- V. . 1.. 3 THE JOUI!:iAL. ; Cray err -J J ,r--I.j,r!ry, oUN. "4 in f!nV A . ....... w tMM UNTIL ITRTITER NOTICE THE NEW f tirne and lamlieo fcteam Transportation CMupany will dispatch their llzr? and Fust Sailing Steamer EL3I m follows: " , kiouduys ....... Leave Bay boro for Ne w Berne 8 a. m ' (stopping at Stonewall, Van- deinere, Pamlico, Adams Creek add lUverdale. - f Wedneedavs - . Leave New Berne for Bayboro 8 ajn. (Stopping at Mverdaie, A1 ma Creek, Pamlico, Van deuiereaud Stonewall Thursdays , Leave Bayboro for New Berne 8 a.m Stopping at Stonewall, Van- demere, Smiths Creek, Ad am Creek and Klverdale. Ratnrdava Leave New Berne for Bayboro 8 a. m. (Stopping at Klverdale, Ad ama Creek, Smiths Creek, Vande mere and Stonewall. . Having good accommodation both for pas sengers and freight at very low rates, ask that the merchant and producers along Its line give it their oneerrui support Kor further Information enquire at the of fice. Foot of Craven street. RALPH GRAY, Agent at New Berne. Or any of Its Agents at the following places: ABK LEE, Adams Creek, D. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, 0. H. KOWLER, Stonewall, . . 8. H. FOWLER, Bayboro, JOSHUA DEAN. Pamlico, W. H. JACOBS, Smiths Creek, MALLETT BROS, Klverdale. W Freight received nnder cover every day the week. " JanZldAwly NEW-BERNE, BEAUFORT k 0XS10W INLAND COASTING COMPANY CONNECTING WITH ! . 1 Atlantic & N. C. Railroad, : "-: and w : ; CLYDE'S 1?. 0. LINE STEAMERS At Morehead City and New-Berne. Through arrangements to and from all Bogne sound. White Oak and New River points, and Through Bills Lading Issued to 11 points. North, East, South and West. . Quick Transportation and prompt delivery of Cotton, Naval Stores, General Pi xlnce, Goods, Wares and General Merchandise, and rates guaranteed as low as by any line. Cotton IUte per Bale of 490 Lbs. White Oak and Bogue New River Points to New-Berne......$1.00 to New-Bcme......tl,50 ' Norfolk-. 2 00 ' Norfolk 2.50 "Baltimore - 2.50 i "Baltimore 8 00 New York 8.00 Philadelphia ... 8.00 Boston ............ 4 00 - Providence 4.00 " New York 8.50 Philadelphia... 8.50 Boston . 4.50 " Providence 4.50 W All cargoes covered by Insurance. The transportation service of the Inland Coasting Company, now organized and In successful operation, will be as thorough, effi cient, prompt and cheap, as It Is possible to make It, and the patronage of producers and shippers Is respectfully solicited. For further Information apply to the local Agents of the Line, Office of the Company: ; Beaufort, N, C, Oct. 22, 1883. A. W. STTROU, President, ctZtdAW WM. A. IIEARNB. Supt. RAILROADS. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. n n n - - .-I r, r. I , r i ' 1r Atlantic &, N. C. Railroad. TIME TABLE No. 6. In Effect 12:00 M., Sunday, December 23d, 1883. . EAST. r WBST. , . N.7. Express Pass.fcMall Arr. L've. No. 48, Express, Pass.&Mail STATIONS. : r. m. p. u, A. M A. M. 10 28 5 50! 8 T 82 9 21 Goldsboro ....... La Grange..... 11 10 10 21 9 30 4 38 ft? 121 Kinston, ............... 9 45 flew xorn,.... Morehead Vepot,, 7 21 7 47 11 8S r. mj 500 P. X. A. V. A. H. EAST. WEST. No. 8 . 1 , , . .: No.4 Mixed Fgt. .: r. Mhw'Fgt Pass. Train. 8TATI0.HS. Psss. Ira n. mmmtlmtsm Arr. L've. Arr. . aVve A. M. A. X. . T. H. P.M. 7 10 Goldsboro,......-....- 7 86 7 46 7 50 Best's . : 6 67 7 00 10 8 26 La Grange, ......... 6 14 6 37 if ft) 8 56 Falling Creek....... 5 44 5 50 29 9 50 Kinston, .. 4 57 6 20 10 26 10 80 Dover ... 4 16 4 21 10 68 11 00 (lore Creek. 8 48 8 48 24 11 80 Tnicsrora 8 14 8 19 11 42 11 45 OUrke's 8 02 8 02 12 17 1 Newbern, 2 80 r. M. P. U. P. M. P.M. EAST. WBST. No. S. : lfiudFgt.Jt: . Fate. Train. ! : No,. : WisAil Fat. k. STATIONS. Pass. Train. Arr. 5 84- OS; 5(! , 1 08j 7 88 , 7 65 A. M. ! L've Arr. L've, i A. if. t I 4 49': Newbern...... ... i 5 26': Eiveriiale..........-: 5 39 ; Croatia ...........i 19! HTeloek..........: 8 56; Newport i 7 10; Wlldwood i 7 45; Morehead City i j Morehead Depot...: A.H. t P. M.i 1 25 12 841 12 21 ! 1152; 11 10: 10 58; 10 20, ' i A. M.l P. U. 12 89 12 26 11 57 11 20 10 58 10 25 10 00 A. M Train 48 unnnninta with Wllmlnirton A Wei- don Train bound North, leaving Goldsboro , 11:50 a. m., ana wiui tuenmona a Das vine ln Wao li-Hii.ilAMdiANi If-Sii . m And Wllmlngton&WeldonTralnS0nthat5 P-" Train 4 eonnects with W. A W. Train bo und South, leaving Goldsboro 8 p.m. Train 47 eoanects with Blchmond k Danville . Train, arriving at Goldsibcro 6:20 p.m., and Wil- mincton and Weldon Train irora the fcotm at A:4ftD.m. Trulns 4, 6 4 6, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Trains 47 A 48, dally except Sunday. Train 3. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturdays, Trains 48 A 8 breakfast at Klnston. Train 47 jrapperat Klnston. W. Dunn, Superintendent. Midland N. C. Railway. HUE T AiLB No. i, fa effect fhuradar, October 25, 1883. WEST. - EAST. K7L T Mixed Tln. r Mixed XraJn. . STATIONS. l' Arr. LVe. ' - Arr. I've. 4. X. P.M. a.m. AM. 9 08 Goldsboro......-: 614 t 29 9 81 Oopelaadys .......... 6 61 6 53 45 9 48 Princeton..,. 6 81 6 87 9 65. Holt's Mill......v.,. 6 27 6 27 10 It 10 M' Pine Level .... 08 6 09 B0H4j 8mthlleld.. 4 48 ' JU OAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Tralv t connects with A. A N. C Freight Train lenvlKildsboro at 7:30 a.m., and with W. A W. Tram gutng North at 9:50 a.m., going ion th at 5:15 p w., and With K. D. train going 'WestatllhOOa.m. Train No. 1 connects with A. A N. C. train arriving at Goldsboro 8:26 p.m.; with R. A 1). . Tnilnnrrtving at 6:20p.m., and with W, AW, CTriins arriving at 5:46 p.m. and 8.00p.m.. , V. Dunn, i . , " ; ' Superintendent. The Neuso Bivp.r Navigation Uompany Will run the following Schedule: Steamer Kinston W1U leave the Old Dominion Wharf TUFJta DAYSand FRIDAYS, and arrive at Klnston WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, and leave Kinston MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, arrlv Ins In New Berne the nine day. Will tench at all Landings along the River going and coming. Steamer Neuse. Will leave New Berne MONDAYS and WEDNESDAYS for Jolly Old Field, return ing TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS. Steamer Blanche Will leave New Berne WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS at 7 a. m. for Trenton. Re turning will leave Trenton THURSDAYS and MONDAYS at 7 a. m.. touohlng at PolloRs ville and other landings on Trent Hlver. These Bteamers will mako close connections with the Old Dominion line. Freights received at all hours. ' ' For rates apply to W. K. STYKON, Je ... . daw ' -a Agent at New Berne. OLD 10M11NI01N Steamship Company. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE For New YorK, Baltimore, Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, '. VhHadelpbia, Providence, i ami other Cities ' ; ; ; ON AND AFTEH ;' " :y: Mondav yfuly 2nd, 1883, CNTIL FUUTIIER NOTICE Steamer Sienandcali Will leave. nton a.iivnl of train on Norfolk Sonthern UsilUdd at Elizabeth City, every J l.f MONDAY AND THTJUSDAT. ." for New Berne. Returning leaves New Berne for Elizabeth City every ... TUESDAY AND FRIDAY at p. m., making close connection with Nor fo Southern K. R. for Northern cities. Close connection made , at New itemn with steamers for Kinston, Polloksviile, Trenton and all landings on the Neusa and Trent Rivers.. No freights received for shipment on Tuesdays and Fridays after S4 p m. Freight forwardKd promptly and lowost rates guaranteed to destination.' Fare to Elizabeth Oity and return. 4. To Washington, 4. To Norfolk. tS.i To Baltimore. $8. (Hi. To New York. E. B. ROBERTS, Ag't, New Berne, CDLrPPB 4 TURNKK. Ag'ts, Norfolk, y. A W. H. Stabf6bd, Oen'l Kr't Ag't, ' ' ' ' r New York CSty rrent Eiver Transportation . Oompanj. Will despatch their Steamers after this date for Klnston, Jolly Old Field, Trenton and PollockBVille, as follows : . Steamer Trent Will leave New Berne every Monday and Thursday from her dock, foot of Oraven street. at NINE o'clock, AM., for Kinston. - Retaining, leave Kinston for New Berne Tuesdays and Fridays at ONE o'clock, P.M. xaKing ireignt lor an landings on the river, and connecting at Jolly Old Field with the Contentnea Creek Steamboat Company both ways , . .-, , e . Steamer L. H; Cutler Will leave for Pollocksville and Trenton, tak ing freight and passengers, every Saturday and Wednesday, from her dock at EIGHT O'clock, A.M. Heturning every Monday and Thursday, leaving Trenton at SEVEN o'clock, A M. Freight received nnder cover every day, Sunday excepted. Charges will be as low as by any other line. Close connection with all points North, East and West, via Clyde line, from New Berne Merchants wishing their goods to go by this line will order their ship ments vlaN. 0. Line, from Baltimore, Phila delphia, New York, and all points North. All goods bandied with care ana damages prompt ly paid when proven. Through Bills of Lad ing given and rates guaranteed. , ; E. K. BRYAN, JR., a . A-ient at New Berne. E; R. Page, Gen. Solicitor. . . . dw . t S. H. Gray, Gen. Man. y Change of Pier in New York. The N. C. Freight Line FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and all points IVortU and. West After this date will receive freight In New York for New Bern at PIER 7, NORTH RIVHR, Office of New York and Baltimore Transportation Co. ' Merchants should remember that this is one of the nest steam Lanes eat o? Mw jor, making daily connection with Baltimore for New Berne; an lnsiae, ana oniy one cnnge. SEMI-WEEKLY . STEAME11S Between New Borne ; and Baltimore, (Touching at Norfolk) .' Leaving New Berne for Baltimore TUESDAYS FRIDAYS at 1 p m. Leave Baltimore foj New Berne WEDNESDAYS dnd SATURDAYS 6. p.m. Agents are as follews: EUBKN FOSTER, Qcnl Jfanagor, 90 Light St., Bal't. Md. 148. V, McCARRICK, Ag't. Norfolk, V. W. V, ,Oyda $ Co- Philadelphia, it South harves. . .. . i - York A Balto. Trans. Une, Pier t&ann river E. Sampson, Boston, S3 Central wharf. -K. H. Rockwell, Providence R. I. ' D.O. Mink, Fsll Hirer, Derrick wharf. ' Ships leave Boston, Tuesdays and Saturdays. " " New York daily. ' " Bsltlmore, Wednesdays and Sstardftys . Fall River, Mondays, Wednesdays. Fridays. " r Providence, Satnrdavs Through bill ig yen, and rate gnaran i to all points, at the di,flerent pJlces of' the mpante. . , ., . - Aroid Breakage el Balk and Ship via ; N. C. LINE. d MurMlyB H. CRAY, Agt, New Sern,N NEW N. C. JA". 16, 18S4. Criticising an Easrle. Entering the room of & friend, who had a collection of stuffed birds, a critic proceeded to pass very nn favorable judgment on a staffed eagle he had not seen before. The bird did not look at all natural, and he noticed that the head was not in the right position. 'Suppose you put the head in the right position,", suggested the proprietor of the establishment. The critic attempted to do so, but the stuffed bird took a liberal bite oat of his finger. He had been crit icising a live bird. V Philadelphia FoIItencsH. The Philadelphia youth is grow ing more and more precious. An uotown grammer school boy became so obstreperous yesterday .that his teacher, new m her vocation, young and pretty, determined to try the plan oi Keeping mm in. Alter school she sat with grim determina tion until it became dark, and then she let him depart. yhat was her astonishment at the gate to find the youth awaiting her! Ho greeted her with: "It's too dark for a young lady to be alone on the streets. Will you allow me to see you home?" Philadelphia Nem. A Tacancy in the Staff. The innocent farmer fronyover i the river, who left five uotatoes in our office with a request that we would write them up, put his name in the paper and say be had a big lot of them to sell at $1 a bushel is respectfully informed that our lool editor has resigned and 'that bis department of the ,paper is closed tor tue season. jcall mver Advance. Edward Bromley, a young Phila delphia machinist, asserts that he has -discovered a new mechanical law, the application of . which will enable him to increase hundred fold the power of any machine, from a clock .to a steamship, without using an ounce more fuel than usual, or driving the motive power any faster than ordinary. The discovery con sists inj 'combining the action of tne screw, the inclined plane and one other form ' which, , like , Mr. Keeley, he refuses td mention. Mr. Isham Bridcrford. Warrenton. N. C, says: "I had the dropsy and was benefited bv usin? Brown's Iron Bit ters." . , '",''"'V; , , ' . " Emory's Little Cathartic is the best and only reliable Liver Pill known; never fails with the most obstinate cases, purely vegetable. 15 cents. , ! wdw .Ayer's Hair Vigor Improves the beau ty of the hair and promotes its growth. It imparts an attractive appearance, a delightful and lasting perfume. While it stimulates the roots, cleanses the scalp, and adds elegance to luxuriance, its effects are enduring; and thus it proves itself to be the best and cheapest article for toilet use. . dw For Rent, STORE on enst side Mlildlo street, below South Front. , jV Also, a Water Front between Kdnn and Spring streets. In, front of W. P. Moore's old still yard. - f ; ;: s Apply to "'- -:. JanlSdtf Dr. CHAS. DUFFY. rFEEEforTRIAL at Ananiaumganaspoeayeuroior f f Navout DtbUity and Weaknen, Loan niaiituiaii Vigor, or any i jjovilrsraltof indiacretinn. raness. iKj'.-J overwork, etc.. (ovor forty thou- mna posiuvo cures.) Mr Hfoa Jfic. for i iwln'j ou trial box of 1U0 pills. Adi'rcsv. ,, Dr. M. TV. iiAOOS, cor.ClarVSt and Calbonu Plauo. Cmcioo. Iu HORITER SCHOOL, V o ac a? o,3a 33, 3NT J', o The SPRING 8ESS10Nof 1881 will begin the SECOND MONDAY In JANUARY, Terms as heretofore.' Send for catalogue, Jan2dw2w Dr. KEAN, UWfihwJ still t re alio tU Prt- Narfouj, Chronic tpd HpecUldtf MMfl,SiwimatnrhH,, lmpotecy (ZDal lneapaelt7)lFinalw dlaMCB', etc. Oon amltattoB penmiallr, or by Utter fret Tr. Kao il th only philcl In th oltrthHt wnrntntacar or nonn. 8M ptis Hlutntted tiook, ovr 1,000 prvtcripllooj, $1 by mAlU Frorn my old store to second door north of u . gutter's, next to J. B. Brown's barber shop, for a feWdn'son)v, while repairs are be ing made. Still yon can 0nd the fipest cigars, tobacco, Gall & ax's fine chewing, and smok. ing of all kinds, and plug, candies, etc. .. , 1 WM. L. PALMER, ' dw Middle St., New Berne, N.O." 1884. ...j'.;.; Harper's Young People, ' Ait'llla&tratsd Wfekly 16 Pases. ; Salted to Boys and Girls of fronj Ulf tQ Vol. V. Commences November 6, 1S83. Harper's YoTJNO Pbopm Is the best weekly ior cnuuren in America. southwestern OhriHtlan Advocate All that theartlst's Rlilll pun nwnmnlluh In the way of Illustration has been done, and the best talent of the country has contributed to lis text. New England Journal of Education, In Its special field there is nothing that can be compared with it. Hartford Evening Post. ' - y''- TERMS, -r" IJARPtfltfS TOVNO PEOPLE, ) , -A 79 erTer,psWePffp,jl, , Htnoi.b Numbers, Five Cent earji, SDecimen codv sent oh receiDt of Three Cents. ' The Volumes of "Harper's Young People" for 1881, 1S82, and 1883. handsomely bound in Illuminated Cloth, will be sent bv mail, nont- age prepaid, on receipt ofJ8 0(1 each. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding. Will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of 60 ctMitieiuli. - KBmiiiii)c.eg .'snoniu ie made by Pout-Office Money Older oi" i'i6, loavojd clmju-e of ti,is, Newsiv.nf rn ie nut to cbnv tills u mentwiiuiiiit lue express order of 1 ; r & BlOllx'l-H. AlMl'I'HS iiAIJTLR k JbitUTilERS, Hew x. a If joa are tro:.l! 1 v. 'h randrulf, Itching, or ery 1 .:::cr or Dis ease of tie fn;'?, -. ess ; AyertHairVigor. It heals nearly erery disease peculiar to the scalp, checks the falling out of the Hair and prevents it from turning gray, and is an Unequalled dressing and toilet article. ; peepabbd bv DrJX. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. IVEAK, UXOEVELOPED-PARTS OPID. KTHI';T1IKNK," Em., iwnn intnrenting vdvcrii..i nii'iit, hi ut: run in tjin: iKtr. In reply to in guinea we mil way that tnert"i.-i" no pyidtuice of Ul putf abniifc th is. " On the contrary, tho advert iaorw nro yrylK'Ti1y indarni'd.' lnti'rel.'g persona 'may Ket gt'ah ci cirt'uiara giving all particulars by addressing , jtlilE Si KnjfJAMJo.. liuil'alo',Js. Y. Toledo Kerning Jtc CHRISTHAS HOLIDAY GOODS OF EVEHY DESCRIFTI01T, FROM A Tin Horn to a :: t $20 Hotly. Horse. Elegant Albums, Vases AND Anything tl Please both. Young and Old At fe27-dtf JOHN DUNN'S. 1884. Harper's Magazine, - I L LUST It A.1' IS S ). HAUPmt'silA0AztNEbeclnslts8lxty-elKlith volume with the Deeemuer Number. It is the most popular illustrated periodical In America and Kugland, always fully abreast of the times in Its treatment of trabjects of cur rent social and Industrial Interest, and always advmiehiK Its standard of literary, artistic and mechaniral excellence. Among its at tractions for 188 1 are: a new serial novel by William lilack, Illustrated by Abbey; a new novel by E I'. Itoe, Illustrated by Gibson and Melmnn; descriptive illustrated papers by GcorRO H. Broughton, Frank U. Millet. O. H. Farnham, and others; imporUint historical and biographical pajiers; short stories by W. l. ttoweiiH, ;uane tteano, eu. . , , , II Alt PEIt'S P15StI Ol) I C A LS. . , PER TEAR : nAitrKirs mahazine :.. 4ti oo HARPEH'8 WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAK 4 (XI HARPER'S VOUNd PEOPLE i, 50 HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LI- -. BRAKY One Year, (62 Nuuibers)..,....10 00 ' Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. - ' The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June aud December of each year. When no time Is specified, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to be gin with the current Number. ! - The last Eight Volumes of Harper's Maga sine, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of $3 00 per volume. Cloth Oases, for binding, 60 cents each by mail, postpaid. ' Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, and Clossihed, for Volumes 1 to 00, Inclusive, from June, 1850, to June, 1880, one vol.,8vo, Cloth, $100. ;: . , ' Remittances should be made by Post-Office Mouey Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. , Newspapers are not to copy this advertise meht without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Addrens HARPER BROTHERS, NewYork. t THE f)EN TUB Y. . Programme for 1883-'84. Tne programme for the fourteenth year of this magazine, and the third nnder the new name, Is if anything more interesting and popular than ever. With every season Thk Cetvby shows a decided gain in circulation. The new volume begins with November, and, when possible, subscriptions should begin with that issue. The following are some of the features of the coming year: A Kevr Novel, by George V. Cable, nn, thor of "Old Creole Days," etc., entitled "Dr. Hevier," a story of New Orleans life, the time being the eve of the late Civil War. - . "Life In the Thirteen Colonies," by Ed Ward Eggleston, separata illustrated papers on subjects connected with the earlv history of this country. - , Three Stories by Henry James, of vary ing lengths, to appear through the year. The New Astronomy, untechnlcal arti cles, by Prof, 8. p. Lung ley, describing, t he most interesting oi recent discoveries in the sun and stars. A Novelette by 11. H. Boyesen, author of "Ounnar," eto. a vivid and sparkling story. The New Bra in American Architec ture, a series of papers descriptive of the best work of American architects Jn Public Build ings, City and Country Houses, etc. To be profusely illustrated. . , . A Novelette by Robert Orant, author of "Confessions of a Frivolous Olrl," etc, enti tled "An Average Man," a tory of New York. The Bread-winners, one of the most re markable novels of the day, to be completed in January. "Christianity and Wealth," with other essays, by the author of "The Christian League of Connecticut," etc., on the application,, of Christian morals to the present phases of modern life. . Coasting About the Gulf of St. Law rence, a series'of entertaining articles, pro fusely Illustrated. Scenes from the Novelists, Hawthorne, George Eliot, and Cable, with authentic drawings. On the Track of Ulysses, the record of a yachtrcruise in the Mediterranean, identify ing the route of Ulysses on his return from tte Trojan war, 'fOarlield )n England," extracts from his private Jouruul kepi jlurlpg his trip to Europe "The Silverado gqiiatters.H by Robert Louts Stevenson, author of "Now Arab)a'n Nights,". There will be papers on outdoor England by John Burroughs and others, a beautifully Illustrated series on Dante, a number of pa. fers by the eminent French novelist A Iplionse laudet, articles oji art and archieology by Charles Dudley Warner and others, Illustrat ed papers on sport and adventure, short stories by the leading writers, essays on time ly subjects, etc., etc. ; . - Subscription price, J1.00 a year; single num bers sold everywhere, at 36 cents each. All dealers receive subscriptions, or remittance may be made direct to the publishers by pos tal or e-xpress order, registered letter, bank check, of draft, ' - '. HPEOIAIi OPFK!fl, To enablenew subscribers to bealn wllh the hint volume tinder 'JHK OfvniKV name, we make the following special offers : New sulwcribers beginning with November, IRSil, may obtain the magaxlne lor one year from diite.ontl the twenty-four previous num bers, unbound, for $8.00. ltegular price for the three years, (M2.II0. Or, If preferred, 'ft subKcrlpllon find Hie t.'eny-foiir numbers bound in four ele"mit volumes wi)l j! f irii's'i'.-d f- r M), J .miiar price, , 1 - liiiiCFMTKV CO., K. w-Vf !,-, N. . 5S.C:;:.:;!:C;;.C:-iti:j:::,C;:::;:i; Arofrtilnrpra.lnata. fJ-Tho Olde.t SioeInlit in the UmWii Stttti-'S, whoao likk long l-:i'i;i;ii-,sci. perfect mothi'it and pura medicine iusnra Ki'iuv nd 1'KU.MtNkNT cfEK of all private. Chronic and Nervnua bi'-ises. A tlect ions of t he J1md, &ktit. Kidney., 'ailder, .riittlon, t lcei-.. Old , Nwfliinif ,.- the t.lnnii.. Sore i tin Hi. l'liroiit, lioue l'tiliia, pennauentl oiuvd and eradicated from the system lor Ide. F" H ""if ' IttUImpotfnr.8ftittnttl a. Attn a Losses, Sexuul Decay, Mental and Physical Weakness, Failing Elemory, Weali JZijes, Stunted Deedopmcnt, Imxeli meiits to Marriage, etc., from excesses or any cause, sjyredih, safely and privately Cured. S" Youwr. Mldrtle-Aged and Old men. and all vho need medioal ktH and eacrlenec,co-,iBUli Dr. Bate at onoe. Ilia opinion oobib nothing, and may aave future misery and shame. When inconrenieut to visit the city for treatment, medicines can be sent everywhere by mail or express free from obaer. vntlnii. 9-It is self-evident that a phyaioian who gives his whole attention tJ a class of diseases nt tnlna crreut aklll, and physicians tliroufrliout the eountrv, knowinrfhis,l're(nentlyrecoininenl difficult canes to the Olde.c Ne-lullt, by whom ever knewtt aid rcaeilv is used. 3-Dr. liate'i Ave end lIxitTieiicd nnVe his opinion of su preme lin;"Mnee. nsr-Those who e.i'.l seo no ontrb it tlie J Jielor. ( lonnill atioimfreo and aneredly eonncr.iiititl. t'nses which hnvnfiilod in obt .lining rolief e!iwherc. esiieoiatlv nolit-iteil. I-Vronlo Ilia eases tr.-H.cd. CaU or Writ, llenrs, frrn f to 4 f? ti W p-'imlflvs. J: ti 3. tfllij l HjkaX'XU SEX'.' l'IIKK. AdtlrcanM rt.ivo.! , . , ASA JONES, ELiddla Street, K"owbern, N. C, , '. DEALER IN Staple and Fancy, Dry Goods HOOTS, SIMS, CLOTHISn, Etc- . Agent for the DIAMOND SHJRf ' nlann ' dried tl.tXI. Iondrled $1.25. And the eelebruted Warner's Coraline Corset, : l rice st.uu, : -. v ,i A full Hue of Gentw'. Ladles' and Clnldren's Underwear, Gents' Linen, Celluloid and Paper uunars hiiu tuns., niiK ana Linon jinuatier- chiefs, all kinds of Oents'. Ladies' and Chil dren'sllund and Machine Made Shoes. Rub. Der uoats, nais ann nnoes, ijidies' uioaks and jacKets, nun e very ining usually Kept in a first olass Dry (Joods St -ire. ASA JONES, mnrfkliivly ' Middle Bt., op. Baptist Ohurch Leader of Low Prices. WHOLESALER RETAIL. Hits Just returned from the North with a large ana weii-seiectea stocK ot Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions, Cheaper 'ilian Ever Offered Before. 1 will have Hpeclal Sales every week in ev. eryline. My stock of IJRKHS OOOllB, Btich as Bllhs, Ktttins, utshnieres and Mourning uools, can' not be matched for the money In the telHte. I have ftlawo line of Uress l rlnimiiiKH.Km broideries and iMlizlntu nt reduced oriees. Ladies, oeiitsand Children's Under Vests in great variety. Special attention is called to our Shoe Pe- partniejii. Also. ;arpels tnd OH Cloths. A large stock of 1'lcture h ranies of every aesenpuon. Fancy floods, flaskets, Tinware, eto., etc. 4r Special inducements offered to whole. sale customers, aud satis action guaranteed to every one. a Come e trly and get the first pick. 1 0. MARKS, octZUdwSm Pollock st i New Heme. N.'O, Walter P. Burms & Co., ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND PEA.LKE8 IN GRAIN OF ALL KIM. V (Corn a Specialty.) ; - NowBorue, XsT. O. 49 Orders and Consignments reBjieetfulIj ollclted , , , . ianl-dAwly 1 HEU'ELE SELF-CUHE A fkvoritA arowrrfnttnw nf on a at tnfl fast noted and successful specialists In the TJ. (now retired) for the cure of Xemmm DebUitm fsost JKnti AoMf, TFeafeneaw and JMoatf. 6eu U:pliaealeUttuvelopeire. UruggiaucaaSUl Addrsu PR. WARD A CO., IouisUm, Ho,-' 13, BWIiR'T-rs StaU'Ho. 2---Lefl Hand Side V' AT THE CITY MARKET, always snnnlied with the verv heal. HV.-uh Meats, Beef. Pork. Mutton and Kn the Market affords, Call on him. . : )aiuu-Qiy . , . C. E. FOY & CO., wholesale Grocers. And Dealers in Guano and Genuine German Kainit, ,' ' Brick Block, Middle street, d Newborn, N.C.' 'Anakesis"?iLc? in infaiHbis can for Piles. Price $1, at druggists, or sent prepaid by mail. Samplo rep. AO. -JinaRISMIS " Jkcrs,Box 8tl6i,wXor. U F FG R E R A Vom Vonthfnl linpnidenoe, canaing 1 from Jiervmu Debility. Mental and Phyufi W , Cansino d PhvnQ i caI Wfl&hnesa. Valuable infonnatioa valuable infonnatioa e. Used 23 ream traa- for home cnr ?. Uod 23 yearn btio- K TJ ROBERTS L HENDERSON general Insurance Agents, New Berne, IV. O. Only first class Companies represent eUiu ; i Fire. Llfo ani Accident Insurance. Total Capital over Forty Millions 01 . JwlliVR. Jun24dlv 1Q00 !3isUel9 Hust Prooi Seed Qats, .' 500 Bundles Ties, 20,000 Yards Bagging. For sale by , DAIL BROS., Commission Merchants, JTew perne, Iv. C. La I i j - . -,J II A3 TiU! Most Seleclccl Sloe1; 1 J ijijvj- Trorn, 2.0! Aliont sixty mil lion copies of The Sr n' 1 s-i fione out of our establishment during the i a twelve liumlhs. If you were to piiste end to end nil the o umns of all The Sl'.nsi printed and sold 1: vear you would (ret it eon li mums strip oi in,,., resting informal ion, coininon Mirmo vri:!-..:i-. sound doetrln, und sane wit long enoiu i i reach from Printing House g inure to tue I of Mount I'operuleus ill the moon, then I to Prlntliu! House square, and then tin..: -quarters oi Hie way buck to the moon mm in KutTnuSUN is written for the Inlmbiiniits of the earth; this Siime strip of lutolllKom-e would girdle tlie globe twenty-seven or twenty eight times If every buyer of a nopy of Thk Sits durlm; the past year Iiivh spent only one hour over 1 1 , and If hi wife or his grandfather 'has speiu mother hour, this newspaper in ISM hasui fordod the human race thirteen thousand years of steady rending, night and day. It is only h little calculations like those that you can form any Idea of the circulation of the most popular of American newxpaiwi k, or of lis influence on the opinions and actions of American men and women. Thk Sun is, and will continue to be, a news paper which tells the truth without fear of consequences, which gets at the facts no mat ter how-much the process costs, which pre sents the news of all the world without waste of words and In the most readable shape, which is working with all Us heart for tlie eauseoi honest government, and which there fore believes that the Republican party must go, and mi' st go iu this coming year of our Lord, : 881. If you know Thk Sun, you like It already, and yon will read It with accustomed dili gence and profit during what la suretobethe most Interesting year in Its history. If you do not yet know The Sun, It Is high time to , get Into the sunshine, - Terms to Mall Subscribers. Tlie several editions of The Sun are seut by mail, postpaid, as follows: DAILY 50 cents a month, $6 a year; wllh Kuntlay edition, $7. SUNDAY Eight pages. ThisedlUon furnish es the current hews of the world, special articles of exceptional Interest to every- : body, and literary reviews o new books of the highest merit. $1 a year. WEEKLY $1 a year. Eight pages of the best ; . matter of the daily issues; nn Agricultural ', Department of unequalled value, special market reports, and literary, selenillio ' and domestic Intelligence make Thk , ; Wkkki.y Bun the newspaper for the farm- er's household. To clubs of ten with $10, j; nn extra copy free. Address I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher, . The huh, N..Y. City. w. ii . i kwi: v ' Would Inform the public generally Jintlio : is lif ted np In first-class style having Just fitted In now chairs and is prepared toglvo you as good a shave ns was given when his predecessor, John M. Itanton. was alive, for TEN CENTS. Call at the Gaston Ilonso Carber Shop s and be convinced. t tulUl-dly WM. LOKG1I, ! GENERAL MERCHANDISE J CAST KCUS2 AC00Sniiup4?;C,':.: ' . ! Uroad Sit. Htw Bern, ti. C. I . (! ur 'taat . i - i 1 imm MiRTJl tlMUM MAI1BLE WO KK8 JiEWliRNF.,JUV . hr MONUMENTS, TOMBS, And nil Utndsmve and KMldlng wurk In ITALIAH&AKERIGAN R3ARBLE Orders will receive prompt alteutlop and aatiBfaction guaranteed,, y JOE K. WILT .IS, Proprietor, (successor to ueon;e W. Claypoolo) Cor. BROAD AM) CRAVEN St., NEW BERNE, N. C. G. E. Miller is my authorized agent in KinetoD. : nia30-lydw PATEraT AOTOMATIO Lit r-3 CO . ThainMlutl.l,.l 1 t- m . .. . 1 . .' " Ift JluV;'a"! yetsollclitlliatacliild can 0k ii anil close it with mm. Tlicy mnililne Great STRENGTH, BEAUTy Sr.a rriLITy It ia tl,' iSiX. I5faT' lnoSt cynpnet, EA8IKST FOI.DK1) Y nll''ow otlered u the. puhllo na tlie f:iiEAI' f.?TJ?Vcnt InMiris Bed on the market. ItFCONol ms, keeps tlie BKDD1NG CLEAN FROM nils" fMtlir rjPlilly BiiM'tw(lir til otli bed In tin &e wuntr.tU0 l ailk 4'WMf Jll in BTJRKAI'. tlt rTn r p C A m Jf KT, it ii ""a HK , fSU K 1 fif iui fur Ikatr tiflvn atwl Ill....i dt J Factqry &0fHceI14g5 State St Chicago. Wnfcndlnir fur circular with iirlces, please name It Stands at the Ilecifl. t::: i: PABIJiETFGLD! ' . .1 , Rj 53 -'r?!;SuB a

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