CT" K r r fcJ A. AV THE JOURNAL. grcg ran A STRUGGLE WITH A SHIRT. r ? hi On: Stem Trcitatica Co'y. New Bbrnk, N. C May 7, 1884. SUMMER schedule of the steamer ELM CITY to ga Into effect on and after May 19, 1884 : . Monday - " Leave Bayboro at 8 a. m. for New Berne, Blopplng at Btonewall.Van demere, Pamlico, Smiths Creek, - Adumi Creek and Riverdale, Tueaday " Leave New Berne for Hyde County at - V a.m, stopping at Adams Creek, - Thursday 1 ,-' Leave Hyde County for New Berne . at 8 a.m., stopping at Adams Creek, Saturday . , Leave New Berne for Bayboro at 8 , ' a. m., stopping at Rtverdale, Adams Creek, Smiths Creek, Pamlico, Van . - , demere and Stonewall. : Friday up for excursions. , ' . , Having goo accommodation both for pas sengers and freight at very low rates, ask that the merchants and producers along 1U line give it their cheerful support. For further information enquire at the of floe. Foot of Craven street. , RALPH GRAT, ' Agent at New Berne. Or any of ita Agents at the following places: . ABK LEE, Adams Creek D. H. WATSON, Lake Landing, Hyde Co. D. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, C H. FOWLER, Stonewall, i 8. H. FOWLER, Bayboro, . t G. F. M. DAIL. Pamlico. W. H. JACOBS, Smiths Creek, . MALLETT BROS, Riverdale. - Freight received under cover every day the week. Jan2ldwly RAILROADS. , CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Atlantic & N. C. Railroad. TIME TABLE No. 6. In Effect 12:00 M., Sunday, December 23d, 1883. ; EAST. Ne.47. Express Pass.taUil Arrr'L've. I WEST. No. 48 Express, Pasi.fcMall ArrT L've! 8T1TI0NS. , r. u. 83 P. M.I : ' 5 50 Goldsboro, 8 St) La Orange. ........... T Xi Kin8ton,........... ( 21 'New Berne,. (Morebead Depot, P. Mi A. H. 11 10 10 23 A.M. 10 28 9 45 7 47 S 00 T 12 30 11 11 88 P. If .J t at A; m. A. m. EAST. 1 WESTi- No.S Mixed Fgt. ft Pass. Train. No. 4 Mixer- Fgt. Pass. Tra n STATIONS. Arr. L've. Ait. jVve, A. K. i 7 48 8 10 8 50 9 20 10 26 10 68 24 Jl 42 12 17 A. M. 7 10 7 60 8 26 8 68 960 10 80 11 00 11 80 11 45 P X, P. M. 7 86 6 67 6 14 6 44 4 57 4 16 8 43 5 14 8 02 P. X. 7 00 837 6 60 520 4 21 8 48 8 19 802 380 P.X. Goldsboro Best's .... ......... La Grange, FalllngCreek....... Kinston Dover . ... Core Creek ...... Tntesrora . Clarke's ....... Newbern, ... ... P. M. I I P. M. EAST. WEST. No. . Mixed Fgt. 4: Pass. Train. : Arr. L'vej : No,. ; Mixed Fgt, A Pass. Train. j Arr. ' L've. ": p. n.i P. u. STATIONS. A, M.i A.M. i : 4 40; Newbern . 6 26- 5 Rtverdale - A 81: 5 XI): Oroatan (; 6 li Havelock 8 51! 6 56; Newport ......... 7 08: 7 10; Wildwood . 7 St8; 7 43; Morebead City 7 6); i Morebead Depot.. A. H. ! A. v. : 1 25! 12 St: 12 21 II 62: 11 10; 10 53; 10 2); '; j. A. M.'i 12 3 12 26 1157 11 20 10 58 10 2i 10 00 A. M. Train 48 connects with Wilmington A Wei don Train bound North, leaving. GoldHboro, 11:50 a. m., and with Richmond A Danville Train West, leaving Goldsboro 11:56 a m and Wilmington WeldonTrainSouthat5 p.m Train 4 connects with W. A W. Train bo und South, leaving Goldsboro 8 p.m. Train 47 connects with Richmond & Danville Train, arming- at Goldsboro 6:20 p.m , nd Wil mington and Weldon Train from the North at o:4ft p.m. . .. , Trains 4, 5 4 6, Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays Trains 17 it IS, dally except Sunday. Train 8. Tuesilav. Thnrsdav and Saturdays. Trains 48 4 a breakfast at iilnston. Train 47 tipperat Kins ton. w. Dunn, Superintendent. : midland N. C. Railway. TIMS TABLE No. 4, In effect Thursday, October 25, 1883. WEST. EAST. No 1. Mixed Train. i No. 2. Mixed Train, STATIONS. Arr. L've. Arr. , L've. r.n. i r. . I i 108 iGoldiboro... A.M. i A .Mi in V 6 51 : 6 84 j 527 6 06 i 9 29 : 8 81 iOopelands ... 5 9 45 ; 9 48 Princeton U K : tTnlt. Mill 5 87 9 55 6 27 10 13 18 f 1) 16 - Pine Level... 6 10 ;8mthneid..... 4 48 . a- DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. - i ' Train S connects with A. N. 0. Freight Train leaving Goldsboro at 7:30 a.m., and with W. A W. Train going North at 9:50 a.m., going South at 5:45 p m., and with It. D. train going WestatllhUUa.m. : Train No. 1 connects with A. 4 N. C. train arriving at Goldsboro 8:28 p.m.; with R. A I). Train arriving at 5:20 p.m., and with W. fc W. Trainc arriving at 5:lo p.m. and 8.00p.m. W. Dunn, , Superintendent. It Stands at the Head, t '..J L... ...J L-...:ilij. For sale ty E'JITY. & IV I..: r I lost of Appetite, Headache, Depres. Jan. Indigestion and Constipation, BI1 ionsnesa, m Sallow Faee, Dull Eyes, and a Blotched Skin, are among the symptoms - which lndkato that the liver Is cr) lug for ' Id. . ' Ayer's Pills will stlmnlate theJ Liver to proper action, nd correct all these troubles. One or more of these Pills should be taken dally, until health is fully established. . Thousands tea-: tifj to their great merit. No family can afford to be without Aria's ; Pills. . - t - ' - ' , , ; ,: puepaksb bt? SiV. DrJ.C.Ayer &Co.,Lowen, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. STEAMERS. ' . THE '.,V iteuse A.mm-mm ' Steamboat Company l Will run the following Schedule) on and after Wednesday, May 7th, 1881: '. Steamer Trent . Will leave New Berne for Polloksvllle and Trenton every Wednesday at SEVEN, A. M. Keturnlnj, will leave Trenton every Thurs day.: . The steamer TKK.NT can be charterod Mondays, Tuesdays. Fildajy and ttaturd-ivs for excursions, etc. , Steamer Einston Will leave Newbern for Kinsten every TIT1S DAY and FRIDAY: returning leaves Kln- ston for Newbern every SfONDAY and THURSDAY; touching at Jolly Old Field and all intermediate pointa both going and com ing. ., " ... These steamers make close connection with the O. D. S S. Oo. and North Carolina Freight Lane. or turtner tniormation apply to . W. K. STYRON, Ja, at Newbern, W. F. Stasly, Klnston. - . D. S. Barrus, Polloksvllle. R. W. McQowak, Trenton. 1 . 8. Quinsblt, Jolly Old Field. ' 3. M. WHITE, Gen'l Manager,' feb7d4w : , Klnston. N. O. . OLD DOMINION Steamsbip j Cpmpany. I . SEMI-WEEKLY LINE r For- New VorK, Baltimore; Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, Philadelphia, Providence, , and other Cities. ' ' ' " ON AND AFTER . ! Monday July: 2nd, 1883, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Steamer Shenandoah ; - WQl leave, upon a.iival of train on Norfolk Southern Railuad at Elizabeth City, every HONDA Y AND THURSDAY for New Berne. Returning leaves New Berne for Elizabeth City every TUESDAY AND FRIDAY at p. m., making close connection with Nor fo Southern It. R. ' for Northern cities. Close 'connection made at New rierne with steamers for Klnston, Polloksvllle, Trenton and all landings on the Nense and Trent Riven. No freights received for shipment on Tuesdays snd Fridays after S!4 p m. t ' . , Freight forwarded promptly and lowest rate guaranteed to destination. Fare to Elizabeth City and return. 4. To Wesuington, $4. To Norfolk, .. Tq Baltimore, Is.51). To New York. E. B. ROBERTS, Ajt, New Btrne, CULriPPKR & TURNIB, " ' 1 V ' Ag'ts, Norfolk, V. A W. If. Staxford, Gen'l Fr't Ag't, - - New York Citj . : Ghaage of Pier nr New Tort -J." The N. C. FreightLiue JFOR NEW YORK, . BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and all points - ' " - . IVorth and. AVest ' 4fter this date will receive freight in New York ' for Kew Berne at P1EB 7, NOBT1I RIVER, Office of Kew York and Baltimore ' , Transportation, Co. Merchants ehonld remember that this is one of the best Steam Lines ent of New York, making dally connection with Baltimore for New Berne; an insiae, ana eniyoncnan,ge , ,' SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMERS Between Hew ' 'Berne ' aid " Baltimore, (Touching at Norfolk) , Leaving New Berne for Baltimore TUESDAYS FRIDAYS at 1 p m. - Leave Baltimore foJ New Bern WEDNESDAYS dnd SATURDAYS Agents are as follews: t. , ... EUBKN FOSTKR, Genl Jfsnager, r v W Light St., Bal't.kfd. IAS. W. McCARRICK, Ag't. Norfolk, Ta. W. F. Clyde V Co.. PbUadelbla, 13 South onrvna. . York It Balto. Tran. Line.Pler T.Nortn river E. Hampton, Boston, m (Jentral wnarf. . B. H. Rockwell. Providence R. 1. . D. 0. Mink, Fail River, Derrick Wharf. Ships leaveBoston, Tuesday, and Saturdays. " " New York dv. ' " Baltimore, Wednesdays nd Saturday, ran mi ver, nionuays, Wednesdays. r rmays. , ' ' ' Providence, Saturdays 1 hrongh bills lading given; and rates gaaran ' to all points, at the different offices of the mpanies. .. - . . - , ? , . Avoid Ercahge ot Bnlk n Ship via N. C. LINE. d Mar JW f S H. ORAH , Agt, New Brne.N L. J. Moork. Vfu. EL Clarke. MOORE & CLARKE, ATTOEITEYS AT LAT7 : New rterno, N. C. Will practise tn the Courts of Carteret. Cra ven, Greene,, Hyde, Jones, Lenoir, Oimlow and 1 5amli'-oeniMiih'H. AIo in the Miprcme Court nt RnlelKh and t o I iiHi-d fr hiicB Court at Newi'ei'ue and NEW BESNE. N. C. MAY 15. 1334. Pcllofcsyillo Itsiri3. Cotton is dying on account of the cold weather ,. .... . ; Mr. J. II. Koonce, of Jones 'and Miss Nona Scarborough, of Lenoir, are visit ing relatives and friends in town. Miss has lust finished her school at Mr T. S. Gillett's and is now on her. war home. The Bteamboat anil medical agricul tural copartnership of Pollfjksvi'le com menced replanting corn on yesterday, but the medical parr made a sham call this morning to aid him in taking a rest Dr. C. J. Mattocks presented your itemizer with a few of the finest straw berries that it has ever been his pleasure to see; one weighed over half an ounce, but there was one serious objection not in size, or flavor, but in quantity.! , Saturday morning's sun loomd up the eastern eky in all the glory of day and the steamer Trent sent forth three loud peals as a warning to all who intended enjoying the festivities of the day: to geton board. Again vent forth another peal and we were off promptly at 8:80, On we went down the Trent; seeing the beauties of nature alarmed us, and triping lightly oS the lower deck to the sound of sweet music, till at last, 11 ;30 we were at tne wnart at xxew tserne. t a few left out joyous crowd here and we steamed on up the Neuse still dancing until we reached bhell Landing, and here we enjoyed a most bountiful re past of the good things which we were supplied with, immediotely after, which we started back for New iierne; there came the oall in loud cheer for Felle tier, who came very near being baptized in the early morn, to speak, il re- ponded in a few happy words, paying nigh tribute to Jackson, giving warn ing to the young men of North Carolina and giving a just and true compliment to the ladies of the Old North State, after which there was loud calling for Wynn. He responded in a happy way. stating how many good things we had in the South that we might well be proud of, and of all things most to be ovedbyuBis our noble and. true wo men, after which Street was sailed on, but just then he was not to be seen. Then came musio and dancing until we again arrived at New Berne,: when we all started tox the Academy Green., ; At 6 p. m. we steamed out for home every body hftppy.' We arrived at Polloks vllle at 9:15, everybbdy saying "I never had a more joyous time In my life.'' Among , those , happy ones. , was your itemizer.. i r. .' r,. r. t Can And mil. Knowledge ia never so complctelj one't own as ; when iworked out by personal tbongbt and search.-However many other people may know t, a fact, or principle; Or solution cannot become thoroughly your pos session ontil you have .hunted- lor ana discovered it yourseit. ? Jwery one remembers best what his mind "earns" by hard work. A reterari teacher gives an example, 'among reminiscences of his professional ife, ot the sort of resolution and diligence a boy needs to make him master of knowledge j I know a boy who was preparing to enter the Junior Class ot the JNw York University. -He was studying trigonometry, and I gave him three examples for the next lesi The following day, he came into my ; room to -demonstrate his prob rems. Two of them he understood,. but a third-a very difficult one he lad not performed. 1 said to him, "Shall T heln von?" ' - ......i-v-i (r,-iu.i.- "JS'o, sir. 1 can and will do it,' it. ou give me time." I said, "Iwill give you all the time you wish. '.:! $ . iThe'next day,: he came into my room to recite a lesson in the' same 8tudy.i'rr;r;:v;,i',;J-i ' "Well, Simon, have you worked that example!" , ' ,- , "No, sir," he' answered i '"but,; I can and will do it, if you give mo a little more time." "Certainly, you shall have all the time yoa desire.": , X? : f Vi I always like these bOya who. are determined to do their own work, for they make onr best scholars, and men too. .The third morning yon should have seen Simon ienter my room. ' I knew he had it, for his whole face told the story of his snc- cesa.- "'"T''- ' 'vv -c i'rT' Yes. he had it. notwithstandinff it had cost him many hours of the severest mental labor." $ 5 , jV i .. ' ' Not only had he solved the prob lem, but what was of infinitely greater importance to him, he had begun : to develop mathematical powers, which under the inspiration of"I can and. will," he has contin oed to cultivate, until to-day ne is professor of mathematics in one of our largest colleges, and one of the ablest mathematicians of his years in our country. Prevent sickness bv taking occasion. ally one of Emoet'b Little Cathartic Pills, a wonderful appetizer an abso lute cure 01 rjihousncss. 1j cents. 4 Job Work. . C ? . The Journal office is prepared to print Bill Heads, Letter Heads. En velopes, Cards, Taprs.Circular Envelopes etc., in neat and handsome style, and also at prices to suit the times. Give us atrial. - - - - - Chattel Mortprnges, Real Estate Mort gages, Deeds, Lion Bonds, always on hand. Blanks for the appointment of . Over seers, and for making Overseer's report. on hand. iThree hundred and sixty -five times each year every mother's son of us has a strug-' 4 gle getting into his shirt. If a shirt is worth getting into, if it is strong and well made, sure pot to rip or tear, . perfect fitting, then there is some compen-. , antion forspending so much of our exist-" . enca in1 such a struggle; You may wrestle with the DlAMQKD.'but with its everlaEling ' f stay-attachment and reinforced bosom, you will come out head first every time, covert d 'with glory and with the test shirt in the land. 2100 UMEN. , If your flenlw docs not ketp it, send his ad. rest to DaniolMilltr & Co., sole manufacturers, Balti more. Mi.,- , . , . v , uf . . ;. , , , r; For sale ty M JOES, New 'Etrnc N. C. PP1 Ir'ifi'-'Anakes'S' W tl K5-i Jv lln Waiiito cut gives ixXsnt rfAief. aai U cure for rilcip. Itifrtt. Ail. "ANA KESIS " iiiiUcr.i.Dos 2-llOiiowlforl. frot Yontnfiil Innmilcnoe, cansing I Jiorrnin UoBiiity, Monttl nd Phvsi , oal WoaknenK. Valoablo infonnMion ''ri 'lis TPrcirtjr - I OIS O R D E R E D LIVE R ' ' - and GA L A Ri a ! h SS.if?. ?l;,fiih?.',ic"n" 'Kce. tubs JM l ,i,-, ji.vui, ctivc, jlck Head tpirltA, A ot hnvlng J,cBlccv3 ii1,)l,l(,totl,i er. WKhjy eoi2 'nn'rhiViUS89 aiVe?,0ly.thlrt actscilmctly' "lltnoi.lvnr. Xan T.1vm. t,..f. . ...... nil imf.'!i,SJi.i,n'lals0 l''0"ipt WMMoviniil itft .?r?J,ROM,"1l! r!'BU,ar stools, a o'linr sum.iiKl a vigorous bori v. TlT'i T's lt r 1 a wi?h"11!,n.,:Rnfft y BHPin "ia wlih friiiy work and m e a perfect AMYiPpTE TQ filALAuiA. ; il3 FEErJS tIKB A NRVV MAST. , y c uunii mo any. good, cleaned rue out ntoely., Mv Tlii'.v l.nvo My appclito li 1 ... - j n iyt r. . V " , tllK8" rondlly, and 1 now fXZL W V' E WARDS, Palrnyra, q. PoldeVftywhtir.aBo. Office ,41 MniTiiySt.,y.'- ; TOTFS SSfiiS! DYE" Orat Haik or Whiskers clianzod ini sfwitly to aULossf Black by a sinBle tit p ioatWof lbi8 DTK. Soldi" OD SSfiiK. Or sent by cinress on receipt of I ! , '' Ufflco, U Murray Street, New York ' IUTT'8 MANUAL CF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREt ROBERTS 6 B If; I; J i; 'Vitii'A'f, . ;'im f.F-n IS , "3 Groceries," r i , V.V. ,1 Boots and Shoes, iWl v'..'i"i .:i.'i'i;!t'i , Au otwaicn. w wo iara offering VEXT LOW. Orders eolicited.. ;.: ' ' .ilif"--.;. ," .-,U--J iwtv;;.i ..;;'( ' Satisfaction guaranteed. -' : . dw.': NEW BEIWE.'N. C - .. attorney; AT LAW, PractlRes lri the Courts of Carteret, Craven, Hyde, Jones, Ijenolr, Paralieo and Wayne counties: also in the United States Court at New Heme. f), Colleetlon of seamen's wages and all cihimih Hniuiisi, vessels a specialty. ; . , unice lour uoors auove uaston llonse. . ' mar2l-d&wtf - " if -.,. .yTO THE ' - VOTERS OFGRAVENCSliriTY: I respectfully inform you that I arj a CANDIDATE for SENATOU in the next General Assembly, ! t ; J, WtL J. CLAE.EH : New Berne, N. O., April 8th, 181. gdwtf E: coc:c;rs pailt silVEI t:a r z l im Ik) r'....ur cf ii". or h I i our WAMSUTTA (l5s KJiJiJ AT ' DiinOillilS-A beautiful figured Lawn at 5c. ' worth 10c. .iu1Uiiia--!s Siuuu sell for 5 c. BARGfllliS-See our No. 1 Victor Lawns, beautiful quality, at 8c. peryd,, worth 15c. Our No. 2 Yietoria Lawns, at 12c. and 15c, worth 20c. and 25c. - ' oods Mever So Low. A lovely Plaid Nainsook for Aprons, only 9c. ; cheap at 15( India Mull,' Dimity, Batise-Victoria Lawn, Nainsook, and other kinds of white goods going cheap. And as for HAMBUR6S," we bought a tremendous job lot way down, and we are selling them cheaper than yourselves ; it is a fact we are belling ufacture them.''--': k---; BUTTONS we almost give you Buttons for 2c, and beautiful Metal We vovght a job: And as for tho following Goods, just chiefs, 5o. 10c! and 15c. Dress Ginghams, 83.' and 10c. Peijuet, Co. and 8c. ' Lace, Buntings, Albatrofs, Nun's Veilings, French Novelty, and one of the bcist brands of Cashmere, and many black goods at Bottom Prices. "''-"- But the Bargains of Bargains is Parasols ; only think of it, a lovely Silk Parasol for 75c. t worth $1.50, SHOES Wo carry a full line of i$)&oS onTamxon IShoe wc can give vou t )ixon'sA We warrant give you a beautiful Shoe Children's Shoes a specialty. ' See our Laces, Cotton Trimmings' arid oh I the lovely Irish Point' Embroidery, and the Darned Net Lace,' and Hire beautiful and stylish Oriental Lacel And if .you want net for darning, we have it for 15c. '! - ' '" ' ' .'- THE CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN Has attained a standard of excellence whlcb admits of no superior. , It contains every Improvement that inventive genius, skill and money can produce. . . :. r EVERY m A3 EXCEL nVE IEAHS. These eitcellent Onrann are eelcbratcd for volume, quality of tone, quick response, variety of combination, artistic design, beauty in finish, perfect construction, making them the juost attractive, ornamental and desirable organs lir homes, schools, churches, lodges, societies, c.a. ESTABLISHED REPUTATION, VXEQTJALEO FACILITIES, 1 ' .'Y " , SKILLED WOKKHEX, i jt;(.; ' ;.-llJtSTUlATEniAL, 'X: .consnrei, iuxt fai THE; POPULAR ORGAN Instruction Books & Piano Stools Catalogues & Price Lists, on application, feee. C12S3 'CcttS ' OkiH.-COi.' Corner Randolph and Ann Street l L. MAHBLE T0I1 r o 1 ;-,Morjur:i::; . Aiidallklnus (' .- n it;!!""::: " r GRGAH Vau- BANTED ros r nArrr?na r. rui lb u.s uiu umuv wo ' , - i it cost to make thorn. Come and seo for Haraburgs cheaper than it cost to man '. --i buttons. Only think of iCnioe Dress Buttons for 10c; former price was 25o. come and see for yourself: Handker Cousin's' StvliBb.' Shoes, and that bra every pair.' v And if you want "a cheap at very low Prices. . - . ! - LODGE, ! :;;,. Craven Street,, below repress fe!5 ; .; ': ; IBWBERIT. N. C. ' - DUVAL & NOIITON'L) ' : 1 HOUSE TONIC, ' -Ths Best Kcicirs fsp Ecr:cs hi TRY IT. Tor Pale .by J. V. JO'tPAN and IIAKCOCK BROS. ar.i.id 1TEV! " ' AT Zzotj Hill, Gr: Well furnished, fu Hie 1-KST tiie linn k. Suninle rooniB i.r K ati i r - f 'f 1 A YEAR.' 1 Or Ysf P $1' A YEAR $1 w b! r a f III! aiSo n g" p y ? ? i - . .. . 1 '