;. 1 xi T it . i . OUKXAh. Jddi 1L Vol. ii.-.- NEW BERNE, N. C, FRIDAY,, JANUARY 25, 1884. NO. 253. IT 1 3 nv i i Z: I . Y JJ-jOLJLJLJaJL LOCAL NEWS. J iunl mtulatare Almanac. : Sun rises, 7: 6 ) Length of day,- Sun sets, 5:20 10 hours, 14 minutes. . Moon rises at 4:52 a. m. , No Newsand Observer on Wednesday night. " . .. ' Messrs. Isaao Brock and Frank S. iKoon"e,' of Jones, are in the city with cotton, turkeys, etc. . ''.T". " v;v The sloop Nellie May, of Beaufort, is in port. She sails for Elizabeth City to day with a cargo of lumber.', . , - The regular . monthly meeting of the Trustees of the New Berne Academy will be held this evening at the office of W. G. Brinsou, Esq. Besides other im portant business the annual election of officers will be held. V : ' ' ; : ; ' ' The Directors of the A. N. 0. Rail- ' road meet to-day in this city.: Some thing definite should be done in regard to leasing so that whether it is leased or ' not steps may be taken to put the road bed in thorough 'condition for the sum- t mer travel. '. : . -A thief broke into Mr. B. Swert's stall at the market dock on yesterday morning about 5 o'clock and walked off with a porker. ' Watchman McGregor came up in time, however, and the thief had to drop the hog in order to save his ' own bacon. : - ; We regret to bear, just as we are go- , ing to press, of the death of Mrs. Griz zell Walker, wife of Mr. James SW Walker. Mrs. Walker has boen sick , but a short time and her death was unexpected for this reason, and will fall with additional sadness on friends and acquaintances. . ' Several gentlemen have been enquiring for the office of C. E. Palmer, the, inter nal revenue collector. I, We suggest to Mr, Palmer to give notice "through the Journal where his office is. . The cost to him will be ltttle compared to the an . noyance of the people who have busi ness at his office. - . - - ! f Steamer Movements. . -; f '. The Stout sailed for Baltimore yester day evening with 700 bales of cotton, naval stores an d lumber. ' 1 Elm City arrived from -Bay boro last night with a large lot of trout and mul let, beef cattle, sweet potatoes, chickens and fifteen passengers. The Trent, i from Trenton, with 70 bales of eotton and other freights;" -. The Neuse, from Jolly Old Field, with 170 bales of cotton, discharged and put back for another cargo. Hold on the Decline. ' ' i 'Capt. Gibbs, of the Elm City, informs us that Mr. Chas. H." Fowler, of Stone wall, has offered one hundred one dollar gold coins for s sale for seventy-five dol larsand is unable to find a purchaser, This ; is' given as on - illustration of the scarcity of money around Stone wall. Money is not over .'plentiful in this city, but if Mr. Fowler is anxious to get rid of those coins on the above terms we will obligate to find him a pur chaser. . ' Proceeding! fu Attachment. The case of H. B, Claflin & Co. vs. W Sultan ' as.v. uo., , in attachment, was argued before E. ,W. Carpenter, C. S. C. . on yesterday. The argument was upon the motion of defendants' counsel to discharge the attachment. Preliminary to the argument the plaintiffs, through their counsel, F. M. Simmons, Esq. asked that the case be transferred to the Superior Court upon the ground that one of the defendants was on the official bond of the clerk, which fact might em , barrass him in rendering his decision Th is being refused the argument was opened by Hon. C. 0. Ciark for the de femlanto, jfollowed by F. M. Simmons . Esq., for tho plaintiffs, and closed by M. DeW. Stevenson, Esqi., for the de fendants. Ilia Honor reserved his de cision "''"'.. more Valuable Than Ever. We call our readers' attention to the .value, usefulness, and direct profit of supplying themselves this year with" the American Agriculturist, the cheapest as well as the most valuable journal in the country. Every number contains ono hundred columns of original reading matter, by the loading writers of the country, upon all topics connected with the Farm, (Jardcn, and Household, and nenrly ono hundred engravings made special! y for the American Agriculturist, The j"' P'!r) now in its 43d year, is un qu: lioiuibly more valuable than 'ever It ." re. lich number brings fresh evi dence tha't no time or money is consid ered whore the interest of the paper is uti ' . Its House I'lans and Improve ments, profusely illustrated, are worth more titan any costly architectural works.' I; s irstetent and fearless ex posure of humbugs and swindling schemes is of great value to the whole country, particular! v the farming com- i" Uy. in miors it nas eomeuung gooa n i l vj-.suablo tor evoryooiiy. uwir'T to a i : i-i'ial arran- . jnntwiUitho j'iib;...h- '- '") pis "- I to Oujr the . LY lilt: t - merkan Agiir-ultnrist v 'T, a; I the eiigrnyiit .a "Foos " .V" an 1 "In the Meadow" for ' i for i"irLin and postage. CONSOLIDATION OF LINES. STEAMBOAT The Nense and Trent River Compan ies Come Together, making One Strong Combination. . 'Wi Neuse& Trent River Steamboat Com pany, which is a consolidation and a reorganization of the Neuse River Navi gation Company and the Trent River Transportation Company, which we must say, to start with, is a good move, in our opinion, for both companies. This new company starts business with paid up capital of forty thousand dol lars with the franchise and business of both of the old companies thrown in free of charge, which is a great advantage and might be safely put down as being worth ten thousand dollars to them. The stockholders comprising the Neuse & Trent River Steamboat Company rep" resent a large and varied interest in our city and surrounding country. The names of them, so far ts we can gather, are as follows: :: V' v . Geo. Allen, L. H. Cutler, D. L. Rob erts, S. G. Roberts, Geo. Credle, Dr. James F. Long, D. N. Kilburn, Kenneth Styron, Chas. II. Blank, T. A. Green, '. E. Foy. C. T. Watson. Thos. Daniels. O. Marks, Wm. Cohen, B. : M. Gates, S. H. Gray, Isaao Patterson, Ralph. Gray. J. Lassiter, Geo. B. Guion, F. M. Simmons, Clement Manly, J; M. Ipock, David Styron, U. ju, Koberts, J. C. Whittv and T. C. Jones, all of the citv of New Berne; J. M. White, W. F. Stanly, Chauncey Gray and L. Harvey, oi JxinBton ; j . a. nanus, samuei uud son, Jas. W. Shepard, L. A. Foy and Bynum& Jenkins, of Polloksvilhj and lower end or Jones county; C. M. A. Griffin, of Bell's Ferry; William Cleve and Chas. T. Cherry,' of Swift Creek; i. K. "age ana Unas. n. Hoy, of Trenton We have taken tho trouble ! to secure these names so as to show how many different interests are blended together, and while they have succeeded as separate organizations, now in their combined efforts with the saving that can be made in the expense account by consolidating. -. , V Thus we have out of the small begin ning of a. few years ago the steamer Neuse that represented all of the prop erty of the Neuse River Navigation Company and the staam fiat Contentnea that represented all of the property of the Trent River . Transportation Conpany, to which some of the original starters have stuck to it from the begin ning, through thick and thin, the result of which is one of the strongest Steam boat V Companies ever , organized in . this '. section of our ' State, owning as they now do, six river steamers, four, of them are as good as new and all are in per fect working order.. They own desirable sites of real estate, large ware houses and wharves at Trenton, ; Polloksville, Oliver Landing, Becton Old Field, Kin ston i and 193 acres of land at Jolly Old Tiold, in Pitt: county, where the Contentnea creek empties into the Neuse river, covering at least one mile of water front and regarded as one of the most . important - points in that county, being the most available landing for all of that rich cotton and rice land adjacent there. We predict for Jolly Old Field a thriving village. Already the Postoffice Department has ordered a postoffice established at that point. The newly elected officers of the Neuse and Trent River Steamboat Co. are; :v;w,.t;.i )t ' 4 ",'1' Dr. Jas. F. Long, President T.A.Green, Vice-President. D. L. Roberts; Sect'y and Treas. J. M. White, Gen'l Manager. Board of Directors S. H. Gray, C. E, Foy, D. M. Roberts, Geo. Credle, W. F. Stanly, S. G. Roberts, Sam! Hudson. D. . KUburn, 1 a,. vmet....:-.- Finance Committee Geo. Allen, B M. Gates, Thos. Daniels. . The business will start on the new basis February 1st. As to the benefits to be derived by this steamboat trans' portation, it is a general benefit to the entire surrounding country, opening up a new life in agriculture, commerce and mechanical pursuits; but in all no section has . received greater benefits than tho Trent river section, and espec' ially do we mention the town of Tren ton, which has been apparently dead from our earliest recollection, and no progress has been -made " in that town , until its opening up 'to steam transportation, and we .are glad to note that some of her . citizens ' appreciating this fact are stockholders in this com pany. :" '''-' '; '' ;". ! . Too much credit cannot be given to the government appropriation "for the improvement of these rivers,' for with out that our section could not have made the rapid strides it has in so short a time. Already more than twohun dred miles of water way, are opened, to which the steamers of this company ply starting as they do at white uall, on the Neuse river, Snow Hill, on the Con tontnea creek, and Trenton, on the Trent river, with the prospect for a tramway or a narrow guage railway from rolloksvillo,' on tho Trent liver, in Jones county, to Jacksonville, on the New river, in Onslow county, panning tho great timber lands of tho White Oak section, and the most fertile and productive 1 farms of Eastern North Carolina, and bringing to our very doors not only the finest fish and oysters to be found in our State, but according to re cent discoveries, not surpassed by any thing in" the. world"." We say with out best bow, success to the new steamboat company consolidated. ' ; w ' Improved Machinery. One good sign of the times is to see our farmers purchasing more and more every year improved implements for tie cultivation of their farms. , On yester day Mr. Joshua L. Tucker, one of the leading farmers of Pitt, purchased of Mr. J, C. Whitty a Kemp's manure spreader. We know of no implement that is calculated to save more labor on tho farm than a successful manure spreader. The old way is to haul the manure out, dump it in piles all over the neia and tnen take a snoyei ana spreaa it in the drill, and we know from actual experience that this is the hardest work nn tho farm Tha now mnv ia r.A tnrnw I the manure into the spreader, straddle a row and empty it in the furrow. 3 Injunction Cases. The cases of Christian vs. A. & N. C. Railroad, application for restraining order against the stockholders and di- rectors leasing the road, will be heard before Judges Bond and Seymour at Raleigh on February 1st. The Tokay Vineyard. j We have received, with the compli ments of Col. Wharton J. Green, a neat pamphlet containing a description of the celebrated Tokay Vineyard, near Fayetteville, and the delicious wines maae mererrom. it aiso contains an essay on American grape culture by the proprietor, from which we may publish soma extracts. We have often heard tVin Tofcjiv wine snokfin of in the. hich-1 est terms but have never had the pleas- ureor smacking our hps over a class oi . -. . - I the juice. WW II Behind Time. .. For the first time since the Telephone was started we are a day behind in its publication. For nearly two end a half years we have never missed a mail con nection, but owing, we suppose, to the press orsfne8s on the A. & N. C. Rail road, or to the amount of outside work and figuring by the present manage ment to prevent a lease, our paper laid in the depot at New Berne several days instead of being forwarded as it should have been, and only came this, Satur day morning. Carteret Telephone. , To this Mr. Wm. Dunn, General Freight and Passenger Agent, replied as follows: J , New Berne, N. C, Jan. 22, '84, Editors Carteret Telephone: 4 I see from your paper of the 18th inst that the press of business, etc., on the & is. (J. Koad is such that your paper was left over at New Berne. This is not true; while the business of the Road at present is good, the freights are moved promptly Your bundle or paper was received from the O. D. S. S. Co. on Friday, about 2 p. m., and forwarded to you the same evening by passenger train. The delay occurred at some point North of New Borne. Yours truly, ; ; Wm. Dunn. Jones County Items. General Ransom, is. having - piling driven at Trenton in order to prevent the sand from tilling up the basin; 'r His force is certainly doing some good work nere. JNotwitlistanding everybody says hard times with us, you can see plenty of the legal fraternity busy as bees some days in Trenton, they must be doing a thriving business, unless they are work ing on tune. . . , The weather has been so bad that the farmers are progressing but slowly in their farm operations but they are do ing all they can, hoping that the good time is just a little further on when bright sunshine will dry their fields so they can plow them. ' Thn hnrsfi and muln tradn n nrtrAmn. lv dull with us this season. The time man who fnrnishprt the crnnnnrn last snasnn had In manv instancfls to takn rt - thfiir Rtonk hack ae-ain or elna run thfim over another year with but a dim hope of bettering themselves. There is one thing that has helped to ruin many of the Jones county farmers, particularly the colored farmers, and that is fast riding with little feed: and another one is top buggies to ride to church on Sundays 10 or 15 miles after a hard weeks; ploughing. ixiru wuuiu bbu mikii ui iuntB uuuuty, i 13 --ii li.l i T - i. it tne people nad tne wnerewith to get it, tor every one you taut with nearly says ne Deneves tnat it wm be nign in uie summer uuu twu uiirus oi tnuiu nay "l snail nave to tuy. " l nopa our iarmers wm try to snorten tneir cotton farms and enlarge tneir corn and oat farms, plant chufas. I find them the poor , man's friend. You can fatten more pork on one acre in chufas than you can fatten with five in corn. The convicts will be here on Saturday the 26th inst. to commence work on the Trenton and Core Greek road. Capt. Page is working like a beaver calling on the farmers for teams and wagons to haul them over here from Onslow coun ty. A large force. I understand, is preparing their quarters for themi They are building them near Mr. B. Morton's, about three miles from Tren ton. The farms of Mr. B. Morton and Mr. Thos. Harrison will be enhanced in value at least one-hird by having a good outlet to tho New Borne road when his new road is completed. t '- Kinston Items. The latest Buckeye (Ohio) idea is that it is vain, to buck against, twenty mil non dollars. Ladies who dance in the ballad at operas say they blush when they see lownecked dresses before them in the audience, The jail at Kinston is now empty. It is such a pleasant and comfortable place, however, it will not remain so many days. ' some one will be knocking for admission very soon. The young man who can thoroughly enjoy himself after discovering that his beautiful necktie has been left at the wrong place, is superior to the pomps and vanities of this wicked world The spring preparations for farming begin to manifest themselves. - Tenants are gathering together their old sows, oxen and house and kitchen furniture, getting ready to execute mortgages for mules and fertilizers, The love of display which results in I rot AdtantoriAti to thA vtuni r F anl. flshness, a desire to excite the envy of others rather than the wish to share benefits with them an effort to appear K niiuuuL ouiviug iu oo Bici, m without reality. U. S. Deputy Marshal Khodes, on a warrant issued by Commissioner Perry, brought Asa Waller to Kinston last Wednesday, charged with helping to run an illicit distillery. ' He was bailed for appearance before the Commissioner next baturday. Newborn, Tenn., doesn't fine the bar keeper for keeping open on Sunday, but it fines every man who goes into the bar and takes a drink. J. here you are. There '8 good legal sense. You don't arrest the farmer for keeping a good horse, but you jail the fellow who stole it. Stonewall Items. The measles continue to annoy our citizens in every section of the county. B. F, Mayhew. Esq.r lost a valuable nor8e 00 -ne.ioia msi. staggers wie cause. ' Miss Willie Aycock, of Aurora, Beau i i 1 j j ion county, uiea a iow uays since m pneumonia. ; - Mr. J. W. Brabble, who has been suf fering from a severe attack of measles, is convalescent Ben j. Gilliam came within a small fraction of escaping from jail the other night by burning out Mr. W. iW. Ferebee died about 10 o'clock on the night of-the 22d - inst after a severe attack of pneumonia. Mr. Thomas Boyd, of Durham creek, and Miss Bulah Tooten, of Bayboro, were married at the residence of Mr. Nathan Hooker on Thursday the 17th inst., Festus Miller, Esq., officiating The population of Pamlioo continues to increase, especially at Bayboro, there being a new arrival at Air. jas. ii. Tur ner's, a fine boy, and one 01 the same sex at Mr. George Hinnant's, and when Capt Gibbs. of the Elm City, arrived home on the night of the 22d another girl was there to greet him. Mr. B. H. Hopkins, near Bayboro, was the recip- ient, a day or so since, of a boy, and in StnTiownll a fnvr rlava ninoft Mr T T Monewaii, a iow aays since, mr. i. j. Baxter was the happy man a girl at his house. - - SY Sharp-Shooting. Your correspondent had the good for tune to spend an evening last week at the hospitable mansion of Col. Ilenry D. Koberson, at Kobersonvule, Martin county. Col. Roberson is the father of the thrifty village in which he lives and is also the man among them all who brought into existence the Albemarle Kaleign railroad.' : lie is a large farmer, the most popular man in his section, has a snug fortune, was an Old Line Whig, of union proclivities, and is now of course a progressive Republican. During the fool-fekinner contest for Congress, your , readers will recollect that the Bourbons flooded the district with big guns and little guns from Zeb. Vance all the way down ' to Senator Vance was billed for a speech at Kober son ville and the "faithful" gathered in goodly numbers to hear him. Vance maae nis speech amid the clanging' of tfrace-cftains, plow-points, etc., and after he got through went with a number or mends to dine atuoi KODerson 8. J.ne messing assea, ail bands sit down and were viewing the Koou iuiukb uuuei wuiuu iuo uiuuuKauy r i 1 nl T Tr Kroaiiau, wuou wi, bwmmou vbuuo I Wlttt tne exciamauon 'Senator, don't you feel happy I" Vance, thinking the bountiful repast was in some way alluded to, was about to make a characteristic reply when the Colonel interrupted, 'Senator, don't you feel happy r Every principle. you fought for in your beat days as an Old Henry Clay Whig is now in full blast under the Republican nnrf.v 1 . Prnfap.t.inn fit VinmA iniinat.rir. a I I f ' r J ' " mirrnncv and hunts na nnnnrt na thn r0ck of Gibraltar, the Union preserved, a National government, t "locofocoism" nowhere in fact, every" doctrine you and I used to tight for together." - The Igentleman who told me of the occurrence a democrat at that said Vance actually turned rnd in thafacn. I DUt after a moment's embarrassment. recovered himself and ejaculated: "well, old man; you haveeot me, but I plead the statute of limitations. Correspondence Old North State. Mr. A. A. Miller, ArmBeld P. 0.,N.C. says: "My wife has proven your medi cine to be good for nervousness and gen erai debility. " ' ; : The purest fragrant natutal tobacco for the pipe or cigarette is BlackwelPs Durham Long Cut. With no collodine in it, and only traces of the nitrates and mootine, it is chemically the purest to bacco in the world, to say nothing of delicious uavor and fragrance. d COMMERCIAL. Journal Office, Jan. 24, 6 P. M. COTTON-New York futures quiet; spots dull. New Berne market activo. Sales of 18 bales at 9 to 9.80, Middling, 9J: " Low Middling, 91; Good Ordinary, 8f . 1 '' NEW YORK SPOTS. Middling, ' 10 11-16; Low Middling, 10 5-10; Good Ordinary, 9 11-16. FUTURES. i January, . 10.58 February, 10.61 March, 10.78 April, 10.94 RICE No sales, . Market quiet at former, quotations. ; CORN Firm at 60 to 05. ' DOMKSTIC MARKET. , Tuhpentine Dip, 82.25; hard $1.25. Tar Firm at $1.25 and $1.50. Seed Cotton $2.50a3.00. Beeswax 25c. per lb. Honey 75o. per gallon Beef On foot, 5c. to 6c. Fresh Pork 7a8c. per pound. Eggs 25c. per dozen. : Peanuts 81.00al.25 per bushel. Fodder 80c. to $1 per hundred. Onions $3 per bbl. Apples 75c.a$1.00 per bushel. Field Peas 85c.a$1.00 per bushel. Hides Dry, 9allc; green 5a6o. Tallow 6c. per lb. Chickens Grown. 45a50c. per pair. Meal 80c. per bushel. Potatoes Bahamas 30o. ; yams 40o. Turnips 50a75o. per bush. Wool 12a20c. per pound. Shingles West India, dull and nom. inal; not wanted. Building 5 inch, hearts, $4.00; saps, $3.00 per M. wholesale prices. New Mess Pork-$15.75; long clean 8ic. ; shoulders, dry salt, 6c. MOLASSES AND SYRUPS 20a45c. Salt 95c. per sack. Flour $4.00a7.5Q per barrel. - Office Secretary & Treasurer Board Trustees Hew Berne Academy. January 21, 1883. Tho Roeiilar Monthly Meetlnc of the Board will be held on next FRIDAY AFTERNOON. at the Ofllce of w". G. BBINSON, Esq., at FOUR o'clock. Tho annual election of officers and other important business. a, w . m. w a rsu jn , sec. a rreas, Notice. State ol Korth Carolina .Craven County. In matter of Incorporation ) Superior Court 01 uie reuse anu Trent Elver Steamboat Company ) Jan. 23d, 1SS1. Puwnant to law as provided In the "Code oijNorin Carolina," enap.. lit, 1 nave tins aay doclared that T. A. Green, V. fc. Foy. George Credle, D. L. Roberts, S. II. Gray and J.M.I White and their successors a corporation un- der the name of the "Neuse and Trent River Steamboat Company, for the purpose of car rying for freight and live goodsr.wares and merchandise, and the products of the country uy Doats, narges, nats ana steamnoats, ana transporting passengers trom ana to any and all points 011 the Neuse and- Trent Rivers and their tributaries in said State, at suoh rates and charges as maybe flxed by the proper of ficers of said corporation; said corporation Is to continue for thirty years; the amount of the capital stock is 40,000,and the value of place of business is to be at the city or New- oeni. in said state, and said corporation is to 1 Ue allowed to issue bonds not exceeding the sum of b,ooo, and to secure the payment of same, anu us stocKnomers are notiooe in ..ivia.,,...,. Iinbla for tll6 nebts of the comora Hon, according to the artloleB of agreement I men in tno oiuce 01 tne uierK or said uourt. K. W. CAKfKNTKK. jau21-tf Clerk of Superior Cou rt, vraven uounty. For Sale, HAY In any quantity at S1.00 per bale of 250 to 351) lbs. Apply to GKO. ALLEN, Jan23-2t Or W. 8. WOOTEN. Dail Bros., WHOLESALE GROCERS . AND COMMISSION MEECIIANTS, jau22 NEW BERNE, N. C. d&w Choice Seed Potatoes. A small lot of CHOICE HOME EARLY ROSE SEED POTATOES for sale CHEAP. Come early, before all are soid. Jau 20tf, , , JOHN DUNN. S-i-n-g! "Home again, home again," , , 'l o my former store, "And O, It Alls my soul with joy To meet my friends once more," ' Where they can get the best CIGARS Just as the same of yore. And TOBACCO, Pipes, and CandlcB And other things too numerous To mention, as before. Corner of Middle and South Front sts. Next door to Hart'B Hardware Store, . , W. JU PALMER, . The Major. ViVffi Dr. KEAN. Ku. lis Hoots Olakk St., UIiIomo (U- Ublltbad mh trsilnK all Prt vsU, Nanrou, Ghtvniv and 8mU1 dlf ihij, inn iresuog wi rt rou, Ghrvnle aud BpoUldltf rmttortKM, Impotmer (Miul f), Pm) dlMMM. tto. Oott pononallr, or by totter Ire . ( th only phjsleUn ta tb aMtB(wrmaioiiKMt impottMrlMnu uteMioniiTi. i aultatloo l Dr.Kaaa I m eit that warrantioiira or no par. IM paffo Ulnitntwl book , ovw ,m pnMcrlptlou. l bj aaU. a For Rent, STOKE on east bide Middle street, below South Front. : Also, a Water Front betweon Eden and Spring streets, in, front of W, P. Moore's old Biuiyaru. - . - , , Apply to JanlSdtf f Dr. CHAS. DUFFY, FARMERS AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS, TAKE NOTICE1 W e are asraln at onr old stand. In our NUTS aiuKii. w e nave a iuu nue or i Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, all of which we are offering very low Wholesale and retail. Call and take a look its at our goods and eet our low prloes. Or Mors solicited. Satutaotlon nuaranteed. 44W , ' .RUUKIU'S A BRO. II. J. LOVICK, WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALER IN , , ' Heavy Groceries, ; ' Dry Goods, ; . Fine Wines ; and Liquors. Tho celebrated BUCKINGHAM WHISKEY always On Hand. GIVE ME A TKIAU Blank's Old Stand' " Middle Street, Newbern. N. C. jaulTUAwly NO " WELL-REGULATED FAMILY CAN AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT A GILBERT FORCE PUMP. utheaK tt" S ity over any other pump : tv ni.i.. " r . ' I" Howard. Mayor City of Newbern. N. C. h A,..t.te.r' Myor Town of Beaufort, N. C. Mrs. M. 1). Dewev. Ren. Hlalinr, u u . som. Hon. L.J. Moore. W. v: inntlZ m A. M. Disosway. Geo. D. Connor, ft I- lUmi! son, Jr., Wm: Dunn. N.R. Rinimmiwu, t..v". Ipock, O. H. Perry, J. L. RUeiu. of tJe'wbern, S. W. Venters, Rlchlands, IT. C, C. C Green. Trenton. N. v.. Samuel Hudson, Polloksville, N. O. H. A, White, " JS. H. riaughton, ' n. f. Miuyeu, smiths Creek, N. O. H 8. tilbbs. Middle ton, Hyde County. N C Geo. W. Smith, Silver imac S. H. Ioftln, Kinston, N. O. ' vv . n. w est, If you have ever had any trouble with be 7.,v , ... ,Y . . woru io me wisen Buniclent." Send lor catalogue nil nrim. J. C. WHITTY. Janl2.l Newbern. N. C. t p, . . , . I n StnO.K lTld JfT Ssnlft KJHJylv til It I 1UI (OdlU KOIt CJASI1. 6,000 bushels Com. 1,500 bales Timothy Hay. 1,500 bushels Seed and Feed Oats. 1 500 bushels Chean Horse Feed atucK x'eas ana oilier uram. rvnoi, Tnf1 , t. , re8u "itea Meal constantly on hand. jan2d2m J. A. MEADOWS. JACKSON HOUSE, New Berne, N. C, SAM'L JACKSON, rnOPRIKTOtt. 3 First-class accommodations tor colored I people traveling, and a KeBUUirant for genl eral patronage, from which we furnish meals to many white people and serve families at their residences in any part of the city. ' B Kefer to the people of Now Berne gen- ero'lv. dcclS-dlv NOTICE, i i Sale of a Valuable City Lot. In obedience to a Judgment, of t ho Court of Craven County lu an action wherein Georgianna Richardson ahd Isaac R. Rich ardson are plaintiffs, andbipley Holly. Sarah IVU.UMWUU to ueieuaHiiu, 1 wll sell at Public Auction at the Court House door in New Bern, on MONDAY, the KOUHTH day of FEBRUARY, A D. mi : A certain val- uaoie lo wim tne unprovemepts tlieroou, situated on the east side of George street be tween Queen and New streets, New Bern. ' N. 0., formerly the property of Llply Rue. Terms ol sale, Cash. . ) , W. G. BRINSON. ( llimmlaulnnav Jan'y 1.1881. . .... . . ,. , , dtfebi Oysters. A E. KIMBALL has onenAdA : , FIRST CLASS OlSTKU SALOON . ataoitth end of People's Market-Moore' Old any style. rftinuies supplied at tholr homes If desived novl7-dtf. , " Hoticc. All persons indebted to' WM oniT.M (Xl.aud WM. COHEN, are notltled that WM. SULTAN 4 OO. ind WM. COHKN havii . settlements must be made Win, the under- ""mm . - Assignee. For Sdo, A FINK HORSK, BUGGY . and HARNRkmi together or separate, for cash or on time noviffltf ; ' JOURNAL OFFICE. HARDWARE : Bar Iron and Nail:, all size:, '.-V; P. M. DRANEY, oct21d&wtf. New Berne, N. C,