- - i I St j. je" -k' i I lv A hJ& :ri V; s i a JOURNAL. ; PROFESSIONAL. 1-X7r11 V71t. nf Tt.7 Nothing In particular, only (taring this I VJTT.T.TATT T'JTTTT'pnPTI heated term, and dull.ralny weather, yonoan j - f IULm-, J Y JL VW, BndatW. L. PALMERS, on Middle Kreot. t ! ... w " f l Sodm WUr, Cenui Deep 1 J O need Victoria V . -..i that many ! L ve lostMlieirtsn- 1 i r her, and others jr Gossips; is growing i of Lcr ssbj? thnsiastic r are ber the proverb,- "littlef Wonder that Hie servant is 8uRe&L It ii? possible ATTOKNKY AT VKXV. Office on Craven street, t wo door north, of P1 nd refreshing drinks. Also, the choicest Pollock, NEWBERN; N. ft'" " ' I ?i?IX.!.lu hi!i iE? Will practice In the Counties of Jones, On freely exchanged for Cash. Trade Dollars low, Lenoir, Pamlico and Carteret, and also taken at their Bullion Value; all other eur- ln me u. s. uisinci court. . lunveyancing a rency at msircurmiii vaius, . specialty. ' oct7tf inclin f. o iianilest towards f w: ""fonMBST havLv' a feel , of indifference, "If! 'ytnH-'-P i master ii iuoroae,'r, says' thel l.U.I, U.,....u4, '( ,vrh- Wliff'flf brnnfJAPfKuf tViof V" " 'UU " M. SIMUO fl W. L. PALMER. w Second door north east side, corner of ' South Front and M lddle sts.. JUlyllt NW bKKNI, N. C. i torn New Orleans Tlmes-Deniocrat. The Oullcit Kxgcslia Cottca Gin. Tri nnrnftnpr trvilav will hAfminil t.ha oitvur. Ueement of that Justly celebrated cotton gin n6S$ Of disposition. i)ie"(Jullett Magnolia." we have traversed ,, T vfoa tn. wiinin me belt from & .!!. LY ATTORNEYS AT LAW. that thv Pftdsin niov hrlhi 4 rrriA I will practice In the Courts of ITraven, Jones, HldC me gOSSlpS may DTing, a true Onslow. CarUsret, Pamlico and Lenoir, and Id report, for the Queen' r .belongs t6 ft I the Federal Court! New Burue. febtklAwly luumy wuosb (jnmoers fluva not p . TTTTT?PTTV PTAT? QATT been marked in old age py cbeeri-l 7:! lulillY ffABSALL, ATTOIINKT AT LAW, lettMaKuolla." we have traversed ,, i (kv vl' J'i ' 1 ' ipast six months th entire cotton in t"6 aajS, nOWever,vWIien 1)6 f TRENTON JONTCFl fJO N fl Texas to Virginia, and throughout waft ftlive whom Rhfl fftllq In Jifir : xv,a .-UO ' ' c rnhlnedinfllmt'distrlcttoelepu- Sg.'jJJJ rlj- ?wffriSfir?awI Will practice In Ihe Countle. of Onslow h s noted Kin Is beyond cavil or UlCUiand JLMarV. "ffly I lneStimaDle tonnir nniin .L inn estion. It stands Bint and loremoet with hnshanri anrl friAnl-mv all in: all I ObllectlnB a i , in mechanism, durability and perfection. UUSUana, ana meua, my Ml in ail, lT", id, indeed, no enterprlBe could fall of sue- the Queen WSS 01 A kindly ah d Sim-Jqkorqk v. S' question, all. And, i specialty. sep2-dtwtr v.Br.?5:Tiif,RSS: Die character. An anecdote ilins- . , - ,uieigh,N.c Kinston,N.c. niin I). (Jullett. a man fainillar throughout t.raffta thia- . ,. " i I"' STB.nKTO '&r. PU!B.P.V: ilia Kiiiitli. rit hi. death lis mnnsirement da. I '. , i- . p i I ' 'i Irlfr.:. . " t ' ' : . i 1 1 r M;n.nMA I . ' irnuomntr mr voived uimn one whose name is itseit a tower iui. . uiuiuiB-iuver. waai Sn1. the great paintings I ATTORNEIS AE COUNSELLORS AT LAW. naer. Mr. (feo. A Peote. than whom. In execu- in thfl flnnrt.mpnta of T5lickincham I Havlnit formed a conartnershlo for the tive ability, none abler can be found. Truly p ,ia. Tria Ki.t,ni ' W ' T iiln I practice of the law In Jones county, will regu la this eHiBlillshment a home institution, a 'ace. . illS Dromer,; a LiOUflOn I larly attend Ihe courts of the, same. Prompt evervtr jnachiii thing used In the construction of the I iarnAfc merchant. was ' Oflfired .f,o I attention paid to collections, ines, even to the caBtinfrs and saws, be. l- IUWUWUI, waa UlUWBU w I mayl2.dAwt( , , , btKONQ A PERRY. liie made ut their own factory; while the ma- PUt UOWn n6W CarpfitS in the State loiirtA mniniAMii ontl lnrul.uf VAllnWTtlnA fit 1 a .... l J . m-rr i' . I PITTT.l IIM.T.llin.' J "t,v '"" . I"-. -1 . I uiiurimnnrfl m rnn Till I 'll'fi , wrilcl) ihelr gins are manutactured.grow ihicK I r T , V", ' (mtlieli owuimmedlateiyadjacentlands. In put On a workman's OlOUSe abd 6D: OWEN H. GUION. : Ferdinand Ulrich,i ; ,- T. -'.'.Ilf.ii f a -A1.. . , ; DEALKR IN GfROOERIES&DBY GOODS ! BOOTS, SHOES, HATS,,Vj Ropes, Twines, Paints Oils Can vans, and Oakum. ; The place to buy GRAIN SACKS in I any quantity and , i j . t .- , r tiOItlLLABD SNUFF ' ; by thebbl. NETS and SF1NES. Fopt ol Middle street, " v NEW UERNE, N. C. wiaoar i M. . .. . .., A BOARDlHGLSCHOpL FOR BOYS AND YOUNG MI '- " . " " u I . , ' J Students prepared for higher passes of Colleges and Universities, or for business life Thoroughly competent teahefs in all departments." . ' , -Healthy location. . MUlUrytBlsclpUne , " f ITlourUiiing Literary Societies. ".,, i it ..' VMy Ijow Xtates.' :, ' Next Session begins First Thursday in 8etmber. 'J ';' 'C ' For register containing fullpartlculars, address ' . : ,k - ! i v"P 'nWminmlauofC!adeU. HOLLAND & GUION. m- 1 1 a f ma a n n ennnnl IT . - . . . .. . 'Ill . , - F whoUe it sound it. tered the palace while the -oyaIl . Attorneys at, Law; h, - I""""' waa reswuug in iu- s; ;rs , I. (Office one door west of Gaston House.) iu, ud uiuwu uia Rqnumcui Will DTOUUCe 111 II character and -'ileTotrt'UmWfVtolSSSlTp the pictures. ; While he was alone r "p- in one oi ine rooms, me yueen i m f V tj A rTJV came tripping in, wearing a plain I ' 0UO I, flue, ihe 'Hulleit Magnoha,,fas agin, cannot - be excelled, aim an ' o praises ever afterward, ' r or sale J, C. WHITTY. 4 j Will practice In the Counties of Craven Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir paid to collections, 1-dAWlV.' WM. LORCH, UEALI3 Ef ! .GSNEHAL RlKKUHAWUISJi; I white, morning dress. Two or three Hiirtreon Dentist. CAST EOUlifi ACuDUttuUATUJiHa. " ""S1" v r n-..j r n wn - - , rrray, can you leu me, sue saiu i , v ." . . ' . - . m : . the onnrlnarl wnrtmaV nrr.An I ltO thfi 15tft Of fiaCh RlOIlth. dwllsr. los 'ft t wj 4 TX A T to tne euPPose workman,' 'wheh Ji i V , A il A Jta the new carpet will be put down in i" 7 the Privy Council Chamber 1" 15 - (tjuccessor U E. IL Wlndlty,) J)13TILLE11S' AGENT TOVk In Beanfort from 16th to the 80th. W: t,..' ua a A I wuioe -ill new seine, uver ja. v . a D. w. r-i thinking he had no right oma,lmni,.. Bnnth P,nnt. nrt nvr 10 recognize me iaeen unaer me i streets. Circumstances, answered, - "Keally, I ' Teeth extracted without pain by the one ol mam-dawn ' ' rt n madame. I cannot tell, i but I will mtronsoxide. . Pure Rye and Cora Whisky inquire" k ! ;, . . J , : "Stert". 8he saidji kindly but DR.-J.-D, Send Ycur Orders W. F. ROUNTREE s.V.y: .'i.V.'.tti - i 'f ... . ; . FOB " Good Butter, ' - 1 . Royal Crown Flour, i P. T. George Best llams,1 ' ., . . .. i , ', , Best Coffee and Teas, ; ' And all kinds of ; FAMILY GROCERIES. Middle Street, near the Blarket. atwholesalj: abruptly; "who are yooT I per ceive that you are not one of the I worknieih" Blushing", and ? stammering, , he CLARK,! DEN11ST, J D. W. HURTT, , t: .: MERCHANT JAILOR. IN QBFAT IAKIJ2TY, f HOTELS. JNEWBERV, S.C. , .y : :l'l .TTJTIS A WTj fCTO A B.S confessed who he was, and the mo-1 Pffioe on Craven ,tr8et- between I,0lM t,ivH wnii'ii nan inn nun ro nssnniH i 1 - : ". .s " " I workman's dress. The Queen, appeased bv his love ot art, said,- with a smile, "j. Knew lor ail your dress that you were a AirifPT AIp Palp A1p PPPr gentleman, because you did not iiinger itie, raie iUe, Deer y0urMaiest y' mei , Pray look at ivn pnpTPP 1tne pictures as long as you will. J3ERGNER & Erf GEL BEER, CIDER, , . PURE FREKCII BP.'!DY. old Good-morning ! Come, chicks, we must go.". !::;!::rnnrcr.:!rOH;:o u. w.wauab. w p KORNEGAY & CO., READ THIS, The GleSse House. No. 177 Main Street, - - Norfolk, Ya. Kates of boabdino: . Single Day.............. .. J1.50 Two Days . 2 50 Three Days,... 8 001 rer weeic uuu Table Board, per Week ? I Supper, Lodging and Breakfast i lXlging.,.................. 0UK!U This house has been thoroughly refurnlBhea and newly painted. The table will be always mS&tf3S? wine. Middle Street, Newborn, N. STAN MIDDLE STEEET, ' New Berne, N. 0. T7. -:r ... r, Si Ii BRAHGE, LEHOm C0, H. C . jn-.ti.i.-i nf.'s. j Vux '. ' auglSdAwtf Street, New Berne, N. C, General -Hartlyare, f'. Agricultural Implements, Steam EiiKines, -.. Cotton Presses, " ! Horse Powers, Turetber Farm Machinery, Grain Fans. Straw Cutters, Corn Skelter (Jitter Mills, Belting, Packing, Pipe, Fittings, : Paint, Oi Glass, Lime, Cement, Plaster, ' Fertilizers, Brick, Etc. PRICES VERY LOW FOR CASH. i i WiLr s -.mil -s-mwtm-M U&r. 80. 6mw ASA, JONES, SoMffc yo -S. New Bernet N. C. sep26-dfewly ALEX MILLER, - ; ; - WHOLESALE & RETAIL ' - :.. QR0CER. Constantly receivina a full line , - -Olioice CJ-rbcefrJes , and OF GOLDSBORO. it:.t- Give the Globe House a Trial. . No 177 Main Street, Norfolk, Va. . B. PEDDLE. ( lull-dAwOin; , ,V : ' ' Froprletor dkaLeh in : Staple and Fancy Dry Goods i BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTUINC, Ele. Agent for the DIAMOND SHIRT; nlaun , dried f 1.00. Urundrled N.25. And the celebrated Warner's Corailue Corset, CENTRAL HOTEL, ; W. E. PATTERSON. PnopU. X R W It K ttti K. N : C . mms wit.T. mnwH inn i -nil iwniiintTc I 1 1 AAA i-1 Ata. U Aii AJWAJAA Mil ""1 7 " .Y,:.: i i .h- ' A full line of Gent'. Ladles' and Children's ... . . I - . . ' . .. . . I It .1 . .olT in.n 1 1.! .1 ..1 - ; t u -- : central ana Dqsinepn poumn oi ui city, aenoe I vj""j """v""""' V,,, ' , V, S"'.:' ' AND : . !; recommends Itself for Us convenience to the Collars and Cuffs., Silk and Linen Handker- , f -- Itrsvellinff public. Asbrdutc solioitors everf ohlete, all kinds of GenU', ladles and Chll- TT XT IT CTst TXTfCS I opportunity of risltln biuiness oorrespondenfs ?ren4!"anS Bna "gjhine m aue ts .noes tuiD J It All K riiN (llIS Hi8 " I 8 stwntive servants, and Its table ft always ber Coats. Hate and Shoes, Ladles' Cloaks and -' I furnished with : . I Jackets, and everything usually kept In a llrst Are FIRST CLASS, equaled by fe w excelled by none; Reference is made Middle St.. op. Baptist Church fARMEES' SUPPLIES, whichweofleraalowaa-any house in to cverVDartvuBinif theta. . Satisfac- am OJttUJUS ., ,u . -f . ..ii ( n,la i .riijj'.. t,. i',.i(j 1 . V.- I or the accommodation ot guests to ana irom . Ill OiU H Cil , Ot VlaUUCCi rant all gOOda a8 rep- tion guaranteed. ; i-. -, : trains and steamers free of charge- plsJ r 1 W"vv) I 1 TW OaaJ. Cl.AMa Every voellcacy r the Season . .,.!.) ASA JONES, iu rooms are large, airy and well furnished. . .1 marfldwly the city, and warrant resented. '. t'ull and examine onr wkes. Stables furuielied flee to all our eou. try customers. . . ' Cooda delivered free to any part o l' e 03'. 12 W. & D. - fin nof. lift nut nff with t.liA fnmmnn I feature in this citv ' oncrlnps nnw flnodino- th mnrkP. hut PPrtenaDces. ot a modern BtOCk i ana Z.n A i x. " i w ... Ll Lliil uu CAaiuiui; uuia uuu ict ua buuvt you their points of excellence. Afto agents rcr tne FIRST CLASS HOTEL. April l-d-lv. ' . BLACKSMITHS MACUIN ISTS, Iron and Brass Founders : " . .. '.: .. -and- " . j is IM::: ! I am manumcturing i 1 . .. v ,u . ' ; . IIAITCCCH IlTSPIRATOR, ( the heBt boiler feeder known. . COTTON GINS 1 - ' . : :iNn GASTON HOUSE, boiler makers. FRESH EVERY DAY, FillO French Candies; Simplicity -Power Presses,' the best made. . .- , i ' f i Pipe, NEW BERNE, N. C, S: R. STREET & SON, Proprietors, I ' The Only First-class House In the Cltyv Omnlbns connects with ' all Trains and i I Steamers. Large sample rooms for cornmer ciai travelers. . oeu-au ('iTAnvni .:. . 5 Miiriiji; . i SMITHFIELD, N. C, D. W. FULLER, PrppV. 1SAKB And bkpaib 'ENGINES AND ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY, ' Orders ' solicited and promptly auenae.1 10, u iva vauw pi., . between Pollock and South Front, . . ' . . , . .. New Bekne, N. C. Aprt. tfd . Among tny assortment you can And 1UU lUy HBBUriiUVlU UH vau uuv f i ' ' '" J ' 5 ' ' cola'te Drop CararnelsjrCocoanui prlit . MUIl. 'Belting, Pij Ear, Walnut Candy,-Cream ' ! ' 1 Jtl Fit t in r 8, " - - Tlrtno fVanm 'PiffaK ! V " "' ' ' Ample accommodations at all tunes Sample rooms for commercial travel era Charges moderate, ' augSdtf TUtafl. Cream PifS.1 . Cream an machinery generally. Sample en- ... nrr.i . t... . '. . eines always in stock. - . '1 For further Information call on .or ad- .:. Almonds, Dicily Almonds, . . I ,Z - Aud in fact inylbins you may call for, ; ' ; J;- j. BRYAN, UanaKer" At the Greatly Reduced Price of ' - mayl5dWtf Nc" Aierae, N. C Tvc-ty-riva Cents prr Tcund. t liuuule tne price. Call inx'.ts.. .Veryreepecduhy, I baa the "r jm I t:i: in., i r lly inform the pnbll L.H. CUTLER, Mi IV Sash, Doors & Blinds,:: , -i ' u .-.. . ,JSMssWsl i MAW 'TAJIK NOTICE! !n ! onr e li--. e a i;u si'-: ', In o L.. 1 f J ., Hill f wliii'h we are of-'-'i very low at ' hniwaiue and rptuil. txil udt''"-e a Ions: r In the city, with Bath Booms, where Hot and Cold Baths cen be had at any time day or night., , . , , V .: Alf . a ' :ci 'ot t,f Cigars and Tobaoeev'nf The u f'e public is respectfully sollclud uiiu iH..io.uvion guaranteed. nruais Street, Biszt to II. GnUer's Hardware Store, i ! 1 I anGJlm KEV.'rT35f. H. C, HOUSE TURMSHINd GOODS Zvzte, Cils. Class and Putty, QUUS AND PIST0I4 till .ot, or p'i n aii'i P"t f"r b' V v bU ill!-. ilr in and FWrirorof r -r 77. J. ILMV i Kici::.c.a sr., rniuir i rAu'inr ). ,i i s I.eleMt ( if i;ia. .TOILET , SETS j rubber and Leather Belting,! d , . Vtc, Etc., Etc. C. E. FOY & CO., v;l.c::-alJ Grocers And Dealers la "'esireit, u x.v'Atcrn, N.C. disoloe: nt:D liver, v lHaa-l-'li IPll ..' From these soareus arise three-fourthi ol ins uisHwws ot tno auman raoe. These I ymnu'i'is indicate their exlstonoe : Iiaas ! -M,,u, jnawcia easttve, ailvk Head- ,.a,iHiiBsa: after atl, mkw ta rt r awdy r anIudY buUUn : f"d, IrH-HulUtjr af 4Maper, Low v A "" t havlatsf neglected s lr.mki.aesa, 1 lattarlns; at Uie 'baavtri. ' -, hlcitlreej. tf.il 1 ...... tfl.b.. , . lAa.iii.w j J wr, AsaUver ulneTCTT'i 1 oitvanoeinal. Their aotlou on tha I ..... Mini.in isalso promnt; removing 1 1 .mi tiiron. ix these t nee seT. f I sv n,n," prciiKiIng appa t n.Mi.-.l il rts...ni, r. .ui c k .iin,aolear undsf' rHistolv, t I. 1 il.U m P' nU'"di or supln nor Interfere) r ii n v w and ar a prfeot i ( -i .JI TO C.I ALAHIAa " ! rr". J 1.1 rlii . KKW TAW. , "I nv bwl I'""nsia,"Wla Ooiiflllpai t'on t ,oy"-ia,a.i 1 1 wo t- led ton dilierent rf ) ant ', Ia et are the flrt ve ii use rua any gwd. ,Tliey nave ' i i n .. . arnetlio Is '. "1 a readnv, snd I bott 1 ' I 1 1 l hke a now " . i, i n!myra,0, " -.vflt.,N.T. In i. n SO.: WiOTSN & - STREET Life & Fire Insurance figeivi; IIEflDQUARTEnS FOR IHSURAHCE. OUR GALAXY OF STAR COMPANIES Royal, of Liverpool, owning the largest net' surplus of any Company in tlf woria. . London Assurance, of London. . London and Lancashire, of Liverpool. , ' Imperial, of London. ' Western Assurance, of Toronto, Canada.. Crescent, of New Orleans. Aggregate Assets of above named A 1 Fire Companies, over $45,0CO,O00. American Lloyds (Marine), New York composed of the capitalists of tt North, and representing - over $10,000,000. Insurance effected on Cottot Naval Stores and Merchandise to or from the cities of New York, Philadelphia T i; 3 ti. - l- . i. I outiiuu uuu uaiumore, ai very moaerate rates, : , LIFE INSURANCE. HARTFORD LIFE & ANNUITY A Life Company, combining the be features of Life and Co-operative Insurance. Its risks in North Carolina a ready amount to more than One Million Dollars, with a constantly increasm business.lt ,iv- .j , . ,,...":..:' ',' -'!':-' --v. I ' j Among the Policy Holders in the City of New Bern who hold the maximui amount of Insurance taken by the company upon any one life, and to whom r refer by permission, are ! " Thos. A. Green, wholesale Grocer, . . . " .. $ 15,000 S. H. Gray, Agent Clyde Line Steamers, . . . 15,000 C. IT, Blank, wholesale Grooe'r, M . . . k 15,000 - A. R. Dennison, Prop. Cotton Seed Oil Mill, . 15,000 E. W, Carpenter ProhateTudge, . . . . 15,000 And among those who hold a less amount : Genl Robt. Ransom, ; . . --Jr A. Meadows, '.; , . r 1 J. L. Rhem, - ' . . V 4 t $10,000 10,000 10,000 TtlA fiofnf IT "Pll n A AattiVA iP liu m-iana. lino wAMn.AJ nU.MHa. .! ll marvelous.' .'; - " ' ' J! ' " " r - " ' I Es? Agents wanted in everv citv. town and hamlet in North Carolina tf whom we otter tne most liberal commission. . . . ; june29dtf , WATSON fit STREET, V General Agents, New Bern, N. C. I safe James Eedmond. j.,, i t-i, l i.iKh-,, . i (,..14 ... J V HOiiiUALE JL.IQ, CJOR O E E 1? : 1 ,: CELEBRATED BOTIluED LAGEB. BK : FOR SALE BY THEilATE. Also on; hand a full stock of Groceries Provisiois; Cigar St A V trv SWl f raa aa ar Oitcii Front Brick Store. MIJJDLE STBE12T, Apr 1 d wlr-'"1 f' ' NT5W IIEIINE ji'litO SvObQ '.dales onijunrHf,v. '4 - . 4 ' I lioeendol ' I'ortlancl te Belinitic " CJcm:.;.: " 'Tbitcp, Qbat Heir, C:z. SALr3 001 Craven Street, below Impress C-Ics. ..ur:s

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