i .1 by m- V. i-.'Ht um iy N. C. SEPT. . 2, 1SS3. EQSTGA ,r-;:T I i'.,a r-'.Ma a;ul its resources. Of Utiuu. tiuit impression the readers of the Bulletin will have lull opportunity of forming an opinion; the loading press notices will be reprodaced in tho regular or extra issues. A let ter of Dr. Dabney, reporting pro gress, with one finch press notice is i, v. icr. Thirty ie Enirlne. i f i - ( iii's make.) 'I l. i 1 f 1 (Itlllllll'S urn , i. ,-i ni Venii'itl luiiu'is. Also, forn- i . i i 1 Ai ill. Complete (nw Mill. i I .-ieniu Pmii. Inspirators. i l'mium, Clrc'tiliir Nhwh, JuilHon 1 ma IiHtiu'S. Drill Presses s. I'i:iiikUiivIi1uvs. Jiutelierand o i;r, Ht-tMUhl iuuid. - -: . i tir work dona to Engines, Tumps, Saw ami unst Mills. . ...... . Tramway Locomotives built. Tim fw lurn I iiqliie has met with unl vi i i iviir. Siting of Erie worfe has been ?'u . to City of liielimoud for water works, horse jMiwer boilers. 100 horse boiler to ttli'Miiond Ceiinr Works 3D horse boiler to It. : oi iimm & Co., for Planing Mill nt Rich mond. C. 11. Farrer, Charlotte counts-, Vir ginia i-oinplete Bleam Mill, lion II A. Bald win, Cunisvllle, Buckingham rounty, Vir ginia, I'iioniris Wooun, Etui , Muneliester, Vir tuna, lor rtuincr.wauii many others. lnose who contemplate bnylns Engines, OrlBt, saw Mltls, etc , w.iul-l do well to corre spond With- . - ' "' A. J. RA.IIM, i : Richmond, V. Km first- -litis work ottr priees- are- lower Thin others, and on Inquiry you will be so nuxfled, iuig27dAw3m . - North Carolina Exhibit." The day for the opening of the hereto appended. Laniifaeturers and Mechanics' Fair ' MnvTunt? at Boston, viz., the 5th of Septem ber, is near at hand, and the offi cers of the Department who were charged with the preparation of the North Carolina exhibit are glad to announce that their wort is com Pi L. J. TAYLOR, AGENT FOR ,TDE f 1 - m to a '1 m i v m m m m m u - m w m k w Grand Offer fcr the' Next Sixty Days Only. $850 Square Grand Piano for only $245. .1 Ml-r4ft 'ih I'M Irjlilin 0TV1 C Ot Motrnlfleent rosewood ease, elegantly flnUhcd.3 Strlaai. T1-3 iu, UiU bvllliuj WWI rinliy 01 ILL avs, full patent eantanteagrattes, our new patentoventtrong scale. MONTFOED McGEHEE, Commissioner. (LEVI & LANG) PROFESSIONAL eted. All I he material has. been .. f j i i. . i seub iurwum, aim is, uow ueing ar-: office on Craven street, two doors north ot ranged in the Exposition Uuilding. poiiock, mkwbkbn, . u Hv Mint; A tn whnm f hi nrnrlr wna I - Will nroetlcu In tho Countios of Jones. On wimuiuicu iv hod ictaiucu ira it in the l . a. iMsirlet uinru conveTftncina speeiaity. . ocwu R. W. NHON, nUV VIi NORTON'S Celetratca HORSE TOHIC for improving the condition of horses, mules, cattle and hugs, giving tlu-m an appetite, re lieving them ol'Uoti and worms, hidebound tuirluit, distemper and all dUe.tH.rs to which a home Is subject Internally. After an animal is Improved by its use it may be left off with out big falling back to his first poor condition. Jt is highly approved by all who have given It a fulrtrial. We have yet to hear of a single Instance where the HORSE TONIC has failed to accomplish what we claim for it. From a . large number of testimonials we select the following: . ' : Mr. E. P. Reeve: Dear Sir I have been Using your Duval A Norton's Horse Tonic for tlie lust eighteen mouths, and And it the best medicine I have ever used for improving the genural health and appstitk of horses In bii J condition,, Respectfully, ? f , .-.V Robert Vaoohaw, . Manager stables Richmond City Railway. ' To place this Invaluable remedy In reach of an l nave reaucea tne price 10 t cents tie.. Manutactured only by high trust. It was felt by them that in all the history of the State it was the first time that adequate means were at disposal to set ber I in her just proportions before the world. With the means at com mand in former exhibits only par tial success was possible. Then, too, the department had to rely mainly on voluntary contributions. Now it could be accomplished with ts own resources. This of itself created a strong sense of responsi bility, which was further stimulated to the highest degree by tho reflec tion that the result would probably have no inconsiderable influence upon the future of the State. It was felt that in a most importaut regard, her reputation was, for tho time, in Under the influence ot these con siderations it' was determined to undertake and prosecute the work in such a manner as to exclude, it that could be done, all possibility of miI Holland, jr. bot- 12 East Marshall street. Uichmond. Vs. Hold by druggists generally. aug29d& wlm SALOONS. liEW BERNE In the Duffy Building on Middle street, near corner ol Jfollock. five i:ev taeles just put 1:1. Three Billiard and Two Fool,' Finest in the Country. CAE0I.IE0LETTE TABLE. civsl r.:.::::3 the thlo:.3 The flnestLlquors and Cigars, the celebrated UEUONEH A ENQEL BEER, Sour Kraut, ' Sardines, Lobster, Llinburger and Schweltxer Cheese eenstautly on hand. JOHN DETRICK. NovldAw. 01103 Jil SALOON, The quietest and most retired place iti the City. ' " . , . ' The best of r " "VmE3.' ; 1 r . , . LIOUORS, & CIGARS '"'-M'l'ftrl HWrl nftfllrl PQnl ,1"'' M m mm "J I'j I: j on Fila. 7 '"5 ti's and riauts" will not . 1. ' " ; . - JAIir.J CALirCELL, . Proprietor, Aur.ll WILLIAM WHTTFOBD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. beautiful carved legs and lyre, heavy serpentine and largo fancy moulding, full Iron frame. rrencii urauu auiiuu, uiuiiu iuiiuiukiv, iu iiwi., evrry improvement WU1CD C&U In any way tend to the perfection of the Instrument, has been added. ' Our price for this Instrument, boxed and delivered on hoard Aaips ears at New York, with flue Piano Cover, Stool and Hook, only V- t3.W J Just reduced from onr late wholesale, factory price, 3)5, for slxtjr days only. TliN Is ihiw, uy iar, uic rvmMvmt. mrRin tsvur tfiicrmi mo uuisiuni hiuiil'. v upreceuenieu SUCCeSSI JTe- mendons demand for this style) Bend In vour order at once, lionol lose llilsrare opportunity. This Piano will be sent on 15 days test trial. Please send reference If youdo not send monev with order. Cash sent with order will bo refunded and freight charges paid by us both wavs If Piano is not Just as represented. Several otherspecinl Hurgnius: Pianos, 100 n, Over IS HlMlln iiba .11.I nnl nn .llcitiiitlufiA.1 miN.li.Gn, lW.ti't full ... umli. ..a l.nf... 1 t 11 , He also koeDB liOrillnrd's High-Toast Scotch Home IlliiHt.r.Lt.eil Pif1110fM.tn.lmme. mullivl frpn frtvlnfr tltn tihrliat. iMiHmnniuia Snuff, Cigars, Tobacco, Hoda Water Shayed anvptanomnnut'neturer. Every Piano fully warranted for 5 veora. . Ice, Caudy, etc. . ; - 8IIKKT MirsiC at one-third price. Catalogue of a,ut)Ocholce pieces of popnlur music sent Don't fail to call on him for your Gincer Jbril cent stamp. . :UBNDku8SOUbJ PIANO CO., ,. Aleand ' . . autdswly .. P. O. Box 9058, New York Cltr. Is oreDnred to 'fill all orders for Ginger Ale, I N. O. Jream Mead. Barsaparilto, California Pear, Champagne-Older, in four and six dozen I crates. These goods are warranted to cqnal any In l tne market. joueSldly COMK AGAIN. -.- - : L. J.TAYLOR, - Hancock street, near Depot. F. M. 8IMMO 8 CLEMENT MANLY. nixon, si:::.:o;s & manly ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will Dractlco In tho Courts of Craven. Jones. Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir, and In the Federal tsmrl at New licrue, rebtKl&wiy P. MURPHY PEARSALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Well, What of It? Nothlns In cartlcular. only during this heated term, and dull, rainy weather, you can And at W. L. PALMER'S, on Middle street, Ovod Cool Soda Water, Genuine Deep Rock Water, and excellent Ginger Ale, good and refreshing drinks. Also, tliecholeest brands or Olgars, Tobacco, ana uana i es, jhk es, T ... l a.a .nirfKliin In mv linn freely exchanged for Cimli. Trade Dollars taken at their Bunion vaiue; au ouier cur rency at their current value. Second door north east side, corner of South Front and Middle sta.. jnlyllt ., Nw Bkrnb. N. O, I'ollok street,1 JNew Heme, N. C.r m Ceneial hardware, TBKNT0N, jones co, . o. Ferdinand Ulricli, Will practice In the Counties of Onslow Lenoir; Duplin. Sampson and Jones. Collecting a specialty. gpp2H-d&wtf .. OKOUOE V. STRONG, ' ; Rilelgh, N.O. DANIEL K. PKRKY, ' Kinston, N. C. STRONG & PERRY, KINSTON, N. C, ATTORNEYS ANL COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Having formed a copartnership for the in jonescouniv. win reeu- Prompt practice of the law in Jones county, win regu larly attend the courts of the same. attention oald to collections. mayiz-a&wti - biuuxiu rrtur. :. OWEN II. GUION. HOLLAND & GTIION, Attorneys at Law, (Office one door west of Gaston House.) Will practice in the Counties of Craven Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir prompt attention paiu to collections. apranud diiwly. ' DR. G. K. BAGBY, Hurgeon lentist, failure. The State m ail her m teiests had long been the subject of. study." Whatever ; publications could throw, light on her resources in any way, whether upon or be neath the soil, had been diligently explored. The State was then par- tioneu off into eight districts, and collector assigned to each.. To those districts where special knowl edge Was called into requisition, Wll be In New Berne from the mpn fif liio-h aciAntiHp QpnnironiAnfa I d . - -o i i . . . w were sent. : Their labors, as was said above, hare been just con cluded. - . - ' ." : It is neemed not amiss to say something of the spirit which gov erned the Board in this part of the work. It was" intended by them that. Mia flrliihib- shnnlr hA mail A solely from the resources of the de- ) J J . JJ. (JL AKK, partment; that should not im- i pose the slightest burden on any . IJCN'riHrl -DEALER IN GROCERIES &DRY GOODS boots; shoes, hats, Ropes, Twines, Paints Oils Can " vass, and Oakum. The place to buy GRAIN SACKS in any quantity and . LORIMiAKD SNUFF by the bbl. NETS and SHINES. Foot ol Middlo street, NEW BERNE, N. C. wlSOart M. Affiit Mllunvl tinpleiiMMits, ; i SU-uiu Engines; : Cull (iii Presses, : llurso Powers, Tli iet4tcrii, Farm M.ichinoiy, UrnJii Fan Straw CutlerH, Corn Shelters, Cider Mills, lii'Ititig, ' . .' Packlsijr, Pipe, Fittings, Paint, Oil' Glass, I. Into, Cement, Plaster, Fertilizers, . Brick, Etc, PRICES VERY LOW FOR CASH. T9 1 1 st to the 1 5th of each Month. I In Bean fort from 15th to the SOth. Office In New Borne, over B. W. AS. W. Smallwood's, corner South Front and Craver ; streets. , - Teeth extracted without pain by the uso ol i nitrous oxide. mar2!-d.twtf AaT A T? sf A l I : a !? f? W Send Your Orders W A I WW tJO Iftlili I , Life & Fire Insurance Agents W. F. ROHNTREE FOB pose the slightest- burden on any citizen. The work was began, car ried'on and concluded in this spirit. t has been necessary lor collectors of material to visit every . part of the State, for the plan was to dis play specimens, the best of each kind, along with those ordinarily met with. "Whether for travel of collectors, when away from rail ways, for employment of assistants in their work, for hire of labor or NKWBKUN, N. C. Office on Craven street. and Broad. : : between Pollock iprl7-dwly Good Butter, Royal Crown Flour, P. T. George Best Hams, , Best Coffee and Teas, : And all kinds of FAMILY GROCERIES. . Middle Street, near the Market. HOTELS. READ THIS. D. W. HURTT, MERCHANT TAILOR. The Glcho Ikusc, for material' obtained, full prices No. 177 Maill Street, - - Norfolk, Va, have been paid, except where com- . ; r rates of boarding: ; - 1 pensatioh was. positively declined, sinsie Pay.. 41.50 In tho aggregate the amount thns Th's"";:;;;;;!;";;!!":!";!!;""!";; iuw paid out is considerable: Dut every pfweeK .........-... s 1 1,11114 m Hi.iii . ims wwnsTK w expended has gone tO supper, Lodging and liroakfast t dollar thus our own nAfinlfl. for thftir Uhor and 'K'ng - MCt for their commodities. . i Tills honse has been thoronehly refnrnlshoa and newly painted. The table will be always IP l. AP 1. nrnnl. nnn nfxnr I ttnnnlteil with the tWHt 111 HeflSOn. be estimated .with certainty.' I In tiqnors andcigars. . - general terms it may be safely said Give the Globo House a Trial. that the exhibit Will be thoroughly No. I77 Main Street. Norfolk, Va. illustrative of the State; It will in clude the woods used in the arts from the white pine of Maine to the semi-tropical palmetto. .Tho ores of gold, copper and iron will be ex hibited in their widest range. n addition will be exhibited those Jnll-dAwGm PGDDLK, Proprl Har. SO. 6mw CENTRAL HOTEL, . W. E. PATTERSON, Phop'b NEW BEKNE, N, C. rpmS WELL KNOWN AND COMMODIOUS X house, as us name implies, is situated mine central and business portion of the city, hence recommends Itself for ls convenience to the I travelling pnhllc. Affording solicitors every I lonuunrs slwayt I furnishcu who Every; Delicacy of the Season ASA JONES, Middle Street, Newborn, N. 'C.,l . DEALER IN HEADQUARTERS FOR INSURANCE. OUR GALAXY OF STAR .COMPANIES : Roval. of Livcroool. owninc the larircst not surplus of anv ComTianv in the I . -4 a o 1 t . -v - world. London Assurance, of London. London and Lancashire, of Liverpool. Imperial, of London. . Western Assurance, of Toronto, Canada? Crescent, of New Orleans. Aggregate Assots of above named A 1 Fire Companies, over $15,000,000. American Lloyds (Marine), New York, composed of the capitalists of the North, and representing over 010,000,000. Insurance effected on Cotton, JNaval Stores and Merchandise to or trom the cities of New York, riiilndelphia, Boston and Baltimore, at very modcrato rates. LIFE ITVSUIl-AlNCJli:. 'Iv A TV TV tt nirpmiTi t ttji? . vrXTTTTrpir T n. .. i - ... - " 'i naiur vjiw ulcci i.Lnui i n. jjiic uoitmiinv. comDininc tne Dost features of Life and Co-operative Insurance. Its risks in North Carolina al ready amount to moro than One Million Dollars, with a constantly increasing business. '.- - Among tbe Policv Ilolders in the Citvof New Bern who bold the maximum amount of tnsuranco taken by the company upon any one life, and to whom re refer by permission, are : old MIDDiE STREET, . - New Berne, Jf. 0, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods ' ; BOOTS. SHOES, CLOTHING, Ele. useful minerals, such as mica, corun dum, ,etc, of which this State is ET 7 nOW One Of thO great SOUrceS Of Unas amative sorvaiits, and ItsUble is supply. Of gem minerals, emeralds, uoijw u its rooms sw large, airy and well furnished native specimens, cut aim uucut, 1 , AN OMNIBUS II ... XIh.a IV. I A I I - aa c ftr tne Bccommodatlon ol guests to and Irom ti' l.ineri fJellnloldandlUncr line forms Which, thOUgh not nsed Jraln. .nd n.ean.er. free of charge splal K5S,KS for cems,. are eagerly sought after of; - MCM ior ine cauinet, win uo uuBtjuitneu, 1 . fikst vJLtAotS UUJ KJj. since fine collections, never beioro Arr 1 d.iv. duc on exhibition, have, by tho put on exhibition, nave, Dy mo liberality of their proprietor been GASTON r HOUSE; placed at the disposal of the Board. . . v . ' Building stones from the -rarest - ntuw- MuuMtu, x. c, v Agent for the DIAMOND SHIBTi nlaun . .trlflrt Sim Lnivnriried sl.25. And the celebrated Warner's Coral! ne Corset, ITleo 114M. A full line of Gents', Ladles' and Children's har (Vuita nntM anil wiioeH. Ladles' Cloaks and I Jackets, andeverythlng usually kept in a first I Class tiry uoous store. Thos. A. Green, wholesale Grocer, 8. H. Gray, Agent Clyde Line Steamers, 0. H. Blank, wholesale Grocer, . A. R. Dennison, Prop. Cottoa Seed Oil Mill, ' E. Y. Carpenter, Probate Judge,' And among those who bold a less amount : Gcnl Robt. Ransom,; , . . J. A. Meadows, , . . . , J. L. Rhcm, . . . ' $15,000 15,000 15,000 ' 15,000 15,000 $10,000 ' 10,000 10,000 marsdAwiy aitaaie v.,op. nupui.uiiui;u i r i- : Tf -m GEO. W. J. HARVET, j aillOS liettlll 011(1, - . 936 BICIIBIOND ST., ; ; ., r V" i7 ., , .7 ASA JONES. Middle St., op. Baptist Church The Safety Fund feature of this Company has rendered its success simnlv marvelous. - . l" Agenta wanted in every city, town and hamlet in North Carolina. whom we offer the most liberal commission. . . WATSON & STREET, V . june29dtf ' General Agents, New Bern, N. C. . . I n -sr nmrTmm o. A-vt r a. I cs to tne most Deaniuui u uun, lupwwiD, will be disnlaved. All the The 0nly Flret-class House In the City. f l.v Ctafn n.;il Hid- 1 UinniUUB COIUlBCm WIIU Ml ilBHIB MIU ui mo yi.o,i. .ni" " steamers. Larcesarr oou-dtr if I jii'freaiimnte rooms for commer n-nA . tliAY, Will Ha fiml tAl.lul tiwvulA.a i AAt.r.Ml-ilt.f My 1. 1 1 . tlliuj ' ' ' v v. .. r . wv I i &n tuac are protiucea bout the United States. : Of mous tobaccos of tl o State, lavs will bo mar.a from the principal maikets of Oi I. xU.o mat n., is the HOTEL, SMITIIFIELD, N, C, D. W. FULLER, Prop'r. ,r. V.. , ., v. i Luv.t wr!,3 of r ! re will , Li l tl f t: ::t(tt! O r l .vn 1.1 ite. r CCttOli, WOOl, I iiLiii. The ex- 3 v 111 include i f i many .. in the i tr r ical pro- la .ae samples' geimina sngar-souLlicastcrn Ample accommodations at all times 836 BICIIBIOND ST., ' PHILADELPHIA. ESTABLISHED 1859. sf.ir.v of ait1iien'a Fine Custom Boots A Shoes ot the Latest Styles and BUST URAUJfiS. Would refer to MeRsrs. B. K. Bryan, Geo Henderson. Geo. H. ltoberts, Geo. A. Oliver I and others, all of New lierne. 3 Orders by Mall solicited. Iulv8d4wly ' GEO. W. J. HARVKY. ' l . It. Sample rooms for commercial travel-1 "T I., A GT47" TT T a. Charfies moderate, - augSdtf . U HVVJil.plVAl-l MERCHANT TAILOR, :-.rr 1 f'tai,:. :i .l I y various cr t ton rr i and "Walter P. Burrus Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALKltS IK GRAIN OF ALL KINDS. . , (Corn a Specialty.) ; riowIJomo, XJ. O. t-f- Orders and Consignments respeetftilly oiieiten . iani-i.wiy W IIOL.KSALE UQl Oil l K U 1? V BERGNER & ENGEL'S , CELEBRATED, BOTTLED LAGHl BEER FOR SALE BY THE CKATE. Also on hand a M stock of Groceries, Provisions, Cigars I Open Front Brick StorA. MIDDLE STREET, ' - - lAprldwly. KW BEKN N ( Has received his I r ' ' and is prepared ''i - ' '7 ' latest and most 1 1 A ' fwhionable clo- TU-r In 4 HE1D1ES0U' !.. i Conniauios represent 1 i;i " tl. !".: ty .C3. "mis of i " V H thing. I Piec f -jjrjj'1 every 2,0 0 0 DALES 11 0 H T II E R I HAY. Al1 Pioco goods of I quality and patterns al-l ways on hand; SAME OLD STAND, wr .. i msv Rock Lm ULvJ, JIinnLE Stukkt, . - L 1 T B L 1 J 1 gn tr. . . . . M . , Plaster, Goat Hair, 5iS:c. ' v : SALC3 JIOOM Craven Street, below Express Office i Aug 1 d&w if , ' New Iterue. N. C 1 (" eplOJiwl New Kerne. N, C.