V i I... r'-': A i )ND. .... :i THIS.-A. JVPYLE'S St .i ,n l! ueuuemen s uvepooaw,.(oais, ranw una ,i. Vests; Ladles'. Dresses, KliivU,.Clok, Crape , , ' Veils. Ribbons., Plumes, llslnj Uiuvu. etcv .i .i ..,.1 cleaned and dyed, as tsluu-t, noiic.od .made-' ,'i; .mte prices. Carpets ana rugsclBiie Dy ma ,) .rt ',i chiuery lately introduced lu tliaivltj.-Best .. v. city references. . Prompt attention W work by i -hi -7 mail or express .Agepw wamU.,.,'.ij ' .? I I- 314 IT. Fifth St., Rlehmond. V. ,,,. niio.lt.l.t will! i , .Ij.Mi 1IACIII1TERY. FOR" SALE! .five- Vf urn i- P1 Thirty .wi Engine. uiv- Iuii'ma Pnrlnhle l,Hl?liie I Injun's thlalcft.l Twenty-five horse Portable Engine (Hahm's ' i,, , tiiake). several .vertical isouere. aibo, tiora J ilL pux steam Grist Mill. Ooiajlet& Saw Mill. (Second hand .fiteam "' Pumps. Inspirators:, , ; 'Centrifugal , Pumps, Circular, Saws, UndSmj u j, ItarkMilliJ. Tlanlng Machlcfl"aher nd Viw i. .Repair work done to EMglnePunibs.'Saw '. . 'r, oriRt mius. ' " ',,1 I ',1'Ue New tlri IPiule to City of Itlchinond 'for water works; ' ' Doners., iw noree ppiierio ' . ' ... t,n. Mflf W lit K II I , . .. i .in" now "K i ii (to ificu tt .in uu,- I . . Tciwu muni womn y, itiv ni n. Vi i T,i, n,wie to city or "" ,'.':''2M horse power . i, ,. J. i Kiftimoiia Cedar Worts'. .' 80 horee boiler to R; ; , .7; Cwoitharo ACo.lfor PlanHif Min at Kioh , ;' u , ! mo'nd, , C. H,an-er,; Charlottel corthh-, Vlr " ' " v ' glnla. cmnplete Steam Mill. Hoii, K A. Bald j win, Cnrdsville, Jtucklhgham founter, v glnla, Thomas Woods, Ksq., Manchester, Vli, ., . glnla,'f(rTahnefy,nd many others. I ' r ,T Those who contemplate IrtiVlnK ' Engines. " " Grist, Saw Mills, etc , would do well W eorre- iKAliii-'t;- wer than Oflii'in. mid on ihlry you wili sutislleO. . , I aug27d4wi)m' 4 juVaC " (outon"1 :: Celstratca : PHOTIC ir condition, have given It r of a single JO has failed Mt. fftoinnd t w9 seUct the I out ins falling back toil h r jt IB t) urtiiy approveu py n " n fair irlal. Ws huxe vet i iiKiuuice wheroithBtHOHi to iMTowiilisli what we c i " Ihi'kh number of testlmoi .:: . io owing: . . i .i iMb. K P. Rreve: Dear i r I ) svfe been using vou Duval 4NortMi s Horfu Trtiito tor , the hint eluhteen months, umllind 1 1, 1,haJiBfrr . ,!y medicine I have ever lined i'riMtMivimJUiitu ,. general health' and aim .riTEot norms in bad coiulHloiu - Heh'ii-cUulW li i l,QJ eeiactaitv corn.) 11 opt at( r Jt LHft,JJf fcvfnmhnior I rt. la ft. ohbstrt 1 f.i,u.mfriflAiri 4nAmn.MihMwnAf1ifi,rpap.n or I J r- - - ,J i 0 tViJrltvru.lui-Mllie rt!:t 7jitB a bot- Manager stables Riclnaond'CltyRaltytt 1 iTwrlactrrk 4nwahialle!i 9 inne . KKE' r T Hi'J CM' Juarsnau sireei, mcnmoni il 8oUtyruggists generally, Tin: JOURNAL. .sr .:l;e,!.1;vSEpt,;3.-1883 Arrival and Departure Hails. MAIL lJcL6s.V:.' 1j .i.Jl-M.J .TO,wMKoOT(I llltfC1,.ajJJtf:m,0Ti, . . I n WILLIAM WmTFORDr :; : : '.iI,1ra,; lkii tliMl Wti eteMtlM The Highest rrnwir j ii w u u v u r . ., - k ; ' . r j t i i r iiifi. 1 r-i - V ',r-'1 If villus ft .it & i tf-,w9"w,Xeh61r, Pamlico and Carterei LprMtce In the Counties of Fob North; tVeSt'&M SojUn'tia' A.-& In the V. 8. blstrlcf.CQnrt. Conveyancing " (IEVI & LANG). 4 1 tor;,Vfeeanort ' and ,! thfl Eas ' PaS ' Jxon. . . .'. . . i KMWbJaTfWeiiareA'tti fill allWaeW'ii qhlgjer Ale, . a' l.ia! 00.1 ...CWPUXMAULY. .,)J) oJN. C-TSeam Mead. .iwrllCaTifornia CASH-Price Paid, for 'Cotton For whton?swiftcA! ( l(IX0M '. SImmOS'., & AMLu', Beaufort (Jouritiei ' Mondays Wedfaeg-' ' WM AWnvxrva rn t'I'w the mr These godl are warratitcH -to 'einai any In I ktiO,l j ra j4i!. , t'.ti C,5""'.V-"". , . ,1 He aUo ks Trrmnl'AHltfri-lTlastftootch ?wtiuiua,.s.w..ui. .... . M T.o,iSnuff. Cigars. Tobacco. SodafWdte 8haed., For Trenton,' PollokBvrile and' !b- tJwttw.CMtew. PmpiicQ fpA hvtHr'nA iSIice,Candye. tm,Ji,w rMi,. , Ville, daily at 7:30 a'.tti kJ t; liO r tb, federal Court at Kew Berne. 0ftl6dAwly I Don't falflo' call Q" frjPM u?ijw, ;;ror Oranteb0rp-Bay Wvet and Van- MUEFHY ' PEAESALL, ' tSWWlprttmWratia.u- aCBBOTQIJ,i JOS ESi QQt 14. JCL .UJ w4 IM. viii i! HI HU.i I .. .. Uft-.ll i, mra wim-TiroMrM si.iw. i i win praciioB in ne ixmnn t . . n -i n i r ul- I - - . , ,. m iiin,oneTruraer anav.iteKwerea ijepi.un, v .,. . . iW-imri v.iiw x f itWEUOBtsW . if AiDiiPiicirM'fnftn Office Next Dqpr to Cot ExcKaiSe, NEW. BERNE, IT- C. I l I . .. . .! I If FT 11 nn practice to the Wmtiei-'M onrtow'I TJAaii fTfSti ' r,Dup8aiupslod6neBifrii ' 'IVfiril I llilltlli ri I iriKll. PI i Wfl CTYI C 9 Magnlflceht rosbwood case, elegnntly llnlsliel,.3 Strlnffs, 7 1-3 Oe llnllU 01 ILL US taves, full pateit earitAnte'agniiTes, Our HOw patentoveitdrung scale, beautiful carved legs and lyre, heavy serpentine and large .fanny moulding, full Iron frame French Grand' Action, Grand Hammers, In fact, every improvement which can In any way tend io the perfection of the instrument, has been rfdded. ' nn9iaM tdjBjfc8eet,na'liepot. .11 i.r.H m I, 11 'I 'IJ "I I 111,1 1 1 ,, I II i . i.wiKia v . . it.,.. ... uAn.mu b. . .nil I . ter' Department,' from 10 a.m. to i p; in. I 1 ' . Bateigiu li.o. Kiwioa, w.tvy"""'' ''I'i?-?:9 .j-tWuil f. fw' mc9 "m coMtentlh , . i.iii.lbtf I IkUi.tn -nA -.-..l.l u wil rh , Hill it Ml T In Mailing e4irtment froid i I - Our price for this instrnraeit. boxed ,aud delivered on hnnni An a f mm ears at New York, with fine Piano (Cover, Wool and Hook, only VrDUU Just reduced from par late wholesale, factory itU, Wu, Ar sixty days onty. ThU is now by far, the greatest bargain ever olTeiied the musical public. itJuprecedented success ! Tre mendous demand for Uts style ! Bend lk vourorder at once.. Do sot lose this rare opportunity. TV.1. IHanA Bill U urn, nn IE Jn.r. ,W lnl TT.S., 1 ... T . . ' ' . ' m. inn j, inuu w ... uo Bwi.v i. ju ubjb ,cb, u, iui. a irin 7iiu i f cj. cnut, H you uo-ooi, Henu money , I , V. auI Aa . . Via,, ii . . . Mlt. 1 l 1 1 1 1 . .,.. .1..., ...... .. . , . . , .. ffiiaSCT ""WTa.r Pcoftiiewlnjonwuntyrwjegm mbtttea0C4K(kWsnijttt.fttf:..TU'lt Cf I h ? f thawum. Promutl , , ? ... - SHBKTaiVSiC at one-third pr WiWi i '.il 'Mi '.ill !i, ''I 1 1 l ..' , 'P - - 1 . ' h . .l.i'( M .v ffJ I 1 with order, i Gash sent with order will life refunded and freight nhargespald by us both ways If Piano is not Just as represented. Several other Hrwclal Bargains, pi.niuiiiuian. wlr 15,0001nnse,andnot one dissatisfied piivchasm-. Vkm l fail to write us before boviuic Hand. maiHed free, giving the htulieKt. lom Plan fully warranted forSyeors. 1ce. ImtftlOjAie Of S.'IKHl choice nieces Of nnnillnr mualn nnnt ,. ,.t!T" i MBMDKLSSOHJ PIANO CO, '11 I. O. Box OSS. New York CI1 v. iia 'vt 4n tnWi-'Pfi4filfW rwiHOLLATO.., . , ,; . . .ow.w.;oijo,ki ritift place to buy UttAlA SAUHS in ing tiiat,reqaireamara,ti.ougn tnm attorneys, at.. jLajWs prg1dltig ail, ana' TVlntet paature (Office one door westof Gaston House.) IllWJ.Wn 1U. .UU 1AHU.UCB VI VUIDII inslow. Carteret. Pamlico and JLenolr rompt aiienuonpaia vo coiiecnons. , apn-aitwtr. , : , 1 . wimrH r.nn rnuiii viti xniwniuwi vill i ir 'win i tejT:l"r1mir(Tvln5; the coiMlltlou -oi-ses.mntiiw r" -- r "5 UP I Jones. 0 r,4 (-.''io ami hogs, giving h. ..ii apatite, re-TstjocKjiii a, wVT(4ii ihq aysiem aaqpi-i : i.n,, dlmperandai Which a .afclmttt-lAjWe .ft DR. G. K.- BAGBYii: .0 .H . In -HAfi W-'irir SALOONS. branch of" industry. To cheapy . iMM $0&Wtocky?g 'Surgeon-: Dentifsft; I knltklwL 4J nhWil- nniAtin i nn.n 1 - ..- f .'. 1 . , um tuau L-w lgt to the 15th of each Mdhth. in- rsAiirnmiiHr huh ijuuiuur. ihhul i u. , t6tlirf BtllwrflCfflja&lSUnnff tfte Intanfort from 15th to the 30th. i v 'Kfr rra .--"j,!. if. rau...t. w ti iii , . . . . L' J" ' I IVH III - . . . . I . . JJ. B?. 10 do piaurcu m uuru or (jutai-uus, I sroaljwood's, corner South front and Craver enlly sreejs. ,.ti. i ChfeftD I A'4tD extracted without pain by the, useo. nniiaavifMlAr.asf,nrfl. Onhrtihfil hlttPs oxide! , . . mar24-d(,wtf - i n ,n ihAnntilff naur AT MontAm 11 DUnu lir-TnwaiJLij jjaiu ui kjujitpqiu- 1 fcORIIiTiA13lr SKtfFi': uti ' . pw? I Al i by, tlieabl)l. 'Jt,.'; NETSiici,fJi:S. fVyot-M Middle tom,'1'1 V?' y NI5W.BEJlSE,N.C.U,rUf ri .M'y.'ii'r1 . i .'if M; M Pollok , Street, NewBeriipr:Nf C? L.' H. CIJfLEK, Staves aiaf7firey Hit 2E! ! ! .it .-,.' - I . CILLIf.uD 'FuutuR,' . K.'iWituM) I Vr.t til i.ttt mill . t la the IJuffy Building on Middle a - street, near "corner of Pollobk. : , TnreoBilliari and Two Fool. nnt. ati if. tA irra-zo Tfc ia.hUrrAr I i!l . .fHiiiuU , '. . ..'! ' .jr4 ; it",' pv wm!bmmw'j . .Qiuce on Craven street, between pollock ..iTTTxra a VT. fDTHTnT ' than corn, oats or hay. 'and' saves LL 'US-AJJD yiBTOIA s'., I aiiu xjivu. ,.... 14. fiA-uwAj much labor in feeding besides keep- BLE. K ;" 1 1 1 I -IIMti: cevila::o:;i? the tai tons .') iii yi I The flnestLIquors and Cigar, the celebrated RF.HflNER tt KNQEIi BEER. Bool' Kraut. , f,TTdlrf08, Iiobster Jilmbnrger and 8weMiterr , JOHN DETRldK NovldAt 'BcsSiHOaiSB SALOON. 'n&'li.UVI .VfVJflTHHTAW i. Tlie auieteat and most retired ' a the City. ' ' , -The best of - ' it )) ';i)'l,'tl,u1 Al T"!U' It. : ' " , ii ff iwnj .(ml t tl ill. i; r I. I nun (.i' J I ll f!i I ' . fc'jin oc: c frowttt bv,4;tie firsti tii Ht1tfrMeeBT!atf be DENTIST, " . ... - . iM- NEWBKRtT, Sf. C. Sash, Doors & Blinds, LIUlE, CEMENT aiid PLASTER ij ,";ii3!V .fijltl BOUSE FURNlSBING jaoODS, c ; t .. MJ '.V' i a. : . 4ka .. Mr:"!i.;')r ramis.uiis.i ing BtocK in betcer oonaition. ir.ao w.i not think f-that ithe-;i6ing 0f rte frtri '' fall ' aTiAuVVinfArt irr!i7.in''iin I ''' HOTELS. e-n -a-.i -a rn lrT i. 1 i .... . j u grazing if onceopteo,1 Will not be sttrrej-j wTliA dered as toners gbeen and vonae; r ii miwmw nwnawi gtocfcowatiiites; (as it should); a 177 Main Street, - - U. .cirti rtf .TlhiV avcfAm Af farminnr . '" I , y7tOT' ) "J"-" "": ,.t .i- r.,.i .RATES 0P BOABDINO: ;; ,,t, iiA; uum . m ,t uuaiiutiouig,. (Xntjw l TwojDuys ; 2.5U f I . mwu u , il uuwiunwuig, j'lin XWOUayS .....v......... York, has just returnedtS to the gas SJ8"-" qbtapaiiyo' ;fpr 'bteang'the Biip .A.W.IH week....... afTflfifc 4ami)B &0nik ha: wMv. IWJK'.W.'W and, WW ii, 1,11 M.-Ui!3- wtT.L tii ...,.!, List M"'1S, H.U0 00 1 -.I... ...lUUth . .lii'hiwi.il, ,li . V ! ' 1 .''.'Jink! VMiOiTi TOILET SET! it. ,y.ii!ifj.; V1....U BnliW and )LQaiej;lSciliing, nrii U : ' Mi l'" v 1). W. HURTT, MERCHANTtfliLm' Hardware Arrlcultiirnl 't'liiiilcinciits, Stciini Kiixiiics, ' ! (lOtton Presses. , Horse Pover,t Tlirosliers, Farm Machinery,; Grain Pans. t Straw Cutlers, Corn Slicllei s, Cider Mills,' iJeitinR, : 4 Packing;,, Pipe, t-'ittiiifrs; Paint, Oils, Glass, liiine, , i ' '.' Cement, Piaster, , Fertilizers, , . . t i Brick, Elc, PRICES VERY LOW FOR CASH: iow tjujihi tj uvu. ira nm ir uvi t;iii m 'ttfyfi' that M Ma Mi MMUn- VArirffffutr. "ttittsnirir, of Ohtiafrtfils n.d?wly P?lnted.- The table will belUways tti -iTr.TVF. "i-t r i7,t T.rrr iHunnnea wun me Desiin season.. hj him tapayfor tllQSe panes Of glass."! (Sar always stocked with the nnes!,wlnes mi i i..i. it. l -..I. I llnnors and cigars. . , thfi,Dpwar religion cpuicLpe more ' vill be w,henja gas (wmnany re tarns f?'dAw,m' ' ' ; " r'ovr,l U C&Cfii cutoa85l-4ycli t Mce mj n tt m p. A t ; ttqt E L !; Fte8i." ' ! '" '' 1 " . I I tT.l. . W.T..PATT.RlliSON, 1W.C ' K0.1 Oi)L n ... n n v w . . r .i.Er. mi. i. s Hi wmisn u. jw . r muBk. poLuiiB oujvv nil . .V,r,MUrM,, ing Tumi JJTTI45 UATHARnC, Cnu. ri'-lsJr'iffi iHv, c whoipROn fl annfitito. nufanew hie I Z7..i .'.j k.,i,. in h. . ffr.rfj.ij"-',-1 ,!10-'fil,'' Lift j.it i!i,,i.ii'ii, James iRedmondJ WHOjjESALE jL.ITJOR DKALEK. BERGNER & cNGEL'S CELEBRATED BOTTLED LAGER BEER ; t ,E0R $ ALE BY THE CKATE. AJ4oii hft.jpjljtocji of Groceries, Provisions, Cigars AND TOBACCO. nit i?:. ii okn-do bodv. 15 c 'llt8i'' 6 . I MQtninend8 itself lor ita convenience, .to the I . ' IT ' . I I l...ollln. .iriHIlA inAcHihb- nllxlly.n: .n.r. I tr i ii' i ii ' " m i . loVwtunity of vieUing.bustoeiiS correspiitidenfs lif.r Afliimw T. T!. 1 1 , Sr.i.U ,C ivei &i3., i&stt8ative servants. aadlUUble it slwavi "ar-W BmW .S.IVAWD, Open Front Brick Store.-MIDDLE STREKT, i-a:-Y.rtwlU . Apriawly j '. ' ' ' ; .NEW BUDDLKBIEEET, . fU.ijj! J tJ. .1 i BERNE. F C. R. O. E. LODGE. ii. couU i. 1 no reli 111 inpreli ,t)lUf.adl- Isrtfshed with ; , o . i L y.' od Erovutj JrOttdBit. Every DeJicacy . the Season oA SA .TOJIVtIwl J- ' ' v) rl.K ' '.ytS rooms are larga,.alry and welarlhed. Ar-- v,ihfiT-tT!T.h mcuinBiuuauuii ui ihdbw mi anu uuiu , 2,000 BALES NORTHERN HAY. oh DBALEB "' f - V , .-ii.IJ ii ill tb Jaslratedraad. Sporting: "D B'i and Plants" willbBt1 " . , ' . i ina. "i-f'iVi 'i.iv;T vJrsilaciiS. ' . , JAMES campbel: . . ,(t.,,l ),'!,! Ml. ' ' ' Prepri i iti Imj i nil f jru'Wy Uii "t I . Ill it' Hi If!" atijusl Papcix aiait sod. steamers free, of . charge s speciaJ In thl I.IT.V. . i.V' Tt.i . ?. ir ptftftT nT.ASH ttrtv(,B,.T..i. jr-f ' ! 1 A'AAV. . M-'-! una roueiyeu iub . ' ..uiw .il, l ni,. , 'x.l t t J it: i L P I i-i . nmrvAT -s-wykTTTi-i-r7i. I .. . a y i r ii t . iiii i j . i Mt.mW mtmm -mm v , v t- ,m mm . , firiHii i .in i. intuiiuritiu obwmi ... J ' j I ' wsMsrt nmniwvi wrfi.i iA ., 1 And UlpfeWtiWarner'sOorallne Corset, , , i , vsuu is pijepttreui ; iiJair u.ujluvw) m.- v Prloe ll.UU, j 1 H. i-T6 ne Ri STREET i&SOS, iPtropneWrK p'faltllrie ol GeUMiridle.! arid Cni dren'i If 1 lUWbi iTft Goat Hair. &c. SALES BOOM-fJraven Sireet, belo Express Office. Lime ,i,,u8!.A L'V,ll, I I i-i .r!lw, ,r,i I 6 anQ ianCY:PrT &00aS I Jocndnle, Portland c Selihitic Cemonts. Plaster, ilaun- H'lH .'Hit, i (j J KOCIC Ml Auk 10 d&w tf ia'.' 1JilfLll.il -OlVifff Wrnnr. 'l)nni . .', t I .,,AmDle'"aCCOffiffi6dM fm a PJal'y.rt"08- ' ' IWfl tinarKesmoaerwBr.i (augais,,. ..i Tiir. -ir.nn'Iw,'H'!f li i X;t.l- Choice Family Creeches, - I'll. :. .At: i U ..l"X- K . H Vccwei freshTiom the tsl ijJrtHerri Dairies every :en ini.v". . . i , I .i-..cola wynaon t&Bca Wills . Choioo Gre of Fwlnily f loO! Broad Street, 4 Doors above MyMtfi H !i'! iw.t...i$ r' . ... T . vKliiMi A tti 4JhI'1 V , . 1 I '.'Inn!' wil-rrrr WANTBD, mi ' i ,: ti . woi'f t' . ,';r.h. 1 l N.C t i f i V. Id w.J .. .,..., i '.:. J I New J.crne, N. V land is priepared f V0 JPi . SslRi STREET &SO,iPyQprte I f Y? .0f 1 qWiravelers. . , . u qntitt-tf berCcaW, Hats and Shoes, Iiadles1 Clqaks W, f 1 1 Lit ff Q JL-'lilfi ",-r ! ' EUgSSl 83SS3TETO : 111! m Urn I M a , Am tia .1 I i r ti. . t r, 1 I V t I A. . . . , , , SAME 1 ,l0 . i. j . I oo l a ....tlit j,iV H ! I' t.t.'BA w ,c rrrlMrirrtri-uTa fORFOLiK: 'VA.2 t " " ' :-h;. -;: ;;;;f 1 1-4 HUE lift? UU uc Largest anil Oldest Furn tnreEstablishmt in Eastern Va. I ! I 'S nilii QlVAlfttfinil dT.lATIfl ST IfTI f. T.tTnnS I " . ' ' . "... .1 . ... J fib - ' (a. (il ml (. Fdr us to anmfutloe the faot tuat i (y -: ., . ... .- Ii . Oil '.lOWl'll AahY. ow qrderjnswtwe awijeiimntce supi sepl-dAwlnl I irt i f W "I -I. "Mil 1' PrlwRKuarnntee4n8lowfisNew'ibrk ratiiV fjomlgimie'inmiittfnMttrod by us and to our iinwiinwiinn itwwiw pim iwiiimin.t ... ... ' . Ir - 111. r r r. '. i. if. n nr. , . .i.ivaX'II .i.Jj. iti i . , r . .i.ArlM.rYfTfti)rI.PC:UUllWl rf I I j K . m ' I 1 .......... , W'-nP-ATJii'imrna -!' .wtv?:i..v'ii o,,,,:!,, ,i- . .I , , , , , . , . OO-i;- U0.8 , ...i.AHR.PRi eyinmiATN-oFr-ALLmroa r- ' - "i h Pri:t:5:l "etSSJ GROtEEiEs & provis1ojs- i ti ' ' tijijun,'J .Cl .u.T. v-t (X)NSlHTISfWSIli "TAfclYOlt t v. .Vllll,. l!S'l1l 1 am nmnufaotnrtnf a w.. wivew...uerneiui Lli.,(i att Tnitffft1 t:- Mimt EVERY JAfyH .i u; ; f'.t. ' 'iu.U rblMat i i' v: ll .fll-l t eok i p v f ouuii, t-iolfy Aliiioiiifi rou '"ay cnirTor,'' ally I . a.ict i Price Of "JC'-'r-'TC' i I Carr .1 i r V.'l.l it .i, i l ,i if t TII2 0E2I COTTON Ptd lu I 1 IJ' U I ll ..i. i ? t "1. 1 'T ' i i.w .till j . 'i f r , . i ?.j.ii t i ' " A SPECIALTY. Call ami oe us or fTlt amplos and 'K Ii.V.ll.i'- Mi) ilfctfi I 1: 1 n sucuaM I .ASH P S Pit""? l,J I jH!,ii:a'H,.IS! viM.lft Ui .1 ii til il- . t. DEALER INiBifeHESj -$00RS (ltotos, ST ,l elt-pwhe 1 i-xaiuiii'' .W. w a. :2-vj.v. CIde r.Iariet Sqr. and 49 Koanofce Ave rf, ' . rir.ro .l: auU-tiAvi..in ' ' ' . . .. . P . ...... i . xwnovi , J iiui.i ill J ' Opp. Gaston rttfUM.

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