JOUl i -A ' . JI. . J ; .ilg Co'y. -"-It NOTICK THE NEW t- f.-n Transportation r.:t Calling Cte tuner . ,1 I .I Ulr.TY -1! jLeave Hnyboro for New Berne 8 KWu t? t at Stonewall, Van- v '' - - dv, ., I'Hiuiioo, Adams f f "1 Creek add Hiverdale. c , CJ1 '0 ' lUfKve New Berne for Bayboro 8 a.m. buippun at Riverdale, Ad. am Creek, Pamlico, Van-' . ' aeuiere aud Stonewall. ' Thursdaya ' ' ' : . Leave Bayboro for New Berne 8 aan., ' - btoppiug at Stonewall, Van- ' deuiere, Hmltbs Creek, Ad- . , ami Creek and Rlverdale. ' , ' $ iturday- Benve for bayboro 8 a. m. ' 8topplns; at Rlverdale, Ad- ama Creek, Smiths Creek, . r"' Vaudemere and Stonewall. HHaTlng good accommodation both for wi sh ufers and freight at very low rates, ask that the merchants and producers along Its Una give It their cheerful support. ' ' For further Information enquire at thaof oe, loot of Craven street. i, RALPH GRAY. r . Agent at New Berne. Of any of Its AeonU at the following places: ABB LEK. Adams Creek, D. H. ABBOTT, Vandeiuere, C H. fowlkk, Htonewau, 8. H. FOWLKR, Bayboro, ... , . JOBHUA DEAN. Pamlico, t , 1 W. H. JACOBS, Smiths Creek, , " ' MALLETT BKOS., Rlverdale. Freight Received under cover every day the week. , Jan21dAwly KS'iT-BEBSE, BE1CF0ET & ONSLOW : ::lt.::3 coa3Ti::g company OOHSKCTIHO WITH Atlantic & N. C. Railroad, AND . - CLYDE'S JT.'a LINE STEAMERS - At Zlorebe&d City and New-Berne. Through arrangements to and from -all Bogue sound. White Oak and New River points, and Through Bills Lading Issued to all poluts, North, East, South and West. Quick Transportation and prompt delivery of Cotton, Naval Stores, General Psxlnce, Goods, Wares and General Merchandise, and rates guaranteed as low as by any line. Ctta Bate per Bale of 450 Lbs. i White Oak and Bogue New River Points to New-Berne.fl.OO to New-Berne tt,50 Norfolk . a 00 " Norfolk..... 8.80 Hull I more 850 " Baltimore . 8 0U New York ...... 8.00 ' Philadelphia . 8.00 - " Boston ............ 4.00 , Provldeaee. 4.00 New York-. fj.50 ' Philadelphia... 8.50 Boston 4.50 Providence .... 4.50 AU cargoes covered oy insurance. . : The transportation service of the Inland Coasting Company, now -organized and In successful operation, will be as thorough, effi cient, prompt and cheap, as It to possible to make It, and the patronage of producers and shippers Is respectfully solicited. . , i'ot further information apply to the local Agents of the Line. Office of the Company : ' v, Beaufort, N, C Oct. 22.1883. A. W. STTROS, President, otZtdAW WM. A. HKABKB, Supt, RAILROADS. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE; Atlantic ' &. N. C. Railroad. i. TIME TABLE No. 6, , . Ia Effect 12:00 MM Sunday, December .. 28d, 1883. " EAST. I WBST. If TO III, las,'? V' ' !, , NS.47. No. 48 1 i ExpreM Expres, ' FassAMatl STATIONS. Pass.MaU i J ' ArfcL;Te! A"- ''T. ' - t. H. T. V. A- A . I 50 Oold.boro 1110 fM 83 6 80 La Grange.-. 10 10 28 L12 T83Klnston, 9 80 9 45 fit) 11 21 Vew Berne, 1 21 ; ' II 84 . Morehead Depot 6 w 1 , r. M.P. M. A.M. A.M. ' EAST. I WEST. No. a Hlzsd Fgt Pass. Train. No. 4 Mlxec Fgt Pass. Tra n. Arr. Mj've. p. m. p. M. ; 7 86 8 47 7 00 6 14 6 37 6 44 6 60 4 67 6 20 , 4 16 4 21 5 8 48 8 48 8 14 8 IB 8 02 8 02 2 80 P. M. P.M. STATION. Arr. L'to. A M. 48 S W 8 80 n ft a A. M. 7 10 7 60 8 26 866 60 1110 n M Ooldsboro, Bests La Grange. Falling Creek, Klmton,-........ Dover Cor Creek Tascarora u Clarke's .. Newborn, P. M. P. M. EAST. I WKST. No. . : atixedFgtfc; PaK. Train, j : No.8. t Mixed Fgt. i Pass. Train. : ArrT" 've. STATIONS. Arr. Lve: A, M.i A.M. ! ! 4 40! Newbern P.M.! 1 25: 12 84: 12 2li 11 62: 11 10 10 63: 10 20: . 1 AM.! P. M. 12 89 12 26 11 67 11 20 10 68 10 26 10 00 A. M. A 26 ( at! Rlverdale . 6 81) 5 80: Oroatas... 03" ' 19- Havelock. 6 61! 7 mi 7 88; 7 55! 7 10i Wildwood . 7 46 i Morehead City... ' i I Morehead Depot. A.fM. a.m. r Train 48 connects with Wilmington A Wei 1 don Train bound North, leaving Goldsboro 11:60 a. m., and with Richmond A Danville Train West, leaving Goldsboro 11:56 a.m and Wilmington Welcfon Train South at 5 p.xn Train 4 connects with W. A W. Train bo und Train 47 connects with Richmond k Dwvllle Train,smvins; ai vtoiaDcro, sua uru aiington and Weldo Train from the north at :U5 p.m. Trains 4, 5 6, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. . Trains 47 48, dally exeeptflurtJayi Jr , Train 8, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays. Trains 48 A 8 breakfast at Klnston. Train 47 ' tapper at Kinston.; -...j.'v' w uxmn, Superintendent. f Midland N. C. Railway. In effect Thursday, October 25, 1883. WEST. 1 ' EAST. No.l. Mixed Train. No. 2. fixed Train, STATIONS. Arr. L've. Am L'v's. a.m. A-M. 14 5 61 5 68 6 84 6 87 627 827 s 6lt 09 ' ', 4 48 P.M. 29 45 65 10 13 10 84 r. M." 08 9 81 48 65 10 1 Goldiboro... OopMands .. Princeton..., Holt's Mill.. Pine Level.. 8mthneld.. V DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY; "t Tral 2 connects with A. A N C. Fre'cht Tn -i lviig GliHhnro at7:8s to.. -l vh W ii.'imlii going North at a.m., ' ft, m i at 5: t5 p.m., and with K. a D. train oiug V fi.Htl:u0a.m. 'j in Iso. 1 connects with A. A N. C. train vi ivi, nt (io!. n'iro 8 M p.m.: wlf a R. AD, TrHlnii ivliiKat5:20p.iii., and with W. A W. Trsuns arriving at &:la p.m. ana s.uvp.m. , Euperintendent, fin iii . . v i iuL '. v.,. . . ... v lJEUSS' TEElTT 'rIVEE Stearaboat Company Willrun the following Schedule on and after February 1st, 1881: ... Steamer EinstonT s Will leave Newbern for Klnston every TTJIj'ii DAY Hul F1.IUAY; r urn) lwes Kin pi, n f, r Newbern eiury : WiiAY. and XtiUIiisDAY; touching at Jolly Old Field and all Intermediate poluts both going aud con m Steamer L.- H. Cutler " " Will leave Newbernfo't 'Trenton every MON DAY and FRIDAY; retSrnhn leaves Treaton for Newbern every .TUESDAY and SATUR DAY; touching at Polloksyllle and all inter mediate points both going apd somiug, ; r : Strs. Blanche and Contentnea Will make their reeular trios between New bern, lull's Ferry .Jlookertou tnd auow HUl.'l Tltese steamers make close connection with the 0. D. S S. Co. nnd North Carolina Freight Line. For further Information apply to W. E. STYRON, Jg., at Newborn, D. S. BarrOs, Polloksville. ' ' ' ' R. W. MoQoWAK, Trenton. 8. Quinerlv, Jolly Old Field. , ... ..- i M. WHITE, Gen'l Manager, febfdAwu. it , . Klnston, N.cr1 J ' ' ' J' i " Steamship Company. BEMI-WEEKLY LINE ; For Jlw Yoru, Baltimore, Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, Philadelphia, IVovilencOi,vi ami other Cities.-v i " ON AND AfTpl V J i - ' J '. Nj. Monaav ouiy yna, 1883, ONTIL FURTHER NOTICE i Steamer SheiiaiM 1 Southern KaiUod(at .Elizabeth City, every , MONDAY AlfD THCRSDAY? J for New Berne. Returning leaves New Berne for Elizabeth City erery TUESDAY AND FRIDAY M at p. m., making close connection with Nor fo Southern R. R. for Northern citiei. OlosS' connection made at New Hume with steamers for Kinston, FolloksViltev Trentoa and all landings on the Neuse and Trent Rivers. No freights received for shipment on Tuesdays and Fridays after 5 p m. Freight forwarded promptly and lowest rates guaranteed to destination. Fare to Elizabeth City and return: $4. To Washington, $4. ' To Norfolk, 5. To Baltimore, i 8.60. To New York, 13.80. , , B. B. BOBRRTS, Ac's, New Beme, ODLPIFFIB k TBBNIR. i , Ag'tt. Norfolk, V. A W. H. STAltrOBD, Gen'l Frt Ag't, ' -.. New York City ; Change of Pier in Hew Tort' V TheN. C. Freight Line FOR NEW YORK. BOSTON, PROVIDENCE,' ', and all points ' North and "West After this date will receive freight in New Yoik for Neu( Berne at , ; : : PIER 7,' NORTH KI V12K, Office of New Tori ani Baltimore ' , Transportation Co. Merchants should remember that this is on of the best Steam Lines out of Mew York, making dailr connection with Baltimore for New Berne: all inside, and enly one change. r SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMERS- Bttween Few s Berne ani Ballimore, . - f If s (Touching at Norfolk) ' .' i Leaving New Berne for Baltimore TUESDAYS FRIDAYS at lpm. Leave Baltimore foj New Berne WEDNESDAYS dnd SATURDAYS v, 6. p.m.: ' Agents are as follswsi - i EUBKN FOSTER, Qenl Jfanagor, '; 80 Light St., Bal't. Md. IAS. W. McCARRICK, Ag't. Norfolk, Va. -I W. P. Clyde1' A Co.. Philadelphia, u South : banes. "," P"" .'" ' ."'. York Balto. Trans. Line, Pier TJforth river : E. Sampson, Boston, 63 Central wharf. B. H. Rockwell Providence R. I. ; D. 0. Mink, Fall Rirer, Derrick wharf. - - i Bhipa leave Boston, Tuesdays and Saturdays. f " " New York daily. -i h Baltimore, Wednesdays snd Saturdays ' Fall River, Mondays, Wednesdays, i' Fridays. , - - ... , " ' Providence, SaUrdays Through bills lading given, and rates gueran f to all point), at the different offices of the mpanlee. , . . ,-'. ' f.- h . i Avoid Breakage of Bulk and Ship m N. C. LINE.;v ; d;:o j MarSOtyS H. OHA, Agt, New Berne.N 7 .-'rai'ILESElf-CO ' avkMA-A and .uwiysLat.l ruwti.llsiiai In Vtt TT fid . ' (now rttlred for thriirwof Jkasr 1 t inf WTraasranaia Ifn aifli n nmm anil I mil tpiDsQVlHI A.utmmmtt iam AddmsDB. WAJID4C0.,UwiIbs,W f-'Jx'.'-''. Notice, -.'.'' State ol North Carolina .Crnveu County, - In matter of sTneorporntlon J Superior sjonrl i of the -Neuse ud rent " ' ' ' ; luverateamooat uompany j Jan. kl, imi. i Pnrsnant to law Bit provided !rt lhe,Code oforth caroliua,!'; cuup. 10, 1 have this day declared that T. A. Oreen, c. E. Foy, George Credle, D. L. Bpberts, S. H. Gray, and f. M. White and their successors a corporation un der thename of the "Neuse and Trent River Steamboat company, for. tlie purpose of car rving for freight aim' live goods, wares ami merchandise, and the products of the country by boats, barges, fhtts and steamlioats, and transporting passengers from and to" any and all points on the Neuse and Trent Rivers and their tributaries in said Btnte, at such rates and charges as may be fixed by the proper of fleers of said corporation: said corporation Is to continue for thirty years; the amount of the capital stock )s 10,1)00, and the value of each share is ju (wan privilege to increase said capital stock to 8100,000), the principal place ol business is to be at the City of New bern. In said Suite, and said corporation Is to be allowed to istme bonds not exceeding the sum of $ii (K), and to secure the payment of same, anu us stooanoiaers are not to ue in dividually lliihle for the debts of the corpora- tlon, according to the articles of n"rment nled in the oinceof the Clerk of p , I Court. - ' -1 W. CAM i .si .(, Jan2l-dwtf. Clerk of Superior Court, t'layen County .NET I " Glasgow Scots. If Gla-ow is a criterion, all the beautiful Scottish women most be with Ei-rns' ; Highland Mary in Heaven. I have not seen one who would be even called pretty in Bal timore, . They i . are - strong, sturdy and robust, but tbey soem better fit ted 'to climb tl'hilli cfi..:'.: .,t than to adorn the drawing room of a city. Their street costumes, ow ing to the universal dampness, are more adapted to 'comfort than ele gance,' and they jralkfwltli a stride that displays more" strength than grace. " The men are hardy but not Handsome, possessing more of the vigor, of Kob Roy than the polish of Frince.fJharles Edward. Thev are very serious, and, like Poo, smile,' put never? laugh, .uutwaruiyt strict in the observance of the decencies of religion, they violate its spirit with ' perfect . indifference, ; The sound or a piano "on Sunday would shock their, religious feelings,-, but tuejr wumu not nesiiaie' to .over reach A' neighbor In trade oh Ion- day. Of coarse this is not intended as a general rule.- Cor. Baltimore Day. ' ' ' ricHccSSl; Pursuant to powers conferred on me by chattel mortgage, and liens executed to me bv Henry 8. Gordner, I will sell at Public Auction, at the Steam Mill of Thomas S. Howard, on the premises on rtoutli-Front street,- -between Craven street and J. A. Meadows' iuHI lot, In the city of Newbern, at EUiVNo'clook,A.M.;on the t. 20tJ4ay of February, '1884, the following property, viz.: ' 6ne Shingle Planer, One Sliiugle Saw, together with all the Pulleys and Shaft ingconnected. with and belonging to the same. F i - - . ,-. s Terms oranlet-cnah. fe This 80th day of January, 18S1. ...dtd ,TUOS. a fJOWARD. i T- r-T ' Cliche Seed a f . ' A small lot of CHOICE HOME EARLY ROSE SEED POTATOES' for sale CHEAP. Come early, before all are sold. ' -tjauWtl'- '.". JOHN DUNN II. J. LOVICK, WHOLESALE and EETAH U ; .i-.i;v'-.-Jl DEALER IN Heavy Groceries,' x4i:(! .Br?. Goods, :v IP-, " Bne Wines I , , and Liquors. The celebrated BUCKINGHAM WHISKEY always on hand, GIVE ME , TRIAL. j Blank's Old Stand. Middle Street, Newbern, N. C. JanlTdAwly - CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY GOODS OP " 4 R EVpY DESCRIPUO V V PROM A lAnHoratoit , $20ttHo Horse. Elegant hlhzis, V&scs AND inythiiig to Please both Young and Old fe27-dtf JOHN DUNN'S. A YEAR'. 0 MSlf o '.13 """ wamm aJ 'O Eo --t 5T IP ail" . 9 ? o ia. m o v. 1 r rLy t , rS832)5- $l'JA!iyiAR:"$l a a I j n ; u . mi !' t 1 , - t f ! i . j - . ' ' ' ' - or. if Ti-i-l. 1 1 ,' l t i ; "1 ! ,-tilv-f,)tir in,,,. rj ! i -!.,, ,-,.,;. v in I"-1 u . '. J Li .- ' , .V:: u': ,'J ' ) .i- i Sir. "for n liyimv l i.iM t:i... " e Seibv CAU-.iit, of Nashville, the bonoilu derived from ,, t ; j i. Ayer's uarsap Having boon afflicted all my life with Scrof ula, my system soomed saturated with it. It -; earns out in notches, Ulcers, and Mattery Sores, all over my body." Sir. Carter states that be was entirely cured by the use of Ayeb's SakeUparilla, and since discon tinuing its u.-e, eight montlis ago, he has had ho return of tho scrofulous symptoms. ,,. it- - ' -43 baneful infections of the blood are promptly removed by this unequalled altera- . ' tire.' ' ( - - ' PBEPAKED BT' ' ' ' , Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. , Sold by all Druggists; , six botUes for $5. . f r in w 'm' , -" ! i' - ' .NOTICE.'.;, ; ; o n a North Carolina, I l i1 Craven County. A.D. 1884. "The Howard National " , , Bank of Boston,'? , . u. piaintiff, -'' -Agtiinst ( '. Lewis Coleman, i '.. ' .:; Defendant. ' t u - To "The Midland North Carolina Rail way Company," and to John Gatlinar, Receiver thereof, and to ,"The Midland Improvement nnd Construction Com pany," and to the Presidents, fSecre taripi. Treaetirers and Directors of the hext aforesaid corporations: ,r ' . TakeNoticer' " - That I' have' levied an attachment, directed to me in the above entitled ac tion, against the property of the defend ant, upon an alleged debt of his- against 'The Midland North Carolina Railway Company" and against "'The Midland Improvement and Construction Com pany,? evidenced by a judgment of the Superior Court , of , Craven county, wherein the said Lewis ; Coleman is plaintiff .and the next aforesaid corpo rations are defendants, whereby it is adjudged that the said Coleman recover of the next afdresaid defendants thirty- hve thousana dollars, witb interest on thirty-five thousand dollars from the second of September, 1882, and fox six 43-100 dollars, costs of protest, and for costs of action, being judgmept No. 8278 on tho judgment cocket of said. Court. , inut tne saia attachment is to entorce an alleged demand of the plaintiff in the above entitled action against the defendant therein, for forty-eight thou sand and fifty dollars, with 'interest on forty-eight thousand and fifty dollars fra'AprillSthlb'SSuntfl pa1d,4t the rate of six per cent, per, .annum; and is returnable to the term1 'of the 'Superior uourt to be neia 'for VJraven.countv on the twelfth Monday after the first Mon day m March, A.D.,lao4 , v You and each of you are hereby sum moned as garnishees to appear at the said Court, then and there, to answer respectively upon oath whether the said Tho Midland ISorth Carolina Kailway Company," or John Catling as Receiver thereof, or the aid '.'The Midland Im provement and Construction Company," are indebted to tne said defendant, Lewis Coleman, ' and. j. if so, to what amounts; what effects or debts of the said Lewis Coleman the said "The Mid-tancT-North Carolina" Railway Com nanv." or John Gatlinar. Receiver there of, or "The Midland Improvement and Construction Company," respectively have in their hands and had at the time of serving said , attachment, and what effects or debts of the eaid Lewis Cole man there are in the hands of any other person and wnat person to your knowl edge and belief..: f , " ', Given under my hand, this, the 4th day of February, A.D. 1884. , ' f f v Jtt. JtLAUWf fe6d4wt - Sheriff of Craven County. I THE CENTURY; lis-' , Programme for 1883-'84. Tne programme for the fourteenth venr of inm miiga.ine, anu uio iniru inuier tne new name, is if anything more interesting nnd popular limit ever.. With every season Tub CKH'itY shows a decided gain In circulation. The new volume begins wi th November, and, when- possible, subscriptions, should begin with that issue." The following are some of ineicaturesoi 1119 coming year : A New Novel, bv CSeorareVW. Cart. an. thor of ''Old Creole Days," etc., entitled "Dr. Sevier," a story or New Orleans life, the time being the eve of the late Civil War. ( "tare in tne Thirteen Colonies." bv Ed. Ward EKKleBton. sennrale illustrated nannrs on subleots connected with the early hltwry . Tttres stories oy iienry dames, ol vary, ine lensths, to appear through the year. Tne New Astronomy, uh technical Arti cles, by Pro8. f. Jjuug ley, describing the most interesting or recent discoveries iu the sun and stars. A Novelette bv II. IT. Dovesen. author of "uniinBr. 'BHi. ftviviaana spanning story. The New Era In American Architect tare, a series of papers descriptive of the best worn or American architects lu Public iiulld lngs, City and Country Houses, etc j IV) be A Novelette by Hobert Grant, author Of ! 'nn fpHMirvna nf n. Vrtvntnnn liv ' ain a(.1 tied "An Average Man," a tory of New York, The Bread-winners, one of the most re- nuvvknble novels of the day, to bo completed ; "Christianity and Wealth," with other essays, by the author of "The Christian Immune Of Connecticut," etc., on the application of (jnrisuan morals to. tne present phases of nioueni me. - " CoasilniE Abont the Onlf of St. Law, rence, a series of entertaining articles, tiro fusely illustrated.' ' Scenes from the Novelists, IIawthorn;, George Eliot, end Cable, with . authentic drawings. 1 - ......... ; On the Track of Ulysses, the record of n yacnwjruise in ine Mediterranean, identity. ing the route of Ulysses on his return from ttie Trojan 'watv- ' "Garfield In England," extracts from tils private Journal kept duriughls trlii to Kuroiie J11I8OT. - "The Sllvcrndo Sqnatfcrs," by Itobert iiouia nwveiimm, auiuor 01 "jicw Aruulaii JMKIltS." , 1, There will ho papers on outdoor England by' John HurrouKiis and others, a beautiful Iv Illustrated series on Dante, a number of pa- ?ers by the eniinoutFreneh novelist Alplioime fciudct,' articles oil art and arcliieoiogy iy Charles Dudley Warner and others, Illustrat ed pterB pu -Biwtt snd 1 ndvenfurq, .short stoi i a by tie,li:idint Vrlttrs, esuays 6uUma ly siilijectH, etc., etc. ' . ' Subscription price. ti.OOn year; slnglo num bers sold every where; at cent each. All dealers receive subRcrlplions, or rcinlttnnce may lie inaae direct to Hie mihllsiiftrg bv nos tal or ,express,oideriS'eglstered letter, bank cueeii, 01 unut. HfKc:iAi, Opfkhs. To enablenew subscribers to bcrcln with tlie tun voiunm umier jiik Ci tuuy name, we 1 be following spiH'bil oners: ' ,v Kiil,s, riheiK ln i'imiiii;; s i ; 'i "N'nVfM,!' ' i, iiuiy olitain the lnnHiizinu for due , 1 .111 (l:ili,nin liie tweniy-lnnriirev iuii" 1- i' : ' I'), ia ului' price c 1 s ,ie i:nc.,. ,'il 1,,- i CO., Kew-1 L j S. L A V!i) t I vrivW) WlSVil A rpfrolarftrfl't'i-'ita in tho United mSiw -Tho perfoot moihod arul pure m 'JSU tXl'LlilKNifri, ie HlcUiO fciJ'KKDY ut. t;iroij)f and e i imhI, M,l-i, and PERMANENT CUHKH of all l'r Nt'rvous Ditwasi-s. Alloctuinsof t Kltiriev. Ji:iftlor. l.-itnttii HOIil. S'I luir fr th. dM i,.ii.1H v., i. Throat, jimie I'aiiin, pt'rmamjtuiy cured auj radicatud from the system for luu. f" Z V ra t TMiiUty, Impoicncn.Snninal IsSaZiS 4 W Lo&)C8,&exual Uecay. Mental and I'hyaieal Weakness, Failing Memorti. fTTca7i Eje, Slanted Development, Impcdi- ments to Man-luge, etc., from excesses or any cause, speedily, safely and pvieately Cured. 0Yun7,MldHc-Agcd and Olrt men, andull who need medical ftklU aud experience, commit Dr. Bate at once. His opinion cost a nothing, and inny save futuro misery and fihame. When inconvenient to vitiit the city for treatment, medicines can ho seut everywhere by mail or eipreaa free I'roni Tnllon. 93-It is self-evident that a physician who (tives hi whole attention to a class of disoascs at tain great skill, and physicians throughout tha country, knowing t his, frequently recoinraenddiSi cult' eases to the Olilent KueclullHt, by whom every known r"d t-emeily i used. J-Dr. Bate's Ae and l:-.;.-rl-iic make his opinion of an preinu l!!rt!iiiet'. Kr- I'hoeo ho call see no one tmt tho Uootor. (Vnimiltiitionnf ree nnd sacredly conllilontltil. C'aoes which havofiiiloLlinohtaining relief elsewhere, esimcially soHcitetl. Keinale Dis eases treated. Call or wr;tn. lloiira, from O to 4i to t Sunrtaya, Vs to li. tiuiua xo Kuiixu ienx Fhes. Addrewanwliort.- 7 notice:1 ,-t i TliGiil)scriliPr liavinK qualldeil before the Judge of Probate of tfruven county ss Execu tor to tlio Inst will and testament of Kllsutbeth B. Pnstuer, deceased, bnreby notifies all per sons Having claims nyaniBi tne spiu r.iizitueui 11. Pastuor to present tlttm to him for pay ment on or before February 4 til, 188). or ibis notice 111 be pleud in bar of their recovery ; nnd nil persons indebted to Said Kltmhelh B. l'ustucr are notified to make pn vment. L H. CUi'LKH, Kxecutor. '. Feb. 1,1881. ' , d(lw as WHOLESALE GROCERS AND ir'.'-nKf-'ri. Vis COMMISSION MEKCUANTS, JttllS: NEW BERNE. N. C. ti&W Qysiors. A. E. KIMBALL hfu opened a ' FIRST CLASS OYSTER SALOON atsonih end of People's Market Moore's Old Stand and. is prepared to furnish oysters In any style., s -, c ,. ; n : , .. rainllles supplied at tliclr hoincg if desired, . . llUVll-Ull Wo cotitmne to ret asBolicitors foi patents, oavoato, irtiltnTltft', copyrights, eto.,foi U-,3 vu.M lilites, ana to obtain pa r-nU i- f'i.T,nr:i. l?no-land. Franco. riSaaa G 2: ", ciiS ail 6ther cotintrioB. Bay.-rr.- i - -, Ji'iiy-sll yonro' practice. No caai-ra a..v esaaiinatiou ormoaais or.oraw- ini;. Ailvica bv niuil free. rw.J !hu,.ined. t'n'OTiM f.s P.TO JiOticocl In fiia rx-istsitmo ASOSmCAH, vWch hat tho larg.-iut clrcolutlon, and io tho most itiflu snilil uorrspapor oi iUkicd published in ths IftCltlM - i. UO aU VH4tl tKWlHBUVU hwmwi 'Xliislarie and RpkiivVIdlyiliUEtralou news- if at n.w a year, iffrnr'J.;i1 to to the best paper dovdtod tasna-icEriieshaaicfl.inventiriuscRincci-iag CGvi.:-.. .. i. r.i'tes Lntwrbna&ts 01 industrial pm&Au JtldW'oa fa any connrry. 8ingU soples by x-'.iil, li cents. Bold !! 8w aoiterc. : '-1?.'-, .-i-r' -." - Addrctn, l-'tstin & Co.,imbIUmerAvf f tific Amoriw.ii, 201 Ei-oadw. v, Kcw VivU j lIahubou!!i aUonttatanl ta&iloct freo- I'fr 1 1 SS&JOKES, ! . Middle Street, Newbern, N."0., - ' DKALEH IN ' ' ' ' ! Staple and Fancy Dry Goods BOOTS, SPES, CL0TII1XD, Etc. ; Agent for the DIAMOND SHIRT . nUiun- dried 11.00, Lahndrled 11.25,' And the celebrated Warner's Caroline Corset, v ' Price L0O. , . A full line of dents'. Ijullea' and (Tlilldron'a Cnderwear.Gents' Linen, Celluloid and I'nper Collars and Cutis.. Wlk and Linen Handker. chiefs, all kinds of Gonts', Ladles' and (Chil dren's Hand and Machine Made Klines, Kub- Dor tjouta, Mats and Hlioes, Lartles' Cloaks and jacKei, ano everyrning usually kept m n urst 1 , AA.JUIN1!. W, martkliwly Middle St., op. Bap-tint Church E"3 r n s , Of tho BrtEIfTIFIO AMKmc UDnetoaotas Hniiciuirs Mr J'utents, Caveats, Trade Marks, CopjrlKlits, for the Ijnltod StaU'a, Canada, Kngland, France, German y, eto. Hand Book atmut Patents sent fruo. Thlrty-acTcn years' ex poricnoe. Patents obtained thlMiii; Kli M U NN A CO. are noticed IntheSoiiNTiKio AMtmcAN. the largest, best, and mush muDir uircunwcu vuieiituiu pnuur. fd.uayeur, Weekly. BDlenrlld enai-UTlnca and Intrci na in. formation. Biieolaien omr of the Hclrntitta A hi.n loan aent frco. Arl'lrena MUNN A CO., rjciKSIino AnaaiuAw vmce, i Drouuwar, stew xom. i WaltercP.Buwus'1 Co.; COMMISSION MERCHANTS,' V rU'i't :AKO DKALERS IS ' .' :i- (JEAIN OF ALL KINDS (Corn a Specialty.) , Uo-w-Xlox-xxo, XJ. O. $fr Orders and Conslifiiracnts respectfully w.iv.w , iuui-upFivxy C. K. TOY & CO., , ; : uuicaaie ui uctis , ' ' And Dealers in ;; Guano and Genuine German ; ..Kainit, Brick Clock, Middlo street, Newbern, N.C. ROBERTS &:HElfDERS01T V':' Icucral Insurance Agents, ' oav! Borne, Df.: J. Only (ii'Ht clnss Companifia represent . cln , .' -. 1: . Flro, IL'awid Accident lararance. . m it , xoiiu ittiiiiai oyer 1 rorty Willions 01 ' DoIIujs. Jun2'MlY JVnc1 c-f.n i' r nvi t ::i s patc A rril M nr' fVT -"ii -fTllii t FA Would inform ti:e i;ni.a ; -mn-hv Mat be Is fitted up la rt-c!:n.s mi i j..,vf iltod In ncw chairs iin-.l is .r, mued to give you ai gotd aBiutve as was lvu when ills preiloeessor, Jolin M. Ilantou, Mas alive, for TEN CISNTrt. Call at the Gaston House Bnrlier Sliop and be convinced. lulJl-dly L J EASTERN NORTH CARCLOA ' MARBLE; WORKS MA. W EEKXE, N. C. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, And all kinds fJravn unri n.,n,ii n b , ITALIAN&AWEniCA!! "Zl Orders will rfiCPlVA nrntTiTir ciit-n.A:AM. and satisfaction guaranteed, ; , JOE E. WILIJS, Proprietor i""1" oewrge w. Clnypoole) Cor. BROAD ADD CRAVEN St ' n n t WW BERNE, X. C, u. li. Millku is my authorized asent iiuaton, - . f .. ma80-lydw WM.-LORGH, DEALita IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE t;. caut souss a'ccokkodaticus. j ' ttronrl Cl. New Berne. K.C. ' ' ' PATENT AUTOMATIC CABINET FQLDIIiG BEDS go 'Themoirtpwfcc.flybaliiiic(Hl:l.'OT.T)INO HK7 inthe woiUl. -bdliMimtlal, Jo llchi tliacncnud enn onen and cloRe it with e.ise. Tlicy comlilne f) u K A T 6TRKNGT1I, BEAUTY and tJTH ITv" It if the VEItr BEst, most compact, E A81 EST FOLDED S' rd l8,1.'0,?.0161 to t,,! l'aolio as the, CHEAP xny' Bcd on (,ie narknt It ECONO MIZES SPACK, saves WEAR and TEAR of CAR PETS, kec the BUDDING CLEAN FROM DUBT J"4,, raijidly FiipeiwlInK all lieila In tlie Krfn!rr 0' "1'k m " 3 rS ?1SLB!!?E,T' WCAS, HOARD, and WRI'l'IWO-DKrfKVtolii. . ... ...viumi VIJUUW, Factory SLOfflcg, 14B5 StataSL.Chicago, 'twin rending fur circular with prices, please nam thl paper. 1 It Stands at the Head. the uGHTr.aB c::.:estiCs . 11 or s.ue rjv - . , DUFPY & IVESa mal2d . .k, , New Bernk N, C. -.NOTICEU j '; NdBTH CAitoMXA, 1 In the Superior Courts i urafoncouutyij January ytiih, 1WU, John A. lllchardson, Adm'r 1 , - , , 01 jvioert u. iiiujouiu, i , J i i j va i . I I FranCbs Hubbard, Arletla Hubbard, Mary Ann Hub bard,4ieorgeiilBmuKes, 1,11 ly Lee, BurtineUavlN, Aiuria Secors, Burtine Kagle, aud Gettie, Robert, George and Bessie ; Dismukes, inlautH, heirs at law Of A. G. Hub bard, deceased. - , ii : t Bpeeial pro ceeillng lor the--Hale of land to uiakeuKseta. ' 00 ( jf ... .1 Take notice that yon are required to appear at the olllee of the CloJ'k of the .Superior Court Of Craven coniitv, in the city of New Berne, N. U, on MUM DAY, tho 'i'KNTU day of MAltCH noxt, at 12 o'clock, M., and answer ' or demur to tlio petition llled by Joliu A. Kichardwm, AdmlnlHtrator, in tho above en titled special proceeding for the sale ni tha lands of the hite A. G. Hubbard, deceased, to make askota for the payment or debts. , K. W. CAl.l'KM'l' U, s JanSO ilAwOw ' Clerk of superior Court. Nokth CAU0I.TNA,-.,1 . Superior Coiivl, Craven County. ) Spring Term, A.l . ia84. "Tho Howard National . j liauk of lioston," , r . Plalntwr, ' ' Afrainst . . .,. . Lewis Coleinuu, - Defendant. To l,6wls QolcTflun; the 'defend:!' t al)ov named: If , ; , Take .Not ice : Tliat an a.'tton, entitled fiHul i,e 1 ,P commoneeii In the Huperlor ( euri of i . .w county, the pin-pone (if which h t, ,, . ..v. Judgment in favor of liie i lin it for lorty-elubt thousami II Keillor Wil li interest on and 11 fly iiollm s irom ' . .1 I : rato of six per cent, i- . . , . . demanded liy plnlnl In i alleged ,lo bo icilum you and onu 'i . ('. dal.eil at, lii.Kiinit in : c Oil tilO K'V cut !t - , paynlileto pmhiii mi -. dale, original iv 1... A ml lln , , nmi a nf,-- r 1. 1' 111, f l i , ': , , ,! ;

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