-i.l . "1 " -- , .J ran t! following Schedule: ; i - W1U leavs ths Old Dominion Wharf TUES DAYS aa FRIDAYS, aud arrive at Kinston Wi.rv: . DAY3 and SATURDAYS, and leave - MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, arrtv ! j 'i I . w Bel Mine d y. Will touch kt k.u iAndlUM aiong the luver going and coming. . , , ( . ' - ' ..." ' ' v ' "!' TMi ste'mer roaKea Oioae connection with he Old Dominion Line. ' " ' ' ? , t Freight received on the days of Hilling. For rate apply to the Captain on board. J. 1C. WHITE. etldltr ,1 l Manager. I.-- .Trent River Transportation Company t , , ''..''. i'v'. "::. .'.:",v '' J"::' '; v':: '. '. -'( 1-1 -ft i' 1 ..jl i ' I ,. i '". v Until further notice, the ateamet of this ompany will sail as follows: Steamer L. H. Cutler !. n Leave New Berne every Wednesday and Saturday at 8 a m for Jolly Old Field. Leave Jolly Old Field at dam every Mon day and Thursday for New Berne. This Is a good schedule for Truckers. " ' Steamer Trent. 4":i Leave New Berne every Monday and Friday Is a a m. for Trenton, returning Tuesdays and IS a ?4turdaysr i- !- ' Leaves for Pol loksvllle every Wedpr-nlay at - j EIGHT o'clock, a. m. , c', v" i' X. ' Fare for round trip 26 cents to picnic par- . lea. " . - Thursdays np for charter. f ? i i I i ' ; 14 , I i'aGKAT.'n 1 1 ;0 1 1 1 ' l$..M 1 1 66,1,1 Mana!rl i- New Berne, June 8, 1883. IHl: P;l V V7 OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. SEE LOCAL PAGE. . - Ki-t' - . . Chisga of Ficr in Kew Tork. - The N. C. Freight Liuo j FOB NEW.YORK, '' EOSTONPROVIDENOE, and all points . i ; 'North p.ndW'est titter this date wUl receive freight in New Yoik tor New Bern at I ' f , PiEU 7, NORTH my Kit, ' Office of New York and Baltimore , . Transportation Co. Merchants should remember that this is on of h best testa Lines out of Hm York, making , ; s.iily connection with Hal timor tor new uerue aillnnlde, naonijoncun(e. .-.f . 1 8EUT-WEEKLY STEAMERS Ictvcca Ksw Ears8 and Jaltissre, " (ToQchlng t Norfolk) ? ! 7 , Leaving Nsw Berne for Baltimore TUESDAYS ' FRIDAYS at 1 pm. Leave Baltimore foj Hew Berne WEDNESDAYS dud SATUltDAVS .p.m., , ' : :.sl.,'.. Agenii arsae follews: , EUF 1 FOSTKB, G ni Jfanager, : . - ., - 90 Light St., Bal't. Md JAS. W. UcOARRIOK, Ag't. Norfolk, Ya. j . ,?,f. Clyde A Oo. ....Vbiladolphla, H South ill - ! - k A ,,alt..TTan.Llne,Pler f.Nonllrlver E. (-smnxi, Boeton, B9 Cenlrel wnari. K.li kwH, Provldimce R. I. I. i! . 1 iik. Fill River, fwrri. k wharf. .. f..'"t . ave- tiostna, Tuw'njrs and Haturdsys. Yoi k do. '. " iinov.', ' i - inrdnTi ., ,. talj jiyjf, hioiiUBja, WednBSdayn, trloayi. rrownce. riaturnnvt 1 hrout;h bille Uuuig given, aud Tatet gusran to all points, at the different offices of the sirjaniee. ; ,J s . ; ' - l;.'ir:::V";3.iirrJ V' vh On aud after MO.NSAY M..IT, the r Berne and Pamlico Steam Transportation Company will dispatch their 11317 and Fast Sailing Eteamor ELM CITY aa follows until further notice: Moudays and Thursdays ' . ."''"-' Leave lsityboio tor New Feme 8 am. stopping at stonewall, Vau- i . - dciuere, Faiulico and ' Adams Creek. . ' ' - Wednesdays and Saturdays ' " , Leave Mew Berne for Bayboro 8 a.m, Stopping at Adama Creek, Pamlico, Vandemere and Htouewall. Ilavlug good accommodation both' for pas sengers aud freight at very low rates, ask that the merchants and producers along Its line give It their cheerful support. '' For further Information enquire at the of fice. Foot of Graven street. i f . . - a h. gray, 1 , ; '. f , ; (Jen'l Manager. Or any of Its Agents at the following places: ABE LEE, Adams Creek, i D. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, C. H. FOWLKR, Stonewall, ;:;':' S. II. FOWLKK. Bayboro, 1 I JOSHUA DKAN. Pamlico. I : 9 Freight .received under cover every day the week, , Jan'.'lddwly 1AILUUAI)S. c:!a:::s cf sqc'jll 4.u w.iiiiuDmi,;'mm:.,..4Ijw. Atlantic & N. C. Kailroad. TIME TABLE No. 1, ; ,- New Seiiea.'": .!; In Effect 5:G0 P.M., Wednesday, July . . nth, issii. EAST. WKST N.47.' 1 Nn.4K I Exiiriw, jl'iiPS.AMnil I Ari. " ive. KzpreKi Pass.aMall STATIONS.: Arr. L've. r. M. P. M. 6 Ml Goldsbnro, 6 3U La UraRge.. 7 .1? Kinshin .. i i N,.w Iternn...... ..A. -i iMurebead Depot,.- P. M p. . 12 Sl S3 7 112 11 11M4 n 47 11 (18 0 22 7 (Mi ii m ' l?1 11 KOI P. it I P. ii. A. II. A. M. EAST. I WEKT. No.S No. 4 Mixer1 Fgt. 4 Pass. Tra n Mixed Fgt. k Pass. Tram. STATI053. Arr. Lve. Arr. tL.U. A. u. 311 T 10 T 40 8 11 ' 8 M 0 30 1 16 10 60 H 07 A M." J. M. 9 31 8 M i p 1 59 H 57 P. K, Oold-boro Best's ......... La G ranee, ..... Falling Creek...... Kins ton, Dover.... ......... ... (lore Creek ........... Tutcarnra Clarke's Newbern, - T 06 7 SO 8 1C 8 36 9 SI 8 fifi . 8 33 T 09 7 35 6 161 ,v 6 21 10 01 10 40 o ;w t 04 4 47 f P. U.. C 48 5 14 4M II 09 lrS9 4 16 . H. r. EAST. ' " f WIST. No. ft. i : ' No.. Mixed Fgt.fc: : Mixed Ft. fe Pare. Train. STATIONS. j Pass. Train. Arr. L'vei i Arr.4 L've. r-1 M. A. M. 't P. M. ! P. M. ! 8: Newbern.... 7 1; , 7 17! Riverdnle.,..-.. 9 "o- 2 18 7 25; T SHj Clroatan 2 08 7 54- 8 19- Havelock...... 1 34- I 39 8 44! ' 8 49! Newport ............. ; 19 67!, 1 02 i - a i4: 9 01 1 ; Si Andrews , 19 43j 12 40 si; 36! Morehead City 12 11.! 12 16 9 48! ; Morehead Depot...: ' 4 ; 11 46 . n. A. M. ! , , . . I P. M. ! P. M. Train 48 connects wiih Richmond A Itainville Train bnnd West..- leaving GoldFbsro at 106 p.m., ana wttn Wilmington ft Weidon Train Sonth, at 6.03 p. m. ' ; : .. Train 47 conuects with Richmond A Danville Train, arrivinr at Goldtbcro 6:00 p.m , snd Wil mington and Weidon Train from the Sorth at Train 4, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Train 8, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Trains 6 A 6, Monday, Wednesday snd Friday. Train 47 supper at Kinston. Train 4 enpuer at elusion, i nun i orranasi ai miitien. William Dunn, , . , Superintendent of Trains. :'i;-.;v'.v , Midland N. C. Railway. TIME TABLE Xo. 2, ut. In effect Friday, 6:00 A. M., May 4th, WEST. EAST. No 1 , j No 1 Mixed Train. Mixed Iraln. STATIONS. , y Arr.; L've. ( i Arr. I've. 7 00 Goldeboro...,.; 7 40 ' '7 10 7 17 Oopelands ........ 7 90 ' 7 90 7 82 ,7 86 Princeton... ..... ' 66 7 00 7 41 7 41 Holt's Mill 46 ' 6 48 7 66 8 00 Pine Level. ..,.... 6 20 9 28 8 20 8mthneld.....,...... 00 P.M. P.M. -:, 'A. Mi A.M. Train J connects with W. ' A W. Train bound Sonth at 6-22 P. M. Train 1 leaves Smlthfield in time to' connect with W. A W. Train bound North at 9:68 A. M.,. uu xv. a it. xrnin ouunu vbhii ju a. ra. The trains on this Road will run dally. m. See Rules and Regulations on Time Table v ot Atlantic and N.V.K.U. t - William Dunn, i w 1 Superintendent of Trains. ' J We continue to aotagBolioitorsfoi riatontfl. caveats, tr(io-marlB, coiyrir;ht8, etc.,foi tlin Ilni tiiil Btatos. and to obtain pat en Ut ia Canada, jfiiiRiana, ranee, Gcrmanv, and all othor countriea, Tklrivsix rears nractice. I charge for examination of models or draw' incs. Ail vice hv mail free). Patents obtained tlironnh nsaro noticed in the SCIENTIFIC) AKXttlCAN, wliich has the la'irnat circulation, and is the moot Iniltv ential nnwRpaper of its kind publiahed in the world. Tlio aavantftfjesol'such anotico everj patentee undorsuiniU. ' Thiglai-RO and splnndldlyillnBtrated nows paporis published UKKiLY att.20ayoar. snd ia admitted to De we uem paper uovoioq to Bcionco, niochanioB,inventioiiaIc"fniioeiiiis works, ami other departmente of iudnstriiU pron;reB, pnlilisbea in any country, piugis 01'fHUB Iff lilllllj JV UUtlM, 3. Bald Vj 1 5nws. jl'unn & Co.. T"i1n'"fn-f i.-f Rcicn' . i AP'orii an, liiil Broaimny, Now Vork. liandlioolt iilioiit ualoiito niailed free. 15, (.rv7EKTft AT TII3 CITY" II, Is nlwnvs s- i, i ", i.,e u " si. 1 V ... - Y bl'Rt Kl'i'8 i t Miit-.tge Unit NEW rr"NE. N. C. J . I T. 7, 1SS3. lis. MAIL CLOSES. For North, West and South, via A. & N. C.R.R. at 8.30 a.m. For Beaufort and the East, at 9:00 p.m. , , I ' '.' " For Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties Mondays, Wednes- aays, ana fTiaaysat o:uu a. ru. , , tor Trenton, roiloksvillo ancl Mays ville, daily at :30 a.m. j . ;"..T . For Granteboro, Bay River and Van demere, daily at 6 a. m. , The contractor will take passengers to Stonewall for: one dollar, and to Au rora semi-weekly at $1.50. M ' OFFICE IIOURS: In Money Order and Registered.Let-! ter Department, from 10 a.m. to4 p. m ' TnXfail.no. Tto,mr,f trnm o o Office open constantly' bet wcent,hese hours except when mails are being dis tributed or sent. ! Open on Sunday from 0 to 10 a. ni. Pitt County Items.' Coxvillo is located in Swift creek township and was named in ' honor of lowuKiupana was nameu in nonor or ' William Cox, who in 1850 established a 1 north pf Willis' bridge, acrops Swift creeks It was then called Turkey-Cock. At inai time mere was no postonice there; ' Villiam Co sold put his goods to his sons, Sylvester Cox and O. W. Cox,' in January, 1852. That year WnV. Cox and his sons got up a petition to establish a poet route from Ilookerton, (Jreene county, via Fountain Hill, Ridge Spring, Johnson's Mill . and Cox villo, to Greenville., Pitt ' couiiVy,' N.' C. The same year . Hon.. Edward. Stanly was elected in this Congressional district to the Etouse of Representatives in Coir- gress, and G. W. Cox handed him in ! person the petition, and the route was establifihed, and Wm. Cox was the first 1 postmaster-, Therpostoffice wasnotkept 1 up through the war- After the war Q. W, the one resigned as posti Smith was appointed, present iucuiu bent, and the office was removed to iw ti; residence,, where it now is.; ;!- i We have sOme citizens of indoinitttble energy "and perseverance, who never knew the word fail. ; The God of nature did a great deal for ' the lands of this part of the county. He laidr a good foundation whereon to build perman ent and rich fields. In dense forests and swamps, where wild cats,; foxes and doers roamed in 1866, are now. to be found some of the best farms in the county in proportion to ocreago in cul tivation. Such are the farms of,Sylves-' ter Cox and G. W0ox;in Turkey-Cock j Focosin. Our greatest need is4the want of. transportation. r"We have neither railroad orwater transportation for our produce. ' Greenville is generally used as the shipping port, fourteen miles from here.' 'V L ;'.;w.-?v '; Tho census of 1870 showed the largest percentage of old persons' in this town- shfp according' to population of: any division in the State, and : is doubtful if any division in proportion to popula tion in the United States excelled it. , Bottie Wingatd, col., -now living on G. W. Cox's premises, is 118 years old. One hundred . years ' agd she was the property of John Wi,ngate, of this coun ty ,t. She was carried from this county by Dr. Knight Greene, to Kinston, Lenoir county, in whose family she re mained till freedom came to the cen tenarian. .She was last the property of Frank Hartsfleld, of Kinston, N. C. She is now living with her granddaugh ter, Nancy Tyson not many miles from where she spent her childhood,' and Will probably live ten years longer. She yet can sweep the yard and pick up the trash in it. She is childish but has cor. rect ideas of things long time ago, but no memory of dates or length of time John Smith, white, living in sight Of where Bettie: M ingate lives,; is 00 years old. David McKinney, white, in less than half srite of the same place,! is oo years.oiayana plowed until two years ago, when he fell from a buggy and prone nis arm. Jtie wonted with a hoe in the crop' this summer, ' Caesar Ilar- per, col., living about one mile and a half from the same , place, is 84 years bid nnd cultivated a hoe crop this sum mer, and maintains himself and' wife. Thomas Flemnilng,' white, living on the south side of Swift creek, in this town ship, is a centenarinn.,? He passed .102 years sometime ago. Sunday, 2nd inst.',' while going down the hill at Chas. Butler's, in Craven county, Sylvester Cox's hone fell and his buggy run on the horse and held him down until he (Cox) procured a monkey wrench from the nearest neigh bor and took off ono wheel of tlio bivy and released the horse. ''No daniii'c except buggy shaft broken. Pure Cor- Livkr Oil made from fo looted livers, on the kc i h!im o, I y Cas well, IIazaiui & (Jo., Kew l,i ' . Ii u absolutely juiro pn-1 swoi t. 1 who l..tve i-hi n 1 ! i it j r : r r. t ; ol':c!--!. ' ! ;, ',i 1 n -i i' pei j r t t y tf V o t rt . . Cox was appointed postmaster, and ' w exan,lllB ro, office was removed to his residence, ' J . " "ie,r i""' " .v.n.u, ;: r,,t, ' 1 Also. flfftnU 1.T the. .-.t 1 mile northeast. In 1873 G. W. Cox t. - . , V - f- master Und; W. H.J " ::li::ai::.. ! c:;:v, ::. c , A. L.ri:NDI.i:iOX,r;; it.xv.tk ' This hoiil 1 sUnntiHl near the mer lsml ln:'s, ami in tin: Iuimiii" i i ,. i nc im n ; ( is a liin k m t-.n-ii of the ij...ii.;iil ili-pum on te arrival of trains. ltntes lieaiiniinblc. Pi ! '.'-dAwIm n -1 Blerolmmlio !s olcor LIQUCriECALEE,-.'. . j OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL, NEW EEKNE, N. C. nul5dtf . GEO. W : J. HARVEY, ; S3V RICHMOND ST., j PHILADELPHIA. KSTAIlLISHKDim ' ' '- , Maker or Oenllemeii's Plne fusion,; Bonta Sliors or tue xies siyies au i . R f nMl HendeiBou, Oeo ll. Koborts, Geo. A. Oliver ana oiners. an 01 w Jnie. 3r' Orders' ly Mall s'oUeUetl.i ' ' july8dAwly GEO. W. J. HARVEY.; j FOUR MONTHS -''OLD, 'WELL GROWN, train?!' to eat almost aiy Ki'fd oi loep. :, ' Apply to '' ! , vA;. ; 'U'?. .. fw-ZupKARCE, v'V''' ;Ait. '8& ' tl6w-wlt -i' New Bernfe, N.C." ' N ' I'fflf uUy2r.T LrC'i'S Ills Ps "iT11" rt' V 'iiVji'- "t ;1 ... ' ' ' 4. jr s 4-rn tr el f W . F. KORNEGAY , & ' CO., ii 5 v of ooLDsnod H: t l!7:.. WATEBT0WN, ECLIPSE V ' AND ' j FRANK ENGINES Arc , FIRS;i; (, LASSV . qualed by fc w n-ir.Hr Kt- lir.nn ' l?f ironnf. in tnarl ft t - ;u.ty llRUg thein. sattefac t,im irunrantccd. f: f i; ' Do not be put off with the cbirtmon engines now flooding the mai kcty , bnt HANCOCK INSPIRATOltr,, ar':KfSiyKl:.ff:i tiie best boiler feeder known. Ji ., ;; :,(: 1 COTTONGINSt AND 1 !. rt..' Simplicity Power Presses, the best made. k" :;''.V.i,; V Grist Mills, ' Belting, Pipe, if; -Fittings, and machinery generally. Sample' en gines always in stock. ' v ' IfK'Ci V.n u' r For further information call on or ad' dresB, i- ' ' :'- - -. i i. ' Vitix- . t tr ' ;t j. it. liiu aw, .inaiiage.r, hiny 15rlw tf ; J-Ncv crnc, K ; Elizabeth Iron Works, CHAM. W. PETTIT, Prop., 280, 282, 284 " and 286 j Water j street, :',!!-'-' NOUPOLK, VA ; i ' .':!'.";', , MANUFACTURER OF '. ' .'.'.' ENGINES,; iBOILERS, V Saw and Grist Mills,;'; 'Z'l-:'. ' SHAFTINGS,1 j "'frlv FORGING S AND CASTINGS, . ; 1 Of Every' Heifvipliori ' WCoinplctfifocilltlcB for ALL WORK In our line " ' util7-dwly The Newspaper! ; Weekly Courier Jourml:: , ' ' , A It LIS, NEWSY.' GOOO andt . CHEAP! The CouitiEK-JouENAL, (Henry Wnt- terson, Editor),, is by circulation apif reputation the -acknowledged IteprcRcn tatnve Newspaper ot tlie boutli. .-'As a reliable and valuable newspaper it has no superior in this country or in. he world. .' It makes earnest,' vigorous war on Protective Tariff robbery and Mor mon Polygamy, two evils that blight the prosperity and morality of tho United btatcs.i It is able, bright aud. newsy, contains' the strongest editorials, the most complete summary of the news 01 the world, the best telegraphic and gen eral correspondence, full tin 1 nnd stock reports, market reports, fashion report,' Talriiago's sermons, splendid .original serial stones nn novelettes, poetry de partition t for children, answers to cor respondents, 'elc, in a "word, , every thing to nmhe it a (h I' -ht to the: family circle, ami invaluable to tho man 01 business, the farmer, the mechanic and .the laborer. I , ' 1 CO' Vs !-lid f-'l ( I'rij f'vc pren!iuii tirculiire will he sent fnK t 1 t!... . e t.t i;i, ,- inc on i plication, s t- s ', '' 1 " ' ,;'' 1 a - . H.ily, U2; fliii.I.y,j Any ( setii, 1. sci-ihers nnd six i if' 1 ( , ', 1 1 1 ' 11 1 : . . AM..J L.A n nlw.iif GTOCK, . Orders solicited anJ iu cd to. sk stiAW WaV WWwAs..nji ii fcJ.i sWwia LOWEST PJUCES tTl &ir. ytu i.UUU UliU UUA kJUtUvwO We constantly carry a very lurge and select line of . '-. ' ' Fine Groceries, Canned Goods, Goods in Glass.' ' , '.' V 'V ""'"t .' '' ?. r i ! Calces and Craeiers, i . ;, ' 1 rrorisions, , -;'""' ', ' . Cigars' and . f And we solicit a'onll from :tlie cifr trntle. , We call especlnl attenlion to our Kngllsh BreakfnHt and .Tnnau Tens, and oiir "Haiiin- j - ton'tJavaand Rio Ooflee, frewli ground every iday. nt 80e.lb,,.The best in the city. Trya . vmilrnre ' '' ' i ... . .manuiirn Mranmniea siURar, . jtirc A No. 1 Fancy Flour 4 els. -Our ''lie Horiuet" Oiiinr, 5c. cncli' 0 for 25c. We keen the best of everythinei and cimr. antce both price nnd quality, nnd cheerfully REFUND THE MONEY Oljf DEMAND. : Kh. Tlic Cnsli Trade Only ollrlted. ' .Wm. PeU BaUance L Co. . i I S. Front St., New Heme, N.C, ;' novHrdl VI ,,.-,,' :'- .;,,''..,',i::! .. "iff lA tMl li E W 0 R K .,'GOOI) neat wo:;: i ..:ri ll i , ; 'MONDMKNTS,, TOMBS a,;': 'r. i l i " ' . . ,;. ,',,' ,!, ISinlhosewho hnTe the, largest acquaint' J Andnll kinds Uravo end luildiim worlt n U., ,,,,. .,,.,, ,. .?ni .1 1 ' IV. ..,. -.,.,-.. ,.-.. nrice among news mi his will agree Hint ITALIANS ALlERItjAN'L'ARSLt Orders will : roceive prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. JOR Kl WILLIS, frnnriftrir w- . - r -1 .,, tSiicct'SsortoOwtrge W.Clnypcolc) ; ' Cor. B,0AD & CRAVEN Sta. vt'' ifvi t ' 5" ,7 fJe,"-u.,'ou its merits. There is hardly a rca AtJAuT. i IH-on inihet country l,a9,i ma80-lydw t;i..n..( .,'r t-T i.YOtv&EALYf Stao & Monroe SU, Chicago. Will imid wninlil to nny siMraw Ihdt BAND CATALOGUE. I hi IMi, Ml lwus, .111 Kiiio-ivings! if Imtrntttatit Sntto, Cnp., Belli, 1'amiwnf. Kraultilk NCw-tAnn. ut Sl.nri& bntm MruntS HtniK ftnd Ig llu, Sonilrr Hum! Ouifiu, IHpuHns "-M.Uftik&lolliclaitialtigtrarlloiianil Kx- svr, h.1 for Ain.wiir ruuii HUl, UMHfU' ft( Cbokw Baud Uotioo n A FT ll ' .; 17X11U ! AVll JKJ WHOLES ALE' 0 ROVER: - ' " 1 AND 1 ; ;" : ;t fcOMMISSIOir MEBCTJ ANT?, i'.:t-. .!' Krtlwitir, ; '. Avtrll v.'i ''' ' ' - , L f m v a 4 0. A' o'Trrrio'v L Am t U. s.j U I iu '- NORFOLK, VA., Largest and oldest Furniture EstaHichmcnt in Eastern 'Va. ' :-Prices Kiinianteed ns low ss New York ; and Roods are nisnufiiclured by us and tooiu own order, and we cuu guamiitee superior indueemeiits to liousi krcii. rs. . Hepl-d.twlm ,. . ,. . . . . 1. V 1 . " ' - n L 1 1 .ii Tl- , iM-j- r -' ' - - r ut LL.il I j i. For sale by mal2d - Nkw 1' N. C. Manwell & Ciabtrco, EfiACKSM I T II S. MACHINISTS Iron and J5r:tss Found i s ..: -; ... a n ii ' . B OILER II A K I. J B. i:n (i i x i:s. v 1M) ALL KIXDS OF MAI HlXEUt. Orders so'iciiiil aiMl i.rimj.tly ailendo ' to. ; t IIAYEN Bi; n . :"; lH'tet:n Pol lot k iiiiil .9'niti h Vr.uT), i ' New P.i:i.ni.:, N. C. ' TIIE rAssf ' pff i ' '"f i m m ' t.M -i -' Balvjij ..i 1 bv-u,.i ';: Its Wit aiirt Himioi Hav Set : Two! Wdi lds in a Itoar. (Aiitl UhV llantl ot JcnItis I lit DiNtinnishcd Its Poems, . , . stoilos, Etc. ':'' ' ' C01 roKpondoiit'c and Maiiy . Orl ,;,;;:!" ftlnal ' l'Vaturos. :'!". '"".' Its Tender and Patheltn .4k(tli tlve Touched all IIpiiit: the best, most. Oi-igiual, the purest, the ' nost Ifiorouglily tnjoyaljle oi all news, , papers is tho 1 1ET1101T FREE PHEbH. - " JN0 01 ,?r J0 -Covers exqcUy the 'same field or holds exactly the same literary rank.' '' It would be supeifiiious to expatiate read- not heard, if he does not know, something 01 uu Mirj'iitfMiij.'ij I'llli'l lllllllllg qnai- j ities.'"-.--' .-. ''.'"'- 1 No fomily can be said to be fully sup-- " plica Mtn the pest periodical litoiature that omits to lake the PET 110 IT VliEE PKI'S. '.T J''. . v It will be better raid more interesting for the coming jrar than ever before; , . Two 'dollars.; a year. A piemiun, book handsomely - hound' in : cloth given to everv subscriber. Splendid :. I given to every subscriber prem'mms to clubs. C ,;"S. ml lor Pre- ! loiiini T.int : "vryi Kniiml imiii K fn o - , " I - " l '. . . A ,1:1,,. I ' . ' - I liliess ' .' - " . Tlie 1ET110IT Pi:i:r. PUES3 IM'trnit. niiclt ; -. 8. A. SVV. h:KS. Koi-rih. Xm. c m' - . r u s p. c : iv. it, rw ; -