. E. DOWLING, : Hand Sewed SHOES (Only), H'.; , ! If 3T CANAL STREET. ' ; , NEW TUBE. ..Cw. C JStreet, v. s tf Opposite Buries Hotel. Deformed and tender feet ft specialty. - - Comfort guaranteed. Orders by mail prompt y attended to. ' '' I refer by permission to the following par tleswho are now wearing shoe of my make : Geo. Bally, 0. K. Slover, "i J. A. Patterson. v , Mai. D. W. Hurtt it T. A. Henry, Vt'. K. Patterson,, ' octlO . i, Jao. D. Teoman. ... ; d&wttin II. W. WAHAB, (Successor w K. H. Wlndley.) : . DISTILLERS' AGENT FOR Pure'Rye and Cora Whisky AT WHOLESALE. .HlfcES oAND CIGARS " W QRFAT lAItlETY, Ginger Ale, Pale Ale, . Beer , aND POUTER. J15JRGNER & ENGEL BEER, CIDER, PURE FRENCH BRANDY II. W. WAUAB. South Front St. New Berne, N. 0. ep28-dWly. ":'!'.' ;. . ; Will You Do It? If yon want a good Cigar for 6 cents, 10 cents or 15 cents, you can always find them at PALMER'S Cigar aud Tobacco Store at the Sign of "Thb Major's.'' Also, Boda Water, Deep Hock, a pure Mineral Water and Ginger Ale, Candles, Oranges, Lemons, Apples, Nuts, etc. If you can judge what that is, It Is Duke of Durham Cigarettes, Tobacco for Chewing or Smoking, Pipes, and . Well come and see. ; . W. Lu PALMER, Next to a. e. corner of South Front and Middle street, oct23-dw New Berne. N. C Pi&TICULAR NOTICE. 'Vv' TJIOS. GATES & GO. . . OFFEE A FULL HINTE .... , ' OF '';' ,'rM', .iTy .';.' - r ' .' V CJ-roceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Ktc. X-torillard and Gail &. Ax tSnuil At Manufacturers' Prices. Opp GaMon House, NEWBERN, N. C. . r NEW BERNE BILLIARD PflRLOU, , Iq the Duflfy Building on Middle . street, near corner of Pollock; FIVE NEW TABLES JUST PUT. IN. Three Billiard and Two Pool, Firiest' in the Country. .CAROMBOLETTE STABLE. OEVIL AOONGTHE TAiLORS - The finestLlquors and Cigars, the celebrated . BEKONKR & ENQEL BKER, Sour Kraut, Sardines, Lobster, Umburger and Schweitzer Cheese constantly on hand, "y" , , ; ;'it . C-l ... JOHN . DETRICK. - . Jovld A w.- . -' .. ) 1 N. M. GASKILL, IIEKOBAKT TAILOR, p ' 0 n . Has received his ' fXfrM Spring Sajnfles, and is prepared to make up the latest and most fashionable clo thing. Fieoo goods of every quality and nsittoma nl- , i r !ways on nana. SAME OLD STAND, ' Middle Street, . aplOdwly ' New Berne. N. C. -fL YO rl&H 2 A L Y Q State k Monroe StSMChicajo. I 3 CATALOGUE, f fot i .vi, m !' h .'a ,f ih, nW Cp wl i iwiilt,, Cap-Lami 1 I Mw tffH M . H ,.v ...l (luiuu, H!Mnt IV u . ..... .1 iii-lriK-ttonwiit 1! s TTTTl 1 OTTRN A'-T .' i , did not care either to sell or rent to ';; J Xi- i-J V UVlXXXi. "thA h.anlrrnnh man. MA ha f.hinfc NEW BERNE. N. C..DE0. 16, 1883. MIETIXGS OF LODUES. ' ' St. Johns Lodge, No. 3, A. P. & A. M., meets the 2d Wednesday night in each month. ' " New Berne Lodoe. No. 443. Knights of Honor, meets on the 2d and 4th Fri day nights in each month. Assessment No. 139 is now due. and must be paid on or before the 8th day of December, 1883. ,1 t - Trent Council; No. 411: Royal' Ar canum, meets on the 1st or 3d Friday nights in each month. Assessment No. 52 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 15th dar of December, 1883. . ; ; Athenia. Lodge. No. 8. Knights of Pythias, meets on the 2d and 4th Tues day nights in each month. Assessment No. 112 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 30th day of November. 1883. tasi Lodge, No. 7, I. O. O. F., meets on the 2d aud 4th Monday nights in each month. ., Assessment No. ia now due, and must be paid on or before the day Neuse Council, No. K Order, of Chosen Fbiends, meets on the 1st and 3d Wednesday nights in each month. Assessment No. 49 is now due, and must be paid on :or before tin 8th day of December, 1883. . Cosmopolitan Council o. 211, Amer ican Legion of Honor, ets on the 1st and 3d Thursday night i in each month. Assessment No. 45 s now due. and must be paid on or before the 29th day of November, 1883. Local Branch No. 95, Order of the Iron Hall, meets on the 8d Monday night in each month.. Assessment No. 28 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 17th day of December, 1883. ... HUTU'S VISIT. Ruth Irving sat despondent and alone in her pretty sitting room, her head rested on her hand, and her heart was heavy in her bosom. The every day routine of life op pressed her. The everlasting sweeping, dusting, ; baking; so many pies, so many cakes and pud dings to be manufactured and con sumed daily, really distressed her. was it right she wondered to be stow so much thought and care upon the body which could be nourished with so much less trouble and expense. She was tired, des perately tired of it all. She almost thought a real grievance would be 6aser to bear, there she could have looked lor s ympatny, ana Had the relief of real" tears. ' ow jf she ventured to hint her feeling, people prompuy replied: " : "lou ought to be thankful you have something to cook," and it was true, she ought, and so she was, and yet Ruth did not realize that it was not the multitude of confections, nor the everyday rou tine that warped her soul. . Rousing herself from her reverie as the clock struck, she assumed her out-door attire preparatory to paying a visit which ' ddty and friendship required of her, but from which she selfishly shrank, because she could not bear to encounter a scene of suffering.- - Mary Marlow was called upon to part with the neat little home upon which she had fixed her hope and affection. For years she had toiled beyond her strength in the hope of being able to retain this cherished snot.. At this home her children had been born, and from its shelter one had been buried: here she had received her friends, and everv nook and cranny was fraught with some pleasant recollection. Her hands had planted the roses and verbenas which . brightened the grass plot, and traiued the honey suckle and wisteria that adorned the lattice. '.But : the . combined efforts of herself and husband had been in vain, ' losses," and sickness had prevented them from meeting just demands and iiow they were obliged to part with this house and shift for themselves (is best . they could. ' ..,"''' . . Ruth paused on the doorstep, felt in her pocket lor her clean hand kerchief and mentally .rehearsed the condoling sentences she, had deemed , suitable to the sad occa sion. ,:;.,-.. '.". ' ' , The composed and -cheerful,; wo man who answered her , ring as tonished her not a little but she' made no audible comment and fol lowing her friend's cue salutedyher as if nothing ha(I happepe"&I A little half-flnished dress' lying! across a chair attracted' her atten tion when i8her;flrsiCientered;.tlie room and she was glad , to seize on an indifferent topie of conversation. ' "Who1 is that' fori yoa have no child of that age;." 1 v '"v : , "O that i3 for little May, Grant, her mother you ' know is old,-- and has very poor eycsightf and -1 am trying to get May' ready to attend Sunday school, "she is' so disap pointed when our girls go and Bhe is obliged to remain at houie. that I thought I would try to finish her dress before next Sunday, but really I am so busy I am afraid I cannot accomplish it. i There was a choking sensation in Ruth's ' throat as she 1 said. "Where are you going to movef" 1 The brave voico did falter a little as Mary answered. ' "We have no placo in view, as yet.?' . 1 Ruth, understanding that owners the bankrupt man, did not think her friend frivolous when she re ' tamed to the subject of little frills and flounces and cheap lace edg ings, when she returned home an hour later she carried in her hand a parcel which contained a little sacque which she had volunteered to make hi order to assist her friend in her charitable work, and she car ried beside an idea which was destined to bear good fruit. ; . , ., Happy under the circumstances Mary conld scarcely be, yet it was not her forehead that was wrinkled with discontent. . - -- Ruth sat down to the sewing machine and working with a will upon the little ' garment reviewed rapidly in her own mind the con tents of various boxes and bundles stowed away in her house. A frill from here, a little feather from there, and a handkerchief from another were added to complete little May's outfit, and in doing even this small service for another Ruth lelt her soul relieved ": from part of its wonted oppressions. She did not soon forget ' Mary's example. She had gone prepared to endure the sight of tears and Iamoiitations, but the kindness of the heart which even in its own wretchedness had thought for the comfort and good of others, sur prised and reproved ber, and much cogitation on this subject, and many new plans and resolutions drove away her morbid feelings, and kept her from dwelling on the monotony ot much cooking, and beneath the accustomed hands the next batch of pies and cakes almost made themselves, Advice to Brides. Love is blind, but love is not deaf. so don't snore. Do not be in a hurry to buy all the new fabrics you see. A richly dressed woman runs the risk of be ing mistaken for a servant girl. Do not threaten to go home to your mother oftener than five times a week. As you don't go ho may eventually begin to doubt your sin cerity. Do not get angry when your hus band first asks you to darn his stockings. Smile sweetly and sug gest that it would be cheaper to buy new ones. Have a house with a furnace in and keep both it and the range go ing over night. That will improve your chances for happiness 600 per cent. .Xpur husband's wardrobe will frequently' ' reqmrtrf epairs ,.in the way of buttons. Always leaver 4he needle, thread and button bag- where he can get them. If your husband complains that you cannot cook as his mother does, comtort mm with the reflection that you probably will by the time you are as old as she is. Many women make a practice of protesting against the word "obey" in the marriage service after the marriage has taken place. This is a mistake; Do not protest against it. yuietly ignore it. If you told him yoa loved the odor of tobacco while he was court ing youj do not begin to speak of smoking as "a horrid, disgusting, beastly habit" '.right after you are married. Wait at least a week. If yoa" need a pair of new shoes say nothing about them, but get the money for something else, aad then while be is away Blip out and select the shoes yourself. .Even a pair of sevens loon small to a man so long as he does not know the number. If you have a pet dog alwa keep him around, and then when yonr husband relaxes his attentions fly to the tiog lor comiort. jingging and kissing, him'; tight ;feefore ytrar husbands If he get$ mad and kicks the dog, it will.be a sure sign that he still loves you. . - ' ; r . ; ' i- itememoer tnat getting warned is no reason why you' Should shut yourself up in the house.. 'Accept all invitations jusc the Same as be fore and have a good time. ; -When he comes home and finds both you and the fire out, he will realize how cheerless life would be without In the course of a month your husband will probably ask why you never go near the piano any more.! All men do. An effective reply is; to. hunt up an old book of exorcists a'rrd practice thrfee hours 'every even-! ing for a. week while be is at home. He will attend to his own affairs after that." J - , . v liatGaiidy BUT ' HAT !IT PURE. . All Kinds ol FreocU Made Fresh Every Candies Day. SPECIALTIES Chocolate. Cream Drops' Cocoa Bonbons, Buttercups. Cream Cocoa uuts, Molasses Taffy, Sugar Taffy; caramels, .,! i -a j. ?. - Florida Oranges, Lemons Ban anns, Cocoanuts, Malaga Grapes, Haisins, Currants, Citron and Prunes. A. II. POTTER, . Next to Custom House, Middle Street. ' 8. Cocoanuts grated for our oustoraers free of chuiije. . ' noy'ikltf Wfcf. "M MncV &I Co.'s IlcJcFrcnlifaro S."' FRONT ;A Street, ; 'Sow offers decidedly the Choicest Selection over offered to the people of Uew jerne in me lines oi ; PINE GROCERIES, Confectioneries and Fruits. We have just finished getting an as sortment of Staple, Fancy and Season able Goods, consisting- of , All the leading lioasted Coffees, including Java una Mocha. Full line of choicest canned iroods, both Fruits and Fish, , Pure Spices, ground and unground. Pickles in glass and wood. Preserves in glass, tin and bulk. Cranberry Sauce.' Maple Syrup. Prunes. , Thanksgiving Mince Meat. Finest Oatmeal and Buckwheat. Choicest Butter and Cheese. Highest grade Patent Flour. Hominy, Samp, Grits. English Breakfast. Gunpowder and Oolong Teas, Finest Raisins, Candies, Oranges, C. Nuts, Pecans, Filberts, English Walnuts, Cranberries, Apples, Malaga Grapes. I'odfish, Hams, Shoulders, and Sta ple Provisions.' Cigars, bnuff and Tobaqco. Cash tkade only wanted. Come and see us and be surprised. Wm. Pbll Ballance & Co. nov!4d ALPHEUS W. WOOD, Commission Merchant For the Purchase and Sale of RICE, CORN, OATS, AND ALL KIND 3 OF GBAIN. Agent for the GOLDSBOBO Oil. COM PAN1' for the purchase of COTTON SEE.!. Office one door nortli Cotton Exchange, NEWBERN, N. C, - Orders ant. consignments solicited. nov4dtf ALEX MILLER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER. Constantly receiving a full line Ohoice CJ-roceries and FARMERS' SUPPLIES, wnicn we oner as low as any house in the city, and warrant all goods as rep resented. Call" am. examine onr stock and prices. Stables furnished fiee to all our country Customers. v--.s Goods delivered free to any part the city. 12 W. &D. L. H. CTJTLEE, Stoves and Hardware, Sash, Doors & Blinds, L&E, CEMENT? and PLASTER HOUSP FURNISHING GOODS, Paint OilsGlass and Putty, . GUJfS AXD PISTOLS, TCflLET SKT, Rubber and Leather Belting, d ' ..Etc.. Etc., Etc. w D. V, HURTT, MERCHANT TAILOR. old STAND, j ' ; -v ,- .""Nw Berne, N. 0. HENRY L. HALL, a.WiiU.I DBALElt tit ' School Books,; Blank, Books. .. FINE STATIONERY, . ,;t Bqr JPapers, Autograph, Albums ,aii . , ; Photo Albums, Bibles, Hymn j , . .. . Books,, Prayer Books, ," Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Gum, String and Hook Tags and Rubber Bands, Playing, Cards, Pioe Dominoes, Visiting : and ; Correspondence . Cards, Scrap Books and Scrap Book Pictures, Sheet . Musio; Piano and Instruction Books, Violins. Bows, Bridges and Strings, Demorest Cut, Paper Patterns, MAGAZINES , (. AND Illustrated I?apers. nov2dtf For the Holidays ! We have a nice line of Gods suitable uents-iog-SKin, uastor ana uioth utoves, 4 Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, White Hemstitched Silk Handkerchiefs, cheap, 75o. to 81.00. ' Half Hose, Shirts. Our Elm City Shirts, six for $5.50. .'. Collars and Cuffs. . Scarfs, Ties and Scarf Pins. ' i. , Men's, Boys and Children's Hats. Suspenders. Men's and Boy's Lawn-Tennis Shirts. Full line of Underwear, Red and White. MENS, BOYS AND CHILDREN'b SUITS. Carpets, Oil Cloths and Napier Matting. Trunks and Valises. HOWARD & JOKES, . d&w Gents1 Furnishers Reduction IMMENSE TO PURCHASERS. Owing to continued dullness in business, general denreasirm nf trail o and lnnr price of cotton, we have concluded to our IMMENSE STOCK at a reduction of TWENTY-FIVE prices charged heretofore. lhis is the same kind of clothing which has given such ample satisfaction to our patrons, and has gained us the reputation for soiling Good Clothing. Finding that we have on hand more than we can dispose of at regular prices we make these concessions so as to run off our Clothing by Christmas. Now then is your Time to save money, if in want of Clothing. All other gooas embraced in our stock equally low. Particular attention drawn to the finest assortmen CHIEFS in the city. Respectfully GEO. ALLEN Pollok Street, New Berne, N. C Qeneral Hardware, PEICES VERY LOW FOR CASH. Furniture ! Carpets ! S.A. STEVENS & CO., Largest and Oldest FurnitnreiEstablishment in Eastern Va. Prices guaranteed an low as New York ; aid goods are manufactured byug and to'our own order, and wo can guarantee superior Inducements to housekeepers. " sepl-dAwlm - ,' R. O. E.j 2,000 BALES 800 etlsbck Lime. Rosendale, Portland Jte Selinitic Cements. Plaster, Goat. Hair,. &c. : . , SALES BOOM Craven StreetJbelow Egress Office. 1 r ' Aug 19 d&w tf New Borne, N. ? .es WHOSALE LIOUOIJL J Jb3 A. L. li. ; ; I BERGNER !& ENGELS , 'J;.!' CELEBRATED BOTTLED LAGER BEEB,'. 1 -FOR SALE BY THE CRATE. , Als6,on'hand a full stock of, Groceries," Provisions, Cigars : . AND tobacco. ; 1 ; Open Front Brjlclt Store, MJDPLE STREET, -J Aprld wly - , V,0 jV ;?? STEW BERNE, N C, for Holiday Gifts, such as in Prices. SATING offer FROM NOW until CHRISTMAS OF CLOTHING, PER CENT below the general assortment of SILK IIANDKER- jour?, JOS. SCIIWERIN. Agricultural Implements Steam Engines, Cotton Presses. Horse Powers, Threshers. Farm Machinery, Grain Fans. Straw Cutlers, Corn Shelters, Cider M!s, Belting Packingipj Fittin'trs. Paint, Oils Class, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Fertilizers, Brick, Etc. i Pianos and Organs ! 1 S. A. STK ESS, Norfolk, Va. LODGE. . I10RTIIERN HAY. ond, 4 CO i ( i

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