UAtm VJ'-VU JLXN jLJLJLJ. i ,1 "V" A Jl. I vir VOL. II. NEW BERNE, N: C, SUNDAY. MARCH 21884. NO. 285; 1 A) LOCAL NEWS. Journal Miniature Almanac. San rises, 6:28 I Length of day, ' Sun sets, 6:57 1 11 hours, 29 minutes. Moon sets at 11:84 p. m. ,,.,.. ,.: . - : , i Whitman has a dog, , t , s County commissioners meet to-mor- .row. - , '.V; - ? i- P. M. Pearsall, Esq., of Trenton, was in the city yesterday Church Services, building. Who will hold baok from down," he says, "on wnat seemea a to arrange ior tne coming crop, ana Christ Church-V. W. Shields, Rector, this laudable undertaking ? " The times kind of level dust-ocean, invisible from Pt experience has proved that there is First Sunday in Lent. Services at 11 arehard.but the health, culture and below, but whose depth was six, or the two or three part Beasons; Alittle a. m. Holy Communion and at 7:30 happiness of our children will not wait seven thousand feet. The color of the thought in the right way will lead to the p. m The publio are always invited to upon the times. ' Smaller communities light reflected to us from this dust-ocean conclusion that as long as we fail to raise attend the services of this church. ' than this have erected magnificent was dearly red, and it stretched as . far ou,r supplies and buy fertilizers at time i i nriiwH wn itihv nYTmrr. n n rn Tim an. - wv KUVUiuy VAAUtWU vvukvum J kvb i BvllWl Il'lUOCBi Wll'VU T W I vm V"W VF V VV 4 vwa m.m w j w-w vises at 11 a. ni. and 7:30 p. m. Ke v. I to them through Blithe coming years. Ition, altho' there was nq special wind J. E, Mann, P. E. Sunday School at 8 We cannot afford to halt or waver in an I or local cause for it A fine Milch Cow and Calf Northern It was evidently Stock for sale by ' p. m. ' : , 1 , , . .- 1- enterprise like this. It Is the very lite tike the oust seen in mid-ocean worn Pollock Street Chapel Sunday School of all our hopes and plans for the future the Peak of. Teneriffe something pres- marl,lw K. R. Jones. at 9 a. m. Preaching at 4:30 p. m. by The total number of Graded School ' - by the Pastor, Rev. L. C. Vass, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Subject at 11 a. m.: "The position held by the Presbyterian amount that they are willing to con Church on the subject of danoing, dan- tribute. Bchools and theatres." Sabbath . C. C. Clark, pupils is four hundred and ninety-six. - The; ,Fly)Clute, Harry Stevenson's canoe, is on the benches at the foot of Craven street for repairs. The steamer Defiance arrived from prosperity of New Berne. . Let every ent all the time, and a permanent m patron and friend of education in this gredient in the earth's atmosphere. On community at once subscribe, signify- scrutinizing this through the telescope, ing to either of the three ; gentlemen it was found to, be due to myriads of above mentioned, the largest possible the minutest dust particles. It is es- Fme lot apples on consignment. ' fe271w - Dao. Bros. Void of Offence, The breath becomes "void of offence," when contaminated with decaying or impure teeth, if Sozodont, the national oing DAVIDSON COLLEGE, ," : MECKLENBTJEG CO., N. C., 1884-'8Q. The next Session ODena on THURSDAY. SEPl'EMBEK 11. For Catalogues apply to the CLERK CP THE FACULTr". febl8d&w8m The Baltimore ; yesterday t. evening witn- a school at a quarter before 3 p. m. cargo of general merchandise. .- : I publio are invited to these services. ' Three marriage licenses granted the Baptist Church Rev. C. A. Jenkens, runt week bv the Register of Deeds, one I rastor. Services at 11 a. nr. and 7p.m. w -i i - 1 - T. A. Gbeen, ' ( " George Allkn, -1 William H. Outer, John S. Long. ; U white and two to' colored couples 1 Mr. Iloyle, the advance agent of the Guild of Diamatio and Musical Art, is in the city. . The troupe will appear here next Thursday and Friday even ings in Harry "Lindlev's Drama of "Molly v A World of Sorrow. Seats free and the public cordially in vited to attend. ; - The Brilliant Sunsets. - f The March number of Harpers Popu lar Science Monthly contains a highly in- peciaiiy worth notice that, as lar as beautifier of badly furnished mouths, is such observations eo. we have no doubt used systematically. It institutes a that the finer dust of the earth's surface speedy reform of those conditions favor- -lA . ,-i.!, wH!(nA, t able to dental decay, such as the corro ts carried to a sarprismg altitude. I 9iveactiorft)f acid impurities fermenting speak here, not Of the grosser duBt par- upon the coronal surface, the destruc tions, but of those which are so fine as Uon of the enamel by tartar and the in to be IndirMnftllT invidihlfi. nxrwnt. nn- juious influence of tobacco. Polish j m vi ' 1. ... . I daily and after meals, if possible. der favorable circumstances, and which I are so minute that they might be almost I an unlimited time in. settling to the! A Fair Offer. The Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall, ww mmmm vua liwwivi a wm -. y . . - I t i.ia , I . " 1 - - , wr- n,r.Ane ,. teTRnMr.ff.ftnd vfirv aatiafactorv article Krouna. even u me aimospnere were w Mien., offer to send Dr. Dye's Celebrated fV oiiunu joproiuoi outuu vvmu I Oi .. : , I , . . . ,, -r. m t I TT.Un! j m. . 'a i tifulfans made of the plumage of our ou the brilliant Bunrises and sunsets penecuy quiet,- rror. oU and nativebirdsby Mrs. M.D. Morgan, of which. have been observed the world thmks that the exphoslon of Krakatoa Jj g-ih'nlrvus'debimy, this cifv. We understand that Bhi has over during tne montns 01 JNovemoer ' . - nose vitality, and many other diseases, I I JHatAntfAlAnit 4f ilin nlKA nnrl (Via I CI.. 1 i ! j 1 1 a oee aavertisemeni in tnis paper, aocwiw LAND FOR SALE AT AUCTION Good Chance for Speculation. Wa will gelt fit Public Auction, at the Court House Uoor in the city of Newborn, on the 25th Day of March, 1884, Alnrge tract of land situated In the upper part or Criivoii county, about eighteen milea from Newborn, on the north side of Nenaa Kiver, adjoining tne mucin of Oeorge J. Dud ley, Nniu v Aditina and others, and known aa apnrtof the lilshop Dudley Plantation, and containing about eleven hundred acres, wllb dwelling and outhouses. -suia lan' t Deautimiiy located on the Neuse River, where steamboats are nnssinir nverv day, and hna sixoreieht horse farm cleared; is well timbered witli pine, cypress and Juniper. terms jaw casn, ana tne Dalance in one, two, three and four years, in equal Instal ments, at six per cent Interest, with mortrnaa on the property to secure said notes, , W. . IWUHTKKB. ' JA8. W. CAHMEIt, Executors of Alex. Mitchell, deceased. , fc26 d&w lm l .1-lt 1 il. .1 il . Mr. J. H. Mclver, Superintendent of sold several sets consisting of muff cap and December, 1883, and indeed to tne ' ." . . 6 " , , t ' " the convict force at work on the . Tren- and tippet made of the skins of differ- present time.j The article is too long uo luu;i,uuu kU Ul At,t. Hnia Af wnior fnwl rlnr5n th nnt to ba transferred to these columns, but uuv, w fcuD ; o I i t AHM moo . Tirusj. i.. ut.i l,o J o sTrlUkna will ho nftAmntail. . " " iot "" lu " k ton and Core Creek Road, left for Ral eigh yesterday morning for the purpose winter, and as the season for of obtaining more convicts for the work, over, is now trying her material for He teleeraDhed in the evening that he I fans. She intends getting up a full rr . n it t Tina ,nnH,Aoia that, tha onAotaMo b. tiiBiory or oeiDome," caused by the presence in our atmos- phenomina somewhat similar,; fifteen would or be I exhibit for the exposition of the various articles she makes and has already an order for muff cap and boa, to be filled next November with carte blanche as to price, from one of our patriotic citizens. Friday evening John 8, Long, Esqi, was Call at Mrs. Susan Stanly's book store men eminent in science have taught us BWiwi . TmatnB to fill tha vacancy and see something pretty. We knew to believe that a meteorio dust fallipg caused by the death of Mr. Elijah Ellis. he ladies of New Berne would do their upon the earth from space plays a much had succeeded in getting seventeen" more and they 'down on Tuesday. ' i At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the New Berne Academy held on phere of a cloud of 1 cosmic dust," which, the earth has encountered in its travels, hast been advanced; by several observers, and is supported by Mr. Proctor, Mr. Nordenskiold and other are also noticed by uowper- m his "Task," and Mrs. Somerville in her "Physical Geography," where she traces their origin to the eruption of the vol cano of Skaptar in Iceland.' Col. Stuart Worthey 's observations of the eruptions Job Work. The Journal office is prepared to nPiiin nf print, cm neaas, Lietter ieaas, n,n- 1 valAnaa C.avAa Tnna riA,,l n. PnnAlnnAB also at prices to suit the times. Give us a trial. ' Chattel Mortgages, Real Estate Mort gages, Deeds, Lien Bonds, always on nana. , Blanks for the appointment of Over seers, and for making Overseer's report, of Vesuvius in the year 1802 corroborate these views.' At Wageningen, Holland, Il - ... rt in n'v A-rhihit nt thir mora imrjortant nart in terreatial econ- """" ulw "3 jar. Long s interest in, eaucawonai mas- ? . " t .. heavy rain which fell on tha 17th of hfiaidaahain eminently Qualified handiworK, and we Know or no one omy tnan we nave oaen uccuswmeuw - - --- -- on hand. COMMERCIAL. and thev have collected, in uecemper, on tne windows a sngnt nisaveryRoou ... '. i-.--- I sediment of eravish colored matter was selection. : He has an. - opportunity of ? iue r-xpostuon nan L, hi:h waa nn,n.rfl(i with ' . . . . . , v.i I Mra. Mnrv Rnvarrl I ;lnrkn. who wmiirllirom any Volcano. QUanUtlOS OI UUSI I w" ' " snowing nis useiuiness w once, roug 7 . . 7 7 . . 7" . . original volcanic . ash from Krakataa unaouuceaiy nave tue assistance 01 ner i nine rounaeu partiuiea ui wcuuuv com-1 - . . -r - r- 1 pouhds-unlike anything the earth is "u wu w mo gr.uuuurui hlacnd nnon the Committee to mature : and consummate a plan fsr the erection daughter, Mrs. Morgan. . , l-.t-.Uf : . ' A J 1 " ;''f .'f ', -'; oi a scnooi - ouiiuing on vuo auuuouij Green. Death of II. F.Grainger, Esq, Telegrams were received in this city yesterday announcing the sudden death known to produce, and strikingly like Laboratory for analysis, and Messrs. what meteors of that size would be. In vestigating whether an unuBual quan tity of such dust is now falling upon us Mr, W, Mattieu Williams found it in carefully selected snow from his gar den. E. Emile Yung, of Geneva, has Byerinck & Van Dam, who made the analysis, say these observations "fortify us in our supposition that the ashes of Erakatoa have come down in Holland." The height of the mass of matter pro ducing the glow has been fixed by Miss Quarterly Meeting. ' The Quarterly Meeting of the Cente- 0f H. F. Grainger, Esq., which occurred nary Methodist unurcn negan yeBier- atGoldsboro at 8:30 o clock a. m. Mr. day. The Presiding Elder, Mr.- Mann, Grainger was in the prime of life, had preached yesterday and will preach and won an enviable reputation as a safe also found ah extraordinary quantity of I of Enlanii at thirteen miles administer the sacriment this morning and sound lawyer, was an exemplary a similar dust in fresh snow that fell in at eleven o'clock. - -. I Christian, and was just entering a career the latter nart of November and early , of linoflllnpRS that hid fftir to him tn Tlnnstn W An tint oioonln nf thar-tha1 tha rniinrla in thai " yiuiuiucun iiuim ru oi oi. rieire uk lea iiu'arui, wuw .v- -, 1 . TT . , r- 1 - . oaroiuiaus. no was a native oi ureene Mont oaieve county and was about 43 years of age. j ! Numerous suggestions hvvo been He graduated with honors at Trinity made that the phenomena ar0 the result College in the year 1860. C. La Grange Items. Journal. Ofiicse, March 1, 8 P. M. COTTON New York futures steady spots quiet. New Berne market steady Sales ofbales at 9 to 9.70. Sales for the week 859 bales against 279 for the same week last year. Middling, 10 1-10: Low Middling, 913-16; Good Ordinary, 9 1-16. NEW YORK SPOTS. Middling, 10 7-8; Low Middling 10 1-2; Good Ordinary, 9 7-8. FUTURES. 10.94 10.98 11.14 11.26 Steady at 63a68c. March, April, May, June, CORN- Country Hams, PROM THE BEST FARMERS OF ONSLOW, At fe21-dlm HUMPHREY & HOWARD'P. For Sale, HOUSES AND MULES; Native Slock, brok " and unbrolf e, for Cash or on time, by JAS. S. LANE, ' foblS-diwtf Stonewall, N. C. Oysters. A. E. KIMBALL has opened a ' "' FIRST CLASS OYSTER SALOON at south end of People's Market Moore's Old Stand and Is prepared to furnish oyster In any style. amines nippued at their homes If desired. no17-dtf For Sale, FOUR SHARES in the New Berno and Pa llco Transportation Company. The Company owns the line steamer Ki.m City. Apply at jnn3(kUf JOURNAL OFFICE. Wheat is said to be looking very well. Neuso river is falling. The shad may look OUt. ; . , , .. - Wm. W. N. Hunter, D. S. C. C, is in After the war 0f the diffusion through the whole at- town t-day lay)-, he located'at Kinaton and engaged in mosmiere of the entire earth of ashes Guy Pope has been a little ailing for a the practice of la wand achieved merited and cinders from the eruption ofthe pj81,?" wnen la8theara success. At one time he was in co-part- volcano of Krakatoa. on the coast of Ll! - ii. u nership with J. W, Harper in theprac- Japan, on the 26th of August last. ., This visiting her daughter, Mrs. John W. tioe of law, and soon after moved to theory has the support of Prof. Lockyer Sutton. t ; .-n,, Signal office here Gold sboro, where he continued the and other eminent men of science, and Prof. Williams was absent from his that the Signal Servioe Observer at Fort practice, and rapidly gained a rep'uta- there is much to be said in favor of it. P08 Thursday evening on account of in- iaoonv v,., reporia ""V tion as an orator and nractitioner of no Thn nrinr.inal nhiflctinns to It arA m. i . . : ; . ., A pasture of about , twenty yards square, near here, is to be stocked with The report going papers that the " Bishop elect of, East ; Carolina will be consecrated on the second Sunday in Lent is, we are re' liably informed, erroneous. The time of the consecration will be officially an nounced by the secretary of the stand ing committee. . Marina Dlaaiter. We learn from the Uon as an orator and practitioner of no The principal objections to it are sum mean proportions. In 1874 he was the marked in a remark of Mr. Proctor, Democratic candidate for Judge in the "that we should have to explain two Durham bulls Third Judicial District, and although incongruous circumstances: 1st. How this fact was not generally, known until the exceedingly t fine matter ejected the day of election, he received a vory from Erakatoa could have so quickly flattering vote. He was elected to reached the enormous height at which the General Assembly from the . county the matter , producing the after-glow of Wayne in 1880 and was a useful certainly was; and 2ndly, how, having critical condition Mr. Bryson, of Newark, N. J. , was a member of the House of Representatives, been able to traverse still air so readily Miss Emma Fields is auite reriouslv visitor at the Cotton Exchange yester- He also served as Grand Master of one way. that matter failed to return as ill at her home in this Place. Dr. Jones day. He is on a visit ib his grand- Masona tnr twn mm' nil at hla rlfiath Mrthamvii n'nrW tha att.ractinn of Goldsboro was summoned by tele Mvers. of New River, Capt. Ralph Pigott, with rosin and turpentine, for New Berne, N.C., put into ucracoae naroor at 7 a. m., Feb. 28th, with sails badly torn and unserviceable and boat gone .-VTA. Star. .T The turpentine was consigned to Maj. Dennison of this city At Ui Exchange. Eight dollars was raised in Captain Davis' school and sent to the flood suf ferers last Monday. . a. u Mrs. J, W. Isler, of Wayne county, is said to be dangerously sick. I hear that her relatives were notified Friday of her daughter, Mrs. J. F. Ives, of this city, and enjoying the curious things and customs of our section, and , we learn had the singular good luck to shoot and kill the first deer he ever saw, in ! "the woods, a few days ago. ' J j" We should be pleased to have him droDinand tell us if lit is different' down in Jersey." -Jaatlee'a Court. , r ?n-- "V :f W. M. Watson, Esq., dispose! of the following eases at the court house on yesterday: , State and R. B. Blackledge vs. Squire Ward injury to real estate. L. J. Moore. Esq..: appeared for the State. ' Defendant found guilty. P"He and Frank Morris vs. Calvin Li ant assault with deadly weapon. L. J. Moore, Esq., for the State; Geo. II. White for the defendant. Defendant ' recr Risked in the sum of fifty dollars, justified bond, for his appearance at next term of Superior Court. was a Director of the A. & N. C. Itau- road. '' The news of his death will be heard with deep regret by his many warm friends in Eastern Carolina. To the People of New Berne. The undersigned were appointed by the Trustees of the Newborn Academy at their last regular meeting to mature and consummate a plan to erect a suit able building for educational purposes on the Academy square. The building is an unavoidable necessity and must be 1 erected. . To ' accommodate the Graded School, we are now renting property, entirely unsuited, at a heavy annual expense. The children of New Berne are appealing by hundreds to the sympathy and generosity ef our citizens for an education. We believe that our warm-hearted people are ready, yes anxious to heed their appeal. , The Trustees of the Newborn Academy, at a former meeting resolved that as soon as the patrons and friends of education added to the four thousand dollars already in hand an equal amount, a building at once capacious, suitable and v. of gravity.". It will not do to lhnit our " - , , ideas of the-effect that may have fol- ouf town8men) now commercial travel lowed the eruption of Krakatoa by our er f0r the ."Oak City Manufacturing knowledge of what has followed any Co." was in town last Tuesday. ; other volcanio eruption; for the outburst A young , man, hale and hearty, was at Krakatoa far exceeded in violence -n ur P'ace noay morning, ragging a m,nl TABAA A r mQII 11 AAOHh bered in the history of man Stillman, formerly TJ. S. Consul In Crete, The wind blew hard last Wednesday who has witnessed the explosions of two night, so much so that some thought a eruDtionsof the submarine volcano of cypwne .was coming, rriuay was very Santorin,and has seen masses of rock weighing many tons thrown from a half Siliool Building. It will be Been from an appeal which we publiuh in another column that the Tr v toes of the New Berne Academy i t 1,), it taken steps to have a school I ornamental, should be placed upon the building erected on the Academy Green, I Academy Green. ' The , undersigned r 1 what loots more business like than t-1 V'Q rest t'acy Lave agreed to raise a f nd doli"3s among themselves, T,,'i is nu enterprise that every citizen cf Now Terne Bhoiild take a deep pride in. ALuM.-'"2 should be erected that v i'l to a cieJIt to tb.9 city; om that we . , f 1 j roi 1 cf. "We will take plcas n i j the lint of contribu- 1 1 ; o to have Bomeono head it committee have determined that a sub scription headed by the Trustees them selves, shall be opened in the columns of the Daily Journal, and that three of their number, Messrs. Green, Allen and Oliver, shall solicit contributions to this notla work. To make the liberality of oar people es easy as possible, it has leea osreeJ, thai the payment of theee sul-.-criptions shall bo made in monthly L.,;..!I.iiCBU up to the compklwa ofthe DOMESTIC MARKET, Torpkntink Dip, $2.00. Tar Firm at $1.25 and $1.50. Seed Cotton $2.50a3.50. : Beeswax 25c. per lb. Honey 75o. per gallon. Beep On foot, 5o. to 6c. Country Hams 13ic. per lb. " Lard 13ic. per lb.; 1 Fresh Pork 7a8c. per pound. Eoas 16ial7Jc. per dozen. Peanuts Jfl.OOal. 50 per bushel. Fodder 80c, to $1 per hundred. Onions $3 per bbl. Field Peas 85c.a$1.00 per bushel. Hides Dry, 9allc; green 5a8c. Tallow 6c. per lb. ,, Chickens Grown, 45a50c. per pair. Meal 80c. per bushel. Potatoes Bahamas 80c; yams 40c. Turnips 50.i75c. per bush. Wool 12a20c. per pound. Shingles West India.dull and nom inal; not wanted. Building 5 inch, hearts, $4.00; saps, $3.00 per M. , , . WHOLESALE PRICES. New Mess Pork 818.75al9.00; long clears 10 JalOio.; shoulders, dry Bait, 8ia8fc. Molasses and Syrups 20a45c. Salt 05c. per sack. Flour 84.00a7.50 per barrel. HEWDERN THEATRE. Lost. Two CRAVEN COUNTY COUPONS for MO each, being annual Interest mi HoihIh Nna. (S and 94, payable on tha First day of Jul .1HH4, at the office of the Treasurer, Newbern, Nori b. Carolina, klgned Job. A. Hryan, Chairman, Jos. Nelson, Clerk. Ail persons are notified not to receive said coupons as the payment thereof has beta stopped. A liberal reward will be paid fer tha return or tne same to fcb8tf GREEN & STEVENSON. hflffo-inir. ia nrettv eood evidence that "TTJTTD QTI A V A "KTT VTJT A V cold, which will, no deubt, give a Bet back to early gardeners and truckers. NEW HOTEL, AT . t Snow Hill, Greene Co., N. 0. Well furnished, and Table tiiDDlled w in the BEST the market affords. Hample rooms (or commercial traveler RATES REASONABLE. . - : W. E. QRIMSI.EY. feln-d&wtf Proprietor. NOTICE. . Sale of Valuable Steam Mill Property. Pursuant to the powers conferred on us by a mortgage executed by Joshua Dean, dated the 7th day of November, 1882. we will sell at Publio Auction, at the Court House door in Bayboro, PamV nco county, in. u., on mujnuax, tha TENTH day of MARCH, 1884, at Vi o'clock, midday, all that tract of land whereon is situated the large Steam Saw Mill, formerly known as "The Dean Lumber Company's Mill," together witU all the valuable improvements and ma chinery on said premises. A The boiler in said mill is 100-horst power and the engine is 63 horse power. ibis property is situated on Lower Broad Creek in said Pamlico county, about twoniles from where said Creole empties into Neuse River, with deep of a mile to a mile, and escaping gases toftWere sold and delivered here this MARCH 6th and 7th. Dramatic and iEascal Art, hKCffS IN HARRY LINDLEY'S DRAMA OF , With the eminent Tragedienne, Hiss LOUISE FORSTER IN THE TITLE ROLE, expanding, after two seconds, into huge! week at 9i cents all round, R. C. Free' masses of cloud, at an elevation of from t man. of Goldsboro, being the purchaser ..... . . ... ... i f loot hAiAa eir tma nnrrnti nmnncAn six to ten tnousana net, ana men arut- r- --v - r- t?" lf IJ H ' O " - - ... ing away with the wind and dropping Ln.:. cleans thintra nn in the cotton bust- volcanio dust in its course, believes that neea around here, or just about so. on the enormously greater scale of the The favorable weather for work has Erakatoa explosions the dust could have I been used to advantage by our farmers, been thrown to the top of the atmos- A Bhort timiB? 017 was tha, 'arm" , . . ... - . . , prs were Demna wiiu wisir won, now phere, there to drift over the whole they are about as forward as usual.. I earth; and he suggests that at such a hear that a quantity of peanuts will be in twenty-four hours by a single revolu- 7." P'80"0 more exrensiyeiy ji 1 AINIV .MOi YY MAIN , tion of the earth. Mr. Proctor's .--..,... ... . . , . 1 xu rsvivu at uiuiu.ivuuniu wu- Bouuuu ;-. uiuwuujr a u uy tinues. Mr. Carpenter was assisted by TUSa r.m.h' Messrs. Preeoe and Wm. Crookes, who Rev. Mr. Butt and Mr. Schafley for two uierullg JJTamaUC WOmpaiiy. suggest that very finely divided particles or tnree aays ana nignu, uai mey uemg of fust having a charge of the " sign as that of the earth, mar be kept twelve have professed.' Considerable SUPPORTED BY opportunity for parties wishimc to engage in the lumber business. ; . , Terms cash. . ; K - Feb. 6th, 1884. '' GEO. F. M. DAIL, ; W.H.DAIL. ' By Gbeen & Stevenson, Att'ys. For information inquire of Dail Bro thers, Newbern, N. C. feCd&wSOd . For Sab or Rent, A VALUABLE PLANTATION on the south side of the Neuse lUver, three miles and a half below Newbern; also situated on tha main road, ine railroad runs through tha land. It contains 827 acres, 100 of which ant under cultivation, and a valuable seine beach. Also, tiuuHit ana ivi on ueorge ntree.. Apply to P, TREN WITH, f ' s Blacksmith Hhop, JanI8-dlwthwlw ,. . Middle street suspended in the upper air for an in definite period, by electrical repulsion; and Dr. Crookes adduces experiments showing how similar things have been done with electrified gold-leaf. Prof. S. P. Langley contributes some interest ing testimony on this point, which is interest was manifested last night, and it is to be hoped that great good wilf be accomplished. ' . ; , There is hardly a day, from Monday morning till Saturday night, that some one is not here after fertilizers. "A ju dicious use of these manures is no doubt beneficial, but to depend upon them based upon his observations On Mount 1$? 3 SSSOTS Whitney, in 1631. On this mountain, from a le'ght of 1S.0C0 feet, "we looked cotton, is to say the least a poor invest ment. Now is the time for all farmers POPULAR PRICES. : ES Seats secured at Meadows' Drug I Store. i man dtd 13r. Gr. K. PAGBY, SUItGKON DENTIST. Am prepared to do Flrat-Claxa Work at the Lowest Prices. Sets of teeth from 'J15.00UD. uoidnningn ii.&o up. Amalgam nuinga, uuup. , South Front Street.-Near Craves,' feb'ZSvr : Nawbarm, N. C. Scaled Pressed I V aJ .. I Commissioners' Or Firs, i . . New Berne, Feb'y 6th, 1881. f Sealed Proposals for bnlldinft a Erldire acro Swift Creek at Vanceuoro, In aocordauce with plan and specifications on file In the olllce oi' tne negiaieroi ieetiHoi tnii county, win uk received until the first Monday In ilnrcU i next. i The Commissioners reserve the right to re ject any and all bids - uommunicationa glioma oe ainrpKKC(i i Josrph Nblsos, Kgq , Heglgter of Deeils, Ne r t5erae,iN.t;. ' ' JAtllfl A. Mil -, feftnlln) Chairman Board CoinuiU.- i -m.

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