tH K,ic ,j 'T a-j J J 9 V VOL II. nEw;eerne; J ii , l IB--. N0M18.; 1 ,.) Hi 'wmBrifc.-aHawtil-.iiig. ' ' i V II F I LOCAL NEWS. Large Beet. . There ia on :KE",V ADVERTISEMENTS. V,. 7 ' i T i res & Co. Just in, o. ' u Litos. Com 'sn merchants. ; i itON Commission merchants. M. Etueeidgr & Co.Corn. mer. Juurnal Miniature Almanac, ,' - ' Sun rises, 5:20 I Length of day, : Sun sets, 6:47 1 13 hours, 27 minutes. ' ' Jloon seta at 8:15 a. m. August showers have set in. The city authorities' are at work on Middle street near the market, j C. Erdruann was shipping a good lot of home manufactured ciuursto Beau fort last night. , ' v. . tA V..i V.. i .'A . - The steamer Defiance arrived from - ' Baltimore; yesterday morning with a cargo of general merchandise. . - .'The steamer Snow Hill has been ' - decked over and covered, newly painted and now has the appearance of a bran I new boat. The Kimball House, at , Atlanta, the largest hotel in the South, has been de- i stroyed by fire.:. Loss one million of ( dollars, mostly covered by insurance. i Frot. rnce Thomas is making ar ' . rangements lor opening the Graded School on Monday, the 10th of Septem i - ber. We hope to see a full attendance ' on the first day. i ' Messrs. B.O. Credle and W. B.Smith i have bought out the stock of hardware on Middle street belonging to Mrs. S. A. i Churchill and will continue thebusi , - ness at the same stand. " ' J " Sheriff "Koonce, of Jopea county, brought and lodged in jail yesterday j ' Stephen Hurtt who had been indicted in Superior Court of that county for re : , tailing liquor without license and being unable to give bond, for .his appearance at next term of court." 1 fu t f 4 V ? fitted for the work as high as Trenton. exhibition at Geo. 'Allen Dut wo are now convinced that no better Co's store the largest beet we have boat can be btiilti with the carrying seen this or any other season, ( It weighs capacity of the Trent, for this work. 'As ght pounds, lacking , one or two low as the water, was on Tuesday last, ounces,, measures nineteen Inches in and notwithstandinK the manv difficult thirteen and one- crooks and turns in the river, the Trent , half inches long. It was grown in (under Uhe &Ulftt management 6f Jones county on the farm of our towns- Capti Smith and engineer Lasitten man, C. E. Foy Esq.? f Uevemeuia of New Bcrnlana. , Rev. Dr. Burkhead is off to the West ern nart of the 'fitatn for 4 month. iWa expect to have some interesting letters bring all the freight that is likely to be on Hand at one time for several years to come. . -''i' ;;: Jj v The river has been greatly improved by Gen. Ransom's work, but there is much that is needed to be dona vet. Geo. Green, jr., ; Esq., has ' Jieturned We could feel the jar from a log for 7 v-f - . c ' , from his Western tdp leaving his bride nearly every fifty or one hundred yards muia oien iron, nis stames. one at Durham for a few days.- . ' above Bank's Landing, and there never " - "BD "R f - flofaa W.arm familw awa I WAR TlOl ftVfil WllL hO A , DRttftP tllTlA CO I av ' UMU T ft"1 V Mowvpi - miav4 qui tnuiur ai c I T " . t , ;' - ' from him occasionally. ' Mr. H. R, Bryan's family have re- . i. .i -it . . . Maj. Geo.i Credle'a fauiil? .hav?, re turned from Beaufort to the city. . il if - 1 U ' The county commissioners are in sea sion this week to hear complaints in re gard to the assessment of property. ' So far few or no complaints have come from the country and not a great many from the city. We are unable yet to give the total valuation, but learn that it will somewhat exceed that of last year.' ' -' The walls of the nev court hose are now about four feet high. Why don the county commissioners: have the k earner stone laid with the usual public demonstration and ceremonies? It is a custom that has stood the test of ages " and should not be slighted by Craven in the erection '.of Her most important public . building a temple of Justice. Philemon; Holland,' jr., stood to the -,helm while we were, spending, a few days in Jones and Lenoir. ' It is enough for us to let our readers know who did the work; for us to tell them, how well it was done would be to tell them what they already know, which, would be an insult to their intelligence. , The read ness with which he adapts himself to al most any - work is bound to tnake him succeed in whatever he undertakes. Several fast drivers were up before Mayor Howard f yesterday morning; Opinion of the court: Guilty hut not proven. : W. E. Clarke, Esq., appeared for the defendants.; They were dis charged. ' It is said that one of the wit nesses owned the horse driven, by one of the defendants, and he stated that the horse touldn't make over J three miles per hour, and that he would be willing to pay a ! fine of five dollars to , have the fact established that he could trot over five miles an hour. t -r -;i, . John W. Eecton, 'Esq.i' and : wife, Sarah A. Eecton, of Cotton Plant, Ar- ' kanc:! s, are f in the , city on, a yisit " to friends and relatives. They both lived in New 1 Eorne for a while before the war, 'one as a clerk and the other as a efudqnt, and doubtless both will find some of their former acquaintances who will be glad to talk of old times. Ju ' from their physical appearance t' i ) no 'scarcity of hog and hominy " i :. ' V-j t'."-'r trip be a pleas- glided safely through without losing a minute's time. She is the boat for the business as it has good passenger accom modations for a river steamer and will Catharine Lake Items, i-, GOMMEKCLUj.:' i.H CITYriTEIIS. : Mr, Lee Cox, who has been clerking at Trenton, is home on a visit of , a few days.j ItnU L'ju?? 'viii j Mr, Brown is making a survey of the Quaker bridge road, and will be able to setUe the question about distance. ' I There is a child at Tar Landing, that drank some dissolved lye,' and has to live on milk. It has done this for sev eral years, and has ordinary health" , Richlands has seventeen mails every week. It has daily connection with the W & W. Railroad and with Jackson ville, tri-weekly ' with Trenton , and semi-weekly with Kinston. Oq the night of August 2d, Col. S. B. ( HKXT BERNE MARKET . '.' Cotton Middling, 9; strict low mid dling 8 3-4.;.' low, middling o 1-3. , Corn In sacks. 61c. ; in hulk 57c, J Tpbpkntink Dip, $2.25; hard J1.25. Tab Firm at S1.50 and $1.75. , . - Bekswax 32a23c. per lb.; ; r . .in ,. Honey 60o. per gallon. ( s ,,,; Beef On foot, 6c. to 6c. " ; . Mutton $1.50a2 per head. , ' 7, ' -, Hajis Country, 18V3. per pound. 1 i Lard Country; 12jc. per lb. Fresh Pork 7a9o; per pound, i ,, ' Eooa 12o. per dozen. ; :.r i(;.f Peaotts $1.50 per bushel. f , ; " ," . Fodder $1.?5 per hundred., ' 1 "' ; Onions $1.00 per bush. '. '';''r ' ' visiting relatives and friends in' Wake county 1 '"-"' i ':'-t ;j i.;:;.iiii f; IdivtoB tUd Corne? Stene. ) j We are glad to know that the authori ties of Jones county are going , to make the laying of the corner stone of the new jail, to be built for that, county, a public occasion. This 'seems to us to be highly proper thing to do.. There are reasons to fear that the true object of these institutions and the relation which their unfortunate inmates bear to their fellows and to the law are hot properly understood. ' And a just and intelligent discussion of these things cannot fail to be interesting and to do good. Besides speakers from the county, the authorities have invited R. W. Nixon, Esq., of this city. He has accepted to speak upon the occasion. Mr.; Nixon. as is well known, is not only a close reader of history , but is a well-grounded lawyer, and we can assure the ' Tour correspondent visited a family not long since, where there were twelve children, and the oldest not more than fifteen. ' The husband had five, the widow had four; the two married, and now have more. Mrs! Bryant Huffman' has a babe which weighed only two pounds, clothes and all, soon after birth. At one month, it weighed 21 pounds. Mr. take them out than now; ' Gen.-Ransom knows his business better than anyone can tell : him; he ' knows when,: where and, how, but notwithstanding these facts, we will venture to suggest that eight or ten hands with a competent superintendent could do a yast amount of good removing those logs now while the water is low. Many of them, on account of the clearness of the stream, can be seen with the naked eye as they Huffman has married twice, and has TUST IN BY aeon the bottom of the river. If it been blessed with 23 children. Apples 40a50o. per bushel. FEA8 Sac. per bushel. . - si , . j ; Ovrs 85a40o. per bushel. . i Hides Dry, 9o. to lie: green So. .Tallow 6o. per lb. '-"'' Chickens Grown, 45a60o. per pair: spring Zoa4Uc. ' ' k Meal Bolted, 756. per bushel. Potatoes Bahamas, 50c.; yams 60c. per bushel. , " , , . Wool 12al8c. per pound. ' ' '"' Shingles West India.dull and nom. inal; not wanted. Building 5 inch, hearts, $4.00; saps, $3.00 per M. r t ': ' wholesale prices. . New Mess Pork $17.00; long claars 9c; shoulders, dry salt, 7c. ; Molasses and Sybops 28a45c. Saltj-95o. per sack. ! - Flour $4.00a7.50 pr barrel. This column, next to local newi. ia Ut ba 1 nsed for local Rtlvertlslng. ' Rates, 10 eenta a-' line tor Ural Insertion, and 6eenu a unaior each subsequent Insertion. . , .. .. Thfhilo8ophiaii Literary Society !-1 - s. "Hsse eu&m vlderL" ; , m -"The above named Society was orga- nized on Monday night last for the pur-.. pose of circulating pure moral princl- , pies, to cultivate a love for the true, the beautiful, the good, and , to qualify its votaries to become leaders of the people ' in all departments of Art, Science and Literature. , . ,, The officers elected. were as follows: ' W. H. Dewey, President; J. E. Ab bott, Vice-President;. E. Haves, jr., Secretary; L. D. Merritt, Assistant Sec-' v retary; W. J,' FMoore, Recording Sec ' cetary; W.' W. Lawrence, Correspond ing Secretary ; M. P. Holly, Treasurer; U R. Randolph, First Critic; J. L. Bat tle, Second Critic; W. H. Howse, Sergeant-at-Arms; James Ernell, Li brarian; Howard Skinner, Janitor. Standing Committee W. W. Law rence, jr., chairman, N. H. Styron, L.. R. Randolph, J. T. York, M. P. Holley. This is the right step in the right di rection, and one in which the colored citizens of New Berne should manifest a deep interest. i '; L. E. Boweni, Seo'y. A First Claaa Sewing . machine bran new can be bought cheap at the Journal office. STEAMER should prove to be a dry fall, - and the water keeps down to its present low mark, these logs will prove very detri mental to the navigation of the river. So let them be taken out if possible by the time cotton is ready to be moved from Trenton. .', ;; r :. ; v . i ':."- '' '' The Mr. Geo Cowell, on Half Moon, is a pitiful curiosity. : When 10 years old, he was taken with broken-bone fever, which caused great suffering and left him unable to walk, or even turn in bed. He is forced to lie flat on his back all the while. He is now about 40 years old and in perfect health, being very fleshy.' He spends much of his time in reading. He converses well, is a strong, vigorous mind, ana is quite intelligent. ' ' AH new THE LATEST NEWS. Laredo, Texas, ; August 1'4. Satur- August Picnic at Alum Spring. Mr. Editqr Tuesday after the first Sunday in August has long been the day , of the:'- annual : picnic ' at Alum of Jones that they will hear from him a Spring, where old and young, 'riclj and sober and instructive discussion of the poor, great and small, saint and sinner, interesting and . imporiant ,' questions one and .all come to spend a day in that which the occasion naturally suggest, way which best suite their desires. The We advise all whose Chriftian human- number is always jlarge, Jbiij tlli8 time day night Jeff. Miller, of Laredo, who ity and charity lead them to pity the I it was unusually ao There was a gen- had been on a protracted spree in Mon- d is tress , of that unfortunate class who I eral tumqut of Onslow, a targe number I terey, Mexico, mistook a private resi- are accused, and that wretched closs I from jonosv and some from uupun,dence for a house of ill fame. Apouce- who have been convicted of crime and I Pender, New Hanover, Lenoir, Greene, man rushed in w ith a lamp in one hand whose sense of justice lead them to con-1 and maybe other counties, for no man and a six shooter in 'the other, but be- sider the duty and obligations of the could possibly know all of ;themv The fore he had crossed the room Miller public to them, to attend and partici- number wa variously estimated from fired. The policeman' fell a corpse, 500 to moro ,;than a 1,000. The young shooting as he fell, the ball hitting people, were largely Jn the "majorityi Miller ' jn' the leg. ' ' The ' latter then SHENANDOAH. Brunswick Hams. Brunswick Breakfast Bacon. B. C. Shoulders, Best Chip Beef. Very Finest Gilt Edge Butter and CREAM CHEESE KEPT ON ICE. ( "BeBt in the "World Flour." ) 175 bblu.J South Lake Flour, I (Tip Top Flour, . Lorlllard Snuff, Pork, Long Clears, etc., etc, For Cash Only. Come and See Us. WM. PELL BALLANCE & CO. aul6-dlw-wlt NORFOLK COLLEGE For Yoiing Ladies. Offers More Advantages than any other College in the South. pate in these ceremonies. A Pleaaant Trip. ' J, ,;.,' ' , . On lhursday last we stripped our selves of all editorial power and author ity and gently drew the same across the shoulders of Philemon Holland, Jr., and sought the place of our childhood, boyhood and a part of r our man hood. -What 1 wonderful changes a quaiter of a century has wrought around the old homestead and all the surround ing neighborhood! A new. .genera ttnW Kna ffWin tin VL.liiol, mnlraa, nna 1 o .. .f 'ef- r(ULil f I :UJ . of the enjoyment began strangers. ' Woods have been cleared away; houses torn down, and new ones erected; roads and paths have changed their courses, and in fact everything save a few old landmarks, have so changed that they are hardly recognfza Modern in ail 11b annointments. fine grounds. new and elegant Buildings, c. Under Protest ant Influences, but undenominational. Full colleeiate course of study. Hneclnl provisions (or best Instruction in Music, Art, Ancient and Modern Languages; conversation in French and German dally. Three hundred and th lit eon Pupils last session. Charges very low when superior advantages are considered. The people began to gather at a very backed up against the wall, holding out a'"ue' "8 it. n. w i in in k. Hccreiary. OrllEV. K. M.HAUNDEKS, Principal, aultkl&wliii Norfolk, Va. early hour, , The first order the '.'day I against a squad of police armed with I was the general, hearty ' handshake of sabres, and was about shooting again meteince August,. lfJS3, :6rf perhaps vfor arm , from behind. ; The police then 1 XlillZaUGtll 11011. WOrKS, years every" one moving towards the literally scarified Miller with their i chas, W. PETTIT, Prop.-, V Spring for a drink of water.; In this sabres, and it is said heaped the great- Lon 9S9 '.oni rnA 2fi Water street NORFOLK, VA MANUFACTURER OF E. E. WHEATLEY'S Steam Dye "Works, 10T Church Street, NORFOLK, VA. ' Dyeing and cleaning in all its branch es done in the very best manner. Prompt attention given to all orders by mail or express. sep2d4m . Ears for the Oillisn I Foo Ghoo's Balsam of Shark's Oil oiltlvelr Reatorea the Hearlnc, and la the uly Absolute Cure for Deaf . neia Known. -. This Oil Is abstracted from peculiar species of siual 1 White Shark, caught In the Yellow .-tea, kuown aa (jabcuarodon komokletti. Every Chinese fisherman knewsll. Its vir tues as a restorative of hearing were discov ered by a Buddhist Priest about the year 1410. Its cures were so numerous and many so seem ingly miraculous thattheremedy was official- ly proclaimed over ineenure umpire, iwuxi became so universal that for over 800 years no Deafness has existed among the Chinese peo ple. Sent, charges prepaid, to any address at i 1.00 per bottle. HEAR WHAT TUB DEAF SAT I Ithas performed a miracle In my caaei I have no unearthly noises In my head and hear much belter. I have been greatly benefited. , , My deafness helped a great deal think nu otlier bottle will cure me. My hearing Is much benefited. I have received untold benefit. My hearing is improving. It is giving good satisfaction. Have been greatly benefited, and am re joiced that I saw the notice of lb "Its virtues arc unquestionable and its cu rative character absolute, as the writer can personally testify, both from experience and observation. Write at once to Haylock A Jennbv, 7 Dey Htreet, New York, enclosing S1.00, and you will receive by return a remedy that will enable ou to hear like anybody else, and whose curative effects will be per manent, iou win never regret aoingso. EDITOH or M ERCANTTLB REVIEW. 49 To avoid loss in the mails, please send money by ItKGiSTEBRD Lettek. . -Only Imported by HAYLOCK JENNY, Sole Aleuts for America. 1 Dey St., N. X, aultkl&wly ; : 1 1 Of Every Description, Complete facilities for ALL WORKli) our line , . , aul7-d&wly HIGHEST CASH PRICES CASTINGS. Paid for all kinds of OLD IRON, METALS ' I and RAGS. ... , I., ... JAS. POWER & CO.,' as Rowlaud'a Wharf, NORFOLK, VA. We are always in the Market for thepnr- way the morning passed off pleasantly est indignities upon him while a bleed and quietly for such a large number.. ! ing and helpless prisoner. His leg has By noon the crowd had reached Its since been amputated, and he will prob- mTnTlT?0 T) ATT T7DQ largest' Capacity, and an attractive part ably die. He was formerly , a Texas "Jl" Villi TiCy DvAUllilU-J) It had become I ranger j and is well known throughout! 1 Saw and Grist Mills. generally known that Dr. Lewis, of the State. SHAFTINGS, JK-inston uoi lege,, was on tne grounas Indianapolis, August 14. Edward Pullevs, Hano-ers, , V" ' ' wv. p mcniBHier, a outcner empioyeu at IJpQftQJfi'Qjj AND it, wu ijiciikuu.. a icpumiuu ,iiiuwo in i pora pacaing esiaonsnmenc, latauy for seating; land flip crowd was called stabbed Mrs; Margaret Kaufman, who together and the speaker introduced in waB Schissler 's f ormer' wife, early this "" I i t. ,i ... n'w . ... . ... ... . . . . . . ii. IK IHW U nrUllllUU WUiUDUV UI.- j. t . I .AiMiti. n.i.f .linn nl..t himnnir Mnnrt blebyone whOhas been absenta'few " . JLT ' a.. ' kML' J' - '.-nTlTnTr UnTTQT? chase of old wrecks, old steamers and old ma vearsonlv.. Thus it is and thus it will WaKd,-The speaker did not at eniptto .Cinciknati, August 14.-A ; dispatch B. D. J3R1CK11U U bill ?SL5 . uiouuoa .uj UD ..y.v vu..v.u, , t0 lne ines-istar rrom Helena, Aiuan touohed'upon many topics in such way saa; gays: At 2 o'clock this mornitig pis- an 10 renuer inn Buureuo very prucwum toi Bhots were heard, and shortly after and well adapted to such a promiscuous w Marshal iB.' M. Moohey iw'as found audience. An attempt to re-produce his Avintt in front of his ! office! He had & the country round "peech would do him injustice; it hadLvidently been waylaid. There is no re the war between the be : heard fully - appreciated. clue to tbe murderer. ' surace it 10 say, nowever, mat ne snowea Chatanoooa. Tenn.. Aueust 14. himself fully up w itu the times m his Day before yesterday the mutilated re-Ul j. 111011 ftTT? PF.T life work oi teaching and a strong ad- maina of four wh,te men were found in 1 ! 06 U0 u.-" Lva u 1 A' vocate of the latest methods of teaching. a ranroad camp on the Cincinnati and The next thing on docket was the Southern, railroad,, near -Cumberland dinner. Thd boxes and baskets came wfina,. aw u " Knr tw. thv forth from all directions; and ohl the t . i a , I tvuuv uvumis aaa wva vuuoi. - ( r smues ana nappy races, jneeiing rienas f , lqhdoj, August 14.-There was al- 8T 1 ' " t' i 1 1 ; ever be! 'Daddy build up, sonny come along and tear down," Old things pass away and all become new. But we are glad to note that all these changes are in the . line of progress, Pink Ilill an about was, before States, a turpentine country. Ten years ago there were not more than ten bales of cotton made in the township; this year there will be more than two hun dred. The iarma are .small and are worked principally , by. white labor. They make cotton the surplus and it is picked out, 'prepared toi market with such -care for , by the rentine to aa agricultural bearing the, speech, buf dinnef made diffieuH to sell. American govern- sort of ag- - . ment bonds are not affected by the un- tnis partor tne services, ana nave a favorable feeling "fa railway securities. rew oDservauon-. w.maue. ,. n is saia Mexican r'ailroad stock is strong. that preacners lovecnicxen (.especially the Methodist) i ' (here were only lour 'm, sahdehun, . lb sAHMkiiis present, and not a Methodist ' among ; a ANDERLlN BROS.'.' them. : The chicken was the first meat nxUn nUir.kA llf V'Art UoU I VUlUUlldtUUU AU.CiUUOdiUi Manufacturer and Dealer in . Carts, Wagons, Trucks, .1 ; Carriages, Harness, Etc., il -'li:.'! ' . ! NOltFOIiK. anll-d&w3m . , VA. FRANK B. SMITH, prepared foi market with uar" rr -T 5 " 'London, August w.xnere was ai- . , TT 'rr -tt rr , that -Jt; is eagerly.sought H 1 S mosta panic in the. Stock Exchange U R G H I T E C T, Kmeton buyers. It is my sweetheart," or "my fellow," here thia morninir in Amerioan railwav tu'rU1 .my ' annKLg 8p f WMer'or securities, which ate greatly depressed district, and it is the right sort of ag riculture.. .The smoke house and crib have the first consideration and the cot ton gin the next.' We predict that in ten years longer Pink Bill will be one of the best farming sections county'' -'I'" ' i ) nX.'--y in the :8f. 80 in 'je r as '3 r t ) cujf of 1 to hear t'. at i ;cf-r , ful, f -.1 y f armers in the t t iniplit profit Trent Blver Improvement. Ye had the pleasure of taking a trip on the steamer Trent from Trenton to this city on Tuesday last, which afforded a good opportunity of noting the work prosperity of that gave out, although it was abund ant. You can easily draw . your own conclusion." .. ' ' 1 .' ' The balance of the day was spent in divers 4ways., It speaks .well ; for ;the tlie county to note the done by Gen. Ransom's force on the good appearance of the horses, buggies, river. i , . ' ' dress and manners and cultivation of Five years ago it would have been a the people. J ( t' -f cult task to nrove to the neonle of .nervousness, .nervous ueDiiicy, neu ralgia, Nervous Shock, St. Vitus Dance, Prostration, and all diseases of Nerve G . .a Ive Organs, are all permanently and radically cured by Allen 's Brain Food, the great botanical remedy. . $1 pltg., 6 for $5. At druggists, or by mail ' m J. II. Allen, 815 First Ave. New Wk City. 6 . , , No. 17 Boaaok Dock, Norfolk, Vat: , Consignments of cotton, peanuts, corn, shin gles, lumber, staves and country prOduoe of every description solicited, Liberal advances made on consignments in hand. or on bill lading.' ' ! su v Special attention paid to country produce generally. ; auia-dly Nathan Toms, . 0o. w". Toms, ! Perquimans uo., . v. - Hertford, r(. Ui I 01. CRANBY STREET, i NOnFOIiK, "VTA.. . Drawings and designs furnished to builders and contractors In any part of the country. ' . aui ia-tm .. " i (;, ;i Just Received i ' Fine Sugar' Cured Hams, u Breakfast Bacon, , ' , . . ; .' Sugar Cured Shoulders. ' ' " . " . .... . j ' Choice Butter and Cheee, ; m Best Quality ;o( Lard.. , , . ,j, All censlenments attended to promptly and carefully, and correct returns made. , aulidly MILLER ft DAVIS, . ' DEALSJB8 IN' ' . -'? ' Farmtire, Mattresses, Carpets, Oil Cloths, ' Hatting, Pictures, Mirrors, Clocks, Window Shades, Cornices,! Etc., S- i ii t . 1M chnreh Street, ' , auH-dflra ' " NORFOLK, VA. 1 1 ; : i rjr" Salem Academy, ,; ;i SALEH, N. c.y,,';,, i. .' 80th ANNUALSESSION BEGDiS SEPT. GtJi, ' For new catalogue containing Requirement for Admission, Courses of Btudv in the sev eral depaitments, Terms and Expenses, ad dreBsthe Principal, -, 4 ; auSllklAwlm - LIFE AND TIMES OF S.S. PRENTISS, '' r By JOSEPH D. SHIELDS,' ' t A former' Pnplt' of M' Prentiss, is to be pub. lished by Llpplncott A Co., of Philadelphia, in Typographical style, like the Life of Alexan- published by the I der Stephens, now being i Messrs. r-iDUincott.,, The subscription papers may be found attha Journal office. ii.t , i Jul.Sl-dlm- ' : . ' 1 f :' v. 1 . m.' FRESHiBUTTBR received. every K .rX'Niw' Btock of TfiA,;fbf'the mer trade just received.' A ' Foa FiuE FLcua. rs; ?d i80 - i , J variety. ? -riv. t .'r .! I rii ; ?: Bum- Commission Merchants, j "Catawba,' ScuppernongJ ; Sherry ) van vi7vr-v" . Wyt -I i ' .:.' i nuUi l u Sparkling CIpilR, a Trenton, and of Jones county, that : ' "iinor c: , l.lo of carrying over two i.i1". '.ol L.J.'s of cotton could ever i ' 3 riul sr trijv to Trenton even with " " y ' t. . t l w waspel' e r i t .."i; to wr...ui . ... j ia tiie tune and Port ' Wines: and 9 Complete ing drink, 1 for family use. cool and raxea al.;.: ( f a ' v f 1 V t ia t a 1 1 ; I'r.J. J. C. ..' Walkorsville, N.C., i 1 i uwil Crown's Iron e 1 . ,. (-.m llwm very high- all Country Produce. - M S MyersVWhaf;'''Ti :"ui8d4wim;'.':;; . ;.,;;nohpolic,va.1 0. 11. etiiehiege & co.i IIorfollL, "7.., i it- dv ; cimii. xu::x; FOUR MONTHS OLD, WELL GROWN, trained to eat almost any kind of feed, r ,. . Apply to ' , ' ' , W. H. PEARCE, ' ; Finest Grades bf FLOUIi. ?ure 4P?LEJ, yiNEQAE. fnglish Island MOLASSES. .L Kl 1 ' f '! "i-ih-iS- ' ; HAMS and Breakfast Bacon. ,., . , -' - - . ,- ", ' Flavoring Extracts (all fresh)1. ! - ' Special bargaina offered to cash cus tomers, ; , ., . JcU b11 of country produce and make rn"'"'t, s. - I rtm i-i s P"nV, Koifolk. Va. I'd t del. Q . .'lanll-d y .' E. in i-p-tMH uod. autldi, Ang.8,'88. asw-wlt -NewEeine,N.C. , -i . - 1 If ., t 111'