VOL. II. NO. . NEW BEENE, N.-C, WEDNESD AYMARCH 26, 1 884. OCAL NEWS. NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS. W. M. Watson For rent. Z. C. Smith For sale. : I . urual Miniature Almauae, ; Sun risen. 5:54 I Length of dav. Siji sots, 6:18 1 13 hours 24 minutes. , Voon, rises at 5:24 a. m. " Good Lord." deliver us from Ward politics. V 0 ,'' ' ' The revenue cutter Stevens is on How ,'ard's ship railway." ' y ; ;;;.V.-,. The steamer Kinston left yesterday w itta a heavy carg J of goods for Kinston A .good shipment : of radishes per A Word to Land Owners. , We are daily receiving requests for specimen copies of the journal to be forwarded to Connecticut and - other points in the North and East, which, to gether with occasional subscribers in that direction, gives us more than or dinary facilities for laying before the people of that section a description of lands that may be on the market, and any that might be offered in quantities to meet the views of persons in search of homes. ' . ; :)' To all who have laid to sell we will Kinston Items. Cotton. IOo. . . .V . ' : Corn, 70o. per bushi ' Meal, 75c per busn. s Potatoes, sweet, 60c. per bush. Hams, country, 121o. per lb. Lard, country, lajo. per lb. Chickens. 50a60o. per pair. , Eggs, 12ip. per doz; i , , Shad, roe, tfi.au per pair. Shad, bu.ck, oao. per pair. Jones Upiihty, Items. 4i there is standing in Mr, Edgar Rouse 'i I yard, in Tuckahoe township, an oak 1 tree that measures 23 feet and 8 inches I in circumference,, also an elm in Mr, I I isrown a vara, same townsnip, mat measures 15 feet in circumference, The Mullein Plant, Dr. Onillftii. a ftnlnhratnd nhvainian tit I have been informed by' our County I Dublin, has just written in an English Superintendent of Public Schools that medical journal of his wonderful ex perimental results with the common mullein plant upon lung and bronchial affections, citing cases where he had given it to consumptives with the most astonishing result, and recommends its use by the profession. Referring to the above,' we would state that Taylor's CHKitoKEE Remedy of Swket Gum and Mullein, made from the formula of the medicine men of the Cherokee Nation, is composed not' only of the mullein incorporated with it the Mr. Rand has contracted , with the county authorities td build a bridge The Wizard Oilers have thoroughly across Muscle Shell oreek on the Core oiled this community and left not a man creek and Trenton road. The bridge is unsound whom they have touched, to be fifty feet long,! twenty, feet wide, "i..-. ii7t. Miraculous is "Wizard's Oil." f withthree spansi, to. beput up right r"7 ".l1 ftflfni favArnVilA forma tft advArttfte the rents are opposed to toe Durmnir or Ker At present bur paper is very barren of to tnejr mashers when the town clock such information and we have reason to strikes 10: "Time is up, sonny, get up Bteamer Shenandoah was made y ester believe surprises those who send for it ana 8" day,':,',:;' " V ? i ' I on that point; but then, we' are glad tot The old political campaigner, Lewis The stfiampr nnnre Railed for Balti- know that the Journal is appreciated Grady, has just struck a streak olgood j - - i , - rnrhinA. Hia aiatAr.in.Iaw Mm. H.lirn.. more yesterday with a good cargo oi norwwis weu as wram muwm HUH beth Keathly, of Brooksville, Hernando rice,' naval stores, cotton and canned one paragraph of a letter received from county, Florida, sent him last week a oysters. 1 ' New Jersey only a few days since 1pv,. iamr a,-,i,Khn nrrivori vA.to-.l My paper comes every week and I I nAii IH itt-tfr -I n tirithmir if '' . . M . : . t, 3 - I Vltava uuu uu nivuuuv a. V V ' Mnwfiv ah tn'hA flntohAA in aRnhstanfift ' sweet gum, ine niieac stimulating expec- Young girls of .this pface whose p known, presenting an agreeable workmanlike manner for one hundred and fifteen dollars.' Trenton has succeeded in getting a police officer. : ' Mr. Benj. Ervin has been elected to the position. I met hira the other .day and saw him with the badge on, "Trenton Police,", and he had oil his shoulder a pole about twen ty feet long with a hook and a pike m one end of it.' I enquired of Benjamin if that was the kind of weapon that the town had given him;' I told him it was a yery formidable one. Be said he was Johh N. Parker, J.T.Pi1 or n.C. PARKER & Fi GENERAL OOMI MEEOHi- No. 64 SOUTH r .. , baltim: Special attention" tables lu Seasons taste and a certain panacea for Coughs, Whooping Cough, Colds and all Bron chial Affections. For sale by all leading druggists at 25c. and $1.00 per bottle. Manufactured by Walter A. Taylor. Atlanta, Ga., Proprietor Taylor's Pre mium Cologne,, . d&waprUm : 1 Among her freight was the frame work of the steeple and the spire for Christ Personal. Mr. A. M. Baker left on the Shenan- church, also a large lot of empty cans yesterday evening f or' the NortU t0 ! The f Messenger now comes to purchase his spring stock. us an eight page paper, with nearly double the reading matter it formerly con tained. .The hrst issue from its new press " contains a brief history xf the pape; which shows that Bro. Bonitz de serves all the success which has attended his efforts in journalietic life. Golds' boro owes much of its present growth and prosperity to the influence and work of the Messenger,' " 1 1 'y'. i. lhe ventury, for April, contains a condensed sketch of the life and career of Sidney Lanier, by W. H. Ward. Mr. Mr. B. A. Bell leaves this morning for New York to lay in his spring stock of jewelry, which he says will be more elegant than ever. Treasurer Benj, Sutton , and F. M. It would be folly to tamper with a to bacco whose peculiar flavor and inhe- bor, about a bushel, of the finest, largest :iL""LrrJ"! KirTr ZSrZtJ Z 1"Z rent excellence are known among all and Sweetest oranges ever seen in this YdTb ZLil he . ? Blackwell&Co. recognizethis place. Jttrs. neathiy, witn her nusuana, zn- j .,n .i . in tne manuiacture or tJlapkwelrB Uur left this county about ten years ago, and "l"tivpr " - ' " " ham Long Cut. To sustain the fame of settled in the orange groves of Florida. ' ' ; i ! 1 the Durham Bull brand among pipe and They are now reaping the fruits of their With your permission I will say a few cigarette smokers they must keep their enterprise. . ; . words to your correspondent in reply to tobacco pure give it as nature gave it. annpftra to h m-pat doubt n,s reraark9 concerning the freight Both policy and pride raise a perpetual -rr -- o- ---, 1 ohnrps or tna r. t. i;omnanv hptwnpn miaranree or nnrif.v. Trenton and Kinston: He says that u:i i-u rv o-t ra freieht for kainit. they onlv have to tn8n "eu BPenl nav 50 cts. npr ha for cotton, and: the Money expended in personal adorn citizens of Kinston have to nav 81.00 ner ment i9 often foolishly wasted upon ar- halo, and thi.t thn ifinRtin rharcaa of tides of no intrinsic value. A bottle of the company are much effected by the Sozodont, however, is worth its weight There appears to be great doubt whether the expositors will now get the appropriation115500 which the magis trates and county , commissioners, in their joint meeting on the 3d instant, voted to the county to help her to show off in the State Exposition next fall.' Some of the commissioners have grown weaK-Kneeu,pengirignteneaattneap: fti,POfl(i lin ..! W in gold to anyone troubled with poor a - - i thon nnvino' rotna fnr fi-oiorht f lur I WW) PUI ulliHJCr, us yesterday and left substantial evl dece of appreciation of a good paper. G. W. Koonce, Esq., of Jones, called in yesterday, settled up' all scores, ex amined our power press and departed, leaving good wishes for the Joubnal. ; Mr. E. Hubbs was in the city yestei uZ'r farmers say that they do not understand thing seemed "confusion worse . con- r: " ,w rr." foimHnrl the company to carry kamit for 81.00, vuy uuu it uicjr iuiuq biiciu w uttiiy uub' Though it will not make the teeth regular, they who use it are astonished at the rapid improvement it ettects in the dental row.: Moreover, they breathe sweetness, and have heal ' Lanier was a Southern gentleman, born I day ancT left on the Shenandoalu and feared at Macon, Ga., and, from his fine character and lofty literary at tainments, sufficient, cause is derived to clasahis name among the first of Ameri can poets. - In this issue are also given two handsome portraits of this dis tinguished, gentleman, the first repre senting him when he was only fifteen years of age, and the second a short while Wore his death, which occurred in 1881. COMMERCIAL. Rev, L. S. Burkhead leaves this morn' ing for Nashville, Tennessee. , '' . Rev." J. T. Davis, of the Disciples of Christ, arrived in the city on Monday night and left yesterday, morning to attend appointments in Pamlico county, R. Hancock, jr., arrived from Wash ington City last week. Old Annanias of this place has reeled ton for less than 81.00V All our farmers tny gums and ruddy lips. off so many lies that the grocers have (ask of any company is equal and just refused to trust him any longer, and freights, and it is not their wishes for while sitting at his scanty board a few any company to charge them less than evenings ago, he was heard humming they can afford to work for, but. they this parody on the "Last Rose of Sum- want the company I to come down to mer ": business principles and charge all alike "One corn cake for supper left steaming and have no , discriminations whatever. alone. - Would any one of common sense pat- All its light brown companions, without ronize any one of our merchants if he ; . . butter, are gone; , sold Mr. A. sugar at o cts. and coffee at No cake of its kindred, no beefsteak is 35 cts. and then turn around to Mr. B, . nigh, ' . and sell the same sugar at 13 cts. and To reflect back its blushes, or give sigh the same coffee that he sold to A. for 25 for a sigh. , 1 cts: let B. have it for 15 cts. t Tbe Eaatern N. C. Insane Asrlam. We have received a copy of the report NotTrae. . The report that the tools of Mr. Car roll, the contractor for building the . church spire, were burned in the fire on rt ji . .i-j ' .1I1.1I1SJV JTIIIIIIIIIir WM HrH I.I 1 IHHI I. ."' was not true... The tools' were taken to the church and not to the machine shops, as it was i stated, and there is no hindrance to the progress of the work from the loss of them. . : ' l ' cts: let B. have it for 15 cts. Does such "I'll not lnavn thfin. thou lonfl onft. to trading as the above seem fair and right? nine atthv fate The above reminds me of an incident Since thv mates am all natan. nomn lio that took place in New Berne some on mv nlfttA- - ; years ago between one of our Trenton .1 . r .. I" -! .-I it- T o.j,r, n. T n K. Thus kind v 1' 11 urtlhi thv Rtflnmino-mobs mercnanis; anu one oi uie new uerne. ens,otiner-aBiera ft, v.. insane sy- . , . . RwpptnPfiB whnn tlmilT merchant had been trading largely with lum for the . year 1883. It shows a art no more," ' '"i; the New -Berne merchant for over two healthy' management of tha financial ' Moral Pay for what you get and lie years and had bean ying him the cash affairs bf that institution by the Super- not, lest you be struck dead, or evil f:?J52? .ln'ie raul?l re intnndont and - Board of Directors, days come when your grinders will T,nrr th vr tho new winP haa hfion CaS8 for the Want of Something to do, Jouenal Office, March 24, 0 P. M. COTTON-New York futures steady; Spots firm. New Berne market firm Sales of 21 bales at 10 to 10 8-8. Middling, 10 1-4: Low Middling. lu; uooa ordinary, 1-4. , NEW YORK SPOTS. ' Middling, 11 1-8; Low Middlin?. iu ls-io; liood ordinary, 10 l-a. , , '" ' FUTURES. March, 11.21 April, 11.22 May. 11.41 , ' June, '. , 11.55 CORN-Steady at 63a70c. Again Alone, All the cotton on the yard was cleared off. again -.yesterday except the same completed to the building and they are now prepared , to - accommodate 160 patienls- The number on hand at last report was 86; number received during the year 63, making the total number treated 149. '" Of the number treated 89 werd discharged, 14 of whom were Seven Springs Items. Shad $1 per pair; eggs 121 cts per dozen; porn 7ft cts per pushel. W. H, Andrews & W. R. Simmons are opening , a finei Btock of new spring gooas. Mr, Z. J. Whitfield's school is Increase merchant at New .Berne began to sup pose that he had pur Trenton merchant safe and began to raise his' prices. Our Trenton man was1 sharp and sent him a new customer; the New Berne man sold to this new customer cheaper than to- the old one, not knowing that the., hew one was buying for. the . old ,one. This convinced our Trenton man that no was not serving rignc anu no canea m to his store on his first trip to New Berne and told.- the JMew Berne 1 1 Sk Offers to cut hair for 20 for 25 cents. Phampoolm shave, 75 cents. . V As I am the Lender of Ix , get the pntrotetfo of the put) i A rllvsr-UljAnS HAKHK1. street, next to Detrick's liar. 250,000- For.the Acar Offers will be rec rale. Also, for ttaoy The Brick to he iT OP MAY Sample! m uiierB, , Nenbern, I n, N.C. GKOi T. A L. Ill manvudiwii W. II. Would inform thi is fitted up in fin nKea in new r togiveyouasnood his predeceRBor, JoIk lor i'KN (JKN Is, A Hair Cnt and Vents. Call at the Gaston and be convinced. , RECEIVED THIS DAY SHENANDOAH- 25 B0XEF A valuable gor' PRICE Rl)UCh r marlfldAw man Kaln that xtraa thnra Inst wenk Thaicured, two improved, one unimproved, i j. o. lYuiuiuiu a buihxuis lucroaat wnat ne naa peen aoing, ins mercnant nwner seems to have devoted it to the one removed, one eloped and twenty mgandthe probability is he wUl have by .way an appology, remarked r,. VI :. owner seems 10 nave neyoted. it to me ' , f. , an excellent school... ; - Idid sell him calico and domestics - use oi a aecoy to attract otners, or M .v,.v,M.h nest ege to draw those in search of a opeaamg or mo ciass oi paueumre' place" to lay more. As the market is cehe4 .during the year, the, Superm now ruling, It is not entirely an act of tendeht says: love, but is attended with some profit as generous'actions generally are. -. "The class of patients received through the year have been very unsatisfactory Cant. Bucban's school at the Price cheaper than I did you , but Mr: A. don't school house closed on Wednesday the think anything of that, the way I stuck lth or Jttarcn, with about fifty pupils In mm on snoeB wouia mane you laugn. attendance. . - .... According to the Kinston correspondent. Mr. .T w. Mnnriv infnrma V,a U if the Heuse Trent Kiver bteamboat ..n.nta a uia ;n vw , company suuaB ub uu Kaiun ui lreniun. J,pwirtj iw luvia uid proaiu iii,ix uava fcu I . . . - , . . . this Diace. Ha will do well hnr and v y"" yl The Exposition News. " We have received the prospectus of a chronic class, weak and emaciated, ill paper with above name to be published I treated in jails and poor houses, poorly by P. Cl Ennisj at Ealeigh, for the pur- fed and olothed-fit could hardly be ex pose of promoting the interest of the pected to make a favorable showing as North Carolina State Exposition.- It to their treatment. As this Institution will be a 20 column paper 20x28 and will was built for these unfortunates I con be issued weekly until the Exposition sider it my duty to receive them, even for making a favorable showing in my every one will welcome him back to the way the company has stuck them on h annual report,; Most of them wereofa his old stand. v V' C ,?U!?V n8,for all of itv M ' . ia : Grange items.- opens and then daily until its close. Price seventy-five cents, including the daily issue. . Address . P. C. Ennis, raleigh, N. C. t rie Christian Brotherhood. Mr. Theo. N. Ramsey is canvassing the city in the interest of the Christian Brotherhood, and we are pleased to say meeting with a good measure of success. The advantages of life insurance are too well known in New Berne to require any commendation from us.. The plan olTered by the Christian Brotherhood is c"''( e most liberal we have seen, li i !i oITIcers and directors of its ! i' i of well known business i a. 'il.oso contemplating insur- i - '1 do w ell to examine this plan. I . , v "-ill take pleasure in ex' 1 J' .-ims. though their physical condition is bad." " . Announcements. Dear Journal:! leave this morning ju?t to get to kick somebody. for Nashville, Tenn., to attend the Mrs. Carrie Sea well will soon open a millinery store at . Moody's corner. Will also deal in ladies' fancy goods and trimmings,; ; laces, flowers, . per fumery, etc. etc. . uur rarmers are hauling away im mense quantities of commercial ferti lizers and the air is laden with the per fume. a thriving business in that line.. Josh Billings says that a mule will be a right good animal for fifteen months This re- minrla na fit tha crrctonv vhn aolla a man ., w oncu U pond p.hfifiRB inst tn trt tn sell him a i.: iL. an J Hf I "," I uutu meeuug v iuo . xuaiu wi uxwr i jotten One.. : , i j I sions. "1 snail return, . JJ. V ., in time Cant. Brown will soon enrage in tho ' y : If' r. '.: t 13 y s t'.u r.: t ) I iW I a Burnett, .was 1 I. Rev. J. D. Cavanaugh filled hiB month ly appointment at' Hickory Grove last Sunday. ,"f Ashley Hill,' Esq.l'of iKinston, was in U" ",DUU conference, probably, ;.( The infant . sou of . I. , Wooten, re ported in my last as dangerously sick, died Sunday morning, r aged about six Weeks.,;..:,?,!,, irt.i v. .iM-wU'i e. iit It commenced raining Saturday night. rained nearly ail day Sunday and bun day night,' and this (Monday) morning lIi. O.VV..1. A tl I 1 1 - !.l " "ll.i wu.U.. m6. W occupy my puipm uu ouuumu, pi u uuoiuobb vi a tiuiuuieiumi traveller mr o .,.., a ; -.t lirtt th B Tn(lf iH,i ' 13th, and I propose to protract the ser- popuiardry goods vices from day to day, from that time, ZXZZJZl 4 rightrwell". attended:;. Prof, Wil- with the view of building nn the cause k.f.w. w , -r , - " liams' oBject in' getting hnn here was , - y.wvuuw i.u. ... , s ,v , ' VI Jl- .: -A ui vui uiu "uiuig duu.s. viu o. i i Miii Anarews nas quid cnewinir tn. I .,..nmi,t no , ,r ... I . j, ' , IUUUU cuwuiofiomwii nao gifou anaoeatn. uear. oretnren, l bsk you ducco mu iiati Kaiuea seven pounas in a :.m w ifitA j; T ' nt Ptlfid th i . i. - I maair I rta rnnn rrr AhanrD oss-vi onto s I ' - ail to loin me in earnest prayer to . w. Btnmn and had to cro Otftha wava for re. luviL i aj it. biuua v uuu maj nuuiau 1 1 m. 1 1 I - . . .- a ' i . v . expect to retain her beautv who PairB. snuff habitually. . - Mr. Pennell, from Philadelphia, Is stopping at the Seawell House for the benefits of the Seven Springs water, These mineral waters are gaining a world wide celebrity. What a pity the Springs cannot be made more attractive in appearance. i As a crowd oi bacchanalians came down the street on Saturday night, with ' '.flOMKSTIO MARKET. Turpentine Dip, $2.00. ! TAE-81.00toJl.25." ' Seed Cotton $2.50a3.50. : Beeswax 25o. per lb. Honey 75o. per gallon. Beef On foot, 5o. to 7c. Country Hams 131c. per lb. y: i Lard 13io. per lb.; Fresh PoRr. 7a8c. per pound. Eoos 17o. per dozen. Peanuts $i.00al.C0 per bushel. , Fodder 80c. to $1 per hundred. i Onions $3 per bbl. riELD peas DDO.a9l.00 per bushel. ' Hides Dry, 9allc,; green 5a6o. :;; Tallow 6c. per lb. ; , Chickens Grown, 45a50c. per pair. jttKAirouc. per Dusnei. , , ....... 1XFRNTP3-0U3V0C. per DUSh. W00l-12a2Ctf. per nound. SRINaLES-rWest India.dull and nom inal; not wanted. Building 5 Inch . j nn . nn ni ,r i .4.w; saps, $a.uu per in. WHOLESALE PRICES, New Mess Pork $18.75al9 rlrtarn 1(Uft1(l$e nhnnldnra drif naif 81a8Jc. . . , Molasses and Syrups 20a45o. 1 Salt 95o. per sack. Flour $4.00a7.50 per barrel. Ba Witl Nea eit fuf K, varlftiy , grasB; is k hottest w WHITF. al9.00;jlpn For Rent, , A COMFORTABLE dwelling house on Craven street, next to Dr, Clark, and rr' oently occupied by H c. Pool. ... ... r',. , Apply to ; W. M. WATSOr tnar262t Sec. 4 5 For Sab, ONE LARGE IRON-GRAY JAC mainly for the good of his BChCol,' hd young and qualities good. FoW' tlcnlars apply to .. 1 u ,, Almighty God for a "great blessing on the; Church and community. , God works by means; and if we all humble ourselves before Him, and pray and work, aB He directs, the, Church will be revived and sinners converted. " Let us 1 all "shun every appearance of evil"and cry earnestly to God day and night ,rO Lord, revive Thy tt'orfc" Rev. Chas. W. Byrd, stationed the tears of regret shed, by the people on the South side of .Neuse near the new bridge,,1 wcriB. few. and far be- Re. ; i Mr ' Nelson,, i of Goldsbor6,; preached at the Baptist ' Church here last Sundays The. church has procured the services of Revi Mr. Hires, of Union S. C, whoi will preach here the fourth Sunday in April next. " jf. held the Z, C. SM1T ; t Mays .vsv',!v(i.i:,.,::.;; mar2u dlt.wlra f: ! iilo;p:0jp Rev, J, El Mann, 1 1. C if v. : 0 1 1 diown a I.) next ! riven. ,.3i v ' P.th, timely notice will be L. S. Burkhead, .1, . , m N a 1 "i : - a1 ir Ti 1 . -r t 1 ftt - -it in . I lllUiti WlllMKIIV LI1UU WUEI UUUHHHarV IUr I tJllHITHn V lAJllierUIlUU Ul LI1H fit preaoner at aioreneao yiij, win na my f , rOROmotion. .... .Sdn ft,nrK SfirAlaaifiatritdav and Sunday. pulpit April 6th, morning and , night. whach" was heard that rang ont clear and will remain for a few, days assisting 1 . 1 P If any announcement can be maae ror ana distinct upon the nicht air. in the in .thai revival which is , stm Eoinjc on aars no one couia teu -wno strucK with continued lnteresc ana prospects Biuy rattorson," but investigation for good. , ' .'( . ' ,-in proved tnat it was not tiilly I'atterson who got struck but Eill Blaney, at lehst he rushed into a doctor's shop with the crimson tide flowing over las shirt front and a pretty reRpoctable button-hole in the northwest coiner of hia cranium, l.ill won't die though no such luck. The Mayor has not invoidHitod the mat tor yet to find out tho fat oculars. it) I 1 1 C 5 dl- f 1 1 (i' nliillg nllyJ. C. I . y oi Ui-ion ' It'ven ron- i. l'oa- ! 1 1 -y 1 t, 1 t. 1 1 II. j Duffy. (! .': l" .1 J ' .i 1 ' ' '1 ' ' The Journal ofllce' is 'prepared1 to print Bill Heads, Letter' Heads, En velopes, Cards, ToRR,Circular Envelopes, eto., in neat and handsome style, and also at prices to suit the times. Give us . ilason Work executed at short 1 f ' ' C. W. BSOWN 1 . mar!3dlm . ; , : New Be; wk. J. clarkk. . ; WM'. E. WinvJ,&Wm.E;CI ::::'ATT0ETn' - Practise in Uie ( Hyde, Jon8, Lon eomt : oIbo in New i.iTne. . Colled loi' olui ma afialnsi Otiice lour i' at ' 1. '.I ll.irt 'n.i;osv Heal rotate llort- Dot'i'n, Lien DondH, always on Tit vei t s-' ' f 1 M next 1 On '.Ou lontof Over- 1 .'OOV s 1 f i01't,