n ' l G Cn and after KONFAY NEXT, the New i 1" and raniiico Lieam Transportation ' 1 C y v. .' .-h their M ft) ! iu iv u -. J i urther uotlce : Mondays tl Tnrsdavs , . jj: J i tvoorofnr NewBernel aaa, t nig atMonewall, Van- o re, 'ItnuUco suad r, a. Crv . , Wednet ' mriiiiys Uv An brrae fur Bayboro 8 Sm. -.mg ut Arimris Creek, haimioo, Vaimcuere and? .'..j.' biouewalL ... , j y- ... -j- '-. Having good accommodatien both for pas sengers and freight at very low rate, ask that the merchant and producer! along U line give It their cheerful support. For further information enquire at the of toe. Foot of Craven street, ' n : - , " 8. H. GRAT,'. . '. .,'.;, i;:,;".f. ' (lent Manager. Or any of Its Agent at the following place; ABB LEB, Aame Creek J - ; i) i i , .- U. H. AfctOT f, Vanderuere" C. H. FOWLFR, Stonewall, ' ! " 8. H. FOWLKR, Bayboro, 1 i i ' JOSHUA IlKAN, Pamlico. ' : ' ! Freight Received under cover every day the week. JanSldAwly . -J U. Th He t- U W. v.ii.o Will ran the following Schedule: Eteaxner Eizston , ; I, I , Will leave the Old Dominion -f TCK3 r ir and r-lt.i Y. r -4 ? Kinston it , wA X j av. I I'm. vj, wid leave Kinston MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. arriv fng In New Eorus tbe. s,-.mj day. Will tench at all Landing along the River going and comng. " ."..! --i ! '.! -'It --t ,!tr i":r:'.'-" This steamer makes CiQae eouiieetlon with the Old Dominion Line. ,.,,'ry,'i I r,rti Freight received en the day of nallihg v I v For rates apply to the Captain on hoard. - octldltf ;.!;Ri i-i;nu managw RAILROADS. c:'a:::ecf sci:ec:le.i fT" 7j 11 1 I live Atlantic & N. C. Raijroad. riaar r4BLr m. 2. r ' , NmSeriet." V'h la Effect 8:10 A.M., Thursday, Sept 13th, 1883. EAST. I WIST. N. 47. Expreu Pau.aMaa MM Arr. L-ve. r. v. SI 1 u 11 11 80, r. 11 J p. m, 921 STATIONS. , No. 48 Exiv, Pa.Ulall AnrT'XM r.if,--i.:v." 5 60 Goldsboro. 6 86 La OraugA.M.HH. 7 82 :Kimtoo, Mew iierne,............ Morekead Depot, p. M S 25 7 62 6 431 8 43 113 A. M. A.M.4 r. v. rrent River Tiinsportation CntA farther notice the steamers of this Company will sail as follows: ' t Strnef liftl; Cutler Leave New Berne every Wednesday and Saturday St 8 a ra. for Jolly Old Field Leave Jolly Old Field at 6 a. m. every Mod' day and Thursday for Netf Berne. This Is a good sehecrale for- Truckers. . , . EAST. WEST. No. 8 Mixed Fgt. Fan. Train. Arr. : LT. . A. If. ' ie IN 14 8 60 9 46 10 IS 10 52 11 14 . ; -u A.M. 9 SO 10 28 1102 11 24 A. U. STATIONS. A. M. so I Ooldtboro, nest s ..... La Granee. ailing ureek, 10 7 60 8 28 9 10 1 Kinston,-....,.,.,., JUOTV'" mi (tore Greek ......... Tutearora .......... Clarke's ..... Mewbern, . No.4 Mixe F(?t. Jt Pa. Tra a. f Leave New Berne every Monday and Friday ,; a.m. Tor Trenton', returning Tuesdays and Saturday!1-.' ' S ,V. 'i-V -.v.' :j't-- J '. Leaves for PoUoksvllls every Wedi xloy at lOHTiO'clock.Wm.,; jB:: X ' y . !: ;'. 4. Arr. ' wve. lento pe p. it. 81 8 63 : 8 U ' T 6 8 67 16 i 88 04 4 47 ".lt. P. M. 8 66 ' 8 SS 69 184 (21 48 i 14 4 2 418 EIOHT O'clock, Fare for round trip 25 cents top! ties, r'v 'i.i-j -"Ai v' Thursdays r. fMr chstter.v p ; ' t y 'i'flf-- j.Oen'1-Manager. ; New.Bern,JunS2,lte;'f;.'li:'if : ir. '"V feWtlitW , A;-'J-.itj,:,'j;:.. EAST. WIST. 71" No. 6. ; Mixed Fgt.lt Fan. Train. Arr. , A. M.i L've: STATIONS. ' No,. : Mixed Fgt. j Pass. Train. i ArrC'7'v- A.x. p. M. ! P. M. : l SO-Newbern-, ! 04 ' 1U- 7 17! Blverdale. i 116- 218 7 7 SO! Oroatas S W; 8 08 7 64- S 14- HaTelock.Mw 1 341 I 8 8 44 - 8 49; Newport...-....,.....! 12 7-, 1.02 . tOM. 9 08; Andrewi ...........; 12 48i' 12 46 9 31- 86: Morehead City I 12 ht It 16 ( 48i , t 1 Morehead Depot ? !- 1140 a. if. i a. -it. 1 1 t j I'p.M.; r.M. i Train 48 connects with Wilmington 4Wel 'don Train bound North, leaving Goldsboro 9:50 a. m., and with Richmond A Danville Train West, peevlne; Goldsboro 12:55 p.m, and Wilmington A Weldon Tral n south at Ma p.m Train 47 connect with Richmond Danville Train, arrivin- at Goldabcro 6:30 p.m , and Wil mington and Weldon Train from the North at 6:4( p.m. , Train 4, Monday, Wednes Jay and Friday. Train 8, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. R Train k 8, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. . Trains 47 and 48 daily except Bundtty. - Train 48 breakfast at Kinstea. Train 47 snnper at Kinston. Train 8 breakfast at Kinston. Train 4 supper atKlnston. A v . Willi am IinTiTi.t; . Midland N. C. .Railway. A & XIMl TABLE STdi 2.' 1 Vf" In Effect ttiivf , :00 k" M.,' May 4tli, . - .1883., , . . , . WEST. EAST. No. 1. , Mixed Train. Arr. Lve. ..... 7 IS 7 i I , 7 41 ''8 20 P.M. 700 7 17 788 7 41 8 00 P.M. STATIONS.'! Goldsboro......., Copnands rrlnceton .... Holt'a Mill......H Pine Levelw. Bmthfleld, , Nb.1. Mixed Train. Arr. I've. 7 40 .7 20 OS ,8 46 io A. V. .7 20 , 7 00 ') 48 s26 00 AJf, t." Train No. 1 connecU with W. t W. train ;v from the North et M5 p,m, and R. A D. -train v from the Wesfat 6:20 p.m. ; 5 : ' - Train No. 2 connects with W. A W. train going North at 9:50 ajn., going Bonth at 6:45 p.m.. ana witn h. u. train going west at uioa, i mt; ; ,;5 1 31 iCYUHaia PTinii,,''; ft Superintendent of Trains. GRADED SCHOOL. . ., , , Vi PBOF. PRICK THOMAS, PrittelpaL ' The Session of 1888-84 will commence SEP ' TEM BKK 10th, lftsa, with a full corps of tal . ented and experienced teachers. i buna Ikle residents of this School District Sire entitled to rree tuition. . Non-residents will be charged as follows : : Lower grades for session ........$ W , Intermediate grades for seslou... li ih) luiiher ' . , lip.m All applicants for admlnninh, whemer real : dent or iion-reHldent,iuuHtohlainaoertillcate . :. trom the Hecreuiry, ... ..-., - ' C. O. CI, A FT, . f PreHidftntBoardofinifiees. . . ! W, M. WATSON. Secretary. , .aep-U,,.' at T7-3 qrmiAr.-:L7, Is ss ' "' il with the very bwl I'rcs i ' " (, JiuWns and fcautiitiie tiiit ; tue i. i "ius. uuionniin. , ) u.y J 1 t.- ' CI V"; J. HAIIVLY," 1 .IILAOELPIIIA 1.0TABLISHED ira -.? f CentlelHe's 1 ut CnIM I ' of ttte Latest Styles and A l' 1 A J. , . ( , li.-n,. ,.n,t o. . Ivolterts, Geo. A.Oliver stud vn't a, a.i tn Aof JMrne.. j , ' r. friers by Kali solicited. ( ' ,(, -.,;.v. J'. .Aly CEO. W. J. MARVt:. l : ep Trent. TL names of persons who"? clalais Lave been auiliei ly the oard of Coui missiniiprs, rnd tie "-s 'tied and the aoiouiits allowed, commencing c ...... - - - iujust 31st, 18S3, to-wit: . . ' '''' Name Claimant. Natcei of'Clagi, ..;.,!,;,;'!y ;v,i,":,';!,'; Claimed.vAled . ' -' ' " - .-. ' ' .;. . 1 , . !,';-'' it. k Clams Audited and Allowed Jakctabt, 1883. Continued, Jesse Kennedy;' n i tales, .. Juror.tfaU term,. 1SS3. .'. . 1.'. .... $ 2.00 2.00 JPRsel-'err-eJy.f do3'.14 .do do '.v....:;;....... 1.00 1.00 .r8,10' Sit 8.5 J Allen (JaAins, ' "teg- r; ,, do- ,j do n C. B. f-tubbft, .. i .,, do. ', rr sJa1j?'iHiO Cj iU.V.'it- John Venters, ' taJea..4. do do, .......,.,,..,.,,,., 1.00 r ro'-n A6iO,.v 9e4 f.si tti to .7 do 1 NO . . I i f 8.20 W. li. Lay, - - 1 .do -! ' do...".:! .,. dO,rtoiv,;...,.i.Jt"!p :5.10 Altimo Williams, teles'.' '!' do- do 5 ;i;,.;..;.....v..4 2.00 " ' " r 1 a' K " il a - j - 1 ' UV - P, XL Wiggings, 1 do -" "1.00 Ms Wk Lewis, tales do da ? tAjtitSi.-.. 1.00 Mary E. Soott, rebate of taxes vef paid 1879 and 1880. . . v , 10.00 C. II. Fowler, rebate of taxes ovr paid on ferry 1879 and 1880V.i 10.00 Thomas F. McCarthy, m't on poll remitted not, liable. ,m ,QP pAc)iVa(LifO' .'it i ' l fopoor house issued last July, it being ! i : r -1 re-allowed Jan. B3. ....... i. .. ;v.' . j k . . ... 11.25 B. W. Carpenter, lerk superior court, fall H8 .7-, , ;." . ; 71, r..' ','.' 86.46 Orlando Hnbbs, ex-eheriflf, sheriff's fees Jan. !82 ..... 2.80 MawtHulm.tlierLTi.LiilJVfdui fall ,82r.wr3t.A.r,irff.T'rS5.43 Alien -warren, shena s iees jan. lea.. . . .v.. r, ,tt . a-i J. K. Davis, sheriff's fees Jan. J. . ., .-. :fj'?.1.. . . .15 W. (). Brinson. maeistrate fees fail.!. MJZmTlVM . W! If'tt.tlSf do,.-, vii' : jdo 'it'. i . .-. , . i. .' , v 11,95 do K 'r,.'" do; (v:,ii:a.'vwK'.,yrtv.,;'''i.40i tio' (.1 .III'..-. t J u'r. A SfS4. SrS.S sK' . i. Wo . i... i ....... ..i. . . 2.7fr eonBtablii f eds fall W. r;w. . ... . . . -ivCt-rf -!4.-90'1 j ;. .dOt,.Jw,VVtWvJi'.t-l(ii,'.50 .a - " f' J-Till' r',i,'fV'" rJ ' n n i i ! ft ft 33. -J & UyO.-0 .0 1 S sy .'i ie C v Sisi1 Ss .'fa. (j'-lnliff'H'iM (; ;t.r U:f i toe tfiicp.jilew Jsrtj TMN,FitjghMiae BOSTON. PROVTDENOE, 7 - ".; Nortik ancl West liter this date will receive freight In New Yoik fBsrs. . Pini! 7i K 31: XI I RtVEK. . i OJKcfl of New Ylo anoltimre , Transportation Co, 'Merchants should remember that tMi is on of the bsi ieam Lines .11 1 of Sw York, making only connection wun t.-utiinort lor stew issrne; ail inslue, aau enlyeneenange, j j St:iI-.7EEKLY- STEAMEES - I- (Touching at Horulk) Leavif Nw T-tf r ralthnore TTJESDATB i nAY at 1 p in. Lcae Baltimore foi tTewL urae.JUIsSDAYi dud SATURDAYS Agents are as fullewsi , ! tUBEN.FOSTlTl, Qenl lfwikgw, i ' S0Lltht8L,Bal't.Md. IAS. W. McCAES.13:, Sir't. r urfolk, Va, W. P. Cyde A 'o.. 1 ..ila: Iphls, 11 South barves. r " . i YoKBaltn.Tnn. t 'ne.Mer TJforta river K ion, ,t(.u( ; i,ii','iwharf. 4 . it. 1 . ",k l, 1 nmo it. I. ' .1 V. i). 1 uk. 1: II iv"- mix wharf. I Ships irave fc . 'aysand Satardays, " '1 New li)i F. i M 1ki 1 - r V 'rtwdays ndStn"1TS t ail iwivttr, luontiHys, weanesaays, rrmcys. - i r ri ep, F iaiilars. 1 Through biiss 1, ggivu, and rates guaraa- to all points, at the different offices of the , sipanief. , , , 1 . l7::rL:cli:ir-lt:'p.Tia 4 Cm Ll.J d Car.9 ly S III. GSAY, A( ITew ri -'."dO i'dd a. , uiu, , E.R. Dudley, TbJmas Stanly,. r,dQ James Campbell, ' do . Thoa. Howard, do Moses Mason; 'I !' E. K. Tucker, Frank Hvman. rwashlngtoR epjvejj 1 31 Drewry Dixon, do Samuel M. Hargett, . do L.aCox, f , , ''. do E.D;Rus8elL J do Henry Bryan, t , ji Uta witpesp, fall '82. ueofhysio, rt do JasV W. Morris,' , . ; . do Wiley Spruill, . ,.;''' a do W.H.SpIcer, ; do '; E. J. Mathers, " 14 do ? James Duncan, ' dr Turner J. May, t :? ' do : Nathan Oaskias, ' . do Warren Edwards, do ' Geo. D. Conner, , , do ',',' Wm,W . jdo- J.O.Moore, do Thomas Wilson,, Matilda Gernniaon" J ion id Jas. Outlaw, do Sandy EUls, 'W.VL'U w;idH :,', A. W. Wood, . do JW. Wagne,A o;.ifc. ferry jaav .suv is. t . uukins, ' , tto Manr E. C Davk. v. 1 f ; do W. Johnson, ' . do Hennf Slade, - . " do Drtwry Dixori, -U tX i idd" Henry starkey, ; 4 ; do .;' Trivia TlinmfUl Jordan-PhUlips, -ii'li IS Geo. Dawson, : ' do Aaley Dixon, , ."" ,., do J , JoBhita Manning, 'M'A- do Shadrack Dunn, 7 -- - -? - do BryoeRoe: f l "ff dol , AGeo. M. GiskiM, 9 f do i J. A. Krnul, . j.,.. :, ' , do AlexiHoUiSfrsjiAiinciOt Pbillis Uyman, i.'do Henry Staten, - ; do John Johnson, . io -Isaac WUkins, if i . .do Job. Nelson, . j do Moses T. Bryan, l,t," 'dof ' Thomas Slade, d : J c A ,. unnstopner uixon Margaret A. Starkey, A 1 T i. t f joannan na E.MPavie, is. M. streets, Harriett Newby, ... :;''fllC, Riley Moore, do t 1 d. d. mitfieid; Jttai k do ; j. A Quion, do u. u. I'jpuct.. UV , . Burney Williams, ' ' . do uaywood ureen, do Washineton SDiveT.' ' " do' -i Uesse Godetl,r A flo t uamei oreen, : do Matt Manly, U iJ do Mooes Mason . . . . . do JohnBtateBfflRqr rir;, " us ' ..,..i..;L,y,. uu 1 :V il.M ! IT1 ., , . . . I M j , . .. ; ; . Jf ii y.' V4lW. S-IA ' MS .As ' 2.00 3.50 ,;' do ....i..w.....,4.;r. ; 2.00 . ; dO ; . 9,f s s-'f; svs 4,-4 i.j' -y, 50.( dO ..' -; . 5.00 do 4.50 do ... . ..'.'..i..t....i..t' .1,00 .do;. 13.80 'dd '..-UXUtitUlW.ltM ' do 4.54- 8.10 ?8.50 .1.00 8.20 5.10 2.00 1.00 .2.00 5.00 1.00 10.00 10.00 2.00 11.25 86.46 1.00 '1.50 1 uu .: . . ...,. '' do rv ;vj.tciM. . . ..'. . do ................... ':'d A ,.; v. ;' An .'. :. .60 .50 2.05 8.80 -l.o ; ii.oo , do , . . . . 1.72 . fc!J5B:::S!isSa::S:itt K0 .00 1.00 14.50 .1.00 13.80 13.90 ' 2.80 ,4.64 (..00 'f.00 w;50 l.iBO JJ.05 btie nf Nona Ct The sul . 1 Innt, i.tr of t it 1 o bfinie . 1-mm, 01 it. -a i. . ii t tlieu ltt t, . , All p. ' ' nitiKe linuu 1 Done ll)ig lo.u n ' sep20-dlw 1 1 11 1. .-lug c, fir pi,v- tteiiioer. ' ot ;i uuv 01 tji'titemuer, ue pleaded in buiol to f i F-tate will 1 1W3. - . 1-uLi.c .i.iiiii, 1 ..arator.. BTATE OF NOKTH CAT 'I.I A," 1 . I .;,.!.. ;a .Cmvett county, j vjf KvrfcHiy.-tj Ltij.tii:, ttlonl.a flti.iV. .1.1 V ' ' ' 1 - W (. ''' 'f "-' NOTICE. Ferdbuiiul Wrloh, t, ajsi r,iT ioH 1 TK.P.Lorch;ff ur ? , i,;!,- .'.ii,: !"';') -' Take notice, that the above, romeif action Is instituted-to appoint a trust-e under tne will of F. Vlrlch, ftd ct'aim-e ti lmnue of the investuientof tlie fuud, and t uityou are required to appear at the next 'J nn of stud Court, to be held at thet'oni't House InKew bern on the 12mi Moiuuiy aiter tne 1st Monday In September, lPS,nd,ilqud, answer or de mur to the cbniplaiiit. : (senMI-iMwfiitfl filv Clerk Superior Corf,..' .Jl-VT I -Vil , 1'! .'ISiH ! .i:it!!",!'l i.i : m ., 85.43 L ...... ... .u viriTinift r- '' 9 81 r "-' wwi'''"'"'U, .'.! , t-'t. , .Oil I , . ft-,.' nu wADmif r, & Tr.T tu . .!.(,,tl Craven County.'! -a'iV.;', Harriet lai'rli f atTPERlOB CbUU'ri J ' Chas. ilurrlfc l? Jl'J.' "'Act6nVr'Wvorce;; To Chas. Harris, Defondaut. ' :' ' j ' ' . 'Tak notle,tlvt vori are reo"rdo appear at the Full Term, 1 !, of Hold MiterlorCourt, S' -l, (U l e i i I' ! i I ,ui:,.,e I f f, 1 J emv ri v, i'. l'.inetuiti, 1 rewen in, rttus to in- 'i, Cliat.ir, ( ,t it h8 an ci- s at 5. 1U and Id r 7 e ewttt or m or sonili of .ul Punch, i. MHiiiiuid, ' itee, - too nu ' i i i t. Also, m i 'mica, nenry t iv, Kev Mr mk. ail ikivi.i and Reina leutna, 15 cents. Arsvi, t-- , tMiter ( iii""r Ale, and Uist cemiDHicd l i-f H.ocii v a i ilk, as ., AiUliUe St., next to coiuer of South Front, , pirt -j' f f - f ir 1 'iS, N, O. - - n i ,i,u..' iin - -. ifhls whiskey lscolttrolhsl p.itiroVr by Ven altle A Beyumu, N. Y. it Ik , , ,i In Mary. 1 landln the slate water reu'-iih of r titHinie, . from the small grain grown tiiore. 'i he dUtil. . latlonis superintended by a peiwi.-inan who understands bis business lioriHit.-i-ly. Nothing aeieierious is aao a 10 enter l lOitecoiu- position, and none ot It Is allowed to be sold until it is fullv three vearfl olil In iii .ler that It may be entirely free by evnnoratlon from the .15 24.05 11(95 1.40 10.62 '8.80 -MO 4.80 '180 "2.89 K'liBO i ,87 105 '2.0O '8.50 4.po m or goods as perfectly pure to fill a loitft felt want for medical purposes. It is their own brand and they slake their ropuvutlon on the truth' of this assertion ' . ' '," .f orsaieoy, , raiigld4w3m'i .' ': Iijfitands at thd Head. to be held" at tne Court Tiouse In the City of ieworn( on in i; u , n"nnay aiveruiejst Monday In September, Wt, and plead answer ordemor totiioooinplaint. (: i"M i i . This is an action for divorce from the bonds of matrimony on the grounds tt adultery. ((lliJs tlUiday of 'Ber,trtmier,'ixu-:i , anpiiruu w i viei a nup. vAturt, uruven tunty. M - r - w - f -m-. ' ..:Vr.yyfipiu "(l-'!tf!, .lt;it(; TJ;T35 MOTEL, ....... m&w ,sitjMjs,.. c. . ml 'iii'f'.:'.'H.iit"-;-,lii.ii i.iU; 11 ii? no .-liTT.t ffi h 'I.UI -.lit- (11 -f 1 !. MW' V liO . .'imWiiiilfilllH V.--.'Il!fi; i -i-i-l '. v M UlUltt , t I do! ' do? ' pass, Ht ' Hargronf f 4l. eets, fiiW1 '' , J JosNejwnpjC reports to State, Deo. '82 I'f - do itrf ;iV,;vil tl 4.15 'v,i. 2.70' ' .' .An. A il ' . . . . . ..... . . , . 'St i' . o ,, ,, f. . .f. do u.,.......;j 8.00 d - :vi,;;.':;;;'.vi:!;.' 8.50 .d r. .'v: . 4.401 ,. 8.(, lt.WMl' .! f.-J- ' JS""! ? - do , vwvv t ; .1..'., k , .(! 1,75 lri ct' irt lit , j-.i..,U f imsim an . ... ....a,,,.,..,., a . . a. w do 1.00 m:i k. n.i,olf MdifitJ vtr sen? AW do..Ay.:.;;.1.;:;'-''': 1.00 - do ....'.-.. , 1.00 y:, m :t.&E.4ML:Ma Q t.00 do .t i(i,w..'i; .a. a'-a' 175 5r n v '-rt .vs".? j'ft'iSi t.i-do. ; ...i.ij-Mi.,-1.00 "do ' 'i 1.00 t, - d .:'..'.jvw.'. h 4.10 5 do ........ .V.".'''" 4.10 r(y(,dO jijv. .-. -A ,y, 8.05 5 1 8Mf i.if ?.! .1S A . '; ( 8.0S ti;,.j d . t . , . , . . . .t, ' .1.42 if ; f do ,,. ..,; .-. v .. v.. . f'i ' 4.50. , do 1.60 vv do "i'.'T'ii.i ''.".V. .;-;'.'' ',f,.80 do M J.t,J AAi..WU 'I ' 4.85 n atnio ru. oa r i . no nn ...... .4t f iew.jvv .00 i.oo a,oo a.T7 1.1.70 10.65 '6.81 13180 s:8;l0 ,;4.00 2.60 4.15 ,,5.70 "4.40 1.40 ;.2.00 . ,3.50 '1.75 t.80 i! i.oo i 1.50 tl;00 . J.72 1.00 vl.OO 1.75 i.oo 1.68 1 '.50 .'i.oo 1.00 '. 4.00 4.10 4.10 i40 8.05 f235 U2 ,4.50 1.50 2.80 . 4.85 '3.00 i 111 fitih WomstantiVtiarrT a verv'iftVee'ahd select imeoi . Tli(. l() j. jkj .(flv'l tU!l 1 i Fine Qxoeerieii aiatHiht &mr. vJQwmd Goofaym jl'itiifi'MffiL nil , , !'.i wPtcetr i rif; i ,i)i ..ii I 'xl jtrliil7a.nilJ,Craifiri,.Ji iuh t;wH.iwi ''i..m'r- '..l.'.l., t. K' lil'j Jri , :a(tPCtf,I. i.',v!.;,..; ife, Ciaars And weBrdlcltarja,lirrom'tHe4iitrtrnrte.r .. we van especial aiutniion io our Khgllsn Breakfast and Jnnan Teas, tnd hue "Humn. ton". Java and Elo ColTee,, fresh -ground everr uJf uv,fu ittc uesbiu uie CIW: 'uya package.-., . 1 --. j(,r:. U.n.. .1.. J nAHHln. 1 .ill. .J V ". A No.l Fanny Flour 4cli. '' l U 0r ."Le BoaueW Cluar.fiei ttacH'Bfor , :l , weaeep inaoesi, oi-every tning,-and guar antee both price and 'quality, And cheerAilh The CasH Trade Oisly fj.teited. ' riJm8 edited ejid Bltowed Jai yst. u-n tin. ..,,. s.ii-,1 ut . fktu.i.l.' tl.; .y fc.r.4A,K' " ,;";4f;,;i'CJ ITWRriAll 18834 L William Cleve, ar.-, for support of M. Spears, paur),'i..'X.JLL'.'..l.'ir SUM i(i;ii.-ii aq,mitU",j.ki.i,ii1iojJHtvf is, jjoaon, pauper, ....,...,.,...,.. 1.50 'r Wvl'iMo Geo. ltteirrtickitnd 1mJ.,JtW ert , i , , ao . ' 1, , v - i do cii'dd ,'t;,ir'."i"tiiti'Ht.j(d"isii! " "S"-'- .!i'.l Hf.'i-I QU.:t'. William Arnold, for mdo.,,,,,) a W.' Latham, .. . do , . J4S, V iliddler-soiitn Wm. Moore, . do John Ipock, i-' ;':.' rt,:.' . ' 'do : SarahHeritager1.f.l,,i..;if 4o? '.., aO -,:v'. OO . Mrs. S. Hoover, ; , do Henry wells, a. At KdBsell Jas. A. Eraul E.M.SmitIi, . W do Joel Kinsey. ; , do John Y. Jones, , . do Jas, B. Gardner. , do ' David Ispelman, , t . ... . , : do Gregory Stanly, do W.G. Brinson, ; . do T ' iFS'sUpm y..LJ.;vlM I "1.50 S. LUtlOt,..,.rt.i. n...4..MM, .fvt..i,rV...,HtJiI Bettie Nelson .................. ...'.'.'' 2.00 M. Harris,,., ,.yvVyw,.u-v-' 4.00 B....7J..j.4...vVl.50 Ji WyleyandIamUyt..5...jf.T..X I HX)0 u. ireaoiHt-. .,M..i..i.....,:. ( 2.60 P. Waldon.. Masse) ssisssss SSSSSSSSS r.A i' 2.00 N. and P. Moore ...... IS.. ' i . 2.50 Elfca Budd :.,.:vv;.: v,V.ii'vV T ' 2:00 seifand child tf;...4v.t,V.;l''':!:M5.oo Self.. ..,. 2.50 Susan Srnfeer Jt;f...'...'.;.';;..l':.Vl' 1 2.00 E. Williams '....v.Ji.ii',H.JJ W...... ' 8.00 Leva's 3Iardy.,'f.;.w....i4.:.....i,t J A 2.00 E. Becton....!lv..;.....lkL...df 1.50 Locky- i stsissi Vstsitvtses ' 8.00 J. JolmsonnM4 j.ifctA.'U.i.f j.cv w 1.50 Self ' W0 Self n 9.50 oca.12 U.-fiit! '3.00 .SO " 5.00 . 4-00 lj1.58 8.00 7.00 2.50 2-00 3.50 2.00 5.00 5.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 2.00 ; 8.00 f 8.00 8.00 " 1.50 1.50 2.50 " t V (l;lVS3iHii3n'DI A T.l An 'IWm T.:, -. J - '"j" U'.!i; , v.v,. , . . W . ,' U. A A XUV1.1UU... ............ ......... A. Toler, , t , , v', ; ' do Daniol Keu. .tt.f4 .&;a1I,...U4 V 2.00 ' J. RWasoner,' ' do Mrs. Davis ......... ,. , 5.00 ! Amanda uiark do elf ; , . 2.00 Rubin Clark. 'y, ();' do 'Aliceand Judy...:;..;;............... 3.00 Betsy FonvUle, : . do , Self ..;.uwi;w.u..-.,tx;"1.50 LriVVelherinrtopf u do ; iB. T.jlor-.....4rj , 3,00 Newton Weeks, r : ''do;, Bolf Jl.T.,; L...:.i 4.C0 r-it. ...,....... r - tUcVhfcA..uA.,..; Solf, Jan. '83 'Self, Jan. 8.00 f '8Xj 2.50 f '' 2.50 Mrs. Wesley 0Mjf,:. , 'Z :''"" do Geo.S.l-iBlier,HA do Firman Tsylr, do Mary A. UaUifl, do Celia Herrington, ' do R. J. Miller, colli n for Marks , Mary Murphy, cofiln for 11 i .,1'ivi'iO'J! X'XU I : n. . ,1.50 IM l.ti 1.50 1.50 4.C0 4f) 2.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 2.10 4.00 1.50 ..M0 1.50 1.5; 1.50 4.C3 4.C -L. -si A. r tit' ut. i u-'-vl ! i:t,i ii ,: ; .if I . ,1.'- ' ' '''Im"4" k :'''!.f U'l.,! f j ; - -i t-wt r ! v;,:: . wW'.-; TKEij::sT'r:::::::i Ht W-" S. Front St., Newilerna. NrfV .Atsr ji '-- . , ( . j, G r tii Im 4 j (And an si I M U t SI l w. u'.prdorsv -.f tSucc XnCor.I, J, i II y.tt. ELATfC,' , , ' New lii;rne, N. 0. c:::.ESTic. .r , . ',1 :r.j r.m ,;For sale by . t mh.W; ,i M-f 'nTTwnrr''-'.- !'') '.-.'.W'iWirtl.4. v':Jisi:tsUUJi X ",';,i m'alM" New.Bebnic.-N. C. . s.rti i).l t Manwell-tSiGiabtree, ) , iron ana itrass c ounaers - flt).'-i,iJl!rfkflfl( , !,t Vj B Q I LEE MAKER S. v-ri J Uiw.ivJ vsiJ M'.I ' t.' 'x - . .. ;' . 'li!wiSf. UK 8 'vliA'f ; work In liantion jd.lf.tt I'M :let6r,' t- ooiej . h, vS. ..:..i'r -1, 17.0. G. E. Miller is my autliorizcd aent in Kiabtoa.' -""!" , t maJj-lyaw M . '" t ' ' tt - hiis CMMi Vaswgssff- ' J DML BROS., Hi WHOLESALE OROtiESl Ut 1 cc t 'T sLs..s w ,in wi X3j - , NEW BKEVt ti. '.. ! - j .!.- April y, dw I., It , '.- ,- I I .....1 ro fa: Lull r T"'-- s r a , :; ". In oi r ne r ' 1 n (- ' r' 1 c t t i niiittt aiitii i ... - - . . f . i sil of v ' HOi v-.- v V I I lEfri car i OP GOLDSBOiCO. i '..V!'()(),!-fi:;..:;s.: WATERT0WN, ECLIPSE : '; ;.'-. ;' 'ANDi;:,,il!v; '.';.;'?'' FRANK ENGINES ".. i- li'fi ju'C .- Are FIRST CLASS, equaled 'by fo excelled by none. rUeercJHe is made to every partywu1!! Iicn.ati8fac tion guaranteed. ". ; Do pot be. put off ,wiUi tlie common, enf'uca, W1 fldotliJ vtDc market, but call and examine'' ours and let us show fou thep-ippiuts of excellence, i Afebagents. rr the r , z n::rir ator, .- S srlf; die Leal boiler Tcctiur kuOH nl itA CQir76fT GINS "- ii.;' I I'.'ifiXND'1 "."- 'I'.Mlt .J llMwIllll ' riraplicity Power Pr the best made. .',t j : GrliitMills, Deltas, Tipe, p ,7 ft .( I n tf" I '" " andf machinchv ji'iici-nllvi SniAnln pn- gines alwnys ia stock. For further information call on or ad dress,!) 7jtl'f; 1 ' ""!; J."L. l;:tYAN, r 'Mn"..r, l ;i;::..'.f,:,I,.,l . ,. C. j In "'i , LV- ' "y rcct'iv'i"ia f 1 1 '.IL ! ' 1 i -i. . . t Biir " It '.:c- "7 f I, 'V X'

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