V TTT TT V uju 11. NEW KEKNE, N. C., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1883. NO. 193. LOCAL-NEWS; , Journal Miniature Almanne. ' San rises, 6:35 I Length of day, Sun gets, 4:54 1 10 hours, 19 minutes. Moon sets at 5:07 a. m. Big day to-morrow. Low tide yesterday. Prepare mottoes for the parade to morrow night, " . ' Steamer Defiance sailed last night with a full cargo of cotton. 1 Read the line of march for to-morrow night and illuminate your houses. . '. t We are glad to learn that Mrs. John : O. Gardner has returned to her homo. A colored school house was burned at - Woodbrldgo, in this county, last Friday night.- .. , , The .steamer Florence arrived from a.Vanceboro last night with cotton and lumber.' - .. , Our pigar manufacturer, Mr. C. Enl v mann, packed 10,000 cigars for South -Carolina yesterday ." Rev. A. D. Cohen is in tho city and preached at the Baptist church on Sun- day morning and evening. - We call attention to a change Id the schedule of the New Berne and Pamlico Transportation Company,' . Sss ''ad." Seven , prisoners escaped from-., tho county - jail in Wilmington on Friday last by overpowering the jailer. Two of them were recaptured.' " ; un our secona page 10-aay wiu do '. found a striking and instructive illus tration of the compartivo worth of the various kinds of baking powders now Jn the market. , -. . Rev. J. S. Cummings and Mr. Hay wood Waller, of Lenoir county, called'to see ns yesterday on their return from the Free Will Baptist Conference. ; They report a large crowd present and a good time. ThA l-Arnilar miflrfprlv nipptinc nf flip ... . - 0 i - j o - ' Ladies' Memorial 'Association will -be held at tho residence of Mrs. Daves this (Tuesday) afternoon at 4 o'clock, Nov. 13th, 1,883. ', The members are all inyited . to attend. : U ' . - - It has been suggested,1 and we think the suggestion a good one, that all the : merchants close their stores for awhile .to-morrow say from eleven a. m. to two p."m., so as to give the clerks an oppor tunity of attending the ceremonies of : laying the corner stone and hearing the Governor's speech. If tho merchants agree to do this we will take pleasure in announcing the hours of closing and i opening. Died, ". " In this city, Nov. 10th, 1883, Mr. L. D. Wilkie, of Catawba county, but for many years a resident of this city. The cause of death was , softening of the brain. The funeral took place, ,on Sun- Oiltcer Transferred. ' Assistairt Engineer Webber,-of the . Cutter Stevens has been permanently " assigned to dutyat Savannah, Ga. This officer has made many friends in Now .Berne while on duty here who will part : with him with regret. -' , .Maionlc. ' i A special meeting of St. John's Lodge , !No. 8, A. F. & A. M., will be held to night at 7:30 o'clock. '-. The members of New Berne Lodge No. 245, and all other Master Masons in good standing in the citjtare requested to attend. ( Railroad Improvement, '" . The President of the A. &.N. C. Rail road has purchased 600 tons of the steel ' rails at Morehead City which ;Will be brought to New Berne and stored, and laid as fast as they can be paid fcr.'One . hundred Ions of these will be taken but "next Monday and the work of putting them down will begin. The best of the old rails taken up will be used in repair ing the road where it is most needed, nd those unfit for further use will be Sold, The President is pushing the work of improving the road bed and "warehouses with commendable zeal. . Line of March. ;:. Some changes having been made in - the line of march for the fire department on to-morrow, we publish it as cor rected: 1 ),, The companies will assemble on Broad street, between Middle and Hancock, " !Y. ,.l.-., TT 1.. n.nU ( up Broad to Metcalf,' countermarch to Middle, down Middle to. South Front, down South Front to East' Front', up East Front to Neuse, up Neuse to Craven, up Craven to Johnson up Johnson to Metcalf, down Metcalf to Broad, up Broad to George, down George to Pol , lok, down Pollok to Craven, up Craven i to Broad, down Broad to East Front, .', down East Front'to Pollok, up Pollok to Craven, down Craven to South ; Front,1 countermarch to Pollok, up Pollok to J.I iddlo, up Middle to Broad. . P.y order J.W. Moows, Chief Fire Department, Dr. Corker's tectnre. ' - Dr. Barker wasgroeted at the Theatre last night by a fine audience. His lec ture was exceedingly interesting, and was liighly appreciated. Those who fail to attend will miss a rare treat. The lecture will begin to-night at 71 o'clock sharp. The Baptiat State Contention. This body convenes. at Edenton to morrow. Quite a number of delegates arrived on the A. & N. C. Railroad last night and will leave on the steamer Shenandouh lhis evening. " Among the arrivals are the following: Rev. T. II. Pritchard,D.D., Wilming ton, N. C.",Rev. A. D. Cohon and wife, Cary, N.-C; Rev. II. W. Norris, Wake county; Mr. Braxton , Banks, . Wake county." .. i - , '" : . Rev. C, A. Jenkins goes as the repre sentative of the church in this city. . Northern Visitor. The committee appointed at the meet ing at tho Cotton Exchanro and Board of Trade, and added to by tho City Councilman, have arranged with the authorities of tho Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad ,to bring , northern visitors over the road to New Berne for half fare. They' have also arranged with Mr Street, of the Gaston House, for board at yery low rates. An invitation has been extended through Hon. M. Mc Gchee, Commissioner of Agriculture, inviting tho Pennsylvania and Massa chusetts visitors to extend their trip to New Berne. Public Library. Wo quote tho following valuable sug gestions from an article on tho subject by I. B. Peaslor, Superintendent of Pub lic Schools of Ohio: 'Let us look at tho circumstances in which our youth are placed in regard to literature. At tlw) homes of a large part of them there is scarcely a book, except the text books of the cnildron themselves. At the homes of a majority of those remain ing may bo found a few books upon the parlor tablo, which are usually consid ered by the parent as too nice for the children to read. . It is safe to say that very few indeed of our youth liavo access to "a good home library. That child who is trained at home to a love of reading good books is the exception. Is it any wonder, then, that our voutli yield to the tempation to read the worst kind of story papers and novels, which are every where thrown around them? In addition to other enticements, wo find near all the larae school buildings of our cities, shops which keep, besides pens, pencils and school books, a large assortment of. trashy story papers and novels. What a comment on the public schools! The venders of these papers place those having pictures of murders and Indian outrages, etc., in tho win dows. Tho children, attracted by these pictures, buy tho papers and read tho 6tories. They soon become intensely interested in tho stories and in the slang language in which they are writ ten. Ine boys and girls buv novels of the same or of a worse tendency for from five to ten cents. Theso aro pur chased and devoured, and thus by de grees is formed tho habit of reading this pernicious class of writings. The chil dren are not to blamo. There is noth ing . in their home surroundings to counteract these evil, tendencies. The schools have been standing by, saying, 'Don't touch, don't touch," but doing nothing to interest tho pupils in good reading. Knowing from experience, as I do, that it is in tho power of the schools to control almost entirely the reading of the pupils, and to implant in them cor rect literary 'tastes, I appeal to boards of education, to superintendents 'and teachers,- to t ake immediate ' and de cisive steps to make this literary train ing in all the grades a prominent feature of school work; as the .only, effectual way to keep the youth of our country from reading the terrible- dimo novel is to interest them in the writings of good authors and this must be done, if at all, by the schools."" ; ;. .. v , The New-- Berno Graded School Li brary was started last year, for the pur pose of furnishing pure and Interosting reading for the "children, .and it has given much pleasure and instruction to the five hundred school children of the city. An effort is now being made by Dr. Barker, who is a friend of every good enterprise, to increase the Library Fund., ' We trust that his lectures will be well patronized. The ticket holders will get the full worth of their money in pleasure, and the monoy will ma terially aid in furnishing good reading matter for; the children. , . ' . , , . Cannot ' a Library Association a be formed in New Borne which will enlist the services of our best workers? Much can o done by united, persistent effort. Lynched. Charlotte, N. C, November' 10. A special to the Observer from Mt. Mourne, Iredell county, says a, party of 65 ne groes to-day captufod Mawrence White, col. , and hanged him to a tree near tha R. R. station. A few days before White had a fight and killed a colored man named Frazier with a knifo. White had been anested and was on his way to jail in Salisbury when he was taken from the guard by the lynohers. ' Mr. J. R. B. Carraway, New Borne, N. C. says: "I do not hesitato to say that Brown's Iron Bitters is- tlw best toniolevcr used-" ' ; . .Hookorton Items- ,." The farmers are busy bringing in the goldengrain. The whiskey sellers of this place are generally yery busy. - Seed cotton sells in Ilookert'on for three cents and lint at 9J. ! , W. M. Coble and lady have returned from a trip in Jones county. Misses Nannie Latham and Nannie Frizzle are visiting friends here. Colds are the unpleasant visitors of every family in this community. . , ' Rains have ceased and the' river is so low it prevents the boats from, running regularly, . ." The largest man in the countv is dead: he died near Snow Hill. His name is James Jones. ' '' ; The Methodists, are holding a pro tracted meeting here but are not raising much of an excitement so far. We have seen a oopyof the re&fcpfrtjfc, a newspaper published in Snow Hill. We think it very good for the first. The Doctors of this placo are having a very nice time riding about with the girls, as it is so healthy they have noth ing else to do. Stonewall Items. Judgo Euro paid us a short visit a few days ago. . The Methodist held their Quarterly meeting at this place on tho 11th. Messrs. Baxter & Bro. have sold their entire stock of goods to Mr. S. W. Hud mil. Mr. J. lx. Becton, Use Beinor of tho L'amlico Enterprise, has bought Hon. W. T. Caho's interest and ,ia now the sole proprietor, ft Mr. L. B. Midyett was thrown from ins norse in this place last Saturday and very painfully hurt, and fortunate he was to get off as well as he did. Messrs. btevenson and Guian, of the legal fraternity of your city, are with us at this time other matters besides big meetings brought them, I should guess. iho Free Will Baptist Conference convened near this placo on the 8th inst. A largo crowd was in attendance ami all have been edified to their satis faction, if preaching could do it. P. I,. A. To tha officers of rhUosophian Literary .'ssociuvion: iou are nereDy notniou to attend a regular meeting Tuesday evening, Nov. 13th, im. at 7 o'clock at West street Chapel. 15y order M. W. Chapman, Pies't. W. W. Lewis, Soc'ty. Another Murder in Iredell TlioTM in One Week. Iredell county is making a leputation on murders, three bavins: been commit ted within hor borders durinsr the past seven days besides goodness knows how many during tho year which is now nearing its end. Yesterday's Observer contained accounts of tho murder of a tax payer by a tax-collector, and of the slaying ot a husband by his wife, and to-day we give nows of yet another murder. Two negro men, Julius Fra zier and Lawrence White, became in volved in a quarrel near Mount Mourne iiuirsday evening and finally clinched White in tho suffice got out his knife and plunged the blado into Frazier's throat, cutting a deep gasu and severing the jugular vein, causing death almost in stantly. Tho murderer was arrested, we ara told, and carried to lail in States- villo. . " From a citizen of Statesvillo who ar rived in the city yesterday, we learned additional particulars of tho killing of vvm. ropo, by tax collector Wilson Pope lived about seven miles from Statoayille and Wilson rode up to his house to collect his taxes. Pone owed for two years, but paid up, and then, so it is ciiargod. the collector demanded an additional 50 cents from Pope as his fee ror collecting the taxes. .Pope refused to pay this and a quarrel ensued, which ended in a light between the two men, during which Wilson drew his pistol and shot Tope in tho breast, killing him instantly. 'Tho slayer waslodced in the jau at istatesvuie. Charlotte Observer. A Million Dollars Depending on Iho ' Letter's.' A correspondent of the New York Sun says that Leonard Case, a million aire old bachelor, charitable and eccen tric, died in Cleveland city several years ago, leaving bosido a handsome legacy for a school of applied science wnicn Dears nis name, a laree nronertv for his heira and next of kin to quarrel pver in the courts.- One of the suits now pending in tho Ohio Supreme Court, me court ot last resort, hinges upon tne appearance or tho letter 's in the statutes. The other descendants of Leonard Case's mother claim a share in the estate. The statutes provide that under certain contingencies the estate of a deceased person shall pass to the next of kin of the blood of ancestors from whom the estate came. If the word 'ancestors' is to be construed in its full force, .tho-descendants of Mrs Case can obtain full share. On the other hand, it is claimed that the letter 's' at tho end of 'ancestor' crept into the statutes through the carelessness of some printer or proofreader. The case will bo heard in the Supreme Court be. lore long, 'iho property involved valued at $1,000,000. 1 "Tully &Co., who havo been doing good business in renovating feathers and mattresses, will remain in the oity only, this , week. ' Housekeepers should attend to their work, as it is thoir last chance. ' - . , . Mr. J. II. Hawkins, Ridgway, N. C says: "I used Brown's Iron Bitters as tonic "and found itvery beneficial." Lost Faith In Fhyslchuis. There are innumerable instances where cures have been effected by Sco vill's Sarsaparilla, or Blood and Liver Syrup, for all diseases of the blood, when the patient has been given up by physicians. It is one of the best reme dies ever offered to the public, and as it is prepared with the greatest care, as a specific for certain diseases, it is no wonder that it should be more effectual than hastily written and carelessly pre pared prescriptions. Take Scovill's Blood and Liver Syrup for all disorders arising from impure blood. It is en dorsed by all leading professional men. No sensible man prefers wealth to health.' Some few have both; very many haven't either. Well, you may have first choice. Which will you take? Health." Very well, what's your ail ment? "A littleof everything?" What's the cause? "Blood out of order, kid neys weak, digestion bad, heart's action irregular." , Yesrtrad every disease can be traced to these same sources. Just take a few bottles of Brown's Iron Bit ters, it will remove the causes of disease and restore you to robust health. Ask your druggist and use Brown's Iron iiitters. In the Salons of Fashion white teeth are more frequently seen than formerly. This is because our la- ios have given the seal of their appro- ation to SOZODONT, foremost anione toilet articles. This superlatively pure and salubrious preparation checks the further decomposition of the teeth, re moves impurities which obscure their natural hue, strengthens them said makes the gums as ruddy and hard as coral, and communicates sweetness and rosiness to tho mouth. For Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Denies sion of Spirits and General Debility, in their various forms; also as a preventive against t ever and Ague, and other In termittent Fevers, the "Fekiio-Phos- phated Elixiu op Calisaya," made by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York, and sold by all druggists, is tho best tonic; and for patients recovering from fever or other sickness, it has no equal, tuwl Nervousness, Nervous Debility, Neu- algia, Nervous Shock, St. Vitus Dance, 'rostration, and all diseases of Nerve Generative Organs, are all permanently na radically cured by Alien s Brain Food, tho great botanical remedy, ijfl pkg., o tor Sjo. At druggists, or by mail from J. H. Allen, 5115 First Ave. New lorkCity. (! A Fair Oiler. Tho Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., offer to send Dr. Dye's Voltaic Belt and Appliances on trial, for thirty days, to men, young or old, atllicted with ner vous debility, lost vitality, and kindred troubles. Soe advertisement in this paper. Malaria positively cured with Emory's Standard Cure Pills, a never failing remedy; purely vegetablo, contain no quinine, sugar-coated. 25 cents. C A' TMORE'S MINCE MEAT, Dried Pouches and Apples, ('mined Vegetables mid Fruits, Canned Meals, Maeearoni, Mnsturd lOnglish and American, Crosse and KinckweU'sPieklOK, i.ea & Perrln'B Sunce, (Julatines Cnssara, Kerris' Meats, Itoosled ('ollce, Chocolate, Teas, 1 At V. HOI.I.ISTKK S. BRIDGE OVER LITTLE SWIFT GREEK. RKAIjED PROPOSALS for HITlLDINti a IUUDUE over LITTLE SWIFT C1U010K, of the host pitch pine heavy timbers, at the head of navigation on the same, will be received ny tne noarcl ot county Commissioners from date up to the time of the next regular meet ing ot said uoard. Tho width of the bridge shall bo fourteen feet (11 ft.) and the length thirty-tlve feet. Maid bridge to be paid for out of taxes to bo collected lor tho year 1SS1. The Hoard reserves tho right to relcct anv or all proposals. JAMES A. 13 RYAN, Chairman. Nov. 5th, 1883. d&w-tdec3 THE EUS1I EOLLEIi SKATING RINK will be open in the W EINSTEIN BUILDING, EVERY EVENING DURING NOVEMBER. Ladies admitted to the Rink, and fur nished skates on all evenings FREE OF CHARGE. tf. Leader of Low Prices. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Has Just returned from the North with a largo unu veiwteiecitt siock oi Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and lotions; Vheaper Than Ever Offered Before. I will have Rneclal Hales everv wonlr in kv. ervlino. . My Btoek of T1UESS GOODS, sncll m SUM, Satins, Cashmeres and Mourning Woods, can not uo nmu-neu lor we money m the state. I have a large llneof Dress Trimming, Em broideries and Edainas at ruiluoed nrieeo. Ladles, Gents and Chlldwn's Under Vests In great variety. - . -, , Special attention Id called to o'nr shoe l)e- lKiromont. . - . i Also, Oarpetd r.m Oil Cloths. ', V . ' A large stock of l'leture frames of every . Fancy Goods, ttaskflts, Tlnwnre,eto.,otfl. -' ' ir ftpeclnl inducement otl'xred to whole! sale customers, and sutlsiacllon guaranteed io every one. Come o irly and get the first pick. 0. MARKS, oct20dw!Iin Tolloi k et , New Berue, N. a - COMMERCIAL. Journal Office, Nov. 13, 6 P. M. , COTTON New York futures dujl but steady; spots declined 1-16. New Berne market steady, saleB of 96 bales at 9 to 9.525. Middling, 9h Strict Low Middlitisr 9; Low Middling, 95; Ordinary, NEW YORK SPOTS. Middling, 10 7-16; Strict Low Mid dling 10 1-4; Low Middling 10 1-16. FUTURES. i 3IOKNINO. NOON. November, 10.31 10.32 December, 10.45 10.43 January, 10.60 10.59 February, 10.75 10.74 EVENING. 10.30 10.4G 10.61 10.70 RICE Firm. Sales of about 4,200 bushels, the best bringing $1.10 in sacks. CORN Small receipts. Sales at 50 to 60 cents. OATS Market firm at 50 cents. DOMESTIC MAKKF.T. Terpentine Dip, 2.25; hard 1.25. Tar Firm at 1.25 and 1.50. Beeswax 25c. per lb. Honey 75o. per gallon. Beef On foot, 5c. to 0c. Hams Country, 13Jc. per pound. Lard Country, 12ic. per lb. Fresh Pork 7aSc. rer pound. Eaas 23c. per dozen. Peanuts Sl.50al.75 per bushel. Fodder SOc. to $1 per hundred. Cotton Seed-31c Onions $t? 3.50 per bbl. Apples 75o.aSl.25 per bushel. Peas 85c. per bushel. Hides Dry, Oallc; green Part,:. Tallow Oc per lb. Chickens Grown, 45a50c. per pair; spring 25a40c. Meal 70c. psr bushel. Potatoes Bahamas 35c; yams 50c. Wool 12a20c. per pound. Shingles West India.dull and nom. inal; not wanted. Building 5 inch, hearts, 4.00; saps, $3.00 ner M. wholesale pricics. New Mess Pork 13.00; long clears 7Jc; shoulders, dry salt, Cic Molasses and Syrits 22la45c. Salt 95c. per sack. Flour 84.00a7.73 per barrel. Dissolution of Copartnership. j ne iiiw linn u : ,. la k iim ici n IIknoivciI liy mutual consent, the uiiim-. W. W. Clark, having rt-uioveil U Iliilelgli. . c cr.AHi;. j:oim).hi I't i i'v. CLARK & DUFFY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, NRWBERJl, N. C. OHlcO opposite the Oaston House. oel'.Uhvtf 1000 Bushfcls Eust Prooi Seed Oats, 500 Bundles Ties, 20,000 Yards Bagging. For sale'by DAIL EROS., Commission Merchants, New Berne, N. C. ALPIIEUS W. WOOD, !ommission Merchant For tho Purchaso and Sale of RICE, CORN, OATS, AND ALL EINB3 03? GBAIN. Agent for tho GOkDSItOHO OH; COM PANY for tho purchase of COTTON SF.Kt) Oflleo ono door north Cotton Exchange, NEWBERN, N. C, O Orders ninl Consignments solicited, novidtf Tl-iJE LAKGli AND 1ST Best Selected Sicsk OF rENTS' CLOTHING! AND Laies' Dress Ooods ! ; IN THIS MARKET, Jnst Arrived and Coming In Daily. A lino stock of Ladies Gents' and Boy's Underwear. Also, Hoots and Shoes of tho best onnlltv uuu mune. We call particular attention to our Fine Stock of Piece Goods, the finest In tho city. Knoeial inducements ouerea hi ino irnue. ; 13y?s CJlothing, Our Notion ltepartment is comnlote. See our In of Handkerchiefs. Lhetlnost in uie city. , . We also keep a fine stock of : Knives, Forks ondjliiooiis, Triple Plntcd " Our Own " LVundi lel Shirts, 83,00. i 6 Pr. Ladies' Hose, 25 Cents, Ladies' nice Linen Handkerchiefs: 5 cents, T.a.lld' Vina fcalrli-ta A lino stock of Corsets, nil sizes. Ijftn Hobes. Blankets. (XuiltS. IledSnreuds. and a (bin line oi pmmwih. . Carpets at all prices. Hum. Mattinir. And other things too numerous to ment ion Save Money by Buyingof Us. ,EWM SULTAN ,& CO., . nov7dv Weingteln Bonding, Kiaston House incharira of A. Padrick ami X..M. Brock. Opera House Building. 25 Ebz. Ooilins' Axes, C. Pattern. $8.50 per Dozen. Everyone warranted. , I". 11. DUANEY, South Front street. oct2I-dwtf ..' KewIierno.Ttf n .11 L. HALL, DEALER IX School Books, Blank Books. F1M-J STATIONERY, ' Papers, Autograph Albums and Photo Albums, Bibles, Hymn Boolcs, Prayer Books. Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Gum. String and Hook Ta andu, Pla.vin- Cards, Dice. Dominoes. Visitin- ra. Correspondence Cards Scrap Books and Scrap Book Pictures, Sheet Music, Piano nml Tnc,.:J unuu Books, Violins, Bows, Bridges and Strings, Demnrest Cut Paper Patterns. AND nov2dtf - JL apers. PATENT AUTCMATtO - . MET n 6 U A Tim innst: ncrfertlT hnhinrnl FOI.TWKO. nvn in th world. fcuiiKtanthil, jet so ilsMt ttmt acliUU can open "E.'J.X1"'"" i'ast'- Tlicyc-omhino GREAT CTRKN'mLBEAtiTV- and tTlUTV. It i tl.e VH. ii niibT, niopt 'omwct, KAS1EST FO!,DEU JiB.I), anil is nmv oilcro:! tn tin- pulillc ns the CHEAP l;1'E;!";",t,.F"J',,:"'J: ,!l'd "n 1,111 market ItECONO- PLIS, kii ps Um HKOD.'M; O I.KAN FROM DUST nn.l is npidlj- Pi.N rpi(lirii nil oflier ImhIh in the fiiiailii'inf tho rich nnd fHxir alike la all ecctiona of the country. fccuU lor Dedcriitiv nml Illiistriiteil Circular. actqry tMce, 1465 State St. Chicago. BT??Tn Pi'miiii'T i't.r cirr.!iiiirivit.h nrina ninau nnmA tins ihiik ;. For MNIcK llul SK, with eisht rooms and all ssniy ontlii. uses and a lanre Int. mi lir. inn si reel, in t lie City of New Heme. VM. .1'. and War. R CLARKE, l-'-dlin Attorneys at Ijiw. Oysters. i'iie ! IM- I OVSTKItM llin M4TM.-IPT IV. 'UUl S can lie liiiiud at At AlAliKKT I.)IICK, second lloor int.hu first run itiiinilll!;. Serveil in all styles. octaitllra JUST RECEIVED J. L. McDANIEL'S LAST STEAMER, fresh lot of Cakes and Crackers. Minoe Heat, Gunned Goods, Best Butter, Fresh Roasted Coffee, Grits. Sweet Cider. Pickles, Onions. Irish Potatoes. Codfish, Annies, Oranires. etc.. which hn is selling tit bottom Prices. Call and examino before nnrchasinr elsewhere. Broad Street, 4 Doors aliow Mitldle, jan'2dly NEWBEltN, N. C. QHANKKliKV SAUCE, Pickled Lamb's Tongues in Glass, Soups: Mock Turtle, Ox-Tail, Green urtlu, Steam Cooked Oat Meal, Pig's Feet, Daked Beans, MINCE MKAT, Plum Pudding,; Buckwheat, . Currants, Citron, Mackerel, Smoked Icrrings, Pulton Market Uecf, Beef Tongues, Breakfast Strips, Small Ilams, Sugar Cured Shoulders, Cheese, Pickles, White Beans, Italian Macoaroni, Fresh Canned Lobsters, ' , llaisins, A lot of CHOICE TEAS, ; ' Just received, ; , n ( ;C. E. SLOVER: lanll-dly eet, Tripe AND Sicilies By the half bbl or keg -AT VfactaSo and Retail CHAS. H. BLANK. L. DAS TBS Most Selected Stock Vi-V "(CO Icaa CD 52. M J1LL' CO

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