I'hU ii hi J OURNAL ' ! F VOL II. NEW BERNE,- N. C., SATURDAY; AUGUST 18, 1883. NO. 120. - r 1 , s. LOCAL NEWS. f AW ADVERTISEMENTS. : ' 8. B. Waters Removal. IZ. II. Jones Christian Brotherhood. O. I. Watson Trotter for sale. - Journal Miniature Almanac. . Run rises, 6:23 I Length of day; Sun sets, 6:45 1 13 hours, 28 minutes. : Moon seta at 5:10 a m. 1 - W. M. Watson, Esq. , was quite busy holding court yesterday. - Fishing smack in yesterday, which was sold ?ut in quick time. ' Three car loads of Bogue Sound water 1 melons were brought up yesterday. The schooner Melvin is at Stimson's . mill loading lumber for Philadelphia.' ' .' Our townsman, ' 8.' V. Small wood, Esq., and bride have returned from an ., extended trip West., , 'V ,y br. J. T. Walsh and N. D.Myers, Esq., of Kinston, sailed on the steamer Shen- andoah yesterday for Nag's Head. - Our. canvassing agent, C. C. Taylor, and family, and, S. Wooteh, Esq.'J are off to Seven Springs in search of health. V Assessments of the Christian Brother hood can be paid to the regularly authorized agent, Mr. W. ,B. Boyd, in this city. -. , , , Rev. N. M. Juruey, of Beaufert, N. C.j - by invitation, will fill Dr. Burk head's pulpit on next Sunday J morning and ' evening. , Milton Lovenier, a small white boy, tumbled off of a fish boat into the mar ket dock yesterday evening. Theacci dent only created a big laugh on Milton. The steamer Snow Hill made a short trial trip down the river .yesterday , "evening. .She ' has been thoroughly overhauled and ia ready fof the fall To-morrow morning at 9 o'clock the . Sunday School will begin at Pollok t street Chapel. The citizens in that part ; of the city are cordially, invited to at " tend, especially the children. Mr. Geo. I. Watson, from Lake Land v Ing, Hyde county, is in the city. He confirms -the reports heretofore had from Hyde that the crops are short. . He - has a fine trotter for sale, at Hahn's ' stables, to-day. jl 4 ; V ' We have received the catalogue of the , third annual fair of ' the Rocky Mount ' Agricultural and Mechanic Association . to be held Oct.. 28d, 24th, 25th and 26th It contains a large list of premiums and -preparations are being made for a large crowd. Thanks for ticket; ; - The , excursionists from Trenton! to ' Morehead returned yesterday morning in time to board the steamer Trent for Trenton. They were well pleased vyith - the trip. We expect to see many of the farmers of Jones and upper Onslow take advantage of the cheap rates offered , on this line next summer The communication from Mr. Daniel T,ane contains some excellent advice to our itemizers, but we think it unfair to conclude that every inaccurate state mem maae djt a correspondent is an intentional falsehood. . We desire those who write us news to stick as near the truth as possible, and when they do get . . off the track a little, do it in such a manner that the reader may know what . it is intended for. . ' . uaieign proposes. to. build a new school house to cost ' $20,000 on a lot ' costing $12,000. To raise the amount required they propose to issue $35,000 in city bonds. New Berne has e. splen did place for a school building. . She has $4,000 for building purposes, and - can easily raise $4,000 more. , An $8,000 building 'in connection with the old Academy building is just what we need very badly ; and we believe we can and v '! have it soon. If our Board will I i h this matter, we believe the publio 1 respond willingly and gladly, and ich an addition , we think Raleigh fry little better fixed for ! than New Berne. '" "otter from Mr. E. i'L. n Thursday in - work on he 1-i iu , TU co vhut i ! !. 'i i ; "pressing j'lHt-CUt ia k ' e "epen ?' " i i i..il- wide how lor", na look ' i i like looking ! ( e an. This i ' . x 'b t a small ., ah is ve-y' thick iA ie. In cutting the s, j 1 ; r stumps frora t t .nii'-h have be. a ' ikable evidence ' r swamp. , s i thouglit to be ' t i.ien of r,,(d x t" n (! ' s ' !e i to ) f -i- The County (.Inc.; . f t V The county commissioners and tax assessors have listed about one hundred and fifty delinquents in the 5th town ship and will instruct the sheriff to en force the collection of the taxes. We learn that many of these made their eturns to the list taker for that, town ship but he had a hankering for Carteret and refused to list those whom he thought the new line had taken in. '; From the present ontlook there is bound to be trouble between the two counties. It can and should be avoided. Accord-i ing to the statement made by Mr. Jas. A. Bryan before the magistrates' meet ing on the 1st Monday in August," the commissioners of Carteret must know- that no bill would have been passed by the legislature to establish such a line as they propose without carrying with it an equitable proportion of the county debt. But if tl e line has been run ac cording to the act; it's no use for Craven to kick, only we think that any misrep resentations that may have been made for the "purpose rf getting the bill through ought to be exposed,, and . if none were made then the chairman of the board of commissioners of Craven county should bear the blame, as he says he was at Raleigh and could have prevented it.' ; - The Wnt and Centre v. the Kat. We are reliably- informed that at their meeting in Raleigh on next Tues day; an effort will be made to induce the Board of Directors of the Peniten tiary to order the removal of the con victs now'at work in Jones and Onslow so soon as the Quaker Bridge Road is completed. This .movement, we are told, is to be made in the interest of a oentral and western railroad. The Cape Fear and .Yadkin Valley Road is in need of laborers and the friends of that corporation have fixed their covetous eyes 'upon ' the little squad which are engaged upon the only work the State, for many years, has undertaken in the East. Our people have not asked much and they have not received even that little, and now these representatives of Western enterprise are unhappy while they see one convict in the East. This thing is not right, the West and Centre nave monopolized uie- convicts ever since the establishment of the peniten tiary, and there should be some limit to their greed. An influence favorablo to the Cape Fear and Yadkin-Valley, may dominate in the Board of Directors and the road from Core Creek to Tren ton, though en joinedjby the plain letter of the law, may, not be built, at least during Democratic rule. But one thing ia certain, our people are hot going, in silence, to submit to this system of spoliation and unjust discrimination' It will not do for the Yadkin Valley people to say their work is the more important of the two, and that they pay the State for the nse of the convicts It is too thin; everybody knows how they pay the State.. The stock they give in exchange, if not worthless, can be easily swallowed up by sharpers and doubtless will : be. Neither ia it more important than our work, except in so far as it is a bigger undertaking The benefits of our work to the people of Jones and Craven are too manifest to need explanation. The advantages to the State are .twofold. It will pass through and bring into market a large body of State lands (the Dover'pocosin now unoccupied and unused, and it will bring a large volume of freight, which nowcometo market by the Trent river, over the A, & N. O. R. R., two thirds of which belong to the State. And when it is remembered too, that it will place hundreds of the largest and moat pro ductive farms in the State within eight in the place of twenty miles as now, of railroad facilities, it will be seen how unjust it is to try to depreciate the im portance of this work. Gentlemen of the Board of Directors, of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Vallyj do not begrudge us what little help, after long and patient waiting, we are getting at the-hands of the State. , ., , , :i -. By the way, the Governor, at the meeting of the stockholders of the At lantio Road insisted that in the matter of a lease of that road the resolution bf the Legislature requiring the concur rence of the directors should be scru puloualy observed. Would it not now be well for him to see to it that his penitentiary directors do not disregard a plain enactment of the law making power? Surely Governor, an act of the Legislature ultould be as binding upon your conscience aa a resolution. . Herman's Peptonized Beep Tonic theon'y preparatoin of beef containing ita entire nutru.ousp.wpertie8. It con' t'.-H Mooil-maMn, force generating , 1 I.i j i ; pioperties; invalu- cble fi-r 1m ii"N, Dyspepsia, ner otisii , ! . I i.'l forms of gen or-1 i' " ; i i,ir'! on' -rbled con t! i u'i, of exhaus' tion, l s( "v t j n, overwork, or vci: j i, ; '. ; '? it re? M -:' " " .- !, C. i l l. A Mistake Corrected. - V . r. I notice in the Wefkly Joubnal of AuguBt 9th quite a mistake in the News bf Neuse , Biver.V The house referred to at Lane, Landing, is on the North side of Neuse river instead of the South sidc. I was born in' that house more than forty years ago, and from information given me by my grand mother, who was born before the house was built, the date given, "1776," is not the correct one as to time of build ing, though , it is only a few years from it . I have a plain walnut table, given me by my grand-mother, which she said was made in 1780, by the workmen who built the house referred to, and was made during the'tiiiio they were build ing the house. '" K ,. ; - ; ' The table referred to is now in per fect order, the frame has never been repaired, and it has been used constant ly as a dining table for' more than one hundred years. - ' . I wish all the item gatherers for the Journal would be careful to collect true points of interest and leavo out those exaggerated curlew-bug, fish, and snake stories which sometimes ap pear in papers intended for the refined family circle. I for one, want a local paper that I can put in the hands of my children, without "fear that their hearts may in any way be led astray by what they read. It is said "Truth is stranger than Fiction," and in my esti mation Truth can never be rendered more spicy by adding anything that is not true. . Daniel Lane, Myrtle Dale, Aug. 10th, 1883. Letter from Swansboro. mr. jdditor: in tne absence or your Correspondent, permit me to drop you an item or two. 1 snau give you no tough stoiyr nor do .1 promise a fine spun narrative based upon fancy, but if should attempt to describe this vicini ty and its advantages, I hope it shall be truthful and correct. Onslow county is one of those counties highly favored by nature. There are no railroads, no canals, nor has any system of internal fmprovements been attempted within its borders. It is true that an appropriation for New River passed our last Congress, but I imagine that it will die where it was born. Let that appropriation be increased to fifty thousand dollars, and applied to the opening of the waters from Swansboro to New River, and then we will have a direct water course from New River to Pamlico Sound, and on to Currituck Sound, bringing our county in contact with New Berne, Norfolk, a&d I might add Baltimore.? ' The shutting up of New Inlet or its attempt has already increased our freights to Wilmington, reducing the value of our productions, and incurring additional risks in ' passing around 'Frying Pan ShOals.". We must look eastward ly for a solution of this diffl culty. Water.' transportation is the cheapest, and nature, with some little help, will give us the route indicated Then Swansboro and New River will spring from their long sleep.; Backed up as they are by rich and fertile lands they will command the trade, build up the markets, and your city : will feel the impulsive influence of the movement inaugurated hero. Swansboro is a beau tuully located place. ; It needs paint and energy. Our citizens are good and hospitable, but. labor under disadvant ages. They see the difficulties environ ing them, but are not able to grapple them.v"'V-- Swansboro ought to be one of the best markets on this coast. We have fish of all kinds in abundance, clams and oys ters . without end. Swansboro? is and ought to be a healthy place, tho water of White Oak river (about two miles wide here) bounding on the northeast side, and Bogue and Bear inlets on its front, bringing in ocean's flood on the south and southeast, making our place a handsome peninsula. It is also well shaded, inviting him who seeks -repose and recuperation of wasted energies to its bosom to enjoy its health giving. powers. Mr. i Editor, a . steamer . bound for Florida came through , Bogue sound a few days ago to our tdwn, demonstrat ing the practicability as well as the feasibility of the navigation of Bogue sound. . ' ' , ; v Major Hearne has been hore and gone up White Oak, looking after the steam boat route. , The Major means business. Let' him be encouraged liberally, and our town will blossom like a rose. We invite imigration and capital. In build ing this place, we build Onslow county ; its revenues are increased; 'valuations are increased and burdens lightened. We are having delightful weather, cool and pleasant. ! Come to -see 'our place. '" ' t )r -' ' 'r Tbo niOKt iioVwp i ; i -:':i 1 : ! ( a v I . ' iaalrokeii-t: i porsons enjoy tafe Cat'jartio Tills, put new life ,. I -j cents. 8 i . STATE NEWS ' - Cleaned from onr Exchanges. Wilmington Review! The First Bap tist Church of this city has extended a call to Rev. T. H.i Pritchard, D. D., for merly President of Wake' Forest Col lege, but recently pastor of a Baptist Church at Louisville, 1 Ky., to become their pastor. We consider Dr. Pritch ard one of the best pulpit orators in the country, and we shall be glad to hear that he has accepted the call. " " Elizabeth City Ecomonist: , We were shown on Monday by our townsman Hugh pale, a basket of very fine jHajr- uian qweei puiaiues, wmci wei ma nured with cotton seed meal obtained from the cotton seed oil mill of Lathrop & Co., and dug in nine weeks and two days from the time of planting. This is an excellent fertilizer that is con venient to us and that we have had occasion to refer to before. V. Charlotte Journal-Observer: In talk' ing with a number of our peoplo yester day, we found that they were disposed to complain that the preachers failed to pray for rain last Sunday, and in con sequence, tho clouds parted over Char lotte yesterday, and while it rained all around us, not enough fell here to lay the dust. They firmly believe that if our preachers had prayed for rain last Sunday, we would have had it yester day. --An officer from Pineville came into the city yesterday bringing a negro man named Morris Barnett f6r com mitment to tne jail in tins city on charge of sheep stealing. Morris was in a bad fix. His legs were filled with sqiiirrel shot all the way from thigh to heels, and the shots were put there by Mr. Bar vis Taylor, the owner of the sheep the negro tried to steal. Barnett was in Mr. Tavlor's barn and had picked up a sheep in his arms. . Mr. Taylor let him get a little distance off when he took aim at the thief's leg and fired bringing mm down. .Barnett was ar raigned before Justice F. C. Harris, who put him under a bond of $200 for his appearance for trial at the Inferior Court and as he could not give it, he was brought to town and jailed. His wounds are painful, but not serious. V THE LATEST NEWS. Chattanooga, August 16. A cyclone swept through this city yesterday after noon. The East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia and Alabama Great South ern depots were . unroofed. A large number of buildings were unroofed and several blown down. The flying tim ber seriously injured J. H. Bennings flying through a distance at 800 feet and going through a box oar before it struck him. There were several other casual ties.1' A heavy bail storm occurred at the time, and horses ran away in all directions. Only one telegraph wire out of sixty remains intact. Washington, D. C.; August 16. The acting secretary of the navy to-day received a telegram from Commander Welch,' commanding the navy yard at Pensacola, as follows: "Surgeon Owens reports a case of yellow fever in the ma rine guard. The man is in the second story of the building. I have re lieved the , t guard, numbering 88 men, from all duty in order to isolate 'them from other persons. Surgeon Owens recommends the transfer of the guard north as soon as possible. The case was decided last evening and two other, men sent to the hospital to day.'. Their cases are not de cided. ' I would like another Surgeon ordered or authority to employ a ci vilian from Pensacola. '.' i ; . . New York, August 16. Shortly after noon to-day three more operators of the Brotherhood applied for work at the Western Union office, and were .taken back at the old rates. ' This makes ten in all, the officials . say, : that have gone back to-day. The motherhood denied the report that a number or operators would withdraw from the organization to resume work at 1 the Western Union Office. : They say they are as determined as ev,er to hold out as long as their finances last., i hey also deny that ..ten men Je turned to work to-day, and say that only one went back. , !. , .I.,' , ,, ., . , . i . 111 JJC. Hester, Kittrell, N. C, says t "I used Brown's Iron Bitters as a tonic for general ill health and found them good. " . :) i . . . - .. I ' '. WB ' , Wall A FINE BAY TEOTTEB, Keoord 2:35.' ' . - , AT HAHN'S STABLKS. , ; . TO-DAY ONLY. J , .: j ; v . ; i , ii ' 'jt '. 1 fi liln v ) ! OEOM. WATSONl waiiavl f tall " . . , , Nbw Bbrnb, Aogust 18, 1881 On SKPtEMllKR laf I shall move my place of business from my present stand (next to the Ice House) to the Star ltr Udd Fcllews Hll, opposite CcBtral Hotel, wnere l win oe uapuy io see my irienas. aultj-dtf HAM. 13. WATERS. -v-CHIca of Christian ltoMood, Corner Main and Commerce Streets. ;' . VirclnlanBulldtnK, : ' , ' NoitK.)LK,VA., AuBt. 11,1883. T our Members In Nw Berne i ' , Our HKnt, W. B. BOYD, la authorised to collpet nun receipt lor all dues to Uie CliKIS HAN HiOl'Hi.UiiOOU.of whntever nature aiuoitoi k. ii. juiNlib, tsec'y, COMMERCIAL. ; IKW BERNE MARKET. ! Cotton Middling, 9; strict low mid dling 8 8-4.; low middling 8 1-2. m Corn In sacks, (Sic; in bulk 07c. Tdbpentink Dip, $2.25; hard $1.25. Tab Firm at $1.50 and $1.75. BEESWAX22a28oi per lb. Honey ;60c. per gallon. . , . . . . Beef On foot, 5o. to 6c. . MrTTON $1.60a2 per head. Hams Country, 13ic per pound. 1 Lard Country, 12Jc. per lb. ,! Eresh Pork 7a9c. per pound. -' Eggs 12c. per dozen. - -Peandts $1.50 per bushel. . Fodder $1.25 per hundred. unions ki.uu per bush. Apples 40a50c. per bushel. Peas 85c. per bushel. Ovrs S5a40c. per bushel. Hides Dry, 9c. to lie; green 5o. , Tallow 6c. per lb. Chickens Grown, 45a60c. per pair; spring 25a40c. MEAL Bolted, 75c. per bushel. Potatoes Bahamas, 50c. ; yama 60c. per bushel. f ; . , wool isaisc. per pound. Shingles West India,dull and nom. inal; not wanted. Building 5 inch, hearts, $4.00; saps, $3.00 per M. f wholesale prices. New Mess Pork $17.00; long clears 9c.; shoulders, dry salt, 7cw Molasses and Syrups 28a45c. Salt 95c. per sack. Flour $4,.00a7.00 per barrel. CITY ITEMS. This column, next, to local news. Is to be used for local advertising. Rates, 10 cents a line tor nrsi insertion, ana o cents a line lor each subsequent Insertion. A First Glass Sewing machine bran new can be bought cheap at the JOURNAL office. Just received lrom uogue Bound, a lot of nice Watermelons. Orders re ceived and Melons delivered. R. C. Baker, Jones' Building, Cor. South Front and Middle streets. LIU! LIME! I am hellinu LIME in LOTS TO SUIT for LESS THAN ANY ONE ELSE IN TOWN. BE SUnE AND CALL BE- FOKE YOU BUY. CHAS. H. BLANK. dAw Schedule B Tax Must be paid immediately, or some one will have to pay cost. This notice is intended for EVERY ONE who owes taxes under Schedule B." No use delaying:. PAY TO- DAY. ' M. HAHN, aul'7dlw-wlf j Sheriff. JUST IN BY STBAMEE SHENANDOAH. Brunswick Hams. Brunswick Breakfast Bacon. S. C. Shoulders.. Best Chip Beef. Very Finest Gilt Edge Butter and CREAM CHEESE KBIT ON 1UJS, ' I "Best In the World Flour." 1 175bbls. J South Lake Flour, , 5 All new ' (lip Top riour, ) LoriHard Snuff, Pork, Long Clears, etc., etc. For Cash Only. .... Come and See Us. ; ; WM. PELL B ALLANCE & CO. aul6-dlw-wlt NORFOLK COLLEGE For Young Ladies. Offera More Advantages than' any jtlier College in tlje South. ;i : Modern In all Its appointments, tine ttroumlR. new and elegant Buildings, 4c. Under Protest ant lntluenees. but undenominational. Full collegiate course of study. Hpeclal provisions for best instruction in Music, Art, Ancient and Modorn Languages : conversation In Kronen and Gorman daily. Three hundred ana tnirteen rupns lastsession. unarges very I low when superior advantages are considered I Dor catalogue, oontalnlna lull Information. auaresa ; .. i..-. R. H. WYNNE, Secretary, . n T Ctr tl iLf U . rVUL'UJ DnAM anlSdAwlm , - ;-. , Norfolk. Vs: wm. sahdkbLin, : k. sabruhI ; SANDERLIN BEOS., Qen'I Commission Merchants . No. IT Roanoke Dock. Norfolk. V. 1 1 donslgnments of cotton. teanuts. corn, shin gles, lumber, staves and country produce of Liberal advances made on Consignments In hand, or on bill lading. . ' 1 ' ' i . : ;. special attention paid, to country produce generally ' - : aultt-dlj; STEAM ; ENGINES, . from 2 to. 200 - Horse: :'- i V'. '''- Boilers of every description, ' Cotton Gins, Cotton Presses, Cotton Cleaners, ys ;.,-, t '-''- 'v- , "Moore Co. Grit" Corn Mills, , . "Maid of the South" Corn Mills Rice and Wheat Threshers, &c, fto : ST Send for catalogue and prices.; ' , .- i L .4. V. wiuriTf . ,; . may24dtf j , New Ilerne, N. C, B. D. BRICKHOUSE . ' Mnnnfactarer and Dealer In r Carts, Vagons,Tru:ksy ; Carriages, Harness, Etc.,",., 41 & 43 UNION STREET, NOKFOLTC. aulI-U4w;tm . VA. Elizabeth Iron Works. UHAS. W. PETTIT, Prop.,, ' 280, 282, ,284 and '. 286 Watee Istreet, ' NORFOLK, A i manufactuuer op ? ENGINES, BOILERS, Saw and Grist Mills, , SHAFTINGS, JPiilleys, Ilangrers, FORGING 8 AND CASTINGS. Of Every Description. 43-Complete facilities for AI.I, wiihr- .h our line. aul7-4lwlv . FRANK B. SMITH, A 11 OH IT EOT, 1 UHAJIDI S'lUKKT, "( DrawliiKH and deslsnB fiiinluhpil to hniMor. and contritctoi N iu any part of the country. nuj in mi Jersey Bull for Sale. FOUH MONTHS OLD, WELL GROWN. trained to eat almost any kind of feed. Apply to : . i W. H. PEARCE, Aug. 8, '83. dOw-wlt New Berne, N. C. Nathan Toms, Geo. W. Toms, rerquimans uo., n. C. Hertford, N. C. TOMS & SON, Commission Merchants, FOn THE SALE OF Cotton, Lumber, Grain, Peanuts, and an uoumry .produce. No. 30 Myers' Wharf, aul6d&whn NORFOLK. VA. M. ETHERIDGE & CO., Norfolk, Va,,' Gen'l Commission Merchants Sell all kinds of country Droduce and mnlr prompt returns. Keter to UHi.i-nB Bank, Norfolk, Va Correspondence solicited. aul(J-diw4m E. E. WHEATLET'S Steam Dye , AVork. 10T Church Street, NORFOLK, VA. Dyeing and cleaning in all its branch es done in the very best manner. rrompt attention given to all order by mail or express. aep2d4m HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for all kinds of OLD IRON, mixta .b and RAGS. . JAS. P0WEE & CO.. 26 Rowland's Wharf. NORPni.K. VI. AVeare alwavsin the Market far tbonnr. chase of old wrecks old steamers and old ma chinery of all kinds. ah consignments attended to promptly and carefully, and correct returns made, auliuly miller & Davis, UEALERS IN , r i Fnrnitnre, Mattresses, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting, Pictures, Mirrors, Clocks, Window Shades, Cornice, Etc., lei Church Street, anll-dOm NORFOLK, VA. Salem Academy, '' SALEM, N. C. ' '; 80th ANNUAL SESSION BEGINS SEPT. 6lh. For new Clitllloirilp pnntnlnlna PannWm..ita - - - o ............. F, ... ...in cumuli for Admission. Courses of Atmiv in th. eral departments, Terms and Expenses, ad 1 dress the Principal. , au810dlwlm LIFE ANO TIMES OF S.S. PRENTISS, , By JOSEPH p. SHIELDS, A former Pupil of Mr. Prentiss, Is to be pub I llRhed by l.lmiincott A Co . of I'hll rtei,iii in Typographical style, like the Life of Alejan der Stephens, now being published by the Messrs. Li pplncott. ' 1 . - - - ..i f The subscription papers may be found at the Journal office. lulill-dlm THRESH BUTTER' received every A NEW stock 'of TEA for the sum mer trade just received. ' ! Toilet 4 and Laundry SOAP in crAnt variety, ;'''"' '',i'i . w Sparkling CIDER, a cool and r.rYKh. ing drink. ,., . Finest Grades of FLOUR! J if1! Pure AfPLEi VINEGAR. English Island MOLASSES.' ' ' '.,.'f! . J.f-i.W in hi ; ),. ;1. -tjj-.... ; j, , ; HAMS and Breakfast Baoon. t Flavoring ExtracU'(all fresh). Special barjKains offered tocaflheus- tomers i" '' '.-.1 i!. -i .-..(V;,.-.V ..Viiiuo, X. SL0VE2. Iaall-d)y j ;. ... ... , ., , W. II UiEWEY WoOld Inform public" generally jjatho 18 nited up In flrst-oas8 5tyle, and II prepared toglye yoi a good a shave as was given when hip predecessor, John Mv Eanton, was alive, fprTEN CENTSVr . - " ' , t. i Call at the .Gaston House Farbrr Sliop and be convinced, - , , -A, ;jv.j.dly

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