i". M ,1 ."3 I. J RICUMONBv MRS. A. J. PYLE'S J ' - Stem Dyeing ufl Cleaning Estaolisbent Gentlemen's Overcoats, Coat. Pants and Vesta; Ladies' Dresses, Hhawls, Cloaks, Crape Velhv Ribbons, Plumes, Haw, Gloves, etc., cleaned and dyed at short notice and mode rate prices. CarBeta and rami nltuineri hv ma. hlnery lately Introduced In the elty. Best city references. Prompt attention to work by luau or express. Agents wanted. . 314 Jt. Fifth MU. Kiekmond, Va. . ausrJW&wJm ' 2IACHINEEY F0R SALE! Twenty-flvs horse Vertical Boiler. Thirty noise Return Tubular, Eight horse Englue. Hlx horse Portable Engine (Rahm's make.) Twenty-five horse Portuble Engine (Rahm's make). Several Vertical Boilers. Also, Com plete Bteam Grist Mill. Complete Saw Mill, Second hand Steam Pumps. Inspirators. Centrifugal Pumps, Circular Saws, Judson Governors. Engine Lathes. Drill Presses. - Bark Mills. Planing Maohlnes, Matcher and . Jointer, second hand. Repair work done to Engines, Pumps, Saw i and Grist Mills. ,.s. Tramway jjoomotlves built. ' " -The New En Engine lias met with uni versal favor. Sales of Erie work has been made to City of Richmond for water worts, 280 horse power boilers. 100 horse boiler to Richmond Cedar Works. SO horse boiler to R. V. Woitham Co., for Planing MUl at Rich mond. 0. H. Farrer, Charlotte county, Vir ginia, complete Steam Mill, Uon. R. A. Bald win, Curdsvllle, Buckingham conntv, Vlr- .'ginia, Thomas Woods, Esq., Manchester, Vir i glnla, forl'annery.and many others. ; Those who contemplate buying Engines, Grist. Saw Mills, etc , would do well to corre spond with A. J. RAHM, ' ! ' ' , Richmond, Va. For first-class work our prices are lower lu others, and on Inquiry you will be bo Htisrted. . 1 augZ7d4w3m THE OUBff AX? NEW BERNE, N. C. NOV. 8, 1883. 7 PROFESSION AI r Klnston, N. C STRONG & PERRY wrwernmir iff r i .GBORQH V. 8TK0S3, , . Rleigh,K.C. ATTORNEYS ML COUNSELLORS LIT LAW. Havlncr formed a conartnerehlD for the UVXAS & NORTON'S V Celebrated HOUSE TONIC or Improving the condition of horses, mules cattle and hogs, giving them an- appetite, re- levlng them of bots and worms, hidebound urfeit, distemper and all diseases to whloh a horse Is subject Internally. After an animal s improved oy its use it may be left off with- .ve vet to near or a ni nstanoe where the HORSE TONIC has failed , o accomplish what we claim for It. ( Prom a wge number of testimonials we select the ollowlng: Ms. E. P. Reeve; Dear Sir I have been using your Duval & Norton's Horse Tonio for t he last eighteen months, and find It the best medicine I have ever used for improving the general health and appetits of horses In bad condition. ,- Respectfully, " Robert Vauohan, . Manager stables Richmond City Railway. , To place this invaluable remedy In reach of i nave reauoea me price to 73 cents a not . e. i Manufactured only by , ' " ! E. P. REEVE, Druggist, 1102 East Marshall street, Richmond, Va. . . Sold by druggists generally. aug29d&w4m Will You Do It? If you wanta good Cigar for 5 cents. 10 cents you Sgai High of "The major's." Also, Soda Water. or 15 cents, you can always find them at PALMER'S Cigar and .Tobacco Store at the Deep Rock, a pure Mineral Water and Ginger . Aie, uanaies, vranges, Lemons, Apples, JNUts, etc. If you can Judge what that is. It Is Duke of Durham Cigarettes, Tobacco for Chewing or Bmoklng, Pipes, and . ,, , i ,. i Well, come and see. ' i W. Li. PAIjMElt, Nex t to s. e. corner of Sou tk Front and Middle street, oct23-dAw . New Berne, N. C. PAETICULAR NOTICE. : MEETINGS OF LODGES. -. St. Johns Lodge, No. 3, A. F. & A. M. meets the 2d Wednesday night in each practice of the iw in Jones county, will regu m..(i. ? .. larly attend the oourts of the sam4. Prompt monui. . - J attention wild to collections. . ' New Beene Lodge, No. 443, Knights mayi2-d&wtf . . strong a perry. day nhts ?leet8b011 nth "" H0LI'A1,D ,K owensh. guion. Assessment Nd. 127 is now due, and ) HOLLAND & GUION, must be paid on or before the 81st day! Attorneys at Law. (Office' one door west of Gaston House.), Will practice In the Counties of Craven Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir Prompt attentlonpald to collections. --. ' ' .-I i 4 apriiD-oawiy. . t of October, 1883. Trent Council, No. 411, Royal Ar- canum, meets on the 1st or 3d Friday nights in each month. , Assessment No. 51 is now due. and must be paid on or before the 15th day of November, 1883. Athenlv Lodge. No. 8. Knights op Pythias, meets on the 2d and 4th Tues day nights in each month. , Assessment No. 110 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 27th day of October, 1883. ; : Eureka Lodge, No. 1,1. O. 0. F., meets on the 2d and 4th Monday nights in each month. Assessment No. is now due, and must be paid on or before the day of . -i- ..- Neuse Council, No. 1, Order op Chosen Friends, meets on the 1st and 3d Wednesday nights in each month. Assessment No. 43 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 31st day of October, 1883. Cosmopolitan Council No. 211, Amer ican Legion op Honor, meets on the 1st and 3d Thursday nights in each month. Assessment No. 44 is now due. and must be paid on or before, the 5th day of November, 1883. ' . , Sl Local Branch No. 95. Order op1 the Iron Hall, meets on the 3d Monday night in each month. Assessment No. 27 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 19th day of November, 1883. B. W. NIXON. NIXON, SIMMONS Jfc MANLY ATTOENEYS AT LAW, Will practice in the Courts of Craven. Jones. Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir, and in the Federal Court at New Berne, fobdd&wly KvQw0 DENTIST, Having located in New Berne, goffers his services to New Heine and surrounding country. , Office corner of South Front and Craven streets. . ; dtw THOS. GATES & GO. OFFER A PULL LINE V y - . ", ' :- ' - ; : f, l . :.', ' .:' OF Groceries, '.-';..;' Dry-Goodss Boots and Shoes, Etc. Lorillard. and Gail &, Ax Snutf !At Manufacturers! Prices.; . 0jp. Gaston House, , , Av , NEWBERK, K. C. . Outlines. .,' . Wll. Star, of the Oth. A conflict between a crowd of white and colored men at Danville, Va., Saturday evening; five negroes were killed ana about twenty per sons were woundedj the negroes were the aggressors; great excite' ment was caused by the news of the riot throughout the State; it is believed it will have a decided effect against the Coalitionists in. to-day's election. J. (J. Uancrolt Davis has been appointed official reporter of theU, S. Supreme Court. Two men were killed and four others seriously wounded by the fall of a coal shed at St. John's, JN. F. Twenty houses burned at New Or leans, La.; loss $20,000. -The Pope ot Rome will hold a consulta tion with Cardinal Manning and several American bishops on the question of Irish immigration to America. The business portion of Port Costa, Cal., and eight cars oaded with wheat burned; loss $100,000. Calvin Haines and family, of Topton, jfa., poisoned by eating bologna sausage; the young est child died. Postal Inspector A. B. Foster, ot Texas, has been dismissed '.for false accounts. Mrs. Ellen Long, a widow, and L Whittemore, murdered the eleven-year i)ld son of the latter, at ProviricetonV WiSi A railroad engine thrown into a river near nosburg, Vt., by a switch criimn ally misplaced; the hreman was killed and the engineer lataiiy in jured.- -Glass works burned at LasaHe, 111.; loss $5U,ouu. The Government of China unqualifiedly approve of the f manner in which the Marquis Tseng has carried out instructions on the Tonqum ques tion. A disturbance occurred in redfiricksburg, ,Va. growing out oi ine uanvuie riot, luieucso ciuito ment prevails throughout Virginia, and other riots are anticipated; ine mayor of Danville has appointed special officers to preserve peace with the assistance or the military, DR. 6. L SHACKELFORD. Surer eon Ie,ntisst NEWBERN, K. Ot. : Having located permanently in Xewbern. I renpectlully tender my professional services to tne puiinc. unice on Middle street, In 1'ut terson uuiidlng, opposite Kaptist Cliurcli. Ten Years Practical Experience, 8ep28dwly DR. J. D. CLARK, DENTIHT, NKWBERM, K. C, Office on Craven street, between Tolloch and Broad. aprl7-d&wly , NEW BERNE - -BILLIARD PARLOR; In the - Duffy Building ' on Middle street, near corner of Pollock. t FIVF NFWTARIFSIIIST PIITIN. ; Three Billiard and Two Pool; ;i 4 Finest in the Country, ' C AE01IB0LETTE ' ;. TABLE. . OEVIL AMONGTHE TAILORS - - The flnestLlqnors and Cigars, tne celebrated BEKGNEIt A ENQEL BKEIt, Sour Rrsnt, .' Sardines, Lobster, Llmburger and Schweitzer ' Cheese eenstantly on hand.' s ,'x ,5 . ' ' ' . " JOHN DETRICK. NovldAw. - N. M. GASKILLy ; IIEECHAOT TAILOR, , Has received his iWYb Spring Swnles, and in nrnnnrod j to make up the j latest and most fashionable clo- A thing. 5 Pieco goods of 1 every quality and patterns fal- ways on band. f same' OLD ! i BTAND, Middle Strkkt, . .'.v, r plOdiwly . ' New Berne. N. O. , E. D0WLIN6, ' ( MANUFACTURER Ot , Hand Sewed SHOES (Only) No. 3T CANAL STRKKT, ' . TWP.W YORK. Cor. Centre Street, - ' j- Opposite Earles Hotel Deformed and tender feet a specialty. Comfort guaranteed. ,' -. ! . -'lOrders by matl promptly attended to. Tfofnr WnnrmlHHlon to the followlns par- . i .. ....!....alm.,ti nmvmnlrA' lies wuuaro uuw ffctiimuBiiwc. v. j J. A.Ttterson. ; , MoJ.D.W.Hurtt, T. A. Henry. ' W. E. Pattewon, octlO ;! Jao. D.Yeonians. . d&wm mm DR. H. H. RANK, of the IfeQuinct'Y liutu Uojoa, now ott'em Huiuetlv vlierebr nv ene tit cure hlmiuaf at home auloklr iind MlnleHly. For teitimonlal, uit endorwtDienu, letters tram Smineut mudtoftl mn, kod ft Ml deMriptton of the treatment, tddxeu H. H. KANE. A.SL, M.U.. 4ft W. Utk SkN.wlTertu CLBMENT MANLY. F. flf. SIM MO DR. G: K. BAGBY, , SURGEON Fine Groceries! Fair Dealing LOWEST PEICES FOR CASH OIILY i Our. Motto and our Success We constantly carry a very larse and select line oi ( Fine Groceries, vanned uooas, ' Goods in Glass, : Teas, Coffee, Spices, . Cakes and Crackers, Flour, Provisions, Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff. And we solicit a call from the city trade. We call esneolal attention to our KnirllRh Breakfast and Japan Teas, and our "Hamp ton" Javnand Rio Coffee, fresh ground everv day, at 20c. lb. The best In the city. Try a pHCKUgB. Bianuara uranmatea sugar, iuc. A No. 1 Fancy Flour 4 eta. Our "Le Bouuet" ClKar.Sc. each: 0 for 25c. We keep the best of everything, and gunr- aniee mm price ana quality, and cneeriully REFUND THE MONEY OR DEMAND f ir The Cash Trade Only Solicited. ,Wm. Pell Ballance & Co. S. Front St., New Berne, N. C. novl7-dly ' HOTELS. XfcKAl THIS. The Globe House, No. 177 Main Street, Norfolk, Va, RATES OF BOARDING: ' Sinitle Day J.fi0 IVoDays 2.50 Three Days ; 3.00 Per Weok 8 00 Table Board, per Week 11.50 Supper, Lodging and Breakfast , 1.00 lXKlglng south This house has beon thoroughly refurnished and newly painted. The table will be always Buppiieu wim uie mm in season. ear always stocKeu wiin uie nnes'. wines llqnora ana cigars. Give the Globe House a Trial No. 177 Main Street, Norfolk, Va. B. PEDDLE, Jull-d&w6m Proprietor. RIVER VIEW HOTEL ELIZABETH CITY, N. C, A. L. PENDLETON, Pbopeietor This hotel is situated near the steamer land Ings. and In the business part of the town -. has a hack at each of the Kallroivd depots on the arrival oi trains. Rates Reasonable. sepZ-d&wim Look to your interest while money is-scarce. ALEX MILLER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER. Constantly rcceivinsa full line Ohoice GrocerioH and FARMERS' SUPPLIES, which we oiier as low as any house m the city, and warrant all goods as rep resented. tall . and examine onr stock and prices, btables turnished fiee to all our country customers. lioous uoiivercu tree to any part o the city. 12 W. & D. It will pay you to call ou i ' ' JOSEPH SCHWAB and buy from his large stock, consisting principally of Ready-IUlade Clothing, to which he calls particular attention, as men's latest stvle suits in Cut awav Sacks and Walking Coats, lleversible Overcoats, representuig ulsterette on one and sack-coat on the other side, and what is most important at . lalf-Crop Prices, Pull line of Children's and Boy's !School Suits, Overcoats and Underwear. In addition to this vou will find the best assortment : of Men's and Bnvs Shoes. ' As to Silk Handkerchiefs. Scarfs. Ties. SusDenders. all wool Under- shirts, Silk and Alpaca Umbrellas, no better assortment can be found in this city. Largo variety of Carpets, from hemp to Moquettc, constantly on hand. Country merchants, when desirins to fill in. will surelv save monpv hv calling. , A fair trial is all we ask, and we will make good our above assertion by dividing with them our profits. Respectfully, . .... JOSEPH SCHWERIN. k KNOWN FACT. I t CENTRAL HOTEL, W. E. PATTEKSON, PnorX NEW BERNE, N. C. L. H. CUTLEE, SSoves and Hardware, Sash, Doors & Blinds, LIME, CEMENT and PLASTER HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, GUNS AND PISTOLS, TOILET SETS, Rubber and Leather Belting, i me., me., mc. w HOWARD & JONES AEE HEADQUARTERS FOE Furnishing Goods & Clothing. Nobby sacks and cut-away suits. Our Clothing is from the best TTohp and will fit. Acknowledged bv a merchant tailor to be ihn hpt lino Made Clothing in the city. Boys' and Children's Suits a specialty. Do not buy your winter underware until you have seen our stock. We wil. save you money. Ilalf dozen Elm City Shirts for $f.50. As good as any in the place. Fit guaranteed. British II Hose, '25c, worth 35c. Will outwear all others. Latest styles of Stiff and Soft Hats. Largest stock. Only place in town that Stacy Adams & Co.'s Shoes can be found. If vou wear them once you will want them again. Full line of Ties and Scarfs, Scarf Pins, Wristlets. Rotulus Susnendnrs Collars and Cuffs. Carpets, Oil-Cloths and Rugs. Oil Cloth Stove Rugs, 75c. and 1.00. Trunks, Valises, Shawl Straps, etc. HOWARD & JONES, octGd&wft Onnosite Fjmwnnnl THIS 'WETjIi known, and commodious house, as Its name implies, is situated in the centra) and business portion of . the city, hence recommends itself for its convenience to the travelling public. Affording solicitors every opportunity of visiting business correspondents It has attentive servants, and its table is always furnished with Every Delicacy of the Season Its rooms are large, airy and well furnished. AN OMNIBUS ' or the accommodation of guests to and from trains and steamers free of 'charge a special feature In this city, All the appurtenances, oi a modern FIRST CLASS HOTEL. Aprill-d-lv.1 1 1 D. W. HURTT, MERCHANT TAILOR. ALLEN & CO.. Pollok Street, New Berne, N. ft,! C. B. HART & CO. C. A. HART, Business Manager. , and St FREE! nEUiELESHf-CDHE A fkvnrlta nrmerlDtlon of me flfJM tnost BoUd and tocceaaful specialist " theU. Inow retired) torthecureof whm IJeWMtlfti r.mt lffnMl. irntMM ana ltxxxl. peum ulain sealed euvelopV. SrugglstacanfUlit. AddrM DR. WARD CO., Uuklua, sW 01T3PEICECASHSTCHE. j North-east corner of Middle , " , South. Front Streets DIUIRS K . Stoves, Eardware,Hous9 Fnmisliing Hoods, CROCKERY WARE, LAMPS, CHIM NEYS, BURNERS, WICKS, 'ETC , Kerosene Oils, Bed O Non-EiploslVe constantly on nana. y -i S Special attention given to repairing. 2 New Heme, Sept. 4th, 1883. ... aprlltlwty; : THE FINEST ASSORTMENT; OF- :rASA: JONES, Middle .Street, Nowbern, y. V., ' DEALER IS , Staple and Fancy Dry Goods BOOTS. SHOES, ; CLOTinsrf, : Etc. ' Agent for the DIAMOND SHIRTV nlaun drled $1.00, Lanndrled $1.25, : And the celebrated Warner's Corallne Corset, ,v.; Price $1.00, ; :. -v--'. Jt full line of Gents, Ladle' and Chtldren'i Underwear, Gents' Linen, Celluloid and Paper Collins and Cuffs., Bilk and Linen Handker chiefs, all kinds of Gents', Ladles' and Chil dren's Hand and Machine Mmle Shoes, Hub her (3oaU, Hats and Hlioes, J.intl.'S' Cloaks and Jit kets, ftndeverythlngusuaUy kept In a nrst chws Ury Goods Btore. ., . ' .; ,. .- ASA JONES, ,v mmiidiwly ' Middle St., op. Baptist Churoh. ZANG'8 old STAN 13, MIDDLE STREET, New Berne, N. C. Mar. 50. 6m w ; Ferdinand TJlrich, ' Dealer is GHQGEEIES&DEY GOODS BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, KOpcs, Twines, Paints Oils Can- ; vass, and Oakum. The place to buy GRAIN SACKS in any quantity and ,. J LOBILIiAUD SNUFF - - by the bbl. 1 NETS and SEINES. vi .. i t- I Foot oi Middle street. : ; '. ' t . ' : i Wl8oarT M.. NEW BERNE; N. C. CANDIE 1 Ever otTered for sale In Newhern are t, ,i , Made FRESH Every! Day at my Faetory. The public are cordially In vited to can ana examine ray dukk. ,..-!W .-. f I have on hand a Fine" Line of , nN choice fruits; ."w among which ai r '.!;; Juicy Jamaica Oranges and Lcmoua, Bananas,- Apples, New Dates! : New Layer Figs, Malaga Grapes, Cocoanuts and Raisins. x', : 'r,',:; .i ''.": , These I'rnits are 'Koeived fresh by every atjin .Map . i -i i ' t' ( t . . . ; - t . ' , . 'i 1 . A call Irom niy friends H solicited jtnd'siiH Isfacllon guaranteed. ' I . !m- vl.C-i-'v .'"VeryTeapectfully, ". : J fe27-dtf ' IJOHN DUNN. lyonaheAly State & Monro SU., Chicago. Will null fkuM to my tMnm Uuir L BANrJ CATALOGUE, i for 1838, U0 imiiM, ill) kngnwlup Inf I n.tpnmaota. Snllf. ClIDI. Beltk' . g..- Kl.i! Rbflk. .ni bndu. r AirUiU? Uudk UHl C'llllW ieneral Hardware, Agrricultural Implements Steam Engines, Cotton Presses. Horse Powers, Threshers . Farm Machinery,' Grain Fans. Straw Cutters, Corn Shelters, Cider Mills, t Belting, Packing, Pipe, Fittings, Paint, Oil Glass, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Fertilizers, Brick, Etc, PRICES VERY LOW FOR CASH; endebsohn Piano Go Grand Offer for the Next '.Sixty Days Only: $850 Square Grand Piano for only $245. PIAnin QTYI C Ql Magnificent rosewood case, elegantly finished, 3 Strings, T 1-3 Oe rinllU O I I LL U4 tnvrs. full pnU'iitcnntanteaariiUes. onr newnatnntnvnmtniiiffiixaia beautiful carved logs and lyre, heavy serpentine and Im'k fancy moulding, tall Iron frame! '' French (irand Action, Grnud Hanioiers, in fiict, every Improvement which can In any was tend to the perfection or tne instrument, has been added. ... - uur price for this lnstriimeiit, boxed- and delivered on board 04 A C (III cars at New York, with lino l'luno Cover, Wool and Book, only W&'fUiUU Jurtt reduced from our late wholesale, factory price, iWo, for sixty day nly, i'l'hU Is now uy ihi, uie KniBivHi. iHiimn vwr tuiereii ine uiiiNK'jit puuuu. uupreceaenteu suooessl (lYe mendousdemandforthls stylet Si-mllu vourorder atonce. IK) not lose this rare opportunity. This Piano will be sent ou 15 days test trial. Please Bend reference If you do not send money With order. Cash sent with order wtllbe refunded and freight charges paid by us both ways if Piano is not justas represented. Several otherspeclal Bargains : Pianos, loOnp. Over ' 15,000 in use, and not one dissatisfied purchaser. Don't fall to write os before baying: Hand some Illustrated Piano Catalogue, mailed free, giving the highest testimonials ever awarded any piano manufacturer. - Kvery Piano fully warranted for 6 years. - i .-- musiu at one-tmra price, catalogue or n.iKiucnoice pieces or popular music s for 8 oent Stamp. . : . . ,. , ' MBNDEIiSSOHN PIANO CO., T '-" ;auiou&wiy , p. o. Bos SOS8. New York CI .. m If illll lNIl FHILADKLPHIA. ' Established m. W&d' FurnHure ! Garpbts ! Pianos cd Orsens ! Largest airid Oldest Furniture Establishment in Eastern Va. ' Prices gCiatantefed fts low ftfl New York ; an' rortA or imftnufhctiired by na and tonr ottrn nnlfir. mul we win uriinmnti'n RutMrtiir lilnVMnmt.a hnniairiuiMM . Haker of Gentlemen'i Fine Custom Boata A Hhoes of the Jatesf 8tyles aud Sir, l , rnoa V V tl....n nv Henderson, Geo. IT. Koberls, Geo, A. Oliver and others, allot .New Heme. 5 Orders by Mall solicited, j JnlytWAwly GEO, W. 3. HARVEY, own order, and. we. cau gunrautue superior Iscjuoement to housekeepers. sepl-diWIm , . , U, A, STEVENS, Norfolk, Va, i A i i

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