STEAME1IS, Sr.V-K2H iM PAILICO :n Transpcrtation Co'y. New BKR!i?,N.C.,MayT. lS8l. I' M M Ell 8C11E DTJ LE.OK THE STEAM ER ELI CITY ) go Into effect on nd after May, 19, 1881 : . ..mday " ' ": , Leave Bayboro at 8 a. m. for Mew Heme, slopplntt at Stonewall, Van demere, Fainlivo, Hmlths Creek, Adams Creek and Riverdale, , Tuesday Leave New Berne for Hyde County at Va.m , stopping at Adums creek. Thursday re Hyde County for New Berne at t (topping at Adams Creek, Saturday ''-. Leave New Berne for Bayboro at 8 a. m., stopping at Riverdale, Adams 1 . Creek, Smiths Creek, Pamlico, Van- demere and Stonewall, Friday up for excursions. , . Having good accommodation both for pas sengers and freight at very low rates, ask that the merchants and producers along Its line give It their cheerful support. For farther Information enquire at the of lloe. Foot of Craven street. RALPH GRAY, ' Agent at New Berne. Or any of Its Agents at the following places: ABM LEE, Adams Creek, . D. M. WATSON, Lake Landing. Hyde Co. D. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, C. H. FOWLER, Stonewall, S. H. FOWLER, Bayboro, , Q. F. M. DAIL. Pamlico. W. H. J ACOB8, Smiths Creek, . MALLETT BROS.. Riverdale. Mir Freight received under cover every day the week. . Jan21d4wly RAILROADS. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Atlantic A N. C. Railroad. TIME TABLE No. 6. In Effect 12:00 M., Sunday, December v : . OQA 1SH9 EAST. WEST. P. W, A. M 5 JjOQoldsboro, 11 10 10 231 8 30 88 6 .'W La Orange, 10 28 7 12 7 ri Kiiutoa,- 8 45 7 47 6 00 11 11 38 F. M.i 8 21New Berue,. .... f Morehead Depot,, 7 21 r. u. A. M. A. M. EAST. 1 WEST. No.S Mixed Fgt. a pass. Train. No. 4 Mixei Fgt. & Pass. Tra n STATIOJS. - Ns.47. y v;' . No. 48 ; Express . Express, Pass.iMail STATIONS.- Pass.iMail Arr""lI:vS; ll2ll 1 Arr. Ai've. P. M. 7 38 e 67 6 14 6 44 4 67 4 16 8 43 5 14 8 02 P. c. P.M. 700 6 87 650 620 4 21 3 48 8 19 3 02 280 P.M. EAST. WEST. No. s. j . Vuw. Train. : : No,. . : Mixed Pass. Train. 3 Arr. L've. STATIONS. Arr. - L've VV.. ' - : 4 4Q: Newbern.. , p. M. 1 25; 12 Si; 12 21 ; 11 52; 11 10; 10 53; 10 20; : A. M.'i P. M. 12 39 5 r 6 . 7 6 28 ; 5 26; Riverdale..- ... 31: 5 39: Croatan .:, 12 26 (: . 8 19: Havelock... 6 51; 8 5(i: Newport.. 7 l! 7 10: Wildwood 7 !t! 1 45- Morehead City 11 57 11 20 10 58 10 25 10 00 7 65: ! Morehead Depot.. A. M,: A.L i A. M Train 48 connects With Wilmington & Wei don Train bound North, leaving Goldsuoro 11:50 .a. m.. and with Richmond A Danville Train West, leaving Goldnboro 11:5d a.m and Wllmlnirton A Wnldon Train Sfntll atn . P.UI Train 4 oounecU with W.4 W. Train bound South, loaving UoldBboro 8 p.m. Train 47conocta with Richmond ADnnville Train, arrivinr at Goldsbcro 8:20 n.m . and niinetou and Weldon Train from the North at 6:4.1 p.m. f ' - Trains i, 6 k 8, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. , , Trains 47 A 48, daily exceptSnnday Train a. TnpHciftv. Thnrsdav and Saturdays. Trains 48 A 3 breakfast at Kinston. Train 47 s tipper at Kinston. . , W. Dnnn, Superintendent. Midland N. C. Railway. TIMS TABLE Fo. 4, In effect Thursday, October 25, 1883. WEST. EAST. No.l. Mixed Train. i No. 2. Mixed Train. STATIONS. Arr. - - li've. Arr. L've. r. m. : r. . t 1 Q Ml irktMahsirn A.M. i AM. 6 14 i 5 51 5 5R 5 84 f 6 87 5 27: 6 27 508 : 5 09 j 4 48 8 29 I 9 H sOopelands 8 45 ( i ; Princeton... 65 8 65 : Holt's Mill.. 10 13 1 10 16 - Pine Level.. 10K4 -Stnthfleld.... B DAIL! EXCEPT SUNDAY. " TralN2 connects with A. A N. C. Freight Train leaving Goldsboro at 7:30 a.m and with W. A W. Train going North at 9:50 a.ra., going Pouth at 5:16 p.m., and with R. AD. train going West at 10:00 a.m. Train No. 1 connects with A. A N. C. train "'riving at Goldsboro 8:26 p.m.; with HiD, . aln arriving at 5:20 p.m., and with W. A W. 'i i uni arriving at 5:15 p.m. and 8.00p.m. W. Dunn, , Superintendent. It Stands at the Head. in; J An. : Ive. A. M. A. M. 7 10 1 Goldsboro,-... ......... 7 48 7 80 Best's ......... ....... 8 10 8 26 La Grange, ........... 8 50 ,168 Falling Creek....... 9 20 60 Kinston,. ....... 10 20 10 30 Dover.. ... 10 58 11 00 Core Creek - 24 1180 Tmcurora ............ 1141 U 45 CUrlce'. 12 17 ' Newbern,. P. M. P. M. A yt1 Ryefs Cherry OmUls, Ohio, Sept to. 18S2. "Hatinc been (abject to a broB - COLDS. chlal affection, wit frequent colds, for a number ef years, I hereby cer tify that Aybr's Chkbry Pectoral gives me prompt relief, and is the most effective remedy I bare ever tried. :. ' James a. Hamilton, - ; Editor of The Cntcent.- 1 , "Mt-Gllead, Ohio, June 26,' 1882. COUGH M I have used Atek's Crxiuit , Pectoral this spring for a se vere cough and lung trouble with good , effect, and I am pleased to recommend It to any one similarly affected. . Haxvet Badqhmaw, . ' .-- , . .Proprietor Globs Hotel" ', rBEFAREO T ' - . - Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. : Sold by all Druggists. STEAMERS. THE ; : NEUSK TRENT - RIVER Steamboat Company! Will run the following Schedule on and after Wednesday, May 7th, 1881 : : . Steamer Trent Will leave New Berne for Polloksville and Trenton every Wednesday at SEVEN, A. M. Returning, will leave Trenton every Thurs day. . t-. . . ,. , The steamer TRENT can be chartered Mondays, Tuesdavs, Fridays and Saturdays for excursions, etc. Steamer Kinston Will leave Newborn for Kinston everyTUKS DAY and FRIDAY j returning leaves Kin ston for Newbern every MONDAY and THURSDAY; touching at Jolly Old Field and all intermediate points both going and com ing. , These steamers mnke close connection with" the O. D. S nnd North Carolina Freight Line. For further information apply to W. K. STYRON, JJt., at Newbern. . W. F. Stanly, Kinston D. S. Babbus, Polloksville. v R. W. McGow an, Trenton. - ' S. QuiseRLY, Jolly Old Field. J. M. WHITE, Gen'l Manager, feb7dJfcW Kinston. N.O. , OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE For New Yorte, Baltimore, Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, Philadelphia, Providence, and other Cities. ON AND AFTER Mondav July 2nd, 1883, ONTIL FURTHER NOTICE , Steamer Shenandoah Will leave, upon arrival of train on Norfolk Southern Kulioaa at Liizabem uity, every MONDAY AND THURSDAY for New Berne. Returning leaves New Berne lor luizabetn uuy every TUESDAY AND FRIDAY at p. m., making close connection with Nor fo Southern K. R. for Northern cities. Close connection made at New Kerne with steamers for Kinston, Polloksville, Trenton and all landings on the Neune and Trent Rivers. No freights received for shipment on Tuesdays and Fridays after Sj pa Freight forwarded promptly and lowest rates guaranteed to destination. Fare to Elizabeth tJity and return. 4. To Wiishington, 4. To Hoffolk, 5. To Baltimore, $8.50. To New York, f 13.MI. , E. B. ROBERTS, AgH, New Berne, CDLFKrPKR It TtTBNEB, . .. ... : Ag'ts, Norfolk, V. A W. H. Stanford. Gen'l Tr't Ag't. New York City Change of Pier in New York. The N. C. Freight Line FOR NEW YORK, ' BOSTON, .PROVIDENCE, and all points IVortli and West " After this date will receive freight in New Yoik for New Bern at PIER 7, NORTH RIVISR, Office of Few York and Baltimore - Transportation Co. Merchants shonld remember that this is one of the best Steam Lines eat of New York, making daily connection with Baltimore lor new Heme; all inside, ana omy one cnange. ; - SEMI-WEEKLY, STEAMERS Between ; Hew "Berne "and . Baltimore ; ' (Touching at Norfolk) " .;. Leaving New Berne for Baltimore TUESDAYS FRIDAYS at 1 p m. Leave Baltimore foj New Berne WEDNESDAYS dnd SATURDAYS 8. p. m. , ' Agents ars as f ollews: ETJBEN FOSTER, Gen'l Jfsnager, . . . .. . . 80 Light St., Bal't. Md, IAS. W. McOARRIOK, Ag't. Norfolk, Ta.'. W. P. Clyde & Co.. Philadelphia, 12 Sonth hurves. YorkABalto.Tran.Line,Pier TJIorm river E. Sampson, Boston, 63 Central wharf. . -. B. H. Rockwell, Providence R. I. - D. 0. Mink. Fall River, Derrick wharf.' ' Ships leave Boston, Tuesdays and Saturdays, ' " New York daily. . :. ' M. Baltimore, Wednesdays nd Saturdays " r an mver, monaays, weunesu&ys trldays. .. , " ' Providence, Saturdavs. v . . Through bills lading given, and rates gaaran to all points at the different offices of the mpaniet. avoid Breakage oi Balk and Snip via N. C. LINE. d War so ly 8 It. ORA Y , AgX New Berne.N L. J. Moore. W. E. Cijikkb. MOORE & CLARKE, ATTORNEYS AT LA 17 New Berne, N. C. Will practise in the Courts of Cftrteret, Cra ven, Oreene, Uyl, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow and l-(nn!icocnuuU('S. THE JOURNAL. SEW BERNE. N. C, MAY 24," 1884. . v A Trick on a Spider. . A great many years nso. a rris oner of etate, who was allowed to cbeer the solitude of his dungeon by playing on his flute, discovered after a while that, every time he played, a great nu nicer of spiders gathered about him. Since then, the liking of -spiders for" music has been proved. ' I myself had often wished I f A Tl a XT fiti" a onwinri onilmnva Knf T was' not well enough acquainted with any musical instrument to coax a tune out of it. : ; ' - A scientific gentleman of Europe gave me a valuable hint by an ex periment of his own. ; He used a tuning-fork. Kow I can play a tuning-fork as well as anybody. I pro cured a tuning-fork, and then sought out a spider. I found a handsome, brandnew web, and though I did not see Mistress Ep- eira, I knew she must be at home. Upeira dtadema is her full name, tuougn most persons call her a gar den spider. It is she who makes those beautiful, wheel-like webs which festoon the rose-bushes and trees. ' - : -.. , . As I have said, Madame Spider was not visible, I knew, however, she must be in her gossamer parlor, wnicu is attticueu to uer weu. Here was' a good chance to try tuning-fork music. ,1 rapped the fork on a stone, and in a moment a soft, melodious hum filled the air. I touched one of the spokes of the web with the fork. On the instant, Madame flew out of her parlor in great haste, hesitated a moment at th) outer edge of the web, and then, instead of going straight to the tun ing-fork, ran to the very center of the web. When there, she quickly caught old of each of the spokes one after the other, and gave it a little tag, as a boy does his fishing-line to see if a fish is hooked. Each was passed by until she came to the spoke npon which the humming fork rested.! There she stopped, and it was' easy to see she was excited, ouo : gave the whole web a shake ; then tugged at the spoke again. , "Hum-! m-in-m'? still sang the tork, rather faintly now, however. - ! Madame was satisfied, llcr mind; was made up. uown sne darted and caught the -end ot the fork in her arms. She tried to bite into the hard metal, and at the same time she spun a web of silk around and aronnd the two prongs, which by this time had ceased vibrating.' 1 pulled the iork away, and Mad ame Epeira retired in disappoint ment to the center of the web. But it she was disappointed, so was I for, was satisfied that it was not the music of the fork that had attracted her. Unfortunately, it was alto gether too probable that she mis took the hum of the fork for the buzz of a fly, a sort of music no doubt very sweet to her. r Time alter time I repeated the ex periment with the fork, touching in turn each spoke of the web, and each time Madame Spider was de- uded into trying to capture the tuning-fork. It was odd that she did pot learn wisdom by repeated disappointment.. Nicholas. DON'T DmiN TBE HOVSE. "Rough on Rats1' clears out rata. mice. roaches, bed-bags, flies, ants, moles. chipmunks, gophers. 15o. , . 4 For seven years Allen's Brain Food has stood the strongest tests as to its merits in curing Nervousness, Nervous Debility, and restoring lost powers to the weakened uenerative System, and, in no instance has it ever failed; test it. $1; 6 for $5. At druggists, or by mail from J. H. Allen, 315 First Ave.. New YorkCitV. 4 Ayer'e Sarsaparilla has such concen trated, curative power, that it is by far the best, cheapest, and surest-, blood purifier known. .;".''.: Job Work. The Journal office Js prepared to print Bill Heads, Letter Heads, En velopes, Cards, Tags.Circular Envelopes. etc., in neat ana nanasome style, and also at prices to suit the times. Give us atrial. . .. ,, Chattel Mortgages, Real Estate Mort gages, feeds, JUen lionds, always on hand. . . . ..- Blanks for the appointment of Over seers, and for makingpverseer's report, on hand- - , -, Baldness may be avoided by the use of Hall's Hair Bene wer,K which prevents the falling out of the hair, and stimu lates it to renewed growtn and luxu riance. It also restores faded or gray hair to its original dark coler. and radi cally cures nearly every disease of the scalp. : ' - Avoid Pills Being largely composed of mercury they eventually ruin the stomach, but Allen's Bilious Physic, a vegetable mixture, acts quickly and ef fectually cures. 25 cents. At all drug gists. . - 0' "Will the coming man smoke?" was settled by Prof. Fisk in his charming pamphlet. He says, moreover, that the rational way to use tobacco is through the pipe. All agree that only the best tobacco should be used. Which is the beet? That to which nature has con tributed the most' exquisite flavors, Blackwell's Durham Long Cut fills the bill completely, Dont be deceived when you buy. The Durham Bull trade mark is on eyery genuine package. FITZ-EDWARD ON SHIRTS I . A shirt is a very humble gar iii2nt, but after all it has a great deal to do with a man's happiness. .What misery arises from an ill. setting bosom, a bad-fitting neck band, an uncomfortable yoke, or sleeves toot short or too long. But now I will be comfortable aud happy, I have found the shirt , 4 thatalways fits -"The Diamond." The tangled thread of life's ex istence henceforth will be smooth. WAMSUTTA If your dealer does not keep it, send hi, address . to Daniel Miller & Co., sole manufacturers, Ilultf . .more, Md. , For sale by ASA JONES, New Ecrnc. N. C. E r crl'NEVtr 0UTOF 0RDER. 30 UNION SQUARE NEW YORK. ILL. MASS.. FOR SALE BY J. L. STONE, RaloJghr NEW HAVEN PALLADIUM - (DAILY AND WEEKLY.) Established...... 1828 The best advertising medium at the North for every man In North Carolina who hus a farm, mine, tract of timber land or "water power to sell. The letters of our stafl oorre' spondent have given the Palladium a grent reputation throughout New England, as the oniv real representative of the "Tar heel" SUite, and all New Englanders who think of locating in norm caronna sena to we fii- ladium to get ,-j;spee'S" letters. j or terms ana ouier particulars aauresa . . -4 BETH a JOHNSON, Business Manager The Palladium,' ; arl2' ---. New Haven, Conn sn mrawoie cure Tor ruen. moe 91, at a, sent prepaid bymafl. Bsmplo frf k. Ad. " A W A If WKTff ''UaHen.Box 2416NewXurt UFP ERE U from Vonthful Imprudence, csasin( lisnoiis Debiiitr, Mental and Pbyti iu1V,tknM& Vftluable information I nr hnm A man, IVA. tl-tfld 23 Tearfl BOO. ' oMatsUl. Dua.O.Olin.Box'MS.OiiiMco 1 1884. Harper's Young People, ' ' An Illustrated Weekly 16 Pages.' Snii-cd to Boys and Girls of from Six to '. : Hlxtecn ears oi Age. Vd. V. Cozaaiencsa Ifovemtor 6, 1233. Harper's Touno Is tho best weekly for children in America. southwestern r-hrtHf inn -Atlvn.mia. . . All that tho artist's skill can accomplish In th wav of illustration has been dono. and tlie best talent of the country has contr1l)iited to Its text. New England Journal of Education, juim... .11 . In its special field there is nothing that can e compared witn it. nariiora uveiung rn TERMS. - ' IIAUPER'8 VOUSG PEOPLE, : Vti Ver, Postage Prepaid, $i so NrraTRBBS. Five Oontsench. ' Specimen copy sent on receipt of Three Cents. i The Volumes of "Tlarnpr's Youna People forlWl, 1WJ, and 188:1. handsomely bound in Illuminated Cloth, will be sent by mnll. poKt ase prepaid, on receipt ofW 'Hi each. Cloth CiiHi'B for each voHimo, suiln)le for tiindln will be pent by mall, posi i;iUI,on receipt ofiil) C!eTWt""'h. SjawQIOO LINEN. , - -. smrr Tan. w i -W. .'.'1 SrT 1 See Our : BARGMIS-A beautiful figured Lawn at 5er worth 10c. . ' ' - - ' " . V . -As good sell for 5c. " - ft 1 1 VaKSl HI iMM I 1 1 I I beautiful quality, at 8c. uuriso. 4 v lciona Liawns, at izc. ana ioc., -worth 20c. and 25c. : ' Coods jever So Low. A Jovely Plaid Nainsook for Aprons, only 9c. cheap at 15c. India Mull, Dimity, Batise-Victoria Lawn, Nainsook, and other kinds of white goods going cheap. . " - " " . . ....... r . '. .. . "- - ' . -n, And as for HAMBURGS, we bought a tremendous job lot way down, and we are selling them cheaper than yourselves ; it is a fact we are Belling ufacture them. BUTTONS we almost give you Buttons for 2c, and beautiful Metal c uougitt a joo. - ..J - - r . xi. - e 11 ! ri.-.i- '.. - jxuu ivH lor iuo luiiuwiug wouus, just chiefs, oc. lUc. and loo. Dress Uinghams, 03. and 10c. 1'equet, oc. and oo. Lace, Buntings, Albatross, Nun's Veilings, French Novelty, and one of the best brands of Cashmere,' and many black goods at Bottom Prices. ' t But the Bargains of Bargains is Parasols ; only think of it, a lovely Silk 'arasol for 75c, worth $1.50, - . , '". ' 'J ' SHOES We carry a full line of Cousin's .Stylish Shoes, and that brag . shCe of ours Dixon's. We warrant every pair. And if you want a cheap . Shoe we can give you a beautiful Shoe at very low Prices. ; - u '' Children's Shoes a specialty. See our Laces, Cotton Trimmings, and oh! the lovely-Irish Point Embroidery, and the' Darned Net Lace, and the beautiful and stylish Oriental Lace. .And if you want net for darning, we have it for 15c. - . - CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGASM Has attained a standard of excellence which admits of no superior. . - ' It contains every Improvement that inventive genius, skill and money can 'produce. - ft . OMAIi - B EAETED EXCEL r .TEASS. These esceilent Onrans are celebrated for volume, quality of tone, quick response, variety of combination, artistic design, beauty In flnisli, perfect construction, making them the most attractive, ornamental and desirable organs ior nomes, scnoois, cnurcues, lodges, societies, tm. v ESTABLISHED REPUTATION, , UNEQUALED FACIEITIES, SKILLED WORKMEN, BEST MATERIAL, S' '. COMnrNED, MAKE THIS J" - ' THE POPULAR OHQAH instruction Books & Piano Stools ; Catalogues & Price Lists,n spplication, mfc e Chicago Cottage Organ U r Corner Bandolph and Ann StrteU, ; v 'i ' ' . . CHICAGO, '- "5 1 m Mi: EASTERJi NORTH CARpLINA MAllBLE WORKS Mff BER.NE, N, C. . : MONUMENTS, TOMBS, And ail kinds Grave ahd Building work in n?i iv&f "yr,f,""i r""""i c I I lUlri to ! W. ..i t. . imtm Orders will receive prompt attonliort and satisfaction guaranteed. JOT3 II. WILJ.I3, rrcriictcr Ta iifargams AT;-' ' -;'V ? ? Prints as. are. made we ; ' 1 I I I . I.I I I IM. I lM IVMV per yd., worth lc. - it cost to make them. - Come and see for " Ilamburgs cheaper than it cost to man-' . , -, - " buttons.' Only think of it, niceDresa - Buttons for 10c, former price was 25c. , - . j. . ... I i... .... .n. ti come nuu boo ioryourseii; xianuKer- . ' ' " - -. ; DUVAL & NOKTOS'S ' HOUSE TONIC,: TltS Bnpr I.Tnili'ftinn full TTnnofte (lnt ' '- . - IUU UUOU 1UQU1UUJB ill! iiUiiiCd UUb. . i THY IT., For Bale by J. V. JORDAN and -1 HANCOCK KUOa. ap!5dw - . 11. O. K. LODGE, HAY ! HAY ! HAY ! Craven Street, below Express Office, felS , ' MKWDERV, N. C. -dAw - DisolutionLaw' Firm. The ilrm of Wm. .1. nnd Win' IS. Clarke is ' this day disnolved by mutual consent. Wm. E. Clarke, the junior member, retires, . Wm. J. Clarke remains at the old office, and continues practice. ; This 4th day of April, A.D. 1881. ' ' Wm J. OLABKE. ' ap5 - . . ; Wm, E. CLARKE. IT'S Pit; TORPID novPi - m r n ruv v m mm ns '-mfcatfc' m V C H . . ,g Buurr-s arise tnree fourthi nl 5 Aii.i. ; """" "awura: iMMt at r '.1 " eosttvt., kick Ued .p, luuBeu UIUIV nth.. i , ojertlonof bodjr mr mlnj, Ernctotlou ' ;"" Urine. t-WMSTIPATfilm:" inund tho use ofawmedythnt fJi.H 7- i"ri i .ver A8lu,rormedlciiie TtiT4 ivtiliieynndSkin lsa so riromcf ttnnoviiia- bit, ...1 Ti " "6"r nmoiB, Oicnr" sun -md a vigorous body. TUTT'S PILI.S- with d, v i,ttir BnP,na ?' lutcrfere. . itn i anily work and nre a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA' i 7t DW6P8ia, with Const ipa--ioii.two years, and Save tried ten (H,i fh i i..0!"8 Bnd "TT'S are the first .L1'0 done ne an7 eonH. They liava cu.-aned me oirt ninnfV vr ,r , splendid food dittests i-eodlly, tuid I now inan." . W. D. EDWAEDS, Palmyra, O. ? Sohl every whew, gBo. Offi Mmroy 8t.,K.Y TUTTOnnill DYE. t"T4H on Whibkehs cliangod In. ' Ktantly to a ULOS8T UicK by a sl.iirle am Plicatfon of thU Dm. Sold Dy Drugistst or sent by express on receipt of 1. ' Office, U Murray Street, New York"- TUTT'S MIASOAL DF USEFUL uzv.m rrrf -TiiTCrs cziv zzui cnrrir.3, EOtmnnJ Tnn1n?nn lt"rvtinni P,i,!-t Ujjuuil ' LAUu.u.ol L.t..ul iuud U.. ' COCION'S PATENT SILVER CELL EA?i;C3, , a . vnn be obt.i'-1 ot or our A w. 1 ER'S. ''iff. Ai-i in 1 hp S'!(r'M(p, Ponvt f t F T!''' h P,, i