: .:i ; lVi" fur A Ol-il . div-s I. .1 rcr.Ttur ,K ot ? ' .' (! c :,:e I Compauy will dispatch their 1 I I TAIL CL0;.5. r For North, We-t and South, via A. & N. C.R. It. at 8.80 a.m. --7 sf' . ' 3 Schedule: . . ...:,:r Cir.2tca V. ;:i 1. ve the Old Dominion "Wharf TUES L W 3 and FRIDAYS, and arrive at Kinston v. days and Saturdays, and leave K.iiston MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, ari'lv lug in Mew Berue the name day. Will touch at all Landings along the River 8ln8 n I earning. This steamer makes eiow connection with be Old Dominion Line. Freight received on the days of sailing. -For rates apply to the Captain on board. ' J. M. WHJTE, octldltf ' Manager. Trent River Transportation ' , Company. Untll further notice, the steamen of this ompany will sail as follows: - , Steamer L. II. Cutler Leave New Berne every Wednesday and h,, Saturday at 8 a m. for Jolly Old Field. Leaveolly Old Field at 6 a. m, every Mon day and Thursday for New Berne. This Is a good schedule for Trackers. Steamer Trent. Leave New Berne every Monday and Friday a a m. for Trenton, returning Tuesdays and aturdays. ' Leaves for Polloksville every Wedr cay at EIGHT o'clock, a m. , Fare for round trip cents to pienic par ies. , Thui-sdays up for charter. .. ' . 1 - 8. H. GRAY, Oen'l Manager. "New Berne, June a, 1883. ' . ' DOMINION Steamship Company. SEE LOCAL PAGE. ' Changs of Pier in Hew York. The N. C. Freight Line FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and all points : ( JVortli and "VVeHt After this date Will receive freight In, New Yoik I (or Vem Berne at , PlUIt 7. NOKTU BIVKU, Oftce Of Nerc York and Baltimore ' ' . '' Transportation Co. , Merchants should remember that this is one of lbs beet Steam Lines nt ol New York, making ' dally connection with Baltimore lor Mew Kerue; all inside, ana onij m cuu. , , .. , cTT-Wli'T'TrT.V STV. A MRUS oii-.. . Ectxc:a tri Bene and : Baltimore, i j . (ToncbluK at Norfolk) Leavinir NwHerm for Baltimore tuilsua LUiitAvn at l n m. Leave Baltimore foJ New Berne WKbNfoDATS dud SAToKDATi'S .p.m. Agents are as follewsi , EITBBN FOSTKR, Qsnl Jfausgxr, ; M Light St Bal't. Md. ,, r u .r-irrTr-ir A'l Norfolk Va ' JA3. W. MeCAKr.ICi, Ar t.wonot. , a. W. V. Clyde Oo.. TUila.lelphi, .South York A Bubo. Trail.. Line, Pier T.Nonn river E. fN."-", (.vntrsl wharf. - j j ,. ,r.k Wharf. ' ; i f v uV li'Uly. ore, WMliinsdnys nd Sstnrdnyi " lull i iver, Itaondsvs, Wednesdays. i-'Frl nee. Mature vs . iren, a-J rates guarau- ELM CITY as follows until further notice : Mondays and Thursdays iit-ave tmyooro lor isew Hernea a m. Hopping alMonewull, Van , deniere, 1 uiulHO , and ' Adams Crock. Wednesdays and Kill .unlays Lieave New uorne for llayboro 8 a.m. flopping at Adams Creek, Pamlico, Vnudemere and " Btouewull. . HftvimrBoodQCfniHmn.iiitionhothforiiHK.ldemere.dailvat6a.nl. ' sengers and freight at very low rates, ask that the merchants and producers along its line For further Information enquire at the of fice; Foot of Craven street. , ! 8. H. GRAY, Oen'l Manager, Or any of its Agents at the following places: ABE LEK, Artaips Creek, D. H. AliHOTT, Vandemovp, C. H. FOWLER, fctonewnll, H. H. FOWLKU, Bayboro, . i ' JOSHUA DEAN. Pamlico. i - FrclRht Ireceivcd under cover every day - th onulr. ' . lonll,l.l...1 UAILKOADS. Atlantic 6l N. C. Railroad. TIME TABLE A'o, Neiv Series. Effect 5:50 P.M.. Wednesday, July 11th, 1883. EAST. t Ne. 47, No. 4 10xuri PasK.&Mall STATIONS !. L've. Tr r. m. ri m 12 29 t ll 44 It 47 11 (13 11 IIS ' 9 12 ft 22 r. m. r. n. fi 64) Goldsboro, .......... St) Lit (ranpe.,.....,.. .7 :fi Kinnton, u 21 Ktw Ut-rne,.,... .... a 7 in " IS 9 n it Kin , ' iMori'linad Itepot..... P. H r H. A . . A. M. EAST. ' 1 No. , NO. 4 Mixed Fgt. & Pass. Train. Mixei Fgt. a 8TATI0JVS. PS8. Tra II Arr. L've. Arr. A. M. A.M. 30 7 10 7 40 8 n 8 fifi S 36 10 16 10 AO 1 07 AM. r. m. 9 31 8 A3 8 2' 7 W 67 6 16 6 Hi! 6 04 4 47 P. It. P. M. Oolt?boro,...,i. Best's La Orange, ..... FallliiCC'reBlt.. Kinxton, Dover.... ..;.., Jorj Creek Tncnrora 0)rke'...v Newberu, fr ft CV ' T 06 7 Wl 8 10 8 36 0 31 8 66 8 .13 7 1 10 01 10 40 11 II 11 39 A. M. EAST. I WBST. No 6. : Mixed Fitt. A; j Mixed Fr(. 4 ram, Tral. J r STATIONS.'; rasa, irain. I Arr.; L've: I Anv L'e' I I A. M. ! A. M. I p.m. f p. h. Si Newbern.... a 'ei ' 2 is 7 lr 7 17i Rlverdale... 7 26;. t 7 So; Ormtan 7 64-: 8 12; Hnveloclc.... ' 8 44- s 8 49; Newport...., I it; t. uo 1 34: I 39 12 671, 1 0- I 9 01: 9 3: Anrinw.... : 1-2 43: 12 40 si; 0 36 Morhead oity ; 12 lo; 12 18 48' i Morohead Depot...!. i 11 45 A. M. A.M. ' i P.M. ! P. M. I (Pt.. JC Dj.l.M..J L H...iltJr IAiuiitn vwini:i.ia null jiiiitiiuiiu at iia.iin. I Train bousd. West, leaving (loidsiwro at 1:05 lomn, Tt ft(Bp?mH,',,"t' Weld" Tr'lln I Train 47 connects wit I Train, arriving atdolil mine ton and Weldou Train from the Nortb at j "Ti'f ."''. . . ... . . 11 . ( -.,,. Train 4, Monday, Wednesday and Fridav. !; , Trains, Tuesday, Thnmiay and Katnrdsy. "!..- Trains 6 A 6. Monday. Wednesday snd Fridav. Train 47 supper at Kineton. Train 4 slipper I at Kinston. Trains breakfast at Kmiton. : TTTilU- T . William Dunn..- Superintendent of Trains. Midland N. C. Railway. TIME TABLE No. 2, In effect Friday 6:00 A, M., May 4th, . . - . 1BB3. .'tit j WEST. EAST. No.l. No. 2. I Mixed Train. Mixed Train, STATIONS. ivfl Arr. . L've. Arr. ,7 00 T 17 7 86 7 41 8 00 r. M. Qoldaboro... ,.,... Onpnliinds Princeton ...... ....... Holt's Mill Fine Level............ Smtbtleld. .7 40 . 7 20 ' 66 6 46 6 20 A.M. 1 16 7 82 1 41 7 66 8 20 7 so 1 4 2 . , r. if. Train 1 connects with W. A W. Train bonnd South At 6:22 V M, Trnin V Iflflvps KmllhfltflH In .llm in nnnAt with w. a w. Train bound North at 9 68 a. m., J n . . n. ; . i 11 ...... . r n n. a v. l nun iiciiinu bus hi iu a. Jfl. . i The trains nn thia Rnrt will rim itnllv ta. see Knies and Herniations on Time Table 0 of Atlantic and N. 0, R. fi, Villiam Dunn, Superintendent of Trains. Wo continue tc rxtassolicitorsfoi ViatontA caveats, ,1 i A ,.-a-,.M J i-markR copyriRhta. oto.,foi and Hfe-suRtaining properties; invalu ,.it..d r.in.U,ltnd toobtninpat- . , . .vnintfa-r-Vni 11vtBti r. , j i j t!iolh.it"d fHnUw,lind toobtni WJliiSM ad. uranoo, i eonnttios. I BhS.v JF2.. J 'ill Tl.y-li ui tu:ij(-i nTaetico. do .ihin,' f .r etuminstion of inodols or draw - ,,,, ., .,iVlno by jriail i. P8. I isi.i. r.Ktnl,.,.rl .i.vr.nn-li no nrnnolicnd In I wCkwmtM AMtuiCARr, which to Mhr'eat eircnlation. RndisthemoHtinlln. hntial nowapapor of itu kind pnbtitiliod ut tin irnrld, The ftdvantigcaotBcnanoticopvorj I patjmtoe underBtaiKiH. - . I AlliaiarRO anu B kthihiijihiimi.tom.'u mww I . scstisir... ai,i:t.2()ftvear. I r,.? a(m;tU(a t l)etll0 boat paper novotod .7..,. o))lf,r rtnpurtraenta of industrial I - rnhlislied fit any ronntry. riiim'ls I sopnis ny i.::.:i, aw cuuw. iA.4vh Address, T.tiitm t o., pnl)llHTiBif.7 Heron' iino American, S'.U Uroadway, Now ork. IfandlKM.c dliout nabMitamai'i'd live. For Beaufort and the East, , at 9:00 p.m. For Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays at 5:00 a. ni. For Trenton, Polloksville and Mays- ville, daily at 7:30 a.m For Grantsboro, Bay River and Van- The contractor will take passengers to Stonewall for one dollar, and to At rora semi-weekly at $1.50." , ' ; OFFICE HOURS: . ' ' In Money Order and Registered Let-, ter Department, from 10 a.m. to 4 p. m. I In Mailing Department from 0 a, m. 1 Office open constantly between these hours except when mails are being dh txihntpH nr ae-nt K 1UUWU Ul Belli.. Open on Sunday from 9 to 10 a. ni. La Grange Items, i Miss Julia Wooten, of Wilson, is quite sick at Mr. Noah Rouse's. yr, r Alex. N. Rouse has an addition to his family it's a girL w, i J. F. Oliver, of Mount Olive, is pre paring to improve his unimproved town lots. Toothers I would Bay, go and do likewise. Two loads of pew seed cotton at Mc- Intyre's gin, one by Richard May, the other by Levi Hill. The first bale of nev cotton' hoard of Pa-Maiilfroin taia C0Uuty, was sold in Goldsboro Aiir" ivB. I by Mr. Noah Rouso,. of this ' township. Weight 554. Price 91 cents. . , ' Nathan Dawson, of Tarboro, son of Thomas W. Dawson, in Institute town- j, was in town last week. His ac- ... t. 1... J-,. i...' !. uuuiii ui uiuh in . cjugeuumue vuuuur is not encouragingi' some one broke in Susan Kutton s Unan l.l UMn..U. f piuunc - iiuuou tan. v, uuuiciumj I night and stole half the meat she had. Investigation showed that her son-in-law, Isaac Jones, was the thief. V ? Prof. J. D. Murphy, one of tho pt iii- jj cipalsof the La Grange Collegiate Iu 6 4S stitute, arrived Wednesday evening. Miss Addie Kirkpatrick, teacher of 416 primary department, arrived on Mon day. " - If the accordeon and banjo makers will spend about two- weeks in our ..,. . . ., .! theso instruments, by tho many gifted (?) players we have, they will learn that indeed music Hath charms,1' etc. . t, , . , ... uiuuauuiuBH cecum w pu uu uiu lu praflOA in tinrn - - VnT aatrarn! flaira lliAfa has been one or more drunken men . .. - . . " . . , aw .who on mib Bireeuj, uuiiii); a guuu I nortion of the dav without anv restraint. ' w n j. 1 1 T 11 out who caresi" If the business men 8nd PrPe,,ty owners can put up with it F. M. McCoy, ODC among the first Sot- ii :u !.. j i "" "i hub iwb"i a "I owu a icw .invs innf wept ' Mr ;Mpf!nv in nn in. uaJ 8 lft8t eeK- au- MCloy IS an in dustrioUS citizen and good mechanic, 1 . .. . . . , , I1U UU I1IU lobulU 1ID bUUS Willi 111IU 1I1H ... . .... , . 1. . , . . , . , . I ... uuu J ..VM, j w .VUIIU ...... to idle his time on the streets, and, it may be, learn bad hahita. . One of the rallying cries of the Demo crats in 1876 was tho action of the Jones county commissioners in hiring out white paupers to negroes.1 Quite likely one of the Republican campaign engrav- inK for 1884 - will be a Confederate wagon and team driven by soldiers armed and in search for the "tenth" of the poor women's living. They will be disappointed if the "silvery tongued ni"oAr" nrlth nnniiiil tl,A Ana tm t. , u...uu aui urn io uui uio bearer of the Other, The Entrance to the Catacombs I I l M i,i.ij: J il - - ... I lUlllHIUlUK H1U IllUUIill aismaniiea oi teem, this aisngurement is in most instances the consequences of a want of attention to them in youth, Dut is happily preventive, with SUZ.U DONT. used, as a stump speaker once urged his auditors to vote, "early and I ol ten." 'this staple article is a thor oughly reliable means of rendering the teeth ornamental and serviceable. The press and modical profession indorse it. Mjsnsman'b Peptonized Bkef Tonic the only preparatoin of beef containing its eniire nutritious properties. It con1 I tnina lilorul-mnkinfr. frcH o-onoml iiKr i vous prostraion, ana all lorms of gon erai ueotntv: aiso. m an enieebied con- 1 flitiona. whether the tokiiU. of ov1i:uih- tion, nervous prostration, overwork, or I ... ... aiseaso, partiruiar y u resulting uumpuiiiionory iHinipiainw. uswiu I J1AZAKO CO., 1 ropnetors, Mew York. Sold by druggists. s:vt3 Mr. M. Mhle.ihor, Enfield, N. C, k"vm "'I used Brown's Iron Hitters for a ti n- ordered stomach and found it an owl- lent medicino." Emory's Little Cathaktso is (' l..-.t nvn, and only reliable Liver Fill 1; never fails wilh the most l : ' 1 'h; purely vc.iet.il.lo. 15 cc i. w For us to announce the fact that OUR. SPUING" STOCK IS. COMPLETE, , CONSISTING. IN FART OF GROCEEIES L PROVISIONS OF ALL KINDS. utu,jy" NOTIONS, , . BOOTH & S11QES,, plows & nobs. THE GEM COTTON , PLOW A SPECIALTY. - Call and see lis or write for samples jmd rices. ' ' 1 prices. Thos dates Jfc Co., ' nprldiwly , ' - ' Opp. Gaston HouseJ CV E. It 0 JL Cv (JO Wholesale Grocers . And Dealers in . ' Guano . and Genuine German Kainit, Brick Block, Middle street, ' d t i Newborn, N.C, f install SI II W. F. KORNEGAY & CO OP oolisboo. WATERTOWN, ECLIPSE AND . wt-m h--t nri r KA IN K rjINlllJMlin ...... , Are F1I1ST CLASS, equaled by fe w excelled by none. Reference is made to every party using, them. Satis tac - tion guaranteed. , i' Do not he put oft" with the common engines now flooding the market, butt call and examine ours and let us show vou their points of excellence. , , I Also, agents tor the . HANCOCK INSPIRATOR, the best boiler feeder known. COTTON" GINS AND ( ,, Simplicity Power Presses the best made. ' , Grist Mills, Belting, Pipe,! - Fittings, and machinery generally. Sample en gines always in stock. - . For further information call on or ad- drGs ' ij' " ' ' ' 1 'i",:!': J. L. BUY AN, Manager, 1 niayl5dAwlf , Nor Home, N. C. The Newspaper!. ABLE, NEWSY. ' OOOD and CHEAP I Weekly Couricr-Joumal. The CotiKiEBJouRNAL, (Ilcnrv Wat- tcrson, . Editor), is by circulation ant' reputation tho acknowledged Represen tative JSewspapcr ot the South. Asa reliable and valuable newspaper it has no superior in litis country or in the world. Jt makes earnest, vigorous war on I'rotcclivc Tai'ill" robbery and Mor mon Polygamy, two evils that blight thc prosperity and morality ot the United States. Jt is nolo, bright and newsy. contains the strongest editoriiil !, the most complete suniinary ol the news oi the world, theheht telegraphic and n si- pral correspondence, full turf and reports, mai Kei reports, lasmon r-""-''iri. Tuhnage'B sennons, spleuti. 1 m ,'iial sciiiil stories and novelotfos, . -. ! y tle- piti'tnienl lor children, i,:i:',iiru to cor refipondi'iitu, rlo.; in a word, every- ll.in to niakeit a delight to tlio-f.-t.-ily cnvle, and nival;t:ililii lo t. e i!.":i (i hiitiiiie'sH, t'ip fanner, t'.c i -p ' ,..',; , ni the laborer. Sppi'inu'ii cm u's and full dtt iiplivc preiniii"! , i-ii'i-s wi'll.pf'i't f'ppoi ci - - ii pi r,itlon Iiaily, ei ".V ' I i . i ' i : , i ,i'ii. ; "' - : ip fi.r ,'c( I.ly $l.r.O. t v . a I1',, .,. .&... v..' neat vc;:x, i.o.; Orders solicited and run. ed to. . . FinoCr 1 a - I t. 1 ! LOWEST PJilCE I Our Ilctto and cutSiiccks We constantly curry a very large mid select line of ; Fine Groceries, s, Canned Goods, Goods in Glass, , , '.Spices, , , - . 1 -t Calces and Crackers, " Flour, .-, . ."..I , ',' , Provisions . '),.,' jf'oacco, . .. , c , Cigars and t , ' And we solicit acnll from the clt v trade. We call eseeial ntieiilinii to our l'.ni;llh llrenklaKt. ami .janiin letiH, anti our "iininp- i ton" Java and Rio Uoflce, fresh ground ever)' day, at aic.lb The best in the city. Tryn Htnndiird Grannlntpd Sugar, Kta. , , A No. 1 Fnnov Flour 4 els. Our "lie Hcxinel" Clear,5o. each: 6 for 25c We keen the best of evcrvthliiK. mid Knur antce both price and quality, and choerlullr IrtEPIIND THE MONEY ON DEMAND . Th! Cash Trade Only Soll't Wm ' Fell ElllanCG &. JJO. 8. Front St., Now Heme, N. C. novl7-dlv ' , ' A.STMl 'M1KTII CAROLINA - BAUBLE WORKS! MONUMENTS, TOMBS, Ami a ll i: nils ttrave unit tin liiint! wora in And all kinds Orave nnd Ittilldint; work In itm ttv,r'Zittti ri r llhUAHOfcWn.i.niUrtH I oraers wm recoivo prompt attention ano satisiacuon irttarantoca. iu u.. w itt its,. I'roprieturjj 11 ' iSncct-ssor io George w.nlij'prKiie)' ' 1 rtjoATi ' chavtn St.. : imasoiydv' ' New Cerne. N.C. j.fl. v.j ,,i,, y,r-;: ,,.M , -v Statofi Monroe Sts..CMcago: I n Atmi AATAI nnlll? if lafltmioeiitt, hnlLr, Cit)M, HtilU, 1'mnpoiit, Enill, Cap-Uroi, I , Stftiiiiu. brum "ty Wli'iti 'kqiaMsf . Im inclu,tus Initi-utrllon aiiil ti- ' H iiiilUiitia. . ' i; HaU, BunJty M.lvrlnl ftlw i. n,lh for Ann BAIL BROS., WHOLESALE UliOOEUl AMTi " AINU COMMISSION KXKCBAliT? : - piii v.d w . , 3 r .j ' 1 .1 J i W L hy. '.J'S- A "' 'V& l- 5'j... -'.- .'!. Jf. a! . -.-.;'. :1' I Largest and Oldest Furniture Establishment in Extern Vr.. ' Prlr.PK nrnn.rnlitieil fi Imp nu Naiv Vii-lr . anil h.i1u uf., inniinfmi,,..,,! i... i ........ I . own order, and we etui giiiuantoe snperior srpl-dAwIm ' , I u u:::t : For h. ' . . II. mal2d '3 l y New I .5, IT. C. Man well & Ciah'r.o, . I.LACESM 1 T II S. M A C II I X I S T S, . , Iron and l$ins Foiii.Lts -A N BOILER II A K EE fl. MAKE ANI RFIVillt E N G T N KS " AND ALL KINDS F IHAMMM'.KY. f. Orders noMt-ilfil mut pri mtitly atlrade1 to.' K h'AVKN f-'t., ' hotwivurfillot k llhilStillHi Flni.l, Nni P.kinr. . ( Apil. tfd - : tiih it Its Wit ml Humor Have Set Two Wm Ids in it Itonr. -' Ami Uks UuihI ot Gonitis Una IMliii;tii.sic(t it Poems, ' Kt.oriis, Etc. JoM'rspoii(l4rnci anl Mn ii) Oi L Its Tender and Pathetic Sketch en Huvt'iVi4clid all Ilciiits.' ; ho have the largest nennnint line? anuni"; nevsiaR'i8 will nree that the licsi, most original, the purtft, the most tlioroiiddy iiiiovalilo ot nil news papers it. the DO UOlTrUKEl'ltKHS. xso other journal . covers exactly the , mw. Held or, hol.ls cxnitly the mine nmniij huik.- . 1 would ho superfluous to expatiate l,nllSi"m ' luero is hardly -a read- . TTl'fI,n, , m'"ll'i w,, m Vot iieam, ii no ones i.mt Know, ttoinvuillli' of its Mtrpa$sinly enti-rtnining qnal- jj0 family mil be sahlhi ln full v sup plied with the bent periodical litenihiie tlintomils to take the DK'l K)!T F ;:K ' H Will I.W b('l t(T Dill! 11101 e illtt'l't'Hlini C .. .1 . - . . .1 1 i ! m a x wo .dollars . xw, A nrcuuum 1 book liinnoniflv , bouiitj in i:Ioth-- given to evtuv Mibst ribiT. Splendid premiums to cluha. jyWend for l'ie; mium ijiKt-TSa sample conies lire. AlUrPM Thc ,ETIIOIT i'KEIJ fltESS . letroit, Rlicli I 1 V V "3U uv y ....v. p,....,I.T ..Ill I. .1 III. 1:1.1 . .J Ill,,, 1,11, liMlueements lo hoiiHckeciici H. , S. A. STF.VI'.. i"- ' , ' IJi. . . . 1 j HA! : i. r ye... y" u at the different offices of the Mi M The AUVKATT" Al lit ill Liii l-.Auj.i, Jul mini h l I nl '"'i son !! v 'i Hie voi v " -,ll ! t f .i nil i. 1. t I Ia Y s r. i rt V ;a, Ag't,: ffHH- i:.''f, l(nk, IiiM e . ' m j. t. i i y lul't

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