IP 1- s :..v..,,ej; NEW BERNE, C, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1884. VOL. II. NO. 289 LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVEETISEMENTS. . ; P. M. Draney To the public. :, , Maey E. Hilton Cheerful Uours. Journal K ailatur Almanac. v .-. Sun ritiCR, 6 3 1 Length of day, V . Sun sdU, G.U3 f 11 hours, 40 minutes. Moon sets at 8:21 arm. .' . . , ,' Subscribe to the new school building, Mr, 0. Marks is North making his spring purchases. 4 ' ' ' , ' Wilmington has contributed $1,833,291 Rountreo, M. M. Kate and Dr. Mat. Moore, The Eastern Insane Asylum. The board of directors of the Eastern I usau Asylum held their regular an nual meeting on Wednesday last. The following gontlemen constitute ; the board: Dr. J. W. vVick, chairman; J. A. Bonitz, secretary;' E. B. Borden, Dr, Hat. Moore, Dr. J, p. Spicer, Dr. J. S. Ramsey, Theo, Edwards, W.- F. Roun tree and M, M. K-tz. . The following standing committees were re-elected: ' Executive committee Dr, J. V. Vick,- E. B. Borden and J. A Bonitz. , Finance committee. W. ; F. to the cyclone sufferers, Tlio canning establishment is receiv inga good supply- of oysters.' v j Regular mooting of Trent Council No' 411, Royal Arcanum, to-night. . , ,- Mr. J. K. Willis ships five sets of head stones for KinBton to-day. ; The Cutler leaves this morning for Trenton with a cargo of fertilizers. The steamer Florence arrived from Vanceboro yesterday evening with a cargo of shingles and cotton. ; " , ' The steamer Ooldsboro arrived from The board is making arrangements to have a building erected for the euperin- 'tennt Thore are now one- hundred and twenty pationt in the institution.' Subscriptions Seceived for the New School Building. 50 100 25 ' 85 100 Henry R. Bryan......... ..... T. A. Green............... W. H. Oliver...........,..;...... C. a Clark......... .'. Geo. Allen........ E. H. Meadows 50 Wm. Hollister.. 25 J. ii. Meadows 60 C. Manly.... .......M.... 25 Philemon Holland 25 Lowthrop, The following lotter has boen received by our Postmaster: ,' 1 Trenton, N. J., March 3, '84. Dear Sir: Will you have the kind ness to inform mo whether, to your knowledge, there are any persons by the name of Lowthrop residing in New ' Baltimore on Wednesday night with a Berne or its vicinity i I have recently cargo of general merchandise. Y' fome 10 possession or a ieuer written .4 4 . , ; by my grandfather to his brother, and ; Read, in our advertising columns, directed as follows: ''Francis Low- 7 what P. M. Draney has to say about the throp, Esq., New Berne, North Carolina, Farmer and Farmer Girl Cook Stoves. America, dated May, 1800. , He had a - son John at that time. If you can give v- Pitt county appropriates four hundred me any information relative to the said ; and ninety-nine dollars for the purpose person or his descendants, you will con of secnrmgunty exhibitaHheState l6r a 1 Respectfully vours, - .exposition Warren appropriates $000. . ' F. C. Lowthrop. " ; ' James White was hefore ; the Mayor The gentleman alluded to in the above je3terday morning upon the charge of letter was, wo believe, many years ago "stealing cotton from the bales on the a prominent citizen of thiscity, a Mason platform.'' W. E. Clarke, Egq-i appeared of high repute, after whom our present for Ihe defendant and Clement Manly theatre and Masonic building was and O. H. Guion; Esqs., for the State, named, "Lowthrop Hall." ; ; - ; v He was held In the sum of $300 for his ; We hope someof our old citizens, Mr. appearance at the next term of Superior Jerkins, for instance, will give the re- Court. : Failing to giro the required quested information. bond he was remanded to jail. John S. Long, Es., has been invited by the Jadies of Washington to deliver an address in that hospitable town on the 4th of April for tho benefit of St. Peter's Church. 7 He has accepted the invitation and will deliver his address on "Nineteenth Century Perils. " '! The .Episcopalians of Washington are making preparations to put their imposing church building in good "condition for the convention of the Now Diocese, ; which will assemble there in May." The Albemarle Bection has held a meeting at Elizabeth City and resolved that it was to the interest of the counties composing the ' Albemarle region to unite in their exhibits at the State expo sition and appointed a committee of one ' from each county to mature a plan and confer with the boards of commission ers of the several counties and secure theirco-oporation. We suggested some .time ago that the Pamlico section unite Wm. Hay Dr, j. A. (Juion Dr. J. B. Hughes..... A. Miller. L. H. Cutler........... John S. Long E. W. Carpenter.... Nunn & Harper Dr. W. H. Barker. W. G. Brinson... J. A. Simpson W. Colligan, jr 25 Geo. B. Guion. 50 Humphrey & Howard 25 S. H.Scott.. : -(.... 25 G. F. M.Dail .....L. ...... CO 25 25 25 25 100 25 100 GO 150 -5 25 Tlio Exposition. Une alter anotner the counties in every section of the State are making appropriations for the purpose of exhib iting their resources at the State exposi tion. The outlook for a successful and creditable exposition is very encourag ing, and the fact that those counties that make no effort to make an exhibit will miss a rare opportunity of adver tising their resources is -becoming more apparent as the work progresses. Craven has taken no action as yet, but we can eaf ely assure counties that Craven will be there taxes, on account of the heavy debt we has swapped work every day for the owe for the building of the A, & N. C. las two weeks, and now neither of Railroad, are very high; and for this inem aon 1 w ma iro.m wmon reason the county commissioners would , Mr-O. trazell closed his school yea- not be justified in making an appropria- dialogues by the scholars, and one of tion. . But we nave enterprising citizens the best school speeches by Dr. D. W. who will not allow the county to go un- Sanders, to the school and scholars, we Hookerton Items Shad are getting id be a common dish wiui our uiiiieuu. We are having some as cold weather as we have had this winter. The weather is cold and the times are hard, but still they will marry, The health of this place is very good, The doctors say it is very healthy, Dr. Carmen, of Skuffleton,' and Jos. Dixon, of Fountain Hill, are dead. The weather was "so unfavorable that Dr. Harper didn't preach at his last ap pointment There was a life insurance agent in town this week; several of our citizens quu luuir lives insureu, "DrJ" Arrington, of Goldsboro,' has been here several days working at bis profession or dentistry We neglected to speak of the doctors and lawyers of our town. We have two doctors and one lawyer, Elder Betts preached here last Sabbath and also holds prayer meeting in the Methodist cnurch inursday night, Several of our townsmen went to Snow s mil : i Thursday i. mgbt to see "Lucille!' acted and, reported it excel lent, xne storm last week, wnicn was bo destructive, did not do any damage here, though the wind blew hard and the rain vosm hnavr. ' ' On the 28th of March, at the residence of the bride's father, Dr.. F, M.' Jordan, of Hookerton, to Miss Ida Sasser, of Wayne county. Long and happy may they live. NEWS FROM THE OLD WORLD. Suakim. March 3.Gen. Gra ham will send tho , Egyptian troops found at Tokar to join the garrison at Suakim. Tlio English troops will be withdrawn to Teb, whence, after receiving supplies of water, provisions, ,; and munitions, they will advance to Tamanieb. Before the British renew the attack nnon the rebels Ostnan , Digma will be invited to a conference. The 5.000 rebels who fled from Tokar when the British : entered the town on that other barrel of corn whiskey there Saturday joined Osman Digma. is no telling what will happen. I Only 1,000 of them are Soudanese, We hope to have the hotel ready by being fanatics sent from Kordof'an the first of May next. Nash says he and Darfonr. If Osman Dis?ma re- will do what is right: will some one u ; nnn-nA come ana seer, - , , ... . . - ,. , .. Ban. Priner and Ed. Hill, from More-Li.,:i.v jh n.- a-.. head City, are here alter fish. We "v" f- - Vv.. can't say much in favor of fish now. come to terms. ' We can hardly get a minnow. The The people of Tokar kissed Gen. Morehead City boats get all. Graham's hands as ho entered the It is pretty dull here now and every town, and there wero great rejoifr The enemy acknowledged C. E. Fov Dr. G. K. Bagby ...... F. M. Simmons ..... John Suter. ...... Smith &Credle... ... W. P. Burrus.. U. S. Mace Gen'l Ransom Geo. N. Ives... G.Vyne...... ........... Jas. A. Bryan Geo. Henderson C; T, Watson ........ Thomas Daniels Prof. Price Thomas Alpheus W. Wood.. K. R. Jones L. J. Moore ........... S. Bangort E. M. Pavie C. E. Slover J. K. Willis B. A. Bell........ 8. B. Waters A.H. Holton.. 25 A. B.Powell.. ,. 25 A. S.Seymour ., ; 50 100 25 100 25 25 25 25 25 ' 25 25 50 25 50 50 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Swansboro Items. Oysters are good, and Jim Smith is going to attend to the - wants of the poo pie in that line. ".-, lxmis says u uapt. JL. don t open STATE NEWS. -, Gleaned from onr Excbaoge. . Greenville Reflector: : Tho resi dence of Col. Harry Skinner, came near being destroyed by fire on Mondaymorning. The fire caught from a fire-place m one of the rooms on the second floor, and the mantle- piece was burned before the ; fire was checked. We congratulate Col, Skinner on his lucky escape. '., Scotland Keck' Commonwealth: Sixty-three healthy, robust Scotch immigrants passed through Weldon Friday evening on their way to Western N. C While ia Duplin last, week wo noticed large quanti ties of phosphate root beingTShipped to the Navassa Guano Company by General LewiB. It will be ground up and shipped to farmers who are to give it a fair trial and report its action upon tho crops. , ' ' ; Elizabeth City Economist: Miss Maggie Ballanco departed this life Thursday morning at 3 o'clock, of consumption ana ; was buried on Friday evening, in the Episcopal Cemetery. Her sister died of the same fell destroyer twelve months ago. The body of the last was taken from the vault where it had been deposited and both were consigned "dust to dust" together. Our farmers are turning their atten tion moro and more to stock rais ing. ' It is steering agriculturally in tne right direction. Our peo pie are looking for Senator Vance to call up his Tri-Centenmal Eeso lutions, now that the bloody shirt committee has adjourned. We are pleased to see the interest they mannest in Sir Walters colony. -Timothy grass, now so dis tinguished a3 a hay grass, was first discovered in rerqmmans county, on the Belgrade farm in Harvey's Neck. Elihu White, is looking up the proofs of it and the traditions. Journal Office; Marches, 6 P. -Mrv COTTON New York futurei quid'; spots easy. Newr Berne market quiet. Sales of 12 bales at 9 to 9J. ' ' ' Middling, 10 1-10: Low Middling. 913-lOr Good Ordinary; 9 1-16.; , ; V ' NEW YORK SPOTS. Middling, 10 7-8: Low Middling 1U 1-2; Good Ordinary,' 9 7-8. FUTURES. March, 10.91 April, 10.94 ' ' May, 11.11' June, 11.23 '" 11 CORN Steady at 83aC8cT An Extraordinary Offer. To AH Wanting Employment, Wo want Live, Energetic and Capable represented, and we hope yet to make oa ftno an AYhihit. A? nnv anotni-n ptnnfir in their exhibite. and we , hdpe ;,yct they The Board of Trade and Cotton Ei- next Monday night, and at that meet Art gave ing we hope to see some definite plan 'The Theatre Lt Night. The Guild of Dramatio will take; a school in swansboro now pretty soon, we reckon. , - :" George Washington, col., stole a mule and cart from b rank Mills, near Jack sonville, last week, and was captured by Tom Henderson, near the cross roads, Jones county, the next day. ,'IBufltalo Bill's-Last Shot" to a fair au- set on foot to have, ; not , only i Craven. KOt i08t and went down the river to Col killed. - !!!'' London, March 3. The Times says: '('''We understand that'- orT ders have been vsent to Gen. Gra ham to retreat forthwith ; from' 'To kar, and to arrange lor the imme diate; return" of the troops to Eng land and Egypt." v - - A1 lively scene occurred m the House of Commous this afternoon. Questions were put to the Govern ment regarding the condition ot af fairs in Egypt which the Govern- The negro men' refused to answer, whereupon dience last night. The acting was good but this entire section represented at the E. W. Fonville, went in the lot and left I . , The Marquis of liar tin gton Baid both gates open, then turned DacK, went it was not the proper time just now byMaj.L. O. Fonvilles and asked the fA nAioatti thalfJnra nnL nf fh way to New Jtierne. Some say the boy " " ir . 1 " was crazy and we reckon he was. from Government m Egypt. The main the way he acted afterwards. ' immediate object, he said, was to We heard two good sermons last Sun- secure the satety of the remaining boat Company will doubtless see the day,, one by Rev. Mr. Cashwell, Mis- Egyptian garrisons,' and to provide Advantage of advertising the country ?&eeL for the safety'of Suakim, which was Alonor their line anil will cret n a dia- I tmnna oa itVAM.a.in t u a - r 1 iwmauo tuu t cioo uuao 1 . . -tri -r Mr. Dixon :'wu , and appreciated by the audiencei To night they appear in ''Molly, a World of Sorrow" : -y;;Ve 'f:;"",' 1 , 1 .1 J !;w, .i.t . ,; , jPcnonal. ;.' "V":' ". '.,'f'i ' ' Gov. Jarvis passed through last night on his way toMoreheadf City. - ' Major Hughes returned last night exposition. Individuals who have more lands than they want will see at once the advantage of advertising this S3ction,'and will contribute ', to the ex hibit. The Neuse & Trent River Steam- COMMERCIAL-. ' ' DOWKSTIC MUBKftT.' TpapjBEUTiNE Dip, f 2.00. v - ; -Tar Firm at $1.85 and Sl;r,0.' ? Skkd Cotton $2.50a3.50. . BEE8WAX 25c. per lb. ; r., . Honey 75c. per gallon. Beep On foot, oc. to 7c. Country Hams 181c. per lb. " Lard 13 jc. per lb.;. ;;; Fresh Pork 7a8c. per pound. , Eaos-18o. per dozen, ? li Peanuts $i.00al. 00 per bushel.'.,,' oddeu cue. to i per nunarea. , Onions f 3 per bbl. 1 i - Field Peas 85c.a$1.00 per buslel.Ki Hides Dry, Oallc; green 5a6c. Tallow 6c. per lb. ' 1 Chickens Grown, 45a50cV per pair. Meal 80c. per buidiol. . .If Potatoes Bahamas 80c; vams40c: . Turnips 50.i;5c. per bualui ; '."...!: Wool 12a2fc. per pound. , . Shinoles West India,dull and nom. inal;.not wanted. Building i5 'ilnch, hearts, $4.00; saps, ?3.00 per M. ' WHOLESALE' PRICES. New Mess Pork $18.75al9.00v long clears 10Jal02c; shoulders, dry salt, 8a8fc. ' ' Molasses and SYRurs 20a45c.' ' Salt 95c. per sack. .. . ; ; FLOUR ?4.00a7.50.pr barrel. ' ' Seakd ' Proposals: WILL BE RECEIVE) UNTIL MARCH 8. 188, for the hauling of Oytter shells from the ( unniiiK lAictory. Bam e to be placed upon the streets of the city. For further particii lan apply to. i . mniH-2t ' . Ch'uof, Com. on. Streets.' Kadical the News and Observer arrived last night. . . ...... i . I nltYTr nf t.hfiir nwn if tliftv firt tint: inin with 1 14Hi f lian. unft 2Rd vnran. Two hundrea ana eighty pounds 01 f" .... , iii .rni, in wahrrt m nrtv, memlw for Carlisle, moved that the diflmav. Tha best exhibits ma.ie ftt tha Sunda7- at night. Go to hear him. House adjourn .in.- order to discuss ... , j : Ana Mr. uasnweu wm preacn every Atlanta exhibition were made by rail- fourth Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, at road corporations. The Richmond & Piney Grove, three miles from Swans- Danville Railroad Co. had a splendid boro' we "V al80 K t near him. i , , r ii. l . ' ii - , . 1 1 -1 . . i : i aispiay irom men jiiio iu iu rieumoac jxu uuukioui.ui. huiw a suriuus ciiarac i Tinirniam And what section in North bappenea w mi. wm. uauara, tte r- Seymour' Dlsrat. Messrs. Alfred Williams & Co., of this v , city, will issue in a few weeks a "Sixth . r, . Digest of the North Carolina Reports. V T The book is prepared by Judge Augustus section, S. Seymour, and his name insures the , 1 most careful and competent work upon tho volume. Judge Seymour is one of the ablest lawyers of the State and is i thoroughly acquainted with all the needs of the profession and his digest - will no doubt be as perfect ss it can be made. The publishers are now taking ; subscriptiohs for the volume and the unusual rapidity with which names are sent in is indicative of the great need which exists in the State for the work. Neics and Observer -:,-. the boudan problem, no made a violent attack upon' the1 Govern ment, charging it . with cowardice, blood-gailtincss,' butchery, and Carolina can make a finer display of hi8 woy t0 'thi9 place his horte took strictures of ; Sir Wilfrid ' Lawson, products, timbers, marls,' rock, etc., frightat a covered ox cart and run, up- and justified the policy which the than the one drained by the Neuse, set the buggy, threw Mr. Ballard out Government had been pursuing Trent, White Oak, New and Contentnea and dislocated Ihis shoulder Mr. E. H. He asserted that it was necessary rivers And who can be more interested come al'ong at the time and brought to hold Suakim forc the present, in in th development of .the lands along the mail on to Swansboro. Mr. Ballard order to keep down thfl slave trade. these rivers than tho River Steamboat Co. Beulayille Items. Sir Stafford Korthcote said that the lack of coherency in the Gov ernment's Egyptian policy had caused the misfortunes, in the Sou dan. It was the duty of the Gov- 'I lie School Building. ' The Supremo Court has decided the Neuse and Trent went back to Polloksville where his wounds were attended to by Dr.. N. H. Street. We learn Mr. B. is getting on very well. Mr. Barnum was on a visit to our place, his former home. He is a brother of the wife of Major Russell, Dull season accounts for dull trade, the boss mechanic, and we might say ernment, he thought, boldly to state Messrs. j. w . uresnam ana i. j.acotc, uuu " . tneir luiure policy. ; i . i m the n rm or . ncntt iiurtnn. nan n . miriM. i.,..t , Vomin nh ii inm n avt. .... . . , ., i M . ' . vuij uuv uiaLKAago .uu ttcoa aa umiu I . ajv&u . avouuviiiu 1 vuuivum ; ' J"U"'"" c"!u "Mgone to Wilmington tor tne purpose 01 from, but that was a good one. At the pressed the greatest astonishment 7w.7r , . T P:u-8 uW ,uu? ,., residence or K. ii. vvara, the bride's uhftt the Ministry should not reply . t l,n l.nvnl,'AH nwi-;. -B A I Af tho nlncfl M llTiaa Anns T? rrr t-i a I Fa thai fin Wolnaaflav Inah hv Waft I trAA n riwirt I to blf btaiiorcl OrttlCOtO dinner to an audience of about 125 oer- of Carteret countvl and son of Beni. . The Marquis Of Ilartington said sons. Uooa time dancing m the alter- Taylor, Ksq., to Miss Lina Ward, of I that tlio lintlSU WOUia reure irom noon. She again resumed her duties as Brown sound, Onslow county, and on Suakim as BOOH as it was comnati . i 1 1 o i . ,r . i ... . 0 j , it i . , veacner on uio oiu n lumcu, a picnic tne eveuiug vi tuo mmu any, at but. lilrt with tho ifirw Sf fhnh fnwn Agents in every county in the United states and Canada, to sell a patent arti cle of great merit, on its merits. An article having a large sale, paying over 100 per cent, profit, having no competi tion, and on which the agent is protect ed in the exclusive sale by a deed given for each and every county be may secure from us. With all these advantages to our agents, and the fact that it is an ar ticle that can be sold in evey household, it might not be necessary to make an "EXTRAORDINARY OFFER" tO Secure good agents at once, but we have concluded to make it to show, not only our confidence in the merits of our invention, but in its salability by any agent that will handle it with energy. Our agents now ' at work are making from $150 to $800 a month clear, and this f aot makes it safe for us to make our offer to all who are out of employment. Any agent that will give our business a thirty days' trial and fail to clear at least $100 in this time, above all expenses, can return all goods unsold to us and we will re fund the money paid for them. Any agent or general agent who would like ten or more counties and work them through sub-agents for ninety days, and fail to clear at least $750 above all ex penses, can return all unsold and get their money back. No other employer of agents ever dared to make-such oilers, nor would we if we did not know that we have agents now making more than double the amount we guaranteed, and but two sales a day would give a profit of over $125 a month, and that ono of our agents took eighteen orders in one day. Uur large descriptive circulars explain our offer fully, and these we wish to send to every one. out of em ployment who will send us three one cent stamps for postage. Send at once and secure the agency in time for the boom, and go to work on the terms named in our extraordinary offer. We would like to nave the address of all the agents, sewing machine solicitors and carpenters in the country, and ask any readers of this paper who reads this of fer, to send at once the name and address of all such they know. Address at once, or you will lose the best chance ever of fered to those out of employment to mauo money. n . ;., . . l!r ' renneb m anufactuking Co. , lOlSmithfieldSt., ' '' mar5d&wly t - ' Pittsburg, Pa, THE TWO VACANT STORES BELOW THE CENTRAL MOTEL, . ; vl 'll' , AP1,ly at once to . , JOHN DUNN, inaiU-dtf Administrator. ; L , ' Hancock's fik Remedy THE BEST KEJIEDV Ever Introduced for this Terrible" Dipsc. HANCOCK BROS,, fcropi-letors'. NEW BERNE, N. C1 ' . Sold by all Dmggl8 sat 50 cents pcMjox. Read the following Testimonial: ( From Hon. W. A. J. Sparks,-ex-moinbA' of , Congress.froin Illinois. CARLYLE.Il,Jiin.l0lh;188l.' , Messrs. Hancock Bros., ... , , r... ... Gentlemen: -I regard yoiif 9aH-e as tho rriofst wonderful remedy lor this nplnful andrdU. Breeable affliction tlmt wns evor offered to ti'a public. At WaKtiingtqu last winter I yran enf fering with n nioMt painful nttacR of blind piles, when your brother. Colonel Hancock. sent me a box of your Salve; on Hie npplfc:i- lion or wnicn l received instant, ronei.iuiu by continuing its tisu was entirely cured. I any certainly now free from nil symptoms of the temoie amonier, , lours jnnyi a NV SI. A. J. HJ'AUKS. OF of raising by taxation a portion of the money necessary to carry on the school. This beinK et,lablinhed places the school on a firm basis. The next question is a building suiUblo for the purposes. The subscriptions for the erection of the new In : amount now to about 43,000. In l ..wioii to this several hav6 promised to ' cubo who-o names are not in cluui'.l iii tlio lint, which will swell up tho amount. It is important that all sbmiM Fubscribe as envly aa possible, as it will I t: nccc:;s;iry, iu Older to open the ii t ' -wl' t'.io school in the new 1 ti ci.ninionco work in April. , . -ti 1 " t l-n.'i been left at Mr. i . . :..!-.! -i' i' "i'T t.tore, and wo m1 V tt'te s. r-iv I l i 1. 1 I l 1 being given on the 29th ult. Miss Anna. Success to In the Opinion of Physicians, teeth that ore becoming defective or are insuiiiciently cleansed, infect the food and unlit it for the digestive process. Health, therefore, as well as personal attractiveness is promoted by the use of Sozodont, pure in composition, agree able in flavor, prompt and effective in its purifying action, and economic, since only a lew drops upon the brush (' noo.h'il nt a time. The popularity (ft 11 1 1 injj prep;! r.- tion is biised upon l-; ' -. -it'll and professionally recog i 1 i . i ,t. ti m t i . . i VJT '"" la tbe House of Lords to-day asalGyear old boy, he, Bob Hum- E" Granville, Jn reply to an m- phrey and George Dennis were the life qmry Of the' Marquia Ot (Salisbury, of the evening, but George well, I said that the reports of tho imme won't say what George did do, but if diato "withdrawal " of tlio British you naa seen mm next morning one u f t, aonA.m wpr- aiv miff ithiivA indn-pd wiiiit n lmnnono troops irom me ,oouadn were ao- ,vhi looks. Mnsin ftnri Hanmnw aii solutely untrueN This statement night was the result of that wedding, was received With loud cheers Another comes have been this prevented. off next week would week but the measles A lino Milch Cow and Calf Northern Stock for sale by . maii,lw K. K. Jones. : Cairo, March 3. Capt. Speedy has started for Abyssinia with a letter from Queen Victoria to King John. Capt. Speedy will probably remain in Abyssinia as British W. P. BURRUS; & .Q0. Having purchased the KfeD FRONT 8TOKi oi w.f. lialiance,s UP, oiler . .. A CHOICE SELE0TI0F TBE GEOCERIES v,,, ; : C0NFECTI01JEEIE$. We purchase and sell for Ciwh, nd gom'- anteo RICES AS LOW AS ANY IN THE CITY i ? FOlt S&MB 6B1ADE OP OOOOf.""! 1 We ean suit the Most Fattldlonx! Cnllaiul yon Will ie convinced. We' will conduct onr GRArjl'ntsi. ai before. ' ,., '-,. mar&dfiw : To the Public; Being sole agent for the ? iiriDHirDii inn "riniiapn ninni rnnivicn hnu rAmviun uinL COOK STOVES, and repairs, I can guarantee that all re pairs for said Stoves, sol d by me are manufacturea by j i: , . The Leibrkndt &; McDowell Stove Co, Manufacturers of said Stoves, and WILL FIT. All other repairs for these stoves sold in this market are made from Stolen Patterns, and made by Pirates in the business. They are also made of the poorest iron they can get and will not fit the Btoves they are bought for. mar7-dKw-im. . , ,r. w. dkajnjsy. A Youth's Illustrated B.Pnge Papr, 75 Cent a Year. 1 Handsome Premium, Agenti Wanted. Send for Sample Copy to : ". MARY E. HILTON, iimiTJ&wlt' . 86 Cox St., AUnuta, Ga, HEWBERfljJEiEATRL THUESDAY AND FRIDAY ;:.MARCB6ajid 7tli'. ; f Dramatic - and. Mincal Aft, IN HARRY . LlNDLEY'S DRAMA OF ft World of Sorrou, iWith the eminent Tragedionno. ; Hiss LOUISE FOP.STEn IN THE TITLE HOLE, ', . . ; BCrPORTKD! BY FRANK! NEWMAN, AND Sterling Dramatic Company. V - POPULAR PRICES, O" Seats secured at Meadows' Dn'j Store. marS d. I

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