5 STEAMERS. ?:r.7-r:r.:.i, murcsT 4 cnox I..L....J Lw..Jllitvi l...rh.il coNKscnna with . -.' '. : Atlantic & N. C. Railroad, - . AND - CLYDE'S 73, 0. LINE STEAMERS At Korehead City and New-Berne. Through arrangement to itnd from all Bovue Mound, While Oak and New Kiver points, and Through Bills Lading Issued to all points, North, East, South and West. Quick Transportation and prompt delivery of Cotton, Naval Stores, General Produce, Goods, Wares and General Merchandise, and rates guaranteed as low as by any line, r Cottoa Bate pr Bale of 490 libs, ; White Oak and Bogus New River Points to New-Berne....1.00 to New-Berne....n.80 Norfolk U.50 "Baltimore ,..&.) Now VnrV ..... ILfift Norfolk 2 00 Baltimore,.. ZoO "New York- . 1.00 Philadelphia 8.00 " Philadelphia... 8.60 Vnatnn .... A M nottiuu ft.ou PrnvlflATiRA ..... 4.M , " Provideace 4.00 a- All cargoes covered by Insurance. The transportation servlca of the Inland Coasting Company, now organized and In successful operation, will be as thorough, effi cient, prompt and cheap, as It Is possible to make It, and the patronage of producers and shippers is respectfully solicited. - For farther information apply to the local Agents of the Line. Office of the Company: ' f Beaufort, N, 0., Oct. S2, 1888. : '' t m '? ! A. "W. MYRON, President, fctdWi WM. A. HBARBE, Bupt. NEW-BERNE AND PAMLICO Steam Transportation Co'y. ITNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE NEW Berne and Pamlico Hteam Transportation Company will dispatch tneir New and Fast Sailing Steamer ELM CITY as follows: Mnflflnvfu -i-fi'.-' -v' ...... Leave Bay boro for New Berne 8 am. Htopping avutonewau, van- : demere, Pamlico, Adams f Creek add Eiverdale. ' . . Leave New Berne for Bay boro 8 a.m. '. Htopping at Klverdaie, Aa , ams Creek, Pamlico, Van- ( demere and Stonewall. Thnriulavft Leave Baybero for New Berne 8 a.mM Htopping at stone wan, v au demere, Smiths Creek, Ad- ;. ". ams Creek and lUverdale. ' ' AnlnrHfiva-- Leave New Berne for Bayboro 8 a. m. ' ' ' . f Stopping at Rlverdale, Ad . ams Creek, Smiths Creek, Vandemere and Stonewall. . Having good accommodation both for pas sengers and freight at very low rates, ask that the mere aunts and producers along Its Hue give it their cheerful support. For further Information enquire at the of fice. Foot of Craven street. . 8. H. OKA'S. ' " Gen'l Manager. Or any of Its Agents at the following places: : ABE LEE, Adams Creek, 1). H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, 0. H. FOWLER, Stonewall, i B. H. FOWLER, Bayboro, , ' . JOSHUA DEAN. Pamlloo. ' - W. H. JACOBS, Smiths Creek. MALLETT BROS, Rlverdale. J9- Freight .received under cover every day the week. Jan21dAwly RAILROADS. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Atlantic & N. C. Railroad. TIME TABLE No. 5, New Series. In Effect 1:00 P.M., Monday, November , . 19th, 1883. , : . EAST. WEST. Ne. 47. Expreu Ptts.4Mall Axr. L've. No. 48 ; Exiircso, STATIONS. rr. L't. Y. M.I 6 58 Gold 1H fl 41 6 11 L Orunir. ai, 10 88 -9 & 7 5j 5 1 7 MUVi KiiiBUm,-... 9 i 9 ?J'ew Uerae ll ix 75: t. l ptit... e. M, A. M. I WEST. No. 4 Mixei Fgt. k Pass. Tra n t Wlxsd F(?t. t Pass. Trala. STATIONS. Arr. - Ii've. Arr. A. H. 754 8 is 8 68 9 28 10 K4 1106 11 82 ; Jl 60 12 25 P. Jt. A. M. 7 18 768 8 81 9 01 . 9 58 10 88 11 08 1188 11 63 . m p. t. 8 84 7 68 7 27 0 47 005 6 24 1 61 4 22 4 10 v, a. r. x. 758 7 38 7J08 .628 r 6 211 4 60 4 27 4 10 888 P.M. Goldsboro, Best's La Grange,. Falling Creek..... Kinston,-.. Dover.... . (lore Greek .......... Tnecsrora Clarke's Newbera, EAST. WEST. No. e. v : HlxedFKLAj Paw. Train. Arr. L'vej No.. Mixed Fgt. k 1 Pass. Train. Arr. L've. -i 1143: 1105! HOT ....! 10 55- 10 57 ,..! 10 20! 10 81 9 ti 48 ...1 9 20! 9 27 STATIONS. M. : P. M. : 9 08: Newbern.--, ' 61; 8 65! Rlverdale 4 OH: 4 08! Crofttan 4 82- 4 aS: Hsvelock...... 5 10! 5 20! Newport i..... 6 32! 8 Si: Andrews. 01 6 08: Morehead City I 8 63: 8 68 6 16 P.- M. ! P. M, Moreheftd Depot. ! 0 a P.M.: P.M. Train 48 eonnects With 'Wilmlnglon 4 Wel don Train bound North, leaving Goldsboro 9-50 a. ro., and with Richmond A Danville Train West, ileavtna Goldsboro 11:55 a.m.j and Wilmington AWeldon Train south at fc4op.ni Train 47 connects with Richmond ADnville Train, arrtvinir at Goldsbcro 8:20 p.m., sn4 Wll mineton andWeldon Train from the north at a.ift n n - - Trains 5 4 6, Tuesday, Thursday and Satur ' day.. Trains 47, 484 8 4 daily except Sunday linim i hrnkfat. at Kinston. Train 47 lupper at Kinston. Train 4 supper at Kinston. W. Dunn, , ,,, v'. " ir Superintendent. , Midland N. C. Railway. 1 TIME TABLE No, 4, ( j In effect Thursday, October 25, 1883. WEST. EAST. ! s. - No 1 ' No. 2. ' 8TATI0IfS.- .2-2t Arr. L'ts. -S- Tf j g Arr. y X'T. ' 'P.M. P.M. A.M. AJI. ' 9 08 Goldiboro...ta..- J1J X , ;'' t 9 81 Oopelands ...... J? 5S 9 45 9 48 Princeton..-..... -5 84 ., 5 87 9 65 9 65 Holt's Mill S 4 5 E. 10 18 10 16 Pine Level........... 5 06 6 09 i; 10 84 . Smthfleld - I y I 4 48 r. DAIM EXCEPT SUNDAY. ' Trail- 3 connects with A. 4 N..0. Freight Train leaving Goldsboro at 7:80 a.m., and with W. 4 W. Train going North at v:50 ajn., going ' Bouth at 6:45 p.m., and with RsD. train going ,-Wet at 10:00a.m. ' ' .. - - i Train No. 1 connects with A. 4 N. C. train orrivingatGoldBboro 8:2 p.rn.j with It. &U. Tralnarrivingaiowup.iu., uu w. Trains arriving at 1 0;w p.m. uuu o. w p.iu. ; W. Dunn, Superintenien , STEAIIEi:s. The Neus8Biyer Navigation WUl ran the folio wing Sobedul:1 . ' . -1 i Steamer Kinston ' - j Will leave ths Did Dominion Wharf TTJKS- OATS and FRIDAYS, and arrive' at Kinston WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAY'S, and leave Kinston MONDAYS and THtJRSDAYS,arrlv ing; in New Berne the same day. Will touch at all Landings along the River going and coming. "' -H' 4-'M "-i ? '' Steamer Neuse. u Will leave New Borne MONDAYS, and WEDNESDAYS for Jolly Old Field, return, ing TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS. Steamer Blanche Will leave New Berne WEDNESDAY'S and SATURDAYS at 7 a. m. for Trenton. Re turning will leave Trenton THURSDAYS and MONDAYS at 7 a. m., touohing at PoIIokb. vllle and other landings on intlllvr. , These steamers sjrUl mako close connections with the Old Dominion line. Freights received at all hours. For rates apply "to r " P- ' : :. ?' ) A' . j ' jW. K. STYRON, Jr., fe dw V ' i ! Agent at New Berne, i rrent River Transportation : Company . ; Until further notice the stearuen) of this Company will sail as.follows: ' Steamer L. H. Cutler r, - Leave New Berne evrj" Wednesday and Satuixlay at 8 s rn. for Jolly Old Field Leave Jolly Old Field ato a, m every Mon day and Thursday for New Berne.1 1 ', This is a good schedule for Truckers ' ' ; ; Steamer Trent. Leave New Berne every Monday and Friday a a.m. for Trenton, returning Tuesdays and Saturdays.- -( t, f , f . ' ' Leaves for Polloksvllie every Wedp xlay at EIGHT o'clock, a. m. i Fare for round trip 35. cents to picnic par ties. ......... i '1 ': Thui-sdays up for charter. tieh'l Manager, New Berne, June 3, 1883. febl-d&w OLD VPOMlNION Steamship Company. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE For New YorK, Baltimore, Nor folk Boston, Elizabeth City, r. r Philadelphia, Providence, f , and other Cities. E:.r; ' ON AND AFTER ! Mndaf; ( Jul 21883, UNTIL FURTHEll NOTICE Steamer ShenandoakT ' Will leave, npon-a.-iival of train on NpiiflJ Southern Rsilivod at "Elizabeth Oityvtrv i j f MONDAY A!Jt ftHJBbi.V ' -for New Berarr l-turnhijc kt, New Bern for ElisMtbeUt City ry , - ir cla founeotion with Nor- ttf-CcaiaMtron mads at New nerno wlih ;--VSt'0" for Kinston. Pollokplllo. Trenton I and 'all landiftx on the Neuse and Trent Rlters. No frxiirhts reoeivert lor ehimnent on Tuesdays nd Fridays fter i p m. . I ; rruigntiorwiit'ied promptly ana lowaat rates uaranieed tu dstiatiou. Fare to Klisabetb !itv and return. 4. To Wssbinirton. t4. To Norfolk. 5., TeBaltimon.S8.ftUt To New York, E. B. BOBBRTSt Ag't, NewSerue, CuinrriE Tubnsk, ': , : ,. ', .. ; . ' ' ; , Ag'ts. Norfolk, X. A W. H. Stahfobd, Gen'l Jt Ag't. ' . . New York City ; Changs of Pier in Hew The feC. Freight Line - FOR W YORK, 54 v .? p f and all points ': vNortH a,Tid West" ' liter tLis date will receive freight in New Yoik , , for New Rern at - PIER 7, NORTH RIVUR, Offlce of New York and Baltimore ;, Transportation Co. : Merchants should remember that this Is one of the best Steam Lines out of New York, making daily connection with Baltimore for Mew Heme; alt inside, and only one change ; !.: SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMERS Between Jet f Jlsrne todfBaltiiaer8, (Touching st Norfolk) Leaving New Berne for Baltimore TUESDAYS FRIDAYS ni l dui. - Leave Baltimore foj New Bern WEDNESDAYS dad SATURDAYS Agtsareasfo!lews-i .. ' EUBIN FOSTXB, GenT JTsnnger, utn hl! t nought St, Bal't.d. fAS, W. MoOARRIOK, Ag't. Norfolk, Va. ( Vf. dydsta Co.. Vbiladelpbia, IS South narrml " . York A Balto. Tran. Une.Pier T,North river X. sampsos, oston, u uentnu wnan. -Z. H. Rockwell, Providence R. I. D. 0. Mink, Full Rlter, Derrick whsrl.. . Ships leave Boston, Tuesdays and Ssinrdsys. - New York flsllv. ' ' ' Baltimore, Wednesdays and Saturday " t'all Rlveir li)i)dayi Wednesdays, ' tlrrongrl Dills lading grven, and rateignsran tp all points, at the different offices of the ? Smknlsa. AkI A -J' a :: " - ' ' .iiM Srcahge ot Bulk and Ship via r-;N.C".LINE. d . Mar M Ir 8 H. ORAV. AH. New Berne.N i. ' J,,,. i-aifomxVLM sr., :u(oi Ik- ublUlim) 1M1), l ami (rutin ll rrt- 1 Y.(., Harrow, uaronie 101 upciu ail f M,SpTiifttorh,lmpttcr(',l . Incpcltr), FmmI dl..l. etc " f Br- Kl il the only phyilcfM Is tliS 1 11 euy Umt wminticre or wopay. ftJS itf Ululnted kook, owt , piMrlilloM, atli, THE JOUHITAL. i NEW. TZJ.CC.DL2.,1 1888. la grange' Item Merchants complain of dull times and short collections. ; How wiH It be next summer. - . - J-,f ' fn.l , v W. K, Bifteli V nTasonce'iTitlll unaci CQHntedfor.no tidier a from him. aad da whareabouta isjiot iuoviuJJiU i W. W. N. Hunter was in toWn FWda on his . way to,: geyan ..Spfings. uJEheM Springs, Mr. Hunter thinks, i.hayecrne himgreagood.j ,;);;u.if , IU , La Grange is now Bporting.her third policeman sinpe the election in May No town has Worse (luck":in 'loosing policemen, or better luck in finding-. C; Hogg are dieing ith1 cholera.1 Id Bucklesberry th diseaea is doing con! siderable damage, a number of the farm j ers are killing their poik cnf account Of it. ' . . .' 'r. t i The annual election' of officers of La Grange Lodge No. ?813 K. of HJ.'will take place on Friday, 'December Slstj 1883. : The members are requested to be present, ,,!) i.j.ft r.t.!'H P- I Stephen Hardy's gini insLenoir Ihsti tute was burned, with, four bale of coM ton and a quantity of seed last Tuesday i The fire originated,' It is supposed, from a match. No insurance. ' ' ' I The cry of l"fite!" catised 'a number of our citizens to gather at the store, of R. pj ; r - i uunuu ii limy veuiUK ' JJUttiey i to kindle the. fire with kerosene, and had the bottom top and, epout blown oil, the Can. Nobody hurt. s. m ' r . I A part of the building committee met at the new bridge lnttrsday to examine and receive the bridge. They suggested some little change as being desirable. wnian will be made, and the work is td be received and paid for next Monday: and then we'll sing the long-meter uoxoiogy and pe Eiaja pl ltqj ; ; i tittle t hvj 4b PlentttolSoll.) The number of country people throna ing the streets nowadays is almost un preoedented. It is a fact, toij, that they come to do but Httle tdyingr in VdarlJ every instance bringing loads of butter, cuivjki;xiD auu vuuuii J piuuuw nu Bull It has been many years since they lwvv4 been possessea 01 sucn a reeling or inae. nendence as they are this fall. Thev have bad good crops, and have raised plenty of meat and enough chickens to sell to provide for all their money wants.' So. far the weather, too, has favored them, i making ; itt comfortable to war, summer clothes and enabling them ta laueh the clothiner dealers to scorn. The1 truth of these statements was patent yesterday when the merchants were complaining of dull trade, while at the, same time the streets were crowded with country wagons, and the sidewalks were thronged with people. It is a good sign, and a harbinger of the happyj time coming, when our country friends! will all leave town carrying away cash-! bought ! goods', instead of cash-eating' mortgages. Vharlotte Observer. , , .1 i ' ..... I t' ! r Dr. E. H. BabbUt. Hiokorv.jNi tf.. says: ''Brown's Iron Bitters give great satisfaction."- v- I . .Tun unrivaled,; XEW JARMER GIRL GOOK ! Notnhig farther1 wemeeaTr ro make the New Farmer Girl a perfect and beaiitifil cooking apparatus.' It has large Flues and Oven, Patent Oven; Shelf, Swinging Hearth Platq, Peep Ash Pit and Ash Pan. The Dross Pietfes all have cold air braces, and the Covers are smooth and heavy.. T j((g t- jfir r Large Bingle Oven Doors. Tin lined. .The largely increased sales af this Stove attest its popularity every stove fully warranted. SOLE AGENT. NEW BERNE, N. C. Any castings wanted for Farmer Girl Cook Stoves sold by P. M. DRANEY at 10 cts per pound. r oclvdwtf V II. DEWEY. Would inform the public cenerally what he Is fitted up In Bret-class style having Just1 to give you' : good a shave as was given when his predecessor, John M. 'Janton, was Alive, for TEN CENTS. '-. ih'i V": f - ., eCall ftt the Gaston ,Hoit Barber Shop' , j. and be convinced. Leader of Low Prices. - T. J"7 l iv:; ---: r. WHOIsESilteAa. it -- Hal Jurt returned Worn the Varth wRla.brtte a...-v aad well-selested sWek ovvj.i-l'- , Dry MB, f tiM Motions, heatThakEvef'Offer'ed'Befor I will have Bpecfei Salai eveif wee in ev-i Iy stocTt of fREflS'6cori'snfih as Bilks,1 Rati rm, (Jaehnttres and iMqaming uooas, can' not, be mntnhed for the monev III the Htate. 1 have a large line of Dress Trtrnmings, Em broideries and fdgings otH reimvea prices. Ladles. Gents and Children's Under Vests la great varletyiifvi-int. ,' (.iih o.nljViV Bpecial attention Is called to our Shoe l)e mftrtiant. ), t. " I'll . kA Ml , Also, Carpets nd OUCloths. f A large stodk of Picture U rarnes of every " w Hpeelal itvduoemonts offered to Wh61- sale customers, ano -sausiacuoa gvoranteea to every one. " . - ' i .:. Come erly and get the first pick, Yr'Vr.'o.fU4wraV' oct2Ww3m Pollock st.,' ..j , - STriVF. aw ar w mmm WM. I.OltCIl, GBNEBAL nSRCIIAHDISE Broad sV.,TteiV erne. K. C,- ni ism h "dwatsr. Ids tt-tt T Dissolution 6f Copartnership. ..I'he.law'flrsa of CLARK it raiARiwSbei1 flissoIveaHy 'hlUnv.l consent, the junior, W. W.Vlarlt, kaving removed to Ualelgh. ' ft 0. ClARii1' i l Uh'Sjniv-(tii AaJTOliBfrS ATI L A W) . NBWDBIUIiiHi:Gt;M.i ilU U. Offjeewposftp te, Gaon HQse, ibcj)ldrtf BucSisfcliai tfhisksy, rut . nfff .ti ii I"' 'i iij ut-v--' 1 his h'llrirjy's cnTtfXlleVnttrtS'bV VL able A Hej-mmvN-Cfl .It is distilled in Mury 4 land In tho Hlate nvitter regions Qf tliat Slutoj fl-omthe sroall grain grown there. Ihe distil lationis )armieniiaa uy,a geritteman wno understand s his busin ess thoroughly. Nothing deleterious is allowed to enttir into its com. posit I'm, and none of It is allowed to be sold until it is fully three years old In order that It may be entirely free by evaporation from the fusel oil. .Venable & Heyman qller thei (roods as perfectly pure to fill a lone felt want for rueOli-nl purposes. It Is their own brand and tlioy suike tlioir reputation on Uie truth of this assertion.' .i' . , ,Fprsale by j if! r TOvil2l&w)l3n!f ii hi New Uerne, -N. 0 37 Ceort Place, LOUISVILLE. ,KL A Ngnlarly eQoiWd tad tegftilr qnallfiasl pbysiciao ud tb , SperniAforrliea and Impotonoyi h ta rcnli of iklf-BbQM la yototlv lanat exoevm Is nut torer yari,orther otoiea, and )todnciii tout of tL fol towluelroctM KtrvMMeaa, Stmlntl Eiu!iloo, (tight mU- ' sion by drum), Dinmfu of Sllit, Pfcltve Mrtoryf fby , ical Docay, Pimptu on Face, Avcnldn to f(odty tf Femaletj -1 Confusion of Ideas, Lost of Sexual Power, Ac, rendering marring Improper op valtam air thoronRhly and perma amtiy cured. SYPHILTS poaitlvely oared and en- Urely radioatad frota te ajaUcm OonOrrltOat GLEET, BtHctm. Orcalttt. Eemia, (01 itapt)I VtlMaadotrtpTr(diteamalefIyrnnd, ' ' ' ' ItUielf-evldeottbat aphytUiniiBhopny tptHnl attention a ccrtiin clati of dliwuw, ami ifu?it;ii)f tuounnndt amia 1 . fy. Wtjire(rrentklil. Pliyiiciam kavwin thli f-irtollrn frtrninBd pertonito Wf care. Whtn It U Inconvenient to Tia!t tlie city for trentnu-tit, msdlcln cat ba Mat prirataJy audiafely bynirilorflxpresaaDyrrhers,1 "7 f ' ' ,: Cnren Ooaraateed la nil , Case nndertakn. . - , - Couiuitatlona rcwnaily or by letter fre krd hivftwt; Chargea reaaooabla and correspondence strictly confidential. ' A PRIVATE COTJKSElOIt ' ,0f !0 ifM, tent to Kay d'lnui, lenoriljr slad, fcp tWrtf ' l"P)cnls.. Khimld tie remit by ttU Aftdreu u lwv ' li.iirfrniA,M.,t4r. M. BrvJjsjioi.M ; An ummuiig anu sutjuy euro ior jymxiHi veoutif ana wtamua, Lon (if ritililife.ni Vigar, or snjr, ! levilrnDultof indinorotion, sxcobs,. ; ' owrworft, etc,, (over forty tbou I srj)d pojHito tiirnfl.) 6j- Stud ic. lor iokH-j en trial box ol IJOpliK AilOrcw, .,h",'.i -i, i lil.:toAi!a:r&ir;aVfc't'JncAOO.lLi. HABIT Wl. IL H. KAXK Vpiuiu Hume, iow utleri n UeiutOjff'' wnvreriT iut -mm. M fHrv lilmsutir i k- - ...(..1 I uuJ I tetuiiujut niudical nien. ari as fflW li-writtKa ff Uw irutttatum, MdreiM H. JLL JtAA'Jw A.il . al U.. m it. 14ta it. kw W DnsMitrtwiv. twt lenwumniHis. mum mninrhiutuiM. wnwh imm r J-Anate'j'SSSJSS- 8(1 inJaiiitjIM iWe lor Pilon sll-ice $1, t druggists, or 1 ent prej)aldbynia.anl8 , Ukere,Boi 841ttKevZorC from Yonthfol Impradenee, cttuiog t Nernns DebtlitJ. MenUl and Phyi" k ' f WnknHHH. Vitlnahlo Informfttfon Td I nrhomsonnlTee. UM23nsnMio- B ' oomtollf. Dra,aDUBoz pUaifO forhoinonro lVee. Ud23nnMia- n TJ I ervousLien ' Whnnft Ahllltv.AsltAnBted ') ' ' tmv prenuttiire Aetmy ana xiumre wt perzorm iiica iutle'proprly era canted by e::ces&o. errors ef youth, sto., will find a perfect and lasting restoration to robust health and Vlirornns munnooo ii THE MARSTON BOLUS. rraaitliAr atommh drae-einff nor er stomach dragging nor instmmeDts. this treatment or .ti t Kcrvons Debllltv sni jueDiiiiy ana mi. iav. Pkaralcnlllecmvlsunuormu ' Pkrs1cl4lecmyisunif( snocessfnl beo&nse based on perfeot diagnosis. MewBRtl direct tnetheda sndabselu onahnesa. Fpli Information and Treat ItinVnai Cansaltlna ftoeiaian of i u lis ,tise bee. 1 1 I'MU-iiiii mil i.ini.i iMt: ...) f aW . f . I imi UPPORTUNITI Tft JOBBERS: AND Can be bought at from Wlm to $10 per fhousand cheaper than Factory prjees. .utu.ana eee tnem or aaaresa . il'jut f.tiii im.iu i;o, YEOMAN8," iniit him :&ut New Berne; N. C. W Parties outside the' city are eBpet- ciauy wited te call ana examine stock !? i f ntiviniir.r . H H Jii tuurr-'.'irn ii'jn vThat w ' Hancock's pills fafl W.MpH-it!r.i .Wey cos jy;ou nothlnp, fori every box is: warranted to cure. ; ' oct8d WTl!l'Ofti!tlirt' UfiffllO rtl 7l f')T )7il.,HAS THE ,.:(, )f Mpst'gclcctcd Stock i.f -LOWlSR THAxTiEVER. rTFcrdin&nd7Ulrishr Ropesi 1 Twines. E$iits; Oil, 'OBAIlsrSAOKSi !M4..I'.' .-f'. 1 1 ' i I ,;,;sjitM;.i. (!.. i. K . '.'! u'l' k SRIOi, i n ")' ' LoitiLiiAitD sifurr J ..'!'.. ) At Manufacturer V Prices, i .'( r;1 " fi .a ti ,'fltf is ii' t" ' .).': -r ;'!: K NETS an'd SF.INES. ' , . ,-J "Foot1 Mid die' street, f; N3EW!UEI13SE, N. C. . Ks7.Bl mail HlB.1! m jfi sir ki rm ii hi in am usmi ... mm 'i ( 1 ,1 U a.4,iiLjl T .1 I U . 4(1.000 c igars A J2i l.s-J K0lfcit:oflIiie-Sfi!ioon WATSOIl, 5 STE1EET, fiu:ii:n::r SALE wIT OUT RES Wednesday Eve.; D We will commence the Sale of the Entire Stock of mmm At his Store on Mddle Street, near comer South Front. Merchants will have an opportunity of replenishing their stocks for the Holiday trade at far below Northern prices. ; ' Everybody is invited to the sale, f '.. ; ' The Ladieg are especially invited to our 11 o'clock Day Sale?. . . The stock, consists of Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Notious, Dress Goods, Hats, Shawls, Blankets and Quilts in fact everything from a " row of pins to a suit of Broadcloth. , , c Da not forget the time and place, and BE SURE TO COME to the Grand Opening to night 1 . : ,l. Sale will continue froni day to. day an? night tonight until everything is sold. . - , ' . . '' ' ,-i . d&w ;,,., WATSON &, STREET, Auctioneers. MIDDLE STREET, PEA-GROWERS. ATTENTION ! Celebrated Freiaier Extra Enrlite -At $33.5frBusli.eli-'"'': .IMtVit from tbs Rrower in Sealed . Tliatnlt may plant Buisf'a Premier Pea and save mouey at tho start, we will deliver free in Kewberne all orders of from one bushel to one hundred bushels at 43.73 per bivhel.cash with order. This Pea has made Its crop in forty-five days in a good season. v . None Other So1 Earii Mi So Productive. 'Mr. E. 14. Oox says: "The Bulst's Premier Bxtra Early Peas I planted last year were the earliest and most productive I had." - Nowisthotimotbgetupyourclubs. - Address i ''.'(. i ii' .,:..'. -- . . ROBERT BUIST, Jr., ' i . '' i ' t' ' Seed Grower, ', . ' . 23 and 934 Market St., Phllada., Fa. . ;.., : ;, oct23diw2m Stall No.' 2 Left Eand Side " if J AT THE CITY MARKET, !'' always strpplled with the very best Krusli Meats, Heef, Pork, M'ltton and tsausago tlint the Market affords, . Call on him. , if lauMMiy C. E. FOY & CO., Wholesale Grocers . " ', i And Dealorsln (juano and Genuine G-ermaD ' Kainit. - - - : t - Briot Block, Middle street, id 1 Newbern. N.C. ' FARMERS AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS, T JS NOTICE! v'e are again at our old stand, In onr NETK STORK. Wa have afull line of . Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots v and Shoes, ' ail of wnlrJn we are offering very low al vholesate and , retail; ' Call and take a look at our goods and get our low prices. Or ders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. dw ROBERTS & JBO. . EOBEETS . & EENDEES01T .4eneral Insurance Agents -.'-4 OiiryV first fclass' Companies represent . , - edin v; rtre.; llfeWi 'Aceldeat Tntoanee.'- . Total Capital over Forty Millions 01 .'si- Walter F. Burrus & Co.. ' J I coitMtssfpa merchants; . ; . 'AND DEALERS TU GRAIN'- OF. ALL . ttNDS, m w vm (Corli a Specialty. ) u ; .W ) i f 1 3T-w3aaraa.o, Tt.:CJ.' 1 1 Orders mid Oopelgninents respeotfully oncited , . t . , i iaiM-awiy c.ASAj'JONEs;; . Middle Street, IJewern.'N. 'D., Staple and Taney Dry Goods ii ii .-BOOTS. 8B0K5, CLUTIUM, JStC ;;r ' Agent for the blAMOND SHIRT - nlaun. flrlftrl 1.(L Ijiimrlrlpil sl'ifi. And the1 celebrated Warner's Coraline Corset, . rrice 1.W). . A fnll line of Gents'. Ladies' end Children's Dnderwear, Gents' Linen, Celluloid andi'aper Collars and Cnfls., Bilk and Ltnon linndker chlots, Bll kinds of Oents', I.HiitcH' and rhlU dren's Hand and Mnchine M:ul SIkws, liub ber CKils, Hats and H1kmh, Lm Mrs' Cloaks and Jnclsiits, Hndeveryttilrigusu;ili- kept In a tlrsl. ohms lJry Uoods ytoro. Jl i. . r-ini(!d4rly ; . Middle sU, i. t Uln ' a -v... EH ec. 1203, NEW BERNE, N. V. Mr "."KCXJUfelENTS TOMBS,-;;' ' And all kinds Grave and Building work in " ITALIAN&Ai'jERICAN filAF.BLE Orders will receive prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. JOE K. WILJ.IS, Proprietor, (Successor to George W. Claypoole) Cor. BROAD AKD CRAVEN Sts., NEW BERNE, N. Q. : G. E. Miller is my authorized agvnt in Kinston. ma80-ydw . . 1000 Bushels Rust Prooi Seed Oats, 500 Bundles Ties, 20,000 Yards Bagging. , . 1 ti ; u s .? f ''. ii For salo by DAIL BROS., Commission Merchants, New Berne, N, C; PATEP1T" AUTOMATiO CABINET FOLDING BEOS . CO we CX3 .ia nii- T f-Tnm 1 The most perfectly balanced FOLDING BED In the woria. KallMantlftL vetso I tr iiuiaKlfllil (1 .nn nmn and closo It with pnse. Tiicy comWna GREAT BTKKMUTH. BEAUTT nd TD'IUW. It to the vim uionc rompiit'i, u.tHiitx'r 'jroLUKJJ Bkl, and la nowollemi to tde pnhllc as the CHEAP EST patent Folding Bed on tha market. It ECONO MIZES BFACE, Rives WK1K nd TEAK of CAR PETS, kee the UKDDINO CLEAN FROM DUBT. aad is rapidly superseding til other hetls in thai families of the rich and poor alike In all soctiom of the country. Md In ItrRRr.IRKRlIirlAB, CABIIfBT, DOOK-VAMK, SIDx! BOARD, and M HITIXG-DEMK H 1a las. Send fur Descriptive and Illustrated Circular. Factqq&Dffice,14S5 State St. Chicago., 1 lirIn sending fur circular with prices, please Bam this paper. . . . It Stands at the Head. r tee lot f:j:::::::3 For Rale by mal2d : ' , o. ny on c":zsTi