E. BOWLING, MANUFACTURER OF Hand Sewed SHOES (Only), No 337 CANAL STREET, 1 NEW YORK. fr. Outre Street, S Opposite Baric Hotel. Deformed aftd tender feet a specialty., ,'. Comfort guaranteed. Order by mull prompt y attended to. I rofer by permission to the following par lies, who ure now wearing shwes of lny make: . lo,. Bully, (). K. B lover, J. A. lntterson. ' MaJ. D. W. Hurtt ' T A. Henry. W. K. Pultorsoii,, octll) , , J no. D. Yeoman a. d&wthu U. W. WA11AB, ;Hncccssor to K. H. Wtndley.) ... ' ilSTILLKITS''AUENT FOR , I lire Rye and Cora Whisky - AT WHOLESALE. .ylliES .AND CIGARS IN (3RFAT VARIETY, Uinger Ale, : Pale . Ale, Beer ' AND r OUTER. V" HDHGNER & ElfGEL BEER, CIDER, JURE FRENCH BRANDY. JJ. W. WAUAIS. Sfuth Front St.. New lierne, N. 0. xep2tt-dAwly. - - : TMORE'S MINCE MEAT, Dried Peaches and Apples,' Canned Vegetables and Fruits, ; Canned Meats, ' Maecaronl, " '. . . Mustard Kngllsh and American, Crosse and Blackwell's Pickles, r Lea A Perrin's Suuce, ! (Jelatlnes cassara, , (. Ferris' Meats, ....... -, , Rousted Cottee, Chocolate, Teas, d At YV. HOLLISTKH'S. PARTICULAR NOTICE.' THOS. GATES & 00. OFFER A - - -OF (rroceries, ' " Xry Goods, , .Boots .and Hliocs, Etc. ; JLjorillard ' and "Gail.& Ax Simil At Manufacturers' Prices.'; : ' ' Opp. Gaston House, ,dw JSfBWBEnsiN. 0. NEW BERIiE , . GILLIAOB PMLOR; la the Duffy Building on Middle street, near corner of rollock. FIVE f:E7 TABLES JUST PUT IN Three Billiard and Two Pool, Finest in the Country CAE01IB0LETTE TABLE. CEV1L AOSEWRS i I'he flnestLlquors and Cigars, the celebrated Ki;il(NER A ENGEL BEER, Bonr Kraut, , Kaidlnos, Lobster, Llmburger and Schweltaer .Cheese constantly on hand. .'; -, - i JOHN DETRICK. Novld A w. i ,-. State & Monroe 5U.TChicado. WllltenflTirttntffl toinJ ltf!riretbrr BADCATALOOUC, 1 t In j I'rtmp a StuU InitniuMDU, KtilU CftfNk BfllU, nmnoi , Drai Dram ftlttiori sum. w . Kundr fMDa UUtRU. MWnl rfnii, ftlwincluilM liutructlon kud K- lor AmRWnr W I HUM liuid N. 11. GASKILL, IC:iAHT TAILOB. Has received his Spring Samples A and is prepared to make up the : Intent and most .-' fashionable clo- thing. 1 Tieco goods of I every quality and patterns al ways on hand. : Q1T) tJTAND, 5 i ITew P. mo. F. C. ft II 1. i V A THE JOURNAL. NEW BERNE. N. C JAN. 25. 18?.' Arrival and Departure Kails? . MAIL CLOSES. . For North. West and South, Tia A. & N.I: I? It. nf J tvi For Beaufort . and the East, ati 8:00 d. m. ' ' For Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties Mondays, Wednes days, and Pridays at 5 :00 a. m, " .s : For Trenton, FoUoksvule and Mays- ille, daily at 7:30 a.m. , For lirantsboro, uayKiverana van- demere, daily at 6 a. m. The contractor will take passenEers to Stonewall for one dollar, and to Au rora semi-weekly at $1.50. ' - t , OFFICE HOURS: - ; ; In Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from 10 a.m. to 4 p..m. In Mailing Department from s a. m. to 5 p. m. 1 , Office open constantly between these hours except when mails are being dis tributed or sent. Open on Sunday from 9 to 10 a. in. MEETINGS OF LODGES. St. Johns Lodge, No. 8, A. F. & A. M., meets the 2d Wednesday night in each month. v-'.-;v. :.;-:,-J; 1 , New Berne Lodoe, No. 443, Knights of Honoe, meets on the 2d and 4th Fri day nights in each month. Assessment in o. ldzis now ttue, and must be paid on or before the 1st day ot February, 1884. , Trent Council, No. 411, Royal Ar canum, meets on the 1st or 8d Friday niEhts in each month. Assessment jno. 04 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 23nd day of February, loo. Athenia Lodge, No. 8, Knights ov Pythias, nief on the 3d and 4th lues dav niehts in ench month. ... - Assessment no. ud is now aue, ana must be paid oii or before the 23d day of January, 1884. ; ... ' Eureka Lodge, No. 7, I. O. O. F meets on the 2d and 4th Monday nights in each month. Assessment No. is now 'due, and must be paid on or before tbo day of . Neuse Council, No. 1, Order of Chosen Friends, meets on the lBt and Cd Wednesday nights iu each month, v i Assessment no. oi is now due, ana must be paid on 'or before tt 31st day of January, 1884. - 'S, ' Cosmopolitan Council No. 211, Amer ican Legion of Honor, ?w ets on the 1st and 3d Thursday night) in each month. Assessment No. 43 s now due, and must be paid on or before the 19th day of February, 1884. ''.V.' Local Branch No. 95, Order of the Iron Hall, meets on the 3d Monday night in each month. 1 Assessment No. 30 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 28th day of January, 1884. - ' " Circulation of the Air. Without the atmospheric ocean in which our globe is immersed, our world would be as dead as the moon. Yet into it are continually pouring carbonic acid irom bullous on bil lions of human and bestial lungs, still more hurtful effluvia from as many bodies, miasma and . malaria from thousands of , square ; miles of decaying vegetable matter, the poi sons of disease and pestilence the world over, and the gases given off by the decomposing dead oi man and brute. ' - : ; i : So vast is this ocean, and so rap idly does it take up and scatter these noxious elements through its measureless masses, and so much of them is appropriated as food by the vegetable world, that the air as a whole may be regarded as prac tically pure. This result i& due, in the main, to the circulation of the air, mighty elevated currents of which flow from the heated tropics toward the north; while counter currents from, the, Arctic regions now beneath to nil the vacuum. Besides these, are every variety of local j currents, irom. sea to land and from land to seatand between colder and warmer areas. Without this circulation the air of our cities and towns especially 'would be loaded with, poison. But every house is a little world, with its air in perpetual circulation, between the warmer and the colder parts, the inside and outside, the cellar and attic, the bed room, the parlor and the kitchen. Closed doors do not prevent this circula tion. - Ilcnce the ' need of a thorough system of ventilation. , Variations m the atmospheric pressure cause even the miasma in the soil for a large distance around the house to be drawn or driven into the cellar. thence to be diffused into the rooms generally. The vitiated air of sleeping rooms and water closets, carried into the halls and there chilled, may sink into the halis and rooms below. In tenement bouses, houses with "flats," and in "family, hotels, without adequate ventilation, each lamuy. is at the mercy oi every other , for purity of air. xoutm Companion. lil I- i , i Ayers Sarsaparilla, being highly con centrated, requires a smaller dose, ana is more effective, dose for dose, than any other blood medicine: It is the cheapest, because the best. Quality and not quantity should be considered- Of the many remedies before the pub' lio for Nervous Debility and weakness of Nerve Generative System, there is none equal to Allen's Brain Food, which rroinptly and permanently restores all Iwtvi;;or: it never fails. 1 pkjr., 6 for i ". At dni'-'jii.-.tfi, or by nin it from J. H ALva, S;li 1 lwt Ave. Hew oik City PROFESSIONAL. StJRGEON DENTIST, Having located In New Berne, offers . bis services to New Berne and country. . ' su: ouinJlnB , Office corner of Sooth Front and Craven streets.,,. ....;' .; GKOKQS V. 8TRONO, DANIKIi K. PKBRY, Klnston, N. O llllolgt), W.U. , STRONG & PERRY, ATTORNEYS ' Ml" COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Havtnit formed a conartnershlo for the ractice of the law In Jones county, will regu arly attend the courts of the same. Prompt Lattention paid to collections. mayu-d&wu bxkujnu & i'isuki. PHIL. HOLLAND, JR. 1 OWJEN H. OUION. HOLLAND & GTJI0N, A.ttornys at Jlaw, (Office one door west of Gaston House.) 1 Will practice In the Counties of Craven will Dractlce In the Counties of Craven I Jones, Onslow, Carteret. Pamlico and Lenoir . apr2U-dAwlv. R. W. NIXON. F. M. BIMBO CLEMENT MANLY. NIXON, SirNS & MANLY ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice In theCourtsof Craven, Jones, I unsiow, uaneret, ramiico ana i-ienoir, anu in me t eaerai uourt at new ierne. ieu(jdswij I DR. G. L, SHACKELFORD, ?s ixr g- eon X e n t i t NEWBERN, N. C. HAVlna located permanently in Newbern. 1 reHpeeifiilly tender ioy professional services I to the puDllc. utneeou Middle street, In tersou uuuuing, opposite uaptisi(.;i)urch. Ten Years Practical Experience, sepaouawiy DR. J. D. CLARK, DENTIST, NEWBKRN, N. C. ' Office on Craven street, between Pollocb and Broad. : prl7-d&wly HOTELS. CENTRAL HOTEL, W. E. PATTERSON. PitorH. . NEW BERNE. N. C. THIS WELL KNOWN AND COMMODIOUS house, as its name implies, is situated In the central and basinets portion of the city, hence I recommends Itself lor its convenience to the I travelling public. Affording solioitors every I opportunity of visiting business correspondents I it lias attentive servants, ana its utile is alwttyf 1 tnrnisnea wttn . Every Delicacy of the Season Its rooms ore large, airy and well furnished. AK OMNIBUS or the accommodation ot gnests to and from trains and steamers free of charge a .pedal feature In tms city, - All tne appurtenances, oi a modern : FIRST CLASS HOTEL. At'rill-d-lv. ' '. ' GASTON; HOUSE, NEW BERN E, N. C, S: Ii.' STREET & SON, Proprietors. The Only First-class House In the City, " Omnibus connects with all Trains and I Steamers. Large sample rooms for commer cial travelers. ooizv-oii HOTEL, SMITH FIELD, N. C, D. W. FULLER,' Prop'r. Ample accommodations at all times Sample rooms for commercial travel ers. Charges moderate. ., augMtr . 15. HART & CO. C. A, HART, Business Manager. . . CITS rSICS CASH STOLE. . ".. North-east corner of Middle and ffl South Front ;: Streets, , DBALBHS H Steves, Hardwar6,Hoas9 Fumsliiig Goods, pnm vyK etc1' ; NEYS, B URNERS, WICKS, ETC. Keroaen OlU, Red C Non-BxpUilvc : eontmiy on na, . 49- Special attention given to repairing. New Berne, Sept 4tn. 1883. , , ; aprlMwly I. C, YEOpiS, newoIe, Broad St., between Eailroad and Middle. I Now offers as choice & selection of I GROCERIES as can bo found in the city, LOW FOR CASH. , . Asparagus and Succotash, ureen uorn, , ' New Bnckwheat Flour. ' Royal Crown and Our Best Flour, Fine Teas. Colleen and Spice. Fine bugar Cured Shoulder cut to suit cus tomers,.' . v- ' . ' , . The very Dest unooverea Jinran, Large and Bmcll Pearl Hominy, Smoked Beef and Corned Beef, Bottled Horse Kadlnli. All kinds of Canned and Bottled Goods, fouea. meals, . . , Loose Chow-i;how and Pickles. ' Best London Layer Raising In 'whole quarter boxes, - . . rreserves ana denies, ' Citrons, Currants and Prnnes, f Cakes and Crackersof all kluds, . Candles, Crookery And Qlassirore, Clears, Cigarettes, ToImicco and Snuff, - , Goods delivered to any part of the city free. '' ' ; Stable froo for the accommodation of country friends. ' ; ., oct'ildtf I. C. YEOMANS. l!..t.,. ..X 1884. 1 1 k ," 1 ' FOK gEEUCEERS!- EARLIEST AND GMQEN FEAS, nOIIAVJK AiiQ WAX BEflllS, P'A SPOKATOES.' ' ' TRUCKER'S FERTILIZERS. Sea Fowl Guano, Navassa Guano, Peruvian and Bone Guano. ! '" Stono Acid Phospbate, Kainit, Plaster, , and other Trucker's Supplies, at Very . 200 BUSHELS R(JST PROOF OATS, 300 Bushels OS I Kit, WILLIAMS ,i , ; .of Superior Quality for planting. Also, a limited supply of the Celebrated PEERLESS COTTON SEED. t.' it " j. ii.. WU1BU nas wuum mroe pruuiiuuin ior tue ALL NEWBERN. IV. C;. 1884. -"POOOBflOKE.. Siipr-Pliosphate is unrivalled for all fertilizing purposcp, and especially adapted to the growth of airly Truclcs, having stood for the past eight years at the head of the list of high grade snper-phosphates. i The largcpt and most prosperous truckers in Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina, by their vol untary testimony, declare it superior to any fertilizer in the market, producing a stronger and earlier growth, full development, prompt maturity, and a more abundant yield than any of its competitors, , whilo it permanently enriches the soil, showing its durable effects upon even the second and third crops. POCOMOKE reigns supreme, and wherever used sales have tripled each season, A trial is all that is necessary to establish promptly ; and permanently its hold upon public favor. The best lint cotton raised in Carolina during the year 1883 was from POCOMOKE. ; E. H. MEADOWS & CO., Agents, Newborn, N. C '-FREEMAN, LLOYD. MASON & DRYDEN, Mfrs., , .. Jan5Hl&w3in , J Norfollt, Vft. R O E. LODGE, HAY, ,;HAY, HAY, n m m m hi b 11 IB 121IIIIVJ R.osfendale, Portland : : -Plaster, Goat Hair, &c. SALES BOOM--Craveu Street, below Express Office. Ansr Iff d&w tf Now Berne. N. VVIIQjjjisALE LIQUOR DEAL E 11. -uBERGNER & ENGELS CELEBRATED ' BOTTLED LAGER, BEER" FOB 1MLE BY THE CRATE. on hand a full stock of AND TOBACCO. Open Front Brick Store. MIDDLE STREET, Aprldwly ' olesale Qrocer. j ;) MIDDLE STREET, Jl WPla LOUISVILLE. K A nnlly Im.M uJ lllr qnllM phgnidia ud U Cnr nil forcf PRIVATE, curon; - Spermatorrhea and Impotency, m U. rlt of MlMnM U yo.ll, Ml ca I. Uirr yMr or oth cmmi, uid producing kmu. of tb. fol. lowlmrtiKt.1 Nvtmimm, S.mln.1 SmlMlotn, (BtKbt .Trill ion, by dnuru), lHmowa .f tSltfht, l.lcllv. Memory, Vhy. Id lecy, rlmplu on tut, Av.nl to Socl.ly of t'em.lM, Connloa of liw, Loh of Sum) Power, Ao,, Mu.l.tlnj marrliw. Improrwr ot otiB.TTyi thoronirhly Ml pwmA--MymL SYPIUXIS "'r Wj mlkiMid from u ly.ita. GonOITcea, OI.EET, Btrlclro, OreWtli, BmH, (ui Kupte.), I'u, a Mid oUi tirlvnt dlMMw qoteklj oured. ' ltl.IUrM.ottiil phyikl.ni ho pny ptUl .tinttln, wrUI. cIm, of dlHWi, nd trMtlni Uionuiid, .n,,0 0y.wiquirMrrMi.)lltl, PhyoUn, kBOwlnR tlii. ftuiiolU. rMmnwnd p.rMn. ( KIT r Whu HI, UwoaTcnlmit t. viUth. city for trMtmmii, mmllcliMt M b, M.t nrirftUly .nd Mrely by m.11 or upr.i. Mifwii.rfc Cni Onaranteed In all Cases Ciomuuuoii, punutily or y letter frM Mid InvlM. ChoqrM ruoD.Jl. ud oDrrMpond.no. Itrlotly OMfld.nti . r" IV ATE COUNSELOR Of W wmt to Myiddwrrt, uennly mlMl, Ibr ttitrt '' cfiiu, Hlmntd be rtrtd by Ml. Addrew abofn lMik) kt.un f om t A. M.s to 4 T. M. Sanim tol. H or I BEST VARIETIES Low Prices. & DUNCAN COTTON SEED, i i r . ' iargei prouueuon 01 liini per acre, & JSelinitic Cements. edmond 5 Groceries, Provisions, Cigars ; NEW BERNE N l NEW BERNE, iV. V. Ferdinand Ulrich. GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS Boots and Shoes, Ropes, Twines, Paints, Oil, CANVAS, GRAIN SACKS. M1MLJ-A1M SNUFF At Manufacturer's Prices. NETS and SFINES. Foot Middle street, . NEW BEIINE, N. EN CO can wa . I UdlW . '' , . WnCPell'Ballaiice & Co.'s ( :Ged:Frcnt Sf:ro S. llioisr ::Strfeet, Now offers decidedly the Choicest .Selection ever offered ; to the people of New Berne in the lines of i - FINE GROCERIES, OonfecUonerics ' and Fruits. . We have just finished getting an as sortment of Staple, Fancy and Season able Goods, consisting of All the leading Roasted Coffees, including Java and Mocha. Full line of choicest canned goods, both Fruits and Fish. ' Pure Spices, ground and unground.- Pickles in glass and wood. Preserves in glass, tin andbulk. Cranberry Sauce., ., . , . Maple Syrup. Prunes. ' .' Thanksgiving Minco Meat. Finest Oatmeal and Buckwheat. Choicest Butter and Cheese. ' Highest grade Patent Flour. . Hominy, Samp, Grits. V English Breakfast, Gunpowder and Oolong Teas, Finest Eaisins, Candies, Oranges, C Nuts, Pecans, Filberts, English Walnuts, Cranberries, Apples, Malaga Grapes. , Codfish, Hams, Shoulders, and Sta ' pie Provisions. - Cigars, Snuff and Tobacco. ' Lash tradh onlv wanted. Come and see us and be surprised. " wm. Tell IUllanck & Co. nov!4d mm r H u, u :i i i; ni a is mi. BEFORE r AND -rAFTEH Electric Appliances are sent on 30 Dtys Trlat. . TO MEM CHLY, YGUS G3 OLD, WHO aro miTorlnff from Jtaavous Dbdilitt, Lost Vitauty, Lack 6? Nervb Forck ahd vigor, wasting WEAKNESSKS. anaan uioee uiaea&ua of aPgRSONAL Naturm nuultinK from Abusks and Othbh Oausku. Ejoejy reilof and complete resto ration of Uealth, i-jor and Makhood ouarahtird. The Rrandobt discovry ot the Klneteanth Century. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet free. Addrert VOLTAIC BEIT C3., B1&B8HAU, MICH. ALPHEUS W. "WOOD, Commission Merchant For the Purchase and Sale of RICE, CORN, OATS, AND ALL KIND3 OF GRAIN Agent for the GOLDSRORO OIL mil. ill I BEFOREV-AND -ftFTEH I PAN V for the purchase of CUTTON SKKit. . Office one donr north Cotton Exchange, NEWBKRN, IS. C, 8 Orders ano, consignments solicited. novldtf ALEX MILLER,, "WHOLESALE & BET. II. GROCER. Constantly recnivmsa full line CJlioice CJ-rcorio and FARKESS' , SUPPLIES, which we oiler as low as any house m the city, and warrant all goods as rej -resented. Call and cxaniino onr stock and onccs. fctables funuRhcd rice to all our country custoruem. " '' ' Goods delivered free to any part 0 the city. . 12 W. fk I). m H. CUTLER, Stoves and Hardware, Sash, Doors & Blinds, LIME, CEMENT and PLASTER iffOUSE FURNISHING GOODS,' Paints. Oils, Glass ana Putt?? GUNS AND PISTOLS, TOILET SETS, 1 ; J '' v ' ' " Rubber and Loathor Bolting d Etc.. Etc.; Etc.. - v w. D. W. HURTT, falERCHANT TAILOR. , JII5DL25 STUEET, C New rrne, II. C.. 1 UfSfl, fjrnw