j ''" " - t t " rr"T-h'"MT;-' ', : ;."'', vj .- 'f-M !?.-., ' t" . : i ! i . -j-. VOL II. NEW BERNE, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1883. NO. 100. 1 , A' Pl '. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' .: V.rw. Tell Baixance & Co Haras, etc. F. II. Okat Excursion. 'V V. Carpenter Notice. , W. II. Watson Meeting. - Ncwnernlana Abroad. -v k 1 V Mr. H. 6. Duffy sailed on the Shenan doah on . Tuesday for Norfolk, drawn hither by cupid's darts. ' ) , General R. Ransom is off to the Warm CITY ITEIIS' til Springs, in Western N. C. I they have force sufficient to handle all J and Beading Company, and run on I .. ; Kurij . i.4v.j-,- la widenfirtrraik. ' All these r.han ctps iuoiuoDauuciuiKt liuiuuiLBU uq wuugu r I , - , - - . from them. Newspaper correspondents ua,e "een. executed wiiaoos ioe used for .oral ndrertiing. RateOo cent a -are getting1 greatly exercised because foren.81c dl8Play.in stockholders McMtomrtoM &ceu une tor some of thjr d&tches have, been "eeting3, or a tithe; of the news- enmy ,,,,,, . :, , stamped subject to delay.'; And to-day CS" T ice rinds and mountain sweets " the officers of two government bureaus "7 'J , " at the Journal office by r Ncm Nunn., Journal Miniature Almanac. - Sun rises, 8: 4 1 Length of day,' . Sun sets, 7: 8 (14 hours, 4 minutes, Moon rises at 11:18 p. m. ; were considerably astonished to learn Try one. . Maj, John Gatlin Judge Carruth and summer ' ; '! ', ' T.', ;";.,!' jV; Commodore Appleton Oaksmith were I Dr. F. W. Hughes is gone' Westward. in the city yesterday, r; v. ; Mrs.vB.: H Scott and family are at The schooner Hattie art ived with a Morehead City. ; cargo of brick from E. P, Williams' i John Smithy- George bliveri Sim s brick yard yesterday.s j J ; 4 j STATE NEW8- - ;s ;i uicuucu nuui uur . ciAviibukcb, Greensboro Put riot: Thomas Baker, a Reidsvilla carpenierV, died Saturday Dr. Burkhead is attending the District aigh 'rom injuries sustained by some Conference, which convenes at Mount lumber falling on him. It seems that I fMrm Ir A- ' ! : I nA VQA I nfn lo.n t. ail an A - in tiooaintv' Kv Mrs, Dr. Burkhead and familvareoff rapueot lumper stacxea up near tne 7. t; 5-" " " -7 .generally avow pabllClt.V ana pre- : rirM i'fc i - i aii nianr m naiav An 11 a iv with n k i n t toEaWffhte.afflw W; ! ihnnc railroad track he Dulled a Dlank which """' j, r"v. fer to 'st hunt" for valaab e came ?w,Pg macnme-pran. new-can to NewW for tht'' wtmatndaf 'ftf'thlprglriUte4lid .pite-' on'-hto.crBahingl!?: t; Pp.i-My ttll in that line; and 'iinlesal. read the I p011" cheap at tlw jogBMAi. cfflee. him to death, : He Survived about an , . .r"-"'" .""" signs of the times, errdneonslj, we hour after he was rescued, a rhw T"1 whett; Wftkm information WU1 find j in a few years, that this Wawenton' Home Journal: iTheVesi. " """ ZWlfVT." "W" at. w.rk mtheregions -..o .TLT. T.. IT-J!-1 i r " ui UUl OlilWJ 1U1U WI1CUOVCI IU A, p7 r ' r-T.?1"' UB"r All Western Union wires to Chicago & C. Eoad does find a resting Palmert Springs, in, Mecklenburg coun- ara , interrimted WMk ofj PittabnW lh6ia nlllA h " "r f b JXf inl : ca 1 v ii a w muu a"av vcuvuu at Morehead. Railroad manipulators down here be Baltimore ' yesterday morning with a cargo of general merchandise. ; Stockholders for the purpose business?", .We mons & Havens, superintended ; by tv. Va. . was burned lastSaturdav morn. still hold , the fori at the. Cotton Ex change. t. -it quarters will be noticed in due tune,.1 '! ance.1 The first shovel of dirt on the oISSL? V 'lrliift, Virginia and Carolina EailrJad was of chin music" or for Marine New. , ; --1 ti , , , ri ; will wait and se. .1 The ichoone, Mdvtoj Capt, Sabston, tn to Tuesday. It was thrown by The steamer Defiance arrived .7' ?" 1' If8'. to CinWnMtlir, One,' M least, of the and one that 'will not shut it up ir"-' - T:rrr?mil?sT UBn,ttU lu,u,l,l'w special newspaper wires is working to either. ; ; : t . ineir.aeparture ror summer clothing. Jhete was but little insur- Cinoinnat!. ; This interruption is! at- These corporations seldom buy or xu ium Buovei oi airnmine t,:iwj A. ..... .. NMm a rnnri to otiflA tint, to tnafrA A report is current here to-nkht that money but , of it, and experience the WBRtern nninn i riflr.tinff iMo proves that this end is most iasily I - ; . . i r ; "In litrla nenvhAa rr mm mm ah A U A An l -.' l.t-.l A. . ' ? 1 I Mr. J". A Meadows' fine horse Amos arrived at Hatteras on Saturday vfening 7 . , " . bustoew in New 1 York, and that the ."". , y .?. . ."Deraf. P n . - , I; . . . . ,t laot irUli o ht.vnrA l.,U,v.oi we presence ui aiargecrowa. ADOUl Anftrnfnra ,,i ivp,- DnAi A Dt improveu iaculues. "UCK nau m nisiooiyesteraay. it - r'" three hundred hands were read v to be. "7. " : The choakinff nrruWmnrallT . . . . - nuiuurj, mass., ana neart s conieni. . ..P . . v b-uu. t.-a "rBO New Foundland, have struck; but these 6 - Ul" , WT? I cut, just beyond th river which is to be L, aLa a- -..h.-.--- - gained and rarely ever follows that i . w WHVUV. vw I Mi, " i was drawn out but Amos is quite lame I ties bound for Philadelphia, from the effects of it. ' ? f The heavy thunder storm on Tuesday night wrung off limbs of trees in" the city and blew down the telegraph wires . between here and Morehead Citv. ; - Gen. E. O. 0. Ord died in Havana on tne evening of the 22nd., He was a passenger on the steamer City of Wash ington from Vera Crui to New York. , , Fred Perry; of the New Berne House, The schooner C7ierulm,Capt, Nelson, cleared from - Philadelphia for New Berne. July tl&uih J! f-'J The schooner Annie Hall is expected' daily from Philadelphia with a cargo of ooal for Mr. E. Ellis, The schooner Frank Hall is loading coal in Philadelphia for Mr. E. Ellis.' , at Morehead City, was in , the city yes terday looking up crockery in order to I is'on the, way from Elizabeth City extend his table, and also looking for I a cargo of corn for J. A. Meadows, something to go on it. He has a full house and is trying to give them plenty about 56 feet deep. and very long and hvestern TJnion officials.. Heart :. .7 1 ,u,0,r "T w'u 00 tent, is beyond the Western Union's divided into squads : and distributed i.- a'--jv- t 'i. i along the.road on this side of the river, would not disconnect the Cable Com- Wilmington Star: Intelligence was Pftny 8 Vne8' however, and cable news received Sunday evening of quHe a press." ?" w destructive fire that occurred at Federal News from the West and the North, It seems that oDtainea irom telegrapn omcials, is to tne ettect that the Western Union is The schoonet Ada, CaptV Whitehurst. Son, who have extensive fisheries in hey have eery p'pect 0f defeating with I uu'j; vj hibhub uaugat nre tne striKers. ine latter, on tne other and Was burned to the ground, together hand,1 put forth equally rose-colored period. C. COMMERCIAL. NEW BERNE MARKET. DEATH TO WHITEWASH. PREPARED For whitening and color ing Walls of Cburches. Dwelliugs, Factorlei.Mills Darns and Fences. -Beautiful, DurabU - Cheap. . - ItBsnpcrlortty over Lime Is like that of Paint. Fur nished in several different colors. Does not Rah. Peel, Crack, Wh Oft or Chaagc Color. Send for price and Tint Carda showing the differ ent colors. , . i , . For sn le in bbls, M bbla, i bblg and cans,': ' By JOHN C. WHITTV Newbern, N. C, Agent for Newbern and vicinity. Thegchooner Packet t. Cant.- Blood' good, "is several days , over due if rom Point on Saturday night I : '' . ,f - - " v, (. 1 I it . J. 'r ' New River with a cariro nf tnrnAiif.inP. tne Btore nouse ot Messrs, In Meinorlam. with all their nets, seines and other J statements. They, report constantly to eat. I haaw OnOQaiAria is 4-laia vnnlra tfA 4knt i , 1 . . . i v.u i j NW1.DDIWUD sa iuoii a auRo auu iiiai maiermi, KuiauiiiK a sonous iobb upon desertions are exceedingly rare. ; One Died suddenly in this city, oathe them, which- will considerably retard striker is reported as having applied for ornincr of Jnlvo. 1888. Mrs. Cora Vir-I .. . ' 'S. .. ' . I i.T,u.ij,iiu:- . , Dr. Wm. Pell BaHance & Cd received ginia Marshall, wife of .George H. iMar- Ptions tne coming season, ine e whewas immediateh vi 7to work fresh lot of groceries per steamer Uall, Esq. Shenandoah on Tuesday which they ad- ' The deceased was a , consistent Chris- -" omauviue. m uuuaing mi- Wrce of twenty on the rolls of the West- ,vertise in to-day's issue. The large re- tian lady.a member of the Methodist joining tne store nouse, aiso tne property era union orace nere, wnicu is rather . . .- . ,. . .it ' . .. 1. . . i" . . lv Mum n.nia' flnn nu I in excess of the niiitibftr emntovnd h- ' firm enables unurcny ana a teacner in tnPDaDpatn- r ";. the i strike. rRailroad' teWanh them to keep butter and. cheese in the school. ; J;. ? '. ' . a"wn-' r- w ", employee, opertttor8 and clerk8 (rom the QQd very best condition, no matter how hot the weather j 4 - k ' s , One bright inidsummer morning, Wn0 was asleep in a room in tbe burnt railroad system, together with manair amid the UKnic'ot birds md bloorolnfflfcnUdtoS1'' 'ped'- 'iwihnrt,. 'The; fire era of countryoffices and a fewama- of flowers the death-anirel summoned created a big excitement among the teurs, compose the number. sweep. . . Collector Wheeler was inducted into office at Winston on Saturday last, and we learn from the Greensboro Patriot that he made. a clean sweep of the i a ' MM f ( 11 r-veritirgang. ini8, ,periians, ine ,etua, Md ;fr8grance of whose uPn which ' insurance with from the eea side I found a 'bomber reason some oi tner counties in mat a is- ftowers ascend to the throne of God for- Messrs. Northrop & Hodges, for $3,800. of JOURNALS awaiting my perusal met were ciamonng w es into uoi, ever. - r.i i... t. o.- wh oh ,nn tim woo lnot In Aninrr Ike Young's district. He does things ,ator iwsed .;w . , . ft. w - . t Y(m 8tul have tne Railroad and I nnath the shade of the traflS. Thfl nr- in all thn cit,. A fiirmimstancft which la may B&y the Kailroad lever. " ' ' 1 l . i "a a rw : . a ' I I j I ' ... . .. I 'PVirt Knninw Anna - Af 1..', hUnn IWaror'a Court. ' lamuw u utr cuubwwui. vurwuau uie considered Quite remarkable. tf or the M W,UIUS 8 ' fuo uimou The strik- . A . J 1. a! 1 t .. .!... nHhnrmen and othera on the Point. Who. v iutu n uayyj tauinj viiviq a laiunui, l ------ . , . patny j iao community. . .a . '. m ' . . I 1I-1a A MtknlA AAAAn t .hm.am ' kanaka I " , " iiovng wire ana a tona young mother,! WH,U . ui hiki ucwo thus suddenly and unexpectedly trans- them, could npt , stop the devouring I "Down in Jersey , It's Different.", planting her from earth to the ambro- wenient w m course. Messrs. uavis ox 4 . PHILADELPHIA. June 20, '83. sial fields ot Eden, whose fruiUa.repe w"BB""BW:uo" ;lUDa o auvu ,w, JOURNAL: Un Cotton Middling, 9; strict low mid dling 8 3-4.; low middling 8 1-2. iv . Corn In sacks, 68c. ; in bulk 64c. ' Turpentine Dip, $2.25; hard (1.25. Tab Firm at $1.50 and $1.75.' i , BBBSWAZ-r-25o. per lb. ' Honkt 0c. per gallon. ' ' Bbep On foot, 5o. to 6c. , Mutton $1.50a2 per head. : ' Hams Country, 13ic. per pound. Lard Country, 131o. per lb. Fresh Pork 7a9c. per pound. . Eao& 12c. per dozen. Peanuts $1.50 per bushel. Fodder $1.50 per hundred. Onions $1.00 per bush. apples yjaouc. per bushel. " Peas $1.00 per bushel. ' ' Hides Dry, 9c. to lie. ; green 5c. Tallow 6c. per lb. Chickens Grown, 45a60c. per pair, spring 25a40c. . , Meal Bolted, 756. per bushel. ' Potatoes Bahamas, 50c.; yams 60c. perbuBhel. , . . , , , WOOL 12a20c. ner rjound. Shinoles West India.dull and nom. inal; not wanted. Building 5 inch, returning hearts, $4.00; saps, $3.00 per M. r ; WHOLESALE PRICES. . ' New Mess Pork $18; ' long ckars 10c. ; shoulders, dry salt, Sc. , , , ,. Molasses and Syrups 25a40o. Salt $1.00 per sack. Flour $4.O0a7.5O per barrel, i ; ; f ; : 1, j,; . Charles HaU was before His Honor L'W of the summer there wttl be no te was not more shaking to the ........ . Ml I - - " - I . . a. i- av 'a 'lllllllIHIl NVNIHIII . I.IIH M II II I I I'M. I on yesteraay morning cnargea witn May He who tempers the; wind td the mgnt preacmng in tne eecona rresny- keeping a chioken coop on the sidewalk shorn lamb care for and protect! the terian church. The telegraph office terine BtocKuoiaers meetinp 'contrary to the OrdinanceHe plead motherless child, whom it washerj de- at Matthews being on a strike, our offi- M tBftt COrpowtton nag Deentothe not guitty but it was proven that he was f,KDl m2iil wDn? WKn U.T. "1 JBe oials were in ii quandary Sunday as' to Vi r ' - . AJ t . V con aa boose of God. May that promising' boylr"v- . Hu'"ufJr r almost say; to the social system of in,!lhr ul ha mi nniroi1 tn lu xmlin i . a a- al - i 1 I hrtw tn rnmmiiniarA with l.ha rnranr a. -. "V' ' : "? r1 .MB,M, "? """r,iu winw -- - r-'i jsew uerne.; 'iJNot unlifee that dig- , andcost ;::,;;.:;,'; choice and a monument to the teachings who lives at that place, Dr. , Will hnwvfir it wnfifnlltr nlAnnsns . Hardy Smgleton was up for disorder- ofatianer -U. Pharr, the bicyclist, aPp 53 ly conduct. A nne of two dollars and x. cost called him to order peremptorily. w Cancbtlna Soall. r i ft- : On Tuesday night as Capt. Isaao Tay , lor, of Clubfoot Creek, was approaching ' the town with his schooner, he was caught in a thunder squall -and run - ashore. He saw it in time to take In ihis mainsail and foresail and attempted ' to take in his jib but his down haul be come jammed and the squall struck the 1 der our deepest sympathy in their sad " ana leaves it, relieved if not im- bereavement, ana would point them to """".""s "ll.'"uJ'""' ; u " - provea j s ; ' ;i v. iliu who is a nresent hein in time of I thews, lie went there and back in three I (Oininn in Toksaw iiflvKnnf n - ... . . . r 11, JVVJ . A. AAA ucinci, ,U D ULUDlCilUl I I l ' . I W balm hours, spendtais 15 minatesin the t6wn. Tbe old Camden 'aod.'AtlaDtie waa Ef ? h- Fr - nsiiui.sl ' .Vf?.' 'w ! 'j h (: b.corXmerjmV.ik m qotokiy.'.s the pioneer'.road 'to Atlantic 'City fejU-K. v - i h JUS! llCCCIVCd S O ECETVED BY STEAMER SHEN- IX ANDOAH, JULY 24th, 1883: I -Best Sugar Cured Hams; ' j . -. , "' " Shoulders, DTledBeef, ; , Corned Beef In Cam, FANCY GILT EDGE CHEESE, t VERY BEST BUTTER, , . . HIGHEST GRADE GRAN. SUGAR, Butter, Cheese and Lard kept on Ice from ths day of arrival to the hour of sale. Guar- "Excelalor'! Cider Mill, -"Kentucky" Catie Mills . ' "Cook's" Evaporators. S3. SEND FOR PRICES. .. June20 . , , ( J. C. WHITTY. STEAM ENGINES, from 2 to 200 Horse. . Boilers of every description,-' Cotton Gins, Cotton Presses, Cotton Cleaners, ; "Moore Co. Grit" Corn Mills ' " "Maid of the South" Corn Mills, Rice and Wheat Threshers, &c. , &c. 1ST .Send for catalogue and prices. : J- C WHITTY,' . may24dtf t , New Berne. N. C. Vi f. h W. M. w atsow , : - r.; ,.. Mary Hay, . . ... t . 1 vA&Axsa Jk ' Chadwick," - -' ; ' .; ' ,k -,- ill w- " Committee, The coroner came almost as. quickly as I the pioneer road to Atlantic Citv it he had been summoned by telegraph, land opened about the same time Sunday the members of the Broth that our road was. '- The West Jer- erhood in this city were invited to dine sey thought if prndent to ran , a I A Al 1l..1aaAa TTaI.1 1 IiTQIIaIi Ia fl)A DntnAntnAA nrfiinli irna s i t . 1 . I .r -vr- . , . a a: a V 1 a I aaocii I XT rtr.Tn yv Avtanilinffi a m-L it ii.'oi tia.a.i" -. I mcmucn Bureau a reuiuuiiK tauie iw vu; vuo uj: tuwuuiue a uuu iui auauuc meaia i no hueuib wb- . . . - . . . .it xt cli : -i.a ni. nr pany.of our sister city of New Berne, them, The operators were, joined at "vwuwuj wu.iib vP-ju.y .i- m.: 5??!,. U0i? Wends, and all had a merry time UM OIAAAAAJAAAJ VHp.WAU AHj AWA I (UlUUil lit i.fctai !.. XUCJT ffUlO UIOIl ! Al - 1 -J T., OtlO. Come and try them. JulSB-lw WM. FELL BALLANCE CO. , OFFICE SEC. AND TREAS. . t BQ1BD TRUSTEES SEW BEEN ACADEMY - KBW Bkrn, C, July 26, 1883. 1 The REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING cf t.A DAi 1 TV mill Ka mA . , , - j i- .. f - HI IJVAUt V W . Fine Sugar Cured Hams, . j Breakfast Bacon, j Sugar Cured Shoulders. .., u : Choice Butter and Cheese J Best Quality of Lard , . , , . tiririnitiDTrbo rnn mir rinno 'lZZrli Philadelphia and Atlantic narrow B:: ... AJlA 1 " ru ' uun, was driven ashore by the wind but no rimon m 1 .1 n ,!. ... - . T - 1 r ... - .. Jeraatre-from ( Camden to Atlantic -.... . . ; nattimhrf 'imiurfinnir R,ArrP . , - , ,n - , .-, 1.AAJ aw. 1 ... AA. a v ..A,, vu i yet no succ6ssiui. au tne rauroaa 1 ' . o ""'" iui: , m 1 v-'-" "-j AAv-1Tv.uVUb). a...,, serious danvige was done. i wi' t engines, and were escorted tol,- t. City, and seeing that Ocean City oome before the meeting, f, , 1:, ,iu I .. :-' ' -: ; . ' 6SUI a0 enr nirinoimfnrfliAVDAnfl. on1 D,A..rAlth.Pro.l,l.nl ' . - I ftllfl Jr'OrL VV lllflS. 1111(1 A . 1 MmnlATA , '. l - 1 Line of the Best Grades of Liquors for familyuse? !" 15 ! 1 dinner was greatly enjoyed. let go his anchor but the, chain had not at tne rou.- -tt t; s Dy tne Howard 7 7S; put on a third line ' and built the F0?o'cl hfifin mflda fast and it ran ont. The boat i-meupany no. 1, ana PhilAlnhia A tlM n BRYAN, Esq, vau - AM.A. i k( )A H.11 win db nein 1 J 1. . Tne Massey, the? ale : man, Jwith ; some I . ... - H . . ' ; others; thought it a good idea to -day Afternoon, 27th inst, at ruun o'ciogk, t tne vr f iuni oi u., xv the Wiim iBton Steam Fire Engine the I Telegraph Company cL m words, welcomed the visiting state like a wagon with oniy one wheel, gg" ' B and connVptwith - i ';; K,d,'Mhe forme, is The Striker-. Contradictory reports are sent put by the Western Union and the "Brotherhood I ?).vor!r2 to make it appear that they ere s '"-it along all. right while the I . ..Laod are sure of carrying their po.:;'3 if t!ey stick out.1 The effects of t .3 e :i.a ere kit even here in this city b: l iatl.e larger business centers, the 6'., ,e must be seriously felt. Ctrikers, S3 a general rii'd, fail to accomplinh any pond fortlieiiWilves or t'aeir enloyeis, I .t C.J syicf uLliy of Cie- country at ' h wi".i t!.e rs'otlieiLood, end, to are v r i ne, wnen uapt. u. u. Myers, CU cf the Fire Departmei ;t, in a few was springing up further south and TiAiTtinii Vcrcr horlu-ip rnn a I Tuwafmn ia .fill -.tt n rr alAhff In tnia 1 . . v ' . . " . . . I 7 """.""6 - r" branch from ; , Jt'leasantYlllev to Western Union business and . that cor- By order ot the President, ':'. i .,.- W. M. WATSON. ; t: . july26-td. " . ' , See. and Treat, Tlah foe the boys! and Atlantic saw , South Atlantic 1 -TO City in embryo , and -run a branch j .. I nSly g Hf'TII down the beach trom Atlantic city z 'TTr. " fuu"V r La . c 'I, the; . i i, tunte-,any-i who t we i ii a f T r r Col. . D. Hall, Mayor of the city. Aflpr t' i ceremonies &t the City Hall tli. l A 1 Hia,J anil fhAii . aavrt. I Tba1 IfAlAnMnk VvA.klA A. w A.' i.V U WAAVA V..U.A A...V. V. A A , . A CI.KI fi UIK AtVBWlQl ' i 11 . 11 . TT 1 TA 1 A Jt I J 'v w n VA.n . . i i ri .i.i.ii i . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i ityi . . . . . . . AuiAii ' i v . niw vnnir Jul v ihii nirit mo-1 a . it . a .a..a' a. . . I i ... i . pany's hall on Foui.h etreet, where a I . " ' " " .. ;r. J .Iui,poiQi, navipg 10 sana up irret RiTer TranBTJortation !iM AAiiAn h.i Km telegraph operators held a meeting this Tirv in ot tn An n. ' Th narrow reni Ter rnpprxuon which they' evidently enjoyed, as the J morning,! Jet Irving-Hall,; at whichlguage Company for iome feasool , ' j I . ompany j 1 circumstances of their iourner from I rimiimftn 0 .Tnhn Mirrhpll nrenided. I ..! . , , . . . : -and - . , t ?Zmcfhtlfe0rSvTC . 0. 00. tiu t al. ntion to the ' "inner man5' wnom mt T4 fadie8' Bna gw f . was maae Mat ,W ti& not pay , nor which is considered essential. i thusiasm, was, manifested.' Kncourag- any oiiracitons line our "people em la the afternoon the three fire compa- ine renorta were received from many I ploy in such cases were used. but points and dispatches from all over the I an association was iprmett; Oi at EIGHT o'olock, A. M., connecting at New .dw CHA8. H, ELANK, FRESH; BUTTER received every . week. - ,,' ;: v .! : ..! , ATI - .f: A NEW stock oi TEA for the sum t i l ca j . J , i j t i f--r nu'a, with their engines and preceded tythe fcoid accompanying the visiting coiai any, i araaed through some of the p'jf iff tiie -city, and t 6:30 o'clock1 kiui-c..ed to the foot of Market street, where t' e w' -a t st was to be made. T!.e t ' . :a veie t'.roned with people who l.aJ r uuiiiloj to witness the ais- r"'. . ",. '' - 'i;,e i tr , "' io-s at the rirt.ii l' ' i .t t is companies were r. ',J i,i i r.ct below Front street. 'I e f .i E'v i hose were ap r Vi' rr1! or firemen i r 1 ',1 t f i ;.s. -f tote com- r .' i i f -1 t!-.irty f t uls . 3. i ti" water, load jig " . . i '''' l-y two w . i ' ' i ;a i l 3 t 1 i. 1 ' a f - I 1 The Bte'amer TRENT will leave Trenton on i Next Tuesday, July . 3 1st, an .ni Waot ..-.Nuihf thAhi.ir.lnrivAtA fiiHiftna' whtah l , nnrnhnfleil 1 !tl5 ,t? A.- ...? !! . AAAAAAA AA1A V - . A-J ...A- A-. .. - - ( , . . -T ' I f . fll. ittQ I IU f f 1U V, A UlfUS t M. BOftl Wl 11 Toilet and Laundr:. SOAPin jreat varietyi'i u:".:' i;-.i-vl,ii-n -t , ; Sparkling CIDER, a cool and Aef resh-' i i- - ! - . :. . . . A .4 I 1 I. A I . ' lllAnn.A.lA,:il I 1A I VI Va . A 1 1 A. : I . . , fi man.wtn several . poiuta m tne sxiuia, tuvu , iivtfi a iaotiuvi .iia ,v i :'lrr ' r,'1 1 . a tijt ii xti-KTr.rt n ..... . :. ' ......... A l iL All.ArO Pniiit On'lfAAi ni.lAAfltT fl . lU1UU.Ul,U.....pi, Will UVUUB1BI ... UIO All 1 IaE, IV tA W, v i English- island OLASSESi.'1235;! offices were entirely vacated, as in the Somers' Point, and went quietly to from Trenton, Qimker City, OUver Lfuullng, case of Charlotte, N. C., where the work, and .soldjt for a fair, profit : to 5VW.?J mim'mr niui nil hnnda hud struck. All the VV est Jersey Who now Own anq i Vot further information aiiiily to , r . . .... . riiiAriirA it nnrf' Avnnr..tn Dniin f lift I " . . . ' . J. k-INSEY, lawlessness was forbidden and it was announced that the Brotherhood would assist in the prosecution of any one found destroying telegraph proporty. Every one seemed to feel confident that the strike would soon be brought to a clone and the Company' concode the Vic of i la of the strikers. Addresses Je l y several . members of the V end by ' John Gowpers, ' f-ft'ie Trade and I : bor Union, c . ''; , J..!y 23. The's.iun'i'm ;ns i . I. .u.. AfuA. v..!j.Ia ' . y A 1 ? ! .. A J 1 1 . 1 A" I iiua w tutor auu run ixaius to uctsau City direct. " . ;,;,, .;-',.,.;. ,4 Then the ms fish came al reunAylvania, aud pleading, roads. and soon it is , discovered that the Wc t , Jersey is oin'ratcd by '!the rosi er, una how, or AA. AJA1 aj All A . ' ".A !!,; ... . a a J. a m A Kl - ' - - ATlUCllIi HI AlVllltAU. i HAMS and Breakfast Baconl till , juiyaatd ,1, , , , f vMewtrii,ii.V. Special patgaifaalofferedcasVcus-i UUg.liUO avb-,11 i,. tj.lTlWA ' 1 ' "- AV''.-" ' .. . A- A ' -IJ. Wcr-fe ' Jv Can... l fro: i C i Wt 1; .: f ... p why, is not yet Itionof ti a'.ticket "of Abe 'W"; .but a'.ticket r k y is' good on th'6 .'-old 1 AV. antic. and a ticket C. & A;, is goo V on t s "y,". flowing.' tlat tle a porid'ia souse v.-y. ? . ) u ne .v i A 1 w ill ly ' - -no !y (ST ' , ! i A,AJVA1A AlW'tilflll, , . . , . : i a ! CKAVlti CODNTY, I i i 'yvi-W-OJ CliKRK'S ornca CKAVEN SUPEWOH fcoiIKT. J At the request of O. J. Tyler, one of the in corporators named In the plan of lncoi joi - a M-im. .Alio i.i i ii ii n mi in 1 1 . I u n ..... .1 V Wi'UI. AA 'll U1A11 At 1 1. (A 1 U HIM 1 1 1 V.. . , notify the corporator named in ftntd plan to n.eet at the Court Honse In New berne, IS. Jon llie 'A U. DiTriini.. ! I '. . RtVwELVl? o'clock, for the piirtms W IiiiMi'lwimtini) niui imi'h other os-' tm-y piopiifi, to h '. 1 1 y-ltt vii, pmi iH(r- IHM e ' ('t tllt'lM L V A . . 1 WfillltilV I HI illl'I'l l""" !1. , Wiiiu'BSBtv . iii) aud o... i,.i . -l this 2iib day of July, 1 i.- . - " ' E, W. C' -' Ju'50-dtil . t: ..-a, , . . , , ..nit. ;t ! laull-dly. rt r el twn.' V., Xl. OliU VA.i. Nothing in parttcQlBit, 6nly,'ttntliij.tlila heated term, and dull, rntiiy wei'timr, jcgnt tlndatW. I PALM kit, 8, On Jkui ... ( re-rt 4od Tool Soil Matrr. (it-- - . . . , haett WUrr, and eH'ii.iit t- r irKMi ana rfioAiiiiiHriii inkH. a ", t bi'iiiulBOf 1 is Hi-8,Tvin',aiir j s I.CIIIOI1H, tllttlu i'll, P(i-., miyt ..' tiwly exolmru ) f..r j . , tnkfrt at thfii- iii.. ).ii ,.; , (.,.t.. rencyattlicireiiiii i,ii. , ... .- - . . . L. I T - . i- Be'f n ! i- 'r I. 'i . i 0f ' ' Houml'iontwii.- . Ju.yUf - .ii(tas,K.O.'

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