COSSKCTINO WITS Allelic &. N. C. Railroad, ' AND CLYDE'S 1?. 0. LINE STEAMERS At Ilorenead City and New-Berne. Thrmh nrranTements to and from all lWna bound, While Oat and New Kiver 1KHUI4 and ThrouKh Bill Lading Issued to ..I niKiiix. North, liast. South aud West. Quick Transportation aud prompt delivery of uoiton, Maval Stores, General P;iduoe, Goods, Wares aud General Merchant 46, and raiesguaranteedaalowasby any line. Cotton Bate per Bale of 490 Lb. White Oak and Bogus New River Polnta to New-Berne $1.00 to New-Berne $1.60 "Norfolk... 2 00 Haltlmore.. 250 "Mew York.... 8.00 Philadelphia... 8.00 liottton .... 4.00 "Providence 4.00 Norfolk.- 2.50 8.00 8.60 8.60 4.50 4.60 "Baltimore ...... "New York...... "Philadelphia.. " Boston " Providence ... j- All cargoes covered by Insurance. The transportation service of the Inland dnuHilnt oomDanv. now organised and In nneratlon. will be as thorough, efti- elent, prompt and cheap, as It Is possible to make It. and the patronage of producers and ahlnrwN la rAflnMtfnilV Solicited. Forfutther information apply to the local Agenta oi the lone. - ' Office of the Company t . Ueaufort,N,0., Oct. 22,1888. - A. W. STY ROlf ( President, ot21dW WM. A. HEARSTS. Supt. NEW-BEBNE AND PUBLICO Steam Transportation Co'y. UNTIL KCRTHER NOTICE THE NEW Berne and Pamlico Steam Transportation Company will dispatch their New and Fast Sailing Steamer elm: city M follows: .. . .'. : Monday Leave Bayboro for New Berne 8 a m. Stopping at Stonewall, Van- i demere, Pamlico, Adams . Creek add Hiverdale. ,.. ,. ' Leave New Berne for Bayboro 8 a.m, ' Stopping at Hiverdale, Ad- , ms Creek, Pamlico, Van demereand Stonewall. ...... Thursdays i -.- Leave Baybero for New Berne 8 a.m., Stopping at Stonewall, Van demere, Smiths Creek, Ad- ami Creek and Hiverdale. Saturdays . Leave New Berne for Bayboro 8 a. m. Stopping at Riverdale, Ad- ami Creek, Smiths Creek, --.',;' Vandemere aud Stonewall. ! i Having good accommodation both for pas sengers aud freight at very low rates, ask that the merchants and producers along Its Hue give it their cheerful support. - . For further Information enquire at the of eFootofOraven.treetAGRATi . ' : Agent at New Berne. Or any of Its Agents at the following places: ABK LEE, Adams Creek, - 1). H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, - i 1 . " C. H. FOWLER, Btonewall, 1 H. H. FOWLER. Bayboro, , . JOSHUA DEAN. Pamlico. 1 W. H. JACOBS, Smiths Creek, ' ! M-il.l.ETT RRIiH.. Hiverdale. Freight .received under cover every day me wees. . juiuwij . ." a- RAILUOADS. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Atlantic & N. C. Railroad. TIME TABLE No. 6, -In Effect 12:00 MY; Sunday, December . 23d, 183. .. '. EAST. I WIST. Ne.47. Express PaH.HlaU ...;.. Anr. L've. No. 48 Express, : Pass.AMail &ir.""vi STATIONS. r. m. V. M A.M A. H. 10 28 9 45 717 500 6 50 Qoldsboro, ........... La Grange......., 11 10 in lit e so f83 V 7 l'J V 11 11 iMl T 82 Kinston,-....... I 21 New Berne, Morehead lepot. 7 21 P. M P. M. A.M. A. K. EAST. I WEST. No. 9 Mixed Fgt. k fass. Train. No. 4 Mixer- Fgt, k Pass. Tra n STATIOHS. Arr. L've. Arr. iA'e. a. h. A. 7 10 7 50 826 g fit 9 50 10 30 11 00 11 80 11 45 r. m. 7 88 6 A7 0 14 5 41 ;4 57 : 4 16 8 43 S 14 8 02 P. H. V. M. t on 37 Ooldsboro, 7 49 8 10 50 - V 20 10 26 10 68 24 11 42 12 17 Best's - La Orange,... Falling Oreelr. Klnston,. - 5 5(1 620 Dover.... 4 21 3 48 8 19 (lore Creek ... Tntcarora ... Clsxke's ... Newbern, .... 8 02 231 P.M. F. U. F N. EAST. WICST. No. S. j lied Fgt. A; Fass. Train. : No.. : Kixed Fgt. A Pass. Train. STATIONS, Arr. L've: Arr. L've. A, K.j 5 84- m - 51i . 7 08! s 7 883 7 55: A.M, : . - . . i 4 40; Newbern - : 5 2H: Riverdale...-.-: 6 39- Croatan ' 8 19! Havelock.........: 6 50: Newport i 7 10- Wlltfwood .l T 45: Morehead City r. m.: 1 25 12 81! 12 21 ! U52: U 10: 10 58! 10 20! t. M 12 89 12 28 1167 Jl 20 10 68 10 25 10 00 i Morehead Depot... : A. M. I A.M. A. H. : A. M. Pntin is mniunti with Wilminirton & Wei don Train bound North, leaving Goldshoro 11:50 a. m., and with Richmond A Danville Tifii n VmL :lea Vina Goldeboro U 5 a.m and WAlrinnTmlnSOnthatfi D.IO Train 4 connecU with W. A W. Train bo und South, leaving Ooldsboro 8 p.m. Train 47 connects with Richmond A Dsnvllle Train, arriving at Goldsbcro 6:20 p.m., nd Wil (lngtoa and Weldon Train from the yorlh at ' Train 4, 5 A 8, Mondays, WednesJays and Friday, ' Trains 47 A 48, dally except Sunday. Vrain X. Tnnaila.v.Thnradav and Saturdays, Trains 48 A I breakfast at Klnston, Train 47 tipper at KlnetoB. . . ; W. Dunn, . f j Superintendent. Midland N. C Railway, TIME TABLE Ko. 4, la effect Thursday, October 25, 1883. WEST. EAST. No. 1. - No. 2. Mixed Train, Klxed Train. Arr. L've. r. x. r. . 08 2 t 81 45 48 Vfi 9 65 10 13 10 10 10 84 STATIONS. Arr. I've. A.M. 6 14 5 51 6 84 6 27 6 00 AM. Goidboro Oopelaads Pr(aeetoa..M Holt's Mill.-,. Pine Level-... Smthfleld....... 6 63 6 87 ; 627 6 09 4 48 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. "K Traiff 2 connects with A. A N. C. Freight tfVrtli leaving GoldHboro at 7:80 a.m., and with W. Train going North at 9:! a.m., going t ' a Bt!r45p.iii.,andwithK.4D.traingolng ,1 t i':ua.m. ....-. 'i ' n No. 1 connects with A. A N. C. train t , ,vi at GohMjoro 8:20 p.m.: wnn n. a. v. ,n, ii vine at 5t p.m., and with W. A w, , . : .is urri vine t 6:4S.ia. and 8.00p.m. BuperiBtendeji st::at: Th8 Neuse Bivp.r Navigation : iJompany Will roo the following Schedule: " Steamer Klnston J : ; Will leave the' Old Dominion Wharf I'Uli- DAYS and FRIDAYS, and arrive at Klnston WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, and leave Klnston MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, arriv. Ing In New Berne the same day. Will touch at all Landings along, the River going and coming. . Steamer Neuse. Will leave New Berne i MONDAYS and WEDNESDAYS for Jolly Old Field, return Ing TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS. Steamer Blanche Will leave New Berne WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS at 7 a. m. for Trenton. Re turning will leave Trenton THURSDAYS and MONDAYS at 7 a. m., touching at Polloks- ville and other landings on Trent River. These steamers will make close connections wtth the Old Dominion line, y Freights reoelvedat all hours; '-, t - For rates apply to . . . , W. K. STYRON, JK., dw ' Agent at New Berne, i . :". i- , ii' 1 ; r OLD UOMINION Steamship1 Company. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE For New YorK, Baltimore, Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, Philadelphia, Providence, . .' and other Cities ,,0N AND AFTER Mondav July 2nd, 1883, UKTIti FURTIIEIt-NOTJCE Steamer Shenandoah. Will lavp, upon a-tivfi! bt train on Norfolk Southern lUilid at fclizabeth City, every MONDAY AND THURSDAY for New Berne.' Returning leaves New Burne for Eliiabeth City every , TUESDAY AND FRIDAY al p. m., rnakini; close councction with Nor fo Southern K. K. for Northern cities. 01o;e connection made at Hew Berne with steamera for Klnston, Polloksville, Trenton and all landing ou the Neuso and Trent Rivera. No freights received for shipment on Tuesdays and Fridays f ter 3 P n- Freight forwarded promptly and lowost rates Knaranteed to dectination. Fare to Elizabeth Citv and return. 4. To Washington, To Norfolk, 5. To Baltimore, $8.SU. To New York, 18.60.,': . ..-"'.-..;!-'.:- : '' ';,' K. B. BOBEBTS, Ag't, New Berne, Ctn.rr-rB k TtmitEB, .; .a "" .'; r , f" Ag'ts, Norfolk, T. A W. H. Stahfohd, flen'l Fv't Ag't, : ' . ' New Tork City rrent River Transportation Company ; WIH despatch their Htenmers afterthis date for Kinston, Jolly Old Field, -jrcniou ana PoUocksviMe, follow : . Steamer Trent Will leave New Borne every Monday and Thtitudav from her dock, foot of Craven street, at NINE o'clock, A M., for Klnston. Returning, leave Klnston ior new neruo Tuesdays and Fridays at ONE o'clock, P.M. Tntinir frnleht for all landings ou the river. and connecting at Jolly Old field wjth the Contentnea Crcefc BteamDOUi uompnny uuiu ways. . ,- - Steamer L. H. Cutler win Ihiivb forPnllocIt'svllle and Trenton, tak ing freight and passengers, every 8atrday and Wednesday, from her dock at WGI1T o cioce, a.m. ; Returning every niosoay nua juuibubj, leaving Trenton at BKVEN o'clock, A J. Freight received nnder cover eveiy day, Sunday excepted Cliargeswill be as low s by any other line. Close connection with all nninTfl Nnrm. rjiRL nmi weak viu uuo. frnm Nav liernn Merchants wishing their goods to go by this line will order their ship ments via N. C. Line, from Baltimore, Phila delphia, New York, and all points North. ' All goods handled with care and damages prompt ly paid when proven. Through uum oi ijmi- lng given and rates guarantees. , , . B. K. BRYAN, JR.. ' A-tent at New Berne. 15; H. Pagb, Gen. Solicitor., dw . S. H. Okay, Gon. Man. of Pier in New York. The N. C. Freight Line FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, cpd all points Nortli and "VVest-.-.- After this date will receive freight in New Voik .. . . for New Berne at :, .' ;:'-; PIEIC 7, NOHTU KIV131J, Office of Neto York and Baltimore Transportation Co. Merchant should remember that this Is one of the best Steam Lines out of Sew York, making dally connection with Baltimore for (few Berne; all inside, and only one change. , SEMKWEEKLY, STEAMERS Between New Berne ' and Ealtimore, (Touch ing at Norfolk) Leaving New Berne for Baltimore TUESDAYS FRIDAYS at J p m. Leave Baltimore foJ Hew Berne WEDNESDAYS dnd SATURDAYS 6. p.m. , , Agents are as follews: V EUBEN FOSTER, QcnT Jfanagor, . ' . 90 Light St., Bol't. Hd. fAS. W. MeOARBICK, Ag't. Norfolk, Va, V. P. Clyde Co. Pblladelvbis, IS Sontb barros. v . , York Balto. Tran. Line.Pier T.Nortn rirer E. Sampson, Boston, 63 Central wharf. " . K. H. Rockwell, Providence R. I. ) D.O. Mink, Fall Riyer, Derrick wharf , : Bbips leave Boston, Tuesdays and Saiardnys. ' " New York daily. " Baltimore, Wednesdays and Satuntays Fail River, Mondays, Wednesdays. ' . Fridays. " . ProvWence, Satordavs 1 hroaeh bills lading given, and rates gnaran- ., . to all poit. f-t th different offres of the mpanies. - " .X-f " C " ' ; ' .'- ' ,,; Aroid Breakage ct Bali anJ Slip ?ia f lit C. LINE. d . M t t ty S H. ORAY, Ag't, New Berne.N the joim:;:. NEW EHIE. N. C, JAN. 10, i:. 4.' a Arrival and Departure Kails. MAIL CLOSES. For North, West and South, via A. & N. C.R. K. at 4.80 a.m. For Beaufort and the East, at 8:00 r.m. For Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays at 6:00 a. m. For Trenton, t'olloksvuie ana JuayS' ville, daily at 7:30 a. m. For Granteboro, J5ay Kiver ana Van demere, daily at 6 a. in. ! The contractor will take passengers to Stonewall for one dollar, and to Au rora semi-weekly at tl. 50. OFFICE HOURS: : In Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from 10 a.m. to 4, In Mailing Department from a. m. to 5 p. m. . .- ! ! Office open constantly between these hours except when mails are being dis tributed or sent. v ..... . fjDen on Sunday from v to 10 a. m. ; Seven Springs Items. 'The snow; the beautiful snowl" The earth is clothed in a bright Rarb of Heaven s manufacture. , The family of J. W. Moody has left town and moved into the country. A good move for the boys. i A temperance society has been orgah' ized at Piney Qrove, near this place The members propose to make a fearful raid on kins: alcohol, success to tne project. J. W. He. has determined to increase his business, and for that purpose has engaged the long store on the corner for the ensuing year, and will move in February 1st. I . The vear 1884 is now upon us, pros pective candidates are beginning to hold up their heads and look around much after the fashion of the wild hog when the hounds begin to yelp - Mr. A. W. Sutton reports millions of black birds in his fields and bird killing has been the order of the day during the snow and "24 black birds baked, in a pie" was the song to sing.; , , The splendid Bide-wbeeler Kough and Ready, from uoldsboro, , was at out wharf on last Thursday, she is owned we learn, bv Needhanv Kennedy, a col ored man, and will make regular trips to this place. ; : -, k,- ; ; j '': , .,: Mr. Fields, our clever mail carrier. reports that whiskey in La Grange was sold by the pound on Monday, the weather having occasioned a kind of congealment bard to account for. There is no accounting for these whis key and weather freaks. t Christmas is gone and' but few cas ualties to report. Marshall Joyner strnck Bill Ritch three good pops over the head with a stick and then fell down, when Bill broke and ran. One gent, somewhat under the influence of spmtua mm gaum, charged on another with a manure fork. A fearful thing to fight with. No damages, however. The Carp as s Food Fish. There is mjich inquiry concerning the German Carp introduced into this country by the United States Fish Commission. People want to know where it will live, how fast it will grow, and generally what it is worth now that we have it. Often as these 1 questions are 1 answered they come up again, and in truth, tne diflerent results reported are confusing unless accompanied with an explanation. Carp are not a first class table fish, but they are immensely superior to no fish at all, when a fish, dinner is wanted. They are sot as good to eat is the bull head for instance, but then it may be said that the bull-head is a very excellent fish when well nnderstood So the carp can be made a tooth some feature of the dinner table, if the mistress ol the Kitchen com pre hends the mysteries of the sauce boat. Without that skill, which by the way is universally possessed by our adopted German tellow-citizens, and can be learned from almost any of them, the carp is rather tasteless, In very cold spring brooks carp will not grow at all; they rather seem to shrink, U we can imagine a fish sjirmking wicn tne coid. Uut in warm jya,ters, especially in the Southern States, where there is no trouble with frost, they attain an enormous size quickly. There have been instances of their growing to seven pounds weight m two years, i i u . . w men nir surpasses anyiuing Known of any other species Of fish. In the North, if tne poods have hard bot toms ana ireeze tneir entire depth, the carp will be killed. But if the bottom is soft and muddy, they will burrow into it and protect them selves. They are said to feed on Fegetables, either the natural groww lp j;nfl water, or tne reiuse ftom the garden, imagine they are greatly improved by an occasional taste of the numberless insects that are found on a"ll aquatic plants. The same rule applies to them that is found to govern in all pther departments of nature ; the nest is aijrajs the hardest to get Not only will earn neyer supply the place of trout, but they will hardly live in the same water, . They need little care, and will exist on poorer food, are content in less fine water, and they are in the end an inferior fish. The common proverb says thajt yhatpver is worth having is worth working for, and that, trans lated into fish literature, means inai an ordinary variety is more easily maintained than a superior one. Still there always ..more Steed pf $ he low T " I'ow-mcii , aud infi eat trout, in nitely taorci..;ocul, m liiJo tliejxm1 that arc tot t if :c.r,L.j i"; answer ; : Dot as "".1 for above i' r thorn. one ii a mm. A: y muJ will i n conclusion, it is almost self-evi dent that carp is no mere a game fish than a fattened hog is a game animal. Carp can generally be pro cured through the State Fish Com missioners, and several breeders offer them for sale E. B. Koose- TELT in American Agriculturist. . Pure Cod Liver Oil made from se lected livers, on the sea-Bhore, by Cas well, Hazard & Co., New York. It is absolutely pure and sweet. Patients who have once tt3n it prefer it to all others. ... Physicians have decided it su perior to any of the other oils in mai ket. . th-2 A Fair Offer. The Voltaic Belt Co.. Marshall, Mich., offer to send Dr. Dye's Voltaio Belt and Appliances on trial, for thirty days, to men, young or old, afflicted with ner vous debility, lost vitality, and kindred troubles. . See advertisement in this paper. . ' . ,. . Dr. I. C. MdLauehlin, Wolfesville, N. C, says: ! used Brown's Iron Bitters for vertigo ana 1 now teei like a new man." - - Malaria positively cured with Emory's Standard Cure Pills, a never failing remedy; purely vegetable, contain no quinine, sugar-coated. 25 cents. 6 V For Sale. The LOT, STORE and OUTBUILDINGS on Broad street, adjoining J. J. Tolson's. and oc cupied by I. K, Telser. A splendid invest. ment. . .. ..' ' For terms apply to ,-. declidtf . - GUK15N A STEVENSON, -HORNER SCHOOL, OXFORD, N. O. The SPUING 815H8ION of 1881 will begin the SECOND MONDAY In JANUARY. Terms as heretofore. Send for catalogue. Jan2d&w2w Leader. ofrLfivv- Prices. WHOLESAldllErAIL Itaj ut returned front the North w ith a large aim wou-seiecwa siockoi , ., t Bry deeds, Fancy Goods, "and llcticns, Cheaper Than Eur Offered Before. I will have ieciai Sales every week in ev- rynne. . 1 - - - - Mystockof PllEKH GOODS, such ns Silks, Rutins, CiiKUinereg und Mourning Uxxix, can noi be matched fur the money In the State. , l rnive a imgo iinvui ltwb t iiiiiiiuhkb, jiii. broideries mid tdulni. s at reduced DriceH. Ladles, Gents aud Children' Under Vests in treat vftrlotv. Hpeclal atteiition is called to onr Shoe Pc- partment. AI80, uarpets tna uutwuia. A lame stock of Picture frames of every description. ' . . j ancy uooaa, Jiasiwts, 'J inwnre. oto, eie. J Hneohil inducements olfered to whole sale customers, und sells action guaranteed to every one. - come e riy anu gettne nvsi pick. ...- 0. HAEXS, oct20dw.'(m Pollock at.. New Berne. N.U, ! TFJAL in lU'.faUiseoni speedy euro for Ifttm-t ' Ai'ity aud WtakM, f..... ' r.7r',7irti.(i Vlnnv n.nnv 3?jlToviIirnili(rfiadisoretion,' excess. ,f-fl iii ovorwovs, r ic, lover rony tnon- 7?,J l'O i'ivo circs ) a"8?nd Jen. ri-r tri inai dox oi Dr. V:'. B A)S. for.aarkSl. Itfiout biujuU. aiidCu.hoiu I'n-x. Cuicaoo, Iu JACKSON nOUSE, New Berne, N. C, SAM'L JACKSON, Pboprietor. DCS. First-class accommodations foriiolOf-eu people traveling, and a Restaurant for gen eral patronage, from which e furnish meals to many white people and serve families at their residences In any part of the city. , tjt, Refer to the people of New Berne gen- eraiy. . - . . " decl5-ii:y HARDWARl!f Bar Iron and Nails, all sizes, For sale by " . P. M. DRANEY, ppt21d&wtf. . New Berne, N. C. For Sale, A FINE HORSE, BUGGY and HARNESS together or separate, for cash or on time, : Apply to , novffltf ' JOURNAL OFFICE. mm HABIT Ml. U. H. K.1NK. iHii of the DeQutiic-ot i)iuih iiwuie, iiqw Piters a Ueim'ih wliereby anv one ia euro wliiUiw1y. f or teatinioulai, rutd endor semen l. letUrs Iroiu eminent medlenl moo, and hill doMriptlo of the (ruttnieni. Pcs&iagbcrav.Vlibtey, . IK. . ' A Really Pure Stimulant. This whiskey Is controlled entiml by Ven able & Ilevman. N. Y. It Is distilled In Marv. land in the slate water regions of 'that Htute, from the small grain grown there, The distil lation Is superintended by a gentleman who understands his hiiHiness thoroughly. Nothing dolotorious is allowed to enter Into its com nosltion. and none of it is allowed to be sold until It)14 fully three years old in order that It iimy iiiivtit-iy hub trviipuiituuii uuiu nie fusel oil. Venalile & Hey man pfl'cr theso goods as perfectly pure to (ill a ionic Cult wun lor roeuicui purposes, it is tneir own brand and they stnke their reputation on the truth oi nun (insertion, . ; . J'or sale by N -' C. II. BLANK. nov2Td&w3m New Heme, N. C Mf icrn.r: i OgRflARKS A reinilar graduate. t?The OlOent Rpeetnllst In the United ititta, whose life lonu txrtuiKNOR, perfect luothod and pure medicine insure fcl'EKbif nd pehmanknt ctni s of all FrivatP. (Jhronio ond Nervous Diseases. Atiectioiiaof the JTSlood, Slln K.ltlneyn, iiladdor, Kr nation, l leern, Old Snrct, ivlllntf of the lilaiul, Sore Month, Throat, Jiouo Palna, pormnnootijf ourod ftDti eradicated from the Bybtuux lor lile. r" C Ij !7 f f 1 S Vt WttV Impotency.Srmtnal Ii 1 a 9f :mi Losses, tHexttal Decay, Men tut and Physical IVealtnett, Failing Memory, Weak Eyes, Stunted Zcvetopment, Impedi ments to Marriage, etc., from exectse or any cause, tpcedity, tafcly and privately Cured, IT?" Younar, Middle-Ajred and Old men, and all who need medical nielli aud experience, commit Dr. Bate at once. His opinion cost a nothing, and may aave future misery and aUame. When inconvenient . to visit the city for treatment, racdioinescan be sent everywnere oy man pr express iree irom owner vullon. It is self-evident that a physician who gives his whole attention to a class of diseases at tains arrnt skill, and physicians throughout the country, knowinrr t h is, frequently recommend difficult casos to the Oldest Specialist, by whom every known Rood remedy Is used. ftrDr Bate's Aire end Ixpcrtetiee make his opinion of iu prem9 lmtt'riince. rThOB6 who Mil see no one bit t hoDaccor. (Jonmilt ntionfrfe and aiicredly eonfi J'nt liil Cinos which ham foiled inot)taininir relief elsewhere. eRpeeiaMy solx itrd. I'pmnle Dis eases treated. Call or write. llonrn, from ( to 4 6 fl KmdavK. IO to uvida to Kbalxu bkkt I'iF.S. , Addrosa as aovo'. . . ASA JONES, Middle Street, Ne-wbern, N. V'p;; DEALER IX Staph and Fancy Dry Goods . CliOTS, SHOES, CL()TliG, Etc. Agent lor the DIAMOND PUIRl' nlaun dried S1.00. Iaundried W.25. And the celebrated Warner's Corallne Comet, Price gl.W). A full line of Gente'. Ladien' end Clnldren's Dnderwear.GentB' Linen, Celluloid and Paper Collars and Cuds.. Hilk and Linen Handker- clilefn, all kinds of Gents', Ladles' and Chil dren's Hand and Machine Made Shoes, Rub ber Coals, Hats and Shoes, LniiU'B' Cloaks and Jackets, andeveryining usually kepi in a nrsi class Dry uoous store. ABA JUJNJia. ; . oiarOdAwly : : Middle St., op. Baptist Chun-h Walter P. Burrus & Co., ; COMMISSION MERCHANTS, r . AND DEALERS IN GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, , ' (Com a Specialty. ) ' ' S- Orders an4 Consignments respectfully ollcited Ian4-dwly $H:FREEI 'iwi A favorite rreecrlptlon Bf otie oftbS - r"'n3noti na!u sacceesiui ui . ( mvrptlred) forthecureof Narvoua MPeMnVt ; ietmatihooa.treatmemmauiMoay. Ben! AUiress CH. WARD & CO.. Louisiana, to. ' StaU Uo. 2 Loft Hand Side . AT THE CITY MARKET, alwayB supplied with the very best Kreth MeatP, liaer, rorit. wntton and naasagc that me aJUFKPi umiras. uiu on mm. -jaulB-dly . . v ' MtTNN A CO., of the BrrBNTino AiwraicAW, con tlnue to act as Solicitors for J'atents, OaTeoU, Trade Marks, Copyrights, for the United States, Canada, England, France, Germany, etc Hand Book about ratents sent iree. TinrtY-ivnn years' experienoe. Patents obtained through MUNN A CO. ArenntioRd In the Scientific) American, the largest, best, and rnosi wiaeiy circulated sciontmc paper, vs.aiayear. Weekly. BplcnrtiU nneravlnps and Interesting n formation. Bpeclmen copy of the Scientific A mer. Icon sent free. Address MUNN A CO., BciBNTmq AMimiOAl! OtHoe, 2U1 Broadway, lew York. c. e. roy & co., Wholegale Groeera ' , And Dealers In Guano and Genuine Q-ermaD Kainit, Brick Block, Middle street, - Newbern, N.C, ROBERTS & imTDSOU , , Semi Insurance -Agents," - New Berne, JN. J. '. Onl first clasa Coropanioe reprcsenj eu in 1 Hrs, Life an4 AjeUqat !p?uraaca., ' Total Capital over Forty-Millions 01 .. DoUwb. 1 Jun24illy 1000 Bushils Rust Prooi Seed Oats, vOp Bundles Ties, 20,000 Yards Bagging. ' . For sale by ..' ,...k DAIL BR03., Commission Merchants, " iJew Cernp, . C. L. Vcinsfsin HAS THE Most Selected Stock LOWK THAN EVER. octoUdlf-- - -v 11884. Harper's Young People, - An Illustrated .Weekly 16 Pages, Suited to Boys and Girls of from Six to Nlxteon Years of Age. HAitPKit's YopNQ Pboi'1.1! isthe liest weekly tor children in America, f tsouthwestern Ulirlstlau Advojnte All that the artist's skill can uncomplirft In the way of illustration has been done, und the best talent of the country has contributed to Its text. New England Journal of Education, Boston. In its special field there Is nothing tlint can be compared -with it. Hartford Evening Post. '-'. - .' TI'ii.MH. ' " : nARPKU'3 YOVKO PEOPLIC, ) ; I'tr ifior,rostnoPrepuid, J l4'" Pisor.KKvMnr.jis, Five Cints each. Hpeoliuen copy sent ou receipt of Three Outs. , . The Volumes of "Harper's Yonng Peoplo" fur IWI, 1H82, and 188.1, handsomely bound In Illuminated Cloth, will be sunt by mall, post ice prepaid, on receipt of $3 flo each. Cloth ti-si-s fpr each volume, suitable for bindim;. wul be-seiit by mall, postpaid, Un receipt fu(i eenlHeiu'h.- ., t i . - luMiiiHannes nhoulil ho made by Posi-Oilice Money Order or Draft, toavuhl i-biuiceof I(,kn, Mewspapersnre not to copv this ulvertlse-iiii-nt, without the exm-i'Hs onli'i-of Harper & i.IOlhl'l'S. A (' I : -1 HAi.ri'R & I J.'KWYow;, IJoot.s ftncl Allocs, Ropes, Twines, Paints, Oil, ' CANVAS, GRAIN SACKS. IjOKILIiA1.11 sxuff At Manufftuie'H Prices. K XETSaiid SFIiJES. . Foot Middle street, : ' .NEW BEIiiNE, H. C. "Anakesis"JSBlW sn infallible cm for Pi leu. Price $1, at druggists, or soot prepsfd by mall. tmplo fret. Ad. " A N K F - ( 4 . " u p p on on from Youthful Imprudence, causing Karmni Debilitv. MenUl and tbjw- Weakness. Valuable information . I fnrlATnAnnMfW.A.ltNAd23rearS8UO. W.H DEWEV Would inform the publlo generally ..hat be Is fitted np in first-class stylo having Just fitted in new chairs and Is prepared ; to give you as good a shave as was given when his predecessor, John M. Banton, wag alive, . for TEN CENTS. : ' " . v Call at the Gnston House Barber Shop and be convinced. . . lul.Sl-dly 1M,; LORCIU GENERAL MERCHANDISE CAST HOUSE AC20HUCDATICN3. Urond St. Rtn Berne. N. C. FARMERS iSl) COUNTRY MERCIIA3ITS, TAKvNOTICEl t e are again at our old stand, In our NFW ., STOHK. We have a full line of , :. ,v Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoos, . all of which we are offering very low at vholcsale and retail. i;an hiuiuikb h iook at our goods - ond get our low prices. Or lers solicited. Bfttlsfaction guaranteed. ' - lAw. ; - ROBERTS A MHO. "hW Dr. KEAri- hu. va booth clakx hr., ciiipgp (j,;ff. t.W 1.110,1 1863, ! Hill trMllu l Pr. vhIi, Mei-yuul, Uliroolo iud BpecUl dif tuoi,8pnnil'rh(M,lml.iicj-(aMl In.n(pt VMiul. dla.a.M. t-IC. OoD mllalkia perHimllr, or by MKT tnt. &2i.'J& Dr. K.n ii thi oniyiliylclii la the , " that wAmutB fori or wo PH. MS: Uluitrated boot.otw 3,000 iircigriullwv,l p; piall, 3 .7 -1.. -a ;r -5S; E1STESX Xt)BTJ! CJF.Cj.LU MARIS lift WU 11 K MONUMENTS.:' X&Um., ' Ami all kinds Oravp mnl rinllnlno- mmmimm imm Orders will receive prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. : ' fOE K. WIU-IS, Proprietgf, tiuooeasr to liefji.sp . 010) Cor.' BROAD AID CRAVm'Stn,, : XUW BERNE, N, 0. u. 1L. wiLivEit is my authorized agent in Kineton. ' ' ma30-lrdw CfiB!HETFGLBIeijl)3 The most perfectly bnlnwM FOI.DIN'ft TKT) la tin World, (substantial, yefcsollRlittlintsctir.a enn omm snd close It with enso. Tlieyconihlne GHEAT BTRENHTH, BEA1IT1T 6ml tTTIUTT. It la ti.o VKR7 BKST, most compact, EASIEST FOLDKI) EKD.Sndis hot olicrnl to tic publlo as the CHEAP-'' KST patent Folding Bed on the market. It ECONO MIZES. SPACE, fnivrs WEAR and TKATt , f CAn.' PEiS, kcepa the IJKUniKQ CLEAN ?ROJi IHhi Mtsf rjl'ldly'wfiewfdli i WPpitHw Mil ii iitij Iiwd'i'fn BcniR..iT, nnEss'isaVA-!; - rAtolNr. JJOIIK.tiAHR, Ml .. .! JtOAItl. end Ultl llSIO.DKliK Htsimu, euud lur Descriptive nd IlliiHtrsted Clrculur. . Facto;ry&Ofnce,1455 State St. Chicago. fyIn tending Ibr circular with prices, please name papc. " . . ; , y . - j, ii, " ,-'.., ... 1 '' . It Stands at the HeMi t: - L: lvr PBU.5 m Mi SBSS X V S ' -

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