NO. 123. VOL II. NEW KERNE, N. C. -.WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1 1883. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LKIN3TEB DCFFY Druggist. ; ' . ' E. Ellis Stares.- K i tf . S. A. Stevens Furniture. S. W. Beldneb Liquors. 1 I Personal. - , -! Dempsey M ood, the clever farmer and Representative from Bucklesberry , passed .down to Pamlico yesterday on a big hunting expedition. Senator Caho is resting for him, and well he may. ' La Orange Items.. ' : Noah ' Bouse expects to commence picking cotton this week. i as being the "open sesame" to the gates I oi matrimony.; , i- ; t '. Sidney Blunt and Sam Sutton, two I gentlemen of color, had quite a fracas I tiaar TV Parka' mi thai IKfV. Tha Viol. I COMMERCIAL. Sc!::-:'.3 D Ta NEW BEBNB HIABKET. I tv- t i , . 1 . i , im. i . i . . . . . . -. ; . . . The rains last week have improved "e"-r"r" the crotjs in anoearance. ' ' jgweiMa wer auowea w ngns w ous dUDg 8 8 . y low middling 8 1-3, . '.ZJ- u.- the" own way, as it seems .that no one Coin-In Backs, 61c; ta bulk t Will tell all about it when Uempsey re- . " Zl uS;" " wuuessea we wausaouou. mhi suu . '-fT i ?: Seven Springs last Friday. I sticks were freely used and f 'raw head I Urns. .: " 'J ' r tv.4.i n: : u: l I j v u iv ! u. t... Mr. Fletcher Whedbee, of ramlicoj xhe crop is to KOod , , tice J. F. Davis, bound the parties over returned from a trip to Perquimans yes- Dr. a. C; Davis reports several cases to ourt. ; ; ; ; , , . , . i 1 , i 1 terday per steamer Shenandouh. v ; - I of typhoid fever in the Institute section. I : We have . recently had a conflict of Mr. John W. Beoton and wife; after Henry Burke has another very sick authority between the , judicial ua Six new military companies have re- Upending a, few days in the city and child. Its condition is said to be very school authorities in this county. Two entlybeenorgankedinNorthCarolina. at'Morehead' City, at which ' latter The last crop reports we have, from place they enjoyed j themselves very I W.,B Han satnrZv ifht "and F took eac.h other's pates with no great amount Pamlico is that the crops are good, and much,? gathering shells andj sea oats, excursionists up the river Sunday. t"T,K rice extra good. - .' f (. , left for Kinston , yesterday morning , Ma5 Carrie Carpenter, daughter of justice the ever watchful iustice of the On our editorial page i Dr. Burk- where Ihey will spend a few days and Rev. J.D, Carpenter of ur places-will peace(f) had them in limbo and in the Journal Miniature Almanac. , ( , -. Sun rises, 5:24 I Length of day, Sun sets, 6:40 1 13 hours, 16 minutes. Moon rises at 9:10p. m. . ' ' ; head's first letter since he left for Ashe- ville, which is quite interesting.! ' The steamer Shenandoah left on schedule time yesterday evening with cotton, naval 6tores and passengers. ill , ' The steamer Experiment , of the Clyde then return via Asheville to their home leave for Greenubo Female College dutches of the law. We never knew in Arkansas. '.' Vh i Z- . on n8u before that the jurisdiction Of a magis- ' l I : ' uoc "Taylor has rented Airs, joee- trate extended to the school 'room, butt pliine 4 Ha'dee'B ' residence xrnat ' , Meetlnc. . ; 1 The Board of Trnnf Ann of N W Rarne move to town 67o. . Turpentine Dip, $2.25; hard $1.25.. Tab Firm, at (1.60 and f 1.75. Beeswax 22c. per lb. j Honet 60c per gallon. .. Beef On foot, 5c, to 6c. . . Mutton $1.60a8 per head.i Hams Country, 13o. per pound. La.kd Country, 12io. per lb. .rkl. Fresh Poek 7a9o. per pound. Eoas 13ic per dozen. . j Peanuts $1.50per bushel. " -Fodder $1,85 per hundred. ' f Onions $1.00 per bush. -1 -ki ' 1 Apples 40a50c. per bushel. - - - -Peas 85c. per bushel. ... ti Oats 85a40c. per bushelV i ' Hides Dry, 9c. fo lie; green 5c. . tallow flo. per lb. Chickens Grown, 45a60o.j per pair: Academy Inet pn Veaterdai afternoon Mr gt and ' will I it is said that' a couole of dollars cost snortiv. i learn tnat wut stretcn a .1. p's lurisaiction very spring aoawo. s,f ; l-.ui New tterne. .. greatly.. ; ; w ? ? 1 y h : , . meal uoitea, 700, per Djiunei. Kuit be paid imnftdiately, or some one will have to pay cost. This notice ia intended for XVSBT OKI who owe taxes under Schedule DAY. M. HAHN, au!7dlw-wlt Sheriff. SANDERLIN BEOS.. Qen'l Commission Merchants Mo. IT Rouok Dock, ITorfalk, Ta. . ConslKnmenti of cotton. Deanuts.corn.tbln- gles, lumber, Mavea and country produce of every description solicited. . Lioerai odVftncen made on consignments in band, or on bill lading. Bpetlul attention paid to country prodnc. generally. , aultt-dly . Wavne county, tor vne purpose or eiec mg wacners .wTork and Philadelphia line, arrived last night from Baltimore . rT'- T IaB weS ,k-Ji nwieiuuuoi may teaciiera wan reierreu iKiaiira. o. wiiu1KuUili1u..u,u.uu.. xu. .... A .LviU' crates alA . . i. t w ' ne .IjIouumvo vyuinuutie uiu iub ham to-day where he will spend a week For. the Boston Exposition.' nearly 1,000 pounds of I Mr, Walter Wotson's tool factory will D. Pope shipped several make an exhibit at thn Ronton F.rno- sition which will do honor to Fayette- Manufacturerand Dealer In Principal of the School The afipljca- . "'"nB quaneny con- ?illeand reflect credit nnon the enersv wui.- w-t- nii V.: terence ai rmy urove Saturday and I , r.I. and then a week at Goldsboro and re- T? . "y"1" I T".' Sunday and preached in the Methodist V" propneior, iuih , turn ta time to open the Graded ttehool ,' .. on the 10th of September. ! - ,. . . . wtiai oi.- a i Dij.Ki 1. 1. . . itcyijrmg iuhuvuci uuiuiiBiyiara. uuo - " wtiomcmuiD iumi d i implements uHuu in naval store opera- Mr. Augustus Venters, ! of - Onslow, Wa(j by the committee, at a P.rKreBBin8at Hy Orove, under the tion8 D6fn ' 5. mfttfMM,a WBra 'wasat theCotton Exchange yesterday ,ala nf fiwo. . !nmmW-will f-1--3"- Peer, r. C..'-1 - . - . ' . . ' uauuvD A revival of considerable ters, Of - Onslow, wag eieijted by the committee, at jlS? y&l "n5e5? om'" ' intproved methods cchange yesterday aalar of g350 feomnittee-will l7tllA adontad. tothwiu. mi aii, wimeiBveuuaiBBu wvuiu. I10ic. take no immediate action upon the other and that the interest is increasing. for showing the different processes for lUH ' " "CV names. . 'Applicants ; and teachers are Sid Moses and Sam Sutton, neeroes in getting turpentine, makinr snirits and used tirkxiM'l the drought in his section. . : rM reduested to appear before the Prin- New Hope township, Wayne county, roain. tn. . Tn all ih fina um!a th.t " Insertion, and .5 erata a line for ' . '- I . . ... : . Il.irl a Hk loot Qam aiwitiAii .1'. -v., eaon suDsequeni insertion. , U.T. a. a., tjoitoa receiveu uj BJiyicoo 1 cipai ana woumy oupenntenaent, ror r7 T"? .. , ' I Worth Carolina will undniibtedlv make . - ... 1 ? . . . . i 1 neavv mow nn me nnan wit n a nrinir. 1 . . ; from Richmond on i-uesday nignt a examination, on Thursday, bept. 6th an(, Au'. nnd th with at Boston, we think there will be noth- litm" !o ' ' h11 ' KlnAil ''' anffAfL I , Trt a marra a f ka maw onlul KtitM.L. .--. . I I 'ja.. a;! Ai ' ii 1 AiibiD yuiy - am . ""v" i , auYj uuivvoi waav uv bwuwi vuuu Potatoes Bahamas, 60c.; lyama 6O0. D " Ti T)"DTriT7"ITrVTTC3T per bushel.' ' ' ,' ".f Fa-j i.,', . A. . 1.: ..D1U.VJVI11S U OJCl ;WooL-i-12a20c. perou'nil.' , , ' Sbinoles West India,dull and nom. inal; not wanted,! Building 5 inch, hearts, 84.00; saps, $3.00 per M. , ' .... WHOLESALE PRICES. ji , New Mess Pork: 816.00; long clears olo.; shoulders, dry salt, 7C i ' Molasses and Syrups 28a45c. , Salt 95o. per sack.; ! Flour $4.00a7.50 per. barrel. CITY ITEMS.; This column, next to local hews. Is to be I Carts, Vcgegi3,Trissbd, Carriages, Harness, Etc., 41 & 43 UNION STREET, an ax. . : 1 ;..:;. line more interestintr than that con John Green watched rum cioseiy asneiing was discussed, and the 'irustees , Not many weeks will pass before the I tributed by.. Mr. Watson. Fayetteville went into the 4moe and called out our will take earnest steps in that matter, cotton season win do nere. ihe atten-1 Observer. . force to see him'. ' , ' ," ' .1 They are ta earnest and feel the neces ... ! A Pint Ciata . . Sewing machine bran new can be bought cheap at the Journal office. ' The atteu tion of the railroad authorities is direct- aA trt tl,a Tilntfavm nt V. I'fi n1nna Mr. 0. A. Boardman, Land Commis- 8"T for it, and there is no doubt that we jg an(j which need8 arranging a oner of the Florida Southern Kailway. wii dstb iuo uuuuuut soon,, ? anilAil nn thfi . staamnr Rhenandouh- Tea-1 , . . " 1 terday on a trip North. He was just ?. . KluStOIl ItemSr from the "land of flowers" and was ) V2 1 . II 1 lAl,ln.o foK tu o.afnll rina . ?u ul. uu." w"uiwoiib wio ,f ,rv- n - r brought here by the railroad last Sat . v Amona the many fine "turnouts" in I w h. Tavlor. on of Frd a. Tavlnr New Berne ' iust now we think that of of Vance township ta this county, died in bed for several days. T A Green. Esq.. will compare favor- Mast week at his residence, of typhoid Mr. C..C, Tay lor, of the Journal, and ably with the best. ' If we could have, a fair ground with a good track our peo- Fine Cotton Stalks Wanted; ; 'nJ t j i ij.'. so that carts and wacons can be un- -""aesiringwprocuresixoi loaded ; with ' more ease. Buyers and the finest cotton stalks, obtainable, yes sellers know,; that unloading' is very terday applied to Williamson & Up difficult as itnow Stands. church to tuvinm lh'ni ' TnaotAllri. am to be sent to the Boston exposition as part of this State's exhibit there. 'As the best means of securing fine LEINSTEE DUFFY, ' Druggist & Apothecary BSALER IN NORFOLK. VA. ',: auli-dw3ra , Elizabeth Iron Works, CHAs. W. PETTIT, Prop., 280, 283, 284 and 286 Water street, KORFOLK, VA MANUFACTURER OF; ENGINES, B0ILEES, Saw and Grist Mills, ' SHAFTINGS, Pulleys, Hangers, . Seven Springs Items. I Fancy and IToilet Articles, Iforqinqs and castings, FUiFORD'S OLD STAND, ffi foVsevSda!9 b6e" Very 8iCk 8telk8 Williamson & Unchurch offer a prize of $5 to the farmer Of Every Description: J9-C!omnlete facilities for ALL WOE K In Corner Broad and Fleet Streets, our line. t aui?-dwiy NEW BERNE, N. C. fever. He was ta his 28th year. lady, are stopping at the Seawell House aHJ wnere in ln,B section wno win Dring ,9. Physicians prescriptions carefully com- ; t4 i ClmA-ir - haa ' nnonol 'a Ri I lor iuo uuuuu "e mineral waters. . I wi lueir Biuie uuii Daturuay at noon iub I puuuaea. angiz-au I oi L . u I - 'IHb ntAnmcr kitwtnn rlanrad for Naur I larffnst sir RtAlIra or nnt.tnn tha tuna , ,, . , ..i j oui wui-iuuui, an uia uiu nsuu uu I : , ..w.. o , pie both m city and country would take jQueeagtreet and therefore , Elder J. B. Berne with passengers, produce and to be sent to Boston. Now here isa see I more pride in raising and keeping fine RoU8e fled the town and has taken up in ?f bu"dle roueh leather for Baltimore, chance 0 make $5 and wo hope to r Mr. VT&nk Ivpv frillAil a Hno rtoer o l r " a n a tt anrin it Bruin i ii uuu n h i.ti iriii. b i . i im . i.iih hi mi.i.ii .m b iiiiii skillful dentist, has takeu un office in s "J. stand, at or near the head of the pro 2 i 2a ta"ed out to be goat meat, v 1,U.vUw....v1...v.. I .(-....t-, j T. ...... ' ffiiwion. readinar the balloon Story of lrb- in tha Hon ml linn -ami o-norontoo 1 Our Dandv Jim, he has a town , Barker's Island ta a Florida paper and satisfaction. ; . ; ,; r i - '"ViTV K u "T? . ... .5 n . -I . .1 r:''' I A split three feet right un behind. rirnmrincr an occasional tear, oucn ai Ton,oi v.. Vorrtr Kurt hoahnncht thai - f-, j t.-i .-... j x. ,., rr . i . ... j , . . uuuiy ouui jruu re visunw w baiue. . scene miffftf have been seen on South ",1-2 WhIUnId o the geven f,nnt Profit a.Tnir. ; I Sutton't plantation about one bum from I ajt K, iL. n ; -a, avw wwvw " t TriA 1M OR KAA LmnM nkA.a 1a1 I MVWe nUVIIUO VDCU TWJ til&Ul fie doilap crishTa VarHf Two Quarters of the other counties ta this section. No doubt was retained in the village and some fine stalks will be shown at Wil liamson & Upchurch's store, 216 Fay etteville street, next Saturday. News and Observer. THE LATEST NEWS. Washington, D.C., August 20. The acting Secretaiy of the Navy to-day re-1 ceived the following telegram from Lieutenant Welch, commanding at Pen- Wanted, HOGSHEAD STAVES, Made of any kind of Oak, forty-two Inches long, four Inches wide, one Inch thick dressed. ' ' Price S18 to (20 per long M, delivered at New Berne.; , ' aug22-w2m , : ,E. ELLIS. S. W. SELDNER, Wholesale Liquor -Dealer, No. ill Boanoke Sqnare, VORFOI.K, VA. jDicuriiua. , i nve auuans uor uuiu. luio id van ui I . v.- li 4 i, . . A . ,,5rt -a T,.Mar nr, l,.tT.nnF. Rnnl trnnt of lanS r "10 "uw 6"" oiaio w uu- XI IX DAVJU1DIUU AV uarfAV M w J wuw aav-j - 1 nmAi4W tha RhtnnnAnr down to tha TJcht desirable and increasing in value every I v . .B .. . . M' . . . . ... , , ... . Key, u. n. .jasnweii nasDeencon-i j.-j i.y.. i - " -J'. ,ii.5',,-iv,..tV.- ducting a protracted meeting at the k.a.ti,niMm hAHiiMrrAAtl or many years noes nave neendvinar iTn on Rantiaft nhnrah far th W waair. """r4 rrr r" . ,. ; kh(,uw. HV k-.. v.-v. - - i...uf. l , rr" : r .inn to date is six. mciudine u.vens. ai Mmoiwnea . , sepiaawum Band is taken along to make music. U fr L V" jru7T ir---"' "Y. s" "V"""'---'- - i'" amnn naw naann to-dav. One nana wan it is decided to make the trip the boat ia8t two month ta Lenoir county, but it I TUT,. T ' T: A nnn ..I...- J I . . . ... . . I will leave here at 8 o'clock and return lis eratif vine to know that a aure cure i" L- - , for this disease has been found in Pol- " "TO. TZl?.Tw'a tbe Notice. at 2. V , V, ' - , , reputation ror reuer rrom coiic, diar- h - . t Mr. E. Ellis advertises ta thW issue rhea and horse staireers. It now adds e.. wIep ,8 . - . . . ... I f U,u U' I 1 In a Notice is hereby given that on SATURDAY, the FIRST day of SEPTEMBER, will be put 1 y ty I and quality. in to see ti ¬ lling in a, few weeks on advertisement for price I rfwim. Nn. 7 ' whih hao ifh a frr-oat "uw" uiumuior, w0 m mwu uu mendation or the surgeon. r;r ,r " Ti V:;:: Monaay in tne interest oftne lirm whioh . Oalvkston.. Ausrust 20.-A' News . . . i. . .1 lie SO Well represents.' ' . . 2 I ' - I anjutiol v i,m . A ,,af in ; aav, f hot anh'n I rmt tf lh. lnHt. hlrlilait fit. ft, A iwsLlAnttA nt rhea and norse staggers, u now addsi . , . .. ow. "j ......-fi for oak hogshead'e staves. Those who hog cholera to the many diseases for - T.1.8'; n excellent 1 ujooxaispacones iroin uarveBton, stating w. K. oe, the eontt'act for BmLDlNG TWO Lave plenty of oak timber and a shoit h js asaie c ' m crop can help things up wonder- TV, fiTT, . . T. -TvvT the normal sehools at Chanel Hill and Orleans, Governor Ireland, in order to Craven county. l a wAAlVa on 1 " - ' T' 1 .' I ia full v nn fA all iUai naw thaAriaa a I ha nn fha aafa aiflfl hftfl aaiia1 InafrilA. I ataiaA - inmmllthJ innariTa iha rlo-Vt. in ' ; . '4 ' I "tf" ' " ' 1 I uJ a ww tjaav uv t wu W ivu v vm wuw wwaw wau v ) auMHt auwa iw I avui.vii uv wuAaaaivwv a vow i w iuv a iguv iv Last mursday nignt uapt. Edwin teachine. - 1 ;. i tlons to the GalveBton health officer to .11 k,,,. T 1 A 9H. J t.M Q:ft, I 4"' ; . . I , A. IL. i 1. A iqcv. v ii ,n . 1 , i : . w i-T' I The steamer Kinston, Capt" Dixon, I preroui, uu cuwauue ui Teooem nom in J. P. Davis' mill pond caught fish, Lrrive,i (ron, New Berne on the 18th suspected points. . The Governor stated L.i MLcrla ta Pamlico. coii.wu8 ui , v. uu witQ grocercieB for . W., H( Andrews, 'na commerce coui siana .wemy-iour r. Eenj. HcCotler, of Pamlico, was i "ZJrl dry goods and crockery ware for W. R. Lwt lZlim 1 r-, :r Moimmons, uu watermelons consignea 1 . to V. N. Seawell. . imaj 00 rBuuiuuou wj-muiiuw uiurmug. FRANK B. SaiTH, I A 11 CHIT EOT, . , Ol bKAHUI (TIUCKTi NORFOXiK, VA. Drawl a es and deslons furnished to builders and contractors in any part of thecountry. auj hitm Nathan Toms, axo. W. Tons, Perquimans Co , N. C. Hertford, N. C. TOMS & SON, Commiision Merchants, . FOR THE SALS OF Cotton, Lumber, Grain, Peanuts, and all Country Produce. No. 30 Myers Wharf, i nulBdiwtra . NORFOLK, TA. 0. M. ETHEEIDGE & CO., Nor foils., "Va., Qen'l Commission Merchants Bell all kinds of country produce and make prompt return. , Keier to uitiKens uanK, Morrolk, va. Correspondence solicited. aulfl-dAWlm V E. E. WHEATLEY'S Steam Dye "V"ork, 10T Church Street, HORFOLK, TA. Dyeing and cleaning in all its branch Specifications then to be I done in the very best manner. rrompi attention given to aii :oraer by mail or express. : a , . sep2d4m By order of the School Committee, on Tuesday and says the measuring two feetjnjne inches from tip ;,.; - -Mi-',; 6Ug21-dAw2t S. W. LATHAM, Chairman. d' ' ' ri;i i.j racintr in the-New Ditch I of head to tip of tail and thirteen inch- . ' . I 1 a X. Va. 1 .t . . i. a. . a 1 1 of his county. Messrs, Jeab woin. it weignea iweniy-inree Capt. Dixon with his . proverbial clev- of Jere Black. luce, lhos. Lanxs ano mr- KODDins Jnwnichwa9 ound a jewel valued at the riyer on Sunday evening. The boat Judge Black was born in Somerset have each lost a child within the Jast .00.. This turtle, like the colored went as high up as the Broadhurst Bridge county, Pa., on the 10th of 'Januarys ttt wpfca and thara are several others troor8. founht noblv and.'atone time in order to give the party a chance to 1810. He was in the 78rd yearofhis Kk va ,i,lni(. . f i -''i' during the engaeement, our' lightwood view the aaPnia ,.118: j - i age at the time of his death. He was ia liiB VICiUiijr. ., I ...nn rnn fitnin To.ln.. tvnb . I . 1 tliinf uIiIa twn kntl.ln. nr nolnirna I adtYiittad to har in 1ft 30. and while I but failed to climb, fearine his I from Joe Allen. Joe says a thief be-if olio wing his profession took an active UQEfUl! .1 ... j v V t man, tree, . , ... in nrl .1 ! . 1 n O A 1. M ye sraay witn u,wu Bniugien, v uor- winteri i. i of rouia, 17 barrels of spirits and 00 sacks of cotton seed. ' ; ? - The Snow cleared for Snow Hill yeaterday evening with a cargo of gen- " eral merchandise. TLe Trent arrived from Trenton with i a lot of freight among which was seven bales of cotton. f am selling: LIME In LOTS l.lilllion.111 - ; - .... ' ; I, .t.L i .1 - i-A I l lT- t ua: ill J ni.- r-...A- . virk(t iTn nose mitrni eei anoiner wouna as it aia nonirs w mo ueuKuny ummenu oi cres- psn iu we Bwruir iwium ui vuumuby", Ana AlWllWI ttmvou ll Jill """""".. - l:u J : i.-a l; J J tKio ..L .,. f .kin tU: namo nf. Wiann Uia WI1H11. UlUDUClJlilllliT. 1U1 . IIUUWUUU i. ItTABli I tlUU nuu lit Id VMu VIDi UWOita iUIU I W liuw tJ uuuiw w wwvbuvu v uu vuv , t -i i mm again ne win surety nave mm dis-1 rallying cry oi vemocrauo politicians, i SUIT for LESS THAN ANi i . . t ..- a " , i l TilMirat - 1 niatitrviranf taww of l i arnt .liiil era Kl DoLV tuna . a ' l tamnrtfat i L "' .1. I H lUUbCU IA tllO lUUIIILAJWUVUAt f V AMU- I UU WMUKv AWtievA. niSD'Hi .vuiuuvihii -i r.- ' ... ..( -ill ma ' i " a 1 .- . lAiorn Anil rnrtnwun iiHr.Atnnr.nninrpi. i rnroutrnoiiL cna wnoia oi nia uia oi tne vtati Awa 1 1 i raw b i j i i 1 t - - " . : 9mm kVHV THIaT. k W ( . , , I The public appreciation or the excel' Weather looking Mr, been all this week. sturdiest Jefferson and Jacksonian type, In io43 he was appointed presiding I ONE ELSE IN TOWN. ather hot and seasonable. Crops ,ek n" .h Hb"df ? i?' judge of the coun Sf the district in nii SUiiE ; AJfD CAX ng well. ' tS!i8,wA-?S which he resided, and in 1852.was elect- . i. . fK.' . George Richardson issick and has J JK W SupwCou of his l I BE- Landing we Mr. T. C. Hadder's wife and little 1 ' I daiiirhtAr hava been auita aick but ar I -,i.; The Blanche returned from, her first reported to be better this morning. t-t j Trenton yesterday evening bridge. The bridge at .Broadhust a I A.tAAAwt A t,A " -'-( . - understand ra.alantAil to thn aamft hich noaition in is very near i ,0K. nn u.i, k islt ik.i1. I he appointed Judge . Black J .n CI' J rrV. - ' ' i 's creek yesterday. Aaa.A a mmm MAI BAT. b i. a n Mr.3uchanan took his seat .as Presi- t J i liHAa. H' LLfti.A. t. AT TT m tr 1 . i t . I JUl e lUUUU UOO IIIUTSU laiO OVCOKI PUTT 1 WWa-t aw Hipvuvvu i , w "Mb-, n5 F inn -- iniini in nan vol 11 vnai-i rn 1 1 . i . . - ' ouoa w I,. n II AttArtiAVJlanDral nf thai I Initort I TTTran to mtr viTin 1 icrm lllli. 1A UIOTUU uniui t. liw. w aio itiii vvw.vj " ; - , w , . wu.vw.. a ijv illY . ft I Hi I HI P, ii. in the lumber business. We I states, and tnree years later, during tne i I . , , , . , , , : i3 in- 1 j of men passed .onday niht last, r JUorenead uity. 1 command, Gen. Juty to ca"l on t. ll.t-i-a Caft. A.-J. . .,, ,,ei t'.a Geaeral to the y i 1 a beautiful and cp "ch. Con. Hancock re r wUr.!i three cl.i 0-eral,' and t' nt ' i I'v, sober co.. . . y , f . .; 9 were Lieu " ' ia t' ; .ii ' ' ' - j f . ' Brunswick Haras. f ,".(; ' "... Branswtclt Breakfast Bacon.' H. C. Bhoulden. '' ' ' , Best Chip beK mi u. "i(5-!.i".. t tin a lartra raft I hla rlnna nf hiiainAna from a nhnrfc Irin r I -"r" - . "If ann-ncrn through the country to Ooldsboro. Ue nftve fine 0Penine for anv one in stormy; period that preceded the out reports tne crops wrougn ureene ana 1 mill, business, as' the demand . for break of the civil war, he held theport wayne as superb., if. i, Mlanjbor here has never been supplied, folio of Secretary of State, continuing At the resLlonce of Rev. T. D. Broueh- The Neuse river also offers fine facilities 1 in that . position . until f resident Uu ton and by him Kit Lewis and Miss for transportation of lumber. t' chanan's term of office expired,,; on the Mary .Tetterton, were manied on last 0uI. friend E M Snence'' was married TfV- ' ' 1 Very Finest Gtit Kdge Batfet nd CRilAll Wc iaesday, ; nd on the same day :at the M KlftoMistT ..SiW S. I lor an ! Miss Ixiuisa Saddler were "ieltUfc"idllC I which cixlmioated in his ..death began one, 1'estuB Liller, Esq., oiHciat- . tone life Zeke- we trust tha "the tboaS ago; : Operations for strio In. ....... 0U,0?H,.'6SM' w,?fU"wJf.'? iureof the urinary ortrana-were oer' ' , . ! ' tuornsoi aaversity may never nugni fomed on Monda Tuesday ' and Wed- wur HierciiHuw w uiaaiuK prerar-.- your way, uu. urn.. u. roseis oi nmula for tha mirnosa of iaffotlin twns for their fail trip to lay ia tUdr perity and happiness may be strewn by fQttl ' A rhniin.i fr''- " - 1 3 ai tiine i8 hand8' a11 alon th0 Pathway Of h,,rBdav norninr. .Nntwlthatana. t 4 uat 1' iH'fiuuio MuiivviiiD iu scgaiu mj The picnic at the springs on the 17th his condition,' it was the opinion of froiu t ailh's township, in Duplin coun- those best qualified , to -know that he tr, wnsi well attended by the beauty could, not survive.' The direct cause of "5 ' u-e of the county,-with a his death was. taxaemla, ; a poisonous i ' cr of ciank s than renerallv condition of the blood. !. .'i : , ,.. I'r. I. r. , i m-oe, N. C, t- . .t i : iCf-s. The baux and ' . . V .. I ! U "tu ' 1 ' ' i f i and many a Dr. E. H. Babbitt, Hickory, N. C, ' ' . tt'"tt a ni there says: "Erown's Iron Bitters give great if i. ' ... , I 1 1 '.if or years sa.iufaction..'' !. .... .. . HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for all kinds of OLD IKON, METALS and RAGS.. JAS. POWER' & CO., SS Rowland's Wharf, NORFOLK, VA. ! Wears always in tha Market for thenur. rhase of old wrecks old steamers and old ma. chineryofallklada. All consignments attended topromptlr and carefully, and correct returns made. aulJdly u MILLER & DAVI3, . , . ' SBALKBS IN- Familnre( Mattresses, Carpets, Oil Cloths, - Hattlus;, PIctHres, Mirrors, Clacks, Window Shades, Cornices, Etc., aull-d6m . '.. . . HORPOLK. VA. Salem Academy, SALEM, N. C. isoth awcal mm mm sept, ctb. For new cataiogae containing Requirements for Admission. Courses or Htuilv fn thA aav eral depaitments, Terms and Expenses, ad' uienius l-nuciW. , . -j ( au8lUdWlm , FRESH BUTTER received every .week, i .';...' . ;&);) ' A NEW stock of TEA for the 'sum mer trule just received. ? t . : v- ..i '3 at tuia tune is t t boss .mercLants pt. 1 book kfipors can 1 1 .1 nicht', Biui;"? out ' f 'i wa'ti:-.'? 1. r a 'A)l j cool. 'f "Befit1nthaWofMl'loiiri 1 ., 1 17a bbls. ! South Lake Flour,,; t ,1 i All hw I ITtn Clnn. 1 1 lArtllard Sniiff. "y-4" U Pork. Lonst Cleais. etc.. etc. --'1 For Cash Only. Come and See . Us, , i t if i ' lUti.'.i'. . i. ' ,...! . . Toilet, and Laundry SOAP in ttreat variety. ' " -' - . Sparklinn CIDER, a cool and refrash- ing drink. ' ' ' ; WM. PELL BALLANCE & CO. n auie-diw-wlt i,) , h . ; U Rnest Grades of XOTJB. Pure APPLE VINEGAR. English Island MOLASSES. i :( ft n "" 1 1 ; ' t L IxAMS and Breakfast Bacon. t U ''Nw'r3BBNB,'Angusil8il88i Ou SWTF15irrH 1st I shall move my place oi unh"H'KM nutu my present Ruma (next to the Ioe iuge)to the ktnre an . - J liOWi, where 1 will be utti i.v to see my t- ,y Flavoring Extracts (all fresh). 5 Special bargains oHered to cash cus tomers, i . t .t.4 'v;' iV -a,C .C CI0TTTI. lanll-dly