THE JOUr: su 11 XI 11 J. .4; 1 ri K'-'T-'VH NOTICK THE NEW ) a h .1 i - ii.xo blcniu Transportation i j v, :'A u.f .Ui-h their ; r; :t Eiilbaij Steamer 1:2 LSI CITY f f;. ': ........ ; ... k.ouuuys - , Leave Bayboro for Now Berne 8 am. humping at Mtonewall, Van ii mmre, I'aiullco, Adams " Creek add Klverdale. , Wednesdays - jLeave New Berne for Bayboro 8 a.m. ' btopplng at Klverdale, Ad- ' mm Creek, Paiulioo, van- f Uoiuere aud fctonewall. . , Thursdays Leave Bayboro for New Borne 8 a.m., stopping at Stonewall, Van- ,, v, . .. aemere, Wntths Oreek, Ad- . aws Creek and Klverdule. Saturdays ' "" ' v .. .. . Leave New Benie for Bayboro 8 a, m. Stopping at Klverdale, Ad- , " ami Creek, smiths Creek, . ; i Vandemore and Stonewall. Having good aeeommodatlon both for pas aeugers aud freight at very low rates, ask that the merchant and producers along Its Hue give it their cheerful support. - . For further Information enquire at the of fleo. Foot of Craven street. ( RALPH GHAT, i Agent at New Berne. Or any of It Agents at the following places: M ABK LEU, Adams Creek, 1). 1L ABBOTT, Vandemere, t , a H. FOWLEIl, Stonewall, i R. H. FOWLKK. Bayboro, ; JOSHUA DEAN. Pamlico. ; W. H. JACOBS, Smiths Creek, . MALLE'l'T BKOH., Hiverdale. MT Freight received under cover everyday theweeki JanlUdAwly NEW-BERNE, BEAUFORT & ONSLOW i::lo coastkig company CONNECTING WITH . ! Atlantic fit N. C. Railroad,' , V AND ' - ' ' ! CLYDE'S B.C. LINE STEAMERS ' At Horehead City and New-Berne. ' Through arrangements to and from all BoKtie Sound, White Oak and New River points' and Through Bills Lading issued to all points, North, Eust, South and West. Quick Transportation and prompt delivery of Cotton, Naval Stores, General Produce, Goods, Wares and General Merchandise, and rates guaranteed as low as by any line, f Cotton Bate pe Bale of 450 Lbs.; White Oak ana ijogue nw mioi i"" to New-Berne......1.00 to Ncw-Berne....$l,50 " Norfolk... 2 W) Baltimore - 2.50 " Norfolk... 2.m S.00 8.lV) s.m AM 4.50 " Baltimore ..... "New York " Philadelphia.. " Boston ..... "New York 8.00 Philadelphia... S.IK) i Boston 4.00 : " Providence 4.00 u Providence . Mtf AU cargoes covered by Insurance. The transportation service of the Inland Coasting Company, now organised and In ....ufiii nnoratinn. will be as thorough, era- olent, prompt and cheap, as It Is possible to make It, and the patronage oi pruuuuei B uu shippers is respectfully solicited. ... . For further Information apply to the local Agents of the Line. .! r . Office of the Company: Beaufort, N, C, Oct. 22, 1883. A. W. STYRON, President, etHdAW . WM. A. HEARJiE. Supt. RAILROADS. I CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. .! t MY I Ul.'X-li'-'-- Atlantic & N. C. Railroad. TIME TABLE JSo. 0, In Effect 12:00 M Sunday, December EAST. I WKST. , No. 47. No. 48 Expreep. Express Pa.Mail Arr." Vy. TATIONS. Paes.iMall Arr. L've. P. M, A. M. A.M. 6 50 6 80 OoldBboro La Grango U 10 83 10 23 10 28 9 46 7 47 B' 12 ii U 88 7 82 Kinston,.. ............ New Berne, Morebead Depot,, 9 30 9 21 7 21 5 00 r. m P. K. M, A. X EAST. WEST. No. a Mixed Fgt. & Pass. Train. No. 4 Mixe Fgt Ii STATIONS. Pass. Tra n Arr. Ii've. Arr. ive A. M. 7 48 8 10 0 50 9 20 10 iM X0 48 A. M. 7 10 7 50 826 8 50 9 50 10 30 11 00 11 30 11 45 v. M. 7 30 ft7 6 14 5 41 4"57 4 10 8 48 8 14 8 02 1'. X. r. m Gol(iKboro,.......... Best's .- La Grange Falling Creek Kinston Dover.... (lore Greek Tntcarora 7 (X) 6 37 '5 50 5 20 4 21 8 48 3 19 802 2 80 I Clarke's ai7 I Hewbern, .......' r. m. I. n. I F.M EAST. I WKST. : No. 6. s Mixed Fgt. k . Paw. Train, i Arr.- L've: No. 6. i Mixed Fgt. & STATIONS. i Pass. Train i Arr. ': r. u. ! i 1 25: ! 12 84; : 12 21i ; 1162; n io ; : 10 63; i 10 20j i . : ; A. m. L've. A, .i ' i r5 28! 5 84: 08 r si; IF ox: 7 8Si A.. 1 " ' 4 40; Newbern. P. M. 5 20: Biverdale -. 5 89- Croatan 19i Havelock....... 8 58: Newport .... 7 10: Wlldwood 7 45j Morebead City..... 12 89 12 20 1167 11 20 10 68 10 25 10 00 7 oo i Moreheaa vepoi- A.W. ! A.M. A. M . J8 Mnnivti with Wilmington A Wei don Train bound North, leaving Goldshpro 11:50 a. m., and with Richmond & Danville irninWmt. Innvlns Goldsboro 11:5a a.m and wiin,infrtnnWwionTralnSouthat5 P.m Train 4 connecU with W. & W. Train bound . South, leaving Goldsboro 8 p.m. ' Train 47 connects with Bichmond k Danville Tmln. krrivinr at Goldabcro 6:20 p.m.. Slid Wil mington and Weldon Train from the north at Trains 4. 6 k 8, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. , . Trains 47 A 48, dally except Sunday. Trains Tnaaiiav. Thnrstlav and Saturdays, Trains 48 A 8 breakfast at Winston. Train 47 tupperat Kinston. W. Dunn, Superintendent. midland N. C. Railway. TIME TABLE Fo. 4, In effect Thursday, October 25, 1888. WEST. I EAST. No 1. . , No. 2. .. Mixed Train. Mixed Train. STATIONS. Arr. L've. Arr. L've. ..p h. P.M. A.H. AM, .', 0 08 Ooldboro...... .9 1 . 8 29 II 81 Oopeland 5 61 SH 46 9 48 Princeton 6 4 0 7 65 9 65 Holt's Mill . 5 27 6 27 10 IS 10 1 Pine Level 6 08 6 08 10 84 Bmthfleld.. .. 1 , DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. "S Train 9 connects with A. A N. 0. Freight Train leaving Goldsboro at 7:80 a.m., and with W W. Train going North at 9:M a.m., going foil i ii 8 1. 5: (! p.m., aud with K. A V. train going V"" ni l:u0a.m. " . . . . 'jv-oi No. 1 connects with A. N. C.tratn ri i ii ,i at (iolilKlioro 8:Ulp.m.; with K. & 1. Train arrlvliiR at 6:20p.m., and wlttiW.& W. Trilns arriving at 6:45 p.m. aud8.0Up.H. , V7. Duan, Superintendent. V L" s The Neuse Eivar Navigation Uompany " ; , A Will run the following Schedule: ' Steamer Kinston Will leave the Old Dominion Wharf TUES DAYS and FRIDAYS, and arrive at Klnsten WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, and leave KinBton MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, arriv ing in New Borne the same day. Will touch at all Landings along the River going and coming. Steamer Neuse. Will leave New Beme MONDAYS and WEDNESDAYS for Jolly Old Field, return ing TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS. Steamer Blanche WiU leave New Berne WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS at 7 a. m. for Trenton. Re turning willleave Trenton THURSDAYS and MONDAYS at 7 a. m., touohlng at Folloks vllle and other landings on Trent River. These steamers will makeclose connections with the Old Dominion line. ; ; . Freights received at all hours. F6r rates apply to W. K. STYRON, Jh., dw ; 'Agent at New Berno. OLD DOMINION Steamship Company, SEMI-WEEKLY LINE For- New YorJK, Baltimore, Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, Plitladclpbia, Providence, , , and other . Cities. - 4N AND'AFTER . Mondav July 2nd, 1883, UNTIL FTJHTHER NOTICE Steamer Shenandoah Will leave, npon a.iival of train on Norfolk Southern Kalliwud at Elizabeth City, every MONDAY AND THURSDAT I . for New Bnrne. Returning leaves Nw Berne for Elizabeth City every TUESDAY AND FRIDAY ; at p. m., raaklnir close connection with Nor- fo Southern It. It. for Northern cities. Close connection made at New Heme with stoamnrs for Kinston, Polloksville, Trenton and all landings on the Nenae and Tront Rivers. No freights received for thipmcnt on Tuesdays and Fridays nfter 8 p m. ..... : Freight torwarrled promptly and lowest rates guaranteed to destination. Fare to Elizabeth City aud return. 4. To Washington, 4. To Norfolk. tS. ; To Baltimore. $8.60. To New York, 13.80. ... K. B. ROBERTS, As't, New Berne, OULPBPFXR & TURNKtt, ' Ag'ts. Norfolk, V. A W.D. Stantokd, Qen'l Frt Aft't, . New York City IrentEiver Transportation ; :. Companj. Will desvatch tbeir Steamers after tbls date for Kinston, Jolly Old Field, Trenton and PollocksvUle, as follows: Steamer Trent Will leave New Borne every ' Monday and Thursday from herdock, foot of Oraveu street, at NINE o'clock. A M.. for Kinston. Keuirmng, leave illusion ior new Berne Tuesdays and Fridays at ONE o'clock, P.M Taking freight for all landings on the river, and connecting at Jolly Old Field with the uontentnea ureejc MteamDoai company uoin ways - , f , t . , . Steamer Li H, Cutler Will leave for Pollocksvllle and Trenton, tak Inn freight and passengers, every Saturday and Wednesday, from her dock at ElOHl o'clock. A.M. tteiurning every Monoay ana xnursuuy, leaving Trenton at SJi.Vi.iN o'ciock, a m. . Freight received tinder cover every day, Sunday excoptedU Charges will beas low as by any other line. Close connection with all nolnts North. East and West, via Clyde line. from New Berne Merchants wishing their goods to goby this line will order their Bhip meets viaN. C. .Line, from Baltimore. Phila delpliia. New York. and all points North. All goods handled with care and damages prompt ly paid when proven. Tiirougn liiiis oi juau- lng given and rates guaranteed. E. K. BRYAN, Jn..- ' ' A"ent at New Berne. ' E; 11. Pack, Gen. Solicitor. ' dw v S. H. Gray, Gen. Man. Change of Fiei in New Tcrk. The N. C. Freight Line FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and all points JSTorth and West After this date will receive freight In New York v for New Berns at , , PIER 7, NORTH RIV15R, Office of New York and Baltimore Transportation Oo. merchants should remember that this is one of the best Steam Lines out of Mew york, making daily connection with Baltimore lor Mew Berne; all inside, ana oniy one cuange. v, SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMERS (Touching st Norfolk) Leaving New Berne for Baltimore TUESDAYS FRIDAYS at 1 p m. Leave Baltimore foj New Bern WEDNESDAYS dnd SATURDAYS 6. p. m. Agents are as follews: , EUBEN FOSTKIl, GenT Jfanagor, 90LightSt,,Bal't.Md, FAS. W. McOAREICK, Ag't. Norfolk, Va. v ' W. V. Clyde 4s Co.. Vblladelplila, 12 Sonth York & Balto. Trans. Line, Pier T.Nbrth river E. Sampson, Boston, 63 Central wbarf. E. H. Rockwell, Providence R. I. n. fl. Mink. Fall River. Derrick wharf . , ' Ships leave Boston, Tuesdays and Saturdays. " " New York dailv. ' " Baltimore, Wednesdays and Saturday! " fall River, mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays. " ' rroviflenoe. Saturdays. Through bills lading given, and rates guaran. to all points, at the different offices of the mpanles. ' ivoid Breakage cl Bulk and Ship via N. C. LINE. - d Mar SO ly S II. GRAY, A't, New Borne.N N. C, JAN. 1. i. Cottou Seed as Feed. - Professor J. A. Myers, of the Mississippi Agricultural College, in a recent address before an organ ization of cotton planters gave it as his opinion that there is not au ani mal produced upon a Southern plantation that cannot be fed and fattened upon the products of that plantation, if they be properly pre pared. It is simply the nonsense of fashion which leads the Southern farmer to send to the Northwest for his feed. The Mississippi farmer has, at hi3 door, 550,000 tons of the very best feed Btuff in the world, worth, at the rate at which we cal culate food values of different ma terials, $22,880,000. If we compare this with the oat crop of Illinois, which produces more than any other State, we find that crop worth only $25,558,000. We pay high prices for grain brought from the North, while we ship away, or allow to waste, a better feed Btuff, obtaining for it less than half its value.' ? . . ''The i farmers of the North can well afford to ship grain here and buy back cotton seed meal. The values stand as follows: If com is worth per 100 pounds $1.11 as feed stuff, cotton seed cake is worth $2.20; cotton oecd meal, $2.30; oats, y cents; cow peas, $1.33; good hay, 75 cents. These valuations are given in "Stewart's Feeding Ani mals," which has lately been pnb- isned, and are based on the most carefully made analysis." iToi. Myers next goes on to state that the feed values of cotton seed meal and cake are not appreciated by the Southern farmers as they are by those elsewhere. Where competition is the greatest and the farmers the most intelligent,' or where there is necessity of economic feeding, we find that cotton seed cake and meal are most highlv irized. There we have -no com plaints about it killing stock. It is only where the farmers are so care- ess as to allow their stock to cat too much of it without other food that : it will . injure stock. Corn, wheat and. oats, under the, same conditions, would do the same; though, as ' they are not so rich, they are not so likely to do it as the rich cotton seen products are lie has no hesitation in saying that the cotton seed meal or cake is one of the best feed stuffs that is pro duced in any climate. Dr. riiares, of the same college, treeiy endorses irotessor Mvers in this position, and :Says tor twenty years or more he has taught that cotton seed cake and meal are the most valuable of all feeds. In the conditions stated above, he has seen more animals killed, or more nopeiessiy ana permanently dam aged by corn than by cotton seed meal or cake. Besides being cheaper, cotton seed cake and meal have other great advantages over corn, etc., even for animals constantly at WOl'K. ' A Fair Offer. , The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., offer to send Dr. Dye's Voltaic Belt and Appliances on trial, for thirty days, to men, young or old, afflicted with ner vous debility, lost vitality, and kindred troubles. See advertisement in this paper . . . Mr. J. D. Suttenfield. Reidsville. N. C.Bays: '"My wife has never felt her neuralgia since she used Brown's Iron Hitters, it improved her health greatly. Pure God Liver Oil made from se lected livers, on the sea-shore, by Cas well, Hazard & Co., New York. It is absolutely, pure and sweet. Patients who have once tat3n it prefer it to all others. Physicians have decided it su perior to any of the other oils in mar ket. . th-3 Chapped Hands, Face, Pimples, and rough i Skin, cured by using Juniper Tar Soap, made by Caswell, Hazard uo., JNew York. th-2 "Why suffer with Malaria? Emory's Standahd Cure Pills are infallible, never fail to cure the most obstinate cases; purely vegetable. 25 cents. dw2 Eosy Mouths furnished with teeth rendered pearly and glistening by fragrant Sozodont, usually regarded as an indispensable ad junct or the toilet, are perfectly be witching. So irresistible does the broad cloth sex find them, that it requires the utmost self-restraint to forbear imprint ing a Juss upon them wherever Been, No corrosive substance contaminates this standard beautifler of the teeth, trom which it removes every impurity, Use it regularly. . Petroleum V. Nasby. D. R. Locke, Petroleum V. Nasby, ed itor Toledo Blade, writes: "I had on a forefinger of my right hand one of those pleasant pets, a "run-round." xne lin ger became inflamed to a degree un bearable and swollen to nearly twice its natural size. A friend gave me Henry's Carbolic Salve, and in twenty minutes the pain had so much subsided as to give me a fair night's rest, which I had not had before for a week. The inflam mation left the finger in a day. I con sider it a most valuable article." ROBERTS & HEIIDSRSOH Gmifiwil Tnennnxeo Apprit buuiuil lihiuitwvu xlfjOiiW, New Berne, N. C Only first class Companies represent ed in Fire. Life and A::' ' -1 lasurance. Total Capital over I'oity Millions oi Doll.iis. Jun24dly SEW I ! of exhaai'ijon wiUiont effort, wludU mates life a bnrdon to so many people, is duo to the fact that the Wood is iw, aud V o vitality consequently feeble. If you are eu'jruig from such feelings, .. Ayer's Sarcapniilla Is Just what yon need, and will do you Incal culable good. No other preparation so concentrates and combines blood-purifying, vitalizing, enrich ing, and Invigorating qualities as AYXB'S SAB8APA1UU.A. . ' ' ,' PKBPASEDBT Dr. J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. SoldbyaUDrnggists; II, six bottles for S5. ; imKSterTMAL An vattua ),! arutsiiaocy euro iut A'ereon -njuntt .U(t"Hr'oma, in.-. " V(j -vimu I fir, or any !V!lt. i.ri ri" ( rt-rt'ljiia. excess, otrft . .:(.' (ovo.. forty thou :..-r.l :t .rnrcs 1 ft,)-8-ud l.V. 'i r ii..!i:ri i n trial box of lU.l ;i.. AtUl,'",S, . ' ' JV-. l.V. DM ON.ror.ClsrlrSt. sni'v' iliioii C "!C. Chicauo. 111. CKHISTL1AS HOLIDAY GOODS OF EVEKY DESCRIPTION, FROM A Tin Horn to a " ' $20 Hotfoy Horse. Elegant Albums, Vases AND Anything to Please both Young and Old At fe27-dtf JOHN DUNN'S. 1884. Harper's Magazine, ILLUSTUATIS1. IIA Rl'Eii'S M a WAXINB lieclns 1 1 s slxty-eluh th volinno with the lieceinber Number. His the most nnpultti' illustrated periodical in Amei ica and niclHndi' always fully abreast of the times in its ti oatmentof snlijeols of cur rent Kocial ami InduBti lal i ntei est, mid always advancing Its standard of literary, artistic and mechanical excellence. Among Its at tractions lor lXHlare: a new serial novel uy William lUack, illustrated by Abbey; a new novel by 10 Hoe, Illustrated by Gibson and Dielman; descriptive illnstrated papers by OeoiRO H. BroiiKliton, Frank D; Millet, O. H. Farnham, and others! important hlstoilciil and biographical papers; short stories by W. D. Ilowells, Charles lU-ode, etc. HAllPKll'S PJEniODIOALS, PER YEAR I HAT?PKIt'S MAGAZINE tl 00 HARPKR'8 WEEKLY 4 00 HARPKR'H BAZAR i 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 1 60 HARPER'S l1 KAN KLIN (jO.UARlii LI BRARY Ono Year, (52 Numbers) lo 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United Mates or vanaaa. The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers ior June aim uecemtier ot eacn year. When no time is specified, it will be understood that tue suDscriuer wisnes to De gin with the.current Number. The last Klitht Volumes of Harper's Maea- slne, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of S3 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 0 cents each by mail, postpaid. Index to Horner's Magazine. Alphabetical. Analytical, and OlassMed, for Volumes 1 to 00, inclusive, from Juno, 1850, to June, 1880, one vol., Hvo, Cloth, IM Oil. Remittances should be made by Post-Ofllce Money Order or J mitt, to avoid Chance oi loss, Newsnanersarenot to copy tills advertise- meht without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Attaress HARFER & BROTHERS, New York. THE CENTURY. Programme for 1883-'84. Tne programme for the fourteenth year of this magazine, anu uie i,niru unuer tue new name, is if anything more interesting and popular than ever. With every season Tun Oktuky showsadecided gain In circulation. The new volume begins with November, and, when nosslble.. subscriptions should begin with that Issue. . The following are some of the features of the coming year: , A New Novel, by tteoree VV . I able, au thor of "Old Creole Days," etc., entitled "Dr. Sevier," a story of New Orleans life, the time being tne eve oi vne laie vjivii war. "litre in tne xnirteen colonies," oy Ed ward Eggleston, separate Illustrated papers on subiects-oonnected with tlie earlv history of this country. i Three stories oy iienry James, oi vary ing lengths, to appear through the year. Xne Mew Astronomy, uBiecnuicai arti cles, by Prof, H. V. Langley, describing the most interesting o; recent discoveries In the sun and stars. A Novelette by H. II. Boyesen, author or "Onnnar," etc. A vivid and sparkling Btory, Tlie New Era In American Arclutec- ture, a series of papers descriptive of the best work or American arcniiecis in ruouo itnuu ings, City and Country Houses, oto. To be nrnfuselv illustrated. f "Uonlessions oi a Frivolous uin," eic., enti tled "An Average Man," a story of New York. The Bread-winners, one of tlie most re markable novels of the day, to be completed in .Tnnuarv. . Christianity and Wealth," with other nsonva. hv the author of "The Christian Leaeue of Connecticut," etc., on the application of Christian morals to 4he present phases of modern lite. '... doastinir Abont the Gnlf of St. Law renee, a series of entertaining articles, pro fnunlv llhiHtrated. , ' " . Scenes from the Novelists, Hawthorne, George Eliot, and Cable, with aulhentlo rlvuwtllffH . ., , : On the Track of Ulysses, the record of a yacht-cruise In the Mediterranean, identify ing the route of Ulysses on his return from the Trojan war. 'GarAeld In Bnglnnd," extract! from his private Journal kepi during his trip to Europe fn 1RA7. "The Silverado Squatters," by Robert Louis Stevenson, author or -New Arabian 'Mlirhtil . There will be papers on outdoor England by John Burroughs and others, a beautifully Illustrated series on Daute.a number of pa, pers by the eminent French novelist Alphouae Daudet, articles on art and archeology by riharics Dudlev Warner and others, illustrat ed papers on sport and adventure, short stories by tlie loading writers, essays on time ly sublccts, etc., etc. KnhHcrlntlon urlce. S 1.00a vean single num. hers sold everywhere, at 85 cents each. All dealers receive subscriptions, or remittance mn.v he made direct to the nulillslicrs by pos tal or express order, registered letter, bank check, or draft. HPKftlAL OFFKH8. To enable new subscribers to begin with tho jti st volume inuicr Tim Cktuuy name, we tun lie the following special oilers: NitWHulwcfllMtnt beginning with November, p. i, niiiv obtain the iniurii.ine for one year fioi.i nine. and the twnt v-lonr previous num- lii-i h, unbound, lor &S.U0. Hugular price ior the tlni-H veai'R. ffl2.(H). (., if preitrrreil, n subscription and t , v-four niuiiis-rs hound in totir fit" i. mi'S will be fuinlhhed for .0. 1. 1 i .j'ct'KIXUY CO., Ktw-Vo, li, 1-. ti.e to Arepmlnrffnvilnrtta. ff j?-Thfl Oldest SoIl!t In the LuiUHl .stitu-s, whose like Lost kxi-kuikncr, perfect method ami pur medicine insure tfPKKHY and FKitMANKKT OUKs of all Trivato, dhronio and NfTvouB Dwasea. Attentions of the Jllood, Mklit, HHlney, jlntlder, 1 rtutiii, I leers, Old hwMiii of thoniaiiip, rc Mouth, U hrttuts lionts liiliin, ponimneuti cured aud eradicaiudtioui the eystem ior iiio. .n r n TJ DHt7i, Itnptfnit,Srminal U Lis 4 i w J Jmes, Hexual Dvcuy, Mental and rtnjsical Weakness, Failing Mctnoiy, Weah IZycB, Stunted Development, Impede tnents to Marriage, eic, from excesses or ant; eatue, tpccdihj, safely and privately Cured jYoiinfr, Middle-Aged and OHlmeii, and all who neud liiedioal nklU and experience, nonsuit Dr. Bate at once. Ilia opinion coats nothing, and may aave future m usury and shame. When inconvenient to visit the city for treatment, medicines can bo sent everywhere by mail or express free from oliscr vntlpn. JIt is self-evident that a physician who (rives Mm wiiolo attention to a class of disoa&es at tul n 8 ureut nklHtandphyBiciansthronphot the country, knowing this, frequently recommend difficult . cases to the Oldent Steln,llHt by whom every known (rood remedy is osed. r-Dr. Bate's Aire and Evperlvtico mnlio hifl opinion of au lreme ln!r( mice. T?rThose who call boo no one but tho I ioctor. ( Jnnrmkations free and Rprodl y con ft dor. i I'll, (.'nxeavliioh liavefmlod inohtaininff relief elsowhure. otpoomlly BoltcUnd. feemnle Dis eaRes treated. Onll or wr;t. Uonrw. from to 4; to fl; KuidavM. 1 to 139. GUil TO iijAl.TI gjiNT J''!ir.E. A)drrira as above. ASA JONES, Middle Street, Nowbem; N. DEALER IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, t Etc. Agent for tlie DIAMOND SHIRT nlaun. - dried tl.Oi). Lanndrieil U1.25. And the celebrated Warner's Covaline Corset, i rice i.uo. A full Hue of Gents'. Ladies' anrl niiilffrn'ii Underwear, Gents' Linen, Celluloid and Puuer fnllnrfi an.Wllltfa Cllllrnnrl T XX II..... chiefs, all kinds of Gonts'. Ladles' anil Ch1l. dren'sHiuid and Machine Mado Shoes, Hub bor Coats, Hats and Shoes, Ladles' Cloaks and jacKeifl, anaeverytningusuaily Kept in a Urst uihsb ury uuouHaLuru. ASA JONES. marfltUwly Middle St., op. Baotist Church "Anakesi3"rr?.W sn infallible curt tor Pi leu. Price f 1, at druggists, or K l acui pruuaiu uy man. hamplo P Hfret. Ad. "ANA KEHIS wUakere.Box2410fiewYarfc U P P E R E n from Yonthfnl lmprndenos, cansing Nervonfl DAbiiitv. Mental and Phvni. djlI WnaknniuL VAliiahlft Information for homo oure Aoe. Used 23 vearftsurw i fnly. Dr.aOUa.Uox24a,Ohic0 1 13, SWEKT Stall Ha-2 Left Hand Side AT THE CITY MARKET, nlwnvs HnnnllAd with thn vnrv hent. ITrrtRh Meats, Beef, I'ork. Mutton and Hausugethat the Market attorus. call on him. , v lanlll-dly . ' - G. E. FOY & CO., Wholesale Grocers . , -. , . And Dealers In - . Guano and Genuine Germao Brick Block, Middle street, d Newbern, N.C. , Walter P. Burros & Co, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . AND DEALERS IN GKAIN OF ALL KINDS (Corn a Specialty.) S- Orders and Consignments respectfully uiiuueu ..." r . , iam-amiy Wo continno id actaRsolioitorsfoi natcnts. caveats, trado-marlts. copirrighto, ctc.fot the United Stiilos.Rndtoobhiinpali. onts in Canada. Enclund. J'rance. i flnrmnnv. and all nttior countrioa. isa Tbrty-sljf years' practice. No charge for examination of models or draw iiur:i. Ailvlcn hv free. .. . ratnnts obtained through tis are noticed in the SCIKNTIFIC ABUiiiUCAJf, Which llltf tho larKcst circulation, and is tho most mint Butipl newRpapor of itakiud pnblishod in the worm. J. no aavauf,hruuoi suuuaiiuucu ovuij pnlpntoe understands. Tliisiario and splendidlv illustrated newB- pa.por in published WKKiiLY at J:i.20 a year, ami ii admitted to be the bCRtpmier dovoti to n tenoo, mochanicH, inventions, engmoonr H, iiu.l of!cr doportmonts of iuUimtri w 01' pro; troai", tnitiuuiifta m os b liiail, IH conlr. i, . mil $1 A TEAE. $1 g PX Is $1 A YEAR $1 ffl HZ tl Baffls O in 5 W' . co ? JI: ltd About sixty million cHulenof Thk sit i. gone out, of our establishment during the past llirnu jiif'fiLiin. If you were to nuate end to end all thn unnis of uIITheKunh printed ami sold lust year you would eet a continuous siiiu of l.n..- resting Information, coiiimon sense wisdom, sound doctrine, andsanowit long eiiout-h to reach from I'l l nting House square to the top of Mount Copernicus In the moon, then hack to Printing House square, and then three quarters of the way back to the moon asain inn, jiik bun is wnrten ior lie inhabitants of the earth ; this same strip of Intelligence wuiuu biiuib uib Kiuue iweniy-sevuii or twenty eight times , , i- lr every buyer oi a copy or the Sun flnvhiw the past year lias spent only one hour over it, and if his wife or his grandfather has spent another hour, this newspaper in 1883 has af forded ma niiman race tmrtoen tlmiiKiiiwi years of steady reading, night and day. jus only uv nttio calculations -dike tlies that you can form any idea of the circulation of the most popular of American newspapei b, or of its influence on tlie opinions and actions of American men and women, Tub sitn Is. and will continue to be. a news- paper which tells the truth without fear of consequences, which gets at the facts no mat ter how much the process costs, which pre sents tlie news of all tlie world without waste of words and in the most readable shape, which is working witli all lis heart for the caiiseof honest government, and which there- lore believes that the ttennh can nartv must, go, and must go lu this coming year of our JI you Know TUB Nttn. von lllro It, n remlvi and you will read it with accustomed dili gence and profit during what is sure to be the most Interesting year hi its history. If you do not vet know Tub Sun, It is high time to get Into tlie sunshine. Terms to Mall Subscribers. Tlie several editions of Tub SDN are sent hv mail, postpaid, as follows: DAILY BO cents a mouth, SO a year: with Sunday edition. ST. SUN DAY Eight pages. Thisedltion furnish es tlie current news of tlie world, special articles of exceptional interest to every body, and literary reviews o new books of the highest merit. Slavear. WEKKLY$1 a year. Eight pages of the hest matter ottheually issues; an Agricultural Department of unequalled value, special market reports, and literary, scientific and domestic intelligence make Thk, Weekly 817N the newspaper for the farm er's household. To clubs of ten with jflil, au extra conv free. Address I. W . ENGLAND, Publisher. ' The Sun, N.Y. City. AY. II. DEWEY Would Inform the pulilio generally ' Jmthe is lilted up in first-class style having Just fitted in new chairs and Is prepared to give you as good a shave as was given when Ms predecessor, John M, Bunton, was alive, forTKNCiiNTS. Call at tho Gaston House Barber Show and be convinced. lulill-dlv " v, ,'; J 4, 1W" EASTfiM NUHTil G.&0LIKA MAllBLIf W0KK8 NEW BEME, S.C. . , MONUMENTS, TOMBS, And all kinds Grave and Building work in ITAUAK&AHERICAN MARBLE' Ordors will roceive nromiit nttntinn and satisfaction guaranteed. J032 K. WILJ.IS, Proprietor, tsuccessor to Geertto W.Claypoole) ' Cor. BROAD AD CRAVEN Sta., :..NEW BERNE, N. C. G. Ei Millisu is mv authorized ncunt in Kinston. . maSO-lvrfw WM. LOROil, LI HHA.LKR IN ' 1 ' GENERAL MERCHANDISE cm. warn ACC0LU0D4T10HS. : Broad St. NeVBcrne. N. C. PATENT AUTOMATIC CUBIi'H FOLDING GEQS The mjHit perfectly hnlnncod roiPIHO HETl in tlio World. 6utotantlal, jetsolftlittluitachthlt-iiii onnn ?S.'k!nwL,t w'th ".,so. 'Cvij foiiil.lnii G HEAT 7,h 5y ?1fst- ulnBt clnPt. EASIEST FOI PK1 JiHl), and Is now ottered to the pulilio as tlio (: . up. iJ4o , A;! says WKAB nnd TEAR of CAR Has. keen (lie ULDDlliO CUiAN FHOM DUbT. ynd i rjnldly nipcmiinn all other boila In tli f!A,",,iT liooicoANK, antic! AKD, and lItl I ISO-Ki 4lt sdiM, Factory&0filcei14B5 State St, Chicago, tW1n wjndlns for circular wiUi prices. Dlcaso noma this paiier. ' It Stands at tho Head, t::- l: A 1'i.r t OJ ' ,': X. - -a - saa '.v.; A. v , n feS I&s (yXJir?" ,.ftv.'5r

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