rvcl.iim woik, I "l tl, iii wan "1. l rv'e v; 3 lo; , ft -v'y, The school committees of this County are strictly forbidden by lhe- County Superintendent; to employ teachers un til they have been examined and grant ed certiHi-ates to teach.',-' 'r!'.. ' I'.t. I' -rnniors child, Eudolph, who died iu Tr? nton a few days ago was agility and confidence of a trained fireman,: jabtU;.'within' am& i reach ofthe squirrel,, it was at; that su preme moment' with outstretched arm and open' hand ready to seize the truant, tho ladder turned and precipitated hirrj tq" the ground be low llow many sommersanlts he turned before reaching the earth is not ; known, but "when rescued he was lying quietly on' his back with the ladder on top pt him to protect hi :i ;from the falling tree. ) Apart from the bhoek and mortification of having his boys Witness his dis grace ho was hot hurt. Greensboro 7t I Silica . Sulpburio Acid f roiozme 01 iron ......k..,iTaoe t. s ; Free Carbonic Acld.Not deterttiliied ' Loss 1,?80; mer trade uftt '.'i.l:23Jt ; teoeivedi Toilet and Laundry 'SOAP in ereat variety,......-, y ',yUt... . Total sbiids in the eaiioti v.!i....v.65,i86 , ' Sparkling CllDEfe, a coof and 'refresh- TemPrature,f)oiii7 ivxnm au i'-1' fng drinks : : ; -, , -; ) - ,. As an antidote to thlrrt tor'aljoholtc liquors 'V .v -V h,. I , it has no equal. ,., juneaHl'ja Hi Finest Grades of FLOUR. VINEGAR. Wholesale- Gro'ctrJ . j.ir Ik, v()L English Island MOLASSES. tl Alls' and Breakfast Dacon.' Guano aid Geniiiiio Sinaii .wt iY'ainW'1-?1 1 '' ' .'Speciat bargains offered tot Brick Block, Middle street,' tnmnrA. 'f .,,r.f..,4-.V Jaiill-dly C. E.