"1 i Daily TP I i m n VOL. II. NEW BERNE, N. C., SATURDAY, JANUAKY 5, 1884. NO. 236. RNMj. LOCAL NEWS. Journal miniature Almanac. Sun rises, 7:11 ) Length of day, Sun sets, 5:00 I 9 hours, 49 minutes. Moon sets at 12:01 a. m. . We are having real winter weather at last. Tno. Suter was selling a nice lot of furniture yesterday. The steamer Defiance left yesterday for Baltimore, with ootton, etc. tr l .3 .n4 a nlfiar Viri trl) f PfV.l day; the first" of the kind this year. Our city is now experiencing the dull that inevitably comes after the holidays. Som fine, dressed geese in market yesterday, selling from sixty to seventy family matinee to-day at 2 o'clock Alice Ofttea. ...; Almost every seat in. the opera house was sold before the Alice Oatea troupe arrived in New Berne and Jong before the hour for the doors to open, reserved seats could not be bought at all. a - , As we go to press early, we cannot give a full report of the performance, but from all of our exchanges comes the most flattering notices. The Wilmington press was enthusias tic in their praiseB. It is seldom we have among us a distinguished artist like Alice Oates. Our theatre-going people 6eein to appreciate such talent by their liberal patronage. This ; powerful Company ' play here again to-day in the operatic burlesque Conrad the Corsair, founded on .Byron poem the "Corsair," and give a grand The cents, apiece. 1 ,:v": i The Alice Oates troupe gives a mati nee this evening at two o'clock, and . to-night , they present "Conrad, the Coreair." '. : ' prices at the matinee will be SO cents; no extra charge for reserved seats A word to Farmer. We desire to call the especial atten tion of our truckers and farmers to the is having the' advertisement of Messrs. E. H. Meadows paint brush applied to the wood work & Co., Agents for the celebrated of his residence, corner or roiioK ana rocomoie super-Jf noppnate, wnicn ap Hancock streets. pears in this issue. This ' excellent Horseback riding seems to be carry- fertilizer is, we venture to say, well ing the day. Young ladies and gentle- ana most tavoraoiy Known to our most man am out most everv evenmff eniov- successtui growers, it naving Deen ing this most healthful exercise. ..v The Indians, the Doctor and the Pro fessor are all gone, but the small boys remember a good many of the Pro cessor's songs, and they are all the go. The steamer Shenandoah arrived yes terday morning , on time, , bringing largely used in the truck and cotton growing regions of Carolina for several years and regarded unrivalled in all the essential elements of a first class f ertl lizer. The Pocomoke factory at Norfolk is one of the conspicuous enterprises of that progressive city, and the proprie tors, Messrs. Freeman, Lloyd, Mason & freight and passengers, and left yester- nrrHfln. flnlarfi it ln h. . nlp!1H.irft nn. in J v I j r nayeveuHigwun a nguu kubuuw ut only tQ show ftnd everybody through the premises, but to show their cotton on board The'case of State vs. Win. Waters, J, W. Moore and R. H. Hilton, assault on Moses Whitehurst, came up on yester day before W. G. Brinson, Esq. C. C. Clark appeared for the State and L. J. ; Moore for the defendants. R. H. Hi! ton was released and the decision in re . gard to the others was reserved until Monday. ' ATnsfis Rr van's small wood shon. near the depot, was found to be on fire yes terday morning just before day, but through the extra exertions of railroad police J, R. Thomas and others the process of manipulation. They use only pure materials, and guarantee their goods absolutely pure. Our farmers and planters will consult their interests by calling upon Messrs. Meadows & Co, A Card. Me. Editor: Allow me, through the Journal, to express grateful thanks for the generous pounding given the in- mateB of the Methodist parsonage on the night of January 3d, 1884. There were some notable peculiarities connected with this pounding. 1. Some of the noble-hearted donors did not proceed flamoe wereputjput withoutany serious on the vound principle, 2. That well damage,. Kerosene, oil was profusely dressed Porkling had an apple and a sprinkled over the shop and was un- ver, d lar , m. n19 moutn 8: .at ... ,. box of pills which was accompanied by uouDteaiy me wor 01 an incenaiary . Bucb caref ul instructions contained eold Four ornhan children left New Berne dollars most excellent pills indeed - 1 1 -11 j J if? i i mi. j. Aw .oil v ana wiu proauce goou euecm. . ximi rr t -J. " - " half-dozen partridges handed to me on iora wrpnan Asyium. iwooi mem are the cars by Capt. C. K. Hancock must little boys from the south side of the be added to all the other valuables. rlvor. and art iroinff for the first timo. aeam assure the donors or our grateful 1 0 I 1 n . ii 1 1 appreciation ana pray uoa s Diessings on every one of them. ; . L. S. BERKHEAD, The other two are Lena and Laura Hud- gins, who have been there for three years, and show evidence of the best training; they were anxious to return and remain in the asylum as long as the rules will permit them.' The Orphan Asylum is a great blessing to the orphans of North Carolina. STATE NEWS. ' Gleaned from onr Exchanges. At the Exchange. - Miss Nannie Mitchell, of this city, and the Misses Sutherland, of Henderson, 'were visitors at the Cotton Exchange yesterday. , . Revived. : , ,. . - For several hours yesterday business on the cotton yard seemed to have re vived from the dullness brought abomt Tarboro Guide: The receipts of cot toil at the yard from September 1st to January, were 8,858 bales. For- the same time last year- only 5,579' bales were received. The receipts so far are slightly ahead of those for '81. It is probable that tnere win soon be a iau ing off, as it is believed, that a larger percentage of the crop has been sold thiB year tnan ever Deiore. ., Goldsboro Messenaer: One night last week, a young lad named Hughes was accidently Bhot in the side by Mr. J- w Patterson in crogaen township, we are elad to learn that the wound is not considered fatal. Rabbi M. Strauss by the holidays,' and the whirling of tmcks and swineinir of scales was quite on Saturday last, in the synagogue in fall-like. We trust that the revival this city, administered the rite of con- may go on and increase in business oir- cles until the trucking Beason opens, at which time it is always brisk. firmation to Master Adolph Einstein, of Kinston. Mr. Strauss will soon bring his family to this city, which he has made his home, and will in addition to his clerical duties, conduct a Hebrew school for the benefit of the children of his congregration. We .learn that Mrs. Lancaster, the wife of Monroe A Compliment. . Two small poys walking up Middle street yesterday were discussing very LanCaster, of Stony creek township in importantly ' when one of them, as a this county, on New Year's day give . proof, remarked that he had seen it in birth to three children-two girls, and th. Tnr-nKiT Th nthflr Bid h had 9 and that the little ones are all not seen the Journal. ' ; "Do what'.says No. one, "have you not seen to-day's Journal?" '. "No, sir." -, - . : ; : "Don't you take the Journal?" " ' "No,' BirV:.f.;:i-,?;t.v;v'.-- . "Goodness alive! I thought everybody GENERAL SEWS. London, Jan. 2. -A dispatch to the Times, from Khartoum, confirms the recent report of an engagement between 600 Boldiers of the garri son of Gezierh and a force of rebels. he dispatch adds that the soldiers beat off the rebels, who are now trying to retreat on Berther. This movement, endangers our postal and telegraphic communications. New Oeleans, Jan. 2 The obsequies of the late Archbishop ercue, which took place here to day, were of a very imposing char acter. : The procession included, in addition to the Cotholio clergy, various Catholic societies, sisters of charity and mercy in charge ot in mates of the Catholic asylum here, and a great concourse of citizens. St. Louis Cathedral was decorated with funeral emblems and appro priate inscriptions. Eight Eev. T. V T - Ji ' 1 . .1 ' J. i, A 1 1 1 assisted by clergy from this ana other States. Kansas City, January 2.-Judge Krekel, of the United States Court, to-day announced his decision on the question of the right of the Federal Government to the custody of Frank James, on the charge of being concerned in . the Muscle Shoals (Ala.) robbery. The Court ordered that the prisoner be re turned to his bondsmen in the Blue Cut (Missouri) robbery case; hold ing that the State tribunal first gained possession, and is conse quently entitled to his custody un til disposed ' of. This decision eaves James at liberty on bond Dublin, Jan. 2. Despite the proclamation of the Lord Lieuten ant prohibiting the gathering of Nationalists at Coote Hill, County Cavan, lion. Joe. Biggar, member of Parliament, with a number of members of the organizing com mittee of the Irish Nationalists arrived at the depot there and were enthusiastically received by a large crowd. The magistrates and a force of police were also present at the depot. ' The magistrates waited upon Biggar and handed him a copy of the proclamation prohibit ing the meeting. Biggar mounted a car and drove off, followed by his friends and police: the latter preventing any assembly of the crowd in mass meeting as was ex pected. At a dinner given in his honor in the evening by the Nation alists, Biggar made an address in which he said ho was not aware how the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland obtained the title to his property; but unless some successful church robbers amassed it years ago, his lordship would probably at the present day have been a drunken horse broker. New Berne Theatre. New Berne Theatre. . New Berne Theatre. New Berne Theatre. New Berne Theatre. SATURDAY, January 5th. COMMERCIAL. Kinston Items. living and doing well., This we consider quite a startling New Year's gift for her nusDanci. jviouier ana nttie ones have-our beBt wishes. -Commissioner General Morehead, of the World's Ex position of New Orleans,, stopped at Durham yesterday to inspect the tobacco factories of that town. President Carr, of Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Com pany, has" applied for 5,000 square feet of space at the exposition, proposing to illustrate every department or tne to bacco manufactory. It is estimated that this exhibit will cost the company Personal..-. ;i , ... " ' Sheriff J. K. Davis, of Kinston, came down vesterdav evenine on the speoial about 850,000. ' The factory of W. Duke, with the Alice Oates Co." . Sons & Co. will make a display similar V n ,, 0 , t,o(. ma in magnitude, but somewhat different Eev. G. W. Sanderhn, of Boston, was , chcter. Gen, Morehead arrived in the city Friday. . at Raleigh yesterday, and to-day held a Mr. F. Wilcox, of Jonea countv. is in conference with the State officials in re- the city with some small, fine; fat perk Rard to the exhibit of the State of North for salo. Samuel Hudson, Esq., a merchant , . of I'olkclisville, iB in the city. . ; Solomon CorntO, of Onslow county, was in the city yesterdoy. lie called in and renewed his subscription' to the Journal." '.' V'V"', " "Wanted. ' ' f A housekeeper ago not essential, anywhere from 16 to GO -10 preferred. I.r!i:"L novv how to make biscuits and f l r n:U. Address ' "Biro)," . Kinston, N. C. Carolina, receiving great encourage' men t. The State board having charge of the matter passed a resolution in October last looking to this end. f Nearlv two-thirds of all the tobacco crown on the; Golden Tobacco belt of North Carolina goes into tho manufac tory, at Durham, of Blackwell & Co, They buy the pick of the entire section Hence Blackwell's Durham Long Cut is the beet of that tobacco which nature has so peculiarly fitted for man's com fort and enjoyment. The truest type of that favored tobacco section is the Dur ham Long Cut. Tho Durham Bull is on every package. Only a few bales of cotton occasion ally arrive here. It sold last Friday for 8 8-4 to U.3U. Dr. W. A. J. Pollock wishes it to be understood, that he will meet all who desire to see him, at his plantation in Jones county, on the first Monday in this montn. Kinston is assuming metropolitan airs. it nas its Dank, its opera bouse ana is now contemplating the establishing of telephones, electrio lights and water works. It will not require gas works as Nature has bountifully supplied her in that line. . The advice of the great Washington in time of peace prepare for war is not entirely unheeded by his people of this day ana generation, rarrott rasha and Khedive Warters of Egypt, (Fall ing Creek Lenoir county, apprehend ing war in this jurisdiction, have moved from the Wheat House Court House to Fort Hill, a high eminence onthe At lantic & N. C. Railroad, where the same is intersected by the county road, and where they have two cannon, a large lot of ordnance stores, shell, grape, can- iBter, schrapnel, old iron, hard tack and old canteens half-full of whiskey. The judicial sentences of the Khedive muBt be enforced or this land will now with whiskey. . . .. .-. Loftin's Onera House, with the Alice Oates Bouffe Opera Company, scored a decided success last Wednesday and Thursday bights. ' The house was thronged with delighted spectators both nights, where, as in Jfrospero's laiana wonder after wonder bodied itself forth to teach by charming. "The Field of the Cloth of Gold" was produced the first night, with Miss Ahoe Oates as Darnley, Miss Adele Leonard as Lady Constance De Grey and Miss Mabel Mortimer as Duke of Suffolk, all well supported by the entire Company Thursday night, "Uonrad, the Uorsair was given. The large number of peo ple on the stage, their brilliant oostumes Kaleidoscopic evolutions make the dis play' exceptionally " attractive. Miss Oates is a whole opera herself, her act ion and singing being highly impassion ed and exquisitely musioal. The sweet ly modulated notes of Miss Adele Leon ard strike responsive chords m every bosom and captivate every heart. The graceful dances of Miss Mabol Mortimer, with her charmingly sweet songs, not only express tho "poetry of motion," but show forth one of those rnre visitors sent to delight, to please, to charm man kind. We trust to see them soon again. ALICE OATES' ALICE OATES' ALICE OATES' ALICE OATES' ALICE OATES' MATINEE, MATINEE, MATINEE, MATINEE, MATINEE, TO-DAY, TO-DAY, ' TO-DAY, TO-DAY, TO-DAY, At 2 0'Clock. At 2 O'Clock. ' " At 2 0'aock. . At 2 O'Clock. At 2 O'Clock. Journal Office, Jan. 4, 6 P. M. COTTON New York futures made a sharp advance; spots quiet and steady. New Berne market firm. Sales of 71 bales at 8 to 9. ' Middling, 9i: Low ' Middling, 9i; Good Ordinary, 8i. NEW YORK 6POTS. Middling, 10 9-16; Lpw Middling, 10 3 :0; Good Ordinary, 9 9-16. FUTURES. January, 10.68 February, 10.83 March, 11. April, 11.15 But one report received at the Cotton Exchange yesterday. DOIWKSTIC MARKET. Tdhpentine Dip, $2.25; hard $1.25. Tab Firm at $1.25 and $1.50. Seed Cotton $2.50a3.00. Beeswax 25c. per lb. Honey 75o. per gallon. Beef On foot, oc. to 6c. Fbesh Pork 7a8c. per pound. Eaos 20o. per dozen. Peanuts $1.00al.25 per bushel. Fodder 80c. to $1 per hundred. Cotton Seed Sic. Onions $3 per bbl. Apples 75c.a$1.00 per bushel. Peas 85c. per bushel. Hides Dry, 9allc; green 5aCc. Tallow 6c. per lb. Chickens Grown, 45a50c. per pair. Meal 80o. per bushel. Potatoes Bahamas 30c; yams 40c. Turnips 50a75c. per bush. Wool 12a20c. per pound. Shingles West India,dull and nom. inal; not wanted. Building 5 inch, nearts, $4.uu; saps, WS.W oer il. wholesale prices. New Mess Pork $16.00; long cleans oc. ; snouiaers, dry salt, 6c. Molasses and Syrups 22ia45c. Salt 95c. per sack. Flour $4.00a7.75 per barrel. Notice. All persons Indebted to WM. SULTAN & CO.nnd WM. COHEN, are notilied that said WM. SULTAN & CO. and WM. COHEN have asaiuned said indebtedness to the undnrsierneil for the benetlt of their creditors, and that settlements must be made wiih the under signed immediately. GEORGE GREKN, janllm Assignee. EASTER TERM, "tending from January to March, of tho SALEM ACADEMY begins January7th, 1884. Spring term beglni April 1st. Jan8dw2w ' HORNER SCHOOL, ' OXFORD, Xtf. O. The SPRING SESSION of 1881 will begin tho SECOND MONDAY in JANUARY. Terms ai heretofore. Send for catalogue. Ian2dw2w NOTICE. Sale of a Valuable City Lot. In obedience tn a .Tnriormant v, o.,. -, , . " -u0.uvu V V. .11. DUIICl I 1 1 Court of Craven Countv in nntinn Georglanna Richardson and Isaac R. Rich. Brii80",ftl'e,Plainti'Is. and Sipley Holly, Sarah and ilia Richardson are defendants, I will . sell at Public Auction at the Court Hour door In New Hern, on MONDAY, the FOURTH day of FEBRUARY. A I), im- A nertnin uable lot, with the Improvements thereon, situated on the east side of George street, be tween Queen and New streets, New Bern, N. C, formerly the nronnrtv nf Hr,in k Terms ol sale. Cash. r , , W. G. BRINSON. t . . .... Commissioner. Jan'ya,1881. . dtfobl For Sale, TWO MULES, SOUND IN EVERY RES PECT. Ages respectively SIX and EIGHT years. Apply to Janl,Iw W. DUNN. From my old store to second door north of L. II. Cutler's, next to J. B. Brown's barber shop, for a fewdaysonly, while repairs are be ing made. Still yeu can find the finest cigars, tobacco, Gail & Ax's fine chewing, and smok ing of all kinds, and plug, candles, etc. WM. L. PALMER, dw Middle St., New Berne, N. C. ADMISSION 50 CENTS. ADMISSION 50 CENTS. ADMISSION 50 CENTS. ADMISSION 50 CENTS. ADMISSION 50 CENTS. No Ejtra Charge for Reserved Seats. No Extra Charge for , . , Reserved Seats. V No Extra Charge for Reserved Scats The engagement of this celebrat ed artiste will CLOSE on SATUR THINK OF ET NOW! Although much Is said about the Impor tance of a blood-purifying medicine, it may be possible tbit the subject has never seriously claimed your attention. Think of it now ! Almost every person has some form of scrof ulous poison latent in his veins. When this develops in Scrofulous Sores, Ulcers, or Eruptions, or In the form of Rheumatism, or Organic Diseases, the suffering that en sues is terrible. Hence the gratitude of those Who discover, as thousands yearly do, that . Ayer's Sarsaparilla will thoroughly eradicate this evil from the system. As well expect life without air as health without pure blood. Cleanso tho blood with ATEtt'S SABSAPABILLA. O PREPARED BY Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,LoweU,Ma83. Sold by all Druggists ; $l,six bottles for (5. Auction Sale. Will be sold at auction at the store known as the WEINSTEIN BUILDING," the Stock of Goods formerly belonging to lull .CMiSTan o nn Willi ioulihh a uu. Consisting of T)j?y Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, HATS, NOTIONS, CARPETS, RUGS, and many other articles. The attention of Merchants is called to this Large Sale. Sale to begin on 4ih Day of January, At TEN o'clock a. m., 1884, and con tinue until the btock is sold. GEO. GREEN, Assignee. Trader's License. The attention of Traders or persons engaged in any profession or business, Is called to the fact that tholr licenses expire on the FIRST DAY of JANUAUY, 1884, and that Section 8702 of the Code requires the same to be re newed within ten days thereafter. Attention is called to Section 3701 of the Code, which makes the la 11 lire to obtain license a misdemeanor, and prescribes a pen alty. SCHEDULE B. All persons liable under Schedule B are hereby notilied to come forward and list the same or a double tax will be entered and the penalty enforced. JOSEPH NELSON, dec30 d&wtjanll Register of Deeds. jan4tf. In Stock and for Sale FOR cjash. 6,000 bushels Corn. 2,000 bales Timothy Hay. 1,500 bushels Seed and Feed Oats. 1,500 bushels Cheap Horse Feed. Stock Peas and other Grain. Fresh Bolted Meal constantly on hand. jan2d2m . J. A. MEADOWS. Extra Early Peas, Mohawk Beans, Onion Sets, Radish Seed And other Seeds for sale CHUAr FOR CASH dec3-dljanl At HANCOCK BlLsTT" Druggists, Next to Post Office. National Bank of New-Bern. December 8, 1883. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of' this Bank, for the election of Directors, and " for the transaction of such other business as . may come before them, will be held at the BANKING HOUSE on tho SECOND TUES D &.Y, being the EIGHTH day of JANUARY, 1884. J. A. GUION. . deo9 td Cashier. For Sale. The LOT. STORE and OUTBUILDINGS on Broad street, adjoining J. J. Tolson's, and oc cupied by L F. Teiser. A splendid Invest, ment. For terms apply to i decHUtf GREEN & STEVENSON. NEW BERNE THEATRE. Two Nights Only! Friday and Saturday, . January 4 arid 5." Will appear for the First Time in this city, HISS ALICE OATES' -.Opera Bouffe Company, tho Largest that has ever appeared on the . . jMcw iterne uige, in tne two great 'v Operasof DAY EVENING, when will be presented tlio Burlesque of "OOTTTUD THE CORSAIR" Chas. II. Blank, WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALEIt IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions :i , and Liquors.' ' ; , MIDDLE STREET, ' The Field of the Cloth of Gold , " . , and . '.,, iU:: CONRAD 4 THE ;; CORSAIR, Admission Jl.OO. Reserved seats' without extra charge at Meadows' Drugstore. : . sale of reserved seata will commence Thursday, Jnnuarj'S.ntl) a.m. .,' : Gallery, 50 conts.J "j. . ? : WEAK,UlEVELOrED:PllnTS OF THBHUMASKODY KNLAKUKn DEVKu'.' quirios we will iniK ruii in tnn-i in friigabmittliia." it hi ay that t 'On 1 ho per. In l-.mlv tn in'f no muViu: of bunw "mr.Ai-y, ttioavurt " aoa'ctl cT Eiue M v.mo.u TTTTT TTT"