STEALERS. STEA3IEKS. rPTTTl T"VTTT A T II. B. DCFFY, J. F. IV KS . MXILSNS, BEAl'FCRT k GXSLOW i:;l':;d coastikg co::fahy COSNECTISO WITH " : Atlantic & N. C. Railroad, 1 v; "and . .. ,- CLYDE'S TS. C. LINE STEAMERS At Morehead City and New-Berne. Through nrranReraents to and from all Riiie (Sound, While 0lc and New Kiver V-onita, and Through Bills Lading Issued to ull poiuts, North, East, South aud West. Quick Transportation and prompt delivery of cotun, Naval Stores, General Produce, (Joels, Wares and General Merchandise, and rates guaranteed as low as by any line. Cotton Rate per Bale of 450 Lbs. ,' White Oak and Bogue Now River Points to New-Berne .J1.00 to New-I!erne...$1.50 " Norfolk ,,.. 2 00 Norfolk... 2.60 " Baltimore..... 2.50 Baltimore ...... 8.00 New York 8.00 , " New York........ 3.50 Philadelphia ... 8.U0 - Philadelphia... 8.50 Box ton ., 4.00 " Boston 4.50 - Providence 4.00 " Providence 4.50 Mf All cargoes covered by Insurance. The transportation, service of the Inland Coasting Company, now organized and In successful operation, will be as thorough, elll clent, prompt and cheap, as it is possible to make It, and the patronage of producers and shippers is respectfully solicited. - For further information apply to the local Agents of the Line. Office of the Company : ' 1 Beuufort, N, C, Oct. 22, 1S83. A. IV. SnrROnr, President, 1 oefifdAW WM. A. IIKAIIE, Snpt. NEW-BERNE AND PAMLICO Steam Transportation Co'y. UNTIL KlTRTtlKR NOTIUK THE NKW Heme and Pamlico Steam Transportation Company will dispatch their New and Fast Sailing Steamer KL.3I CJirTY as follows: , Mondays ...... Leave Hayboro for New Berne 8 a m. Stopping at Htonowall, Van v. ' demere, Pamlico, Adtuus Creek add Biverdalo. Wednesdays -Leave New Berne for Bayboro 8 iuu. Stopping at Riverdale, Ad ams Creek, Pamlico, Viin--' demere and Stonewall. , Thursdays -.-. Leave Bayboro for New Berne 8 a.m., . -, ' . Stopping at Stonewall, Van- i ' ' - demere, Smiths Creek, Ad ams Creek and Riverdale. Saturdays - Leave New Berne for Bayboro 8 a. m. . Stopping at Riverdale, Ad ams Creek, Smiths Creek, Vandemere and Stonewall. , Having good accommodation both for pas sengers and freight at very low rates, ask Unit the merchants and producers along Its Hue give-it their cheerful support. , For further information enquire at the of- . luw, r uut ui graven streeu ... a. H. GRAY, ! Gen'l Manager. Or any of its Agents at the following places: ABU LKK, Adams Creek, i UH, ABBOTT. Vandemere." : 0. H. FOWLKR, Stonewall, 8. H. FOWLER, Bayboro, JOSHUA BEAN. Pamlico. 3-Freight irecelved under cover every day the week. ian21d&wly RAILROADS. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, Aft- Atlantic A N. C Railroad. TIME TABLE No. 4. New Series. In Effect 3:00P.M., Thursday, October ; - 25th, 1883. EAST. WEST. Ne. 47. Express PasB.iMall irr. "il've. I No. 48 Express, Poss.&Mail STATIONS. I Arr. L've. I. u. P. M A. M A. M. 8 48 8 07 6 18 3 10 5 50 6 ml 7 82 Qoldsboro ....... La Grango Kinstoa, New Berne, Morehead Depot,.. 9 25 8 43 7 52 6 3!) 7 13 11 9 21 6 4:1 . ni soi p. v.. p. x. A. M. A. M. EAST. WEST. No.S f mixed Fgt. & Pass. Train. No. 4 Mixei Fgt. & Puss. Tra n. Arr. Jj've. p. M. P. u. 8 20 7 M) 7 50 7 19 : 7 80 0 S 65 5 57 . 6 15 5 16 5 21 4 43 4 48 4 14 4 19 4 02 4 02 8 80 P. M. P.M. WEST. STATIONS. Arr. L've. A. . 8 00 , K 80 ? 9 50 '10 4 11 18 11 52 12 14 ?12f P. M. A. M. 7 80 8 10 :8 50 9 20 10 10 10 50 11 28 12 02 12 21 P. M. Goldsboro, nest's La Gnvnee... Falling Greek........ Kins ton,. Dover.... .... (lore Creek ... Tatearora ... Clarke's Nowbern, ..... EAST. : No, 6. : Mixed Fgt. 4 Pass. Train. Mixed Fgt. i: v Pass. Train. STATIONS. " Arr. L've 1 r'l M.i p.m. : 8 00- Newbern...... ... 3 4i 3 47- Riverdale ... ' 8 65; 4 On; Croatan 4 24; 4 80- Havelock 6 02; 5 12; Newport 6 24 j 5 25; Andrews 6 53 i 00; Morehead City 0 08; Morehead Depot.. P. M. t P. M. : Arr. L've. p. M. 10 59 10 49 10 28 9 40 9 19 8 50 8 15 P.M. p. m. 11 85; 10 67: 10 47 i 10 12; V 81 ; 9 18; 8 47; i P. M. : Train 48 connects with Wilmington AWel don Train bound Nortli, leaving Uoldstioro :50 a. m., and with Richmond & Danville Train West, leavinx Goldsboro 10:0 a.m.j and Wilmington & Weldon Tral n South at 5: li p.m ' Train 47 connects with Richmond jiDnaviUe Train, arriving at Goldsboro 6:20 p.m., nd Wil mintton and Weldon Train from the North at fi:4Ap.m. Trains 5 & 6, Tuesday, Thursday and Ratnr day. Trains 47, 48 48 4 dally except Sunday Train 48 breakfast at Kinston. Train 47 sup perat Klnston. Train 4 supper at Kinston. Dunn, Superintendent. Midland N. C. Railway. TIME TABLE Ko. 4, la effect Thursday, October 25, 1883. WEST. I EAST. No. 1. Mixed Train. 7" No. 2. Mixed Train, Arr. L've. A.M. AM. oioa 5 48 6 45 5 20 5 2 6 II) 5 19 4 68 6 01 ,- 4 40 STATIONS. Arr. ii've. '? 9 21 9 87 fl 47 10 05 10 2t) P.M. 9 00 9 28 9 40 9 47 10 08 Goldsboro... Oopelands Princeton... Holt's Mill.. Fine Level.. Smthfleld.... DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. " Train 2 connects with A. A N. C. Freight Train leaving UoidsDoro at i :ifo a.m., ana wttn ' Wj W. Train going North at 9:50 a.m., going South at 5:45 p.m., and with I! A D. train going West at 10:00 a.m. . . . , Truln No. 1 connects with A. & N. C. train arriving at Goldsboro 8:28 p.m.; with R. & D. Train urriving at 6:20 p.m., and with W. W. Trains arriving at 5:45 p m. and 8.00p.m. ' i W. Dunn, 1 ' . , 1 ! ' A ; t Superintendent.' ,' i ' ' ' - - ' Li::. J lawil The Neuse'Biver Navigation Uompany Will run the following Schedule: ' Steamer Kinston Will leave the Old Dominion Wharf TCFS DAYS and FRIDAYS, and arrive at Kinston WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, and leave Kinston MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, arriv ing in New Berne the same day. Will touch at all Landings along the River going and coming, , , ; , Steamer Nense. Will leave New Berne MONDAYS and WEDNESDAYS for Jolly Old Field, return ing TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS. ' ' Steamer Blanche 1 Will leave New Berno WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS at 7 a. m. for Trenton. Re turning willleavo Trenton THURSDAYS and MONDAYS at 7 a. m., touching at Polloks- vllle and other landings on Trent River. ; These steamers will innke close coimt'ctions with the Old Dominion line. , Freights received at all hours. . . For rates apply to W. K. STYUON, Ju., . dAw . Agent at New Berne. f rent River Transportation CJompanj. Until further notice the slearae.-s of this Company will sail as follows : Steamer L. H. Cutler Leave New Berne every Wednesday and Saturday at 8 a la for Jolly Old Field. Leave Jolly Old Field at 0 a. m. every Mon day and Thursday for New Borne. This is a good schedule for Truckers. Steamer Trent. Leave New Berne every Monday and Friday a a.m. for Trenton, returning Tuesdays and Saturdays. ' t Leaves forFolloksville every Wedi ,'day at EIGHT o'clock, a. m. . Fare for round trip 25 cents to picnic par ties. Thursdays up for charter. 8. n. GRAY, Gen'l Manager. New Borne, June 2, 18K8. fubl-diw , OLD 1 MI IDIOTS Steamship Company, SEMI-WEEKLY LINE For New Yonr, ltallimore, Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, Philadelphia, Providence, , and other Cities ON AND AFTER Mondav July 2nd, 1883, UNTIL FUUTHEK NOTICE Steamer Shenandoah Will lKave, upon arrival of train on Norfolk Southorn Railiuttd at Elizabeth City, every MONDAY AND THURSDAY for NflW Berne. Returning lt-nvpn Knw Kanu for Elizabeih Uity every TUESDAY AND FRIDAY at 4 p. m., making close connection with Nor folk Southern R. R. for Northern cities. Close connection made at New Heme with steamers for Kinston, Volloksville, Trenton and all landings on the Nenne and Trent tuvers. jvo freights received for shipment on Tuesdays and Fridays after 8 p m. Freight forwarded promptly and lowest rates guaranteed to destination. Fare to V.lisaheth Oity and return. 4. To Washington, 4. To Norfolk, $5. T Balthnorn, $3.50. , To New York, 18.l. ' ' : E. B. ROBERTS, Ac't, New Berne, OtlLrSITEK & TURNEn,' Ag'ts, Norfolk, Y. A W. n. Stanfobd, Gen'I Fr't Ag't, . New York City Change of Pier in New York. The N. C, Freight Line FOR NEW YORE, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, ; and all points IVortU and. West Ifter this date will receive freight in New Yoik for New Berne at 1 PIEIS 7, NORTH KIVJ2K, Office of Neio York and Baltimore ' , Transportation Co. Merchants should remember that this Is one of the best Steam Lines out of New York, making daily connection with Baltimore for New Berne; ail iiismu, mu oniy one enange. SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMERS Between New Berne and Baltimore, (Touching st Norfolk) Leaving New Berne for Baltimore TUESDAYS FRIDAYS all pm. Leave Baltimore for New Bern WEDNESDAYS dnd SATURDAYS .p.m. Agents are as follewa: EUBEN FOSTER, Genl afanagor, 0 Light St., Bal't. Md. 'AS. W. MoOARRICK, Ag"t. Norfolk, Va. . : W. P. Clyde & Co.. Philadelphia, 13 South harms. : :' York & Balto. Tran. Line.Pler TJortn river E. Sampson, Boston, S3 Central wharf. K.H.Rockwell, Providence R.I. . i'. D. C. Mink, Fall River, Derrick wharf. Ships leave Boston, Tnesdays and Saturdays. " " New York daily. , , " Belthnore, Wednesdays and Satnrdavs ' " Fall River, Mondays, Wednesdays. . , Fridays. ,, " " Providence, Satnrdavs. : Through bills lading given, and rates gunran ' to all points, at the different offices of the mpanlea. :v. : . . , Avoid Breakage ol Bulk and Ship via N. C. LINE. d . :' .. J : ... ' i f y ' '"" 1 ; Mar no )y S H. OBA Y. Ag'k.'ew Berne.N NEW . BERNE, N. C.. NOV. 13, 1883. STATE NEWS , (iloaned from our Exchanges. Wilmington T Star: Mr. J. L. Winner has an oyster garden on the sound, comprising about two hundred acres. Only a few acres, however, have been planted, but the success achieved with these, this season, shows that the oj'ster can be greatly improved by cultiva tion. - .", Tarboro Guide; Sheriff Staton sent back to the penitentiary Wed nesday an escaped convict that had been captured in this county. The Eleventh Aunual Session of the North Carolina State Grango. Fatrona of Husbandry, will be held in the town of Weldon, beginning on Tuesday, the 4th of December, Greensboro ratriot: The noto rious , lipn Moore, colored, ; ol Stokes, who shot another negro and afterwards escaped and went to Indiana, passed down to the peni tentiary to-day on a five years ticket. ''Man's . ingratitude' to an, makes countless millions mourn." Police Detmaring arrest ed a tramp Jast night at tho depot. The trainp says he found tho police isieep ana awoke him to ask whore ho could get lodging, when ho got mad and marched him off to the calaboose. - Clinton Caucasian: Tho Indian mound fever is spreading. Messrs. Murphy & Phillips and their school boys opened one on Mr. li. Page's land, three miles west of town, the other day. It was 40 feet in diameter and 3 feet high. They found 16 skulls and some beads. The boys became so enthusiastic that one ol them wroto a local about it and tried to sell it to ifs. He was a small boy and wo didn't get mad but politely informed him that we did not wish to purchase. Statesville landmark: On a farm of 23 acres, on the western side of town, Mr. J. T. Webb has this year raised 100 bushels of sweet potatoes, 200 bushels of wheat, SO of oats and will make 00 ot corn, though the season having been bad his corn crop will bo cut short. lie raised the 100 bushels of potatoes on one-sixth of an acre, this being at the rate of GOO bushels per acre. A handsome wedding car 1, re ceived some days ago, announced the marriage of Prof. William Earl Hidden, ol the Emerald and Hid denite Mining Company, Stony Point, Alexander county, N. C, to Miss Josephine W. Morton, at the oride's residence, 25 Orleans street, Newark, N. j,, Tuesday, October 30th. Congratulations and best wishes. I. G. YEUS, NEW CASH STORE, Broad St., between Eailroad and Middle, CALL AND GET New Buckwheat Flour and Strained Iloney, Fulton Market Spiced Corned Beef, luo very best I1 lour, Teas, Coffee and Spice, Ham and Sugar Cured Shwilders, Large and Small Pearl Hominy, Smoked Beef, Bottled Horse Radish, Canned and Bottled Gooda, Potted Meats, ; Preserves and Jelly, Prunes and Currants, Cakes and Crackers, Candies, , . Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco and r Snuff, And everything usually kept in a First Ulass lirocery. - Satisfaction guaranteed or money ro funded. oct21dtf I. C. YEOMANS. H. W. WAHAB, , (tsuecesaor loKH WlttdleyJ DISTILLEIIS' AGENT FOR Pure Rye and Corn Whisky AT WHOLESALE. vTOES AlTD CIGARS , IN ORFAT A1!IETY, linger Ale, Pale Ale, Beer AND PORTER, - BERGNER & 3ESTGEL BEER, CIDER, , PURE FRENCH BRANDY. II. W. WA1IAB. South Front St. New Berne, N. C. ep20-dWly. . " , . r'wmi . v lift" ' AT THEIR New Store on Middle st. Next door to S. K.- EATON'S JEWELRY E3 TABLISUMENT. Are now ready to show friends, nnd tho public generally, a First-Claes and Entirely New Stock of Dry Goods, No tions, Boot Shoes, Hats, etc., etc. Sole Agents for East New York Ladies' Misses' and Children's Fine Shoes. 1' Gents? Shoes and Furnishing Goods a specialty.' - Also Agents for the three celebrated Sewing Machines, Domestic, Pavis and Household. , Each Machine warranted for five years. , Be sure to come to see us. sepl0d&w8m. Your attention is called to the IM MTMOflOMS I offer this season, the . LAB&EST Ever Sliowa in New . Bern?, Consisting in loading articles; of . BEAUTIFUL SCUD GOLD WATCHES CHAINS, CHARMS, LACK PIN'S, HECK CHAII1S, LOCKETS AP FENEENTS, PLAIN AND FANCY . Bangle and Chain Bracelets, KINGS IN feVEKY VARIETY. Fine Porificopic Spectacles and Eye lilasses in Kubber, steel, (Jelluloid, sil ver and. (Jold Frames. A new method of fitting the eves correctly Call and examino stock; no troubio to show goods. Respectfully, B.-Aw BELL, Jeweler, Middle St., New Berne, N. C, N. B I will cive Fifty (950.00) Dol lars for any article ever sold by me for Gold or Silver that was not. octlldly 15. A. Bell. WM. LOIICII, DEALES IN , GENERAL MERCHANDISE " CAST EOUSE AGOCiniOEATICm I : Droad St. New Berne. H. C. . dwllm. loS 8AP1 B. WATERS, Merclitintlise Broker AND LIQUOR DEALER, . OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL, NEW BERNE, N. C. anlSdlf A ERILLIANT SCHEME. Dismal Swamp Lottery Co. Of 3T orfolK, XTo,. ' The franchise of thlB enterprise Is liasod upon the charter grnnW by the Legislature of the SUite to the DlKinal bwamp Cniml (Joinpariy, und Its legality hau been Uui'ly tented uefore the Court. The oUlect in -view Is the "Improvement and extension" ot the OannI, and that lull opportunity may b f?lvcn for the purchaue ol the Ticket, ol which there are only ----- 25,00(Lwitli 356 Prizes, tlie Diawlnghns been fixed for the t 22d of November, 1883. , at which time, WITHOUT POSTPONEMENT, it will he made in the city of Norfolk, before the bliR,tind under the supervision of a committee of reliable citizens, and In like manner cnoh succeding month.- - Tickets beai ius date September 20th hold good for tho Drawing of SBd November. (SCHEME : CAPITAL PRIZE $5,000. 1 Prize of.. 5,01)0 do. .. do. . do. ., do. .. do. .. do. do, ... do. .. do. .. do. .. do. 1,600 1,010 fiOO 200 - 200 r 200 ' 200 BOO 750 1,000 i 1,000 fr0 270 . 1,(HW ; fiiK) , &H , W) ,VS!IKI . : 200 KK) to 10 5 APPOXIMATIO PKIZKS. o of. .ro 9 ol'..; no 0 of... 20 ISO 830 Prized - dlstriblitlUB tl8,050 Tloliots Only $1, Plan of Lottery similar to that of Louisiana Compi.iiy. - ,-. ,., - -j . -. : . . ,- .- ,,- i J, 1'. JlOIiBAOU, Manigee. Not.poi;k, Va., October 25, 1R8I1. ' bl Q (KC THE DISMAL SWAMP LOT kplOjUvJUi TKKY COMPANY has deposit ed with llnrrnss. Hm Co., bankers. Thirteen Thousand end Fifty Dollars to meet the primes in the drawing, to uiue niace on iovomier aa, iwa uuluii's, son & oo. Application for club rate or for Informa tion upon any other business, should be plainly written, giving Ntato, County and Town of writer. .- ' Remittances should be sent by Express rather than by 1 O. money order or regis tered letters. , . Express charKes.npon $5 and larger sums Will be paid by the Company. . , Address plainly " J. P. IIOUBACT1, Norfolk, a. Agents for sale of Tlnkcla f-equlred through out the State. Address applications as above. Speoii!;lo!iGe Ftt-OMTTEilTI0;i! r BUIHT'3 Celsliratei rrsmier Ilitra r:.ri -no? At $4.25 per Bushel, Direct ft-om tUe Grower, In Scaled Bags jsvjivrci ill iiewuvrne. , That nil mnvplmit Unlet 'x Prnuiler and nvvb nioiipy at tho Ktmt, We will deliver free In licwlicme nil orders of from one Imsliel to one hundred bushels at $i.3 per uuuei. tusii wi.xii oniei. . This realms made lleroniu fortv-flve darn In u good Kt-annn. , r - . . . ., ' None ' Oilier So Early. None So Proilncfive. Mr. E. II. Cox kuvs: "The Rntst's Pi-cmler Kxlra Km-ly Pnn I planlcd lt yearM'ere the eiirliestiuid nuwt produotlve lhad." xnow is ineunie logecnp yourcluos. , Address " ; R033SET BTJIST, Jr., , Seed Grower . 033 and om Mnrl-et St., Plillail.a., Va. Oct23diw2m MAlBLE-:W;0liKS KEWBRKE,N...'.: '. MONUMENTS, .TOMBS,'-; And all kUids Gmvo uttd Building work In Orders will receive prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. JOE I. WILJJS, Proprietor, (huccessor to Gooiko v. Clnvpoolo) " Cor. BTtOAD A CXAVEN Sifi. 1 Nov: Borne, : K.O. G. E. Miller is my authorized ngent in Kinston. ma30-lydw - Having determined to wind up and his entire Clothing, Pry . Coodsj 3B6o"ts asid. Siloes' - - It Less than lew- York- Cost As this sale humbug or advertising dodge, people of limited means must hurry to get the benefit of it before tho choicest goods are gone. , A. Fine Line of Broadcloth. Coats will also be offered at a Great Sacrifice.' Country merchants will find it to their advantage' to call, as there are many ' Job Lots instoek, which will be sold far below their value. . NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. " As our time is limited, come at once to , B. S0HWEEIN. - SECOND DOOR Old Auction Boom, - :: , . . ' ' Southwest corner Middle and South Frpnt Street? - Don't Lose Your Way Getting There ! - ' oct.'10d&wtf ' 2,000 BALES mu 'B3DI8.'-:IKOCE ttosondale, I'ortlancl Welinitic Comonts. Plaster, Goat Hair &c. SALES UOOM Craven Street, below Egress OiBco. , . . - . ' Auj? 1J d&w tf . . ' Sow nerne.N.C aides Kefimon WOOiiiUMALE LilQX.Olt DEALISK.' ' : CELEEEATED EOTILED ' LAGER BEER ' FOR SALE BY THE CKATE. Also on - hand a full stock1 of Groceries, Provisions,: Cigars AND TOBACCO. ,h ' Open .I'lont lJi-ickSton.MlllW, STRIJKT, -Aprlilwly ' KKW miRliF N '' Wholesale 'Pvcjc - MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE, N. V. d C II TOY & CO., Wholesale Grocers And Dealers In - Guano zxA Genuine German Kainit, ;, - - a . ,. Brick Block, Middle street, d i is, Newbern, N.C. FJRliCRS AND ffiUXTKY. JKERCirANTS. ' T JY li. 12 ... IS'O T I C 12 ! V o tiro fi!r,'iln:it. our old stand, in our NEW f.l'OKK Vv'o have a full line of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots ' and Shoes,' nil or which we nvo. ofTering very low ill whokmUoand retull. nndtake a loofe hi, our Roods mid net our. low prices. Up-dm-B soUe.Uevl. j Satisliiction eimvanteed. lw liOBKHTS A i!RO. E0BEET3 "&:EE2SmERSpir,; Senoral insurance Agents, . ; y; Bern e, IN".'; O. Onl first clnss Companies represent .;' ' - oil in ; v.-r--V ;, Fira, life aad AccSdcat Insurance." "v' Total Capital over Forty Millions oi -',,',; 'v.'.';;. ' . .Toltrs. .- Jun24illy li Staiids at the Heajl. -.i.'i 'rv-iitiMftrn'.-' i Mil: .V THE LIGHT.-RUNNING DOMESTIC , For sale by X ' DUFFY & IVES. mal2d . New Berne. N. C. - This machine will be given away on Christmas Day to parties purchasing a dollar's worth of goods. .:. . .. i close his business, will sell., to the public stock ot . HORTHERH HAY. mrnm wmmrnm V

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