Literary Notices. Ci::. 1AL IIET7S. nokfol.k. 1 Hi S AXI JIE1MCIXF.S. 1 :t.Y JOTJAN AL, a oolumn ? aper I 1 Ujf except cu I'cvf-ij, at 6. Bpw - ,, for mx month. Ueliwred to. city o(;riS8r at &o cent penronth. . TESKEWEEBNI JOUUNi.Ia S couma paper, U publUhed syery Thursday at 2.wipei 4- ADVERTISING RATES (DAILY)-On lack dM 4r ft MitiT wwwk, 1100 on month I!. u,t,.iraauUi, ilC.00; six mouths, 115.00; . aT month. MOM, w W-j.,. .wm' " &aiiuwmiiu wider Had of "City Items', 10 cent per line lor each Inaertton iiOlfiV I j Ko advertisement will be inserted between cal Matter at anjprioe.i ' .1 : , i Xotlces of Marriage or Death,' not to exceed tea line will bo Inserted' free. AU additional tatter wUl b charted 10 cent per Un."( .. ' Payment for transient advcitiematf mo made la edYanos. Begalar advertisements will be collected promptly at the d of each m.0Bthr' i, UiJi'i - I ' Communications containing new or a discus eloa of looal matter are solicited. .So eottontnl-. cation mail expect to be publUhed that contain ibJeettoaahUvenoaaUtiee withhold the name at the atrthor r or that will make more thaa one tolusu of thi paper... .. . ! THKJOUllflAL. H. , sums.' ;;.' Editor, NEr,BEStt:,.N.' C.?NOVi Is. 1883. iMaat!thT5dit orhciat SeHetlKc). ." ' a aecond-clas matter. , , Hfjrm judge, by,, appersuuses. , &wy iold ooftfc -may oonriaia 4n A edito&o 'ttKA drought in! Keto; England, iione of ine Bireaui nave gut uuvvu, ty jlcu Batter's level. one wWfcaV4fe relied 6bSnf tosupj port bis party ttirongb . thick and thin, and.ypte for (a perspiflcation ;o the Evil .One, u regularly ? nominated by alronVeiition 1 composed" 6f dele gates selected by bosses and hired rowdies.: $Hnd! the' country 'lsaull of ''Stalwarts'? even of this desciip- drags. It lias no life whatever and a break appear? .more probable thar much presentootton and an absence of i; demand from, manufacturing sources Jtf absorb it. ' The manu facturing f advices are ' "dull and downward," while the characttfof cue uemanu is not . suvu , a w V"- tiQa,9f,8ny,das8 of goods.: u t n f iIhk United States Senate Com taitte on Eddcatibn and labor is getting some 'remarkable iufoVma- tion in Alabama;.' One witness tes tifltnafc'a majority of trie'nWes bora since the war seemed to feel that getting in education was all they needed, and that they. did. noj hare' to '. work. : Thp'oid i,negfpei ' werej inustripus oneand the only ones who saved money. : oucn, Indeed, seems, Jo,, be true every where in the 'South of 'the colored l t r 1 It iM 1 t-r 1 ' 1 i ItH 1 race. hI ik ir'lliu'i Ifis Supreme Court of Pennsyt vania . has recently i ideclded Viuat) when a a husband refuse to pay. ,bi store bills,' he must be &h4 '" A.," A.1 . wii' ti'J . wife's to Bhow to the satisfaction of a jiffy that nVbais provided' her with'fan'ds enough to maintain, her suitably, p the station to: which she is accus tomed.! ilf he caanot make such' a showing, the bilU can be collected from his estate ffotwithstandiug jie has given notice Jhat be ,will;:pay no debts of her centracting;' l Now let the girls go shopping and' get "something to wear? poor ; things! - The way in which the mnititude made their offerings to the, memory . of Luther in Wittenbersr. Germany. was very' beautifuf.5 ' TWr tborsand Protestant ministers, gathered from every ianS," weie therej The very houses wrrey covered with reverent visitors, f who'spoke many tongues. The streets and alleys and market phvjes Were 'crowded with guest. The aged Emperor William denoted his son,' the Crowii Prince, "Fritz, to represent , the imperial famUj; nnrf fin thAt Bfrtl took WlthlfttTfrOLl rlu?nv Immense latirereatfi end proceeding tp the churohin nose noor lies XiUiner's anst, iaia e wreath upon the slab. The in peeled out the great warrior's -1 ymnj A slrong tower is d." The vast audience took mhltu iMttftfafrH. i notes and the singing t beyond the walls into vt country. It was a ""'ToUy of 6iry'' ' goo(lness''an(i io; -TRolxorK. Yoi::. . , . :.' lurper &Br i. Hew if A uREAT WOiUN. s f Notlthe ieast intaiesting- portion -ot Anthony Trollope's manly autobiogra phy is that which is taken op with ref erences to his mother. Mrs. Tr lope was a woman much better known a q tirtr -eiitiM agtv than eh is now. She was not one. to whom American befoThj peV jd? jof b? Jvaxwere very well-disposed. As the author of a pecu liariy Bupe,riflcial bopk iabput the United Statesshe enjoyed, notoriety not on on this side of the water, of an amiable character. ia not, ho weyej?,, for of fenses o.poor, judgmq that we wish here to speak i. of her.-,, The thing for which aheJmirfht. l "reproached could not be better dieWissed by an American than iis in het song remark that "her volumes wprt very i.bitter; , but,' they were cloved and thiy 'feved the" family froiri'ruin.' ' tVe afi'free tobwtt'that, mrs. ironope seems to us to nave oeen a remii'kable'wdrna'n. She wr6te, Indeed, works which will take no permanent place in literature, bat she was Possessed of great vigor of mind, and was a fertile writer, and In her season created an im- prestfion upon the redin world thai; is at least rebembejred. if tjpt jfelt, tq fliis day," When Tjrqllopej says,of thej bqoks that ''ther saved, the iamily from ruin." he touched the maitel-effejct in the life Trollope's parents nadi aiargeiamny that BirrwedohBtantfy ftom the inca pacity the lfaih'e.;tar'i death. The ;ielder ', Trqilppe. it appears, was a manot irritable .temper;, which, the son says, alienated he affections' of all the 'children 'tfa wa pne who bad tried Yaiouabnsmessea vand eircoeeded in none. Possessed of the' family lite rary ambition, $ie labored for yeats over a' masslVeBch.pjtds'iiij' feature which r was nqt njbjipfl at his death, and never was or i will be , published. ' A victim kf ill health, he fotfnd bo other drawbacks this supreme, . m)?orluhe . eijperadded. . In every way, thi family, found themselves in diffieult Mraitat through a lotitr course of years. ,Part .of tentjbip'j&'erioa andiipflnijL' imiiJkjkiatawi city; and here, tqp.jnoney . waa loe rather gamwj.a .ine wine ja unupie jlyh teiofo ?gfmr$. Anthony fduoMea dt endowed scholarship, and in latter school years found even a petty allowance;, of , eponding-money stopped. It is likely that by one skilled ia jthe philosophy At . life it - would be vusly with jthat business of, life from wtiioh attention should not he distract ed, did, at the same time, effect nothing whateterj'ln literatfrd either1 towards gaining fame or of money needed in the demands of .a household- i the family tubles; that Mrs; Trollope's capacities '.apfoldad ind. revealed them selves. . She ( came from jAtneavarid rom'tlie ! bazaar - experiment, iwith ' no evident bright hopes' jpf ,' a .'fai 'utu'rei The i publication 01 her hook on the United States was shortly after effected At tlilg'ti,me sne'was'fifty-one years old and had previously never written any thing and, tliefqreheyer made ; any fnoney b hePpen Success came' at once and with wonderol. emp'h&siB, At last a way was found out of the family doniM'TKeeelbVwar'le knew she could write and, .effect much' by it, and'shealdVi-lW. ' lndefatigably the new vocation', was accepted. For over a quarter of a century, during which sbejrcylfleedj prieffiundred and fonrteen volumes, she continued her brafVi'blJ orfcf !Disc6urkge tr;aU of a domestio na ture came at one time thickly, ;but,ap rane'yeio"hav lessened the cheer iness of her nature1.' It will be ac- klowldjd tblit f(womun'imraersed, a vishiW was f Bt ages in -the duties of a tit M V household in which her hjldteo were nuBUEuai anarieveran c together sick almost to the point of cteath so sick " that," In -' fact, . death did rsill 4a them all-jwhcf Could, with all we meraircnoiy xnorrgins consequent 10 such faithfully-discharged V, demands, continue literary, labor that would seem above aught else' to L Wquire 'peace and undivided attention, must be, ,' beyond question, the possessor of a high nature. Indeed, Mra.i Trollope fulfilled all the ends of,,lcareer,. andrescued her famjly firpm gangers calling for, strong treatment at a time of life In which even men often Joeien tbeir hold upon? labor Trollops pays careful tribute to his rhbthet'i airld presehis1 her 'qualitiea p provingly withtint any ' tendency" to emgl&pfyJteTiei ot thjjfamily (At the same time no word of rebuke attends the recital of Ihe fallintrs of the father. f whosl good pafUi were Indeed many but urged 'upon miBlaleh "pathways." Our ,owh' admirWtlott ' for' thd'i6tlier. ia uft qualified. ; . It isj indeed,' true that for one' hb'cnob''ibo'it is easy to ais oover countless rebukes bf mail's denial to women of any1 capacity butaide of ; tbxSS Jiurfly HomUc;'aci6V, it fa for this 'reaSorftlu.tViailJttiis record to other account of VifeJ o ,r)oblytiualified women.Trollopeook is a, gev,d narratively whichjtha,.unan"ecto4 trib uie.tQ his muthet i tlie HatA passage. I " AVTOBIOGF. PHY p A found that all the uhhappinetyj came of the fathe'eifary,lpftuaUohJ,'which, wbileJanj;erejipg;constantly and gre- The C '.e i t lit. Evart's farm' in Vindse:vVt.," will cost $8,000 an' enclose k lak i of 12ii artaa. ' Ban . Francisco ' capitalists hav, organized a whaling and whale oil renning company, intending to make, the. Golden, Gate ther centre of the Khaleoil tradei J f i , i , , The , J3 uchess,. ol IiinJtori:lu daughter ot the late Jzar, is the brightest andtoQst.iamusing talket ui me liiiiisu xoyai iamny. ne -v - - J o . ,. - Lord Congleton. head or" Mr Parnell's family, ; who', die'Cately, was as obscure as",a' peer-ioduld be. His successor, a brother, will take his proper place,; ,(. j.ur.i o. o VICKSBUKO, ,i NOV. ii Staik, advance agent of the1' John, E. Ward 1 comedy 1 compapy'shori and killed P. SvAnanmanage.lof the 'same company, in , a theatre here, o-nighK- i - ear t ...TaniftH Mallfiv t(, ,.TAnniw OrajnAr notoriety, who is peddling lightning reds ittKansaBj' has written1 toJa playwright for his terms'' .tVi'play to oe eniiuea "iames JJ,aiiey, ae, Lightning Bod PeddJer,V. ai i PBOATUB,!jlk Nqv. I WAateci the ki famous:; (3-yearold Htfiinning' norse, aiea- suaaeniy yesteraay 1 at Lexington. Evi. of vello was owned bv I'bwers & Son 1 !l -! Ji' ItoflA AA A . . iiiui nil mull iiiiii nil' nun ..I . i . The much-announced marriage of OiadySy Lady Lonsdaiev with Mr. Luke Whftej 'eldest' son'- of , Lord Annalyi' ia brbken;i'6ff. TheVcoii- jectpring,, answer, , to ypnder thy!" ;do , qot err.70ft.ithej4id of ' Prof. E. S. Morse. inWtrfre in TnnnM ' c,nlA KA school in inferior garments, id order that the children of ' thd ' porie,r Wh6i ca.n ; ; get ",Bd ; others,;4, to ay isbamed '.'to , yr& at ;!. 'their own flothig-jin'.P)') i'--';ovl'-!ii;l.ul.Hj')'t PrTTSBT)B6H.1Nov.I4.UThelea8ei hold of the: Monongahola House, the largest and leading h,otel. of tis city, was 'sold 'for something ever $50,000 to-day at private sale.. 'The heirs of, J McD. Grassars sold it to J. S.' Griscomb; a welWcnown1 tail road pan,' whoj it'is said, bonglit it ini the interest ' tl Haetfobi), .if oy. i 14,-Mfc wo mai chine guns have jast; 1 been s com pleted at' Pratt (Whitney's' werki in this, city for Geh." Jrant pi;8r ents to the ' Viceroy , of China, and the i. Mikado of , JapanJ The guns are - rratt is Whitney's improve ment over the gun once known 'aii the Gardinef gun.' , tiMMiiMSti model after n wto), ; tteyi are made have a Government record of 505 shots a minute; and have been fired ab iuo rattj vi iov. buuus, a niuiuie jiiid 'khbts'iii 13;;;niijfie seconasi i:.ufr, iCt-i. wrM-iua Abcolutcly Pure. Tills jtdwdtrf nevefj vatkj,i(4tv of purity, sirenum, ana wnoiesomeneug. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can. not be sold In Competition with (tieiranltlUide of low test, Khort weight, alum or phonphate powders. Hold only In ana. Botal Baking ruwDKB uo iu wau-ai n.t. novis-iydw Leader of L6w Priees. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. a , j lit i ( 1 h1 " : ' i ..... , ,: ..'s . Has Just returned from the1 lorth with a large : ana weu-aeieeiea bvook of nn In Goods. F&iiCT Gonds' m3 hml Cheaper Than Ever Offered fief orf. ; I will have Special Salei every week In ev ery line. r ' i My stock of DRESS GOODS, alien ai Silks, rtatinH, uwninerea anu mourning uoous, ot not be matcued for the money In the State. I have a large line of Dregs T.' Droldenes ami KdKlngB at reduced prices... . 1 Ladles, 0ntsaUl Children's Under Vests in Rreat variety,. t v;.i ir.i It Hpeclal attention is called to our Shoe J)e partment... . . fi-Sj- .iji'lim .vinrioil .Also, carpets snd Oil Cloths, .7 '.,..;....( i 'A large utock of Picture Frames 'of every dexcrlptlon. . : :.. f int'iM Fancy Goods. Baskets, TlnwaVe, etc.,' etc. , -Bpeoial lndnceaients ottered to wtiole- 'pftle customers, qnd aatlstaotluiv guaraitel .to everyone, : . . oiie e.uly,hna ge( the nt plotd ,:JlKH ' 0. MAnKS. f" ! oct30dw3m, Pollouk at , Mew Olernej c,' 4 VY XX. ,JLJM Y XU X.;.i would worm tee public 'generally vuathe Is fitted up In first-class itylo, and Is prepared to give yon as gool a shave as was glyen when his predecessor, John M. liantoh, was alive, forlKSCCNTS, 1 . 11 1 j . ' Call at the Gaston) fftmsf Barber Shop and b convinced. . JulSl-dly yVVw-J.T.fv l'nl i , y i. . in .Q - 1 1 - "in J5kyM ..'em. f, Yicur called ,tq the j I offer this season, the j , URBEST ETer:'SuoVr1flsiKfiw Berne; Hill l. Jldl'.Hi. vil,. j,.,M a , ,1. i j 4tLSBS8M9.f.1 articles, pfi; (, j BEAUTIFUL S0LIOrE)tO WATCHES CtoAlirtl'CHA'llltti.'LACK fclMS. "V It I h; i.U M . 7. TT4 PTTTV Fine 'iPeriseonio BpWstacies" and1 ' Eei Miaesea in nuoneiy ateei, celluloia SH vet and Gold Framon.!.. A.innw mnthnri of fitting the eyes correctly. .;: ., t,,,v vmii uuu g.nuiiiiu DVUVAj 1U IIVIUID IAJ, tRespectfuIly,l''lirii i!-ii Jewelory Middle NeW'feerna: KT.' d. hs N. will giv;'Frf ty; '(30;00)' Vol lam for anyiartictoieveri sold bv me for iMMmt waanot.(; uuhV,l, lwAv OpSuicessor lu k'W Windtey,) t?0fi I)i!rt'.'!'t.:iilT lii'!l Hiwlo iMiu'ii'i rT ..(.jJJTjGSTi FOR, yfit .'ifrtiit' to Jf.uott!;."u.i1"iti!'.i.-it-..mulJ Pure' Rye f "baad Oorn Wliisky H';fff s .'.Kit l.fei'tt ii . V I Oill rtl:1'.MVl vVl&ES AND' CIGARS a (rt-jvk'l"- ail ii)')Vf. 01 mijum -I'ftifi.i dJ 10 ui m-;0BFAT;AMIETYi-h'm't I s JiiiinifVsu.i'ii! 11 'pi' "."("ill if kti'ti 4of l-'i'u rwtv IiMiil vi Si? ,vtif f ' " tfcWiJ (imger ' Ale. Pal&-Ale j' Beer tun ! 'iii'ini'l i;il am, -V"13. V BERGNER &' ENGEL BEER; I I tl U. II 1 1 ti 'it II I 11' tff it 1 ii (T'lP),t!pTI'-''Wf u,t'r' fl 1 h ...ill I, U, 11"' 3 11,1 II Oil' a A MO4i..''Mk.iU.rt'i4M'li'..U.'III' funt tntnuH uiiArtui. .i 'ji ti l .ehiftitu) vli) '. ioft fun: l.flf A-,41"iiW"vWA14..Jli. -:iep28idwliif.iM""ui ;.',ti ui i,m?.MV.i I. i: ail. - . J J'lt (tl IU .'il.'U.i'l firo' I. ."lpt'j( ii .:t i!i hi't ' ! vi'if i l.t til!' A'' in; .Il .,! (li'.l li Lil 'l l k mippr.v vr .1.1 ,,1, .if 1 7 M 1 1 1' n .1 uul I fl t . 1 t''i t ll'i 1 1 1 nil ,kiT i i l it 1.1 1 i 1 1 , Ilanqo.clc's Jnapu-ajors, s Ul rr - n jj i: -i -."A'&f'P TvVr1 uJvts n 1 J I, Mil 'f! IP) ( . !. 'I ' '''' ll II I jl I ill hi i "I ,1 V ll ' w Gullets "MagtiolK Gins, ' ' " , 1 , 1' ii , 1. ii ii 1,. 1 - 1 1 r i 11 n ni t 11 1 J. Jn i n'"! ' " i ' 'CatVer Cotton'Oins? " ,,u Tj . v m 1 11 1.1 1. T" i M w i 1 11 "ill Jiii' wf !! vitiii '.'tin,". 'is 1 l')7' I'Mfl lllllUll I'.IIii . O'll'.'Jit l' v'.ul'J'l u Oarver ottot 'CVindeBBerJ, " " . ii ) 10I Irfp tn J 'ill I " 1 , w 1 i iiiiii 1 ' (iii 1 i in , QHipl CkttPB Cleaners, v.; '-if lill'V HJl:iU4fl tu-tltl I'Wj "): ,! 1 T(AeBgee'WBgmsL'''' . ' V v 1 n ll 1 !,( Jl TIM 1! 1 if 1 .1 .! Hill 1 I I fil 1 ' I H 'Ji.t 1 il M ; ,Kntneky" Cane Millsk -fl ,i- Ml i-n't'A-,l'.'i!i i r,; f i ...t 'Ml i-iiH i)iji i,!' 1 t'ii.:ri ' 11 . j d 1 hi'. 11 1 j OooVs Entorktbrsj ." ' litj, iulf. ,:i , r -jl- Jl ' 11 . J J 1 11 i. n j t tU it 1,(11,". 1 i: jluiiw n ihi'J,!';!!-..;'.-!'..!! ,i v ,.ii'.i,j, j Mv.t um 5j II-.' iff. , Gilbert Force iPuropaj , - mi)") 1 1 , M 1 Ji i, U 1 J ,W - I I i , tr'-i , I 11 I 1 i 1 1 v ) j , rycbfB.RAiM'Dwus,,'' J'j! j 1 tU k il ! 1 ; 1 il 'i' 11 - 'f 1 nil (! 1 1 .i hui, Jfl ii I ) 1 . t "l ii 1 i' ni j 1 Acm Pnlveriiind Harrows, ) ' c 1 1 J. i,( f 1 1 In 1 it lil n 1 ,iiiinu 1 ,f m 1 .1 im ', n H s in 1 n 1 iHfjild pd'ower 0o,tionresseB,' hi a, . yi , 1 1. i it 1 t 3 . 1 1" loriptiori.' fl .a 11 1 ft 1 it iH n (i 11 i li I 1 I vi'iiiicri'iH tmot .::iiiilt;iii -(i'1-.'.Kl iBhafUngyPnlleySj, BelHny 'Ji ' K'l'J '"t'lt 111 ' 'Hi .' tC' liU'l '.III' I I' 1 , it ili.lT'M I I 'nl U i.l II ll J . I citniminr For Salexm HdoiabloTc 1 ,:i .ri. x i, , (Keepqctfullyj i 1 1 in j , 1 I , I l nil J ;::",':::M:J.i:C. 1 1 P -s 'W' 1 J '. 1. r A BRULIAHi. 2CE DlSmal bWamp Lottery U0. The franchise of this entpmrtan la hnaml upon the charter granted by tliu .Legjslatnre of the Stat to the Dismal ,Comittnr, ,b4 ts lefsality hab been 'lalrly tested fiefone theC-purt. , .. .. . ,,, , ,, T The' object In View Is trie1 "Improvement ana eyuiriHioii'i uf tne canal, ana rtha -fuU opportunity may b given for the purchasoof ma tJCKeis.oi,xnion uiereareohly '-. . "25,000 'with' 356 Trizes,!' Ae Mwirigas been n'sed for the !" i SlliAU'iif KUl IT'ir".' 'lliill-t Hi. ,7 I'lrft'tf'.1 . at. which time, WJTHOUX POSTPONKMBNT, it wlll be inaile Hi the dlty of Norfolk, before me iiiuin-,nn.i luouer iuiei superwisfcn or a committee of reliable citizens, ami In Ilka mamier'Paclsiwwdiriginonrli.' ''- , .f. Tickets i. bearin. date jeptembe 80th toldgrtpU for the Drawing of 22d November., CAPITA! BBIZS $5,006,' 1 1 ' .1, do,". 1,5(H) 1b.... ..,.. , 100 i!iir,TiiK,5K'-Mi""w4.ii-f 600 200 dO.lli-l.l 310 SlSij...!.!, :.UiJ.vlii'200 . f. "v' . . in...... I Ml i.'i.J'. ;i.,!i. A'rriioXnKAloV 'prizes.'4" . ib,,: of.k,i;...ij5o: 1 u.;::.;!:.l ' nso ' of:::;:::::::::::: 1 5 ' ?so iS3-i isiiijiriW'iri ml el !l '",-h 1 850 Prizes . dlstributing.,.,.4is,050 Plan of Lottery similar to that of Louisiana v i. noufolk, Ta.. October 25, 1883. : ; djt J fttrt " r aft dismXl J? wAmp lot- ,Wi0)V0Vi?';itX CUMPANY.bas, deposit ed Vlxh Burruss. Son Co.. bankers, Thirteen Thonsand and Fifty Dollars to meet the prizes In the drawing, to take-plaoe on November ia,'1H8.!, 1 1 , m)KHtrS, SON & CO. , ApplilttoKifor elbb rates' 'of fbr fnWrrtiai ticm upon, any otlw'r UUKlnpsty should be blalril written, glVliig State, Couhtv and TVhq of WJiter ; i 'i it' i.'i-J,,,,: : i;vr 'lit -iu U I'temlttanccH should be .sent by Express rather than' try1 P. .,-money 6rder-or regJs-tedleMers- ,, v). V I -in H " Kxpress charges upon $5 and larger sums Will tiepsldby the.Compaiiyu ni , , 1 ,. Address plainly . Ll.i . ui f . nil JK"lif)Rjtc,,I"i ' t-r i ir'L-ii"'1 h-'--i!Voila?,.Vi.i A gents for shle OTTlcfiets required through Outtfie,lUataii.ddresa appUeuMona as above. imWholesale" Liquor ' Dealer, fxiH a'tjf'iW''i'NdRfDitkl'VA."' Orders prqmntjybttendedotan satisfwf uon guaranteed. , .( , . i Perquimans Co , N. O. . r Hertford, N; 44 ;'. -; if ; Jos. E. Toms, ' '' , . - . ,. iiCpwmissioa iMerchautg, j. .n(t Tl . 1 -i. i-l, ItrUVITr milN U.H t4HX)il il II i i'VK III - r I t J X f '- HH0 SXMBS VI - ; Cotton; Luinber,: Oraifi Peitults; Wd w ot 1 4 vaiir uouniry - rroauce, 4 f 1 v 1 s44li,1 ii'Ji'.'rl 'HtPJ 1' ajA4iinAf':Ls'('' ..VWa-cvv jiftva-x-g' n nun. O. M, ETHERiPGir & CO., , .BeU.all'kinds.oT.pqutryprod.woeianiliBiakB proiript rethrns, , .'. ., 1 :;,t .,.' ; 'RefSr to Crtiseiis Sank,l'NoTfQlB:,' Va.1'1-'-' 'lOorcespandeace solicited.1 t'-auldwltn : JCIIAS. W. PETTIT; prr.; 2801, 2831254 ' anfl ';S80 atef 'streeii !--ii .dr. 'Jrtikhn'rti.r''WA''''i'J ' ' i . '. . . MANITPACTIIHER; OF . .i 1,1 U-tio-4Uii!.4i4rirliiiiJiiriiQS.3v! .I ,11 i mfcjffr"?,, rWAilfJ.- J r 1 iiiVvA 4,AiMS,noiinjii);y. 1 jfripi Of' Every! Description. ,.siii.'ri 1 - Complete facilities1 for 'AIIi'WOBK'lii Our )lne . iO li.Ml.' Jl .1 I "HIGHEST CASH PRICES1 Paid ailiklnoWof 01 IROJfi KEtAU K,,lowUnd's..Vnrf.f NORFOLK,, TA I We are always in. the .Market; for the enr thane of old wrecks, old Steamers and old ma- COinery-oiaii'KWus. v., jjutr .,l r,;': All consignments attended to promptly and caraf ally, and corf ot returns madei ul4dly WMfeAHnB-Klr,'' T."ij PJANBEMI h''f BANDERXIN BR0S1. G.en'I Commission Merchants V No. 17 Roanoke Dock. Norfolk. Va. ; i, 1 fVineitrriTrtrinii rfhti1rrr noon nt. nm.. akin. 1 v. ..... v. . VV.....V.,, 1 1D V.V. 1 (I , .uu gles.iluiaber, staves and country produee of evny ucwi iptiuu Boiicueu r nr j ., 1 Liberal advances made on consignments In hand.oron.blll lading. ... . ,r ,', , , Special attention paid t country produce getteraUyi'sn; 1 oil,' ivi, (i'J.'iti."ul-dly .. id' ARCHITECT, I Drawings and designs, furnlihed to builders anu contractors in apy part or ineoouhtryi . I.'i'ii.'V ! ?7 ?hM!;, Street.. yORPQl,! YA.,1, , i Dyamg ahf ctecUiiiita' kfl lisiiancli es done in the: very ttest manner1 ' ' 1 Prompt attentlort givett'ito all xMers bymailpr press,, . , ; j ; i A sepm i l ',HT.:iLLEn;,G1ii3;!:,l:w;: I, i a. f I'm;. '".i,.; r' .'MatiitT, Pictures Mirrors, Cfocks yv niuow rjnaaeH, f.;pri,ces JStC.. ''mi'"J'" r vwnaH K7 M wa. ' - t i Stall' ITa -2-Lcft Hand Sidn AT TIIE CITY JJaETET, n." f nlvrnvs dn, ,,. jj w.ijn tl, -rv bi'K Frps MealH, Hcof, riirlc.ijiiiii "on anil rjausuua that Uie Miirlifiuiioius. Cuilonlilm, . jaulu-dly jiiii.tii "j i I 4 1 : I I 1 T6"jget Drugs and Medicines, Taint, : fill TJriTin n., t -1 'n . 7 Oakum and Ship Chandlery is at muriitc ynarj. .r: (nil: SPOT To get Stoves aBottoru Prices". Ca and see them at" . ' u.;;s: face's, - , .'JlarJiet Wharf. .ij'.l.f! :.Oa:jr It: THE SPOT To "get Hoes:" Spa'desr: Shovels. Axes. Tlough Gear, and anything usually pep ,w tne, uaraware .Line, all at Hot torn Prices for Cash, is at ; . U. S." MACE'S, " 5: J'' 1 ' ' ' - Market Wharh d&w NEW BERNE, if. ft. TEERY& CO., 273 WashinK A ton street. Nrw Ynrb; - Constantly rweiving oa commission all kinoes of farm produce. Are prepared to supply the trade, with Butter, Cheese, '' Apples, Potatoes, and other fruits and : vegetables at wholesale rates. Quota- uyiiB lurnisnea at tserry s Urug Store. CI ASH buyers can get spot terms at .uil t,; ! .:, U:, BERRY'S. - SAVE time avoid delay when sulTer infir, by haviDir vour 'tirGsorintinns. dispensed at..; , .,;;..;v, , BERRX'S. TIMBLE fingers work for the Ricfr J.l i', at M .; v:i'.i',.i..,.: V',f:.'s BERRY'S. 'XVlftcfHT BELt for'the use of those. XX' that trade at .,' V BERRY'S. t NO matter whose advertisement bead the prescription you still have the right to have it put up at ' BERRY'S. TQ compete , wjth lowtpriced goods: furnished to our country stores, frorii ' the North, many druggists feel called upon' tO' meet competition with low strength goodsmYou can depend! : qon the- strengh of, all goods covered! dn rov label. No Blons nut nn nt, i',l ' BERRTB." I MIXED painte, $1,35 per gallon, at . .-...BERRY'S.. 1 1 ; ,OTSTER; DUFFY, r:,j,ii-tn': I w ' DEALUft I! wV .bivi-A) .t'-'-jL-M'W''-'-' ''' 'ft'-''- - and. vi Toilet ? Articles Corner Broad and fleet Streets, l .A Ui ,..'v i KUJ. ... I I, ST ; ,(.- S- Physicians prescriptions carefully coin- pounded...- .,. ,, , . . , aug22Kltf ,- .JPJ1910 BOWELS, .... DISORDERED LIVER, 0;vL,i4 arid liaLARIA. . PMiu these gonKS-s' arise tliiee-fonrtlis ol -tMu .Usiiaaesf tlie human ,mo. TnoS leierttoM of budy or miMilf UructAtloii spirits, A.feai f !,nvlu u,!,!,,,,,,! ! nT' Vtali. ''lu5rtn" ( "tui 5?f; HfBsa of romeiiy th,t vts riipvr ' .dntnol.iron Asal4vor mwlioiiia-rOT-X , all Imp6rttlos through these thie .rax- .J.".-,' .H'W"U1U III! .,, .bi ...i. "1""?' TeKOliir stools, aelimr' ' -.ui...,! a vigurous Dony. XUTT'8 PH.I.ti ANTIDOTE T MALAR3AJ , "W D?Pepaln, With CotiRUnn ' teiw3yr nn,i nrtvo.lili'rt ten dittei i nt : ithat hnvo dono me any eooiL' Tliry'liavei 11 .plenW.:fbrtd"'dVrcdily. Wi'SrS have Jjatpral pnssap-es., I Iwi lllca a i ow ' an ; W.b. EDWAfiDS. Palmvii. O. ' i P"qTHy'"'rt,aB. omw,iMmTny8t.,y.r. r' iui i 'CMiiuu yjfe, ( ipUoatlon Of tills BtB. Sold W DiZSu , or seat by express on receipt of $ l. ' . I ' Office, 44 Murray Streut. ;Tlin'8 jWAHUAL Df jlSEFUl RECEIPTS FBCL . i-tfFUEfiforTRUL . , uut.iiu(( iiiu i.w,uv uure lor y( IX iwnf f FOnIi tii sad Ftyor, or any , lsvUrejultoiaiiicretlon,Bxceiia, . imK J ovarwoiji, etc., (over forty thou-- -M J sand ponitr fcnree. m- s.nd ' J lUil J6"''"1" postsga.on trial box ot.-,-fjiy lOOpilJv-AflilrfiM. ' lEJ ,Ir.M.W,)AgoN,)r.CTiirlrSt : iiowuij'. anaCalhounl'la(a),CHiCAOo,lLu W'1 '-')- I. 85 S. Clark St., C?p. Court Kcuce, CHICAGO, . : Arepilarirntdnata. s5rThOld-iit Speolollut IB the United State, vhase-ura long exi-krifxcb berleot method and pur Jhedictne .iimnre upefiiv r ind rUBMANENT ouanS of all Frivatn, Chronio nnd Kerroua U,i,'i Afflictions of the Htlnod, Nkln Klilnev, Jtiitdder, l.iupllom. 1 1 ('.'.. iii.i .,. MufIIIbic rfhejllin4.MiruMauili. "lliriiiit, Itune Pnlns, pemiauently ouied and MjioM.dtioni the sj'ntomluj life., , , - mij lW,texuallM)cuy,MriiUd ood J'hisical Wcahnest, FaMnn ITemorti. .:' I ireaJs Pjc$, Stunted Development, Impede 1 pleura to Marriage, ete., from exenan or any , tail, aptedittf, ofehJ tma privately Cured. " S-Youn(r,Ml.ldl-A(rod and Old men, and all ' 1 yho need medical aklll and exueru'Hce.conuult Dr. Bate at once. Hie opinion oonl n ncl liiiifr. and my '' , ae future misert and eliauie. When to Tisit the oily ttw trtatroont, medicini-s cu l,e ,-u t svetywuere hj mail or exprone free from obirr. . Mll.11.. ari.i.u.lf..... .., . .., : 1 Rivee his whole attention to a ciays of diftfiHes at' till lie sreHt aklll.and , ,anfltiimiu.'hnnt. th, country, know i hit t h is. 1i-,m, ,nl lyre 10111 menddiirion It cane! to the ll..,t ,.,., ,lit. v whom evnrv ' a now il ii . ,, roin.l y in lined. 9 t Dr. Bate' As Rnd l.f perience tiinki hie opinion of en prt-iuo I i-iiiiico. ft ,- l'hoe who onll nne no, one n',t .110 ilootor. I)nnml, iilionnfrooandai,.'w.ll- ' '" '. Claiwewli nth have failed in ohtainlnjr lit elwwlioro, esnncially Boliaitud. Female l)is- ! emus treated. (!nll or writn. Honrs, from to t , to fx Snuilnvsi. IO to Vi. OutUft !fO HuOIli bi:sx l iiKE. AUdrewi as above. iio.v, ifi 'mi i-v a .BQNi' H' - ffl !l; 'i -ffl .. .. . ... TU)TTrTT

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