.r. . 'Y - - V A -I I :. a pa, p; 4 ditJy fxeis.t te J r..i.'',T si $6.00 I : t3.M fur six moiuh,i. 1 e',lvei to cuj - - : .br at 5o cuta ?r n-ctuli, - -lSKEVEHuXS JOURNAL, a 88 column f i' r, it publU tied evury Thursday at 12.00 pi mil . n. I . , T-:r' RATES (DAILY) One Inch . . ., CO emits; one week, 12.00 one month i, ; three month, ilP.OO; iix months, B1&.O0; nive months, $20.00. AJvertiement nrnler head ol "City Items' 10 coats per Hue for each nsertion" No adrertisementa will b Inserted between jocal Matter at any price. , Kotices of Marriages or Deaths, bOtto etceed ten lines -will be inserted free. All additional matter will be charged 10 cent per line., ! (-. u Payments for transient advertisements must be made in adranoe. Regular adrertisemsnu will be collected promptly at ihe end of each month. '. . '. . qommunioation containing new oradisong eion of local matter are solicited. No common! eauon must expect to be published that contains objectionable personalities; withholds the nunc if the anther; or that will make mora thaaoaV tolumn of this paper ,?!, iil THE JOUKNAK B. 8. HTJJfff. Editor, T NEW BERNE, N. 0., MARCH 5, 1884. Entered at the Post office at New Berne, N C,. as second-class matter.. ,'' ; ' FAMILY UOYERNMENT. ; We are truly glad to Bee such a journal as Mr, Turner's Truth, tak ing hold of the question of Family Government; for we believe that to-day there is no question of tem , perance, morality and religion but is deeply involved in this one pat ter. Family governments were' the first established among; men and from them has sprung the various governments front the ! primitive tribal to the most advanced repub lies of modern times and from the Family Government these institu tions receive the most substantial and important support. Family Governments are ordained by t Heaven, and "Honor thy Father and thj Mother" is placed in the Mosaic decalogue as ;one of, tho commandments with , a promise; that is, "that thy days may be long in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." We hope that Mr Tamer will take occasion to tell the ' younger readers of his paper some - thing of the man who wrote the very loyal sentiments to his father ,- The Truth says: i V; ".. '. '''-''- - One of the most calamitous effects ' " of the late war was the destruction of home influence and authority. The father and the son were calied from home to tho field, parental na thority was weakened if r not de - stroyed. The boys not of sixteen. ' ' but of twelve and fourteen are still . out from home - and its restraints ; and influences.' , . ' Parental authority in this age .; has lost: touch of its; force and au ' thority. A full grown boy more than an hundred years ago proposed to come to. Durham (America we mean) from the great city of Lon don. His father was displeased at ' f lid iff aa . ThA Knrr TMrt-a f lino " t am surprised, and very much cor? ' cerned that this proposal should Romany cause either of grief :or ' t anger to yon; certain 'I am that nothing ever was' further from myl t , jincunation than (he least intention of making it so. ,v . . ,r, rT , A -',,! ' When I informed you of my de ft. sign, it was not to declare any de ' termined resolution which I( had ' . ' taken, but to desire your operation '"on an affair which I belieyed it'adr; visable for me to engage in. This . ' I' Affair seemed to' me jheiUier to be i "wrong in 'itself.1 nor " unattended - with a reasonable prospect of sue-, cess. - I proposed to yon, a9 1 must " and Ought to prorTbse to you any thing I think to ' my advantage, , iv -n with a view of having your advice upon every material step I should; 4; r take in it. This is what in prudence -IiOUght to have done apdl what every motive of duty and gratitude ought to have obliged me to do,, I i- ! have nothing nearer my heart, than ' 4 4 to make you easy; and I Tiate no scheme or design, however reason- able it;, may seem to me, that I " would not gladly sacrifice to you' . t . .quietly ana submit to yonr ludg- i ment. You have surely had trouble : , 1 enough with a severe disorder, with out any addition from uneasiness y. at my conduct. I shall therefore - . follow your wishes not with reluct , ' ance but with . pleasure; and really ' nothing has thislong time chagrined me so much as to hna that the pro , posalofthis matter has been dis ; , agreeable to you: ; I ought to have a satisfaction in desiring your jude ment in whatever appeared to my advantage as this strongly did. shall be ready to yield to it always. I feel to the bottom of my soul for -' ail you have this long time suffered . from disorder, and it grieves us deeply to think that at such a time your sufferings should be at all in creased by anything which looks ill . id sed in my conduct. ; , , Hay God make them lighter every moment, and continue to you and my mother very many very 1 every Uessirt I :i 1" r year f " or, 1 vour l; irence t ...o.' I sua in some tro i ar 1 anxiety about thii matter; but ia real truth, in all my designs I shall have nothing more at heart than to show myself to you and iny mother, a dutiful, aietionate and obliging son. ... "... . v KDMUND liUEKE. ; London, March 11th, 1755.. '- Cheese. ;. t ... .t. : v...,. , In our former article, extracted from W. Mattieu Williams Chem istry pf Cookery,' we promised to continue his recipes for cooking cheese..; He gives the following recipe for cheese souffles: 'Put 2 ounces of flour in a stew-pan; with 1J pints ol milE; season with, salt and pepper, stew over the fire till boiling, and should there be any umps, ' strain 'the - souffle, paste through' a 'thin .flannel cloth: add peyen otinces of grated.-Parmesan cheese,; and, seven yolks of; eggs; whip the whites till they nro firm, and add them to the mixture; fill paper bases with it, and . bake ; in ; the oven fifteen niinutes. :; ;,;; : ; Another recipe-Grate six ounces of rich cheese (Parmesan ; is the best); i put it into an enameled sauce pan," with ; a teaspoon ful of flour of mustatd,' a saltspooxiful of white pepper, a grain ot .cayenne, the sixth part of a nutmegV grated, two .ounces of butter two table spoonsful of baked flour and a gill of new' milk;', stir' it ; over; a slow ur,e f im . iii : pecomea iise, iSmootu, thick cream (but it must not boil); add .tho, well-beaten yolks of six ),-u beat for ten minutes; then add the whites of the! eggs beaten to a.atifi troth; put tup t mixture iutb'a tin, or card-board mold, and bake in a quick oven ior twenty minutes. Senre immediately.' ;. ' An excellent dish of cheese by solution ' is ' prepared .a's' TQllows: Take t one fourth of a . pound of grated cheese; add to it a gi(l of milk; in which is dissolved as much powdered bicarbonate of potash as will stand on a three-penny piece; mustard-pepper etc., as prescribed above. Heat; this carefully until the cheese is completely , dissolved. Then beat up three eggs, yolks, and whites together, and add them to the solution, ' stirring' the whole. Now take a shallow metal or earth enware dish or tray that .will; bear heating; put a little butter in this, and beat the butter till it frizzles. Then, pour '; in the mixture, j and bake or fry it nntil it is nearly solid ified.:;';:.;, ;v.;;' !;v:?.;;j.:;, rt;, A cheaper idish may bomade' by increasing the proportion of cheese -say six td- eight ounces to ' three eggs? or only one egg to a quarter Ota tuuuu w cwjetJt) , , uaru' working . man with powerful dl gestion. .(rtai ?. Jsnt.a ikSiT him ( The absence of potash in cheese is .a 'serious objection tons use. as a diet... The .Swiss; peasant escapes the; v misclj ief i by. i.hi s abundant salads, which eaten raw contain all their Potash salts, instead" of : bart injr with'it as cabbage does 'when boiled,.1,' I am satisfied, that; cheese can , never,-.' take . tho . placd in ati economic, dietary otherwise ojusti fled by its1 nutricious com position. Unless ,this deficiency; of 1 potash is somehow supplied., Aiy device pi using it wih milk as a soiyent, su plies it in i a (dimple' and natural manner..'w; th a f" : - . '. ! Grated 1 'cheese ;" sprinkled i into Boup Jidds yen;reaty to lts ilavor and; nutritive qualities. r ; ,j y j, In, Milan they make a: delicious, wholesome, and-' 'economical dish balled '''Eisottof." ' This is ' a' ;Stew ftptnppsed'of rice and the'giblets of fpwjsj hsuklly sold for two to .three pence, A ; iiiohv a This is ..always served with grated' rarmosan. In all these cases the cheese grated is Sprinkled Over and, then stirred into the soup while it is hot,',;.u;he cheese beine . finely , divided 13 '-. fused at on'oOi-and being fused in liquid is thus delicately cooked; (y This , is quite' different f from the 'macca ront cheese commonly prepared by depositing maccaroni in a pie dish, and then covering it with a stratum ; of grated1 chees, and placing! this in an ';'oieh nn'til the pheese is desiccated, browned, and converted into ft horny, caseous: form of cai- Donrtnat would induce ;cprpmp dys pepsia in, the stomach or, a; wild bpar if fed tipon it for a week. The Italians imagine that a number of dishes: can be prepared with Parmesan 1 cheese- only; 1at that is only a fancy. - Any cheese that, is not too rich, that can be finely , grated will answer every purpose. Good ' American cheese if dry, or by using the outer part can be readily grated. ' Oatmeal porridge to which grated cheese is added, either while in the cookery-pot or after it is taken out, and yet as hot as possible, is a pal atable and healthy dish, , ;t v , Cheese porridge is made by ad ding cheese to baked potatoes the potatoes to be taken out of their skins and well ' mashed .; while the cheese is , sprinkled and : inter mingled. A little milk may bo ad ded according to taste and con venience. This is well suited to persons of sedentary occupations, Potatoes are chicly exposed of starch, which is a Lcat-giver or yc:; 1 1 v . 1 I ' 'o i.3 't form 5 : tbeoret: ilCie: : t t-- fair . . , :. , . , demandeJ I . .: Baked pot: i.'k constituents. more health- uu tuan uoiie i in toes, because agh salts tho rawpotatocoutd which are lost by b Hasty-pudding made, as usual, of wheat Hour may be converted from an insipid to a Bavory and highly nutricious porridge by the addition Of grated cheese. : The, same may be said of boiled rice; but peas-pud ding is not improved by cheese....', haddocklor Other trifish, mashed with bread-crumbs, grated tcheese, and ketchup,', warmed ,in an ofen afad served aftor; the; usual manner of scalloped fish,' is a very fine dish. '' Cheese in any kind of salad are 8ufiicient for a dinner it they are properly pre$&T$.pQpuforfyknce Monthly jor,Mareii,1 x4. Tn tiHli Hat fViA frirorrAin en ffliAt Compiler WOUld aaa t bat t)lU, CUCeSO mted finely! and swallowed (im an excellent remedy Tor indigestion! I ' ' . 1 J , . 'J as he has experienced .trequentiyr This he learned from the late LpuiS D.' Hehry;( who' iiiformed him hat old Doctor Hajlett, of Fayettevillo, constantly prescribed t to, his tlys-; peptic patients; and ho Velated! the following circUmstancer.s: The -.Boc-tor was called to a' child' very kck from '. eating , cherrfes, " wblcU ! died before, ids' arri val. ; Hestateii, jtjUat if he liad been iii time, he wbula liavft pnii.sivl it'tn swallow sn'md Old j uI .,i.i -it grauju uuoeotj . urjy nuu uuuni.xjaiR saved its life. ' On making an! 'm tonsv, the. cherries were found in a ball in, thft" dbttd's'. tii0mii6h.' iTh nnAtnrsnrinlrlfift anmft arkt ftfl tifiSA over the lump and in aiew iiainutes it, crumbled,. y'wft ,tJ Mia. ; Greenville ' The spirit of improvement still goes Auction sales every 1 Saturday: I at BurhanVU inwh- 5&.IH James Harris, an old' bachelo?,! Was married last . "week. The negro free school has had nearly1 iwo nunarea,ftuaen. ..! .c - t l j . a i s , .1 . The Baptists are building a Splendid, church here. It is called ' a Memorial church because the first Baptist conven tion was hell .here Ions y ettu ago. Lemuel McGo wan com fait ted' stu icrdet last week by Cutting: his thKbatJ t He leaves several omldren He has ; bean unfortunate in his pecuniary mutters. Greenville Can boast of one of the best barbers, and certainly one of the' finest eilver-smitbs in all' the- lind. '.'It can also boast of one of th finest imale teachers and a numberof very excellent female teacners,; but - witti ail' 'these blessings it is' cursed with many liquor- shops. When Wilt these shops be forced to stop ? Answer: When no member of the Church ' patronizes' therm j Our Superintendent of common 'schools is so opposed to lltuor-drmking that he reiuBes to give man" who- had been'ettitg':drhtik,' f not? tf.:drtak4naer Dledsres himself 8?S JKitS headed for Borne tima but Mr. CuHr.th0 barber is causing the hair to 0otn again bo fast that the Superintendent 'b wife bAva bVia :"hAliavbu ho'.nilt.frAb k flnnd says she believes' he-wilt 'ties, a fcood head df hair in' time toi get i a fyoung V :l- 1 It iU. Whfin wo A onsidpr tho' martinal . an. thoritvt of the world recoenizine our Sweet Go to be the finest stiniulating eipeuiorani Known, and mat ine nro- prietor of Taylor's Ciieeokkb Rehedy) OF (SWEET liCH AND MULLEIN baa the formula of the Cherokee Nation of au corporating the sweet rujn with the tea or the mullein plant of the old flelds whichmany.of our feaderi will romem. ber Our grandmothers makini? nnder f Via lll.UhntlAf fVtii'nlft fQiV,OvnKv.ininn fnrcroiiTi: whnnrrirnr llcVi-AnH onlrla it Tn..- a 13 n . L...J. producing seen effective ' curea t,mi Coughs, Croup, Whooping Congti , and oil Hi-nrtftilfil Affn alt leading druggists, '25c and $1.00 t ,f(. Manufactured by WitTfeR A. Taylor,; Atlanta, ua., f roptietor Xayior'a rtt mium6logne.y r s y.d&wfeiinj,; , In the Opinion of PhjsiciahB, til f! t-ir teeth that fire beconi'fnir defective hr ar and lunfii iK tngcest Health, therefore, as well as personal attractiveness is promoted by the use of ouzuuoni, pure in, composition, agree able' in flavor, promptj and effebltve In its purifying action, and ' ecoiiomlo. since only a few; drops ut6n the brush are needed at a time.' Th opilarity' or mis sterling preparation is Dasca upon iuug vbmju nun piuiesBiuuuHjr rocog nizea merit. - ,-' " : ' ,' ,Fo Dyspepsia,, Indiqestion, Depres sion of Spirits and General Debility, in their various forms; also as a preventive, against Fever and. Ague,, and other Jn- PHated Euxia op Causata,", made by Oaswfill. Hay.ard & f!o.. New . York, and sold by all druggists, is the best tonic; uu xui paiioum letuvciius uuiu luvcr or other sickness, it has no equal. : tuwl Young Men, Middle ' Aged. Men and All Men who sutler from early indiscre tions will find Allen's Brain Food the most powerful invigorant ever intro duced; once restored by it there is no relapse, j Try it; it never fails.! 1 SI; 6 for $5, At druggists, or by mail from J. H. Allen, 815 First Avo. New York City.- '-! . .-'i .' .m 1 'vV -".''.' x Felf Offer.' ''; 'Tlio Voltaic Pott Co'.', MarnhaH, Mich., offer to send Dr. I ' (' Voltaic Ikilt and Appliances c i trinl, for thirty days, to Wen, yon'' r 1 I, r lioled wit h i r-r voua dobi ! t ' 'y, and ki . : ( tronl!oa. I, j f. iVnufCiucut ii t I :-.-, r. I T'llt Sri i ' .! , ... I."- I..-.!'" ' r3 JU Absolutely ure. 100 A marvel of 20J purity, strQiiRth, and wholeeomeness. More of low e&u Pi.ort weight, rtium- or phosphate iynr1ai, . Cnlrl m1 tr lit Anna RnVA f. U A f.iwa 0wDEBVo,:i6Bii-st.: Having received nil the Gnano fihipped to fhlscotintry direct f.om the Devoslta.un dernffw Ctovernmont Contract-w otler to tliatrade. . i j ' .- 'I.i B"nillfAFiV:Rhnf o I &iiU I&4I4 'I3 VMilU oitti.tMtt qaMitjritftd iejwifent odriiuMpii .Jforparwouumi ana price appiy w HTJETADO & C0., : 1 Li DB. II, U. KANB,, ot th DvQ'iincef Horn, now oifeimi Rmedy whereby 1 iy iny ena nap cure hluMirquicblr ud pklnlMilya Fojr tostino- BlalSAnd erKinrsenwutiirnnixniuK ilmmt mu.Ur.1 iiiflQ.. Jidilreos ilUU. JUSB, A.M., H.U,l0Hat.,aew lark Car- j tiiii, - j- ii.. i 1.1 1 il. I..', .j-., W ifX-lL': r ;.- m n t 'A- I:," Si ; ( fcYouj: attention Sscalled tb th TM -j fcgf ei this seasonibe'; J. 'i-- " ' '' l!- Consisting ia leading articles, of f , BEAUTIFUL SOLID GOLD YATCHES i " ciiAiss, charms, lace Plus, ' ivnf pn iWn"-r rfnirTiipo iun finmrUTr -ami rhMilih, lib!Lhlii Mit ihMMlh, ' "il ..'.'''' i . Bangle and Chain Bracelets, UINaS IN EVEfiY VAKlETT.;' Fine , feriscopio. Spectacles and Eye CHasses in Kubber, SteeL Celluloid, 8U- l ver and Gold Frames. , A new method iw- unmu mc even ixirr rauv,, , , , Cull and exammo stock; no trouble td I SpO.W goOUS. ,H : ;. T 1.11 - ' 1 B". A; BEXilt, 1 Jeweler, Middle Bt , New Berne, N. C. Ht;wlirKivVFitj$sd.6oj Doi - IfflS1 I larS for Gold or 1 nnt11fH : k . ;,;,;ii,A.,B!tLL. T V h '..'. J ililli ti t.V.i.i-i,.! targe -dioe.aa 5 NOW IN THP" WaMBlfilfl J3UAL.UliHU, I WJLL BE SOLD OUT ,1 ; . ' C 3 1 i W.ju.lUil till the' 'feaine will be' disposed of'? '. The Stock, - consists, .of , Dry Goods, Clothing,'1 Gents' " Furnishing Goods, Boots and. Shoos,. Hats and Caps', Car pets and'Mats,1 ahef a great many other articles, Alsdj aTarge stock, of Open and Top Buggies of the best' rnanufaoture', H. COHEN, felSdwtf .,. .Gi3iymivi3'-.'V' , . V '-': ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ,;';;V;F0EPLA1ITI1JG, ' 1 :' . -..' AT HANCOCK BP 03., r r iffljjfeijiiprfBp,; SpeGialiotice Sdj.J VVi.'sV' t :J ..it h-jirh Jmiii'-!""??? ' .. - ,...! - - . --v or Tho franchise of this entrrpriso is bnsed n'M.ii Die chartered relit crntrt to the (. Pismal Swamp Canal Cuinpanr. nnd the le gality has been repeaUUiy tosioil bciore the Courts ol the State. , The I'm pose in view Is the "Improvement and extonston" of tho Canal, thus securing reat puhllo benefits. Its fair conduct hag already srcuied public confidence, and the next Diawiug will he uindo on the , ' 20th March, 1881, before the puhllo in Mortollt, . j I SCHKMK: i : CAPITAL ISIZE $5,000. i rii3 of... .115,000. is..... js.ooo 1,500 l,0i0 i i do.' ..... 1,500 i,KH . 600 ....... 2:K) 203 ,.u w ...... ; 200 100 ,... 60 ,10 6 Is... taw., in .. is.., do. do, do. do. i i l i i 15 y.,..i...i. .-., . 600 K) ; ' 200 ; 200 ! 200 ; ,eoo i .750 .'1,000 ; 1,000 i 1159- 270 ; . 18 i. do. ' .i. do. ... do. ... do. . , do. ... IB... ...... iK..,. are are..... ate are do. 'APPROXIMATION PK1ZB8. 8 8 9 Of..,. .,,,.H,V.. SO , ,fi.w.'.y.,... of....,.. 21) .tM.p,..,..... 850 Prize ....' dlBtributing...i..Sl!!,050 Tlolxots Only Ol. Plan of Lottery similar to that of Louisiana Company,., t , ,, .- J. V. HOKBACH, Manager. AdilreM) all appllcationa for Information. Tickets or Agencies, to s' , : J. f. ilUHUACU, 2.7 nam st , :''" ' - - ; Norfolk. Va. The underslitned supervised tho Iiruwine Class D of tho l)imnil Swamp Lottery Com pany, and certify that it was conducted with strict fairness to all interested, ,v. .,;;.. ..,.,. ,. - r T,-.i-i ,.a,,v 1 .0E,TiFicAjriis.v J,k:.,: v. tSOOO.OO...'-::-,-. .i : V -;J';: ' I hereby certhy that 1 held the Tlortct'No. 761i), Clasa D, in the Dismal Hwnmp- XotVbry Co., drawing the Capital Prize of S50W.oo.on the 2tat Febru iry, ltwi, and that the saine hts been promptly settled with me. .ut ' , ; - . il A. ilAHX: 1 Sa'.em, Va., Feb. 23th, ISsi . , . ;t t $500.00.:,;.;,;. .w..;S!U!.;!!!fi..d.. .?.f-.-;i,.,'t I hereby certify that 1 held' ticket No. 6707 of the Diurnal Hwanip Lottery Co, tlmtdrewa prize of S5W.O0. on the 21st February. 1S81. and that the amount was promptly paid me on presentfttionof the Ticket. i . ' ,.. U. V.lAAlikU, JK. Sou th' Mil Is. N. c, , Peb.'27 tU, 1881.; .' f2O0.0O. , , I Oj . Received of Dismal Swamp Lottery Co. Two Hundred Dollare. the amount of Prize drawn iby Ticket Ko. 1027, Class D, on 21st February, IU8.- - ... p TMUftlr'SU, . . ....... .. v . . IT. B B. Frank Hn. Norfo!k,.yn.,F6l,23d,' 1884, fx $isoo.oo;':;jW';:t .y. f.v. The smaller prizes of Sift). $50 S10 and S5- aggregatinn about J1500 are not, of oourse here Bpscliied, rtutliuve met prompt payment. ..Drawing i v;awj a on aoui juurea.j WMesale-Liauor.!' Dealer;1 iioanoko ' . . , . , , , in -.(if..,. nit vav.w .Bra. Orders promptly'&ttenaodi (o and watSsfai-' tlon.guaranteed. , ,.;,: , lfistaotished iwi,-v" ,v r: BepitiatwO'n, 1 Elizabeth Iron WoiM 880, 583384 and -.. 288 ;Wfttc?; istroat. :;r) .ipKPOI.IC, VA K'NlTln:Kn:;Ii iiilfjKRfcV Vr.1;? 1, , ,-,Aaw ana, Vrnst imiis, i t hl a it a "mm. irn "... b ,X ill lefs, ill aw grei: , ; FORGING S AND . CASTINGS, . j , .... j our line HIGHEST CASH PRICES v r'aid for all Kinds of OLD IROar. METALS JASj POWER &'00i.. 8ft, nowlouda Wliarf. KOUFOLK. VA, . . Wo are always In the Market for the'pdri' chlnetyof all kinds,. vi - ; . ,;(,, .,!;. chase oi oiu wrecag oiu steamers ana old ma All consignments anonuea to promptly anu carefully,' and correct returns made, aulldly , ...f" NEWFAfellER GIRL (Nothing further seems i necessary to make the New Farmer Girl a perfect and beautiful cooking apparatus. It has large Flues and Oven, Patent Oven Shelf, Swinging Hearth Plate. Deep Ash Pit and Ash Pan. The Cross Pieces all have cold air braces, and the Covera are smooth and heavy, ' ; i ' i '. . Large single Uven Doors. Tin lined. The largely increased sales af this Stove attest its popularity every stove fully warranted... , i . . E M, DMNEY, ....... SOLE AGENT." NEW- BERNE, N. C. " Any castings wanted for Farmer Girl Cook Stoves Bold by P. M. DItANEY at 10 cts per pound. ocl7dwtf tu7 I Ub.i Slit Inhlinii'iJ lMil, 19 Still liefttinx ttll Fil j v.ie, N.rwim, Cluonlc .ltd hnclsl dta- . ..B.a,Rp.rmntnrhtFR,lmtiteii.-y tB.Tn.l Inmimrityt, Fi.mftt dlHoflpc, t ti?. t'-.u-.ulIRtlim ipiT(.nnl!y, or by li Llpr Im-. . X Pp. Kfhn li tlm only ph.tot ui ia 9 fltv Itiitt wftrrants rut or !i M iy. f .i Dt'TU U.AkK M'., V.'lllORKO 1 1' H p5, lllutrtHl book, oyer a,uou iiioci 1uiu.uk, l li mull. w ' i y w i, ... s a ir ' i 1 t. U i i at vln tO S! tables 1..- tions furnisbej at 1-orry V 1 ASEI buyers caa get pvr.r t vti l .v SAVE time, avoid delay when u2t ing, by having your pi(-crirtioii dispensed at I'.'JIiY'S. 1IBLE fiDfera at work f.r tl.a sick A NIGHT BELL for the iipa ot thow IX. that trade at LIlIUIYU TVJO matter whose advertisement heads -L the prescription you still hnve th right to have it put up at LUILUY'S. T. compete with low-priced goods furniBhed to our countrv stores from the North,' many druggists feel called upon to meet competition with low strength goods. You can depend Upon the strengh of all goods covered by rny label. No slops put up at -v.;:: BERRY'S . MIXED paints, $1.35 per gallon, at .; . BERRY'S. tl Oi'FD. S I " J," qiimrs wo w .p'.'wi.!,'- j ; .1 c t""""""3E Iff ll-io4l-:. ) .n 1 I J ' ."TORPID , COWCL'S,' DISORDER CD LIVER, , 4;1' fOOT tUea soniie?8 artoa three-fourths ol la. i diseases of tlio human race. Tbeso symptoms indicate thoirexistoi.eo: o ' , Appetite, ItoivelK coitlvn, Hick Hni - ec!5, fullneas alter entlnv, aversion ia exvrtfou of body or mind, Uruutotinn .of food, lrritubllitv of temper, l,rr i spirits, a reeling of hvluX -,rK)w.tl.4 stirne duty, IMzzlues, 1 interir1K nt the ' ort,0l4 be lore the eyes, hfcltlr cl .orod . Ilrln., . t'OfllsiIPATlOAV nd do mundthonsa of aicmodyth.'t ai fs diiertir on tho Liver. !.'AsaLivermo,ieim, Tii'i i-ii Jl havo no equal. Their uoLlou oi. tho Kuinoys and Skin 1g also prompt-; ixmiovintr rall Impurities through those tinea ' M'?n f the system," prodncins m i ' -lile.ioajrt iHsesUon,!gnlnr slnols.it. tiKHil1 f sumtmi a vlfwrons bodv; Tl'tT'tt 1'Ji.i.SJ j paiHo no -nausea nv-g-i hiiiiB nor lutciler jvidt (l;itty workand are it pevfret ' ! AHTIDOTE TO MALARIA, ' . r JU1H.13 A.a.tV BJAA. "1 h wo liaitDyspopslnj with Coimlipa tlon.two rears. and hnve trl.l inn iiiift.w.nt HkiiiilH.of piilsv nd 'l,tJM"ls- an 'tins liist tn:vii:ivo none .mo any- good,. Tin y havo cleaned tne out nioelv. nnm.Mii. U tjjpk'ndid, fordldlerestg jjennily, tand l now imvw iiiiiunu piis-iafres.,. t led lileo a now ioihW ? ' . . .W. 1). EDWAtoSi Palm vra. O. i guUiTpryyhere.anki. Oi'i,'e,4IMntrnT8tX.Y... li1T81!A1R I (Ki Goat H.ra on WnisKrns ktalrtl to Glossy: JIlack liy a slnulo ap plication Ot UllS DrK. Sold bv nnnrfHta. or sent by express on receipt of $1. (ii uinco, 4 murray tstreut,ise York. ?liTT'3 MAMUll Cf USEFUL RECEIPTS JUlt, &1llariS!,,,Cji),"C5iir! Ec:c5,C;::SAS3. 'fa the United Suites, wbooe lii'klo.sg em-kiknoe, perfect mothod and pure uiedicine irsnra tiiJEKi)r and PERMANENT CUfcKS of all l'rivato, Ciironio and Ncrvona Diseases.. A U'ectiona of tb JBlood, feiklna Kidney, Bladder Kiiiptlufis liwr, old 8or5, MivvHliif.Mt..l.ii.d Sir jLoiittif. 1'hront l.nno K;In, permanently cured and eradicated fwin tha syxieiafurlifa, -7 t i ; fklU W .'W O &Q&(t$j Sexual iMxuy, Mental .ttnd .I'Uysipal lVqaknc$$t letting Memory, Weak Eyri, Shmtcd DcvCloptrient, (jwU- 'picntsto jilarviagA, etc., from istw9seor ony eauM, BpcetUhf, safely n(J privately Cured. .Va"TTouii, KIid!le-Ared and ldnipn, and all who need mc-dioiU It 111 and exitt-r.uouconbult Dr. Bate at once. Ili3 opinion ousts nolhini;, and may iaare future misery and haaie. 'Wlion iuuonvenient 1 to visit the city for treatment, modicinpscflH he sent Trj where by mail or enprees free i'rmm obier Vation. XFrlt is aelf-ovidont that a physician who gives his whole attention to a dam of disastjes ai tains great oklll, and pliyeioians throughout the country, knowing t Uis, frouflntly reoomni'MHl dirlicult cases to the U1et S;ie?iull(t by vhoin every ' known O'od rccnQOv is used, J-Jr. Pate'i Afre and Juxpf'','-e nmkn his oi.aion of au- vpreme Iniporf unpt;. JrT-'i'boso who cull see na on-s but tho i)ocw. On.-iiUationHfrno anil ttucredly ; Confident Iii I. .l.voswhiflh have fsilud rnobtaininjf " relief elewhfre. enp(oiIly aol'.'itivl, Foinrln UiR- - afi)8 truit-ndi Oill r hti'", '1-tivrn. frm t to 4 to ffi fviiidV. 10 to a. Guid:: to IUultu GUr.33T ?ino 7rt t"i --ro ioriv; tiki. (' 1 oti(J OP . EVERY , DESCRIFTI01T. Prom a ' Tin Hern to a o : '-.1.1 i. AND Hil'"- h Please tctii Xrid CI At fo2T-dtf ' JOHN DU ij.. o. j:. lo; Craven t i fol5 , ii I-1 ! ii)-.il i Ijp'ffW i3 J mi B .... x.:U Li Li i "73

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