VOL. III. NEW BERNE, N. C., SATURDAY, MAY 24. 1884. NO. 47. LOCAL NEWS. Journal miniature Almanac. ' . Sun rises, 4:49 I Length of day, ; Gi-n oof o HHR I 1J. tintiftf 1ft nrtimifjia i. Moon rises at 4:41 a. m. War Department, Signal Service,- V. S. Army. Ten Aere Per Day. ' -, ' v Mr. Jos. L.Rhem is. using : two of Flynna patent cotteo. and rice cultiva tors which -are soldin this hiaiketby Geo. Allen & Co.. and he" claims that man, a r student at the school of each one is doing excellent work at the Rev. N. 0. Hughes, at Chocowinity, rateof ten acres per day, one on. cotion named Milton Davenport, aged and the other on rice. This machine about 1G years, and a resident of STATE NEWS. ' proportionate number of loDg lived AirrAiiaT ThArA in alan a onlnrmi - woman m our midst whose exist Washington Gazette: A young euco covers one hundred and three years. Short Timber. Editor Journal: Col. II. B. Short, Rerjort of observations taken at New ctates both Bides, of the row ut once Tyrrell county, died in ChoCOwinity of "Lake Waccamaw," Columbus coun- rarniRis uu .niuiiuiiv. suuuduiv.ui uuiiedouvc . . . -j r Berne New Berne.. - May 28, 1884-8 P.M. . Max. , Min. - Rain Temp. Temp. Fall. 88" 61 00 , - J. W. Webb, Observer. A large force. is at work on Hancock street putting in new ties and scattering the rails along the line of the railroad track. . . v.-.; : Capt. Thos. Gates.received a check on Shackleford's Banks on Thursday vfor one hundred millions of dollars to be paid in sand. , .Gilbert Moye, ft -colored man em- nrvi ia pwn li mi.'mnio' r.,rmoi-.inn SlniKlii.v finrtdpiniv. ftf nnncAstivA ij naving Deen mentioned dv a . .a,ij ''i-': .1: . .Kill th a ir,0 o. w , f numDer oi tne papers ot tne state m cbuiioi, auor j now w use turning piowB ""- .o "1UUSU? connection with the nomination for in cultivation of anyerop.as thecultl- Jmmuay uiguc auu Lieut. Governor, permit me, through vation can be donevbv the improved 8hipped t the home of his parents, the columns of your paper, to urge the implements at one-half price, and shal- -Roanoke Keics: The cotton is nomination of this distinguished gentle !...,; v.... ' - Lr.r. wm remi ninc tn man.because he possesses not only the .v.km.u.Hn.uctKiuu. j .".P.aualincationsnecessarvto fill that Dosi r Ii a ittt ' man t hAi nmi irtrtl nivhfa I.. ... " .. . vuu inmuv. uu uiura. I ti0ni DUI Jn point or avaiiaointy ne is - We learn "that some Of the excelled by none. In selectina: our wheat in this vicinity is heading candidates to fill the several offices, on nnf, rnthftr low ThA msa of Pot. tne fctate ticket, it is very impprUnt to ter against the W. & W. railroad for damages for an arm broken Graded Scnool Exhibition. Nothing ever appears at our theatre which attracts a more interesting au dience than our graded school ex hibitions always do. That of last night was by no means an exception to the rule; the crowded house, the joyous ex- pressions of hopeful parents, each ex pecting an unusual pleasure in the piece nrltilA AfiAMSinrf rho tshon Inor Trani was tried at Halifax Tuesday. The jury returned a verdict for $200, and costs. Judge Averv set aside the ployed at JNeison s sningie yam, had nis in which their Uttle fellows would ap- verdict. hand badly mashed under a piece of timber yesterday Mr, J. K. Willis Bhipped yesterday morning a marble head-stone to War sawv We are glad to sea this worthy workman extending his business. . Stone , crabs were plentiful in the .market yesterday.' One of our prom inent citizens purchased a lot and then - inquired what part of them were good "to eat. r We. learn from the Plant that Dr, Barker has been in Durham for several days and examined a great many heads Wonder if the Doctor will tell how many of these were sheep heads Mn. J. A. Meadows is erecting a large and commodious warehouse on the , wharf near his mijl. The frame-work is already up and the workmen are go ing ahead with the building. The Shenandoah took out about one hundred barrels of Irish potatoes and one hundred boxes of beans on yester " day. Potatoes sold on the wharf at W.W per barrel and Deans at f l.ov per box. '- . K -', We learn from Mr. A'. F. Farnell. of Onslow, who arrived yesterday evening, pear, was in itself a treat to a disin terested observer if there was eucq an one present. The parts taken by the children were all, well rendere I and showed the result of careful training by the teachers. The exhibition was a success, and we Durham Recorder: We learn that our esteemed friend, Mr. W. Duke, who has never been known to do an unwise act, has declined the nomination tendered him by the' Eepublican convention for State Treasurer. It is generally select those who combine not only character and ability, but 'also availa bility and influence. Col. Short is known all over North Carolina as a "true and tried" Democrat. In 1870 he was elected to the State Senate from the district in which he now resides, by an unprecedented majority and was one of the most prominent and useful members of that body, always on the alert to watch the interests of his people, ad vance the welfare of North Carolina, and hold in (check the efforts of the Kadical party to degrade and bring dis grace upon our good old State. He is very popular with all classes of our people, possessing that rare and happy faculty to a remarkable extent, of The Confederate Monument. The lad ies of the New Berne Memorial Association earnestly desire to complete the monument already began to the memory of our honored Confederate soldiers. They will need for this 'pur pose 8450 and they feel assured that it will only be necessary to let this fact be known, to meet with a generous and ready response from every citizen of Craven county whose heart beats in Ryirrthy with theirs in their work. Any contribution, however small, will be thankfully received and properly used. A box will be placed at the store of Mr. Alex. Miller, who is the author ized agent to receive any money for the purpose: or it may be given to any one of the officers of the association whoje names are here subscribed: Mrs. E. B. Daves, President. " L. C. Vass, Vice-President. " Giion&E Allen, Treasurer. C. W. McLean, Secretary. maySltf usefulness to the rising generation. think that about expresses the matter as regretted by the Republicans while making himself agreeable to any one weu as we couia in a muon longer no- mo uemocrais iiere are rejoicing, wun wnom ne comes m contact, tioe. , The school is approaching the for they would have hated to Vote He is a splendid canvasser and if nom closeofthe second year and we think against, such a good and popular PS Qto !to has steadily grown in popularity with citizen. Our friend Mr. Duke can 8ionthan Col- gh(;rt Bein possessed the patrons, as it undoubtedly has in see too lar in the tuture to be used 0f ample means and generous in the ad- as a tool by MOtt, UOOper (JO. vancement of the cause of Democracy, .',. . , ,, , no win matte a tnorougn canvass oi uie Asneviue Advance: xue nrsi, state and-contribute liberally to the strawberries were ottered for sale campaign fund. Col. Short is the fa Yesterday on the Streets at fifteen vorite of the Cape Fear, Pamlico and cents tier auart. While Loren Albemarle sections. With a strong t ii e r man at me neaa oi our ncKec, anu uoi. uim;., .u uD joai urn bu"V-"- Short for the second nlace "one-dollar M. and Matilda Luther, living in the York." with his mule and moncrel southern end of the city, was at- crowd, will "get left", and North Caro- tempting to kindle a fire Monday lina will be saved the disgrace and hu morninff with a can of coal oil. an miliation of falling into the hands of the - - - o - - COMMERCIAL Journal Office, May 23, 6 P. M. COTTON New York futures quiet: Spots firm. New Berne market quiett Sales of 2 bales at 10. Middling, 10 5-8; Low Middling, 10 1-8 ; Good Ordinay, 9 5-8. NEW YORK SPOTS. Middling, 11 5 8; Low Middling, 11 1-8; Good Ordinary, 10 5 8. FUTURES. May, June, 11.08 July, 11.86 August, 11.97 CORN Firm at 07a75c. A Suggestion. Editor Journal: It has been sug gested that as the cotton factory will never be used except for the storage of the machinery now in it, that the stock holders could not do a wiser nor more humane action than to donate the build ing to the Athletio Club. The writer is satisfied that the members of the Club will not hesitate to accent the arift. Will explosion toOK place, wmcn re the stockholders lose this opportunityof suited in his being burned so badly worst set of political ever disgraced a State. doing the public a great good ? FHILANTHROriST What Others Think of Vm. A special reporter of the Smithfield Herald who visited our city with the that he died at 10:30 o'clock in the ; evening of the same day. He lived about fourteen hours after the ac cident. Elizabeth City Economist: Wilson comorants that Pamlico. that Dr.- Leseine died on Wednesday P' Sunday School excursion some Hollowell, of Bayside, brought us a night, lie had not heard anything of the preliminary trial of Mr. Huggins, who fired the fatal shot. sample of Ruffin wheat on Saturday which measured in the stalk five Hand Out Off. ' Felix Pittmaa, a little son of Mr. F. M. Pittman, at Bell'8 Ferry, had the misfortune to get his right hand cut off ia a planing machine on Wednesday - last; Dr. Wood attended and dressed his wound, and at last report he was doing well, v ' days ago, says of New Berne 'The citizens are clever, hospitable and industrious and perhaps no place in the state can ooast or more pretty ladies than New Berne. One sees here quite a number of industries giving employ ment to a large number of ' hands. Prominent among these are the fisheries infant child concealed in an east- Railroad Thunder Editor Journal: In answer to the query in your issue of yesterday, "Can a State Senator be a Director of the A. & N. C. Railroad Company," we reply, it is admitted that no member of the Gen eral Assembly can be a Director of the A. & N. C. Railroad Company, and we feet. We were Sorry to toear that believe a case m poini arose at the last rust is troublesome in some, but has not attacked Mr. ilolioweirs.- We understand that a dead white where thousands of fish are caught and shipped daily, giving good profits to all concerned. Quantities of oysters are also taken near here. We also visited the saw mills and shingle machines where quantities of beautiful cypress shingles are cut and shipped to the northern markets. While at the wharf we went on board the steamer Goldsboro and were Bhown over it by the gentlemanly Captain, R. T. Jones. We have never had the pleas- powder box just under the ground, was found one day last week m Pritchard's old field in the suburbs meeting, wherein a legislator was ap pointed Director, but first resigned his position as Legislator; therefore, any aspirant for directorial honors, if he be long either to the Senate or the House, will have to hand in his resignation be fore assuming charge of the Iron Horse It is a wise provision of the Constitution which prevents any accumulation of Tobacco Rebate. -, Borne thirty registered letters were received at our postoffloe Thursday niaht addressed to dealers and rnanu : facturers of tobacco containing sums of ure of meetinga more courteous and 0 WA . sea8(d?I I)ianc ,a .u in any matter of contract with the com- from five to two hundred dollars, being Ot tue town. It was prooaDiy a offices in one person. The Bv Laws of homicide and should be visited With the Railroad Company seem to have instiPA ns mnrh as nnv nthArffilnnv. very much the same object in view. J " J Contracts. Sec. 3. sav. "N Durham Reporter: The Wheat President or any Director Dr any other crop on the road from Durham to officer or employee or this company Roxboro is excellent. Farmers !h,all during the term of his office, be miercaueu eiuier uireuuy ui niuucuuy the amount of rebate allowed by the last Congress incidental to the reduction of the tax on tobacco and cigars, The work of apportioning and distrih gentlemanly man than Captain Jones. May he meet with no adverse winds in his travels and at last sail upon the "Old Ship or Zion." On our way from the wharf to the cemetery we passed the Episcopal and crop of tobacco. Plants are plenti ful. We learn from Mr.- R. H. Atwater that in Chatham the farm ers have had . fine seasons, and planted the larger portion ot their WnuPeU Ballance & Co. wholesale: dealers is . Groceries, Cigars, Snuff, " Tobaooo, Fine Confectioneries, &c, &c, 80UTH FROST STREET, Jayl2 NEWBERS, Jr. W. H. J. LOVICK, Sole Agent in New Berne : FOR BOHEMIAN 3EER, Brewed of the best Canada Barley Malt and finest imported Hops, and is considered the finest Beer brewed in this country. nmylU diwtf 1 500 YARDS BTOLAPS, . for ' covering Potatoo Barrel, f 4()Q BUSHELS FINE OATS, for feed. . . - S.W.&E.W. SMALL WDOD OO.IIKSTIC niAKKUT. Turpentine Hard, $1.00; dip, $1.75, Tar 75c. to $1-00. Seed Cotton 2.50a3.50. Cotton Seed 13.50 per ton. Beeswax 25c. per lb. Honey 75c. per gallon. Beef On foot, 5c. to 7c. Country Hams 13Jc. per lb. " Lard 13jc. per lb.; Fresh Pork 7aSc. per pound. Egos 10!c. per dozen. Peanuts $1.00al.50 per bushel. Fodder 80c. to $ 1 per hundred. Onions $3 per bbl. Field Peas 85c.a$1.00 per bushel. Hides Dry, 9allc. ; green 5a6c. Tallow 0c. per lb. Chickens Grown, 75o. per pair. Meal 80c. per bushel. Potatoes Bahamas 40c; yamsCOc. Turnifs 50.i 75c. per bush. Wool 12al7c. per pound. wholesatje prices. New Mess Porio ?18.00; long clears OJalOc. ; shoulders, dry salt, 8a8c. Molasses and Syrups 20a45c. Salt 95c. per sack. Flour S4.00a7.50 per barrel. Cor. Craven Sc So. apa dtf Front Sts. Election ofjeachers. Tursuant to a resolution of the .Board oi Trustees of Xtw Berne Academy notice Is nereuy Kiven umi an election of Principal and Teachers for the session of 1881-5, of New lierne Graded School, will be held at the net regular meeting of ihe board, which takes place Friday, the 30th instant. Applicants will correspond with the under signed, w. M. WATSON, . ina(ldt-l Sec.&Trens. , pany, whereby he or they, shall or may derive any pecuniary benefit, and any one so interested shall forfeit his office or place." It is very questionable therefore, whether a Director can be the Company's Attorney with a fixed MARSHAL'S SALE. Ey virtue of certain attachments duly is sued from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina, aud by tlio order of the Judge, in certain suits wherein .1 I . Uatling and others are libel hints, and Win. (barter and others are libel hints, and in both of which the Tugboat E. Henderson is defendant, aud by virtue of the condemnation and order oi tne ixmrt, 1 will, on Tuesday, the 3d Day of June, 1SS I, at TWELVE o'clock, M., at the place in the City of Now lierne. County of Craven and State of North Catolina, where said vessel now lies, expose to Bale lor casn to tne nign est bidder the Tugboat E. Henderson, her tackle, apparel and furniture J. 11. HILL. U. S. Marshal. H.V TIMOTHY KEELER. Li. m. uepi. iviarsnai. maji uiu Mtino-thismonev throusrhout the coun- Baptist churches, which are both elegant tobacco crop, which is growing off annual salary or retainer. - It is well, uting tnis money tnrouguouii tne coun r Kl,SM,.. mU LfinAW W arAvol ohlvinfnrmvd Ui,f n t Annyt ir-c try must be very great. A Good Sermon. ; ' A few days ago a lad of about eighteen years accosted one of pur oldest aud most highly respected citizens 1 at the market dock and said: ''Mri - what hurch do you belong to r v : "I dont belong to any." ' -"What I'- Don't you attend church?',' Yesi I have been attending the church tor fifty years.". ' "And never joined ?" " , , "No.'?.,-' .,. t" ''Well sir, I think it is high timo.'! and commodious buildings. The ever greens in the Episcopal church yard are the most beautifully and tastef ully ar ranged we have ever seen anywhere, There are also some very pretty ones at the Baptist church. The cemetery which is in an elevated part of town is one of the finest in the State. Here are buried some of the that Judge Fowle's name will go before the Democratic convention of this district for Congress, also that Mai. John W. Graham has congressional aspirations. Raleigh Farmer and Mechanic: tations should be brought forward and decided, for they always remain stum bling blocks until some final disposition be made of them. Democrat. Wilson Taken In. Last week a negro man put in an an- greatest men that North Carolina has At Jones' mill pond, 12 miles South pearance in Wilson, and stated in the ever produced. Near the east eateis of lialeieh. a little son of J. H. office of a law firm that he had 84,500 fha nmh nf .TiioVa Onahnn uclinaa ,in. I T : rll nA mn dCDOSlted m the bank, that he was ... - r . . T. . " liiuuiuicii uutvi a uui uu flo n tkn.;... tr aA suniea cnaracier ana mesumaDie worm uPAn.nIiri rrhi miM, fha HoafT. nf S"1""" Ui - is well , known to all. rPeace to his i-. " .V' " Il.i" " j Wilson county nw nome. uniyasnort jl' jwucj o iiiuu ouu, luniuja o oau tune naa eiapsea wnen a rarmer, wno After lpnvinir-thA f.pmnrBrir wa naiia Deffinninff 01 tne SDriDff BiCniCS. had been apprised ot the darkey s hnan- upon Rev. Dr. Burkhead. former pastor One daV last week a procession of curt standmg and intentions, and wno ot Smithfield Circuit, who has for the picnickers went dancing and sing.na-? oome 10 tow?. ,J .a . . . v... nlr ln rithpTi. w r,n a, rass . , i... j - a n " " , - " , v V i m O"1 ni8"-iarm anu iook ui u. Airiua Dana toonng at ineir neau. xurn- waB wminz. The farmer's wife was ing a corner they met a long funeral told that she must walk home, as he was nrocession movmff in slow solem- n u eve or a most advantageous nity. . The merry ones hushed until the sad ones passed," and then the clamor broke out arresh. -it was a carious illustration of the inter mingling of life's phases. STATE Colored Normal School NEWBEEN, N. C. The Fourth Anuual Session of tliis School will open on MONDAY", 3d JUNE, 1884, under experienced instructors. Students can enter who are fifteen years old, and have either a Teacher'B Certificate, or the qualifications requisite for a Third Grade Certificate. The Session will continue about three months. Rev. Ii. C. VASS. ) . UHOUGE ALLEN, State Directors. GEO. 8. FISH KB, ) Newborn, May l'Jth, 1881, 22dlwwlt odist church at New Berne: he had many inquiries to make in regard to his old friends in and around old Hmitli- I field.- From him we learned that the Methodist church was to be remodelled land, enlarged at a cost of four or five thousand dollars; when completed it I will be one of the largest and finest in the eastern part of the State. He also informed us that ft new bnilding for the I trade. The two men then rode out to see the farm. Tho negro was snown over it, and he unhesitatingly expressed his satisfaction. Ihe price was named, but the darkey was not just yet willing to mako it a firm trado. He wanted to think about it. ' When they returned to town the ne- Conimencement Exercised We are in receipt of a very handsome invitation card to attend the commence ment, exercises of Peace Institute .on Monday,'June 2nd, at 8 p. "nv., and the annual concert on ; Tuesday, June - 3rd , 8 p. m. at Tucker Hall. The full gradu ,ates of the class of 1884 are Miss. Eliza f. uraves, oi v irginia, anu miss cme p. " "v. -"SL"' """5 T?avtJTi11ii Rm: Mr. ' Wm - i wan mi uh t?i fi;i,Mii . iiiw iirHUK l ocihnii i - - KOU66 Ot la Wrange, , . Bon 1R1S Kn TnIIB. QverbV brOUffht US Some Wbeat for trm MmtnliRt wna nnnntiml norm hv a On l nday evening of commencement saw : ' v ' inspection : which measured from horse trader. - He must see how well week'the oung men of Kinston will Just before leaving an alarm of fire rnnf. tn tin nf hAarrl fivA fppf. nn A his horses drove, and they.dashed up was given and in a moment everything nnA innh whn nan hrnritl Wn and down the principal streets finally was excitement, the fire company who one inc"' " , L n ti Z the colored individual remarked, "Some justly hasthe reputatiopof being the were Shown by ; Mr., Peterson, Jit horses travel well in town, but can't go best in the State, was soon Upon the this .town, some crystals' of sugar much of a distance." This was enough scene and ia less than twenty minutes made in Dunlin countv on Kocknsb. for the equine vender. A drive of f from the time the alarm was given the hr Mr Willinnin. ThASA p.rvaf-.jila half-dozen miles in tho country was had fire was, stopped; and everything was WArfl tnkAii from thA hnttom nt a I to prove the horses everything they were , . ., -T - - I rpnrpflpntprt to be. To nrove that the barrel where they had formed, irom .rfjA. wafl n,firpr mn th nwra wftR Ice Cream and Soddy Cakes. the Byrtip Tvhich ' filled ihe barrel. aunDlied with ciears as fast as he could M. Shepard will be at your door .this These constitute a rieht ccod tixial- smoke them. When tle ride was over evening with his delicious Ice Cream jty of rock candy, and on beinr perfect satisfaction with the horses and In VAH1t' r 1A I am 'I'm fk - . M 1 . w v (U.I vn-M An nrnnrnH Fvi-. n ill be pleased.; nui;o uwn.-; mi. cjwwu onja mine how many should be purchased IceCreara and Fruit Ices. for sale tne larmerstnrongu Jjupnu are well The farmer and the liveryman were daily by Mis.-Dillineham. at Potter's pieasea Wltn their success in grow- elated. They,, would surely - linger' oldstand, Poiiok street, near, Postofflcei ing cane- and, making; sugar, and tho4,oooi hold the grand annual ball at Loftin'sl opera house. Mess'is. , T. L. Williams, E. F. Wbitehurst and Einstein are .the managers. Thanks for invitation. Mr. Brady, Mr. Coakley, Mr. Brown, and the two young ladies ef the canning establishment, left for their homes in Baltimore, on the Shenandoali yester day. . 1 ." J':-'VV:; : '-' Thos. J. Latham, of Norfolk,' Va left on jthe Shenandoah yesterday after a flying visit to thiB city. ' Mrs; Sallie Dillahunt, of Jones coun ty ,1a in' the city . 'visiting friends and Newbem, Ni C. relatives,;-,-. . : '. . " ; '. - Blr. Benjamin Brown, of Jones, with Miss Ilaclcney, of Wilson, were in the oil y j r day. llr. ' Brown . brought J ; --1 t'e 1 t of 1 '. i o'U'in nmlenyshe Call at Sarah Oxley 's Ice Cream par lors, on Broad street, for a.pure article oriceuream. - - - - maa2u. MOTHERS. , If you are failing; brolierl, worn out ! i"tvois, v : til s V. -::!'; h Renew' 4 buub imiyuM its ueuig wummuu ijr pe failed. The forgery was too olun oroaaenea. mere are seventy Riiv done. Saturday , the nonitentiarv persons living in Fayetteville whose authorities .carrie down and took their ncrftin avpMjrft sAvpntv VAnra. - Kav- escaped convict into cuscoay. . 1,-ioinami. tvnai town in .inoiiu ua :n lrin,, m fit-M-. rnn Notice Extraordinary. WIZARD OIL, $1 00. St. Jacob's Oil, 50 cts. Wood's Pain Belief, 25 cts. Mother Noble's Healing Syrup, 50 cts." Sallcvliea.K! On All for tho relief of PAIN and enre of RHEU MATISM, etc. It is said they are all good, and I know they ' are. For sale at W. L. PALMER'S Clear. To bacco, and Confectionery Store, next door to the corner of south Front and Middle sts. New Berne, N. .. U. S. A. ALSO, you can find cool and delicioug Soda Water, Ginger A le, and Deep Rook Water, to drink. Fines! Cigars to smoke, and finest I obn e i , 1 1 1 e 1 . e w . SALLIR MICitAL PIPES. 'm mk lor sullering iniinanity, W. L. palmer. NY U.XE buying TWO BOXES Hancock Chill Fills, ' ' or TWO BOXES of Hancock Pile Remedy, or ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH of any kind ot Medicine, will be presented with one of HAMLIN'S SONG BOOKS at d HANCOCK BROS. DRUGSTORE, ' W. H. Liscomb. John S. Leonard. LISCOMB & LEONARD Wholesale Commission Merchant? ', IN POULTRY, GAME, fruits. AN'D , ' - : PRODUCE, 7 - 240 Washington Street & 92 Park Place KT33-OT YORK. . : Consignmentssollcltcd. Returns promnUv made. 1 Repbrbncks Irving National Rank, New York. R. E. Of.ohran & Co., 06 Park Place Brower Brothers, m Washington st. Enyord & Haiti, 188 Chambers st. . " Apply to i: j. MAX for Btenoils. p25d.1m For Sale, THE TWO VACANT STORES BELOW THE. CENTRAL HOTEL. Apply at once to ; JOIINDUNN, , C mart) dtf Administrator. - ONE HOUSE and LOT on South Front st , op poslte the olliee of W.O. Brlnson, containing about fourteen rooms, now occupied by Mrs. J oli n son as a Boarding House. The above property wl 11 be sold on Long Time or for Cash . a or lunuor part iculars appiy to vviijLiiAai wxiiirunjj, may21 dlw Attorney at Law. Newbern. N.C. Horse Shoeing. SAM'L .1 ACKSON desires to announce that In keeping with the times, money being scarce, ho will SHOE HORSES forONE DOL LAR AN D FIKTY CENTS PER SET. Klckins horses and mules he will charge TWO DOLLARS PER SET. He refers to his present patrons as to his ability to do good work. mayzi aim JOHN 0RZ.UI. - JOSEPH FERRiRI. Slew Shoe Shop. Gents and Ladles Shoes of lite latest style and best trench callskln made to fit. Repairing nonce. done Ton short Second-hand shoes cheap. Give naa trial: we euaran tee satisfaction. OUZALI & FERRARI, Craven street, second door frora . maysd&wtf .: . - Dftll's corner. Wm. J. CLARKE, . " ATTORNEY AT LAW, NEW XSEXlISriE:, 3XT. o Practises In the Courts or Carteret. Craven Hydo. Jones, Lenoir, Pamlico and Wayne counties: also in the United States Court at New Berne. - ' , .. e Collection of seamen's wages and all Claims against vessels a specialty . Office lour doors above (Jaston House. mar21-diwtf . ....-. For Rent, Brick, Brick ! ' i- , v For sale In any quantity. Sample can b seen at aiy store after the T nth ol May. apdiifftr , , K. R. JONES NEW HOTEL,' , AT :. ,. : : , . Snow. Hill, Greene Co., N.' 0. Well furnished, and Tnliln the BEST the market affords. sample rooms for commercial travelers. . RATES REASONABLE. fel5-dwtf W. E. GRIMSLEY, '' ' ' ' Proprietor. nnnenre o nnn mill it- .-m ' m M ' Wholesale & Retail ; . DEALERS IN Provisions;' .Groceries, : ' . - : -DryGoodsj Boots and Shoe: All of which we are offering VEH LOW. ': V"'.-' ;. ' . '., ' Orders Bolicitod. . ' Satisfaction guaranteed, dw V X 1,T"77 r

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