5 UICHMONl. ,jms. JK VLB s ' ; .Stem Byeing and Cleaning EstaMskcnt , Gentlemen's Overcoats, Coats, Iahta and , . Vemi Iadics' Dresses, Shawls, Cloaks, CJrape ,'.'.',,. Veils, Ribbons, Pinnies, Hats, Gloves, etc, i , -cleaned umldyocl at short notice and node ,, t rate prices. Carpets and rug.cieued,by ma- ?. ,-ehlnery lately Introduced- in the .clly. llest . -city relerene.es. : frouipt uttentiou.to woritoy tier joijknal: s-r- ; . : r: r t ' SEW BERNE,' -fl. 'C., 'OCt.' -18, 1883 PIIOFJESSIQNAL. F uiail or express. Agents, wanted. " ' I, .1 -MEETINGS-OT'LttlMjiES. i " ... - r-'v ?: "r't)'i- ' St. ,John9 Lodge, No. 3A. F. & Ai M., meets the 3d Wednesday flight in each month. . - .. . DR. g;k bagby, SURGEON 31 N. Fifth St.. Richmond, Thi Tjff f :NewBbrne Lonaff, Ntf. 43KSight8 x. ts ;Otf Honor, meets on the 2f and"4th Fri- Hi day nights meaoh month. N wing .DENTIST, 3 ':: r'.-J 7 ' Slate North Carolina--Craven County. Superior Court Before the Clerk. D. R. Williams va. David Crump . To Tkivltl tVnmW TW.fan.1m,. V ' V ,., Take notice, that tills la a special prooei Iw Instituted for the mimosa of enabling- 1 plaintiff to drain his land through -vourlond situated In said county. And you are required 10 appear oeiore ma von vm at tne uourt ioi In said County on the 8th day of Noveral 188S. and answer or demur to the petition. HIT A nTTTHTrmTr T"ltTl 1 'PATTII ' uigiiw in immtu. services to IlACIIIirERY FOR fSALEU. .Assessment No.,126 fa now due, and f0untry rT , i 'i . P!'Ui4 be paid on w beloithjB 134 day J " y? f Twenty-flve horse Vertical Boiler. Thirty 0 Ocj-fli,;, -1983s , located in New Berne, offers! his services to 'New Berne' and surrounding tear t i lionet Hetyrn Tubular,! Eight -horse Engine. n ms norse fortttuie engine, iohdiu s iiiiuib,) Twenty-tlveliorso Portable Engine (Hahni's , ' ' '.T r Office' corner of South Front and Craven Trent CJopNcirT, No. 411, Royal Ar- !treots.i dw JiiukBl. meverul Vertical Hollers. Also. ulete Kteani Grist Mill. Complete Haw 1 Second hand Hteam Pumps. Inspirators. Cetitrlfugal Pumps, .Circular Saws, Judson overnor, -, Kngme J Hark Mills. Pinning 2 T(..t.. AnJ l.nn.l . I Kepalr work done to Engines, Pumps, 8a w , ' Tramway Ieomottvea bnllt.'5 f ' t iSSSJ: Assessment No, 50 is now due. and Surfiieon !E G 1 1 i S t i Lathes. Driu' Presses must be paid on or before the Wth day '-.; VvfttBwaAlI'KO i ' Machines. Matched and iolXtetohex. 1883.0 u WW 'L;W! , ' T, . T ' ' T i wamuum, ioo.,iu f" ' I Havlna located nermanent.lv In Vnwhui-n. T Athpvti f Annv Kn ft WvmnTO rn respeotfully tender my professional services MU -aTi Viur na 1iisl wit wltli lint. HnV tllffhtfl 1T1 OA Oh TYi-mtTl : i vcrsai fuvor., Baies of Erie w has teen Assessment No.;ilO is now due, and w made toCliyof Elclimond for, water works, mnat va -.jj -i 'oirk v stw home power boiiem..: mo horse boiibrto must be jmid on Qr before the 27th day i ' lUchmond Cedar Works.-,' 80 horse bollerjo R. Of October, 1888 H IV ! , J- O. V oi than) 4 Co., for Planing Mill at Rich- , . . A ,'JV J . mond. 0..H. raner, charlotte county,tvir- iUBKA JjODQE, ino. o, l. u. U. DV, meets on the 2d and 4th Monday nights in each month. - V i Assessment No- is now due, and Cu:!dn2h:mVI:i:!:cy, f '( r ,",- t,i; , i si issi i I I I ; ;i I, . ! ,-. F J . ti , T .Tears Prmct I J 1,1 Vep',aWly en .Tears Practical Experience, IS U l ... - :. . WILLIAM WHITFOIID, ' 'a ttlnl:i,ciln!)lete Steam Mill. HoiuR A. Bald- ,win, 1'iirilsvlUe, Hnohlnglmm county, (Vlr- . ' Hiniu, J iiiinii.woos,.i!,Bci,f Manonester,i vir- . ' glnla, for Tannery, and many ullioi-s. - . Those who contemplatff buying Engines, 1 , irlBt, Haw Mills, etc, would dw well tdoorre- (pOtldWltll V; $ 1 S 7' ' : u : Itirhmond, fa. ' ' ; 'r l!rst-!ilrt.(r VoTk our prices are i lower ,. . r.t' oiIiotb, and oil Inquiry you will be so . vtm.led ang27dAw8qi. t 3 i This whiskey Is controlled entirely bv Ven. able 4 Heyman, N. Y. It Is distilled hi Mary, land in the slate Water regions of that State, from the small grain grown there. The distil lation is superintended by a gentleman who understands his business thorouathlr. Nothing deleterious is allowed to enter into its com position, and none of it Is allowed to be sold until it is fully three years old in order that it may be entirely free by evaporation from the fusel oil, Venable & Hevnian offer these goods as perfectly pure to fill a long felt want ior meuicai purposes., it is their own brand ATtORJTKY AT LAW. Offlc on (Craven street,' two doors north of Pollock, NEWBEBN, N. C. i in the U. S. District Court. spetfalty.i ..i.i x . '. : i. (-.. Conveyancing a 001711 must ..pai.o, or before the T..CTG!o s Neusb 'Qouncil,. No. 1, Order of Chosen Friends, meets on the 1st and 8d Wednesday nights in each month. !' Assessment No. 48 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 81st day r. w. NIXON. CLEMENT MANLY. F. M. BIMMO S of October, 1883." Cosmopolitan Counctl No. 211, Amer- NIXON, SIMMONS & MANLY , ATTOKNEYS AT LAW. '; . orlu.provl.v? the coirdltltln ofliorses, mules ICAN LE0I0N OF HONOR, meets On the 1st Onil6wPcSet PamaIT'inH rtUnvffiln month eWd ) iirfeittdiswmpeiaiidaiidieaH-Hto.which a 1 'Assessment No.'43 is now due, and ' ,,T . Nobby sacks and cut away suits. Our Clothing is from the best Houses and will fit. Acknowledged by a merchant tailor to be the to line of Made Clothing in the city. t ' iBoys' and Children's Suits a specialty.. ( ....... . . Do not buy your winter underware until you hnve seen our stock. We wil. save you money. ' . . , ,, . .. . Half dozen Elm City Shirts for S5.50. As good as any in the place. Fit and they stake their reputation on . the truth guaranteed. . of this assertion. i I". ... , '' , ...... ... crnisn a. nose, zoc, worth soc. v ill outwear nil others. Latest styles of Stiff and Soft Ilats. Largest skek. ' Only place in town that Stacv Adams & Co.'s Slions can be found. Tf vim wear them once you will' want them again. Fullline of Ties and Scarfs, Scarf Pins. Wristlets. Rotulus Susnenders. Collars and Cuffs. - Carpets, Oil-Cloths and Rugs. , . . ? IOa ClothStove Eugs, 75o.and $1.00. ... . , , , ... Trunks, Valises, Shawl Straps, etc. .,';.' : ;l. .J HOWARD & . JONES, oct6d&wft Qimoxitc Eniscoml. Church. IcU horse H subject Internnlly. After an animal h linnroved by itsuselt nmy toe leftwff w h nutxhlH falling back ta his first poor eondltlon. must be paid on or before the 18th day Of October ,a883.i'i nm-.'tf t-t local Branch NorOa, Order of the Iron Hall, meets on the( 8d. Monday night to each month. " 1 ! " 1 . . Assessment No. 26 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 22d day oi uctober.looa. fltrnnfi v QKQAtfn Rilelgh.N.C. DANIEL E. PERRY. Klnston, N. 0 It Is highly approved by all who have given it n fair trial. We have Vet to hear of a single I nstanco where the HORSE TONIO has Hilled . o accomplish what we claim for It. From a . nrge munbor of (ostlinonlals we select the ollowlng: " " ' Mit. E. P. Reeve: Dear Sir I have heen . using your Duval 4 Norton's Horse Tonic for the lust eighteen mouths, and find It the best nintiininn i nave ever lispfi rnr TMPROviNa ine i . v .' t v j a general itBAirH and apI'etitsi of horses in Cod feather, BUeltec (or Stock Hid condition. , ... Respectfully . .- , o..i,(all.. . , . " Robert Vauqhak, VroiltaDle. K 'l111 wehmondoy Jauway.; jj0t pne farmer in a hundred un derstands the importance of shelter for stock. This has much to do with success or failure of tens ol' I thousands of j farmers. , Animftls tairly sheltered consume' ten to STRONG & PERRY, KINSTON, N. C, ATTORNEYS APiL COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Having formed a copartnership for the ftractlce of the law in Jones county, will regu arly attend the courts of the same. Prompt wwnuoii paia to collections. mayl2-d4wtf STRONG A PERRY, : To since tills Invaluable remedy In reach of I nave reduced the price to 75 cents a hot p." Manufactured only by - X - K. P. REEVE, Druggist, W8 Enst Marshall itreet,- Richmond, Va. , Sold hy4rugglsts generally. , aug29dAw4m PHIU HOLLAND, JR.' 0WKK U. OtTIOK. HOLLAND & GUION, .Attorneys at Law, (Office one door west of Gaston House.) ' Will practice In the Counties of Craven s, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenolr impt attention paid to collections. pn-awiv. Jones, ( PiiETIOULAE UOTICE . SPJ&'SlfSS S PK-, T ; D. CLARK, mi healthier; and working and milk I producing animals are much better able to Tender eueenve service. NEWBERN. If. C. Tliri'i IJ. TUQ i XT ' iJII The lOSS Of one Or. more WOrkmgl omce on Craven street, between Pollock AJl.Vk Ui ,V Vf hnraoa nr nvpn nr nf onwa nr ntho ;..(!' Iff t1v ,tf; ' OFFER A .. . aprl7-dAwly HOTELS. PULL LHVK 1 - ! , OF (groceries, ' r "t T ry : G(H)tls, ,, t.; uK 'J .- . ";i,t M . f.Ui. I. i.i. sep2-d4wim JBoots and if . horses or oxen, or of cows, or other and Brood.' farm, ;. stock,' is often a staggering blow to those scarcely able to make the ends of the vear meet, and the RIVER VIEW HOTEL auiuiois aid uovauuia tu uuotigco due. directly or indirectly, to im- ELIZABETH CITY, N. C.i proper protection in autumn; win- A. L. PENDLETON, Pkopeietoe tftl". fir flnrin el' Of th fnnd pat.ftii. all I ' This hotel Is situated near the steamer land. 1. 1 - .a n r. I i ings, anu iu me uumiiess pan oi Hie town ; nas the animals U8e Op a large percent- B hack at each of the Railroad depots on the agejarpuemg the natural heat ou ol the body at all seasons, and heat . , , enough Sto keep up ninety-eight . i ' JEtKAlJ Til IS. degress all. through tne. body is ab solutely essential. Only what food TIia ftlnlin II Alien remains after this heat is provided I ,w ' t j ,,r'Mv! Shops, i Etc. in the system can go to increase Ko. 177 Main Street, ? Norfolk, Va. Btuwtu ttiiu-auougiu, vuu , tu lire , . f y RATES OF BOARDING: manufacture of milk in cows and of giie Day... ; t J ihtrcrain fnwlc Wlinn lienf. eonnnAO ll'wo Dnvs ' -V . '; ? . " ' ' ' ! r.,' rapidly 'ftorn the surlace, as in cold per week ..""!ZZ:Z":"ZZIZZZ, Oail & Ax Snnlt weather, more heat must be pro- W:rir.ltetr rinfp.M witlnn. nnrl mora innd lift I Lodulnu flia ia I This house has been thoroughly refurnlBhed ilt maUUiaClUrei'S rnCtJSf f'"(uai, and newly painted. The table will be always hair or iur in winter. f' Any ithinking man will see that an animal either requires less food; or has. more left for other uses if it is 1 : protected ' ' artificially ' against winds 'that' carry off-' heat rapidlyj and against, storms that promote the loss of heat by evaporation of A:nl.nHA 1-1. mn . n nr lf. . 1. n T tt.- Tv..flP-D:i.ll Hf.-J-tl luuiatuio llUJUli vutj ounuu vi tuc " "" ""J n;ft,iv Lorillard and .51.60 ,. 2.50 ,. 8.00 ,.000 ..DO Ctfc .r Ojp, Gaston Home, ' a-'rur4i "i?.'?o'.iA i:: dw' . NEWBERN, K C. .. .. NEW BERNE ; . BILLIARD PARLOR, inDlled with the best in season. Bar always stocked with the finest wines I Hqnorsandoigars, I Give the Globe House a Trial, "No, 177 Main Street, Norfolk, Va. -;. ' i,: r B. PEDDLE, jull-d&wHni Proprl 1 .use I of November, I 1 IffiWlTO OHita 9ltU (lair rt CLantatnKaw lUUtl Wi UAKfEHTKB, sep25d6w Clerk Seperior Court. vi ; ARE HEADQUARTEBS' F0T 1 s ',r'A Fulrhishi For sole by augld&wSm C. H. BLANK, x New Berne, N. C, ALEX: MILLER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL "GROCER. Constantly receiving a full line Ohoice Groceries ' ' : - ' . and ; " FARMERS'; SUPPLIES, wmcn we oner as low as any house in the city, and warrant all goods as rep resented. Call and examine onr stock and prices, btables furnished nee to all out country customers. uoocis (iciiveroci ir.ee to any art o the city. 1 12 W. & D. L. H. CUTLER, Stoves and Hardware, Sash, Doors & Blinds, LIME, CEMENT and PLASTER HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Ptunts, Oils, Glass and Putty, GUNS AND PISTOLS, TOILET SETS, i Rubber and Leather Belting, mc; me., Etc. w D. W. HU1.TT, MERCHANT TAILOR old T A , CENTRAL HOTEL, i , . W. E. PATTERSON. Pbopr. NEW BEItNE, N. C. mHIS WELL KNOWN AND COMMODIOUS A'dozen cows. for example, Ah."?t!lar S1" STJSl lVh Will COnSuTiie' fronl tWO tO SIX tons recommends itself for-its convenience to the f 'i ' !flft. .n r veiling Arng solicitors every uiui o vi Jiajf . ii.ioii cAivirou j xx uiu i opportunity of visiting business correspondents It has attentive servants, ana lis woie is furnished with Mar. 80, 6m w street, near corner ef PcUpck. CIVC luTU TARI CQ IIIQT PUT IM more of hay . if left exposed from opportunity of vi rift WtW IflDLtd JUOlrUl IN. October to, April, than If warmly UtV8te';"je , ; .Three Biiard and Twp,Pool sheltered,, and in the latter case Eve . Dc,icacy of the geasou 17,'rineT..-1 th'A' nnimfW. 4U .muT" " room, are large, airy and well furnisaed. 7 a uavqim in iji-iv JJ uii da i j aiju vigpr, unu give mucn more AN OMNIBXTS s always nill . iU a aaIa ItsiMiAa ohaan ui"B.i''i xjuudj. vavuv, uwood) oucc, ior tne accommodation of g and fiwhie will be equally- benefited jraius and steamers free of K. Anmlnl .nnftfAAtiAn IMdwMH f7.. ,. . i . . UJ VqCAMI. l.AVWCVWAV14.-,-" .wvvf I All thB appurUJUaUCeB, OX a Uiuuorn lAgfieVjlturist. "Mr1: I-CAE011B0LETTE TABLE, OEVIL AMONG THE TAILOR ftfB.-DWmr.' : . 'tfr, ives. . 7 , ... Sardines, Lobster, Llmburgev and Schweitzer, , -j UUr I U;WsWW, t-ti "v" ' Oieese oQnstanttyotth"Wd'.t vf ' )4 : " I 'C", . 7 ' New Store on Middle st. or the accommodation of guests to and from onarge speet&i r FIRST CLASS HOTEL. ,, April 1-d-lv. , Novld 4 w. GEO.WrJ.HAKYEy 930 BIC Maker of '-Boots BKsT Nrf st l S -:k v PHILADELPHIA, ESTABLISHED 1859. 1 ' : Gentlemen's .FlM Cuitom I S. IC EATO.N'S JEWEI.UY Kj r ! it. r. M i ' - j to snow ineuuB. ana GASTON HOUSE, ' V WEW'BEttaBJ N. .i 1 , S: B. STREET & SON, Proprietors. The Only.Flrst-class House In the City. Omnibus oonnects with all Train and Steamers. Large sample rooms ior coramer oial travelers. ' 1 ; oouai-uu , 1 . - T ' I.,,'. I,-. , :.Jt.:'T.T. HOTEL, I & Shoe of the ntest Styles au II (jiRADES, a W S I; 4 Messrs. B. k. Bryant Geo the pubho generally, a 1 lrBt-Class tiQns,;ooilioe8, Hats, etc., etc Top'r. ;. D., WA.tFULLEK, Prop': Would refer to ; i -Heiidersoii, weo: - and others, all of W Orders by .Stall tollfitcil, .' JulySdAWly , ' "GEO. W.' i ftARvEY. ,n. gaskill; iieechant tailoe, Has receivei lmes No- . . Amnio accommodations at ' all t: Sample rooms for comtoercia tijave era. 'Unartcesmoaerate,.. uukouu 4- GRADED gQHOOL . ' wv . . TJo. tA - n -. " I TbBpiinii of lHxa-m win commence otj" V Sole Aeents for East New York Ladies' 11-3 II.'.'!" f- , tf. !r, .': Misses' and Children's Fine Shoes, Gents' Shoes and' Furnishing Goods a specialty. : vkV"-v-:" 1 and is prOp'aiod to make up the 1 '; iRnd.;; . aionable clo- e -t quality' i,, 1 ' : terras, a-i wijVH oa han,' MipDLB 'Street; : f!,i,iU1 KplOdAwly .'A' New Bepe. N, C, S,eM.MIe4tiCi Davlg aid Each Machine warranted "s, -i .i' S 1 1 ;.,':" ve years. .' 1 . sure to come to Bee us .8epl9d&w8rfl Household. -J r v nv for Bona fide residents of this Behoof fJWxict are entitled to rree tuition. . , f Non-residents will be charged as follows t Lowe grades forseBlon. M0.00 t Intermediate grades for session 15.00 Higher -. " ILL . - Allapbllcants for ml8'on,5heiWl; ' Jdentofn-resldenihurtobtointtoU f . 'ii from the 8eqr.etaf.;i ? 'T' "1IlI'Lr'fll: A--rt -T m.1-TT O- ff l . President Itoanl of Trustc . 14. : It I I V t f-. I .11 f . I... wtmt,..f 4-r I 71 v w -,-. i.v 1 ' . i'l ' ' 1 'Jfinloalft fJinr.pra . I.. m m r ' -- ! t.W linlA That valuable Lt, earner of George and, Pollock streets, known as th "aluachtet DltirAKllKTlT M U fill' Hlllll "' 111 Nloe front on Iconic street for bttUdlijB lotfc ForiiiuiriiiaupAappiy.TOi:-: ' ' .sepJdlf , , UHKk. STEVENSON, f f ,1 , And, dealers in . h ,, , : . GuanQ aha Genuine German. t ;'.!; ' TT-'-Ji. ... . v:v. " 'Brick Block, Kiddle sireet, , ewbprn, 1.0. MIDDLE STEEET, New Berne, N. 0. Ferdinand Ulrich, , . ,, ., -DEALKIt IN- GROCERIES &DBY GOODS BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Ropes, Twines, Paints Oils Can . . vass, and Oakum. The place to buy GRAIN SACKS in any (quantity and; ;'" . , U)UILIiAlll SNUFF , :;;- ;,,'..: if-.ir;.. .'i t by :thc bbl. !l: m NETS' and SEINES.. Pool 01 Middle street, , - ' ; !-v.'il-A'l' ! i NEW BEKNE, N. C,J w30arv B.. 1 . ;-i'f'-'- ' ' ' ' ASA. JONES, Middle Street, Kewbern, N. 'C, (Uilenclelssdhii Piano Go Grani Offer for the.Hext Sxty 'Da Only.- , ; $850 Square Grand Piano for only $245. PI A Kill QTYI C Q1 Matailflcont rosewood ease, elegantly finished, 3 Strings, 7 1.3 Oc llnllU O I I Lb tves, full patent enntante iigrall'eH, our m-w piiteiitoveintiimirBcale beautiful carved legs and lyre, heavv serpentine and law fmicy inouldlnK, full iron frame' French Grand Aotlon, Grand Hammers, in fact, evwy Improvement which can iu anv wav ' tond to the perfection of the Instrument, has been mldcd. ' ' S Our price for this instrument, boxed and delivered on board 0 A P flfl cars at New York, with fine l'lano Cover, Ktool and Hook, only w40.UU Just reduced from our late wholesale, factory price, Satf, for sixty dnys only. -This is now oy uir, uie greatest uarffain ever onereu tne mimical punnc. linprecedenU'd success! Tre- 1 mendous demand for this style! Send in vour order at once. Ho not loHcthlsrareopportnnltv Thls Piano will bo sent on 15 days test trial, l'lenso send lvlerence if you do not Bend money with order. Cash sent with order will be refunded and freight chunics paid by us both wava if Piano is not just as represented. Heveral otherspeciiil IlniiinH: Pinnos, 11.0 11 p Over 15,(X)0inuse,and not one dissatisfied purchaser. Don't lailTT, write us before buying Hand some Illustrated Piano Catalogue, mailed free, giving the highest testimonials ever awarded any piano manufacturer. Every Piauo fully warranted for 5 years. SHEET MUSIC at one-third price. Catalogue of S,HHI choice pieces of popular music sent for 3 cent stamp. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO.. ,-"" " auwcuswiy p. o. Box 058. New York City. CEO. ALLEN & CO., 1'oiioK street, JNew Heme, JN. (j., IDEALEIl IKT General Hardware, Agricultural Implcnicnts, Stcniu Engines, Cotton Presses. Horse Powers, t Tliro.flicrs, Farm Machinery, Grain Fans, Straw Cutters, Corn Shelters, Cider Mills, Belting, Packing, Pipe, Fittings.' Paint, Oilf, (llass, Lime, t'einent, Plaster, Fertilizers, Brick, Etc, PRICES VERY! LOW FOR CASH. Furniture ! Carpets Pianos and Organs ! S. A. STEVENS WOO.,- NORFOLK, VA., Largest and Oldest Furniture Establishment in Eastern Va. 1 Prices guaranteed as low as New York ; and goods are manufactured by lis and to'onr own order, and we can guarantee superior Inducements to housekeepers. sepl-d&wlm , S. A. STEVENS. Norfolk. Va. irr 1 n 1 " f PiSiffsl1lFB-A: LUTHER SMELDOW ''DpALisa.ui',' Staple and Fancy Dry Goods rS, SHOES,1 CLOTfflSO, pt Agent for the DIAMOND SHIKTi nlaun tlrlail Sl im. Tjuinilrled Sl.25. And the celebrated Warner's Corallne Corset, ,.. prloe 11.00. ' . ( . . A fiiil tine of fieri ts'. Ladles' arid Children's Underwear, Gents' Linen, Celluloid and Paper fV.lt ait,l l-hifTa . Ktllk n,l ,1.innn 111111111101- cblefs, all kinds .of OenU', Ladles' and Chil- ,lr.na ttiinrl ttM.l MAChlllA MaAfi HIlOCS. ItUb- twtr floats. Hats nnd 8hocs. Ladles' Cloaks and Jacket, and eveihUi usually kept In a first class Dry uooos n.tore, , AHA JUJNUXS, : nartdAwly ', Middle st., op. Baptist Church i i .. i . .. '-'u v ,,(... vi ,y ':.y- -- ; . '' '' 'HtWOBSw BUNDS; f H.f ,-r- LH.i. , ir-;u!'V v DEALER IN SASHES; DOORS - j No! 1 6 W. Side Market Sqr.' and 49 Rdanolte Are ;-- , 4-,wi " tiiLi ltL2 .I fl....itl fi-.' ..-., ' tt . 1 i.. -1 , tin'i i.ilJ ne K)nlj flrst clss 'Uowpiimes'reprefti co,m mi t uu - A A ..I J '1 l ire. It lit mil Abuwauv aauiiuu. J'.l Total Capital ovot Forty Millions of 'jloiiars. juna-wiy ISO , (.. ..I julltl&woswrJ t ' 1 r i MWPLE STREET, ,N$W!MERNE, N. V. , 'I , t ii i i I. ..f

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