I I "Ilonie a?nin,',lH)ine Oijain," . .. '10 my lornn r store, -"And 0, It fills my soul wlthjoy i-' f To meet my friends once wore," Where they can get the best 0K3AUS " Just s Uiesmiie of yore. And ToUACCO, 1'lpes, and Candles , And other things too numerous To mention, as before. Corner of Middle and 8mth Front sta. , . Next door to Hurt's Hardware Store, - W. L PALMER, The Major. E. DOWLING, . MANCFACTUKEE Of Hard .Sewed SHOSS (Only), If o 3T CANAL STREET, NEW YORK. Cor. Centre Street. " " S" Opposite Earles Hotel. Deformed and tender foet a specialty. ; -. Comfort guaranteed. i Hvler by mall prompt y attended to. , I rerer by permission to the following par ties, who are now wearing shoes of my make : Oeo. Daily, . .. , C. E.81over, J. A. Patterson. MttJ. D. W. Hurtt T. A llenry, i ; W. E. Patterson, octiu Jno. D. Yeomans. d&wtiia ii. w: WAIIAB, - " iMurroBsor to K H. Wlndley. ? IdhTlUEBS' AGENT FOR , inro Rye nnd Cora Whisky ' "ATAVHo'UiSAi'.E.1. . ' WI&ES AND CIGARS - 1 IN O BE AT A1UETY, (finger Ale, Pale Ale, Beer ' AND PORTER. BERGNER & ElfGEL BEER, ; ? OIDER, PU-E FRENCH BRANDY. , , - - ' 11. W. WAIIAB. sep28-d4wly. FAETICULAE 1T0TICE.1 THOS. GATES & GO. offeb A'. . , , : FUIlL. LINE ' ' OF - irocerie, . , Xry Cirootiss Boots and Shoe, Etc - JUorillard and Gail &. Ax Wnnil At Manufacturers' Prices. i Qaston House, .'dw NEWBERN, N. 0. HEWBEENE , ' , DILLIMD PARLOB, In the Daffy Building on Middle Street, near corner of Pollock. five; r:EW tables just put in. Three Billiard and Two Pool, Finest in the Country. CJlOIIBOITABIiE. civil o::sthe TAILOnS be OncatLlquors and Cigars, the celebrated BEHQNER A ENGEli BEER, Sour Krant, Sardines, Lobster, Llmbnrger and Schweitaer Cheese conatantly on hand. " : - JOHN DETBICK. j NovldAw. : " LYoriiis'sALYf) QMa A MnnrAft fit. .ThkaoO. - V'iMfnrt pwntiM to nv ftddrea th - CATALOGUE. ' ( - . l travi!'Kai i ImtmmeiiU, Suit. Ca, Belt' , tn'H)ua, (Miilela, Cnn-Lamp. i rtrtim ftKior Stntfv U)d ' Hi .otticiii-i InUnjctkin and K- 'N. M. GrASKILL, LIL0 lias received his iiiii've Dp t ; ' o : - ? cf y quality f m V a THEMOUHNAL. HEW BESNE. N. 0., MARCH 2. 18E4. Arrival and Departure Hails. MAIL CLOSES. For North. West and South, via A. & N.O.B.B. at 4.30 A.m. ;i, ' For Beaufort and the . East, at 6:00p.m. .. r i . ; For Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort (bounties Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays at 5:00 a. m." For Trenton, Polloksvule and Maya- ville, daily at 7:30 a. m. lor urantsboro, Bay River and Van- demere, daily at 6 a. m. The contractor will take passengers to Stonewall for one dollar, and to Au rora semi-weekly at S1.50. OFFICE HOURS: In Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from 10 a.m. to 4 p..m. In Mailing Department from 9 a. m. to5D. m. ; ' wu.w wuv-. u a ... ..... ' " i nours except wueu muus ure ueiiiK uih- tnbuted or sent. . ' . - Open on Sunday from 9 to 10 a. m. I MEETINGS OF LODGES. St. Johns Lodge, No. 3. A. F. & A. M., meets the 2d Wednesday night in . each month... - :. .i . New Berne Lodge, No; 443, Knights of Honor, meet on the 2d and 4th Fri day night9 m each month. .. ; .- ; Assessment JNo. Ida is now due, and must be paid on or before the 1st day of February, 1834.: i - Trent Council, No. 411,' Royal Ar canum, meets on the 1st or 8d Friday nignts in eacn montn. .t.. .: s Assessment JNo. 04 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 22nd day of February, 1884. .' , ,.:;,;:..; Athenia Lodo; No. 8, Knights of Pythias, meets on the 2d and 4th Tues day nights in each month. -. . x Assessment JNo. 115 is now due, and must be paid on or. before the 23d day of January, 1884. , Ecreka Lodge, No. 7, I, O. O. F.. meets on the 2d and 4th Monday nights ..Va mt,tlT . , 6 Assessment No.' is now due, and . , must do paia on or Deiore me aay l of NETJSE COUNCIL, No." 1, ORDKB OF finnsuw TTMRismfl. mRBta nn t.hA lot onH 3d Wednesday nights in each month. , - - i Assessment JHo. 01 is now due, and muBt dq paia on or Deiore tin oibi aay of January. 1884. , - ( .... w ' Cosmopolitan Counctl No. 211, Ambb- ican Legion of Honob, meets on the 1st ana oa inursaay mgnc i meacn montn. i Assessment No. 48 s now due, and vi it n4- V a -rn i I nti At Knf na Vi a 1 0f Vi A nxr I Tt vliZLzZ iB . " " " J A - 4 "r I LOCAL BRANCH No. 95, OedEK OF THE limit Hat J., msfita on tha 8i Mondnv meht in each montn. Assessment so. 80 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 28th day of January, 1884. . Not Appreciated. , , . The other night a policeman who was patroling Grand River avenue and trying the . doors of business houses came to a crocerv and found tut . 0lUUg IUC uoiu, I the key in his pocket and sauntered on, and in the course of an hour he found opportunity to send word and i the key to the house of the ' pro prietor. He didn't expect any par ticular praise for bis action, but bo was hardly ' prepared for the storm which soon swooped down -upon him. , The. grocer v himself, with battered hat, torn coat and two nn gera bleeding, suddenly appeared before him and said 4If Fve any influence in this town I'll have you off the force inside of two days!" '; f '1 i f ''Why, what's the matter!' "Matter! Ask me what's the mat ter! Oh! Til fix yon! . "Jbor wnati For.; nnaing your otoio uu uuscu ttuuBcumuij duo b.cj to your nouser' 1 v - : if Bin X was UOWll lUOre UUUl- irig np mustard for a sick child at home, and what do yon do but lock me in ana promenaue out" ; "Is it possibleT'' r ; "And there I've been for an hour or more, and would be yet u I hadn't crawled through a cellar win dow! Ohf IU lav for youj old euar- dian of the peacei' Detroit Free vs'-' m. D r ? , - :Sv ...f"' owf..? rlu-- Bcoviii B oarBaparuia, or ciooa ana Liver Syrup, willcure Scrofulous Taint, Kheumatism. White Swelling. . uout. . n i..- . : xt uuwb, wjUBuniuuuu, oruuuuiuB, iter- vous Debility, Malaria, and all diseases arising from an impure condition of the hlnn. PorHflnutoa nan h nrBWr.t1 from many leading physicians, minis ters, and heads of families throughout the land, endorsing it in the highest terms. We are constantly in receipt of certincatcs of cures from the most relia ble sources, and we recommend it as the best known remedy for the cure of the WiWWWfcfWW. - saa.aenca Again. - MJOyy'hO aSKeu, US he StOOd at the foot of Woodward avenue and looked across to the Canadian shore, "what is the depth of water off the dock here!" The boy lookbd him all over with carelul eye, , and then slowly an swered "That's the way it's alius been! If a f '-Icr wants to commit suicide I it's alius some one so big that his clothes, trca'fc le;;::.:i to fit me! I won't tell you nnthin' about it!" It is a good rula a re; modicines Pi 1 v, a'icr 1 td .1, trovf 1 woi''-y of c: in !! ; V ' : 'U i" " only such yef.ra of .18 ce PUOFESSIONAL. OKOROE V. STRONG, i Uilelgo,N.C. ' BANIEL K. PIKBT, . . STRONG & PERRY a ' ' KINSTOlf, K.-0!i.'!l093C:.". ATTORNEYS A5L COCSSELLORl AT LAW. Having formed a coparuTerihip fdr tbc fractlcexf the law in Jones county, will rega arly attend Uie courts of Uie name. Prompt attention paid to collections. - majl-d&wtf SXHONQ A pERBt. FRIU HOLLAND, JR. ' . : . OWIR H. OltTOlf, ' HOLLAND & GTJION, Attorneys at jJLiatv5 r (OfOoe one door west of Gaston Hocse'.T Will oractlce In the Counties-ot CraTea Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir Prompt attention paid to collections. . apr2-dwlv. ' "A a. W. NIXON. IM0 a CLKMENT MANLY. , -4,' NIXCN, SraHS & HANLY ATTOKNETS AT LAW. Win practice in the Courts or Craven, Jonaa, c ri u .uiiiinii iinri or nsrov Kurn. iu iik, a or i . no n i puipvn rnon UIU U. Li OnAliNCLrunU, Sursreon - Dentist NEWBERN, N. 0. Having located permanently In Newbern. I respectfully tender my ispectfully tender my professional services i to the public. Office on Middle street. In Pat-1 tersou Duildlnz, opposite Baptist Church. Ten Tears Practical Experience, sepzoaawiy , , DR. J. D. CLARK, NEWBKBB, If. C. Office on Craven street, 'between Pollock and Broad. ? j ? ) ! ' . aprl7-d4wly nOTELS. , ; CENTRAL HOTEL, W. E. PATTEBSON. Paor'a. -: ' NEW BERNE, N, C. rpHIS WELL KNOWN AND COMMODIOUS J-hou house, as Its nam implies, is situated In the central and business portion of the city, hence renommflilile itnelf fnr ite nnnvftnlniina in t.ha travelling nnblic. Affordlnc solicitors even opportunity of visiting business comspoadents It has attentive servanU, and 1U Uble b always inrnunn wna i ... . ... .1 ..j... - Everv Dellcacv - of the Saahati iti rooms sr large, airy ana well furnished -'i:-:ir AN omnibtts or ,h" aocommodatlon ot guetU to and from wains spas earners tree 01 cnarge-a special TA&tura in in is citv. AU the apporunancea, of a modem - - t STRST f!T.AJ3H PrnTTST.: , APrii i-d-it, : (xASI ON H I 1 1 S hi " - unimia, a. v., fl? M. STRT515T & SONV Pmnri'Afnra. ' The Only Flret-oUuis Hottse In the aiy. Omnthns mnnACtil wltfv.. 11 Tralna mH Steamers. Large sample rooms for eoramet siavtuens. - oewHiu HOTEL, SMITHFIELD, N. C, D. W. FULLER, Prop'r. Ample accommodations at all times Hamnla rooms for commercial travel ers.-. Charges moderate. : au(t3dtf C. A. HART, Businee Manager. QiTE feice cass stosh. North-east corner of Middle and South Pront .Streets, '.' DIALI II Staves. Eirdwm.Honse Firnisliiii? Goods. QROCKERY WARE, LAMPS, CHIM- NEYS, BURNERS, WICKS, ETC., Kerosene Oils, Bed C Non-BxpleslTS I constantly on hand, tf Special attention given to repairing. New Borne, Sept. 4th, 1883. . aprlWwly I. C. YEOMAtIS, V.r i n:r. 'TITT f ( . NEW STORE, Broad St., between Hailroad and Middle. offers as choice a selection of GB00ERIE3 as can be found in the .tow vtxn niorr rj , V., ' sparsgns ana ouccoiasn, , s , s I 'Wreen uorn. New Bnckwheat Floor, liu n viiunn ucrau j,' iuui. Royal Crown and Onr Beat Flour, :A Fine Teas. Coffees and SDlce. ,ue ou8r u" onuiuers cuu IO lull OTIS The very best Uncovered Hamg, ( . V Large and Small Pearl Hominy, .. . Smoked Beef and Corned Beef, ' '' Bottled Horse Radish, AU kinds of Canned and Battled Onods. Potted Meats, ''s Loose Chow-uhow and Pickles. ' h t'j Best London Layer BalBlns In whole or anarter boxes. Preserves and Jellies. I fll . . . - 1 Cakes and Crackers of all kinds. Jcr,L":B' . Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco and Snnffp Goods delivered to any part of the oitv free. -. -,". r . r u:t-f . Stable free for the accommodation of country friends. ... octaidtf I. tJ TEOMANS. GEO, W. J. HARVEY, 3 RICHMOND T., and 4T 8. FOURTH ST., - PlIILADKLPniA. ESTABLISHED 1859. Vfaker of Oentlemcn's Fine " Cnstans ! & Shn of tke JLatest Styles and bswsf fcsiAl'sUS. - Would refer to Meirs. B. K. Bryan. Geo Heii(liHon, :o. Ii. Imiieiis, Geo. A. Oliver and Oiiieis, Hii of JNew i t rue. :.t .:-.-.s ty r- ;u belted. jiyfj;Ty . , c::o. w. j. harvkt. : 9 . W. P. SUBNEll, pem. - . Detroit, Our Enliro Lino cf Uinfar ' We have twenty of the ktter left in I . . l;-r- . Q olasts of March require an Overcoat more we nave a few Lihildrcn s suits left, PANTS, PANTS, AT COST. "OAEPETS, CARPETS. Five different patterns of 3-ply and Ingrain. Be sure and give us a call before "you We have received few SPEINO Dollar Suits ever brought to this market. ; ; i ; ' Soon to arrive- An Elegant Line of Youths, Boys and Children's Clothing. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Valises. 1 : iv, : V ." SE?!RINOSUPPL:ES teiiiiiits; ! EAELEST AND 'BEST VARIETIES GARDEfl PEAS, HOIIAVK AND WAX BEANS, ikta Jfc Li TRUCKER'S FERTILIZERS. Sea Fowl Guano, Navasa Guano, Peruvian and Bone Guano, ,-! Stono Acid Phosphate, ICainit, Plaster, and other Trucker's Supplies, ;at 'Very , i , 200 BUSHELS RUST PROOF OATS, 800 Bushels OSIER,' WILLIAMS '" ' of Superior Quality for planting. , ; Also, a limited supply ot the Celebrated FjUliftLlfiSS COTTONSEED, wnioh has taken three premiums lor tae 1884. 1884. 1884. ..'P-ocorj. UME-Mospnate is unriyahed for all fertilizing purposes, and especially adaptod to ( thogrdwth of ' ' fy ;; ; ; 1 . having stood for, the past.' eight years, at the head of the. list of high grade 'super-phosphates.' "' The. largcpt and most prosperous truckers in Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolinaf by their vol- untary testimony, declare it superior to any fertilizer in the market, ( producing ji, stronger and earlier growth, full development, prompt ; maturity, and a more abundant yield than any of its competitors, ; while it permanently enriohes the soil, showing its durable effects upon even the second and third crops. . .,..,..,.;.... . . P0C0MOKE reigns supreme, and wherever used sales have tripled , each season. , A trial is all that is necessary to establish promptly and permanently ita hold upon public favor. The best lint cotton ' raised in Carolina during the year.1883 was from POCOMOKE. . H. MEADOWS & CO: Agents, Newbern, IT. C 1 freeman, Lloyd. Mason & dryden, Mfrs., J. '.1 r-l CELEBRATED BOTTLED LAGER BEER FOE SALE i BY THE CBATE i Also 'on : hand, a full stock of . ------- .; .s,3i!vi:l t;' AND ' TOBACCO. ,,., v v - Open Front Brick StoreMIDbLB TREETiJ;';;::;,4v f ' a ' t . -'. u :..j m l A EcaUy Pure Stimulant This whiskey Is controlled entlreW by Ven-. able Heyman, N. Y. It is distilled In Mary. land in tlie slate water rations or that Htnte,. from tiiesmuii grain grown there. The distil lation is superintended oy a gentleman who underfttnnds his business thoroughly. Nothing deleterious is allowed to enter into Its eora- poHiiion, and none of It is allowed to be sold dniillt is fully three years old in order that it may be entirely free by evaporation from the fuK. t oil. Ven ible A lleyman oiler these! g, , t oiicc, jy pure to (u) a loan felt want for i h I purposes. It Is their own bramj an i ; . nuke ineir reputation on the truth of hi s : fion. - ' ) :... "C,M. ET-ANTC, ' not:' . ... ' -v.lm , . , iievr berne, jT. 0 f. K. MI5CKLKR, 8T. ' &" Iron Co. '1 lUHVTAcnmnso Olieew Bah, W1r Cloth, Wire Counter RaJHnn, Wire Slfnis, OMI4r "r ' . Bnuhea, Baiui SI Coal Koraan, Weotlwr V'um, BUbls Fuuuea, Boot ' .J. CresOiic, Win iron Ifcneos, Irai Stiuters, Ooantar Bupiioru,. trXcaUa this Paper. GlolSiing & Ovcrcc:!:, liirht and heavv weicrhta. The cbillinf? - O 1 1 ' J - (J than any other month. , ; from 4 to 8 years, at prime cOBt. ' buy, We will save you money, . GOODS, including the Best Ten HOWABD & JOHES. Low Prices. . ' & DUNCAN COTTON SEED, largest production of Lint per acre. QUE T 'Groceries. Provisions, Cigars i . r JACKSON nOTJSE, ' ' T New Berne, N. C, " SAM'L JACKSON, Propbhtor ..... .... - .... . . r - . 1 ., 11 .;f V f " W- Flrst-olass accommodations for colored people traveling, and a Restaurant for fenl eral patronage, from which ve famish meals to many white people and serve families at their residences in any part of the etty. 1 - 3- Refer to the people of New Berne gen erally! ,; '. .; ;:''.';' i V:", ;; ! declS-dly wm. Pell Eallancs & Cos - 01 Frr-it Tf-ra -" .Bow offers decidedly tna Choicest Selection . : cr offered , to the . people, .of jfew ri Berueinthelinesof: ,X ever FINE GROCERIES, J onfecUoneries .and,-. Fruits!. We have just finished getting an as- r sortment of staple, Fancy and Season - able Goods, consisting of v All the leading Roasted Coffees, including Java and Mocha. , , n . Jiull lice of choicest canned goods, -both Fruits and Fish. 1 ; Pure Spices, ground and unground. , Pickles in glass and wood. , Preserves in glass, tm and bulk. Cranberry Sauce. .'.-,' ; : ' Maple Syrup. ,,, ; , ;V.n Prunes. -v . 1 - ' ..:. Thanksgiving Mince Meat. Finest Oatmeal and Buckwheat. : Choicest Butter and Cheepe."' " ' ;'lit Highest grade Patent Flour. ' Hominy, Samp, Grits. , ,,i 7 . English Breakfast, Gunpowder and Oolorg Teas, . .. . Fisest , Raisins, Candies, Oranges, C. Nats, Pecans, Filbertp, Englisli Walnuts, Cranberries, Ap; .es, Malaga Grapes. : t .. ... . Codfish, Hams, Shouldcrsand Sta ple Provisions; ! f ; f l j 0. 0 ft y: Uigars, bnun and xobacco. CASH TBADZ ONIX WANTED. ,i A Come and see us and be snrprised. Wm. Pbli. Baliance & Co. ' ' ' '.l';V novl4d . ' ."" '"' I "' 37 Ccnrf Plese. LOUISVILLE. KlfT. A ngnlwrjr Hmto4 nd kgaUv qotUMUA phyticlitli mi LW :t noit taamitd, w hU pimeliM wul pro. , -U forma ofFRIVi LTE. US .alias ---- Dpormatorrnea ana Junpotoiioy, j m th ratulk of Mlf-btii la youth, Mzatl czcmmi Hi ma--turoryuri.or other cuaMt, and producing tow of the ful lowlDK sfiflcts t Nervouinou, Btminal Emissions, (night OfnU- by dreami), Dimnr of Bight, DefeetWc Memory, 1 by ical Doty, PlmpUd n Yf. Awiioa to Boekty of female, ' Confusion of IdoMf, Lom of 8nl Power. rtmloriBg tiarriage Improper o pniappy, an thoroughly an4 penna untir cured. SYPHlXlS P01 vmA nd tirtly eradicated from the ayatem G0HOXTlt6a 1 GLEET. 8b-ftm, Orchitit, Html (w Aupton le and other private diieeMi quickly enred1 ' i ' itlitHr-Tidntthat a pbyiUaJM wbpay feeUl ftt(Ul . i a oeruiaclai f diteawt, and treatlnff thooandi ain ,. Cy.arqairee (treat ekill, PhyticUns knowing thU faetofUa imttnme&d pertone te my cart When It li teeonrcnlent to -Titlitbe city for trcatmeat, medlctn ea be Mat privateiy and afiy ry mail or ezprew anywhere. . ; , Cores Guaranteed, la all Caset V ondertaKeiia ComiUutloitt peraonally t hy letter free and terltwd, " Charges reasonable end orretpondenc atrictly confidenteaL A PRIVATB counselor Of f0 pftfea, lent it any adrift a, aecurely tmled, for tiilrte (30) ce: f'fltce 1 hhonid be Maul bv i Addreaa-Mabaira houn f out A, Uted P. U. M. a soar HtodP.U aaavil( ALPHETTS W. WOOD, Commission Merchant For the Purchase and Sale Ot RICE, C0R1T, OATS, AND ALL KINDS OF GRAIN Azent for the GOLDSHOItO OIL COM PANY fur Hie pir.-oliOHe or COTTON $E1J. OUlco one door north Cotton Exchange, NEWBERN, H. cT 49 Orders niu, .oiiKigniiients solicited., novliltf . ' ALEX MILLER, WHOLESALE & RET'lL' V GROCEK : Constantly rcceivina; a full line 4 : Ohoice CJ-roceries . and - ' : ?'-K FARMERS' SUPPLIES which we offer as low as any ' house1' in the city, and toarrant all goods as rep resented. : - ' j. '.i Call and examine our stock, aifl prices. Stables furnishei'. (ice to a6ir country customers. ' ' ' Groods delivered free to -tny j-aiix the efty- . . .. ; : D. W. llCRTT, MERCHANT TAILOR. " IVext Door - TO Central Hotelf MIDDLE STBEET, -a; i ' New Berne, N. 0. L: H. CUTLER, Slaves end Ilnrdv;crp, Sash, Doors & Blinds, LIME, CEMENT and PLASTER , BOUSE ' FURNISniNQ QOOdZ k 'Hfi 'v' tv .- j V: I'" ii .' ' i ;.:i: : Paints, Oils. Glass and Puttv. ' ;;: QUNS AM) PISTOLS, ' Enbbcr and Leather Belting 1