IUCUMOND. T5IKS. A. J. PYLE'S a hz and Cleanins Establishment THE JOURNAL. PROFESSIONAL. NE'W B&RNE, N.' C, NOV.. 23, 1883. MEETINGS OF LODGES. Gentlemen's Overooats. Coats. Pants and VftiU; Indies' Dresses, Shawls, Cloaks, (Jrupe i vens, Kiuuons, flumes, tuiw, moves, eu: , . ,. cleaned and dyed at short notice and mode- o TnHVS Tartan- TJn 8 4 1? A nr rnteprlees. Carpets and rugs eleaned by nrn- f BT; JOHNSDOE, JNO. 3, A. i. (R A. M., clilnery lately Introduced tn the elty. Best 1 meets the 2d Wednesday night in each Vlty references. Prompt attention to work by : month. ' i . uuu i or express. Agents wanted. G ROUGH V. STRONG, ' ' - Raleigh, 5J. (S. 314 V. Fifth St., v auiriyd&wim Richmond, Vit. 1IACHINEEY FOE SALE I Twenty-flv horse Vertical Boiler. Thirty junse Return Tubular. Eight horse Engine. Hlx horse Portable Engine (Rabin's make.) Twenty-live horse Portable Engine (liahni's make). Heveral Vertical Boilers. Also, Com plete Steam Grist Mill. Complete Haw Mill, fcteooml hand Steam Pumps. Inspirators. Centrifugal Pumps, Circular Saws, Judson Governors. Engine Lathes. Drill Presses. Bark Mills. Planing Machines. Matcher and Jolnter.ttecondhand. , Kepatr work done to Engines, Fnmps, Saw 'and Wrist Mills. ' . '1 rain way Ijocomotives built. Tin Ittw Era Engine has met with imi versa. favor. Sales of Erie work has been made toCkyof Richmond for water worjs, - 2S0 horse power boilers. UK) horse boiler to ' Richmond Cedar Works. SO horse boiler to It. U Woitham & Co., for Planing Mill at Rich mond. C. H. Farrer,' Charlotte comity, Vir ginia, complete Steam Mill. Hon. R. A. Bald win, CordKvlllc, Buckingham county, Vir ginia, Thomas Woods, Ksij., Manchester, Vir ginia, forTannery.and many others. Those who contemplate buying Engines, Urlst, Haw Mills, etc , would do well to corre spond with . A. J. RAIIM, vr ..' '-J -' V-- Richmond, Va. For tlrstclass work our prices are lower , uu others, and on Inquiry you will be so at.isrled. , au27d4wiim ' New Beene Lodge, No. 443, Knights of Honor, meets on the 2d and 4th Fri day nights in each month. : . Assessment No. 129 is now due, and ! must be paid on or before the 8th day of December, 18S3. l ? , - j Teest Council, No. 411, Royal Ar- DANIEI, . PKKRY, Jflustou, N. C STRONG" & PERKY, . KINSTO.V, . C, ATTORNEYS ANl COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Having formed a copartnership for the practice of the law In Jones county, will regu larly attend the courts of the same. Prompt attention paid to collections. mayia-d&wtt STRONG 4 PERRY. nights in each month Assessment No. 53 is now due, and PHIL. HOLLAND, JB. '. ,! OWEN H. GUION. HOLLAND & GUION, 44rTvi Aire? - 4- , I (Office one door west of Gaston IXouse.) I Will practice in the Counties of Craven i Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlioonnd . Prompt attention paid to collections. apra-UAwiy. GEO. W.J. HARVEY, ' , D30 RICHMOND ST., ' " " PHILADELPHIA. . t --- ESTABLISHEb'1859. '. Maker of Gentlemen's Fine Cmtom Boots & Shoes of the Latest Style and BEST GRADES.' Wonld refer to Messrs. B. K. Bryan, Geo Henderson, Geo. H. Roberts, Geo. A. Oliver and others, all of New Berne. 43-Orders by Mail solicited. julySddkwly GEO. W. J. HARVEY CAKUM. meets on tha 1st or JM Fri.W tJqnes, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico nnd Lenoir AiUVAL & NORTON'S i ' Celebrated HOUSE TONIC orlmproving the condition of horses, mules, cattle and hogs, giving them an appetite, rel ieving Uiem ofbots and worms, hidebound urfeit, distemper and all diseases to which a horse H subject internally. After an aiiinn.l s Improved by Its use It may be left off with out tils falling back tohls 11 rut poor condition. : It Is highly approved by all who have given it a fair trial. We have yet to hear of a single nstance where the HORSE TOMO has failed : o accomplish what we claim for it. Krom ft urge number of testimonials we select the ollowlng: . Ma. E. P. Reeve: Dear 8lr I have been using your Duval ANorton's Horeo Tonic for the last eighteen mouths, and find it the best medicine l have ever used lor improving the -general ihcalth and appetite of horses in bud condition. Respectfully, RollKHT VAIIOHAN, , ' Manager stables Richmond City Railway. -. To place this Invaluable remedy in reach of l have reduced the price to ia cents a Dot- .. e. juanuiacturect omy ny - E. P. REEVE, Druggist, 802 East Marshall street, Richmond, Va, : Sold by druggists generally. ausKtdAwlw Will You Do It? If you want a good Cigar for S cents; 10 cents r 15 cents, you can always find them at PALMER'S Cigar aud Tobacco Btore at the Skin of "The Majou's." Also, 8ola Water, JJeep Rock, a pure Mineral Water and Ginger Ale, Candies, Oranges, Lemons, Apples, Nuts, to. If you can judge what that Is, it Is Duke of Durham Cigarettes, Tobacco for Chewing orsmoKiug, i'lpes, and Well came and see. - . W. L. PALMER, JJext to g. e. corner of Soutk Front and - - Middle street, octaMUfcW New Heme, N. C. PARTICULAS NOTICE. THOS.. GATES & GO. OFFER A PULL LINli OF jr!rbcerics, Dry Grootls, Boots II IK I . Hliotis, 13tc X-orillard and - At Manufacturers' Prices. : 'J h Opp. Qmton Home, dw NEWBERN, N. V. f. !. 81MMI) S ATTOENEYS AT LAW. Will practice in IheOourtsof Craven. Jones. Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico nnd Leliolr.nnd lu tne veuerai uoyrt at New lierne. reDiid&wiy mnaf. Via nnid rm ni Yinfnba Via 1 Rfr I, I R. W. KIXOl. of December. 1883. - 3 clemeHt.mant.y Athenia Lodge, No. 8. Kkights of NlAlIN. S SSfaia5 ,& MmU Dimmin i il.1. n 1 3 ... m I ' x miao, uicem uu ino wU ttliu 'kill XU68- day nights in each month. " Assessment o. 113 is now due. and must be paid on or before the 80th day of November, 1883. '-. Eureka Lodge, No. 7, I. O. O. F., meets on the 2d and 4th Monday nights m each month. , : Assessment No. is now due, and must be paid on or before the day Of '.' JNEUSE COUNCIL, Mo. 1. ORDER OF Chosen Friends, meets on the 1st and 3d Wednesday nights in each month. Assessment No. 4lJ is now due, and must be Jpaid on "or before tin 8th day or ueceniber, is83. Cosmopolitan Council o. 211, Amer ican Legion of Honor, m ets on the 1st and dd 'ihursday night in eaoh month, Assessment No. 45 is now due. and must be paid on or before the 29th day oi jNovember, iay. Local Branch No. 95. Order of the IRON Hall, meets on the 3d Monday nignt in eacn month. Assessment No. 28- is now due, and must be paid on or before the 17th day. oi uecemuer, is;j. . DR. G. K. BAGBY, SURGEON DENTIST, Having located in New Kerne, oilers his services to New Berno and sui rounding country. Office corner of Soulh Front and Craven Btroets. dw OR. 6, L SHACKELFORD, hnrcreon Dentist NEWBEEN, N. C. Having located' permanently In Newbern, respectfully tender my proltssionai services toinepumic. uinceon Biuuue street, in l'ai- tersou building, opposite ISnptiKl Churcli. Ten Years Prnctlcnl Kxperieiicc, . sop2Sd.iwly ASA JONES, Middle Street, Newborn, N. 'C, ' V DEALER IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods .BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTUlNfi, Etc. Agent for the DIAMOND SHIRTi niaun dried l.Uu. Laundried S1.2i. And the celebrated Warner's Corallno Coi-set, rrice si.uu. A full line of Gents'. Ladles' and Children's Underwear. Gents' Linen. Celluloid andPauer sonars aim uuus., hiik anu ijineu hiuki Ker chiefs, all kinds of Gents', Ladies' and Civil' dren's Hand and Machine Made Shoes. Rub. ner coals, hints andnnoeB, uwlles' Cloaks and jacKets, aiuieverytniug usually Kept in anrst class Dry Goods Store. . ASA JONES, tnartid&wly Middle St., op. Baptist Church L. C. BOYSQ PATENT AUTOMATIC CABINET FOLDING BEGS "c3 gX) i IstaJblislie 1865., - Look to your interest while money is scarce. It will pay you to call on ' ' , SEPHSCHWERIN- and buy from his largo stock, consisting principally of Ready-Slfiade Clothing, to which he calls particular attention, as men's latest style suits in Cut-away Sacks and Walking Coats, Reversible Overcoats, representing ulsterette on one and sack-coat on the other Bide, and what is most important at alf-Crop Prices. Full line of Children's and Boy's School Suits, Overcoats and Underwear. In addition to this you will find the best assortment .of Men's and Boys Shoes. As to Silk Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Ties, Suspenders, all wool Under shirts, Silk and Alpaca Umbrellas, no better assortment can be found in this city. Largo variety of Carpets, from hemp to Moquetto, constantly on hand. ;, Country merchants, when desiring to fill in, will surely save money by calling. A fair trial is all we ask, and we will make good our above assertion by dividing with them our profits. Respectfully, JOSEPH SCHWERIN. Outwitting a Lion. The poor little Bushman of South Africa is not only small in size, but leeoio m ininu. Yet an .English oiucer tens a droll story oi an en counter between a Bushman and a ion, which shows the man as cool in uanger and lerciie- in resource. The officer says: The Bushman while a Ions DR. J. D. CLARK, NEWBRR'V, N. C. Office on Craven street, between Pollock and liroad. AprlT-il&wly HOTELS. The loba House, Norfolk, Va. RATES OP BOAKDINCi: I Single Day Two Days Three Days Fer week I Table Hoard, pur Week I Supper, Lodging and lircaklasl... ...?l.r0 ... 2.50 ".on .... ti on .... :i.r.o 1.1 HI Lodging 50 Cts Tills house has boon thorough ly rfn rnlHheu and newly painted. Tbo table will be always supplied with tne iicstin komsoii. Mar always stocked wiiu tue lines"- wines Honors and cigars. Give the Globe House a Trial. way from homo was met by a lion. The animal, assured that ho had his vie tim!completely!iiilhis Inower, beasrn to sport and dally- with him with a Nn. IVY Main Street leline jocosity which the poor little Bushman iailed to appreciate. The lion would appear at a point in the road and leap back again m to the jungle, to reappear a little farther on. But the Bushman did not lose his presence of mind, and presently hit upon a device by which . ho might possibly outwit his foe. This plan wns sn o-ornstoil hv r.hn tinn'a nwn nin. I No. 177 Main Street. Norfolk, Va. ., -no j . B pEDDLK dUCC. I Jull-tlitwOm Froprletor, Aware thftf; the hrntn wna ahoiul 1 of him, he dodged to the right and RIVER VIEW HOTEL iceiiug pretty sure oi tne non'S EmZAIiKTH OITY, M. C, of onifitlv watchlno- his mnvAmAnh. u' x kui-jcuviuh. When the lion dlSCOVCred that the ings, and in tho business part of i ho town ; has man bad suddenly disappeared from a !'.ack. "if11,11 uof th0 (U'P)ts oh ll,u 4.1 i.1 I. ill ftl 1 IVtll OI HflilllS. ino iitiii, no was a guuu ueiu ier plexed. Ho roared with mortifi cation; when he espied the Bushman peeping at him over tho grass. Thn ' rinalimuTi at. amka nlinnrrrwl I his position, while the lion stoocfir- T The mort pnrfeclly balanced FOI.DITO KKI) in the orld. HulMtuntlal, yet w liKht that a eti lid can open and close It with cnw. They comblnu GKEAT STRKHGTH, BUATJTV and UTILITY. It la tho VElty BEST, uiost compnet, EASIEST FOLDED P.KD, and la now offered to the public as the CHISAI KSTnntent FoldlnB lied on the market. It ECONO MIZES 8 PACK, Kivca WEAU and TEAR of CAK PETS, keepa the BEDDING CLEAN KliOM DUST, and la rapidly BuperwdlnK all other beds in the f will le ot tbo rich and nuor aliko lu all aectlooa of the country. Mnrtw In BCTCKAlT.DREHRTHncASR. C7AIIIWBT, JIOOK-OAHE, HIDK. JUOAUD. and WKITINU-Bf4K Mtylus. Bend for Deacrlptlvo and Illustrated Circular. Factarv&0fHce,14S5 StateSt. Chicago. flIn nentlhig lor circular wltti prices, please nam this pillHM. ALEX MILLER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER. Constantly rcccivinsa full line tjhoice G-roceriew and MOWN FACT. WARD & JONES AEE HEADQTTAKTEES FOR Furnishing Goods & Clothing. Fit in Rnteg Reagonnblc. sop'J-dAwIm NEW BEENE DILLIARD PARLOR, In the Duffy Building on Middle " street, near corner of Tollock. . FIVE NEW TABLES JUST PUT IN. Three Billiard and Two Pool, Finest in the Country. CAROMBOLETTE ' TABLE. QEVIL AMGTHE TAILORS The QneatLlcinors and Cigars, the celebrated ' BERGNER St. ENQEIi BKElt, Sonr Krunt, Sardines, Lobster, Limburger mid Bchweltr.et Cheese constantly on hnnd. - . -, " JOHN DETRICK. !. ' Novld 4 w. ' ' 1 -. I CENTRAL HOTEL, W. fi. PATTEHSON. rnor'n. NEW It Ii UNE, N. C. HIS WKI.L KNOWN AND COMMODIOUS lionse, as its nairui imiilii's, is situated in the resolute in the path, following with U1S eye tne SUlItlng biackinan. In I travellliiR jmblic. Anonlin solicitors every another moment the little man rns- tlod tho roods, vanished, and showed nrni8iud with InmfiMf acrmn nr. or.nfl.Ar nninf EvOry Delicacy 1 tllO ScaSOll . " I Its rooms are laree. airr and well furnished. xne greai oruie was nrsc coniuseu, att owrwnms and' then alarmed. . It evidently or ti.e accommodation bf Ktmsts to and from hnonn a ilawn nnnn hin tha Iia ""P "l'" v" " " u..v i feature m this city, had mistaken the POSltion'of matters. All the appurtenances, of a modern ana inac ne was ine nuniea narry. jxxvoj. ilvimj. The Bushman, who clearlv recoc- Apni i-a-i. nized what was passing in his "fl.'lK10' C.' B. HAIIT & CO. i no iiuu i ecu vol ilia otititicu wiia. I . He Leiran to steal irraduallv to- c- habt, Business manager, cj - o . ward the foe, who now, in a com plete state of doubt and fear, fairly turned tail and decamped, leaving the plucky and mgenious little Bash man master of the situation L. H. CUTLER, Stoves and Hardware, Sash, Doors & Blinds, Mr. B. O. Harris, Littleton, N. C. gays: 1 "Brown's Iron Bitters have given me great relief from Kidney disease. THE UNRIVALED NEWFARMER GIRL Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, GUNS AND PISTOLS, TOILET SETS Rubber and Leather Belting, Etc., Etc. N. M. (xASKILL, MERCHANT TAILOB, Has received his Spring Simples, and is prepared Ito make up the 1 latest and most fashionable olo- f ,-HV ' . -! . f I I mm ; 0NSPEI02CASHST0S2. North-cast corner of Middle and South Trout Streets, . PBALSRS V Stoves, Hardwa,re,Honse Furnishing Goods, CROCKERY WARE, LAMPS, CHIM NEYS, BURNERS, WICKS, ETC. Kerosene Oilg, .Bed C Non-Eipleglve couHtantly oil nana. W Spoolul attention given to repairing. NowHerne.8ept.Jth, 1X83. iiprlldwly THE COOIi STOVE. FINEST ASSORTMENT OF , Kver olforoiV for sa,6 In Nevbem nro Nothintr further seems necessary to Mfldfi FRESH EVrlrV DaV L 4-U XT.m l?xmav Cr o rQtfQrf I , . v and beautiful cooking apparatus. It has laree Flues and Oven,-Patent Oven at my Factory. Tho public are cordially in vlted to mill iintl oxainiiia my mock. Piece croods of every . q u a 1 i t y and patterns al ways on hand. , SAME . OLD " STAND, Middle Street, , 3J&wly' New Berne. N. 0. Shelf. Swineing Hearth Plate, Deep Ash Pit and Ash ran. The uross rieces an have cold air braces, and the Covers are h month and heavv. T orero oirnln (Ivan 1 Inors. Tin lined The largely increased sales af this Juicy Jamaica Oranges and Xomons, Stovo attest its popularity--every stove Bananas, Apples, New Dates, New ' , I have on hftnel Fine Line of ; CHOICE FRUITS ;.: among which nro ' : fully warranted, - P, M. DRANET, SOLE AGENT, NEW BERNE, N. C. Any castings wanted for Farmer Girl Cook Stoves sold by P. M. DRANEY at 10 cts per pound. " ' OcHdwtf Layer Figs, Malaga Grapes, Coooanuts and Raisins These Fruits nre vcoelveil fresh hydvery Blllk!IHr. " A cull ironi my friends Is solicited and sat isfaction guaranteed. Very Hespectrnlly, fo27tf JOHN DUNN. NoLby sacks and cut-away suits. Our Clothing is from the best Houses and will lit. Acknowledged by a merchant tailor to be the Itest line of Made Clothing in the city, Boys' and Children's Suits a specialty. Io not buy your winter underwear until you have seen our stock. We wil save you money Half dozen Elm City Shirts for $5.50. As good as any in the place. guaranteed. British II Hose, 25c, worth 35c. Will outwear all others. Latest styles of Stiff and Soft Hats. Largest stock. Only place in town that Stacy Adams & Co.'s Shoes can be found. If you wear them once you will want them again. Full lino of Tics and Scarfs, Scarf Tins, Wristlets. Rotulus SusDenders. uoiiars anu uuns. Carpets, Oil-Cloths and Rugs. Oil Cloth Stove Rugs, 75c. and $1.00. Trunks, Valises, Shawl Straps, etc. HOWARD & JONES, octOd&wft Opposite Episcopal Church, Furniture ! Garpets MPianos and Organs ! S. A.. STEVENS & CO., NORFOLK, "VA., ime, cement and plaster Largest and Oldest Furniture Establishment in Eastern Va. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, FARMERS' SUPPLIES, which we offer as low as any house ino city, and warrant an goods as rep resented. Call and examine onr stock and Driccs. Stables furnished fiec to all our country customers. Goods delivered free to any part the city. 12 W. & D. Prices guaranteed an low ns New York : and cooiIh are miiiiurnetiirml liv liu mill I n r.u f own order, and we can guarantee miperior inducements to huuxekccnerH. sepl-U&wlm S. A. SHEVENS. Norfolk. Va. Etc., w I). W. HURTT, MERCHANT TAILOR. ZANG'H old O. E. LODC 2,000 BALES NORTHERN HAY. 800 Bbis. Rock Lime. ItosentUile, Iortlnd Sc JSelinitic CemontH. Plaster, Goat Hair, &c. . SALES KOOM Craven Street, below Express Office. Ann li l&w if Nw Berno, N. O. ALLEN & CO., Mlok Street, New Berne, N. C, - fr S T A IV I), DEALER I3NX MIDDLE STEEET, Mar. 3d. 6mw New Berne, N. C. Ferdinand TJlrich, GROOEBIES &DRY GOODS BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Hopes, Twines, Paints Oils Can- vans, and Oakum. Tlio place'to buy GRAIN SACKS in any quantity and : : ; LOKILIiARl SNUFF h,-JM;;. ';,'vIi .'' by the bbl, t'fj. NETS aud SKINES. , Foot ol Middle street, - NEW BERNE, K. C. wlSOarrM. Ceneral hardware, Agricultural IniplcnientH Steam Eii;iuc8 Cotton Tresses, Horso Powers, Tliroslicrs, Farm Machiiiery,' ... Grain Fans, ' V1 Straw Cutters, J . Corn Sliellrs, Cider Milts, , , ;. v ,V ;? Psickinjr, Pipe, v .: v .; FitUnjfs. '' ' Paint, OiU Glass, Li mo, .... '.. v Cement, Plaster, Fertilizers, ' -.vC';' PRICES VERY LOW FOR CASH. i' ill